The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    (Tho Shrtmcm. gqlom. Oregon. Wodnea day. March 10. 1843
Lois Hill
To Wed
Wadding balls will ring on Fri
day. March 12 tor Miss Lois Hill,
daughter of Mrs. Pearl M. Hill
nd Thomas Hill of Valley Junc
tion, and William L Anderson,
soo of Mr. and. Mrs. William P.
Anderson. ' The ceremony will b
quietly performed in the fireplace
zoom of the First Congregational
church at I o'clock with the Rev.
Seth Huntington offlciatlng.
Thomas Hill, Jr. will tire his
younger sister m marriage and she
has asked Mrs. Gene Knudson to
he her honor attendant. William
Franklin Hill, brother of the bride,
will serve as 'best man.
A wedding reception will be
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Hill, jr. on Leslie street.
After a honeymoon the couple
Will be at home In Salem where
he is in business. The bride-to-be
Is employ ed at the state accident
prevention office.
Sears Cnsloin Hade
Venetian Blinds
jjjjj l!Hj Ij
Delaxe Quality Aluminum
Enjoy Controlled
Sot Heat to
Save Your Fuel .
Beautify looms
Control both light and air with
handsome aluminum blinds
made to measure for your
home. Aluminum slats are com
pletely rust - proof, have a
smooth, baked -on enamel fin
ish and bend easily-for clean-
Sg. Box head conceals melanism.
Sleel Blind wilh baked enanel flnlsli
55c per sq. fl.
Blinds For Your Home- Measured and Installed la I el em
4c so, ft. additional
I -.; :. ; 1 1
so fatf caa wagf mo
GET delidoas Mountain Bars two tt t time. Doable enjoyment
for you and a treat for a friend. Mountatn Bars are tha fastest selling
candy bars In the Pacific Northwest, No wonder! For Mountatn Bars
axe made with the game ine milk chocolate, crnnchy fresh peanuts
and other choice Ingredients that go into fine boxed chocolates. Get
delidous Mountatn Bars : : ; two ttimt ; ; : at your candy counter !
Music '?The Hems-
- tun v
Baptists to Meet
The Woman's Missionary society
of the First Baptist church is
Jlanning a Thursday meeting at
o'clock. Mrs. J. W. Humphrey is
in charge of worship, Mrs. L. G.
Prescott of the program. Host
esses will be Mrs. Henry Cross,
Mrs. Lloyd Anderson, Mrs. Karl
Hatfield and Mrs. Robert Bristow.
Love gift boxes will be opened.
The Khtrweed Garden dab was
entertained Thursday by Mrs.
Fred Kuhn. A report on flowers
taken to the Cottage Home was
made, and all gave Information
about, growing vegetables and
flowers. Twelve, members were
Per Sq. Ft.
Minimum t 12 ski. ft
484 Skate JSt
, - V
Juniors Plan
For Benefit
Four new members were initia
ted at the Salem Junior Woman's
elub meeting Monday night In
cluding Mrs. Merle Haines, Mrs.
Ralph Pickering, Mrs. Henry
Woodbury and Mrs. George Sen
na tt. Mrs. J. Garth Wilkinson
gave a report on the Easter Bon
net bridge benefit to be held March
22 at the clubhouse. Miller's will
furnish the hats and Larson's the
hair styling. Her committee In
cludes Mesdames Thomas P. HiU,
m, Cedrie Reaney. Roy Minx, Da
vid Duniway, Floyd Fmrnons, Leo
Brockway, Ralph Solum, George
Senna tt, Sydney Levene, James
Mohat and Miss Lucille Batter.
Reservations may be made by call
ing Mrs. Reaney, 6335.
The club voted funds for the
Brownie and Blue Bird groups the
club is sponsoring. Reports were
given by Mrs. Carey Martin on the
library book project the club
maintains at Hill crest; by Mrs
Fred Gast on the second and third
district board meetings for Juniors
held in Portland; and Mrs. C. M.
Collins reported on the Salem
Woman s club meeting on Satur
day at which the Junior club will
be guests. Mrs. Oliver Mansfield
will show slides on Alaska at the
Future plans were made for the
General Federation c vention to
be held in Portland, May 23-28 at
which the Salem Junior woman's
club will be in charge of the Jun
ior reception, Sunday night.
May 23. A special spring sports
dance to raise funds for the con
vention will be held April 17 with
Mrs. Henry Woodbury, chairman.
Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mrs.
Thomas P. Hill, III, and Mrs.
Carey Martin will be reporters for
the club paper, The Boomerang"
this month.
