1 r.rz ICS,- DAILY AND" SUNDAY. fin J.-v;;:, 'v Tour Home IScifHpper ...-.v . i'lilwytf TO BED -HES ftiryy 4 1 REAPING A MIC3sGWTV " s -" BLOJOIE ' - ' - ; ' - XuBJ ME PUT v (me SHEET BACW) ri4 UPCT?INhY umTEOri TWG PUWTNOUJ? STREET M. TkAlv. LIGWT CAM I MELP7 MAMTE4AfJC rip 1J DICX TRACT HE'S OUT RlGWT NOW BUT THERE'S HIS SWOR DO, to vrTf 1 UUST-H LOOK Tl AROUNOJ .2.2 RIFLE DOES HE 1 ff1 I If a) 2GV rOR WE- USES . TUATlO SWCX7T1 CATS WERE IN THE CACACC. MM WIIH ftSAQUTTE A art l mm t, m tm m IH2 fj yt ' SMALL POWER CABLE? NOW APCNT vou uxevf I JUST OCT IN A SHIPMENT TOOAV. OT COURSE. THERE LL. BE AN OOO DOLLAR PREMIUM U'U.U-M' A ROCKET FL4CE CAN BE EEN FOR WLK-WEIL SEND ONE IP! AS SOON fiS T hWS AIMLB9S DRinTMSALONu UKE AN EMPTY BOTTLE IS, CRMKG ME WE OOCOMEHtNG MAKE CAJLf THS ENGINE MAO -CANT r- T LTTTLE AMNXZ ROOKZT wcll. wciu now rwer rrf rCTEADY MAN-LET IT DRJFT-VE CANT RICK pM0SViJG ft CAbMmiM N "THE NGHT-SPEED OUSEL-SOH li If' WE MUST TRUST 94 A' rAK GREATER THAN AJL AND. ENQNCS- WT IAKL CAM L.ffWl 1MCI9 rmx MCSS4 ACKATC tNITM A wokw ion , 00044, WTVWOT-4 rctMt P BUZZ 8AWYEB I "11 r-1 3 r'' AH.MAI A OA NtKVC C CW POl VHOWMf f 6ISMAM 1 J IOOC, MARRYl UMW! Mi' HAtf TMf CVl- imaommk V oro ur pa cumk V vcctni CUM. i. i 7 ATTfie. AWB1W? Vw OtVFU0W. f30- ""' 'Jv I 600L. IN A WAV, tp-. i ii I zrea.ORicv 11 O jX FOB HIM. 30NT M MARPOTVt SS6A KVA,CHISP . nC'S AVCSV UNU9UAX. FEULSS ... MICXET MOUSZ V0USS6.HS OH, CAN RCAC MJNP ( VHLAX? , r AtV AAJ NP 1 j 1 r P9OKSZVl.-PN0mtN3 PTHERlT Mt..Ufi OFT. I U'f Mr ttN'T Tax ovctmin'ioi f AM AM I TO TWAMC "- bi? mis y BCXJO-rr rr in ahsui ssvcki ykaos aoo. ..corr w a MONTH' I HOPS M Lis rr OBtaC THAT ) TWBHE TW0U6AKO MJS5C VMAg J AULE6FQ3M HOVE7 CMIWAU.V I CAN'T OO THAT, ME3LK5EWT.' I ClLbJ BUT III. TCXJ MUST atW HE9 A LECTURE 0)S04Asa K. CHS'LL VJBVEQ HC? AT X ,, t praflgrj "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier 5 I I i llllllll l vmam. WMFffty .UJ I C . I44 h Unit. I a 1 4 "Barest ym me thing ym earn eaver thoaa bokj with a Um way home. CyathU . . . FeopUH atart am. ring y stflyr Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, March M-Today' cloainf quotaUons: Al Chetn & Dya..l71tt American Can 784 Am Pow St Lt... 7 Am Tel 8c Tel 150 Anaconda 31 Atchison 89 Vt Bendix A via 27 Beth Steel 30 Boeing Air 25 Calif Pack .. Canadian Pac 10 Cae J 1 36 Chrysler 54 Comwlth Sou 2 Cons Edison 21 Cons Vultee 14 Crown Zel 28 Curtis Wr 5 Doulglas Air 57 Dupont de Ne 185 Gen Electric 32 Gen Foods Gen Motors Goodyear Tire Gt North pfd Int Harvest Int Paper pfd. J Manville Kennecott Long Bell A Mont Ward Nash Kelvin Nat Dairy N Y Central North Am Co Northern Pac Pac Am Fish Pac Gas Elec P T At T Pan American ... Penney J C Radio Corp 35 Rayonier 51 Rayonier pfd... 39 Reynolds Met . r37V4 Richfield 84 V4 Safeway 44 Sears Roeb 36 Sinclair Oil 44 So Pacific 21IStan Brands 49 (Stan Oil Cal. 15 Studebaker 25 Sun Mining 12 Union Oil 15Vi Union Pacific 18 Un Airlines .... 13!Un Aircraft 31U S Steel 91Warnrr Bros 8, West Elec 39 j Wool worth 8! 24 32 20 16 18 34 16 47 23 57 16 9 23 158 . 