The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 09, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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    RJgjaB'S gRRo, .p. o o o a aroa ooo
USton A. Wyatt
' LEBANON, March 8 Services
will be beld Tuesday, 1:30 p. m.
at the Howe-Huston chapel here
for Milton Alexander Wyatt, 79,
who died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Maple Weirich here
March 5.
Survivors are his widow, Lena;
daughters. Mrs. Weirich and Mrs.
Boyd Knox, Lebanon; Mrs. James
Moss. Ashland: son Norman
Wyatt, Requa. Calif.; sisters Mrs.
Hull Nash, Corvallis, Mrs. Minnie
Junkins, Tigard, Mrs. Lizzie El
liott, Perrydale; brothers, Elbert
Wyatt, milsboro and Ernest Wyatt,
Junction City; also seven grand
Burial will be in Newton ceme-
tery, Corvallis.
Valley Calendar
Aumsville farmers union. pie social.
Red HUls grange. No-host dinner,
JO P-m.. meeting S p.m. Roberts
srranee are sruesta.
Marion county extension: Donald, t
p.m. at Evelyn Wnitsett; Roberta. Mrs.
William Keener: 1:30 p.m.
Polk extension: West Salem. 10 a Jn.
Keizer Woman's Missionary society.
S p.m., Mrs. One Salter.
Marion county Extension; Lansing
Neighbors. 1 pjn. Mrs. V. E. ntzger
aid: Gates. 1 JO D.m. at schoolhouse.
Polk extension. Buena Vista, woman's
flub house. 10 a.m.
Keizer Farmers union. Brooks play
ri. Royal Neighbors hall. Quinaby.
Roberts Home Ec club. I
trict grange home Ec meet
Pringle Mothers club, 3:30 at school
bouse, election.
Union Hill Home Ec 11 ajn. at hall,
no host luncheon.
Final day furniture refinishing work
shop at Macleay grange hall.
Marion county extension. Quinaby,
1 :30 p.m., Quinaby hall: East Salem.
1 :M p.m. Mrs. Ernest Barker.
spratum WSCS. bulb, white elephant
sale. 1 p.m. church basement.
Polk extension: Independence, Mrs.
Ceoge Peterson, 10 a.m.
Keizer PTA school auditorium, 8 p.m.
Keizer Dine and Do club. Mrs. H. H.
Breneman, covered dish luncheon at
Waldo Hills Community club.
Looney Butte school pie social.
Turner WSCS of Methodist church
meets with Mrs. L. Small, Dora Stacy,
Hen 16 lo 46
To train for refrigeration and
air conditioning; in oar well
equipped school shops. Refrig
eration and air conditioning
men are in tremendous de
mand. Insure your future with this
profitable trade.
Far full Information see our
representative - -
Ilr. Vee Ilnllenax
From 10 a. m. to p. m.
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday at the Marion Hotel
For Civilians and G. L's
Victorious Willamette Frosh Gloat After Glee
; f-f-.-r.:-, r, ;.r-JYi:'.-y. .... t, .m fix?,.
iciidl i) ' irJU I-iU JbJ 13 -iv3 m$ ij
f -Vf f1T 'f v mi C Vsa I i r--aa -1 , J I
OOOO . D' oo o
Lebanon Recreation Area
Planned Adjacent to City
Raxor-Kleens Swrs, Drains
So Quick So Thorough
So Free From Muss
Septic Tanks Cleaned
Phones 5327 or 946S
Liberty 91. D. Ronne is enlarg
ing the pelt house on his mink
farm to accommodate cold storage
facilities for feed, a mixing room
and pelting room.
Roberts Guests at the Louis
Johnstons included her brother.
Paul Duncans and his friend.
James Shephard. enroute' from
Los Angeles to Portland as rep
resentatives of the World Wide
Construction Corporation. They
recently flew from Iceland to Los
Angeles.: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Gray of Bridgeport, Conn, are now
visiting the Johnstons.
Detroit, March 8 Twin daugh
ters were born to two Detroit cou
pies at St Charles hospital in Bend
last week. Twin daughters were
born March 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Brown and on March 6 to Mr.
and Mrs. Lincoln Gilpin.
Independence Mr. and Mrs.-Al-
vm Leach are the parents or a
daughter, Linda Diane, born
March 3 at Salem General.
Amity Mrs. Hazle Gibbs. Mrs.
Vernishia Newby, and Mrs. Laura
Stockton, represented Industry
Rebekah lodge at the annual dis
trict convention at Sheridan Sat
urday, February 28.
Sunny side Community Club
netted $50 at the Box Social Fri
day night for the benefit of the
chair fund, which now totals $75.
