The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    t The Skrt
Salem, Procon. Sunday. March 7, 1W
Dental Care
Emphasized in
Health Slate
Emphasis will be placed on the
dental car and examination pro
gram again this week In Marion
county schools by the county
health department staff, accord
ing to the calendar released Sat
urday. The puppet show 00 tooth car
will be given Monday at Rich
mond school. a. m.; Washing
ton, 11 a. m.; Bush, 1p.m.; Tues-
When You Think of
Think of Salem Lighting
When You Look at
Look at Salem Lighting
When You But Uofctlnq WtJ
WU1 Be Happy tf W
Can Help You
Salem Lighting &
Appliance Co.
23S N. HUjb. SL
Phone) 9412
day St Joseph's, a, m.r Kai
ser, 11 a m.; tJervaia, 2 p. ol;
Wednesday Stayton parochial.
sV a. m.; Stayton public school.
11 a. m4 Mill City. 2 p. as.:
Thursday Silverton, S. ana
10:30 a. m.; St. Mary's. Mi An
gel. 2 p. m.; Friday Garfield.
9 a. m.; Highland, 11 a. and
Englewood, 2 p. m.
Dental examinations are sche
duled for Monday first tour
grades at Lincoln achooi. Wood
bum, S a. m. to noon; first three
grades at Hayes ville, t a. m. to
noon; Wednesday first three
grades at Salem Heights, morn
ing; Thursday St. Vincent's,
9 a. m. to noon; Grant, 1 to 2 p.
m.; First four grades at Stayton
parochial, 9 a. m. to noon; Stay
ton public, 1 to 3 p. m.
Other events include a well
baby conference at Woa&burn
library Tuesday from 12:30 to 2:30
p. ra.; fluoroscopic clinic at Sa
lem Memorial hospital Wednes
day at 1 p. m.; child guidance
clinic Wednesday afternoon at the
health office; infant and; pre
school -clinic st Stayton from 1 to
3 p. nr. Thursday.
Salem Camera Oub
Plans Night Field Trip
Members of the Salem Camera
club will meet at the First Meth
odist church Monday at 7:45 pjn.
to start on a field trip of Salem to
snap night views of some local
The annual election of new ef
ficers will precede the trip.
Richardson Treasurer
Of GOP State Committee
James J. Richardson today was
named acting treasurer of the re
publican State central committee.
The manager of Multnomah Ci
vic Stadium, Richardson succeeds
Sigfrid Unander, who resigned to
run for state treasurer.
Say Folks
Do Yon Wanl lo Save on
Your Fuel Bill?
Some oil burners are uai&g 50 more fuel than
required to heat your home. You could reduce thla ex
pensive war of heating your home, ahop or store, by
' having it serviced by an experienced oil burner service
man. We have saved our customers many dollars and
trouble during the cold months by riving their oil
burners the proper attention.
Eimnrs heating
Phone 2-6062
422 So. High
Salem. Ore.
Radio Play to
Start College.
WSSF Drive
The radio play, "The Atom Next
Door. to be broadcast from Wil
lamette university's Waller hall
over station KOCO tonight at
1:30, will initiate World Student
Service Fund week at Willamette.
The ha If -hour show, prepared
by Joe Power, Toledo, is open to
the public. It depicts a symbol
ized "atom" played by Power, as
an effort of international cooper
ation to further the education of
students all over the world to
promote better understanding
among nations.
Also part of the week Is a doc
umentary film, "Seeds of Destiny
to be shown next Wednesday eve
ning at 8 at Waller chapel which
shows the living conditions of stu
dents In countries in other parts
of the world.
Booklets obtained for a mini
mum donation of 50 cents can be
obtained in Eaton hall during the
coming week for admission, to the
Toujour Gaie" show Friday eve
ning at Salem high.
' The university Pepcata will aid
in selling the booklets under the
direction of Kathleen Secord,
Portland, campus WSSF chairman,
and Norman Stone, Salem, solici
tations director for WSSF.
Mrs? Herndon,
76, Succumbs
At Hospital
Mrs. Mary Herndon, resident of
Salem route 6 for the past 54
years, died Saturday in a local
hospital at the ae of 76 years.
She was born at Morning Star,
La.. Feb. 3, 1872, and was mar
ried to the late Andrew Jackson
Herndon in Belleville, Kan.. Oct.
11. 1889. The couple moved to Sa
lem in 1894 and Herndon farmed
until his death 13 years ago.
Always active in church and
club work, Mrs. Herndon was a
member of the United Brethren
Evangelical church of Salem; a
charter member of the Middle
Grove Women's Missionary soci
ety, a member of the Central
Howell home extension and was
vitally interested In all commun
ity projects.
Surviving are three daughters,
Mrs. William ODonnell and Mrs.