18 26 68 10 27 44 Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or.. March (AP)- trfat tentative (subject to immediate chance). Premium quality maximum of .35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. M-t9c lb- first Quality S4- t7e lb.: second quality. 81-4c lb ; val ley routes and country points 1 cents leas than first. t2-aSc lb. Butter Wholesale, f ob., bulk cubes. grade AA. 93 score. 79c lb; A. ft2 score. 78c lb.: B. M score. Tie lb.; C. S9 score. 75c lb. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Orefon singles, 45 -3 3c; Oregon J-lb. loaf. 47-Mc. Km)! To wholesalers. A grade large. 51',-53',c doz.: medium. 4S -M'.e; A grade, small, medium, nominal: B grade, large. 42a-46.C. cggs furcnairn rrom larmers. cur rent receipts. 47,,i-50c doz.: buyers pay 3-3' iC below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers under 2lt lbs.. 32-33C lb ; fryers. I'i to S lbs, 37e lb.: 3 to 4 lbs.. 37c lb.: roasters. 4 lbs. and over, 3l-37c; fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs.. 20-21c; 4 lbs. and over. 23-3S: colored fowl. aU weights. 30-31c lb.; stags, all weights. 12-14c lb. Rabbits Average to retailers for lo cally dressed animate. 54 -55c; fryers, live white. 28-SOc lb., few quoting high er; colored. 28-28c; old or heavy. 14 16c Presh dressed meats: Wholesalers to retailers in dollar a hundred pounds: Steers Good. $41-42; commercial. $39-40:' utility. $36-3. Cows Commercial. $3-3S; utility. $34-36; cutter, canner. $33-34. Beef cuts (good steers, heifers) Thg Stcrtmcm. Salra. Orogon, Waxin donr. tZaxdx 10, 134311 Hindquarters. $44-48; rounds. '45-47; full mmu, trimmed. $5-5; triangles. $ja-3; spuare chucks, S3S-40; ribs. $0- nmquanan, f jw . . Veal and caU Croce. $48-4: good. 4S-4S; comnxreuu. $45-47; utility. SJS- Lambs Choice and good, commercial, all weights. $37-3 Mutton Good. 70 lbs. down. $23-23. Perk cuts Loins No. f, $ to 12 lba $4-A5; shoulders. 1$ lbs. down. $44-4$; sparertb. j lbs. down. $59-43; care ail weights. 33-M per cwt. Country killed meaU: Veal Her pound top light. 42 -44c: other 'grades accontiag to weight and Q4j4jtlt y Hog Fancy blockers. 3t3c; sow. 30-19e lb. Lambs Par pound. 3S-4oa: anuttoa. I-S0c. Beef Good cows. S4-40e; fanners and cutters, 30-32e lb. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grades. 43e lb. Mohair 42c lb. oa U-asoath growth. Osuons M-lb. sk. Or. Brooks, yel lows. No. 1 medium. $SJtS-6; lane. S J5-4.75; boilers. No. 1. IS ' lbs.. Jo 5c; SO-Ib. ska, $3-39; onion seta. M lbs, $7J-a, - Potatoes Ore. Deschutes and Klam ath ruaaets No. 1. $5 73; 25 lbs, Ue-iaS; IS lbs- $Oc-$l; No. t M lbs, $2 -2S-2JO; No. 1 bakers. $$-s 50 hun dredweight; Idaho ruaaets. No. 1-A, $3J-; riorkU Trtumpha, $3.75-3.90. 