Donald Smith gave several piano
solos, Donna and June Bickel
twirled batons, all of Salem
Heights. . j
Mt. Angel, March 8 Plans are
underway here for a big American
Legion dance with the date set for
April 8 and the place arranged
for the Mt. Angel auditorium. Dan
iel Uhey's orchestra from Salem
will furnish the music. On the
committee are Wallace Faulhaber,
Ernest Crowder and Fred Lucht.
Independence Mr. and Mrs.
George Gentemann are the par
ents of a son born March 1 at Sa
lem General hospital. The Gente-
manns have two other children.
Mt. Angel Word has been re
ceived of the birth of a son Febru
ary 23 to Capt. and Mrs. Raymond
Fisher at Ft Lewis, Wash. Mrs.
Fisher is the former Audrey Eb-
ner of Mt Angel.
Evergreen Mr. and Mrs. Cas
per Over oss were Sunday dinner
hosts to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fer
guson and two sons o fCorvallis.
Mrs. Ferguson was the former
Alice Weatherill, daughter of the
George Weatherills of Silverton
and Mrs. Oveross and Mrs. Fer
guson attended high school to
gether in Silverton.
'- Sl a
1 MS
One of these days you're going to spot the
house of your dreams. When you do...
whether you decide to buy or to build...
be sure to investigate an "easy to carry"
United States National Real Estate Loan.
Convenient terms and low interest rates.
Willamette university's class of 1951, first freshman class U win tne
annual Freshman Glee competition since 1933, used the double
heart formation pictured above in the campus gymnasium Saturday
night when they sang their original serenade song. "Willamette
GirL" Sitting "up front" in the foreground of pictures are the
senior class singers who placed last among the classes. The happy
group of freshmen pictured In lower cut are wa telling a hapless
senior pay off a bet on outcome of the traditional sonxfest. The
senior, Don Do arts, 2945 N. Church st salaams to an imaginary
mecca as his freshman winner. Frank M. Washburn. Portland,
makes certain he does it right Standing are, left to right freshmen
Marion Sparks, 1045 N. 14th st. formation chairman; Art Dimond.
Portland, general chairman; Jean Rickll, Berkeley. Calif., and Mar
gret Powell. Portland, words committee: and Martha Benard. Port
land, who wrote the winning music. (Lower photo by Don Dill.
Statesman staff photographer.) (Pictures also an page 1.)
Beach Farm Sold
To Spiva at Turner
TURNER Mr. and Mrs. Olin
Spiva have purchased the beach
farm each of town. m
Mrs. Guy Chapman is ill In the
Salem Memorial hospital with
Eddit and Patricia Robertson
have been ill with the measles.
Recent guests at the Ulurn Den
yer home was their son and his
family, the James Denyers of John
Mrs. Henry Weishaar spent this
last week visiting in Seattle.
LEBANON Santiam Wrang
lers since incorporation February
28 have shaped plana for develop
ment of a recreational area west
of . the city. Approximately 98
acres was acquired to provide a
varied list of recreational facili
ties. According to Wranglers, soft
and hard baseball grounds will be
prepared, facilities to aid 4-11
exhibits, livestock exhibitions.
Strawberry fair activities and
football if there Is a demand for
Glenn Huston was elected presi
dent Earl Schackroan. vice-president;
R. C. Reeves, treasurer, and
Layton Loftin secretary. Les Ho
bin. Sweet Home; O. M. Steven
son, C. H. Walter, Roy Titzwater,
Clay Nichols, W. E. Bohle and
Cash Bryant all of Lebanon, com
plete the corporation's directory
A figure "6" dirt track, afford
ing a 440-yard straight-'o-way
leading into a half-mile oval,
will surround a -central playing
Independence Lawyer
Named Chamber Head
Independence lawyer, was elected
president of the chamber of com
merce succeeding Thomas Smith.
Dan Schrieber was elected vice
president Ira Mix treasurer and
new directors are C. R. Lamb and
Elmer Oppliger. Holdover directors
are R. M. Walker and Frances
field. Wranglers say their plans
have culminated after four years'
designing and that by the end of
March, a surveyor's layout for the
track will be staked.
First construction will see the
track and grandstand ready before
Strawberry Festival days in early
June, if weather permits, the
group's officers assert The Wrang
lers are capitalized at $50,000.
to rv "or
Cash Prices
paid roa
Fresh Jizzzh E-s
Ncrlhucrl Pcdiry
IMS North rreet tales,
rhene 9197
i t
&qQ OCacro GazQQV on
San Franciaco
Lot Angle
Vt hr.
51 hra.