Little Girl Welcomed
Congratulations go to Mr. and
Mrs. John Frederick Hagemann
(Marie Pattern) on the birth of
a daughter, Lynn Dee, on Sun
day, March 7 at the Salem Gen
eral hospital. The little girl, who
weighed seven pounds, eight
ounces, is the granddaughter of
Mrs. Hal D. Patton and Mrs. Mil
dred Hagemann.
Mrs. Llla V. Meser ef Fex Is
land, Wash-, is Visitina at the
home of her brother. H. W. Swaf
ford, 190 South ltth it. Mrs. Mo
Mr is Just returning from New
York City where she spent the
winter with her son, David, now
assistant manager in the School
of Business Administration, City
College of New York. On her way
home Mrs. Moser spent some time
in Birmingham, Ala., Tulsa, Okla.
and various California cities with
friends and former pupils. At one
time a teacher in the Salem high
school, Mrs. Moser retired last
year as a teacher from Tenlno
high school, Tenino, Wash.
Dr. and Mrs. James Sears and
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hill had as
their guests for the weekend and
at the TUlicum dance Saturday
night Mr. and Mrs. Louie E. Tip
pet and Mr. aad Mrs. Jack Con
verse of Portland. Weekend guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Bur
goyne for the dance were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Pearce and Courtney
Johns of Albany, Mr. and Mrs.
Barney Cable and Mr. and Mrs.
C. Von Hickman of Eugene.
Delta Otmma methers met at
the chapter house on Monday af
ternoon. Mrs. Frank James talk
ed about a trip to Boston which
she made last year. Mrs. Oordon
Brownell sang and was aooom-
Ctnied by Mrs. Seward Reese,
rs. Frank Farmer and Mrs.
Walter Gordon were hostesses.
Secretaries at
Business Meeting
A full schedule of business was
handled sit the Monday meeting
of the Cascade chapter. National
Secretaries Association at the Salem
coffee shop. Miss Lola D.
was elected vice president, to take
the place of Miss Maxine Meyers
who has resigned and Miss Arlene
Wykoff was named corresponding
secretary to replace Mrs. Darlene
Londberg. also resigned.
Mrs. Ruby Hughes announced
the date of a rummage sale as
April 9 and 10, and offered to con
duct a refresher course in short
handed for the members. A style
snow win De tne crab's May pro
ect and a membership drive
The chapter arranged to pay for
a two week's scholarship for a
girl to the Camp Fire Girls camp
this summer and to pay for any
clothing needed. This, they plan,
wm De an annual project..
.Reports of the regional conven
tion held In February In Portland
revealed the efforts of the Na
tional Secretaries' association to
raise standards for secretaries.
comparable to a CPA rating. This
educational program would be con
ducted through state colleges and
Garden Clubs
Hosts, Guests
Friendly Neighbors Garden club
entertained members of the Little
Garden club of Salem Heights.
Thursday at the home of
Mrs. A. A. Larsen on Hulsey Ave.
Assisting as hostesses were Mrs.
Carl Gustafson and Mrs. Glen I vie.
Guest speaker was Mrs. James T.
Brand who gave an Interesting
talk on "Blossoms in Holland."
The Individual tables were
centered with nosegay arrange
ments of spring flowers. Serving
were Mrs. William Gardner, Mrs.
R. Parks. Mrs. C. Mlnnick and
Mrs. R. Toler.
Guests included Mesdames R.
Cartwright, Leslie Bates, 3. W.
Douglas, A. A. Taylor, Frank Mil
ler, F. P. Phlpps, H. R. Woodburn,
Charles Sawyer, Louis Anderson,
M. Gustafson, J. B. Van CJeve,
Alice Edmundson, Paul Grie
benow, Virgil Sexton, Homer Mc
Wain, William Nelmeyer, C. A.
Graham, Lewis Judson, S. Ben
nett, R. D. Hawkins, Carl Harris
snd Miss Ann Butler.
The next meeting will be March
18 with Mrs. William Gardner as
Educators Meet
Delta Kappa Gamma, national
honorary for women in education
met at the chamber of commerce
in Newberg on Saturday. Mrs.
Sue Simmons of Willamina pre
sided in the absence of Miss Ma
thilda Gillls of Salem. A girls'
sextette from Newberg Junior
high school sang. The speaker was
Prof. John Schroeder of McMinn
ville college and his subject was
"Religion in an Atomic Age."
Hostesses were Mrs. Antonio
Crater, Mrs. Emma Prill man,
Miss Naomi Flatten. Mrs. Flor
ence Kron of Salem was program
chairman. Members going from
Salem were Miss June Phil! pott,
Miss Vivian Chandler and Mrs.