5o-lb. sack. Hay U. s. No. t green alfalfa or better, carload lots fob. Portland. $3730-3; U. S. No. 1 timothy, eastern Oregon or Washington, carlots, f ob. Portland. $3S-3S SO. oats and vetch mixed hay, uncertified- clover hay $27JO-2SJ0 baled at WUlamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore , March t (AP) jUSOA ) Cattle: Salable and total 123; holdover 73; calves 23; market rather slow, mostly steady; scattered sales common light steers 20 .50-22 .50; top Monday on good grades; cutter- common heifers 15.00-21.00; good heif ers Monday up to 23.50; one choice SOS lb. heifer today 25.00; canner -cutter cows largely 14 00-13.50; heavy weights u imjfu. common-medium cowa i M- DKJUUCKtW la ums dry March 8. Joseph Maria ' Derricks, akve rssioent ot 4S East C street. trants Paa. at the ago of 7$ years. Survived by a son. WUuam-Oer ricKa of jsujntingion Paxa, Cant, ana a grandoaugitier. Josephino Coultao oi ctunungtoni Paric CaiU. Private arv ices wui bo hoid Wednesday, March 10. at 10 mta. in W. T. Rigdoa cnopel with the Rev. A. j. Geunas ofuciatuig. insrrment in St- : Barbara's eeaaetory. hsjutdon " Xl Mrs. Mary Herndon. Uto resident of 8oJom rout C, at a local hospital nat uraay. March . f. : Survived oy throe oaugnters. Mrs: William O'Donnell and Mrs. JCve wuson. both of PorUsnd. and Mrs. W. H. Scnarf of Salem; a son, Henry J. Uerndon of San s randeco; two sisters Mrs. H. L Weber of Salem and Mrs. nam Avis of Jackson, CaiiL; a brother, Arthur- Holland of Rands burg. Calif 4 nine grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Services wUi bo held from Clough-Sarrick, chapel Wed nesday. March 18, at 3 pjn, too Kev W timer Brown officiating, with later meat m Um HoweU cemetery. McPARLANB -I'.'t Andrew McFarlafio. late resident of " 1330 S.W. 10th ave Portland, at N. Cottage st, Sunday. March 1. Husband of Mrs. Sosio Mcrarlano of Portland; brother or Mrs. Bertha Ply male and Albert Mcrarlane, both of Portland, and Mrs. gtaicup. William Mcrariano and Robert Met artane, all of Salem. Aiao survived by a nephew. Robert Putnam of Salem, and two nieces, Mrs. aOdena Marshall eg Portland and Mrs. Cleda Putnam of Salem. Services wiU bo held Wednesday. March 10. at 10:10 ajn. as thojClough-Barrtclc chapel witn. the Rev. Chester W. Hunblia officiat ing. Interment m Odd fellows cemo- MIX "? r- ' f - Robert Stephen HilL at tna rralrt.aaa si si a. ajao; including heavy Holsteiae up' to Maren , at the ago of M yoarsKus- a.pv. iiiBiiiiim mna naiiia una vuy. Mill . . medium-good sausage bulla Strong at 19 00-21 JO; good beef bulls 23.00; medium-good vealors steady at 2S .50-30 00. choice quotable up to 32.00. nogs: aaiaoie iw, total BOO; market active, steady, but sows weaker: good ehoioe lsft-230 lbs. XI la xsa-saS) u 23 JO; few 150-1S7 lbs. 23 JO; good 300 440 u. eows iijw; az.ou: cood-cnolea fead- jrpigo lacking, salable around 24 0- Sheep: BaUblo and total OS; market nomuilllr steadv: Mtmin. i.h- saiaoio around lSOO-SO; common grades h ,wu. auws io w; good slaughter ewes salable up to 10.00. Portland Grain WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 12M. KOCO 1496, KOIN 976. KGW 629. KEX 1199 DO UK . KSLM 1 KOCO KOIN ' KGW KEX 99:99 99:11 KOCO KLOCK IKOCO KXOCK KOCO KLOCK I Tex Ritter News 99:39 rMarch Time 99:4S INews News Roundup Honeymoon Farm Hour KOIN Klock Honeymoon farm Hour I KOIN Klock IKneass News I Farm Hour IKOIN Klock Early Bird I Farm Hour KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N Farm Parade KOIN Klock Farm Time Sing Cowboy Rise. Shine INews (Top Trades News At SportslTop o