12 THs Statotman. SoUm. Oregon. Wdn Ary. March 10. ljM3 Bearishness Slows Market NEW YORK, March l-VPy-Gn-ral bearishncis. together with eiratlc commodities, continued to depress the majority of today's stock market leaders. An argument for the bulls, how ever, was that selling remained light throughout Dealings turned sluggish after midday and extreme louses running to 2 or more points were reduced in most cases at the close. A smattering of pivotals managed to emerge with modest plus signs. Transfers for the five hours dwindled to 660,000 shares. They compared with 740,000 Monday. Doubters regarding the domes tic economic outlook and darken ing international situations again trimmed accounts. Rising business failures to a peak since 1943 tend ed to chill sentiment. Skepticism anent taxes and wages still was a restraining influence. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was off .4 of a point at 60.8, a bottom ince February 27. Of 937 issues registering, 565 fell and 183 rose. Grains Follow Varied Course CHICAGO. March 9-J)-Grain futures followed an irregular course at the board of trade to day. Prices were off sharply at the opening under the depressing Influence of government refusal to purchase any great amount of Hour at prices offered by mills. About midsession a rally start ed by commission houses and cash Interests lifted prices from the day's low, but the rally was not sustained When demand dried up prices again slumped. Just before tr close shorts started to cover and found offerings limited. Prices spurted upward, with the result most deliveries closed above the previous finish. At the close wheat was 14 to t higher than the previous fin ish. May $2.35 U-. Corn was 1 cent higher to 2T lower. May $2.13-13. Oats were i lower to IS higher. May $1.104-t- Soy beans were 8 cents lower, March $3.50. HUBER To Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Huber, box 1 Lyons, son, Tuesday, March 9, at Salem Me morial hospital. KAHL-To Mr. ar d Mrs. Frank Kafel, Monmouth, a son, Tuesday, March 9, at Salem General hos pital. ROTII To Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Roth, Salem route 8, box 390, a son, Tuesday, March 9, at Salem General hospital. PAUHASON To Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palmason, 1698 8. Liberty St., a daughter, Tuesday, March 9, at Salem General hospital. DOERFLEK To Mr. and Mrs. NOTICE Or BOND SALS Sealed bids wiil ba received by Uva nndersigned until the hour of 7 JO o jicxH p. m. on Monday. Marco S3. 194a, and immediately thereafter opanad by tha Common Council of tha City of Salem, Oregon, in tha Chamber of Commcrca Mooma in said City, for tha aaia of City of Salem Improvement Bonds In ma amount of Eighty-two Thousand. Five Hundred twenty-eight IX liars and rorty Cents $S2.-B.40 , Issued pursuant to the la s of tha State f Oregon and Ordinance No. 38S1 of the City of Salem, and described as follows. City of Salem Imprevement Bonds. Issue 1948-A. being bonds Issued pur suant to the Bancroft Bond ins; Act. la denominations of f 1000 00 each; said bonds to be dated March 1. 1S4S, and to nature In annual Installments ae fol lows: March 1. 1S4B $7-28.40 March 1. ISM March 1. 141 tsoue so ssooo so March 1. issa $eooo so March 1. 19S3 SSOOO M March 1. 1904 March 1. 1SSS March 1. 193S SttOM SO SS000 OS 89000 00 March 1. 1S67 March 1. 13S Provided, however, that the City of Salem shall have tha option to redeem said bonds, in numerical order, upon the payment of the face value thereof with accrued interest on any Interest pay inf date at or after three years I rem the date aaid bonds are lasued. Both principal and interest shall be payable at tne office of tha City Treas arer In the City of Salem. Each bidder should name tha rate interest at which the bidder la wlll sn to accept the bonds The bonds will bear the rate or rates of Interest deals Bated in the bid accepted. Said bonds will be hold lor not less than par and accrued interest. Each bid. except bids submitted by the State of Oregon or any sinking fund of the City of Salem, must be ac companied by a certified check for two percent of the par value of the bonds, made payable to the. City aa a guarantee of good faith. Bids submitted by snail should be addressed to the un dersigned at tha City Hall In Salem. Oregon. The bidder will be required to add to his bid a statement of the act cost to the City if his bid is accepted. The right is reserved by the Com mon Council to accept any bid or to reject all bids la the interest of the City. The prior legal approving opinion of Messrs. Win free. McCulloch. Shuler St Say re wlU be furnished the successful bidder. ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder, Salem. Oregoa. r 23-M 3-10 NOTICE Hereby notice is given that Patsy's Candles. Inc.. a Colorado Corporation, whose place of business Is IMS East Pikes Peak Avenue. City of Colorado Springs. County of CI Paso and State of Colorado. Is the owner of that cer tain trade mark described as follows: The written word. "Patsy's" written oa an oblique from the lower left to the upper right, usually In red est a white background. In that portion of the word "Patsy's" constituting the tail of the y, which Is enlarged and brought bock under the reet of the word Patsy's Is printed tat the back ground color tha additional word. "Or lgtnal." Said trade mark is need ha connection with the sale of the follew ang articles of merchandise, to-wtt: ' popcorn, sandy and out confections. tm e hading dry popcorn, buttered pops or n. Samuel candled popcorn, butterscotch popcorn, chocolate candied tow roasted or toasted pots as all m i Ipttasis. rand lee of all types one! flavors, particularly aaH water taffy, oandlad aoptes and candied fruits. IN WITNESS WHERE Said so. per a Hon baa cause this notice bo os ecu tod to its name by Its Prsaldsnt ar Sorratsrv and Its corpora to aael to be hereto affiled this SSth day of Aa-ta-t. A. D. 1S4T. PATSY'S CANDIES. XJC By Joe S. Oeborn. President. WUUom S. Oeborsv Secretary. (SXALi MaVlS-lY Births; -J- ; ' ' f ' . . its. . -r "I f s v TAXPAYER GMoie hell Elisabeth Mailer, ft -sooths eld. plays with her serial secur ity card at hoaoe of her paresis. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. k. Mailer of New Orlesas. The yeaac lady poses fee movie ads aad atast pay taxes en her ear-lags. Wallace Doerfler, 138 N. Lancaster dr., twin sons, Tuesday, March 9, at Salem General hospital. ZIMMERMAN To Mr. and Mrs Robert Glen Zimmerman, Salem route 4, box 274, a daughter, Tues day, March 9, at Salem General hospital. HA GEN To Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Hagen, 875 Cross st., a son, Tuesday, March 9, at Salem Gen eral hospital. STURM To Mr. and Mrs. Shar ril Sturm, 645 Pine st., a daughter, Tuesday, March 9, at Salem Gen eral hospital. ErVTNG To Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Ewing. 591 Knapp st., a daugh ter, Monday, March 8, at Salem General hospital. STRAND To Mr. and Mrs. Engvald Strand. 1937 N. Commer cial st., a son, Monday, March 8, at Salem General hospital. Livestock and Poultry Rototillers For Immediate delivery to our cus tomers of Sllverton and vicinity. SO and M inch. For better buy Buy from Bradley Bros., and and Lewis Silver-ton, Oregon. BABY CHICKS. I varieties. Weekly hatches. Oay-old Leghorn cockerels Jc tacn. Lee s Hatchery. wANTI35t buy: AO kinds ot cst je. hogs and sheep Prank Wood. Rt t Bo 4J1 R. phone -ST14 DEAD Stock picked up! free of charge, day ana night service Ph. Sherwood. Ore, 4433 or 4434, Call collect FUP ROVED "K R day-old or started chicks and pullets for immediate or future delivery. Also s complete line of feed, poultry equipment, remedies and seed and garden tools. Poses Hsu?hery. I7lt State at mono ewes WANTED: As) kind of cattle, bogs Jt sheep Will call st farm. Licensed bonded buyers Prompt service. E. I Saethen St Son. ISM Lancaster Dr. Salem Ph 1-1X3 WaXTEU: All kinds of cattle, fat hogs, sows S boars. At your farm ot delivered Market price K. C McCand Ihui, Rt. t. Bos 333 across from Wstors Ball Psrk on S ZS St. Ph 814T VllfMH ttAUHlTky pays 28c lor fryer rabbits. Pickup services. 3965 State St Phono lOSra. 3 COWS, one fresh, one due and one to freshen soon. Good hesvy milkers. Rt. . Box 131-r. 3 miles cast of Pen 4 Corners. Phone 10VF13. Auctions Lane SudtelTs Auction Sales Yard Wed.. Mar. 10th. at 10 a m. and T p.m. Located 1 miles East of P sir grounds on Sllverton Boad. Phone S0OS New breakfast set, table and chairs, beds -and springs, antique organ, dishes, stoves and other articles of good fur niture. 1M7 Model A Avery tractor, la ex cellent condition. S ft. tractor spring tooth, new 8 sec tion flea: harrow. Shrubs of all kinds. Chlekena and rabbits. Day old and veal calvea. Feeder and Werner pigs. We now have consigned several fresh and springer cows. Bring In your livestock as wa have s heavy demand for all kinds.. Good crowds lota of buyers. Help Wanted ACTTVE MAN or woman with car for part time collection work on monthly payment accounts In Salem. Albany and vicinity. Capable person can de velop this to full tune basis In near future. Comm. earnings offer better than average Income for time required. For personal interview write Credit Manager. Sit Terminal Sales Bide Portland, s. Oregon. Help Wanted llale Wanted Men 16 to 46 To train for refrigeration and air conditioning in our well equipped school shops. Stemgeratlon and air conditlooing men are in tremendous demand. Insure your future with this profitable trade. For fiuf Information see our re pre -sentaOve. Mr. Vee Mullenax. From 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Marion i Hotel. For Civilians and G Js iOMioNl ! Wanted immediately to contract for cutting and hauling ap pros. 1.SO hop poles from Umber lust soot of town to Weodbum. Inquire 1331 th St, W. Satom. FaULULS i, Bockers with saw. David Sehafer, Star Xtowto. 81. 8lh TO fiXCOaU exports, working with Frtgidalro appliance. Maytag i s-aey stesne utunarr Appliatiee. Wuao Oeettona SS to Sft yrs. eg age. with er wtthoot sales : ixpsrtence. Apply llogg pros. iros. r State et., eaiem. XUTTS-ii men Im work in hoo- ysrd. Cabins furmiahed. Bushman and Y"a- 13 ml. N, of Salem, ph. 1TM1. lsAA&iZ3 Mas. with tractor oaper toaeo Sor form work. Comfortable isdsrai hsoas. State ago. experience, wages. Permanent it mutually satis factory. FA Box 18SO, PssrUand t. Help Wanted Female WAMTSS: Pouaskospsr for four adults in country. No washtng or heavy Cleaning, i - jJ2. 88' UCP. cVLAUTIClAN for Corvalluv. Csll 8141 Salenv "CRAWATZ NURSE for night shirt, in State ! Tuberculosis Hospital. 8-day week. Liberal vacation and sick leave benefits. 810 par mo. to start. Apply State Civil Service Commission. 444 Center St STTKOCSAPirtJL Permanent work with largo firm at an attractive salary. Writ Statesman Bos 871. stating age. marital Status, qualifications and ex perience. ' A LADrH to do housework and cook Inc. for S Clderty people. No washing. Wdud llycjin Phone 1-1836. CASHltR Sute age and experience. StatemaS Box No. 967. krf it VeoriDriun YZXZ im Uln worki The Holly Nook. 1997 N. Capitol ! : LADY TO HELP with care of two children. : permanent homo. Good sal ary Nq smoking or drinking. Ph. 3-370. ECPEWtlNCXD beauty operator. Lipstick Beauty Salon. 