Eve Wilson, both of Portland, and
Mrs. W. H. Scharf of Salem; a son,
Henry J. Herndon of San Fran-,
cisco; two sisters, Mrs. N. I. Web
er of Salem and Mrs. Sam Avis
of Jackson, Calif.; a brother, Ar
thur Holland of Randsbure.
Calif.; nine grandchildren and six
great grandchildren.
Announcement of funeral ser
vices will be made later by the
Clough-Barnck company.
The fly's eye is a mosaic of 400
"simple" eyes each seeing only
a tiny part of an object
Ceneert Tanadar Nlfht
The Leslie band and orchestra,
under the direction of Raymond
Carl, will present its annual con
cert Tuesday night at 8 p. m. in
the achooi - auditorium. Approxi
mately one hundred students will
participate in the program, the
proceeds from which will go into
the band uniform and supply fund.
Featured in special numbers
will be a string trio made up of
Carol Lee, violin, Sidney Kramer,
cello, and Laurel Herr, piano; i
twirling demonstration by Cor
rine Allerton, Caroline Seay and
lis Jo Campbell; a trio made up
of Michael Deeney on the bells and
Shirley Bingenheimer and David
Rhoten on xylophones; a trumpet
duet by Joan Lesher and David
Hunt; and a tuba solo by Leon
The complete program:
1. roraemaatar ovartur C. 0Har
a. Blue WivM-wttU C. Dtltmtttr
String orchaatra
S. Star of tha iununtr Night
- Woodbury
In tha Gloaming Molloy
4. Prelude - - OuUmwt
String trio
. Spring Twilight
Ruaue Dane
S. That Old 1
t. 17U Centui
Dutch .Tune H. Keadler
that Old Baas Viol P. Yodar
I. Tha Taltaman. overture. I Del a mater
1. At the Concert, saleetiona
K. Delameter
J. Aalaap tm tha Deep M. Petrte
Tuba eoio Leon DuBoia
Skiea, waits
J. Ouvadati
t. The Pala. polka ... Barnard
Trumpet 4hMt
Joan Leaner. David Hunt
B. King Korab ..... JL Lorani
T. Festive trenta. march Vander Cook
Tartrlinc exhibition
S. Tha Traveller BuchtaU
S. Billboard, march - JCJohx
Bella. xylophone trio
4. Under Tropical Skiea.
School Board
To Confer with
Citizen Groups
A Salem school district build
ing expansion program, probably
at the figure of $1,500,000, will
be up for discussion again Tues
day at 8 p. m., when the school
board confers with three citizens'
groups aa to needs and funds. A
proposal that called for a $3,
500,000 bond issue was overwhel
mingly defeated at a special elec
tion February 24.
The district budget committee,
presidents of several local organ
izations who attended a previous
meeting on the proposal and a ci
tizens' committee whitfh opposed
the larger program will be in
cluded in the conference. It will
immediately follow a 7 p. m. ses
sion of the directors, and both
will be at the achooi administra
tion building. 460 N. High at.
Max L. Alord. with the Oregon
state police In Salem, was one of
five vice-presidents elected by the
Northwest Check Investigators
New. Buildings
Scheduled for
Girls' Camp
Construction of six new build
ings at the Willamette valley
Camp Fire girls' Kilo wan' camp
at an estimated cost of $8,000 wiU
get underway this spring, Dayle
Burres, chairman of the Salem
council camp committee, announc
ed Saturday.
The camp, established IS years
ago on a 14-acre tract near Falls
City, is a picturesque spot where
thousands of Camp Fire girls have
enjoyed summer vacations, but is
definitely in need of improvement,
Burres said.
Burres said plans are complete
to raise $5,000 of the sum in Salem,
while Corvallis and Dallas will
supply the balance. Fred, B. Ram
sey, Dallas, la in charge of the
committee working on the pro
ject. Other committee members
are Charles Ladd and W. R.
Criswell. both members of the
Willamette council.
Volunteer labor and materials
to be purchased at minimum cost
will be used because of the rus
tic nature of Kllowan camp. The
camp now has facilities for 84
girls per week.
A Bluebird lodge, complete
with kitchen, fireplace and Bleep
ing capacity of 20 is first on the
building program and will be
used for winter camping for which
the camp now has no facilities. A
play shed for rainy-day activities
is also expected to be ready for
the 1941 season.
Also scheduled for completion
next year are four rustic huts of
the Adirondack type, to be lo
cated in the southeast section of the
camp. Each will house six girls.
Townsend Son
To Speak Here
Robert C. Townsend. son of Dr.
Francis E. Townsend of old age
pension plan fame, will speak in
Salem next Wednesday night to
a mass meeting of Salem Town
send club members and the pub
lic. The younger Townsend is secretary-treasurer
of the Townsend
National Recovery plan. The
meeting will be in Bush school.