MorninglTop o" Morning News INews I Fred Beck Farm Tune I Old Songs Sam Hayes Agronsky I Weather Eeke Manners KSLM Cecil Brown 'Orchestra IPioneers f3argalns KOCO Holly w'd Music Hollyw d Music West Melodies (Over Coffee KOIN User News Art Baker lGrand Slam (Rosemary KGW Fred Waring I Fred Waring Uack Berch (HospiUIity KEX Breakfast Club 'Breakfast Club I Breakfast Club 'Breakfast Club KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Kate Smith IV Lindlahr I Pastor's Call lOrchestrs Gospel Singer Organ Moods Jan Garber INews W Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Gal Sunday Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey' Tommy Dorsey Magazine Shouldn't Brk Hollywood' Brk Hollywood PORTLAND. Ore.. March S API Wheat: No futures Quoted Cash grain: Oats No. 2 31 n 71 no- barley No. 2, 4$ lb. BW 77.00; No. 1 flax 6.25. Cash wheat (bid): Soft wtiit- vj- soft white I excluding Rex) 2 30. white cjub- ur; western red 2 JO. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 30; 10 per cent 2 33; 11 per cent ) 43; 13 per cent 2.53. Hard white Baart: Ordinarv 2 S4: is per cent z.et; 11 per cant 2.70; 12 per cent l.Tg. Today's ear receipts: Wheat 4; flour 9; oats I: jnillfeed 7. band of Mrs. Viola Hill er of Mrs Loss Clark, Richard Hill Salem Market Quotations BUTT ERF AT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PbUNTS Wholesale Retail EGGS BUYING Extra large Medium Standards .83 -S3 .73 g2 .97 JO Pullets and cracks EGGS Selling Price Wholesale, large Retail, large Retail, medium POULTRY Colored bens No. 1 No t Fryers .34 J4 3 J 3 3 -4 19.00 up to 14.00 2 00 to 9 00 up to 1630 10.00 to IS 00 12.00 to 19.00 Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) up to 24 00 Veal (150 to 300 lbs.) choice 29.00 Bulls 13.00 to 21.00 LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) 1947 lambs, choice Yearlings Ewes Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy heifers Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press jsd I HAf A PKA60N wuxp urmoc, mna vo acu uci irr . S ' v XarVv tT Ms? Ct A r 1 i Lrrr I GAZGUXZ MUZt 7 m ITINot AUSfT eMC. POTT bOBCF. V 1 X) KAP HMM PWOC I I CCN40LTC7 rONCTX Are7 KXXM T3 Bf3TT AT h I HAE FOUNfATtON CREAM ANP IVONk CREAM AM7 MA4CARA AN9 EVC 4UAPCW. TH h I944J VOU KNOW, NOT 19. i v V f to itV I EV4o y CV3CVa B6lCPR3LVeOOr4T NO CHORE BAi-sXT GOOCL8 fSNtF-SMB-I OONTCPPe IFX rxfrL OFFN TH' BLUR?-- tJ0GCCVD NOHOW 7 V aw. a -or s - - a VE GHOPo- PCWED AQURP6 TlmE TO iJfcFVE, WAAL- Y VNpncH them x rSom i ( 'o CJOULDSTflrl EfLS25r DrlAW-ltS WPM KM THE KSLM News KOCO D innings KOIN But Sister KGW Olmsted KEX G Draae (Quinn Show Rhythm Ma Perkins Kiwui News I Ted Maione I How Do Do? j Hawaii IDr Maione Claudia (True Story I Harmony !My Serenade Guiding Light loyee Jordan True Story KSLM Walts Time KOCO News KOIN Mrs. Burton I Serenade Q n Today j Latin-America I Salon Concert IPerrv Mason I Feature Storv GW Today's Child i Woman White Holly Sloane EX B Crocker tListentng I Melodies I Queen Today Salon Concert IRoae Dreams (Light World I Ethel. Albert KSLM Hit Time INews KOCO Extension Serv.l Novatime KOIN News I