1873 State St. " LADYW careYor 4-month-old baby during day from 8 to 5. Call 388 EL Lincoln stficr 8. Salesmen VV anted LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE for Sa lem and surrounding territory to rep resent old line company. Plenty of leads furnished no canvassing, can make over $130 a week. Real estate, or specialty : experience helpful but not necessary. Must have car. Adv. Comm. Write St tesman Box No. 974. WANT1 iD OUTSIDE salesman for building materials and roofing. Must have car, Liberal salary and commis sion plait Apply Mr. Griffin. Mont omery y1- WANTED OUTSIDE salesman Tor plumbing and heating. Car necessary Liberal salary and commission plan. Apply Mr. Beard. Montgomery Ward TJTST6E SALESMAN, must have car. Apply 9 a m. to 10 a.m. Willamette Valley Roof Co.. 30 Lana Ave $10,000 a Year A real livewire man that can qualify can writ his own checks. No Invest ment required. Must own good late model car and be free to travel Oregon St Washington selling heavy duty lubri cants to loggers, contractors, counties and farmers. Liberal drawing account and car al lowance. This is a permanent position with an old company with established accounts. Rated AAA-1. Applicants furnish snap shot of self and previous business connections. Ap plicants will be selected for Interview and if desired trained by district man ager Immediately. Statesmsn Box 968. Situations Wanted STEADY employment. Young, mar ried man. Experienced warehouseman. Permanent resident. Ph. 3-5563. PAINTlMG. 23 yrs exp , lowest prices In town. Phone 7532. CARPtjiTfcR : New construction, re pslr or finish work Ph. 592- or 2-3046. Moving & Hauling For real service call 2-2458 Plowing Sl Discing rojd eeuipmerir Hulst. Phone -1128 LAWN MOWERS sharpened at your home by factory machine. Work guar anteed Call 8743. XP3tlNCE landscape gardening, pruning and planting. New lawns s specialty. Free estimate By hour or contrscf. Phone 2-3-23. 930 S 13th. COMMERCIAL spraying. Fruit trees, bams, chicken house, livestock St white wash. Quick service. L. Meyer. Ph. 3523. CURTAINS washed and stretched. Also tablecloths. Phone 3-S343 CHELt CARE. 443 N. 23rd. Ph. 3313. Painting & Decorating Roof praying specialty. Free estl mste. Ph. 34813 or 20013. Wanted Csrponter work. New, remodeling at finish' Ph. 2S798 BERRY GROWERS, get your ber rtes Roo-Tilled. K. L Jennings. Rt. 8. Box 384. 5alem. DRESSMAKING. FITTINGS made. your home. Ph. messages taken. 3-4871 WAITED Trucking g. l5th St. " IT YOU WANT your lawn fertilize- properly, call 2-S346. CUSTOJ STOM tractor work with new Ford. Ph 3-131 evenings. LADIES. XT you want your lawn started ; off In good shape this rear. caU 2-5348 EXPERT dressmaking, alterations at sewing.. Reasonable rates. Ph. 3061 for ppoinungni. m n. wmicr. . A . . . 1 1 TT. T WEATHERS TRIPPfNG and Insula tion. Crofoot Bros. Phone 3-4656. PAINTING Good work. Reasonsble. Free estl- rnato. Qhet Horn. Ph. 3-3313. J. A Sneed x Sons well drilling. 2303 Brooks St. Salem. Ph. 6809. LAWN UOW-& scissors, knives sharpened. Dexter. 966 Center. Ph. 6833 "Spraying phone 7900. GAROENfNC all kinds, also la put tn Ph. 8443 after 8 p.m PLOWING, diecing. blade work. Riv er silt or travel. Ph. 2-2643. I Hartman DRAWING house plana. Ph. 96-1. OIL QRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned. Vae- uum used. ;B. r. saisiey. Ph. 7176. WANTED: Furniture to duo and re- pair. Lee Bros. Furniture Refialshing Co Ph, 3-1-33. 4O20 g. State St. CTSWM AXC garden plowing. CaD Al Benson 2-4536. Well Drilling Domestic. Irrtgstion. Induatrlai H. A ROBINSON H14 N FRONT, Salem Ph. T293 PAINTER and Panerhan-r Reaaon- able prices. Free estimates. H. i Wood worth. Ph 3015 EXPERT Repairs. New rolls Olson Washer Repair. SO Liberty Rd. Pb l-sioo CHIMIET sweep Northnesa, ph 4450 fKlb cnooi fiayscnoot. isi Mate Ages 2-8 Part or all day. Ph 8430 ALL Work guarantee- Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed. Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4457. Septic Tanks Cleaned K F Hamel. 1143 8th West Salem Phone 7404 MENt CONTRACTING. Phono 2-3045 tartley Fagg Painting & Decorating WX SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 3-3444 DICK PREY 620 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers: Ph S4S8 or iXTl INCOME TAX I Returns made out at 463V State St. Phone 1-3563 A WOMAN in her 60s wants food permanent home, for one person. Good ( H.K. -manager!. Qty or ranch. Add jean, ncrx. sti. Mermlston. ore, Painting and Da Derhancinc. Ph 4325. Painting " L. C. Elofson. Phono 7697. ajR5N' bv hour, day or week. 1338 3rd St.. West Salem. HLPtlC TANKS, drain linos clesned. J. H. Boening. 1087 Elm. Phono 9633. CMC. GARDENING, plantus; and pruning shrubbery. Goo. Fsrto, jsitt Al wer. out Cherry St. nyHTfee-'paTntingf PhorTilpS. Y0UVG mKR-Eft inn wanu work. Prefer mechane or tractor driving. Rt 6. Box; 4S-B. Salem. VllULAjM WISHES work evenings or Setui-a-s. clerk or checker in gro eery or dspoi Uiisut store, or time keeper. Write SU teaman Box 873. Fori Sal-liseelLaxieons USXT WOOD RANGE. Good condi tion. Ptiono 8403. IJtCTBjC-lROKS. metal ironing boards, pods and covers. YTATTR APPLIANCE COMPAWT GERUIcICAL lamps for your home ar office help prevent spread of disease. . YEATErt APPIJANCX COMPANY Coftee Maker ReTilaeesnent Parte YEATTR- APMJANCI COMPANY Water Heaters. Table Top andRound' IMIU AJT-IANCE -U MP AMY For Sade Miscellaneous RADIOS; record players, borne re corders. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY HOUSEHOLD furniture. Practically now. Churchdale Ave. 1 block, turn right, lit house on left. Franklin. HANDY MIAN orchard sprayer. hp. Maytag engine. Rt. 6. Box 45-B. Salem. SPANIEL PUPS, make good! pots, S3 ea. 892 N. Whiter St.. south-otde door. BZNDIX radio-phonograph tombino tlon. Used t weeks. Priced : to seU. 1545 Hickory SL (first street south of Valley Packing Co.) ; GRAY Persian lamb fur coat, sire 16. 8100. Phone 5271. J River Silt FILL DIRT PIT-RUN GRAVEL PHONE 3369 AUPRO 16 MU. sound projector New guarantee. 8100 discount from list price. Phone 2-6383. i, "DUO THEiaar-10-inch burner. Best offer. Phone 26646 nrmvm- mmw a mmrnm I at! 1 J TS iiouhi . i, I lies ;i ana 10. originally priced 823. 