University snd Mission streets, at
S o'clock.
Earl L McDonald, new Oregon
organizer from Portland bead
quarters, and other officials of
the Townsend program will be
Too Ijite? lo CUftsifv
THOU AUTOMAGIC washer, floor
sample. re SIS So. spectal SIT SO
Ralph Johnson Appliance. SSS Center
St. Phone 4S3S.
SPECIAL onueed washers. S3SM and
up. Ralph Johnson Appliance. 355 Cen
ter St. Phone 403.
sociation here today. Floyd Bower
of Seattle wee chosen president.
Home Plan Suggestion
From tho Keith Brown Lumbor Yard
Build - Repair - Remodel
Thru Koith Brown
You'll be pleased to find all of the quality materials you need for
the job at tHe Keith Brown complete) building materials store.
vi.'i v - .v
M ii - a m Mi tr JTmiixt Viakia a i m na n i( u i mmt '1 hi
I t iT n
i 11 '"Wt
tEr 1
rieee ruus twnm x.u nj
law auui
O Lumbor for Evory Nood
O Builder Hardwaro
O Comploto Paint Dopartmont
O Millwork
O Kitchon d Bath Fixtures
O Youngstown Kitchens
O Eloctric Appliancos
O Homowares
Your Homo from Top to Bottom, Innido & Out
Ask About the
Keith Brown
"Thrifty Pa
Home Improvement
Up to 3 Yeart to Pay
Sale of Articles
From Bush
Home Planned
The Salem Art association Is
announcing the sale of some of the
contents of the Sally Bifkh home,
recently bought by the organiza
tion. The sale is to take place next
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
from 2 until S o'clock. There
will be no preview of the things
to go on sale, and ' no advanced
sale, even to members of the com
mittee, declared Mrs. W. E. An
derson, president of the Art as
aociatioo. The organization purchased the
contents of the home from Stuart
Bush some weeks ago, and has set
aside some furniture, bric-a-brac
and china ware not suited to an
art museum, to which use the
house wil leventuallj be put.
An admission fee, which will be
charged, may be applied on pur
chases of 15 or over.. No children
are to be admitted without adults.
The money derived from the
sale will go Into the association's
fund for equipping the house as
a museum.
David Duniway and Mrs. W. K.
Anderson are co-chairmen of the
Italy Communist
Attacks America
GENOA. Italy, March -VP)
Italy's communist chief, Palmiro
Togliatti, said tonight that Amer
ica alms at war. He urged Eur
ope's voters to "take in hand the
direction of their countries to
avoid this new danger."
Thousands fathered in the pub
lic square of this communist
stronghold ' fri northern Itsljr to
hear the Moscow trained leader
bitterly attack the United States
and the Marshall plan,
j. Wj cosunir
Prepares j Tevir Retsras
117t Market St PK S-fMS
Dlccls cr Ccnnsrdsl
Free Dellverr pi Sslem
and Suburbsvn Areas.
i i
- I".
a i
-saw aa sasaeaw. f s M m
DUG tf0D
I., ci inuj r i) i
f- r-n fM i is si r
T stress more) "Uf -li)tM Ap
parsc . . fo JJ Youfrtful
Sparkle te your smile... Dentistry
now offers Nsw Hue Trs)slav
ctst Tmbyts Tttth. Ask Your
Dentiit about 'fhefr smiling rt
tsmblsncsv to 1 Natural Tslsth i J
learn hew they aro sdentifically
molded and delleately tffadsd to
bltad karmf)sUusly with your
features, and how they are set
slightly Irregular to give your Den
tal Platts "that Natnrxf Uok.M
Bocauss tftsy absorb light, Trans
lucent Trubyto Tooth overcome
tho chalk-whits, unnatural ap
pernce of most artificial tstth.
Lightweight for Extra Comfort . .
They f fvo Natural Appcaraaca)
eeJy e saaaa where
Is raaalrea, Ae a
far ar year eWel week as seasS weUfy er
. After rear ware ss
seated. Take aa lee ae S. IS. er IS ateetfcs te
aev. IT eeey te arraeee far cree9 at Be. Sees-
sar a . ae red tepe . ae
Year I I 1 -j 1 ' YCXTH
rle ii rY u J) V ' tnzu
PUTES n 0 1 noinoL
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a llll saaaBsw-
Cease la awlere IS A si. faee I
week-day eeeept sfareayl aei I
eae kere veer aew aeares I
STATE c C0:ir.3lCL1l
Calom Orogon
HOUS$9t0 AM te StSO PM . laesseleyet 30 A At ra I Pti OaV
Front and Court Sts.
Phone 9163
(lo'rt i if