Etetotnan. BaUm, Orgon. Sajardaj, March Hlfbest and lowest points In the United States are within CO mile of each other In California, whtrt'Mt Whitney rises 14,496 Xeet above tea level and Death Valley tin 270 feet below it tm tne CeaatT Ceart ef the iut of Oregon, far the Cenaty ef Marten la the Matter of the OrganUation Four Comers County Drainage District NOTICE TO A"- WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice la hereby given to au owners ar ptmni cuuiunf any Interest n any lend wit&ia tna Dounaanaa et the pro posed four Urntn County Drainage XJuUkct to ba organised, and described In tna hereinafter (wuliua, tnat tna pe tiuoners. bnf owncn of mora than twanty percent, ot tna acreage witn in tna bounoanes of uud proposed dis trict, having tiled their peuuon in tna ftice: of tna County Clark for tna County of Mirwn, state of Oregon, tnat arlday, tna and day of April. ists. at tna hour of 10 o'clock A.M.. in tna County Court Room of the County Court House in Salem. Marion County. Oregon, Has been fixed by tna above entitled Court for the hearing of tne said hereinafter petition and at which tuna and place all persona interested in said petition and In tne organisation of said four Comers County Drainage District, or in opposition thereto, or in any manner related to the organization of said District or to fixing of the boundaries thereof, may be neard. That the following la a true and cor rect copy of said petition, to-wit: la the Ceanty Ceart ef the state af Oregon ler Marloa Coaaty PETITION For the Organisation of the Four Corners County Drainage District. TO THE HUiNURAULi COUM1 OF THE STATE OF OHEGON. FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION: Come now your petitioners, persons shown by tne records of Marlon County to be the owners of mere than 2Q"m of the acreage In a con tiguous body of swamp, wet or over flowed land, waters from which con tribute to the swsmp. wet or over flowed condition of such lands or any other land situated in said Mar lon County, and herewith present to your Honorable Body their petition that they may form a drainage dis trict, pursuant to Chapter 2S Oregon Laws I, for the purpose of having such lands reclaimed and protected by drainage or otherwise from the effects of water, for agricultural pur poses, the same being conducive to the public health, welfare snd safety ef public utility snd benefit, and for surn purpose such owners hsve pre pared and signed , this petition In which they respectfully represent: 1. The name proposed for the Dis trict Is Four Corners County Drainage District, a The boundary lines of said dis trict are as follows: "Beginning at s point where the center line of Market Road No. 27 (known as East State Street) Intersects the West line of lot I. of City View as shown In Town Plat records for Marlon County. 1 Oregon: thence North along the West line of lots 9. 10 and 11 tn said subdivision, to the South line of the Southern Pacific Com pany right-of-way: thence East along said right-of-way line to the East line of Clma Avenue: thence South along said East line of Dim Avenue to the South line of Beck Avenue: thence West along the South line of Berk At enue to the West line of Market Road No. 17. (also known ss Turner Road: thence Northerlv slong tb. Weterlv line ef said Turner Road to the South Mne of Mahrt Avenue- thence West alone the South line of said ave nue to the wet line of Mable Street thence North alonr the West line of said treet and ex ten.tnn thereof to the Cnter Mne of Market Road No. 77 or Fast State Street- thence East alonr said Cnte line to the place of heglnntng The estimated s'-'sase within said Boundaries 1 149 eres. end said lnd Is wholly tn Marlon County. Oregon. ; AH or ibetsntltlv srl of lands wlfMn ald boundaries wfTl h- bne1tte f. Te 'anfls within (he boundaries set forh constitute contiguous hodV o swsmo we or rver rnv Ian wsters from which ennt-'bute to the wimp. wet or overflowed "onIHlnn of rH" 1an4 stl of said lands win b hen-f'tted bv the ronru'Mn of trsln lrTle.tln fl'od or '-rr control wn-v wursryriRr o u r nMtor ?irir that t- Undt Included w1tm V-e hounds .- herthove drHK he wr r" r--t tnr- r r '-'rn rf Chapter SM. Oreeon - Nassber Acres Name Aggress Owned Ceantv Publication of this notice Is made by virtue of an order of the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion dated Febru ary Mth. 19-4 . Pate of first publication: Februarv 38th. IM Data of last publi cation: March 20. 1948 H A. XUDD Clerk of Marlon Countv. Oreeon F 28-M 6-13-20 TRADE-MARK NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT John M. Bernards It Sons. Inc.. a Calif, corporation ef San Leandro. Calif , has filed Its trade mark "BA. NANZA" with the Secretary of State af Oregon. M 0-13-30 Lirrstoek and Poultry FOR SALE: 7 hesd of rows, t fresh. to freshen soon. These are good, clean fowl All from 1 herd. I Jersey bull II moa old. 1530 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 1-1345 " FORaLETiO REGISTERED HERE FORD COWS FOR SALE. Best Blood lines. Calves st side or carving soon. An Excellent group for starting small herd See anytime after March tth. 92 Sh to 9400. Flounce Rock Ranch, Pros pect, Oregon. BULL Calf. Almost yearTTne Guern sey as little Jersey. 60. 3413 Liberty Rd. Phone 3-2017. Rototillers Immediate delivery to our cus tomers of SUverton and vicinity 30 and 3d Inch. For better buys Buy from Brsdlev Bros. 3nd and Lewis SUverton. Oregon. BABY CHICKS. 