624 'i N. Capitol after 6 p m. BEAUTIFUL pair western boots. Handmade in Mexico. Like new. Size 8'. Phone 23F2 Salem j : 1 00-LB. 7c0D:ltATOR. Good condi tion. Phone 2-6287. MATCHING davenport At chair. Ex cellent cond. Prewar construction. Rea sonable. Ph . 6367 after 5 p ra. 30 GAL. EL EC. water htr. Good cond. 1227 Court St. WASHING MACHINES New ABC and Apex washers. La under all automatic washers. Twin porcelain rinse tubs. 83950. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC. 467 Court St. Phone 9611 "TBOft AUTOMAGIC wasfiirTnrioor sample, reg. $199.50. special $174.50. Ralph Johnson Appliance, 363 Center St Phone 4036. ; SP-CLAL on used washers. 439 50 and up. Ralph J ohm on Appliance, 355 Cen ter St Phone 4036 LARGE antique marble iop table, $100 Phone 2-5547. EMPRESS box spring and mattress. Phone 3461 7 FT. KELVINATOR. New deluxe model. 1938 Hazel Ave. ; HOTPOINT electric range., auto.. 3 burner and deep-well. Phofie 2-1286. 3006 SPTR Enfield, receiver sights. 3006 Sptr Spfield. K23 Weaver. (MM Mauser Sptr K2S Weaver and King Pike mount. L. C. Smith 12-gauge Field grade fired once at Wzale cost. Model 521 T Rem. 22 Target rifle. Just an nounced by Rem. Savage 23 pump ac tion like new. 12 gauge single shot. 2245 conversion. 81A Rem; 300 Cal new. Check protector like new al '2 price. Electric eye 3 Sawdust Con veyors complete with motors. Walnut Dining Table, five chairs and server all upholstered, fine condition. 266 No. Cap i tol. W ILL BUY. sell or trade modern and antique firearms. Don Madison, 286 No. Capitol. " -0-CAL. CGUMKH oil Hot water heater. Slightly used. Cheap. 489 Ever- green Ave KELVINATOR ice cream cabinet. 3- holc 3165. 1348 S. 12th. Phone 183. GAS floor furnace, nearly new. Com plete with thermostat. $75. 1348 S. 12th. Phone 25282. i UNIVERSAL auto. elec. roaster, $13. Pelaure elec. "-5ur'r- 83.3Q Ph. 5-71 TCT-MOST1 REW 10-In. Craftsman builder's ssw. 615 Piedmont, West Sa lem. Call after 3 p m. SURPLUS windows. Large supply, several sizes. For house, garages, auto courts, barns and workshops. Glass doors, toilets, kitchen cabinets, sinks, lavatories, showers, urinals, roofing and soil pipe fittings. C. O. Long. Rt. 2. Box 35. Salem. 1 ml. north of Kclzer. SKILLS AW model 77. and radial saw arm. Phone 1-3476. APEX SPINNER washer, good cond . reasonable. Loren Lewis. 1260 N. 16th. Ph. 3768. ; J R Wat-Ins Co products 1717 Cen ter St Salem Ph. 5395. Free del. CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 68F22. T6TS: ft. 1. 6ox 43i L. McCain Ave, off Sllverton Rd.. Salem. Free Violin Lessons Competent mod. teacher.? will devote lesson time to 3 promising' students of high school age. with some previous study. Write all particulars to Box 956 care Statesmsn. BURBANK POTATOES, field run. 3ac lb. Bring sacks. Herr it Rlensche, Rt. 7. Box 409. . OUTBOARD Fishing boat. Almost new. 2278 rslrerounds Rd CHICKEN OR cow manure. 81 per sack here at place. Will del 8 sacks. Ph. 68F22. PhilUps Bros. Rt 6. Box 118 4 m ties out State St ; PLASTER BOARD. waUboard, 4'xS' Ceiling tile St wall plank. Rt 7. Box 431 L. McCain Ave off Sllverton Rd.. Salem ; ATMORAY AZONE. like new. Phone 263S7. PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 12th St Block Co. S. 12th St st Vista Ave. Tele. 2-8363 Evenings 8904 River Silt MASON SAND CONCRtTB MXX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 2-3100 TTMt TO FRTfir USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS 8c GARDENS 6 SACKS $9 or $10 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere tn Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph. 6127 days; 2-4397 eve, or 6127 Oil Circulator Service Call Cy Younger. 8072 Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement Ready -mix Concrete. Garden aand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4 yd shovel St drag line Phono 8361 BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING I mile south on River Rd .Phono 9968 CARD BOARD packing boxes and sheets, any size 1790 N. Front ALWAYS a bur stock Woodrys Furniture Mkt Ph. $118 BARNYARD St Chicken manure. Del $3 per cu. yard. Ph $SF1. Phillips Bros . St. 6. Box 118 ' NEW step-ladders. 4 lu $J. Why pay more. law NeDraajca Ave FURNITURE: Owner moving away. must sell Immediately. Largo custom built Kidney Davenport, almost new, cost $400. Priced $200. lien', range, re frig, console record player radio. 12x18 rug. almost new. and smaller rugs, bronze frpl. set Including fend, screens, andirons, etc. Complete set of , maple lawn and patio furniture, new. Also 4 twin bed springs and mattresses and 5 bedsteads. Lawn mower, garden tools, hcoe. Phone 2-3347. BEAUTTTtTL snow-white American Eskimo Spits puppies. Registered. $35. Stud service 825. V. D. Moore. 169 Roberts Ave, loft Silvcrtort Rd.) You hsul. 130 Lansing Ave. S.66-18 COOTjrTCH tire and tube on whcoL Used less than 600. See Jonas Body and Fender Shop,! River and front Bargain. Homo LtKhting Fixtures YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY ' HEATINfl PADS. ' comforters and blankets. I YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY Sun Lamps and Heat Lamps YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY War and Aluminum Ware YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY ""CONVERT your wood or cool range with an insert oil burner, j YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY 'KO WAXTNO PUsU .Koto, the transparent f la sh for floors or uno- YFATTR APTTJANCT COMPANY pea sets YEA TEX APPXXANCX COICPAMT LAEF-A-DAY "Must you tip the top to every rl you see?" For Salt; Miscellaneous GRADE A close coupled toilets avail able immediately. Also complete bath room sets. Capital Bargain House, 143 Center St. ZENITH, all white. Washing Machine, j Excellent cond. $43. Today only. 3070 I University St. GOOD HEAVY 2 wheel trailer. $40. Also .22 Special rifle. $13. Inquire 3293 S. Co m ' I. 2', YR. OLD Irish Setter. A K C. reg istered. Reasonable. 