Florence Kron. The next meeting
is st Silverton Man 22.
PRATUM Mr. aad Mrs. Lyle
Kleen were honored with a re
ception at the Methodist church
Friday night. After an informal
social hour the couple was pre
sented with a gift
Mrs. T. J. Brabee is entraining
Thursday for Reno for a several
weeks' visit with her daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. John
Kelty and daughters, Jane and
LaU guild, St. Mark's Lutheran
church a pjn.
Laurel guild. Knight Memorial church
wlWi Mrs. Harold Kllla, fit Rom si.
WSCS circla meeting. rirt Meth
odist church, l:lt p.m.
Juon Lee WSCS. 11 am., luncheon
at 10 pjn. , w
fOt Ladles auxiliary, pinochle club
Ilia p.m.. 171 North High street.
Sojourners anniversary party, saiem
Woman's clubhouse. 1 pm. bridge Ui,
s PJn- .
PI Beta Fhl alumnae at state streei
chapter house. 7 :30 p m.
Oruon draD Camo. Royal Neigh
bors of American, special meeting, at
1010 N. 18th st.. S p.m.
American Legion auxiliary. Capital
Unit No. t sewing club, with Mrs. Stu
art Johns. 3790 Monroe, no-host lunch
eon, bazaar and welfare sewing.
Spiritual Sunflower club with Mrs.
givers Beard, 39 S. SOth ft-. I p.m.
wewi ot zagiewooa umiea xu-cui-ren
church with Mrs. Floyd Xramons,
1180 N. zeth St.. S:1S P m.
DeMolay Mothers. Masonic Temple,
noon luncheon.
West Salem VTW auxiliary meet at
West Salem Legion hall, S p m., nom
ination and election.
AAUW music stuidy group with Mrs.
Frank Burhngham. sso N. 14th St.. 1 :S0
North Salem WCTT7 with Mrs. Cora
Gregory, lies N. Church st., S p.m.
Neighbors of Woodcraft Thbnble
club with Mrs. Evelyn Vtsnaw and Mrs.
Nida MackUn. S2S Madison street, 1
p.m. dessert luncheon.
talam Woman's club meeting, club
house. S pm.. board meeting. 1 p.m.
Nebraska club, covered dish dinner,
MS N. Commercial st, JO p.m.
PHONE 9123
(la rfcenek Directery)
Clubs to Be
Several bridge club gatherings
are on the social agenda this week.
Mrs. John Heltzel has invited
members of her club to her Leslie
street home Thursday afternoon
for a bridge luncheon.
Mrs. Richard Nelson is enter
taining her club- at bridge and
late supper Dmrsday night at her
Klngwood Heights residence.
Mrs. Robert Ramsden and Mrs.
Charles Claggett will be hostesses
tonight at the former's bom on
Fairmount Hill in compliment to
their dub. Bridge will be followed
by a late supper.
Mrs. Leona Johnson has bidden
members of her club to a lunch
eon Friday afternoon at her South
High street home. Bridge will be
in play following the luncheon
hour. Additional guests will be
Mrs. James H. Nicholson and Mrs.
Frank G. Myers.
Mrs. Ralph X. Purvine will en
tertain her knitting group st s
dessert luncheon Friday afternoon
at her Saginaw street residence.
Sasanne Mae Bentaon, fear
months old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Bentson, was hon
ored at her christening dinner
Sunday at the home of her par
ents following christening at the
First Methodist church Sunday
morning. Covers were also placed
for Mr. and Mrs. Mose VanDell,
godparents, and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Porter and Lois of Silver
ton, Miss Winnie Xpplett of Wal
lowa. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Starr
and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bentson.
section of the social hygiane study
group of Salem Heights meets
Monday at 140 p.m. with Mrs.
Paul Harvey.
f ..,' i - I i , J 'v ft V
"hiJ V - y
Vb--- C ry-rr--'-V
- - - - - - ' - '
BeauUful Three-W.ay 5x7 Panel
Regular 9.95 now
icm$hmbl. of course.
Mrs. Chan'dlee Is
Dallas Speaker
DALLAS Mrs. William D.
Chandlee of Hillsboro, president
of the Oregon State Federation
of Women's clubs, was the auest
speaker when the local club held
a luncheon in her- honor in the
city library Tuesday. Mrs. Chand
lee told of the national convention
of the Federation of Women's
clubs which is to be held at Port
land May 24-28.
Also appearing on the program
was Miss Edith Falrham, sopra
no soloist and a graduate student
in music of the Willamette uni
versity. She was accompanied by
Miss Patty Jo Hammond, also a
During the business session
which followed the luncheon, Mrs.