Come Get It KGW Kneaas News I Ma Perkins KEX News INoon Dreams N.W. News IVartetles News I Sunset and Vine Dble . Nothing IDbie.. Nothing Pepper Young I Happiness IP White man 'Paul Whiteman KSLM 1300 Club 11390 Club Weet Salem Blng Sings KOCO Hello Again (Hello Again f Hello Again (Hello Again KOIN Ok la. Roundup ! Lullaby Time (Newspaper (Newspaper KGW Backstage Wife' Stella Dauas I Lorenzo Jones I Wkider Brot KEX P Whiteman IP Whiteman UCay West I Kay West KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Heart's Desire IHeart's Desire IMartin Block I Orchestra KOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers IKOCO Kaoers IKOCO Kapers Air School Air School House Party I House Party Girl Marries (Faces Life (Plain BiU - Page Farrell What's Doln' (What's Doln' I Bride. Groom I Bride. Groom KSLM Salem High D3 Marines l Stranger IN KOCO KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers KOIN Art Kirkham (Tunefully (Arthur Godfrey' Arthur Godfrey KGW Road Life (Lora Lawtoa Aunt Mary Nora Drake KEX Be Seated I Be Seated I Welcome I Welcome KSLM Fulton Lewis (Hemingway Paasing Parade 'Orchestra KOCO Melody Matinee Time for John W Salem HouriW. Salem Hour KOIN Hint Hunt I Serenade I Meet Missus I Meet Missus KGW Woman's Secret Life Beautiful I Rhythm (Stars of Todsy KEX Sunnyslde Up ' Northwest tSunnrside Up ISunnysida KSLM Adv. Parade ISuperman Capt. MldnigbtlTom Mix KOCO Off Record (Off Record (Rhythm Ranch I Sports News KOIN Knox Manning lUncle Remus I Collins wood i Bob Garred Kuw Chuck rln tveorjre Mooradisunny stoe Euner KEX Sky Patrol 5ky Patrol J Armstrong U Armstrong KSLM G. Hester (Newsreel Tune-Up Time Fashions KOCO Allen Roth (Allen Roth (Mid Court Music Box KOIN Elsie Presents (Elsie Presents Romance I Romance KGW Duffy's Tavern (Duffy's Tavern !Mui Soiree (Mus. Soiree KEX Sports IK Baker IVox Pop I Vox Pop KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Orchestra This la Musis The Sain? Serenade V Lone Rar KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX wger f Cisco kid (Music Horizons (Vet's Adm. I Cisco Kid Land of Free Rotary Club The Saint I The Whistler I The Whistler Serenade (Jimmy Durante! Jimmy Durante Lone Ranger I Town Mayor I Town Mayor To the Girls (To the Girls Basketball That Sonet That SoneT Basket baU T basketball I Basketball Lowell Thomas Jack Smith IDr. Christian IDr. Christian Supper Club INews (GUdersleeve IGildersleeve ' Abbot. Costello Abbot. Costello Croucho Marx ICroueho Marx KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Basketball Red's Gang Dennis Day Bing Crosby : Beulah (Vets Admin. Red's Gang uennts Ltay Bing Crosby Forum (Forum (Juke Box I Boxing Club 15 I Ed Murrow Dial Attorney 'Dtst Attorney Star Theater Star Theater KSLM Fulton Lewie KOCO Boxing KOIN S SUt Final : KGW New Flashes KEX ' News lOrchestrs I Boxing (Talks ICui-l: Serenade INews (Local News Classics (Classies Open Hearing lOpen Hearing 'Concert Hour Concei Wag rt Hi KSLM Ooen He KOCO Wed Party KOIN Dyana Gale KGW News KEX Concert Hour (Open He wed Party Dyana Gala Ian Garber IConcert Hour I Open House (Wed. Party (Air-Flo (Orchestra (Orchestra iN !Wad Party Air-Flo Orchestra Orchestra KOACJ SS0 fc-c Wednesday 19:06 News: 19 ;1 Esneeiatly for Women ; II 0 Oregon ' School; 11:1s. Concert Hall: 12-00 News; . 12:11 Noon Farm Hour: 1 00 Ride 'Em Cowboy; 1:15 This Day: -M Melody Lane: 1:55 Time Out: 2O0 Behavior In Making; 2 JO Ore. Air School; 2:45 Memory Muaic; 23M ore. Reporter; J:13 Musle Masters; 430 News: 4 US Fun at 4 US; 6. -3 Children's Theatre: 5 .DO On Upbeat;? i Jt Sports Oub: CM News; 6 US Dinner Melodies; 6 JO Chemistry; 6:43 Guest Stan TJO Farmer's Union: 7:15 Farm Hour; SM Radio Shorthand ; S:30 Veterans; S:49 News; IM Music Thst Endures: 9:45 Even(in MediUtiona; 190 Sign Off. March t STOCK AVERAGES 30 II 1$ 60 Indus Rails Util Stocks Tuesday - S3 S 33 1 3S 3 90.9 Previoua day 84.9 35a 3S 9 111 Week ago 853 35 9 38 2 61 6 Month ago - 83.4 344 38 4 60.3 Year ago . , M l 33.0 44 7 04.0 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust UU1 Forgn Tuesday 88.4 100 9 09 8 62 7 Previous day .... 88 S 100 0 90S 82 8 Week ago 88 6 100.8 00 9 63.3 Month ago 88.4 100.6 99.4 86 3 Year ago - 94 J 1033 1044 71.7 There la a greater demand (or gasoline and oil products than ever before because) there are more motor vehicles, more oil heated homes, more gasoline powered farm machinery, more diesel locomotives and giant air liners and hundreds of new oil products. ICE CQEAII Qnarls . 33c SAVffiG CEDTEn ana .nooert j. tun of Salem: and brother of Mrs. C B. Bruntow'oc Sprtagdale.i Waah Mas. WUllarn Mart zeU ot Glendaio. Waan Mrs. Mr iSfrf- Laaje. Was. and George uu ana xasn xsu now of FruiUand. Wash. Servteos wul bo held Thursday. March 11. at 2 pun. from Clougn-Bar-nck chap with iutei ment in the City View cemetery, the Rev. J. M. Good heart offlclpting. ; VANDUHvOf . aCUlio May Ross VanderhooL tabs resident of U73 8. Cottage ot, at the residence Monday. March 8. at the ago of 87 years. Survived by bar hus band. Nelson Vandorbeof of Salem; two daughters, Mrs. Gladys Mote of Bei jing nam. Wash, and Mrs. Ha Mar tut ot Sutnerlin. Ore.; four sons. John T. Boas of Oregon City, AJvtn Ross and -Elmer Boas of Portland, and H. Leland Ross ot Salem; 17 grandchildren. II great grandchildren and six great great giandchildren.. Charter metnbee of First Naaareno church of Tlaism. -Funeral services Will be held Thurs day. March, il at 2 pja. at HoweU--' Edwards chspel. too Rev. OrvUle Jen kins officiating. Interment in Hope- weu cemetery. vj WALLING !i ; George Leland WaUing. Ute rosident of Salam route 1. at Richmond. Calif, Saturday. March g. -Survived by his wife. Mrs. Anna Walling ot Saiem; a daughter, Marion Walling of Salem; parents. Mr,- and Mrs. Tracy Walling of Salem: five sister. Mrs. Diehard Up ham and Mrs. Richard Smith, both of Portland, and Mrs. Thetma Fisher. Mrs. Joseph Camillo and Dorothy Walling. aU of Salem, and a brothet, John E. Walling of Salem; , a daughter. Marion Walling of Saiem. Announcement eg services later by Clough-Barriclt com pany. ; ; - - . POTT EJK 1 G rover Cleveland Sutherland Potter, at the residence. 385 Taylor st, Mon day, ' March ; 8. Survived by his .wife, Grace Potter of Salem; two daughters, Mrs. Louise Perkins of Salem and Mrs. Dorothy Meyers of Eugene; a eon. Roy E. Potter of - Cooe Bay; five step-chu- ' dren. Mrs. Pearl KiiUnger, Mrs. Wells Bender, Doet Carver, W. L. Garver and C. D. Garver. aU of Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Lillian 1 Noah of Coos Bay and Mrs. May Mullet of Boyds. Wash.; three , brothers. Louie Potter of Monmouth, Austin and Charles Potter of Boyds, -Wash.; father. Edward Potter of Boyds. Wash.; four i grandchildren and aevew step-grandchildren. Services will bo held Thursday. March 11. at 3:30 im. from Clough-Barrlck chapel, the Rev. Brooks Moore officiating. Interment in City View cemetery. BAN1CK 1 Edward Baniek. late resident of Al- - bany route 2. at the residence Mondav. March 8. Survived by hia wife'. Mrs. Ann Baniek. of Havward. Calif.: a daughter. Mrs. Doris O'Connor of Hay wara; isuier. A. J. Batuck. and anoth er. Mrs. Pauline Baniek, both ot Sa le m; tnroe sisters. Mrs. Charles Clif ford of San! Diego. Mrs. Joseph. Go nut of San; Leandro. Calif, and Mrs. Herman Amort of Salem; two broth ers. Albert Baniek of Myrtle Point Ore, and Leonard Baniek ot Albany, and a granddaughter. Judy Ann 0Coo ner of Hayward Announcement of services latef by Clough-Barrick com pany, j j . SMITH ! : - . At the home of bis daughter to Eu gene March 8. James Smith. Ute resi dent of Eugene, at the age of 77 years. Husband of Mrs. Mary Varneil Smith of Eugene;! father of Angelina E. Smith of Seattle. Mrs. SybU Pickering of Salem. Myrtle Smith of Eugene. Ar net L. Smith of , Portland and Mrs. Dorothy Hewitt of Eugene: three brothers. Henry Smith of Falls City, Clyde Smith in Canada and Jake Smith, in Kansas; two sisters. Mrs. Mae Lind sey in Kansas and Mrs. Irma Lyle of . Salem and 11 grandchildren. Set sites will be held from W. T. Rigdon chapel Wednesday. March 10. at 2 p.m In terment in City View cemetery. The Rev. Charles Fogg of Eugene will of ficiate. . s CAMPBELL ! , i ' Nettie CampbeU. late resident of Mcdfocdat a local hospital, at the ago S3 years. Survived by a son. Edmund Schlfloyski of Med ford. Announcement of servtcea later by HoweU-Edwarda company. . :j DETTCQ X2EALtXXI sjssssiiifss wsto e sal is Ftt il sjbilllitlat Q Tlr-'T nil rV r MJLMjmSr.M. Dr. c. i. DSiin ciinzc R t. Ostwar l! T d ij ana tteeal S,seaoo T 1 i r SAat-asia. nHisl 14. Oasoaa Why Suffer Any Longer waoa enters ran. one one nt rsaasels..Aaa g saecoss .foe 0006 years 1st China, No saaster wltk what allmeata yea are affUeteo disorders. ataosUie, heart, tnags. liv er, kidacys. gaa. ceasti ' sOcers. etaoetes. raesnsuu ea, gall ana aiaa eer fever, skin, fesaale eemsJatata. CHARLIE' CHAN CHINESE HERB CO. 224 N. Caea saeretal Pkeoe 1-130 SALKM. OSS. Office Hears 9 to S. Toes, and Sat. oej y. UE UAIiT ' YOUR EGGS! Altvayk a Dependable Cash Market!, Dairy Pfcs3 0733 Cnrlv Dr.Y.TXaasJNJt. Dr.OXajuuNJ). DBS. OIAM U , . LAM ' :y CHINESE, CZK. BAUSTS ' 241 j North Uberty . (tpstatrs Portland General fclectrle Co Office open Saturday only 19 s.m so 1 pjn a to i p m consul, tation - Blood pressure end urine teats ere free of charge. Practiced tince 1917. i