g&slmcm, go. faswson. VlToinoedaT. f t crch 10. IK3 It t Delegation at" Farmers Union Meeting Large The Oregon- Fanners Union la represented by the largest delega tion In years at the national con vention of the organization which opened at Denver, Colo- Monday. SThe delegation la headed by Boa aid 1L Jones, state president, and Mrs. Jones, who left Friday for Denver to permit Jones to attend meeting of the executive board of the national organization of which he la a member. Ljrle Thomas, secretary, also left early to attend a pre-conven-tion meeting of the program com mittee of which he is a member. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hicks, Sa lem, are representing the Juniors of Oregon, and are accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Theron L. Kicks, members of the Spring Valley lo cal In Polk county. Arthur H. Bone, editor of the state paper, and J. P. Bents, preat dent of the Sublimity local, and William Jensen, member of the state executive "board. Linn coun ty, are also attending. Court Denies Bringing Band The state supreme court Tues day affirmed Circuit Judge Walter Tooze. Multnomah county, who denied damages la a libel action growing out of a divorce suit be tween David W. LeveU and his wife. Mrs. Levell's mother sued Levsll for libel on the ground that his evidence in court falsely ac cused her of bad morals. The mother, Mrs. Lura H. Strycker, sued both LeveU and Albert Johnson, another witness in the court proceedings. The opinion was written by Justice James T. Brand. The high court also upheld a Washington county circuit court Judgment which refused damages to Gus-tav R. Carlson In his suit against John Wagberg. Carlson contended he was injured in an automobile accident while riding wtth Wagberg. The court ruled that Wagberg was guilty of ordi nary negligence but that gross negligence must be proven before a guest passenger can collect from the driver. Only other court decision: In the matter of the estate of Lillian R. Chrlstofferson. de ceased: L. S. Christoffersoo and others, appellants, vs. Gerald I ChrUtofferion and others. Appeal from Marion county. Contest of a ! will. Opinion by Justice J. O. Bai ley. Judge I. M. Page affirmed. Salem Girl Assigned in Hawaii .'-. xatorV tteaaxitV: fStfbie elapended on payment of court costs. Donald M. Thomas, Salem SMatjm A emake4e asps, na naif ax Baft? wesajT sf yea vu v e V4 aaaaia fined Si and costs. Can Fred Palmer, Portland, pa string with insufficient clear ance, S3 One suspended on pay ment of court costs. IJncoln Wagoner. ISO. Hansen ave- parole given February 19 on charge of disorderly conduct re voked following hearing; com mitted to county jail to servo S0- day sentence. r t-v: I ri': Shirley Haaitagtea (pic tared aVeve), aaagater ef Mr. and Mrs. Hei ne W, Haattagioa eg galeae route 1. has been appointed secretary la the ft sac rlaa a Ke4 Creea efflee at Hiekaas air farce base, Hawaii, aeeeedmg to an aaaonneoieat by O. J. TJlrlea (right), field di- reeiee. sUuened with the raetfle air iwimind Mlaa Huntington arrived in Henelmla en Pebruary . fee her first visit to the Hawaiian Islands. A gradaato ef the University ef Oregon with a B. S. degree In jearnaUaea. she had served aa field assistant with the AkC freea Nevemaer. IMS, to June, IMS. She had been sta tioned at Norfolk. Tw Fart Oeerge M. Meade. Maj New Cumber iasid and Carlisle Barracks. Fa. (Air feree photo). ' OIL BDHITEn sedvice Salem Heating and Sheet Metal Co. IMS Breed way Call S5SS M 11 i rlAnerira rvr I C-J ..W " e 3' :yMTcnr f Pe " - - .eT ff fc-- rrZyrrvr't ' S .. .. f - J- CWCLTT COUBT Elizabeth Young vs Riley Young: Suit for dlvorceeharglng desertion. Married Jan. 14, 1944, at Vancouver. Wash. Dorothy M. Core vs Louis B. Core: Defendant files answer ad mitting and denying. Lorene Vice vs Charles Wesley Keller and L. Allan Persons: Plaintiff files reply of complete denial to defendant's answer. Moreland Dean Bartell vsCleo B. Melsten Suit seeks to collect total of gS.404 for damages and injuries allegedly received in an automobile collision on the Silver Creek rails highway In March, 1946. MUNICIPAL COUBT Jack Bradford, Cottage Qrove. violation of basis rule, posted $7 50 bail. Bennett Buckman. Lewis Buck man and Bam Rottenberg, all of Portland, charged with soli si tine without a permit, posted 50 bail each. Ezra H Xuebler, So Beech ave, violation of dumping ordinance, fined $10. PKOBATB COUBT Margaret Campbell guardian- Ncw,ftort;andi3tolcl Hostepset i: X sWvert 0hi9 rW4-e)tV 4vtt C1t4 And r Sherboui Here's aUe4 perkig rogW 1etrMef sahle net Jew roe ftoseUill rsvu' nboug dteemf Kewert creation Antorlsg fessnoet glarw eWgneev Node tWsd shgnWlolgotee!, Uifr&iU, gn) fracereJI A fttmlal BeVtW.Tns) vlneg t4 gegeg fjnv Ji WWiWiU jTfcg Croet lvj lenrfg terries ggf re4sersBAnntt Ane! stats unjjmsJtiitdf "you) fet a new-(Ism If the lafedft ever caip. Each aej coas aii drgsged p la It wb chsrsaJaj fcftfx lTntrTinii Inr 4 See Other Tfaasy Tsssaeier Bets SUU, Servtoa far ship estate: Order approves guar dian's account. Otto Lais estate: Order sets time for hearing on" final account at April 12. Arthur H. Buell estate: Order sets April 12 aa time for hearing on final account Estate appraised at 94,000. Anton Stenger, Jr., estate: Or der appoints Wilhelmina Stenger as administratrix and Alois Ke- ber, John Roner and Val Ebelr as appraisers. Ida M. Compton guardianship estate! Final report of guardian approved and guardianship dis solved on death of ward. Jean Louise Richards guardian ship estate: Hearing set for March 24 on petition seeking appoint ment of Edith Wrmon as guar dian. Clara Rauscher estate: Order confirms sale - of real property. Ray L. Farmer estate: Order sets time for hearing on final ae- count at April 13. MABBIAOB LICENSB APPLICATIONS Ralph P. Bauer, 25, baker, 1889 N. 9th st Salem, and Harriett Jones, 20, domestic. 899 Patter son st .West Salem. Riohard J. Sullivan, tax audit or, Balem route 8, and Barbara Bell Bamett, bank clerk. 4229 Shoreline dr., both of Salem. Raymond . David. Z4, amuse ment device employe, Silverton, and Jane R. Baker, 22, domestle. Spokane, Wash. W. M. Brubin, saw filer, SUy- ton, and Ruby L. Winters, post master, Gates. DISTBICT COUBT Clsytoa Kinna Neer, Turner, driving on wrong aide of road, trial set for March SO following plea of innocent. Ed Porter, Lewis street, no ope- Slrrerton Felloe Court SILVXRTON Fined In police court for improper lights were George Smith. J. L. Merryman and Norman Komp, each $2; for having no operator's license, Duane Hugg and Feed Lucht, Mt Angel, each $2; violation of basic rule. Ed Bollinger, gTo; iuegai parking. William Blocb, D. L. Lyons. Tom Railing, Dale Krug, M. G. Gunderson, Harry L. Riches, M. G. Robertson, G. Smith. F. M. Johnson, Ronald Asboe and Marion Brandt, each $1; Samuel Sorenson, Salem, for feited 819 bail on a charge of drunkenness. Arthur DahL polios Judge, found Carl Tony Hoffard, driver for the Evan Lumber company mill, and Oscar Loe, not guilty on charges of violating the baste rule. Needlecraft 63a W Spread your table with beauty; or make a new, different bed spread! Here's the perfect pair of medallions for new accessorise. Pinwheel medallions Joined by tiny wheels lovely lace accesso ries. Pattern 838; crochet diree- Uons. Laura Wheeler's new, improved pattern makes needlework so sim ple with Its charts, photos, con- else directions. s Snd TwsVWrr CENTS In coins for this pattora te The Oregon Statesman. Laura Wheeler. 1st and Stevenson Sttu, San rranetseo. Call. Print plainly PATTULN MUMBEk, yeur NAMk, AO- naass with zonk. Your NIW IMS Laura Whoate Nelterart Book la roadrl Send ITT TEXN CXrri and got tbo best ndl craft catalog evor publish od. 101 U lustrauons of the finest ta embroidery. eroenet, snimng. borne aeeora rtes. ranted in uus atton. book tors. are FRCX Instructions tor woavlng en buck towcUnsj the nowost hobby I Attachment Invented Here rth,,, .... -J This new type saw attachment for tractors Is displayed In operation above by its Salem In venter, C. Bey Carr. route L boa 3 87 A. as J. T. Andersen, Ce-eralnator of Inventions, Fertland. leeks on (left). Inventor, Adds Saw to Tractor A simple saw attachment baa invented for tractors by C Roy Carr, Salem route 1, box 387 A. This attachment la a taw iwimit enables the operator of the tractor to buck logs Into cord wood and then by the same at tachment cut the cord wood Into fire wood. The. saw consists of a frame having a circular saw mounted to an arbor JournaHed in bearings on the frame and adapted to be driven from the power takeoff of the tractor. The frame is adapt- ! - - ad. to bo ej&acttd Ja Cva ETT mechanism of tha tractor, aha controls of the tractor rtislnj and lowering; tha saw into tha work while sharking loggs, eg holding tha saw at a predetermin ad elevation I while cumaf zm cord wood. ' I One of tha bubrtanding f eatureg of tha method of wwntins: th saw Is that tha frame of tha aaw can be used, to - push the logs around td thai proper position tot sawing and . a removable table Is mottntad tovthe frame) of tha saw cut cutting cord wood Arrangements have been made for tha manufacturing with Tru man Cum ml tigs, owner of the) Cummings Machine works, Salem. by J. T. Anderson. Co-ordinator ej Inventions, Portland, who has tart completed making tha patent drawings forlCarr.i; Today's Pattern 4602 SIZES 1. 10 Mother, youll be so proud of her in this adorable dirndl! Make Pattern 4602 both ways they're cttei As shown, it's for Easter. With shoulder straps and bows, for parties or sun-time. Both easy! This pattern, easy to use, sim ple to sew, is tested for fit. In cludes complete illustrated In structions. Pattern 4602 : 2, 4. 8, t, 10. Size 6, 1 yds. 35-in.; H yd. contrast. Send TWENTT-rTVB cents In coins tor this pattern to Tbe Orefoa States man. Anne Adams. IS First at- San rranclseo s. Calif. Print plainly NAMtt ADDBESS. ZOKB, IIZX and ITT LB NUMBEB. Tb New Look this sprtng w Uvs ANMB ADAMS Loo I So It In or new Spring Pattern Book Jest outl Send only fifteen cents more tor this catalog of asy-aew styles tor the wboU family. Also printed right in the book ts a FRXK PATTERN toe a smart hat andbas aotl Nohlgren Outlines Plot of Novel in Jaycee Speech 1 Ralph Nohlgren, local rsstau ranteur, outlined the plot of "Mr. Adam," a novel by Pat Frank, In a humorous speech before the Junior Chamber of Commerce, at the Marion hotel Tuesday noon. Tha rpeeeh dealt with tha re sults ef a mythical atom explosion which leaves all of the men in the world sterile except a Mr. Ho mer Adaaa, who was working in a lead mine at the time of the blast , Tha dispute between various governmental agenciea over the disposition of Mr. Adam provides a satire on "bureaucracy" which Nohlgren used as tha subject of his talk. Nohlgren told how the problem of cvillixation's survival is solved by the discovery of a potion which restores masculine fertility. INCOME TAX RETURNS I WHEN RIGHTLY PREPARED YOU SAVEI L W. COBURN Prepares Yeur Betams 1578 Market St - Ph. 2-6588 ' i LAW H5 ARE -'- ' "" ' ' . r ' NEIGHBORHOOD SHOYfPLACES I 1 RIeh luxuriant texfura, sparkling mief make Seott lawns si stanaWt vary where. Dant be saruflacl with anything less. They sort na mare. v SCOTTS IAWM - bvsssssss svan esessBi aaTSreas) sser tsalwro. TMs 1 B . 81 JM g BM scorn LAWN w tv.tl I sw. NIW SCOTT COasSOUWB P sroys waiss, ImsW' ilinH h. Seatia town Pood ease Wosd MrF4 ftdM( XXX) ssj ft $150, SALEI1 HABDUADE CO. 128 N. Camaaercial. Salem 4J86 Timo fo Fertilize! Ford Hl-Tast Ammonium Sulphata lO-IK bags SUkbags 350 ry to? rssjfriJ Lob of Dndios! Ta at ' tarn fU Ford .$S5.C3 TIKE RIDING ON A cloud r Golnmbia Overdrive F1U Ul throa '48 Ford InataH. 4 $165.09 Pins Gnnmnfeed Soiisfaction Plus Qndily Prodncis At VALLEY HERE'S A BIG DISCOUNT I Heavy Duly Generator and Regulator 33 thru '38 Ford, 60 aind 5gl $27.50 AN INEXPENSIVE LUXURY! Hear Seal Dcdio Speaker FIU '41 thru '48 " $10.95 ONLY A FEW SETS I 35 AND '36 FORD Dear Drake Cans and Ams D7 FOFDLAD DEIIMID Wa Ara Continuing to Offer This Unusual Engine Ejcchmirjo Spcriol FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Nothing extra! ererjthins; complete Inclndinir oil &tbs Jtet: dutch, installation and IT i1 TZl if f precision tested tuneup. . P irUVtK v 7 Yeur choice V-8 or 6-cyL - ama a sa sa mrw v srv b,9 or xuw xu tr, une-oay serrice! - Dual Hast Herns $11.25 Fits All Medals Genatoe Feral Cnsrrt assises . . I aw w8 awvas D. Tone Dual Muffler Fer All Meael Ferae 155 N. Liberty Telephone 3194 stretch your wardrobe with several pairs of BUDGET PRICED SLACKS TAILORED GABARDINES Make a new life for jour odd jackets and "orphaned coats with these tailored slacks. In assorted colors to match or contrast to snake yoar wardrobe go twice as far. Of 40 wool for body and wear, 60 rayon for light comfort. Note the pleated fronts for that smart, carefree look. Sipper fly. Sizes ffll QC from 29 to 42. Lighter - Weight Slacks Of gabardine (100) wool in popular colors. 29-42. JL4.95 Other smartly tailored A Night Shop TO 9 P. M. Friday J i - ' it ACS YOint SLACXS TO YOWt Y?A23 ftifTKLY f AYU24T ACCOUMT ! I m Center Phone S1SS Salens, Oreott S34 N. COMSOU ST. MUM, i i 1 3 r