Howard Fleming, president of the
local elub, was elected as a dele
gate to the convention. Mrs. Os
car Hayter was named as the al
Mrs. Clarence T. Smith, chair
man of the luncheon committee
was assisted by Mrs. J. T. Meek
er, Mrs. W. O. Vassell, Mrs.
Claude Hoisington, Mrs. Mars
Slack, Mrs. Harold Ranstad, Mrs.
Donald White and Mrs. Rohert
TURNER Mrs. Harlan Bones
entertained Sunday for her hus
band on his birthday. Guests were
Mrs. Maud Bones, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Sco field, Mrs. Annie Winn
ing of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. S. T
Roberts, Beverly and Charles and
Mr- end Mrs. Francis Nelmi and
Mrs. Howard Steveas ef Los
Angeles is visiting in the capl ftal
at the home of her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Ramsden.
$quires your thoroughbred tweeds
Boxlav keeps company with the best Imported tweeds
Dow so fashionable lor town, always correct
lor country wear. Boxlars are sewn entirely by hand,
faahioned of polished eapeskin, creamy smooth and wonderful
to touch. In important spring colors and
.A seea Im fegae, gars f assay; Tessa si Cmmtrf
Shower For
Mrs. Etzel
Mrs. Erwin Bahlburg and Mrs.
William White will be hostesses
for an informal party Friday
night at the former's home on
South High street for the pleas
ure ox urs. Hillary EtteL cards
will be in play during the even
ing with a late dessert sapper to
be served by the hostesses. The
guests win fete Mrs. Etzel with
a shower. Arrangements of spring
flowers will provide the deco
rative note.
Honoring Mrs. Etzel wCl be
Mrs. James McHone, Mrs. John
Ritchie, Mrs. William Townsend,
Mrs. Jennie Graber, Mrs. Jack
S. Bush, Mrs. George Neuman,
Mrs. Howard Raffun, Mrs. Mil
lard Henny of Brooks. Mrs. Win
Stanley Jenks, Mrs. Raymond
Hausley and the hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. William C Dyer,
Jr. have had as their house guests
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs,
Elton Ellis of Los. Angeles. The
Dyers were hosts for a family
dinner on Sunday at their Che
meketa street home for the visit
ors. Being welcomed back to Sa
lem is Mrs. Dyer's mother, Mrs.
Harry Burnside, who has been
living in Hillsboro for several
years. She will make her home
with her daugnter and xamuy.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Biaitcihard.
2325 Front st. were hosts for a
birthday dinner in honor of Mrs.
Emma J. Blgler on here 80th
birthday on March 4.
Weekend visiters in the capital
were Mr. and Mrs. William r.
Ellis and daughter, Virginia, of
nniMn fnrmrlr ' ot Salem, who
were guests of their son and faifi-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Dean cms.
Phone 4343
129 No. Coxnl
Orchids to You!
Acadn this week Johnson's
rjresentino; cm Easter (
Ordild -with each suit i
purchased. Since this
omblncdlon met with such
a tremendous ;respons kset ;
week, Johnscxi'g dim happy
to continue this oSer.
until March list
Top the Easter Parade
in a Topper!
Short, shorter, shortest
and new! Johnson's have : '
your new shortieV coat ...
to cover your Easter suit,
your dresses, your skirts,
your very best bib and
tucker. Johnson's topper
coats are) bright Vith
wonderful detail and varied
stylings . . a prize collection ,
of the best short, short
ooats of 1948. Hip hugging
shorties, cxjrdigan cut swing
back shorties, semi-Dared
backed shorties in exciting
spring color favorites ...
in covert, suede or gabar
dines. Yours lor
$29.50 to $49.65.
Spring Coesfo
Yonr Head.; -
Your bonnet con be extreme
er mild as your Tnood de
mands. Extreme with ultra
feminine flaw edsP eta shrdl
feminine Cowers or mild In
the ever popular tiraw
scdlor. A completely de
lightful collection of de
lectable spring; bonnets
Headline" silhouettes by
such famous names cs
Draper, HollyiVogue, Gage
and ThomtonJ proudly pre
sented to Salem by John
son's, The Store for
To 'Add that Xast TorvvcB
of Elegance to Your
The right ejbvei . fcs
right handbcrg. The gloves ,
by Harms .' . J the handbaa
" by Kadln. Jogefher fhey '
znake your outfit ' comple te
In me new Ipring hade3
' .. dove griiy, ktlly, '
; mocha, havy. ;
eves . . $10 to
Handlags .. . $7,55.
4 . -w
You jire Welcome cJ
- - 4
1 3 Clde CL
i .: