The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1948, Page 9, Image 9

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    Rites Read "
At Church '
la t spring setting of whlU
Snapdragon and atock at th
first Congregational church Tues
day night Miss Carmen Jeanne
Campbell became Ensign Ronald
Max Smith'a bride. At o'clock
the Rev. Seth Huntnigton per
formed the nuptials before a large
gathering of friend and rela
tive. Miss Edith Falrham wee
the soloist and Mrs. Lewis Mit
chell the organist.
Before the bridal partjr walked
down the candlelit aisle Mrs.
John Johnson and Mrs. Walter J.
Wood field. In aqua and yellow
taffeta bustle dresses, closed the
aiiJe with white satin ribbons.
Of white tissue faille was the
handsome bridal gown fashioned
with a full train, long sleeves and
fitted bodice with buttons extend
ing from the high, round neck
lute to the waistline In front The
bodice was embellished with a
V shaped bertha of starched,
white Dutch lace. Tor "something
borrowed" she wore Mrs. John
Johnson's Dve tiered fingertip
Illusion veil, which cascaded
from a Dutch lace cap adorned
with seed pearls. She carried a
bouquet of white hyacinths, tulips
and baby orchids. The brunette
bride was given In marriage by
Van-Sellar Wieder.
Yellow and aqua were the col
on selected by the bride for the
feminine members of her wed
ding party. Mrs. Kenneth Bu
chanan, her sister's honor ,. ma
tron, wore a daffodil yellow faille
g wn fashioned off-shoulder with
wide berthas of the material fitted
bodices and full skirts. She car
ried a circular bouquet of bronze
tulips. The bridesmaids. Mrs.
Fied S. Anunsen, Jr. and Mrs.
Robert Bailey, wore aqua dresses
made identical to the honor at
tendant's and carried yellow tu
lips The young matrons all wore
matching, putdv cap f fadf s4
mitts. ' - v.
Ataaski the Greasst
Robert Mentxer stood with the
groom as best man and showing
ths guests to their seat were
Robert Bailey, Walter J. Wood
field, Fred 8. Anunsen, jr. and
Kenneth Buchanan.
For her daughter! nuptials
Mrs. Wieder chose an aqua crepe
dinner gown fashioned with drap
ed skirt and cowl collar enhanc
ed with silver sequins. Her silver
sequin hat was trimmed In aqua.
Pinned to the shoulder of her
gown was a corsage of pink roses
and white bouvardia. The bene
dict is the son of Mrs. O. J.
Anderson of Fresno, who waa un
able to come north for the rites,
and TC L. Smith of Salem. Mrs.
Smith attended the ceremony in
a dove grey gown and corsage
of yellow roses.
The newlyweds greeted their
guests. at a reception in the fire
place room. Mrs. Grace Fox of
Portland, aunt of the groom, and
Mrs. Marie Brady Keenan of
Portland, presided at the urns.
Mrs. Sanford Adler of Baker cut
her niece's wedding cake. Assist
ing were Mrs. D. R. Ross and
Mrs. Malcolm Price of Lebanon.
Serving were Mesdames Charles
Wlnkenwerder, Lawrence Feld
achau, Landy Fran, George
Schroeder and Miss Barbara
Causey. Mrs. John H. Johnson
waa in charge of the gifts and
Miss Jeanne Busick passed the
guest book.
Ensign Smith and his bride are
motoring south to California on
their honeymoon and for travel
ling the bride donned a toast
brown suit with ballerina skirt,
short Jacket designed with Puri
tan collar and gold tortoise shell
buttons. Her accessories were
matching and her profile straw
hat was of emerald green adorn
ed with feathers. She topped her
ensemble with a short white coat
and toast and green stripe. Her
flowers were white baby orchids.
After a several weeks sojourn in
the south the newlyweds will be
at home at the naval air station
at Alameda, Calif., where he is
Ready and Waiting
Prepared Flour Mixtures Help Out
Hurried Housewife, Many in Stock
By MaxlsM Barest
Stat mia Woman's Editor
The woman who does her grocery buying by telephone Is losing
out on the changing world of food just as surely as she would lose
tuch with styles if she shopped for clothes by remote control.
Looking over the new foods which manufacturers are now nr-
lriiig rrauy ior cooaung. we Una
a wide variety. Many are real in time, others are Just
somebody's bright idea, probably
a man who never sets foot inside
the kitchen. Of course there must
be a call for all or they would
soon do s disappearing act, for no
m-tnufacturer, no matter how fond
of an idea, V.-111 survive long un
less his product sells.
Today we were experimenting
witn two products, reedy-mixed
lu.1- end
made a comeback since the end
of sugar rationing. These mixes,
w find, are recommended not
Ijit for candy, frivolity that it Is,
ut also for icing, sauces,
brownies, cut cakes and pie filling.
Though we have not tried the
full list of recipes fully we have
looked them over and see them as
quite a short cut for the busy who must prepare desserts
aft ;r downtown working hours.
First of the many tailor-made
flour mixtures was biscuit mix,
which also remains among the
most popular. One merely dips out
some of the mixture, stirs In wa
ter to make the right consistency,
and pops the biscuits into the
van. This mixture can be quick
ly doctored up perhaps adding i
uar or eggs or spice to make
cobblers, deep-dish pies, dum
plings, sweet roll, shortcake, and
aumbeiless other mixtures.
Next ume prepared pie crust,
which hlso requires only water to
Then came gingerbread mix.
Which is a popular number with
the grocer, several well-known
companies vie with each other for
sale of their gingerbread mix.
Looking over the grocers stocks
today we found mixes for yeast
rolls, spice cake, yellow or sun
shine cake, hot mufflruvchocolate
fudge cake and many others.
One company even puts out an
apple pie complete with crust
ready to mix tip, and fruit ready
Ml a vm w -tii ACAJ i A - , . -
penuche which have I P1 .. . .
vi njuiH uiers arw gwer lypca
of reedy prepared foods like com
plete macaroni dinners, but really,
they will make a story in them
selves. So with all the new electrical
gadgets, automatic washers, gar
bage disposal units, dishwashing
machines and ready prepared
f.Khis, the housewife will soon be
at a loss to know how to fill up
her time. Theoretically, that la.
Jewelry Repairing
Stone Setting
Flings Cleaned and Polished
No Charge - No Oblicjation
Silfm Jewelers
474 Court St
Hogg Bros.
Cooking School
i 1 " ' - U-
Howxtrd Co)
DepC Head
Hogcj Bro. will again con
duct their weekly cooking
school this Thursday,
March 1 1 th at 2:30 pan. on
the mezzanine floor. Hoag
Bros. wish to thank the
general public for their at
tendance and participa
tion In the previous cook
in? schools and are tak
ing this opportunity to an
nounce that the school
will be discontinued until
further , notice. It is Hogg
Bros, sincere and ultimate
goal ta bring to the public
all the help obtainable in
the care and use of their
Major Dectrical Appli
ance. In order to give the
public the best possible
results Hogg Bros, are ex
panding their school to accommodate larger and better
classes. Also we are preparing the neoeesary material
for conducting such classes In the care and preparation
of foods for home freezing, with color films to illustrate,
and also complete home laundry "doss on washers,
ironers and dryers.
Hogg Bros, again Invite you to attend fhls Thursday
and will announoe the future opening at a later date.
Hogg Brosx, 260 Starte St Phone 9149.:
Patricia Heater
Tells Troth
. UNION HILL, Mr. and Mrs.
Dolph Heater of Union Hill an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter. Miss Patricia Healer, to
Walter McElhaney, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Byron McElhaney of Salem
route S. '
The announcement was made to
40 of the young couples' friends
at party on Saturday night
Miss Hester's niece, Lorene
Heater, dressed as flower girl
la yellow organdy frock, car
ried a basket filled with cards an
nouncing the engagement, which
were passed to the guests.
No date has been set for the
Dance Is Planned
Beta Sigma Phi, Xta chapter la
planning a dance on Saturday
night at the Oregon Institute of
Dancing. St. Patricks decorations
will be used. Dancing is to be
9 to 12. The committee includes
Pair of Boys
At Doerflers'
We've seen a lot of dizzy new
fathers, but Frank eOoerfler is a
dizzy grandfather par excel
lence. Ha was passing out cl
ears by the pairs Tuesday, and
we fully expected him to drag
out a camellia plant from his
vest pocket, tagged "Congratu
late me girls, it's a double this
time, and both boys!"
The father and mother, by the
way, are Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Doerfler, the grandmother,
Mrs. Frank Doerfler and the
great grandmother, Mrs. Jo
seph Doerfler of Waldo Hills
district Maternal grandfather is
O. Wellington Barnes, Port
land. The boys, born Tuesday
afternoon at Salem General
hospital were not yet named.
Mrs. Henry Medinger, Mrs. Rog
er Lewis, Miss Audrey Christina n.
Miss Hazel Shutt and Mlsa Gladys
CDA Convention r
In Los Angeles
National convention of the
Catholic Daughters of America
will be held in Los Angeles start
ins; July 13, local officers of the
organization have been notified.
It is rarely held en the west coast
since most of its 140,000 mem
bers live in the east or middle
State convention for Oregon
will be held at Klamath Falls
April 24 and 24. Election of offi
cers will be held this year. Mrs.
Edward J. Bell of Stayton, who
la completing her second term as
state grand regent has Institut
ed seven new courts since she
became head of the state court
Engagement Told
Mrs. Edna Gummere of Mon
mouth is announcing the engage
ment of her eldest daughter. Nor
ma Lovelle Shimmin, to ; Lester
James Waldron, third class petty
officer, USN, son of Mr. and
Mrt .Arthirr Waldnn.
mouth. Plans for "the wedd
not be made until Mr. Waldron's
release from the service.
Surprise at Home
Dr. S. D. Wiles wss host for an
informal surprise at home Sunday
afternoon in compliment to bis
wife on her birthday at their
Bellevue street residence. Twenty
five of their friends called during
the afternoon. Assisting the host
were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry
and Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Bod
Waddle was honored Wednesday
at a surprise baby shower given
by Hubert Dunn, Harvey Faschlng
and Dr. D. D. Craig In the Salem
Heights community halL Follow
ing the opening of gifts refresh
ments were served. Honoring Mr.
Waddle were: Richard W. Craw,
Dean Davenport, Earl Parker,
Marlon Miller, Jay Morris, Louis
Anderson, Earl Whltacre, L. A.
Kelber, Leslie Bates, Ted Rose,
Hobart Smith, and JC F. Carleton.
QkJEtoiTfre Statesman, Celery Oregon, T7ec?netdaT MegcH 10. ISill
Rebekahs Have Visitors
Sixty visitors attending: the
meeting of Salem Rebekah lodge
on Monday when Mrs. Vernon
Frahm presided came from Sil
verton, Dallas, McCoy, Jefferson,
Scholia, Monmouth, Mill City,
McMlnnville, Independence, Phi
lomath. Sweet Home, Yamhill
and Beaverton lodges, and from
lows, Texas and Nevada. The Re
bekah degree was conferred upon
Vernon Frahm, Dr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Hockett, Mrs. Dolores
Myers, Mrs. Jane Mennis and
Leon Frahm.
- The Three Links club will meat
at the club room at 2 o'clock on
Friday. Next Monday the public
is invited to a card party spon
sored by the committee for the
purchase of Jewels.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B
are the parents of a son, Charles
Francis, born on March 4 at the
Salem Generrl hospital. The baby
weighed eight pounds, five ounces
and has aa older; brother, John
Klrksatrlck. He is the strandson.
of Mr. and Mn. John B. Knapn
of Pasadena. .Calif.' and Mr. and
Mrs. Russell K. Westherford of
Kansas City. iMov who recently
moved to Salem, i:
-w I -T
A tew drops of Vlcks
Ta-tro-nol ta each
work fast to
sed at first snlffls or
aneese. Va-tre-nol
help to p I msny wiMa
developing! Try it. Follow
curscttona in u
Elsinore Theatre
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
8:43 te 9:43 Each Evening
Combined with Elsinore regular movie
program which feature- "SAIGON" with1
Allan Ladd and Veronica Lake.
Miller spring style revut will show
fashions for now and through the early
summer season.
Coats, ensembles, suits, dresses, millinery,
footwear, gloves, bags, costume jewelry,
And sportswear for every occasion,
travel, vacation to the mountains,
beaches, ete.
3 cWSS- vr
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