2nd house N. of Sllverton Rd. on Lancaster. 1 GARDEN tractors. 3 hot water heaters. 1 wood. 1 briquet, 1 electric. Cheap. 810 N. Liberty St. BASSINEtT. pa-76t quiltedTiner, $7. 14SO N. IMh 1 TURNING Lathe. 12x3 ft bed Drill Press, bench type. 1 one-ton Chain Hoist, l large Bench Vice Bench Grinder. h p. 1 Elec. Black smith Forge. 1 Rklge Reamer. Piston Pin Hone Set. Some fender tools. Sol der Gun. Welding Torch. Numerous otner tools. TOO N. High St. Ph. 2-6332. END TABLES, finished: Close out at $5 93. WOODROWS. 450 Center 4-PCE WAISUT bedroom suite. Springs. Slumber King Innerspring mattresa. Maroon davenport it chair. Occasional chair. 2 end tables. Call at 464 E. Rural after 6 p m. or Ph. S441 CALCULATORS. NEW andUSED Marchant Calculating Machine Co. 360 State St.. Rm. 203. Phone 2-6550 UPRIGHT PIANO in good condition. 173. U90 N. Winter or Phone 6037. 193T PHILCO consoler excellent cond. sao. Ih. -81Z. 59 Williams Ave. GAS RANGE, 4-plate and oven In good condition for $5.00 plus cost of mis sd. vci usk street DAFFODILS, pansy plants 50c" doz Pemberton's Flower Shop. 1980 S. 12th rn. z-w. BLUE wing-back chair in excel, cond P47. Marion St. Call 2-5589 SIR VEX. Ill refrieeratnr VI.. v,r. ners for either manufactured or Bu- tane gas 3I0C I 00 Call 3838 or 230 S. 21st WOOD RANGE, copper coilsTTSsSN -otiage COM MPLETE toilet In good working order. $25. 1233 Waller St. LATH No. 1 first growth. $13.50 thousand, Phone 25423. BtKE Gj excellent condition. 3073 usrden Rd. Phone 4061. PINK Form L size IS Sin nn rr4 very little. Baby buggy. Practically new. . inquire Dae Mood or call 4467 ZENITH ELECTRIC ranges with 1 heat switches. WALLACE HARDWARE 2096 N. Capitol St. Phone 8877 CEfmPAPHir n-,ln. tn, 4Tio7 TOILETS with syphon Jit bowls fever -sea, pja n. winter. OIL Circulatin heaters with twin racuant ooors, to s room size. $94.83 Montcomery ward at cot. Salem. wrcTtvruntics i .-.J - . a., ww vjwuk rne. m burner, top oven, chrome top, good REINFORriNG Sll r.h i. S..k Expansion joint Standard and Water nroor?' r.m.nt I in lf,. ..., Fire-Clav. Fire Place Dampers. Cal cium -njonoe. rrtmix ary sand, gravel i cement pocked together 90-lb. paper sack. Concrete Drain tile, aewer it Culvert Pipe. Building i Chimney Blocks. Piers Sk Septic Tanks. OREGON GRAVEL. COMPANY 1403 N. Front St. Phono 3417 TRY BEFORE vou buv. S At S in Wappat saws now in stock. HOWS EH BROS. PHONE 3646 HEAVY Steel clothesline noata Porch railings in stock it made to order. 1149 N. Liberty bmitrr T PllHAC' mi 1 . a,t down. $16 to $12 a month. Shop Tail mans and save. 399 S. 12th. a mile from nign prices SPINET PIANOS See the dainty Spinet "64" now only $389. Also Krakener and Lester Betsy Ross Spinets. Large selection to choose rem. $80 down, balance easy payments. Tallmans. 393 S. 12th. a mile from high prices Apartmelit Hmi R n YEATXR APPLIANCE COMPANY Trash Burners, All Porcelain YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY 1 lOVolt" Electric Ranges YXATER APPLIANCE COMPANY lotDlatea. Sinel atut l.lliirr YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY WASHING MACHINES. Westing house Laundromat. Thor Automagic, wringer types and portable. YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY Electric Clocks and Door Chimes YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY Flashlihts and tn(ert YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY Exhaust Tana for Kitchen or Shop YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY XI'. ll n3T2 .L YXATER APPLIANCE COMPANY STUDY LAMPS, table, pin-up. bed and floor lamps. YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY T. . rm : w Vacuum Cleaners. Floor Polishers YEATTRAPPLNCXCOMPAN'Y lanterns $3.99, fence controllers' port able milking machines, electric milk cooler. YEATXR APPLIANCE COMPANY Electric Roasters and Tables YXATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Pressure Cookers $6.93 and Up YXATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " Electric Ranges. Full Size YXATER APPLIANCE COMPANY GS E b iNTtTTE table 4 uphol- stered chairs $3 each. 433 S. 17thT St Phone 2-5538 Oil Circulaiors i6 M and Ud YEATXR APPLIANCE COMPANY Thor Gladirona YEATXR APPLIANCE COMPANY Room Heaters. All Sizes and Types , YEATXR APPLIANCE COMPANY " Westinshouso Refrigerators YEATXR APPLIANCE COMPANY "R ESTA UllA.NTTYP E e lectr Icr ah gei and griddles. YfcVER APPLIANCE COMPANY USED WATER HEATERS SO-gallon Kelvinator, tall, square, with double element. 1-year guarantee. SO-gallon Hotpoint. new tank. 1-vear guarantee. YEATXR APPLIANCE COMPANY Tradci MisIiooas Frozen food locker In W. Salem for 1 at Rama go's or Lincberry s. Ph. 22513. WILL TAKE piano as down pymt oh Res. lot. 810 Madison. Ph. 21492. Wanted F urniture USED FURNITURE, phono 0185 WANT TO buy Used Cameras it lenses McEwan Photo Shop 439 Stste CASH for uasd piano as other mil' steal Instruments. Call 4S41 days or 9937 evenings os send desert ption to Jaouith Music Co.. HI S High t " USED JfflN ttMU Phono OnQ ' rUHNlTVlKZ and what novo you bought for cash Call any time. Sun dale Exchange. PV S-S31L 894 M. Lib erty. Wanted rMiseellaneons Film Developing .! . 0 exposure rolls developed 8k printed Sc. Reprtnta 3e eech. Balsas YUra Ssrv- sce. Salem, Oregon. '- WANTED: Clean; whlto rags. Xtogs -uKhers. 2S0 SUto St . VamteJ Milcenaneouj PIANO TTJNTNO Wills Music Store. Salem CASH for old gold, solid, plated or filled Salem Watch ,hop 2381 State 10 Singer sew. mac ha. Sundale ExcRT Ph. 1-8311 dsy or eve. 54 N. Uberty. Mi-cellaneon PECO Pacific Excavating Company 12 Edge water St Salem, Oregon Bulldozing -.Grading Clearing Phone 3-1413 or 8793 SIGN PAINTING Built to order. K. Scott Ph. 3639 - Salem Sand & Gravel Co. - Contract Work Roods Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 19 B-i, yds. - $12 00 per hr. 10 B-e yds. 8 00 per nr D-7 Cat A Dozer 9.60 per hr. D-6 Cat S Duacr 840 per hr D-4 Cat Dozer 7 00 per hr. Phono Days 9408 Evenings 8248 or 34400 Salem Oregon SEWERS, reptic tank, drain lines Installed. Smith A Berr, Phone 24508. IVRNITURE repairing, reflrnshing. recovering, custom building, restyling. Excellent line new fabrics. Work guar anteed. 1390 Madison. Phone 24670. AL'S RADIO Clinic. Kcizer dist, day or evening. Ph. 2-4373. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolnh Bide. Sute St Com Ph 3311 MatcVesses Capital Bed Co Ph. 4069. Pumice Block Homes Complete or walls only. Ph. 6808. HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3512 for free pickup At delivery service on sD makes of ma chines. Tree estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Ma chlne Co- 130 N Commercial WEATHER strips. Pullman Ph. 5965 " AUTO painting, lust a shade better, by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co. 6502 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 8100 LES SPRINGER. 464 Court WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation Duffield Bros, Rt 0. Box 423 Phono 3-1313. Money to Loan Private Money Special rates and terms on larger loans. LONG OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Roy H. Simmons 136 8 Commercial Phone 9168 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks, furniture, trsiler bouses, livestock, farm machinery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co signers Genersl Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan. Ap plications for loans made by phono. 136 South Commercial St, Salem Phono : 0168 Licenses S-138 St M-33S Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Nafl Bank told quarters! Get Income Tax Cash from the Yes Manager Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If cash IS needed $29 to $300 up to $900 auto Personal YES MAN wants to say "Yes" to you. Proof: 4 out of 9 who ask. get a loan ... on salary, furniture, or auto. Phono first for extra fast serv ice. Personal Finance Co. 618 SUto St Rra. 129 Phono 3191 E. Galling er, mgr Lie. --IZZ. M-1W FARM and CITY LOANS 44. and 3 Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 307 Pioneer Trust Bids. Phono 7163 Financial PARTNER with $4,000 desires to as sist In completing motel St trailer park In exc. loc. l' blks. S of Dickson's Market. Rt 9. Box 498-J. SEE US TOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 8 to 40 Years and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261 Ed Byrkit and Com pan v riRST MORTGAGE loans st T H. A. A i construction loans. Chemeketa Phono 9901 I 8 MONEY i s 4Vs REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie S 810 M 123 For Rent Rooms ROOM for renL Kitchen privileges. rone z-est LT. HSJCP. room. pvt. ent. Ph. 3041. NEWLY redecorated alp. rm. for 1 or 3 emp. women. 10 minutes walk from town, pus by door. 939 oak St. "nftOOVfS. Close to Salem Hospital. 1773 center, mont zskjb ROOMS. Cooking prlvDecea. Ladies only. Phone 8210. SZO Statesman St. Kl-E sleeping room. Outside en trance, block from bus. Phone 9768, Hollywood sleeping rms. Ph. 6093. SLLEPING Room for single, empioy- ed young woman. Close to cap! tol and business district. Write statesman Box 922 SLP RMS.. 395 N 14th Ph. 0732. LARGE RM.. 1 beds. Auto, heat Employed people. 569 N. Cottage LARGE, comfortable room Light housekeeping. One sleeping room, com fortable bed. Please call 23099 after 9 i LEEPrNC ROOM for working girl. with kitchen m privilecea. Phone 4560. NICELY FURN. room to parly witK car. Work exchanged for port of rent. Phone BB2. 1068 Cascade Vrt. For Rent Apartments 3 RM. UN FURN. apt. available Im mediately. Call at 330 S. 32nd after 0 pn CIJLAN ONt kit. apt. Uidle age- lady pref. 649 rerry. FURN. 3 room, one bed root apt. prt. entrance, priono s-iaao 1 vf IrbcTAfoft 1 . rt,l emp. eouoie prer. ion am w. saiem. mmvm' " l T.. t.li" t-.. I. 1 rtfTk..-.nl mmm .tt mitKL enette Sr Urge closet. 1610 Trade St ROOM TOO. i. Joins kitchen and bath. $930 wk. 140 N. t3rd. Ph. 0048. TURN. APT. In new build lne ai ISO N. 12th. All utilities furn. Adults only. almost now. smaii well-rum. apt. prof, lady or couple. Ph. 3-17S-, T aa. arter s am. ONE RM. Furn. opt, $4 per wk. Za ployed person, mono BT7S. 1-RU. rURN. sdL auto. Lot' waW. X43 Chemeketa. S-RM. APT. close In. Ground floor. Employsd person. Pbone 4480. For Rent --louses liftiiap ' - - i t . turjL, garage, oduh . rossw near btett 1 1. l SUA VrUm riiln in S mm STO rUSN. COTTAC iUi Psnj JUL For Rent- -lon-ea SMALL ONI bedroom house. No children or pets. 6SS Richmond Ave. call between i ana s pjn, 3-BDRM. house at Brooks on li acre godo land. $43 per month. Or will sell for $4250. With small payment, will go O I. D. A. Fish, 1488 8. Com 1 Ph. 63-4. WE HAVE been transferred. Must rent our modern, new. 2-bdrm. home. Electric heat, completely furnished. Immediate possession. Phone 28-72. For Rent t 18x20 SPACE. Ideal loca itlon for i , -"-drive; small variety store- Phono 4796 TRUCKS, cars for rent, U-drive; Bee Hive Truck Rental Co., new location 680 Center. Robinson St Clark, Shell dealers. Prone 0703. new equipment, low rstes. j i : ii WEEKLY K Trailer space, new. dean, heated restrooms. Idry. rm., stores, city bus. Highway 99E,. It, miles north of city nmns. mortn aaiem iraiier Park. GOOD II Mi Plinn u F cV7V ROTO - TILLERS, garden tractors, pipe tools, sklllaawa. belt St disc Sand ers, mlterboxes. paint sprayers, etc. Try renting and save. T HOWSER BROS. PHONE 3646 CAT AW ft'ftHrtWPT ,, - Hon, trenching and scraper work. Call Halvorsen Construction Co Phono 4047 or 6006. I STORE Building suitable for store, shop or office. $35.00 per month. 1128 Edeewster St Phone 8018. j TRUCKS and carsTor rent Smitty's Clipper Service. Center and Church. Phone 9600. j j TO SAVE money, rent our sanders, odgers Ac polishers. We sell everything to complete the job. HOWSER BROS. PHONE 3646 U-DRIVE iTRUCKS FOR KENT Blankets furri. 197 S Liberty Ph. 9062 " TRAILERS75c first hr, i 90c hrs following Woodry s Mkt j 1609 N. Summer. ' i WHEELBARROWS St cement mixers. Reasonable rates. HOWSER BROS. 602 Cdgewstcr FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Wallace Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph. 6877 HOOVER CLEANER with attach- ments. $1 a day. HOWSER BROS PHONE 3646 ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health. Rent-sell. H. C Pugh. 684 N. 17 469X Wanted to Rent FURNISHED or unfurnished house in University district if possible, by mid dle aged university couple without children or pets. Interested in a nice home. Reply to Statesman box No. 975. OWNER of Launderette desires 3 or more bedrm. home. Best of refs. Re ward. Ph. 2-4555. 2-bdrm. unfurrT hse. or apt. Reas. rent. Forced to move. Ph. 25218 eves. A HOME Economic Trained Girl Has consented to be a wife We need1 a -landlord To start our married life. Write Statesman Box 962. THE OWNER of one of the better stores In Hollywood wishes to rent a 2-bdrm. house for self, and Wife. Write Statesman Box 973. j -TTLEPUCtHV MAN being transferred to Salem needs furn, or unfurn. house or apartment for self, wife and two- year-old oaugnter py April l. mono Mr. Lemon, Salem 214S3 or 24466. For Sale Real Estate HOLLYWOOD DICTRICT Nice 2 yr. old house. In the Holly wood district. 2 Bdrm, only! $6950 with very attractive lot for an additional house. If desired. Call Mr. Reese. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 337 N. High Street H. IVUUIA ST. CLOSE m 4 large Bdrm. 3 full baths, extra sized living room At dining room. Den. V bllnds. fireplace, beautifully carpeted floors, full basemL auto, oil heat. Lawn, sprinkler system. Appointment only. Call Mr. Crawford. Eve. 3-9390. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 337 N. High Street LET'S GO SUB. 2 BRZTLR-. Kit., util ity Rm. 'i Aero, seversl large fir trees. Immed. Poos. $6400. Terms. Small home in West Salem. Com pletely furnished including new refrig St range. $3900. Terms. North Liberty St. Very good 3 BR. home. hwd. firs., elec. beat, garage, comer lot, $9,000. E. Salem near Richmond schl. Very good 2 Bft, home, auto furnace, fire place, very large lot. $8900. Lar&en Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. ConVl. SU Ph. 8389; Eve. 7440 HdUSES South 4 Room house . N. 20th. 9 Rm. House , Hollywood. 9 Rm. House NX. 2 year old house. 'i Acre, restricted Dist. $4650 . 8450 . 8900 R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S. Commercial Phone 8S41 FOR Efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co NOW SUBURBAN Cape Cod home with 3 bodrms. down Jk 3 partially finished up. Full basement, auto, oil furnace. 3 fireplaces, hdw. firs. Faultless construc tion. Located N. on i A. Ph. owner. 2-6282. Asktng price $14.000, RXDUC-X frorry $42-0 to $3900 cash 8 rooma. linoleum, davenport, oil heat er, gas stove. Inquire S-0 Hanson. BY OWNIR. 8 rm. mod. house, dbl plumb, oil neat, cor. lot. dbL garage, taw is. atn BY OWNER: neat 1 bdrm. home on Urge corner lot. 943 Highland. , blk to catholic school BY OWNER: nice Bldg. tracts, near Kelzer at reduced prices. Small down payment, ror information Ph. 24QSS. EXAUTlrUL view lot. 100 x 163. fng Hah walnut trees. $1,000. On Pioneer Dr. Owner at 2699 Hulsey Ave. off Rat- cllff. between S. 1 2th 6c 99 E hiway. BY OWNfcR, new 3 rm. house. Cor ner lot, 82750. 2453 Simpson. St. NEW 3 BBRM. suburban home. Fun bsmt, oil nest. 3 ml. out. Ph. 3-2146 BY OWNER: New 3 bdrm. homo on 1 floor: Large lot. Hdw. floors. Fire place. Located East. $8700. Ph. 2-5425 or 3-6474. BY OWNER Modern 1 B.R. home. Good cond. Largo back porch, fruit room. Partly furn. Reasonable. Immediate posa. Ph. Sllverton 1644. 8 :00 to 5:00, Mon -Frt. 3 BDRM. HOUSE, bsmt. 6t furnace $8750. 1994 fir. Phone 7028. j VIEW LOT?, will sacrifice for $990. Inquire 820 Hansen Ave. j BY OWNER: new nome. immediate possession. 47 or ss car in traoe. nwa. floors. L.R . D R.. Kitchen. Bath. S B R. Large closets, full bsmt. L. trsys. fur nace, attached garsge. lot 84x23T. Located Sunset ave. 650 Soj 18th St. . . J. , . XZ . 1 - ' U-H hums; at zu wen aupenor m for sale. It has 4 bedrooms. 3 large. 1 smalL Oil heat, full bath and show er up and half down. Drg. room and .. . a . . - . i . . living room nas win-uj-wiu carpvt. Large nook. Lovely yard. Outside patio and fireplace. Full sealed basement and party room. Price $14,900. Call owner. Hunt Clark, at 0349 , or 0101 Immediate roo esston. I rti;A I itftf fyvt-jtl loi frU w.r Kelser School. Price $630.00 each. Terms If you want them. I W. C. KRUEGER. REALTOR Phono 4720j J47 NJ Cowl St HOMES AND INCOME PROPERTY k- wrl el tee IliatliurB on Salem homes and rental property. Free propoil altV lists on reiruest. Strout Real 090 S. 12th St. lone 23323 tH SOUTHEAST Salem we have building lot wo can soil foS 8400 OS. W. U. 1lU-liUl. IUJ1U Phono 4T28 ' 147 NJ ComTft BY OWNER: Corner lot. BJL corner ofBush At rir Sts. 19 ft. front-g-. Ph. rOR SALE. Bargain: Large house. good conditioa with otnln . IS acres located BrowTurvlUe. Oregon- Suitable beauUzul borne or can bo apaitmenta. TeWphono 0044 for tnfor- mstlon. i OWSTA: Kew i -bedroom bouse. baaement. 87600. S83 Thompson Ave. 1Y OWNER: Large lot in Kelser. My eeutty as too rest In small paymenta. Full uU ortro 8600. I no ire 728 N. Cotw f 14-0 rUUX. Price for rmi unfin. hae. Let 80X180. C 3L pn. s-oaea. For Sale Rjal EsUW 3l Ed Byrkifc1 and Co. .f : Realtors!; I NICE AND CLEAN. 30x110 lot, I sto ry, concrete fdn.. bath, a v rVl( M -tJ L.R, B R. kttch, breakfast nook. Tail clre niv b'rANd' NEW, -berporn home, un finished attic, hardwood firs., L.R ., i.n., oaui. uiuiuyi attached ga rase, large lot, 8873a T : ; . GOOD DISTRirT . 1 !.! .n. " - " . I.C. lip, 1UI kssement, fireplace, bath, LJL. DJi.. k n t M . ; K. lll 111 n MM 1 1 1 1 Ml mm n d . . I , lit -ins. lr1 wrmr rm h m mm ' T -' v aawdust furifi. Uwn and rood ahrube 81100. RANCH TYPE HOMS .1 3 large B R., ch4 i built-tns, linds, gas fur- oaui, Jl.. u.n., : ail breakfast nook, VenoU a nace. double garage! sissxio r poss. unmed. X Chemeketa Phohe B981 or 8700 Evening monel Olson and Reeve BEST TODAV NEAT HOME 2 bdrm home. large! lot.; close to school St bus, 4 miles South Priced at $6000. Call Ralph Dent 4r appointment. UNFINISHED HOME Kelzer Dist- plastered plumbing Ac wiring roughed In. Bath ftub set, enough material to eomnlete a very; neat buy. COUNTRY HDME $6000. 8 acres, modern h part btmt, beautiful aetUnai some timber. ' an year spring, creek. E., W. System. Priced for a quick sale. Terms. Call Mr. Dent. STRAWBERRIES AN ;d Cream We practically alve you the berries i. 16', acres out you must buy the c with shout 9 acres of berries, priced at $3,750. Csll Mr. Dent BOTTOM LAND 43 Acres all tillable. bdrm modern home, modern dairy brn. out build- me, milk rt. school bus by the. door. $12,600. CaU Ralph pent. Olson and Reeve, Realtors 943 S Com! St. Phono 4990 Eve. 2-3830 0534 -2-3088 $6300 A well built, older tyie home of two bedrooms, wired for ango (electrlo range and oil circulate n included), at- i-rhed garage, deep lot. paved street. 591. Call Mr. Beckett. Eve. a-43 MODERN MT, Four bedroom home ANGEL basement, oil furnace. Offered at bar gain price. Call Mr. Holmes. Eve. 2-477X Salem Real jiCo. i 149 K. High! St. Phone 7660 Eves. 2-4-91. 2-4773, 2-B580 $! ioo.ooTdowN Will buy a 2 bedroom; home In Cap itoia. Now Vacant ! UNFINISHED House NX. of town. I Lot 89 x 144. Outside complete and- chimney i. Price $2500 Off. Very liberal terms. r. h. a In new highly restricted district, t Bedrooms, dining room and eatin space in kitchen. Hardwood. Fireplace Attached garage. $1900 00 Down. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. - j Phono 9610 Insursnce. Mt -Loans $685d-NEW HOSflE rtar Highland Sc" 2 bedrm., liv. rm., nice kitchen and dinette, utility room, i I ! $-000 $2700 dn. New Sub. t bedrm. home. Liv. rm., kitchen. B. nook, Hwd. firs. Oil heat. j $11.500 4 bedrm. hojne In nice loca tion. Liv. rm.. dinin rm. kit.. dbL plumb Hwd. firs. Fpface. Fall bssmL This is the best buy in town. Call Omer Huff. : j Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors i 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-1340 f Eves. 2-9001 " W THE WOODS. !i37xT40 it City water, elec. $1200. Terras of trade. Corner business lotion So. Commer cial St 100 rt. frontaga A bargala. $3500. ' I H Comer, lot dose In hn North Capitol St. with 110 ft, frontage; Only $7900. Consider trade. j , Larsen Home $ Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - tVrsohal Servico I 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 8389: Eve. 7449 J6E HUTCH ISOtf MJOCTQflr 453 Court 1 ENGLZWOOD IDISTRICT nA VERY fine 2 dr. Home built by one) ofSalem's better' builders. All olee. beat Lovely fireplacej H.W. floors. So thia before you buy.jpnly 812.230.00. ONE OF SALEM'S 1etter! built older homes with OIL HOT WATER heal and 6 br . fireplace, full basement, row, venlent kitchen. A good buy for $1$ 500.00. i i i LOWER TAXES HERE IS A FINE inew 9 rm ttltro modern homo oni abprosj. 1 A, a$ ruuw inn -irv IOC Ill.VUO.og, no avaiiaoie. ; : t Joe Hutchison Realtor SUNDAY PHONX 34780 j or 2-8141 Excellent Business liocation 1336 SUte Zone 1 lot 19x141. anew rear, could utilize i old ham-- mmIA-C ground lease, or build xor tenant oa mU or port, umy SI7.000 rt. Only $17,000. p . Walter Soolofcky I Real Tmlmtm Phono 0g IOVXLV f-AllNRY Knur Beautiful New Homo On WaQaoa. - narowooa iioorm piaster mtonor. 100x182 lot with nice triew.l This houoO r.l This housS) i With an O - r.l R.aaa- i very nice large rooma cellont floor plan. Call Mr. T - - 1-' 1 v I s. nun r-icna, i neaitora Phone 3210 T 337 N. iHisTh Street TSfMEOlATT POSSES IS-IOTJ 7 - i m mmm a w 1 -iVi o w ror s rooma and baut. only 0 rr. old. Electric water neater, laundry trays, garage, on ; , iacro I east. Easy terms. au Mr. Plena Burt Picha, iReiltors Phone 3210 I! 337 N. High Street mviT7vr 1 lore Wmlmmtm lnf.ru. LR. Kit. BuUt-ina. NookT V-lind! i ty. cienric ;coo. as wates neater, oil clrc. Mm. garage, close to . re vaiu. win ira et ror earuu acreage St house. $63001 CaU Mr. Klein. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 A 337 N rllgh Steet C. t. HOME '" Here's a nice bungalolw 1 yr. old. plas ter interior. 3 Bdrm-i bath. LR. Kls built-ina V.hllnrl-i .i.f.U k . water heater. Oilbeat garage. 1 blk. m in sen ouses ss city Dus. iocs ted north in a growing district with brieht fiilnr. ewvul rf i-in - -i - - ' iiiMie with balance at 4 Interest. CaU M Burt Picha, lltealtors Phone 3210 l XTf U. rflsh Street WTWfCTti I' i i;-v:, jt-i-rz bdrm. home, wired fori range, bath and fmH rm A - I . . . T -- - - . - ip' ,,: mmmw , ,r n oauon. r. stronecker. Rt 8U Box 873. ADVTKTtSIT. Wcsttrn Adv Rprferitave . Wr-rrtffrUi Company, task t-rtern AdvrtInf -uepreoerttttiveft Warw-Ortfrtth Cornpairv. Em, CBBjro. New York. Detroit iiuaiuii. Aoanis 1 Padfle Coast jDf viifotl Bureau of A-Yertlslnf Es-cred et the PomtofPc at 9 .Uwvpreoo- as Secoiso Class Mas see mottj ne every srsfsg t cewl afowdap Bmmtnmai oftce A-f os tssmiiim, , SUBSCRIPTION RATES Man Proscription IRatae ta AdU vsnco: wiutin ureron: uauy B" Sunday, Ms 00 ceoU: 0 mos. $3i; I yoar. f i oa ise where so oenis pee mo e $720 for I veer : odvi Per eoov 6 ee-taJ i By City Carrier. f3 cents a monOy $0X4 a rear In advastos ps SiarioA cTxisanH . ' m . Sfrwm I , 1 !