9 varieties Weekly hatches. Da t -old Leghorn cockerels 3c each Lee's Hatchery. WANTED to buv: All kinds ot est tie hogs snd sheeo Frsnk Wood Rt 7 Pox 431 H Phone 2-6714 DFAD Stork picked up free of rnarr. day and nteht service Ph Sherwood Ore. 4433 or 4434. Call TMPROVtD M h day-old or started chicks and pullets for Immediate or future delivery. Also a complete I tne of feed, poultry extutpment. remedies and seed snd garden tools. Foxes Hslcnery 3710 State St Phone 4969 WANTED: Any kind of cattle, boas as sheeo. Will call at farm. Licensed at bonded buyers Prompt service. E. I Snethen ex Son. 1390 Lancaster Dr. Salem Ph 3-1343 CUSTOM drssstng af chickens any number Prompt sei vW.o Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone t-XKOl Lees Hatchery W AJ?TEDA11 k mds of cettU. fat hoes, sows a boar At your farm of delivered Market price ft C McCand liah. Rt. 9. Bos 233 across fram Water pm ark on 8 St, Ph 9147 NEW Hampshlra baby cmcka. start- ad chicks e older pullets always avall- hi Pi 1-rMI Lee s Hatchery Lee s fryer rabbit. Pickup services. M9 iteta BC Phone 109FS. Uelp Wautteel DARKROOM technician, must be able to make prints and enlargements up to lex. For further tnf. call 4859. ""ACTIVl; MAN or woman with car for part time collection work on monthly payment accounts In Salem, Albany and vicinity. Capable parson- raa do ye lop this to full tun basis la near fvtura. Comm. earnings offer batter than average Income for time roeuirod. For. personal Interview write Credit Manager. 919 Terminal Sales Bade Portland. 9, Oregon. I. IMS Help Wanted Hale MARRIED Man with tractor exper ience for farm work. Comfortable modern bowse. State age. experience, wages. Permanent If mutually satis factory. P.O. Box 1830. Portland T feXJPlTTA&Ll wholesale irm baa opening for Salesman experienced la food lines ta contact retail trad tn Sa lem and vicinity. Salary, commission, and car allowance. State age. previous experience. Statesman Box 900. TRUCK DRfVXR You find Job. I hsve 3-ton flat-bed or will rant. Write Ststerman Box Ml. MECHANIC! Capable o? taking charge of shop. Motor tune-up. brake work ai general garage service. State qualifications eV experience. Statesman Box 9S4. Help Wanted Female CASHIER." SUte age and experience. Statesman Box No. 907. GENERAL Housework. Live in pri vate room. Bendix washer. Young cou ple; one child. Salary. Rcfs. desired. write box 9W co statesman NEAT APPtARING lady for foun tain work. The Holly Nook. 197 N. Capitol SALESLADY FOR dresses. Must be experienced, Kay s. 480 State St. COLLEGE GRADUATE wanted In off ice serving general public. 40 hours. 9 day week; vacation artd retirement provisions. Permanent position for right person. Psy depending on quali fications determined at Interview. Statesman Box 900. Saleatrrrn. Vanteii WANTED OUTSIDE salesman for building materials and roofing. Must have car Liberal salary and commis sion plan Apply Mr. Griffin. Mont eomerv Ward. W A NTED OUTSIDE salesman for Llumbing and heating. Car necessary iberal salary and commission plan. Apply Mr. Besrd. Montgomery Ward Co. Situations Wanted COMMERCIAL spraying. Fruit trees, bams, chicken house, livestock St white wash Quick service. L. Merer. Ph. 3533. CARPEN'fER. new construction or repair work. Phone 8903. PRACTICAL nurse available for day or night work. Phone 58F4. CU KTAIXS washed and stretched. Also tablecloths. Phone 1-8343. MAN it WIFE ex p. ta farm, tractor driving and dairy. Also son. 30 yrs . single, holding chauffeur license, wish work. Box 373. Rt. 1. Independence. Ore.. Greenwood Rd. HlSH SCH6dCtttdrnt wants after ach at Sat. work. Call 0087 after 8 p.m. All day Sun. TcftlLCTcARE. 443 N 33rd. Ph. 331X WANTED work after school it Sat. by hi school student. Call after 9 pjn. 3-3181. ; Painting & Decorating Roof spraying specialty. Free estl mate Pa 34915 or 36013. Wanted Carpenter work. New, remodeling At finish Ph 38738 CARE FOR baby In my home. Ph 7750 BERRY GROWERS, get your ber- ries Roto-TUled. K. L Jennings. Rt. 8. Box 384. Salem. BABY SITTING Ph. 34938. Ironing done. Phone esir CURTAINS Laundered, also tinting done Phone 9919. DRESSMAKING FITTINGS made. your home Ph. messages taken. 3-4971 WANTED TruckJngiO S.13tn"Bt. TT YOU TCAKT yoGr lawn fertUized proper L'S roperlv. call 3-5348 STOM tractor work with new Ford. Ph. 1-1318 evenings LADIES. IF. you want your lawn started off 111 good shape this year. call 3-5348 . EXPERT dressmaking, alterstions At sewing. Reasonable rates. Ph. 3861 for sppotntment 791 N. Winter. WEATHERSTRUPING and Insula -tlon. Crofoot Bros. Phone 3-4858. PAINTING Good work. Reasonable. Free esti mate Chet Horn Ph J -53 18 7 A Sneed tt Sons, well drilling. 3S05 Brooks St . Salem. Ph. 6809. LAWN MOWTRS; scissors, knives Sharpened Dexter, 988 Center. Ph. 8833 S PRAYING PHONE 7900. GARDENINGaU kinds, also Uwns put in Ph. 9445 sftcr 3 p.m. PLOWING, discing, blade work. Riv- er silt at grsvel Ph. 1-3843 I Hartman DICtWTN"G house plans. Ph. 93l. OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned. Vac uum uj- B. F. Ens ley Ph. 7176. WANTED: furniture to glue and re pair. Lee Bros Furniture Refiniahlng Co Ph 3-1233. 4020 E. State St. CUSTOM ANTTgarden plowing. Call AI Benson 3-4536. Well Drillin Domestic. Irrigation. Industrial H A ROBINSON 1214 N FRONT. Salem. Ph. T293 PAINTER and Paperhanr.r Reason- able prices. , Free estimates. H J Wood worth Ph 3015 EXPERT Repairs. New rolls Olson Washer Repair. 90 Liberty Rd. Ph 1-5100 CHIMNEY sweep Northnesa. ph 4450 PRESchooi PLarschool 1381 State Ares 1-8 Part, or all day. Ph 9430 A IX Work guaranteed- Windows walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured -workmen Professional Clesning Service Phone 4437 Septic Tanks Cleaned K F HameL 1143 9th. West Salem Phone 7404 CEMENT CONTRACTING Phone 1-3045 Stanley Fagg Painting & Decorating WX SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 1-5444 DICK PREY 6369 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers PS 9488 or 5327 INCOME TAX Returns made out at 463' i State St. Phone 3-3563 A WOMAN in her 80s wants good permanent home, for on person. Good l H.K. -manager). City or ranch. Add Jean, Box 411. Hermlston. Ore. Painting t-nd paperhanging Ph 4335 " Painting. L. C. tUofson. Phone 168T For Sale Miscellaneous OUTBOARD Fishing boat Almost new. Z279 Fairgroumis Rd- . USED Norge ironer. cabinet model with coyer. M9 50. Ralph Johnson Ap plia nces. 359 Center. Phone 4038. BOSTON Terrier puppies, 930. Pb. 1-3423 ONE 6 IN. Sklllsaw. Two 8 In. SkUl saws. Sterling 1.000 sander. Sklllaander. Milwaukee else, hammer. in. Skill drill. J2 Savage Automatic. Cusnman motor scooter, 14 ft. Birchcraft boat. IT winch with 100 Ft. cable. 