Fast Service to Chicago, New York a ad
AU Ue East"
Col 3l4t
or cm wtiorUeo' trevol
Silverton Past Presidents' club
of the American Legion auxiliary
will hold the annual husbands
night dinner March 19. Plans for
the annual past presidents pro
gram and supper for the auxiliary
members in April are underway
Silverton Dr. R. F. Schmidt,
local chiropractor, has added
new X-Ray machine to his equip
ment at his South Water street
office being remodelled. The space
formerly occupied by the Green
Taylor shop has been taken into
Dr. Schmidt's suite and will be
furnished for waiting rooms.
Mt Angel Mt. Angel's city hall
will be repainted inside and out
side and the bid of F.'O. Repine
of Salem has been accepted. Six
teen new water meters have been
installed last month, Joseph Hass-
ler, city engineer, reports.
Evans Valley Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Lowrie have bought the Virgil
Roberts' 50-acre farm home here.
They recently arrived from Ne
braska and their three children
are attending school, Guy and
Coralie in Evans Valley school and
Clyant Lowrie in Silverton.
Seotts Mills Announcements
have been made of the marriage
of Nelson A. Miles, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Miles, and Isabel
Bacon of Portland, February 29 at
the First Christian church, Van
couver, Wash.
Mt Angel A number of local
Veterans of Foreign Wars will at
tend the mass meeting at Portland
March 17 at the Pythian Temple
when the national VFW medical
officers will discuss national hos
pitalization problems. District
meeting will be in Stayton May
13 when officers will be elected.
Union Hill The local home
extension unit is sponsoring a
benefit card party Saturday night,
March 13, at Waldo Hills com
munity club house on Silverton
Stayton highway. The public is
invited and proceeds will go to
the Azalea House fund extension
clubs throughout the state are
sponsoring at Oregon State college
Pinochle, bridge and "500" will
be played, from 8:30 to 11 p. m.
with prizes awarded and refresh
ments served at the close of the
evening. Committee on arrange
ments are Mrs. J. J. Doerfler, Mrs.
Jacob Doerfler, Mrs. Arley
tin and Mrs. H. H. Peters.
Middle Grove The Woman's
Society of World Service held an
all-day meeting Tuesday, at the
home of Mrs. Anna Wirsching and
. W T c. . : 1 J ,
mn. nay ocuiicia. ine lesson wu j
on prayer, ana a Lincoln penny
offering was received which will
go toward the erection of a man
ual arts building at Red Bird Mis
sion in Kentucky. Mrs. Theodore
Kuenzi and Mrs. Thomas Ross I
were guests.
Style Arch Shoe Co.
Nylon Hose
Free to each customer with pur
chase of ladies shoes.
P. W. ITtf. Vise fpsalaW
IOT MLSOM, As. Vice MlaW
L C SMITH, A$t$. Vkm rVssJsW
jAcoa rumtt, asst. cu
UO O. AC asst. CoaMe
9HMMAM . aOSTtACX. Asst.
tax OiasOM. Ami,
Sauna ftiftJ!
PHONE 9123
(la Phone Directory)
When you f o eaat you
might as well get all you
can for your money. And
it'a pretty hard to find a
bigger bargain than this:
On your roundtrip
ticket to Chicago, New
York and moat other
eastern citiea you can go
or return via California
for not le more rail fare
than you'd pay to go
etraight east and back.
Se San Franciaco, Loa
Angeles and the colorful
southwest. Go one way,
return another. See twice
as mivh at no aAlifm
ticket coat.
Tit friendly
Sewthera Pacific
C A. Larson. Agent
Phone 44IS
For the past 28 years, we have been faith
fully serving the public. Now, to better
aerve, we have modernized our entire atore
and streamlined our complete atock. Stop In
often, and let us help you.
We carry complete lines
of moderate priced stan
dard brand shoes for
men, women, children
and Infants . . . feat
uring such famous
brands as:
Doctor Shoes
W. L. Douglag
Fine Hose
Free la each customer with pur
chase of men's ahoe.
New modes
and spring
fashions in
a riot of
Dress Shoes for Men
Wilbur Coone
Velvet Step
Tarsal Tread
Dress and health shoes
for women.
Novelty and Sport Shoes
for women.
for children and infanta.
For Growing Girls
W. L. Douglas
Men's Fine
4 1 '
Flna kid lea
thers; calf
skins and
kangaroo In
brown and
Headquarters for Dr.
Scholia Arch Supports.
! -
TZsissssIbsI "
Frcs Conic Dsolis Ullh CMIflrca's Sbzzz
3S7 Slots SL
TTsxt to MSdgsi MarksT
! f '
CoJ enx," Or?o s
AM oil ON .9 A at K I I IT1! M