The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    S The Stcrioaman, Salem, Oregon. Wednesday. March 3. 1843
Salem Folk
Home From
The South
The January and February va
cationists are beginning to tred
twmt daily from the south, fol
lowing sojourns In the desert both
In California and Arizona.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C Rob
erts are being welcomed home
from a month's trip south. They
pent several weeks at Palm Des
ert and then motored north to
San Francisco and Carmel where
they visited with -friend.
Colonel and Mrs. Phillip Alli
son returned to the capital Mon
day night from a month's' sojourn
in California. They visited with
friends and relatives La Sen
Francisco, Santa Barbara and
-Mr. and Mrs. Ercel W. Kay also
returned Monday from a several
weeks visit south which took
them to Furnace Creek Inn at
Death Valley, Arizona and Palm
Mrs. T. A. XJvesley arrived in
the capital Tuesday morning from
m six weeks sojourn at Furnace
Creek Inn. En route north she
topped in San Francisco for a
vint with friends.
Shrub PruninQ
Principals Told
Principals of pruning shrubs
nd demonstrations of the
will be featured at a home ex
tension meeting Thursday, March
4 - at Four Corners Community
hM starting at 1:30 p.m. Stanley
J. Wadsworh, floriculturists at
Oregon State college, will be the
apeakrr and he will be assisted
by Don Rasmussen, assistant
Marion county agent.
Men, wumen or boys and girls
interested in the pruning demon
stration will be welcome. Eleanor
Trindle, Marion home agent, said
In announcing the meeting. Gen
eral principles of shrub culture
and propagation will be handled
firit by Wadsworth with the
demonstration on shrubs in yards
within walking distance of Four
Corners Community halL
The speaker far the aaeeUax nf
the WSCS of the Weat Salem
llethixiist church has been
changed. Mrs. Robert Hutcheon
will talk to the group on "Old Vlr
juij" at the meeting which is to
br-Xin with a covered dish lunch
eon at 11:30 a.m. today.
c The Kappa Alpha Theta aJnea-
bii will meet Thursday night at
the North Capitol street home of
Mrs. George Schwarz at 8 o'clock,
lln. O. T. Mansfield will be the
awHting hostess. The alumnae are
picking two boxes each month for
an 11 -year-old French orphan
A little Vlcka Va-tro-nol tn each noa
Itrtl raw head cold distress faatl
And If used at tint warning anUae or
laneese. Va-tro-nol actually helps to
' many colds from developtnc.
Try It I Follow directlona tn paeaage.
New Sweetheart
Styled by
As Gay arid Sparkling as
The First Spring Day
Styled by America s Most
Celebrated Designers
Colors Rod, Groan. Brown or Black, In Kid or Do Hn
with XSgh. Medium or Low He!s -
Arbuckle's Inc,
' 431 Slate EL '-
Music i . The Home ,
DAR Chapter to
Meet Saturday
Chemeketa chapter. Daughters
of the American Revolution, will
meet at the Salem Women's club
house Saturday afternoon at 2
There will be annual reports
of committees and other important
The hostess is Mrs. C E. Roblin
and the serving committee is Mrs.
Edward West, Miss Kate Dickson,
Mrs. W. C Conner, Mrs. W. B.
Johnston, Mrs. C W. Prigge, Mrs.
Alfred Vick, Mrs. J. C, Sell, Mrs.
S. L. Mlnard and Mrs. L. Loos.
Centralis Tempi. Ne. It Pythian
Staters, meet at KJ Kail, t p m.
AAUW floral arraneement Bitd pome
decoration study group wltA Mr. Rob
ert E. Corey, I1S1 Center SU. 13 pm.
Women's Council, First Christian
caureh. group aaeettag-
rcr Teachers dub aneet at Blue Bird.
pm. dinner. Salem Haigfata teachers
Silw Tern. Knight Memorial church,
nreerein. S p jn.
WSCS oc Leslie Methodist ehureh
with Mr. LUUaa Cannes-. 1S4S S.
Church t 3 njn.
Royal Neighbor ( America. Oregon
Crap camp, meet at VTW bau. p.
m . Initiation.
Ladles of GAR at TWCA. business
meeting. 1 am.
Son of Union Vetorana auxiliary
nart at Salm Woman's ciubhouae. T JO
Repriaterlans with Mrs. Ronald (Mov
er. 1730 S. Winter St.. 3 JO p.m.
iflrst Congregational church camellia
tea. at church. 3 to S P-m- public In
vited. Ketrer Ladles Sewing club with Mrs.
Harry Broadbent. all day. covered dish
luncheon at 'noon.
Chapter d. PTOf with Mrs. Harry
Johnson. S2S N. 23rd St, 1:19 p.m. des
sert luncheon, election and installation
of officers.
GT club with Mrs. Virgil Gesrhart.
laao rtlrmount, dessert luncheon. 1
p m.
ram at
Enslewood. Woman's club, with Mrs.
r. L. Aumaa. 825 Breys are.. 1:1S des
sert luncheon.
Barbers Prletchle Tent No 1, DUV.
meet at Salem Woman's clubhouse, S
p m.
Chemeketa chapter. OAR. meet at Sa
lem Woman's clubhouse- 1pm,
BROOKS Relatives and
friends' gathered Friday night at
the home of Lawrence Jackson
in honor of his birthday anni
versary. The evening was spent J
witn music rurmsnea Dy Anarrw
Neli ton and J. D. Earls. Refresh-,
ments were served to Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Earls. Virgil and
Pauline. Mr. and Mrs. Audie
Earls, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Earls,
David and Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs.
Oren Roberts, W knell and Den
ver, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Phillips,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nell ton,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lea and
Carol. J. D. Lea, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lea, J. D. Earls, Glen Straw,
Jimmy VarbeL Irene Totland.
David-Wright, Lorene, Betty and
Lonnie Jackson and Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Jackson.
BETHEL Mrs. George K,
Bahnsen entertained at dinner on
Sunday honoring her husband on
his far-spaced birthday anniver
sary. February 29.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
William Goetze, Mr. and "Mrs.
Jimmie Calkins, Mrs. August
Schuler, Gerald and Nelda Schu
ler, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
John Wirth of Auburn, Mr. and
Mrs. O. B. Chapman and Linda
and Mr. and Mrs. Bahnsen.
Hostesses to
Fete Gliibs
Entertaining this weak is in
formal with bridge club gather
ings the social highlight
Mrs. Kenneth Power will nr.
side at a bridge luncheon this aft
ernoon at her Center street noma
for members- of her dub.
A hostess tonight will be Mrs.
Stuart Lancefleld, who will fete
her club at bridge and a late sup
per at her Fairmount Hill home.
Judge and Mrs. George Ross
man will entertain their club at
dinner and bridge Thursday night.
Covers will be placed for 12.
Miss Esther Baird has invited
members of her club to her North
Cottage street home Thursday
night A late supper will follow
several hours of cards.
Mrs. Karl Becke entertained at
dinner and bridge Monday night
ax ner North Summer street noma
in honor of her dub.
Mrs. Cal Patton was hostess for
a bridge luncheon Monday after
noon at her South High street
home In compliment to members
ox ner club.
Mrs. Boals Speaks
To Woman's Club
Mrs. Ray Boals of Eurne nnV
to the Salem Woman's club Sat
urday afternoon on "Race Rela
tions.' QUOtlnST recent ctarJH
regarding: the nerro rare. Rrmm
unzixuj was iea oy Mrs. David
ameron witn Mrs. Eari Andre
sen the accomDanist-
Mrs. Estill Brunkv president of
ine ciun, prestaad over the execu
tive board meeting and the regu
lar business session.
Mrs. Gregory Haeflinger and
Mrs. W. J. Beard were welcomed
as new members and Mrs. F. B.
Kibbe and Mrs. J. Earl Pnnk .r.
unanimously elected into member-
The tea table which was rM.
tered with an arrangement of ca-
meuiias ana launsunus was pre
sided over by Mrs. Carl Chambers
and Mrs. J. M nvn kt.
Claude H. Murphy was general
u""mn oi we tea Hour, asslst-
bL Curti' A- HI. Mrs.
Gerald Fisher, Mrs. JL W. Soufh
wick and Mrs. David Cameron.
Mrs. Lafe Townsend has re
turned to Salem foil
onXii BtT to Pasadena, Calif.
ivwioma was unable to re
turn north with hr hK9n .
month ago, as she fell while in
we souin and broke her hip. She
ts now Convilctrinv sf v.
at 5S3 S. Commercial st.
The Easter story
beautifully told
T?4 geede. 10-1$.