2499 S. 12th St 1 BURNER and oven Standard Elec tric Stove. Good condi tion. Ph. 8371 . GLASS90c per hundred. You pick up. 553 w Capitol St. SP ECIAL CLEARANCE on Tracy stainless steel sinks. Ralph Johnson Appliances. 339 Center. Phone 4036. Good Used Calculators F rid ens, Monroes. Marrhanta Phone 36550. 360 Stats St Room 203 HICXXN 5h cow manure. II per sack her at place. Will del. I sacks. Pit. 88122. Phillips Bros. RL 9. Box lJ84mlleeoutRtete5L PLASTI-KOTZ. the traaaoarent flo- leh lor floors or linoleum that re quire no waxing. YEATFPt ArrUANtT TOMPANT Worikl Globe. Desk Pen Sets (SpeclalT vriTTR a ppi i a Nrr mupimv PAN" " PLASTER BOARD. waU board. 4'xai Ceiling tile as wall plank RL t. Box 431 U McCain. Ara, off SUvartoa Rd. Salem 8 CU. FT. Refrigerator. Lis st. Phone 2-1471. ' VERY FIN 4 lady's diamond rang. 49 Market St. Ph. 1-80W. ATMOJtAX AXONS. Ilk BW. PDOO Tor Sale Miscellanet-rns SXTRPLUS STORE - 1391 HOYT ST. KITCHEN SXNKS, single and double, steel, cast troa and porcelain. Laundry trays, double, complete. Shower stall. Replacement toilet bowls. 10-day de livery on silent, close coupled toilets with cast iron lavatories. YOUNO WASHERS, regular and de luxe. ' HOUSX WIRE and accessories. HALF TRACK COVERS. 36 ox. can vas. 97. BUNK BEDS AND MATTRESSES. LINOLIUM, Cold Seal, best grade, print. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS, up light and table top models. ELECTRIC RANGES, apt. sUe. IRRIGATION PUMP ' with 7'i-h p. electric motor 9180 BEDSIDE TABLES, oak. $S. Com South on 13th St. to Largs HOYT Sign. Turn East One Block. FOX TERRIER puppies, males S3, females 93. Nice lor children. Rt. 7. Box 145, 2 miles north of underpass on WE. Phone 1-4319. KELVIN ATOR refrigerator 9150. Glass top vanity. Skirt, spread and drapes to match. Pale green chintz. 920. 3653 Portland Rd. BEAUTIFUL Salter Inn I. indoor, out door white iron glass top breakfast ta ble. 2 host and 2 plain chairs. Cost 3150. sell for 75. 3655 Portland Rd. COLEMAN oil circulator, radiant doors, and 180-gal. oil drum. 4100. 818 N. Commercial St. Phone 5860. 16 MM. EASTMAN silent movie pro jector and case, like new. 9125- 755 Cas cade Dr PHILCO table model No. 1201 radio and recond. player. 4275 Hudson Ave.. 1 blk nortn. 1 blk. east of Pen 4 Comers. USED CRAY and white ekec WesTI inghoure range, new burners. Bargain at 945 Phone 3625. PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 12th St Block Co S 12th St at Vista Ave. Tele 2-S3B Evenings 8904 Flashlights and Lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MTX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1968 - 1-3100 Exhauil Fans for Kitchen or Shop YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS at GARDENS 6 SACKS 95 or 910 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere tn Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph. 9127 days; 2-4397 eve, or 91T7 Oil Circulator Service Call Ct Younger. 8072 WiIT Switches andOuf lets YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads aV driveway Cement. Ready -mix Concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4 rd shovel St drag line Phone 8561 LAMPS FOR &ESK. table, pin-up. bed and floor lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE W ATERPROOFING I mile south on River Rd Phone 9968 FARMERS ATTENTION - Special farm battery lanterns 3 95. fence con trollers 914.99. milking machines, elec tric milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY VACUUM CLEANERS YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Electric Roaster and Tables Ifu'rxCOOKeS COMPANY or canning. 98 95 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " ELEcTkid RANGED YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY CARDBOARD packing boxes and sheets, sny site 1790 N Front. ALWAYS a big Stock Woodry s Furniture Mkt Ph 1110. BARNYARD St Chicken manure. Del. 95 per cu. yard. Ph 9ST22. Phillips Bros . Rt 6. Box 118 Oil Circulators. 969 95 and up YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Ironers. Universal and Thor. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Light Fixtures of All Kinds YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC beating pads, comforters and blankets YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Chea Sun Lamps and Heat Lamps YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY NEW step-Udders. 6 ft.. 93. Why pay more. 1560 Nebraska Ave. Revere and Aluminum ware YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OfL CONVERSION unite lor your wood or coal cook stove. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Used 90-Gallon Water Heater YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY WASHING 4A3ilNES New ABC and Apex washers. Launderall automatic washers. Twin porcelain rinse tubs. 93950. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 487 Court St. Phone 9611 SKILLS AW model 77. and radial saw arm. Phone 2-3476. WOOD RANGE, coil. tank. Good cond., reasonable. 68 Park Ave- Salem. MAN'S USED bike, basket, chain guard. 2030 S. Church. Anytime Sun. Weekdays after 8 pm APEX SPINNER washer, good cond , reasonable. Loren Lewis. 1280 N. 16th. Ph. 3768. . MAN'S BIKE. 925. good cond. 1206 Chemeketa. Rear apt. 110-Volt Electric Ranges YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY J R Watktns Co products 1711 Can ter St Salem Ph. 9395. Free del Hotplates. Single and 2-Burner YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 12th ST. ELECTRIC MOTOR RUMP APPLIANCE RE PA1R Radio ser. Ph. 2-6417. 1430 S 12th "CEDAR POSTS Ph. 68F22. TOILETS: RT. 7. Box 431 L. McCain Ave off Slbrerton Rd., Salem. Electric Clocks and Door Chimes' YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Free Violin Lessons Competent mod. teacher, will devote lesson time to 3 promising students of high school age. with some previous study. Write aU particulars to Box 958 care Statesman. HOTPOINT elec. range, Phllco refri gerator. Washing machine. Dinette set. Davenport. Swing rocker. Occasional chair. Arm chair. Bdrm. suite. 3 floor lamps. 2 stands. Radio, Magazine rack. 1565 Madison. MAYTAG wasner. haennce. Small Phllco portable. 915. Used 850x18 tires. 1114 3rd. W. Salem. Ph. 8735. BURBANK POTATOES, field run. 3'sc lb. Bring sacks. Herr ex Riehschc. Rt, T. Box 409. ' PRACTICALLY new Easy Spin-Dryer. Ph. 3251. PIPE CUTTER, pipe threader (Oster Bulldog die), metal miter box tt saw (Craftaman), other saws at tools. Em erson table radio, two-wheel trailer, stock size, flat bed. lumber for sides, work harness. Mrs. Morltz. Rt. 1. Box Z3A, Turner NEW Universal apt. sis else, range. 1100. Phone 4331. 1 USED Cabinet type clothes dryer with elec. heater St germicidal lamp. 979 38. Ralph: Johnson Appliances. 359 Center. Phone 4036, HEAVY "Duty farm trailer. Ph. 1-5423. ANTIQUE Lamps and china, oriental rug. 425 N, 23rd. i4 EGG Charters Incubator. Cheap. 2nd hows ea Glen Creek Dr. Rt, 8. BOX 460. 1947 MAYTAG washer. Can 1-4844. )WNER Waving city. Must sell 4 complete rooms of modern furniture Including elec stays, refrigerator, washing m draperies, rugs. Furniture purchased new this fall. Will snake special price complete. Phone 1-5547. PINK Formal, sis 16. $18.00. UsJ eery little. Baby buggy. Practically new. 122. Inquire 158 Hood or call 4487. For Sale aUaeellaneoat ZENITH ELECTRIC ranges with f beat switches. WALLACE HARDWARE 2QS6 N. Capitol St. Phone 6877 SINGER sewing machine, ball beax mr, roofl condition, ipw . church. AVENPORT and chair; youth bed. complete springs and mat.: 20-fsJ. gas gas as water ianx: wooa neatr. ui: FREE. Turn east 1 block at 12th St. junction. NEW. USED and recaooed tires from 93 to 1S. Will s Service Station, 837 S. Commercial St. WILL iAOtmCl beautiful diamond solitaire. Phone 8087 after pjn. or all aay aunoa ayStmday.- RCAT 'earden tractor, includes disc. plow, cultivator and furrower. I960 Mission. Phone 1-5197. JUST RIGHT for small apL or traUer house. Combination cooking, baking or broiling. Univ. elec. oven. 793 N. 18th. By Demand ! ! ! We are repeating our centennial rug value. Just imagine a 9 x 12 all wool J faced rug only $29.00. Deautlgul pat tern and colors. Today only. Limited supply. Glenn Woodry Furniture Mar ket. 1605 N. Summer St. Free parking and free delivery. WEEKEND SPECIAL. New Norge. PrestoUn. Crosley elec. ranges. Hot point refrigerator. All below retail price. Easy credit terms. Haxdman Bros., '4 mi. past Totem Pole on Port land H 1 way GEOGRAPHIC magazines. Ph. 2-1957. TOILETS with syphon jet bowls. Never used. 535- N. Winter. 8 MM MAUSER with K 2.5. 1 box ammo, 16 ga Win. pump, .22 Win. pump. Hi Standard -23 auto, .22 Win. auto, rifle. 2210 Hazel Ave.. Apt. 1. DOUBLE sink. AH porcelain mixing faucet. All connections. 920. SIS S. 19th. Phone 2-4658. OIL Circulating heaters with twin radiant doors. 4 to 6 room size. 194-95 Mnntsomerv Ward & Co.. Salem FULLY AUTO. Bendix washer, per fect cond. $75. Firestone sponge rub ber mattress, with box springs, also perfect. $75.00. 1705 S. Commercial St. Flax Seed Phone 2-1650 2330 S. Coml.' PAIR OF French doors. Child's petal car. Small tryke. Pair lady's ski boots, size 6. Ph. 8030. TWIN SIZE coil springs $8.00. Rub ber cement $1 per gal. 1412 N. Capitol. WESTINGHOUSE electric range. 3 burner, top oven, chrome top, good condition. Phone 5956. NEW AND used ranges, oil heaters, refrigerators, hot plates, elec. heaters, waffle irons, irons, gas heaters, hot water tanks, washing machines. Hard man Brothers. ' mi. past Totem Pol on Portland highway. ypm till 7 eves. ighwav. Open WASHING UAilUlNtiSi Westins- nouse Laundromat. Thor Automatic. wringer types snd portable. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY UCTRIC7RONS. Ironing boards. pads and covers. YEA TEH APPLIANCE COMPANY THE SPREAD of common colds snd many other diseases may be prevented with a Sterilamp for your home or office. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Coffee Maker Replacement Parts YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Electric Room Heaters YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY REINFORCING Steel. Mesh St Sash. Expansion Joints Standard and Water proof Cement. Lime. Keene Cement. Fire-Clay. Fire Place Dampers. Cal cium Chloride. Premix dry sand gravel St cement packed together 90-lb paper sack. Concrete Drain tile, sewer 8c Culvert Pipe. Building St Chimney Blocks. Piers aV Septic Tanks. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front St. Phone 3417 TRY BEFORE you buy. 8 St 9 in. Wappat saws now in stock. HOWSER BROS. PHONE 3648 HEAVY steel clothesline posts Porch railings tn stock St made to order. 1145 N Liberty Oil Furnaces - Burners Restaurant sinks, canopies, etc Eave troughs. All types of sheet metal work All work guaranteed. Free estimates. JOHNSTON SHEET METAL CO. 1410 S. 13th Phone 5391 Water Heaters. All Sizes YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY REBUILT PIANOS: $225 up $35 down. $10 to $12 a month. Shop Tall man and save. 395 S. 12th. a mile from high prices. SPfNET PIANOS See the dainty Spinet "64" now only 8383. Also Krakener and Lester Betsy Ross Spinets. Large selection to choose from. $50 down, balance easy payments. Tallmans. 395 S. 12th. a mile from high prices. RADIOS record players, home ri- corders. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY HEAVY DUTY ranges and griddles for restaurants, club houses, lodges. etc. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY FERTILIZER Fortified Pest Moss. $1 00 a sack de livered. Phone 2-2873. Liberty Turkey Farm. A B APT. Elec. range. 1 yr. old. $100. Phone 8311. Trad e Miscellaneous WILL TAKE piano as down pysnt. on Res. lot. 810 Madison. Ph. 21492. Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE. Phone 9183 K WANT TO Buy Used Cameras at lenses McEwsn Photo Shop 435 State CASH for used piano St other! mu- sical instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqutth Music Co.. 191 S High USED FURNITURE Phone Silo" FURNITURE and what have you bought for cash Call any time Sun dale Exchange Ph. 2-8311. $94 N Lib erty Wanted Miscellaneous) WANTED; Clean white rags. Hogg Brothers. 260 State St. 100 SEWING-MACHINES Sundale's. Ph. 25511 584 N Liberty PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem CASH tor old gold, solid, plated or tilled. Salem Watch Shop. JMl SUte Miscellaneous PECO PACIFIC EXCAVATING COMPANY Bulldozing and Grading PHONE 2-1413 Eve. 8793 SIGN PAINTING Built to order. E. Scott Ph 3635 "SERV-UR-SELP laundry. 3233 PoTT- land Rd. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer Basement Equipment Rental 19 B-'t yds. $12 08 per hr 10 B- yds. 9 80 per hr D.7 Cat a Dozer 9 M per hr. D-8 Cat a Dozer , 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat a Dozer 7 00 per hr Phone Days $408 Evenings $24$ or Salem Oregon AL"S RADIO Clinic. Kclzer disU day or evening- Ph. 1-437X Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring ar Mail Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY 8 EM LER, DENTIST Adolph Bide. State At Com Ph S311 Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069. Pumice Block Homes Complete or walls only. Ph. 680a. HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. $514 for free pickup St delivery service on all makes of ma chines, rree estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Ma chln Co.. 138 N Commercial WEATHER stripe. Pullman pfa $963. ATJTO painting. Just a shad better. by Ray ETTER. Call S brock Motor Co. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 91 06 LE SPRINGER 464 Court WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or irrigation Duffies Bran, RL t. Box 423. Phone 2-1313. LAFF-A-DAY t'CtNSCS J "Hasty maxrlafe 7 Why, we've, been enraged two jreravM Money to Loan Private Money Special rates and terms on larger loans. LONG OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial Phone 9168 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks, furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm machinery: contracts refinanced snd additional money advanced No co signers General Finance is tocslly owned and officered, was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone. 138 South Commercial St, Salem Phone : 9168 Licenses S-138 St M -338 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Nat'V Bank (old auerterst Get Income Tax Cash from the Yes Manager Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if cash IS needed 925 to 9300 up to 9500 auto Personal YES MAN wants to say "Yes to you. Proof: 4 out of 9 who ask. get s loan ... on salary, furniture, or auto. Phone first for extra fast serv ice. Personal Finance Co. 319 State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 E. Gallinger. mgr. Lie. S-122. M-165 FARM and CITY LOANS 4,i4 and 8 Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgsges. CAPTTOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone T182 Financial J MONEY 9 9 4Sk REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie S 119 M ttl Ed Byrkit and Company FIRST MORTGAGE loans at 4a F H. A 8c construction loans. 339 Chemeketa Phone 5981 MONEY TO LOAN Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans. Low Interest rstes. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 Loans Wanted WANTED: $2500 loan on 70-acre farm. Write Statesman Box 957. For Rent II 00 ma NICELY FURN. rm, outside ent . ad joining bath. Emp. men. 1210 N. Front, corner Market. NICE ROOM for man. Private en. trance and bath. 1 'i blocks from city library. 257 S. Winter. LARGS riTAN rv.w ..pniV.rt sleeping rooms for business men or women, private home. 330 Mission. KP, rm. Phone 24698. KICK sleeping room. Outside en" trance. block from bus. Phone 5768. HOT AND COLD watery pfi, tn- rrance. men only. ZBZ3 Brooks Ave. CLOSE IN rmn "IimImI rw.n trw employed gentleman. 697 S. Liberty. 01 .r.r.r-i XNGK50M for lady. 481 N. Winter. WARM room for emn. man 70S M. winter. m SLEEPING room for man Bus bv door. 991 Mill. TRIO unfurnished rooms for house keeping, newly papered and painted. Cell at office. 263 N. Commercial St. 1 ROOM light house keeping apt. for neat emp. woman. Statesman Box 958. SLEEPING ROOM In private borne. $25 per month. 2360 N. Broadway. Hollywood sleeping rms. Ph. 6093. DESIRABLE. CLEAN. CLOSE IN PRIVATE ENTRANCE. 343 S. WINTER. 2 NICE Sleeping; room, can accom modate 3 girls. Kitchen prlvUedges. Phone 7764. 685 N. Church. SLEEPING Room for single, em ploy - ed young woman. Close to capitol and business district. Write Statesman Box 977 : SLP. RMS.. 395 N. 14th. Ph. 9732. For Rent Apartments BASEMENT light housekeeping room 2603 Maple. Phone 23093. PARTLY furn. apt 1505 Broadway. For Rent Houses NEW 3-ROOM, all-elec. house, no children, no pets. 551 N. 21st St. 2 BDRM. hse. furn. Acre ground. Ga rage. 962 JO mo. 1 mi. south of Dickson's Mkt. Adults prct. Ht. 4. box 1-B, NEW Modern 2 BR furn. house. $100 per mo. Ph. 2-6272. Sat. 6c Sun, only. t-RM. HSE. 2 bdrms.. full bsmt.. gar. No children, pets. Statesman Box 959. IX'RN. COTTA6E. 3215 Portland" Rd. For Rent GOOD Used Piano. H U Stiff, STORE Building suitable for store, shop or office. $35 DO per month. 1126 Edee water St. Phone 8018. FOR LEASE or sale: Business loca tion. Cheap. S of 4-Corners. Ph. 5673. Will take a trade-in. - ROTO - TILLERS, garden tractors, pipe tools, skills ws. belt at disc gand ers, mlterboxes. paint sprayers, etc. Try renting and save. HOWSER BROS. PHONE 3648 CAT. AND SHOVEL work, excava rlon. trenching and scraper work. Call Halvorsen Construction Co. Phone 4047 or 6008. TRUCKS and cars for rent. SmiUv's Clipper Service. Center and Church. Phone $600. . TO SAVE money. ' rent aur sander. edfers St polishers. We sell everything to complete the job. ' HOWSER BROS. " PHONE 8846 U-DRIVK TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph 9062 'TRAILERS 75c first hr. SOc' brs' following. Woodry's Mkt. 180$ N. summer. WHEELBARROWS St cement mixers. Reasonable rates. HOWSER BROS. ' 602 EdgewsteT FLOOR Sander, alee, floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Wallace Hardware, the Marshall wells store tn ' aa rr HOOVER CLEANER with a menxs. si a sit. i 111 HOWSER BROS. .; PHOVt 64$ ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health. Rent-eeU H. C Pugb, 884 M. IV 4882. Wanted to Rent MOTHER and S children want un fum. house. Grace Stull. Phone 8091. PARTY Wim good recommendaUon desires to rent 3-bdran, apt. or house tn or near Salem. Phone 1-492. VlTlLkAN and wife. 1 young boys, would like to rent S-bdnn. .bouse. We ar both working, no one horn be tween 9 ant. and 5 pm. Boys ar well trained. Phone 7817. after $ phone 6562. SMALL 2-bdrm. bouse unfurn 3 in family, excellent refs. Leave message. Phone 3-1266. Rn.IARI.E party with t child, hav Inf excellent refs. c steady employ meat with the state, desires rental. 2 bedrm. horn preferred. Please writ Box 963 co Statesman. REWARD for 1 or 2 bedrm bouae. Reasonable rent. Ph. 9448. Call between 6 a.m. St l pm. A HOME Economic Trained Girl Has consented to be a wife We need a landlord To start our married life. Write Statesman Box 962. HOLLYWOOD businessman needs 2 bdrm home for 3 to 8 yrs. Refs. States- man box sa Permanent count with 2 vr old nmA small furn hse. or a pt. Ph. 8293. 1 FORCED TO klOVH need small furn. or partly furn. bouse tn or near Salem. Phone 7766. MOD. i OR 3-BDRM. home. Adult. Permanent. References. Phone 4119 from to 9. After 8, Phone 26539. For Sale -Real Estate BY OWNER: Clean 2-bdrm. home. Smalllot. Reasonable. Phone 2-1609. ATTENTION Selling at reduced price for quick sale, furn or unfurn. 3560 Winorla St.. near Salem Heights scnooi. rnone oyji. $4850 Takes this restaurant stock and fixtures. Good income. $8500 1 'i acres. 2-bdrm. house. L.R . DR. kit. Elec. fireptecc and heating. Call Mr. Hansel! $1273 For two lots 50x135 each. $1350 For three lots 50x120 each. $2000 Approx. 13 acre near Candalair Heights. $9275 2-story 4-bdrm. house. Fireplace. $2425 will handle this. Call Mr. Self WALTER MUSGRAVE. REALTORS 339 N. High St. Phone 25022 SPECIAL PRICE. 2 bdrms.. full bath. finished attic, garage, wodshed. partly furn.. part elec. heat. Take truck up to $400. Small cash down payment, rest likerent. 1mm. noes. Call 196 W. Miller. Phone 4250 for key to house. NEW 4-RM. plastered house close in. wired for range, elec. hot water. 65-ft. lot, priced to sell by owner. Call 22186. BY OWNER. New 2-bedroom house. Tvoou. ana 1 nompson Ave. FOR Efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co NOW SUBURBAN Cape Cod home with 2 bedrms. down St 2 partially finished up. Full basement, auto, oil furnace. 2 fireplaces, hdw. firs. Faultless construc tion Located N. on x A. Ph. owner. 38283. Asking price $14,000. NEW 2 BEDRM. home. Completely furn. 3365 Mulligan Ave, off Salem Heights Ave. LOT. HoUyw'd dist. 1 blk W. Frgrnd rd. Donna sve. Ph. 7881 after 5 p.m. REDUCED from $4250 to $3500 cash. S rooms, linoleum, davenport, oil heat er ra stove. Inquire 820 Harfson. EX CTSXEN T apt. site. An improve ments in. Proper zone. Phone 3801. BY OWNER 8 rm. mod. house. dbL plumb, oil best, cor. lot, dbL garage. 1690 N. 5thj i ACRE LOT Livingston Ave. near Lansing N.E. $650.00. Ph. 4783 or 2-6556. BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. mod. home. Will take late model car or cash as down payment. Ph. 2-6640. GOOD BIG 2 bdrm. hse. Part. fin. upstrs. 1180 Colonial Ave. Estep Real Estate Co. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 2-4631. NEW 2 bedrm. home N. Salem. $6000. Call Morn St Eve. 2343 Garden Rd. BY OWNER: neat 2 bdrm. home on Urge comer lot. 945 Highland. V, blk. to Catholic school. BY OWNER: nice Bldg. tracts, near Keizer at reduced prices. Small down payment. For information Ph. 14096. SMALL 5-rm. house. 2 large lots for sale, reasonable, will take good late model Chev. or Ford and $1000 cash. Balance easy terms. H. C. Pratt. 830 Cade St. $4100 2 bed room home, located north, nice lot. paved streets and sidewslka are In. Term if desired. $10,500, North 10 acres located close to Salem on paved highway. Excellent soil and good bid jcx- This Is really an Ideal piece of property. See H. E. Corey with Art Madsen Real Estate 1328 SUte St. - Ph. 5580. Eve. 3816 Homes Beautiful Three Englewood homes worth while looking into. These will please the most particular buyer, and aU are priced within reason. So call us for an appointment and get ready to move in. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 No. Capitol Phone 821 6 UNFINISHED 4 rm. house. Nice lot. East. Some terms. See Hennessy. S3 Hiway A ve. after 3 or Sat.. Sun. -EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT 3 BEDROOM LOVELY HOME. Cheer ful spacious living and dining rooms, beautifully carpeted, fireplace, large view windows, modern kitchen. Double plumbing. Basement with play room and extra boy's bedroom. Excellent furnace. Fenced back yard, sprinkling system. A real pleasure to show this home. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 1-4793 BY OWNER New 3 bdrm. home. Large lot. Good location. Full bsmt. Elec. beat. Hdwd floors. $11,500. Keizer dist. Joe Miller. North River Rd. St Cherry Ave. 2nd house on Diets Ave BARGAIN. By Owner. 3350. 9,.rm. unfinished house. Rt. 9. Box 577-P. Browning Ave.. Salem . Heights. NEW 2 BDRM. home. By owner. In- sulated. elec heat, wired for range, utility room, plenty of builtlns. 97000. Ph. 8752. May be seen from 8 :30 to 9:30. 1196 S. 13th. After 8:30 call 2-6540 for appointment. Look $1600 down. 1 bdrm. horn east of town, hdw floors throughout. Fire place, coved ceilings, att. garage. BaL like rent. Imm. pons. OLSON St REEVE REALTORS 943 S. Com ! - Ph. 4590. Eves. 25830 VIEW LOT. wUl sacrifice for $550. Inquire 820 Hansen Ave, v. SPECIAL.' BARGAINS No. 187 41 ' Acres strawberry land. 13 acres bearing: with modern, up-to-date 5-room bouse, bath, electricity, spring water, furnace, berry picker's cabins, barn, garage, tool house, pump house, fruit cellar, chicken house, close to brand new modern school house. Can be had now for $9000. Ev erything ready to go. Can be had with or without equipment. Terms. If de sired. No.' 170 Well located grocery store snd fixtures of modern make and de sign with long term lease en building. See this at $3500. No. 1982 story frame building with basement, living quarters upstairs. Modern. Immediate possession. Wired for electric range. Price. 94500. F. E. SYLVESTER Real Estate Broker Ed. S. Woare - James L. Taylor Salesmen 109 S. Water St. - SUverton. Oregon MODERN 4 BEDROOM HOME NORTH Hardwood floors, full basement, fire place, auto, oil beat. Owner must sell at one. Call us for appointment end make an offer. R OSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC. N. Coml St. Ph. 3030. Eves. "9 BY OWNER: new home. Immediate possession. 47 or 48 ear In trade. Hwrt. floors. L-R-. DR- Kitchen. Bath, t BJL karg closets, full bsmt. L. trave. fur nace, attached garaee. lot 84x23T. Located Sunset eve. 658 So. 18th St. . vTisiriwonn riRrvH Before you build, see this lovely, well bum view home. Large living room with fireplace. 2 bedroom. 2 baths. Dining room. Modern kitchen. Hard wood floors. Utility room, basement. Oil heat. FJ. hot water heater. 2 car raraee. Lot 148 x 180. Owner has ever $18.00e tn this piopeity. Immediate oc cu nancy. Key in our office. Exclusive with - . rEVERTN REALTY CO. Xli J. High Tel. edit For Sale Real Estate GOOD MORNING 1 McKUXOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 199 South High MS Nicely arranged heme. 2 BR. Bath. LR St Fireplace. DR. K. St Nook. builtlns. good closet apace, plastered Interior, tfull basement with. shower, sawdust heat, garage, fenced In back yard with few trees, good north location. i ' $ MO Insulated and Weatherstripped. Electric Heating and eookmg. new t BR home, plastered Interior. Bath, LR St Fireplace, DR. K. builtlns, Ven. blinds. UW floors, garage. & blk. to bus. school close, immediate possession. - $ 1.300 Large Home, located south. 4 BR. double plumbing. LR. DR. sitting room. K St Nook, builtlns, plastered Interior, large basement, bus by door, close to schools. i f 11.750 Very nice X BR home, plastered Interior. HW St Far floor.' Bath. LR 8c Fireplace, DR. K as builUns. Ven. blinds semi -finished upstairs (14'x36 Basement, double garage, close to bus, good residential location. $12.000 Ideal location, beautiful yard, full basement, eight; years old. Hip roof, plastered Interior. 3 BR. Bath, LR. ' DR. K St builtin. electric water heating, automatic oil furnace, garage, insulated and weatherstripped. $12.800 Furnished Duplex, located north, basement, double garage, extra larg COME IN OR PHONE f S131 - 8628 t Evenings 7183 60 New Homes Now Ready! IN THE MAPI-ETON ADDITION Because of the inclement weather we have been unable to finish com Sletely the cement work, landscaping, etc. of these sixty houses. They are, owever. ready to move into If you pay the down payment and yourcredit is good you can move in tomorrow or the next day nd waiting for rJf.A. and other approvals. In some cases the down payment wiB be as little as $6t and the monthly payments will be teas than we could actually get for rent. The houses are all brand new. they are fully Insulated, have hiriwwut floors, oil furnaces and wiU be finished to include paved f walks. PfvfJ ways. etc. The streets are now paved and all houses are yadv tt te bve4 inif you can put up with the inconvenience of waiting? e UtV while until the weather wUl permit us to take care of the- cement wprk. :; AS LITTLE AS $600 Down BALANCE LESS THAN RENT There will be a representative on the ground seven days a; week, all day. Drive out the North River Road to the City limits Mapseton addition Is an the right-hand side as you go north. Bus service (Keizer) every .4 minutes Developed by I ;) ' 1 , ' F. I. Bliven, Cooney & VIEW PROPERTY Beautiful view from two sides of house. Strictly mod ern design throughout. Fireplace, ample living ; room and dining room. Full basement with oil furnace. Breezway t garage. Price $11,500 and worth it. .5 BLIVEN COONEY & CRAiG I 847 N. High Phone 7908; Eves. 5053 or 8918 AMUNDS0N REALTY BARGAINS $1300. I'.i acres Swegle Dist. Near School 8 Bus. an excellent Bldg. site. Call Mr. Rains. 3 Acres near Swegle School with lovely stucco home and bath. Hwd firs. Space for Br up. All kinds of ber ries. Some nuts. Call Mr. Rains. Lovely new 3 BR bungalow with Lr. Dr. Kit. Bath. Garage. Hwd Firs tbra out. Lot 83 x 121. Nesr Bus St stores, an excellent value at $10,509. Call El mer Amundson. ITS BARGAIN TIME ANY TIME Af AMUNDSON Phone 2-6687 BLIVEN. COONEY - St CRAIG $6850 New 2 bedroom house near Highland School. Good loca tion, priced right. Immediate pos session. BLIVEN. COONEY 8c CRAIG 847 N. High Phone 7908 Eves. 5053 or 8919 $8750. LATE BUILT 5-room home East. Has h.w. floors, oil floor furnace, attached garage, unfinished attic. Large lot. $3200 down, bal. $34.80 per mo. CaU O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. Hisl St. PH. 4121: Eves. 2-5208 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS VERY REASONABLE. 1 bedrm. home, hving rm.. bath: auto. h.w. heat er. Nice let. Shade trees. This Is com pletely furnished. $3800. GOOD LOCATION. 1 story. 2 bedrms bath, living! rm- dining rm. This home has all the conveniences. 9500. OUR BEST FOR THE MONEY. 2 bedrms.. living rm, dining rm.: oak floors: elec. cooking, gas hot water heater. 2 car garage: full basement. Immediate poss. $9000. rtstwfe? vWe S nedrm. home. H.W. floors. Utility rm. NewJ and coming; aiaincr. ina nomv tm j -old. $9300. For these and many more CALL or att Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors "32 years of dependable service to home owners" 344 State St. Phone 9281 Evenings caut z-ewri or -3jj Trailer House Wanted Wil take good trailer house as down payment on 2 bdrm. modern house. Very reasonable. Bal. monthly . pay ments. C. E. Coville, Broker TURNER Ph. 22. res.' Ph. 42 Why Wait, Don't Hesitate MAKE IT A DATE TO SEE DEAL BARGAINS IS REAL ESTATE. Many homes to chose from which are rea sonable in price and to fit your indi vidual needs in all price ranges. (IF YOU PAY RENT YOU CAN BUY A HOME) COLBATH LAND CO. 1883 Center St. Phone 2-4353 Eve. Ph. 2-1403 or 2-8923 or 8777 Ed Byrkit and Co., Realtors' XOORT. Small down pymnt, very good terms, hdw. firs, 1 yr. old thru out. 2 BR. LH DR. and Kltch comb. Bath. Attached garage, wired for ranee. Elec. Hot wtr. htr. Ready to go for $6850 00. THREE BEDROOM. Fireplace.-Hdw. firs. Oil Fir. furnace. LR. Bath. DR and Kltch Comb, attached garage, with nice utility room. Bus. 1 block. 99250 00. THREE BEDROOM, larxe lot. Hdw. firs. Fireplace. Bath. LR. Bunt-ina. Breakfast nook. Full basement, garage. Insulated end. Weather stripped. $11.900 00. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT. H 8 h e t type home. 2 BR. Bath. LR. DR. Kitcb, Ruilt-tns. Ven. Bids. Laundry travs. FJec. Hestine. Water Htr. Wired for Range. $15,500.00, . 339 Chemeketa Ph. 8981 or 870$ i vn. s?,"i, mm y JU" . ... mj . . v. i WOODBUBN. OREGON Specious home on ground floor. Has been well eared for. located close t schools, churches, civic center. Oil beater, fireplace, good supply of wood, some furniture, nice yard, lots of flow er, shrubs. Win accept less than mar ket value as tt ts necessary to seD same at one ta order to settle estate. Immediate eecupanev. For more Infor mation phone Woodbura Main Et er Blue SOT. - ). - For Sale itteal EgiaU I - 2-6319 - 2-5333 Bressler i BEAUTY SALON Downtown Lore tion. All late model modern equipment You cant lose at 94900. Call Mr. PterceJ S13W AUOT II. MLTUCIII m - ov.ijh Fairmount hill section. Large lot. Geodi view. Near Bus. Only $6958. Can Mri Pierce. - Kk acres N.E. with Completely n is bed 2 Br. home lust, finished. Ca rage. Chicken hse. and Barn. 91 cased well, familv orchard, all foe $12,600. Call Eln-.ef Amundson. . REALTY C0. i 584 Ferry Stree JOE HUTCH 15 SON" SEASON REALTOR I hoe 7698 a AND DISTRICT 1 heme only 2 years old.' ito! heat Mr. W assist Phoe HIGHLAND : 2 BED ROOM att. garage, autot heat Mr. Wa would hke to show this for 96950.90. t SOUTH 12Tff ST !; VALUE I THIS IS A GOOD 2 be. home on lot 274 feet deep, possibilities are her.' 975O0.0O fuU priceJ or trade for farm.4 For more Information call Mr. Torvend Joe Hutchison.! Realtor: 453 Cogrt Street Phone Eves. a-47 or 25141 ANOTHER NEW ONE East: two bedroom, oil floor furnaeW hardwood floors, jarge attached earst age. Only $7050. i t Salem Itealtv Co. " 149 N. iHigh St, " Phone 7660 Eves 24591. 34773. 2S5S3) snt re Ton a v northJ ediotatsj This strikine trsrt Insulated, weather ftripped. elertrtd water heater: we 91 feet deep wtthl eight inch casingl Reallv a very atT tractive property.; sensibly priced a $1100. . J Salem Realty- Co. 14S tt K ' Plione 7660 Eve. 24773. 24591. 335g rT"C' v ru Move right in4 this lovelv ranctf floors) IhrAufluMlf ' Irmr w RjM kiHlt.lM Wllidu. 1 uuuzik nwm, two ftooa size oeoroomaj ii wu. iiwi space, on lumacv. ex tr larff. liirine rnm 1 . rm U iHI four bie walnut Iriwi Priml .t tia , w ana worm it f Salem Eea1tv-G. 149 N. 3tieh St Pone 7660 Eves. 24591. 54773. JSSM FOR SALE bv Owner. 2 B R houeaT4 larew closets, bath., kitchen with lot .uni inrjnmb wimv, lire place, oil ht- ful basement, rarag m evxisz. ai i lit lit Res st, W. of Soutf tfta oi, jgay be-seen at Will. r : g 3 BEDROOM Hnia IN rlOLLYWOOBv DISTRICT Neat & clean. cloe to pue S, school. Priced for auickl a4e . . SSOll Eaasr Ltsr-e. ; h.'i" J Rotem Ailolnli. IneJ tlN Caml t P. 3sT. Pyee. fCf GOOD'S BRM heme $2000 Cash wCX handle. rHA. teryis on , Balance. 1 Goodwin & McMillin I Realtors I 484 Court S9v Fione 4707 iEve 8715 or 81F21 New modern 21 B R. home norfhl Hardwood floors. Auto neat Attached garage, immedtatei possession call Stanley! Brown with Realtors State Finance Coi J?ealt 153 g. Hlrh St. P. 4121; Eves. I-S&f ot uwrnejt i i Modern 2 B R ."hrwne.V RamI enn ' Large back' norcB.J fruit -room. Part if rani, neasonaoje. wnmedtate nose, Fh. Silverton 1844. 1 to 8:08. Mon.-Frf. ADVEHTISIKO Western AdverUsinjj " Representative. 11 Ward-Crtfftth ' Company, tne. 8rtB svnetsee Eastern dverrl5tnf " " Representative Ward-GrUTHh ; Comoanv. tne. Cnaeaco. Newt Torkj Detroi. Beaten.! Atlanta . i Member ; Pacdfle Coast DJvislcm ' Bureaiy of jAdvertirinjj ' Exfered et fkei PtMoTPn mt See less. Oreee) m ecoe Class Me. tee PabiUHed every ntorwine e v eept Mosidev chsarwes ffic 814 South Commercial Street. suBScaipnoN rates : Man Pubscrtptfon Rates ta Ad. yance: Wtthtn Oregon; Dally and! Sunday. Mo 89 cenU; moa. 83 U: I year. $8 Oft Elsewhere 80 cents pae ma or 97 28 for I yen bt advance - Par eopy 9 cents. : By City Carrier ( TS cents a month. tM a year In Im Maneal asl adjacent I J I - S Y: ' Craig I-