2475 n
( ,
F. Z. Bexxnblossom. tur
key markatincf spodalisi at
Texas A.uM. college, who
will demonstrate how a y
make, cook, and serve tur
key steaks and other forms
of cut up turkey. The dem
onstration hi to be In fb
Dairy Cooperative build
ing March at 130 rxm.
Poultry jriarket operators,
restaurant and cafe own
ers, housewives and pro
ducers are invited to this
event arranged by the Mar
lon county agent's office.
Mrs. Brand Tells
Unit of London
Mrs. James T. Brand was the
guest speaker at the Monday
meeting of the American Legion
auxiliary. Capital unit She spoke
on her trip to London, giving a
most interesting description of
Westminster Abbey and the
Shakespeare: country.
Mrs. William Bush, vocalist,
accompanied by Miss Joyce Edg-
ell sang a group of numbers.
Mrs. E. W. Richey, American
ism chairman, announced that the
6th grade at Englewood school
won the Flae Code contest soori-
sored by the auxiliary. Miss
Louise Rawson is the teacher.
Mrs. Merle Travis presided at the
business meeting.
The auxiliary will loin Capital
post for the March IS meeting
in celebration of the Legion's 28th
birthday with a no-host dinner at
, 155 N. Liberty
Elegance of fabric
flawless fit
Co-Chairmen For
Drive Named ;
At the Salem General hospital
auxiliary meeting Tuesday morn
ing at the YWCA plans were out
lined for the annual spring mem
bership drive to be held this
month, Mrs, John Carson, presi
dent, appointed Mrs. E. M. Page
and Mrs, Harry Crain co-chairmen
of the drivel
Mrs. Linn C Smith will head
the nominating committee, which
will make its report in April,
Twins Are Welcomed
Congratulations go to .Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Whiteon the birth
of twins, a boy, John Leslie, and
a daughter; Janet Lee, on : Mon
day at the Salem General hospital.
The twins have an older sister,
Susan, and brother, Douglas. The
grandparents are Mr. .and Mrs.
Floyd White of Salem and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Robertson of Port
land, formerly of Salem.'
Good Friends
Sausage Joins Fruit to Make Good
Family Main Course; Cook Carefully
By Maxtne Barea
Statesman Weenans Editor
We haven't talked about sausage for a long time. Good pork
sausage is a great favorite with many families and Is an economy
way to serve pork.
Let's - look at a good menu using sausage for a family meaL
Head lettuce salad
Sausage patties
Apple slices
Creamed new potatoes
Experts say to cook either link or
bulk sausage by a method . called
"reverse braising." The meat is
browned ' at the end of the cook
ing, with a small amount of liquid
addd before browning, instead
of after, as in braising. Place the
meat in a heavy skillet with 1 or
2 tablespoons water, cover and
cook for 10 minutes slowly. Re
move cover and brown, r
Fried apples, naked apple slices
or apple quarters cooked in a
sweet syrup, will be the correct
accompaniment for the sausage.
If preferred, a sausage loaf is
a nice change and can be used In
the menu above:
m pounds bulk pork sausage
'a cup milk
1 M cups bread crumbs
1 tablespoon finely "chopped
2 tablespoons catchup
2 tablespoons horseradish
Vi tablespoon prepared
. . .
On Sunday
Christening .-Services for two-month-old
Peter Michael Van
deneynde, -Son of Mr. and Mrs.
Rodney jBene Vandeneynde, will
be held In Portland on Sunday
afternoon at the Church of the
Madeleine at 1:30 o'clock.
"Miss Margaret Wagner of Sa
lem will be the little boy's god
mother and Frank Bosch, jr., of
Portland will be the godfather.
The baby's grandparents, who will
be present for the ceremony, will
be Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vanden
eynde of Salem and Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Wilcox of M osier. Also
attending the services from Sa
lem will be Miss Patricia Van
deneynde, Mr. and Mrs. John
Steelhammer and daughter, Jan.
Chapter O ef r JLO. entertained
their husbands Tuesday night at
a 6:30 o'clock smorgasbord at the
chamber of commerce rooms. The
program was provided by the men.
1 egg, beaten ,
Combine ingredients In order
given. Pack In a SxJ-tnch loaf pan,
and bake In a moderate oven (350
decrees) for 1 hours.
Another fruit which blends in
flavor with either link or bulk
sausage is the banana. After the
meat is cooked in the water, add
bananas and cook a few minutes
covered, then remove lid and con
tinue cooking until brown.
Then we are the ones yea want to see or ealL We have a cam
plete bnllding service f rem plana to. completion. Whether it is
new construction remodel ins, er redecorating, er Mae print
plana we have a eecapleto force of superior workmen, and we
are interested in saving yen money, se
la the place for yen to ge first
STH State Street Phone t-m
1 3T s V
For Initiation
Mrs. Vernon Frohm -presided at
the Monday night meeting of Re
bekah chapter, when Mrs. Beulah
Smith became a member by
transfer. During the meeting Mrs.
Iviadeane Hubbard announced the
card party for March 15 which
will be a benefit for the jewel
Appointed on' the refreshment
committee for the month were
Mrs. Mary Staats, Mrs. Ilden
Updegraff, Mrs. Linnie SimeraL
Mrs. Anna Wane and Mrs. Mi
riam West, Initiation was , an
nounced for six candidates next
Monday. '
Mrs. George Beasmaa will m
tor to Longview, Wash- today to
be a guest of the Longview Wom
an s dub, where she will give a
book review. .
.-,:, vt,..,, -a
WIND yew wateh eaee a Oa
preferably In the laraasg at na
ansae nonss Wind it geatt. U
year watch reae erratically,
bring It to e far tnepictiae end
te put H in good tuning lee ye
Our watchmakers andersfaad
tbm npair o fine wtrtches. Edaq
us your warcn.
Wool fabardine. 10-1$.
Here's the Easter mood In coats and top
pers designed with an eye te pretty per
fection! Coats sre free end full or fitted
ss f a. princess . j toppers swing easily,
fronj softly rounded shoulders. At Wards
youII find a huge collectioa of newest
styles. Come m.. .Try them on end
discover for yourself the lovelier look
of Spring 19481 . j
. ; ,; i :
Do You Like brcIiidsT
Do Yoa like Style?
Do Yoa like Qaalitjt
ff Yu do, Johnson's w-Tl
be IvctppT. to serve ou
with qU jthree i. .
for erety Easter
kult. vf wl preseril
you with a beautiful
Choose from Johnson's
large selection , of
fashionable: suits that
are gently tailored or
fetchlngly feminine in shades
of spring . orchid pink,
powder blue, mocha,
kelly. mini, whit,
beige, rrroy, ftavy, red.
$35.00 to $59.95
i (This o'ffer 'not valid
after; March 2$
It's Bonnet Time
'-. : :H j-:-."-".-"
and Ihe first saucy ne-w?
hats are certain signsj ;;
of spring. Th spring, e
not only soft feltg
but crisp straws
are adapted to the
new look;. i . and the
soil'ors life; this spring
will be a gay-one brightened ;
'with cascades of taffeta,
gladsome plaid ribbons
and starched veiling.
See Jhftse new spring
hats In Johnson's
millinery derartmen. v
Knltsalu Art Ncwi
J;, I,: -
For crisp sprtag'days and
cool summer nights . .
A PeTrenial favorite
that canj never be
, . out-worn or ouW
dated . . ; Knit suite
are a ""smart" , wardrobe
J There l is a lovely
flawing symmetry
of ; line in the knit
dress sillouetta. There
isi perfect taste in
Its design . . . There
b a lilting -quality of
fineness and above alL
the new knit dress
fashions belong' to everyone
... in new spring shades,
aqua, mocha, beige,
grey.J kelly green,
navy, and black .
At the popular price of $25X0.
In Spring Everyone!
. Fency Turns to Denims f ;
Mn .
t . r
They're tops in fashion
!&ls; spring say the
stylists. .And are we
' glad for we have a store.
. full of the cutest denim
play clothes thai you
ever did see ... 'a .
- they I come ; in colore
too ... faded blue, red,
green, cocoa, yellow . . .
or in stripes tn the same
colors. And the price
'. j ' is so nice . .
, BraHi. . $2.50.
Slacks . v$30
Slacks . . $4.93
. Peddle Pushers ... $3.93
.'Cute and practical for .
home chores, C 'ideal"
for gardening), and Just
the filing for play ...
Denims from Johnson's
:,;,:;-:T--Ji!,- :
You 'Are Welcome at
Use Lerywwey I Jvsf $1
. nelds yewr ceof wnia Merck ISSk
434 Stale CL
. r ".. . -
h rr 1 1. r