O: O u O ED EZIO ; O CDU O llTli Stat man, SqUm, Orgoa, Wdn dry. March 3, IM Brooks 4-H Clubs Elect Officers BROOKS Organization of three camp cookery 4-H club has been completed at the Brooks grade school. Club 1 has selected the name The Hungry Eight,-" Jim Thomas. ' president; Eddie Lrowery. vice president; Joe Cover, secretary; Dick Miller, reporter; Mrs. Waldo Lowery, leader. Oth er members are Billy Vasby, ICE CHEAII Quark . SAvnit snrren Sales A ffeat SUeaa Howard Tootit, Bill Cover and Pat Merrill. ; Mtings are held every Friday at the Waldo Low ery : . Tour-H camp cookery club 2 meets Saturdays at the home of their leader, Mrs. John Archer. Officers are Troy Archer, presi dent; Virgil Earls, vice president; Robert Baker, -secretary. A name will be selected at the next meet ing. Other members are Darrell Slape. Paul Edmonds. Jerry Krause. Morris Gilchrist and Frank Hawkins. Four-H camp cookery club S, "The Better: Bakers," meets ev ery Saturday at 10 am. at Mrs. Albert Brown, leader. Officers are Paul Ray Johnson, president; Billy Brown, vice president; Jim my Robinson, secretary. Other members are Mickey Ramp, Dick ey Vogel, Jimmy Fitzgerald and Donald Westllng. ( N FOR TEN DAYS . IT !:o Watch TOMORROW'S Paper For VALUE DEMONSTRATION Leap Year Day Babies Doze at Memorial a s. , -'.A--' J ' - H ' - M -' -J 3 ' ' X -'- ' ' A' " ' ' W V : - T . . J' t 3 - V" -! : :.':v'-k three alamberiu newberna at Salem Memorial fbeapltal are only reported Salem-bern Leap Tear lay babies, ail bora est Saaday, February 29. and bene desune te nave blrtHdaya emeially only ence every feer years. The babies are. left te rUht: Fa trivia Anne McKllllp, daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McKiUip, Salem rente S, bez 12. whe welched 7 pennds IS enneea at birth; Sally Ann Smith, danchter ef Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith ef Star ten. Who weighed 7 pounds 9 enncea. and Thomas Dan iel Mmlferd. sen ef Mr. and Mrs, John B. Mnlferd. Mehama, whe weighed pounds S ounces. (Memor ial hospital photo). . i (- ..if I 1 - Hayesvllle The Boy Scouts and their leader, Monty Chris tofferson, had a swim and social meet at Salem YMCA Saturday. Later they joined the young peo ple from the Community Baptist church who were also, there for a swim and games. Refreshments were served by Mrs. John Broer and Mrs. Carl Komyate. Unionvale Attending dress making project leaders classes at the 4-H club building in McMinn ville were Mrs. Lester Holt, Mrs. Harold Stoutenburg, Mrs. J. A. McFarlane and Esther Nichols. They will be local leaders at the three-day dressmaking class in the educational unit building for the Unionvale home extension unit. Roberts Progressive pinochle will be in play Wednesday nigh at the Robert grange hall to which all residents of the community are invited. Hostesses will be Mrs. Leonard Lester and Mrs. Ray Roach. Me hams The Mothers school lunch clu6 will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at Mehama schoolhouse. Each member is asked to bring a potholder or similar small arti cle which can be used for the next bazaar to assist in paying for materials used. Swerle Several in the com munity have been ill the past two weeks with influenza. Dan Stauffer was confined to his bed for several days last week and Mrs. Earl Huckstep has had a severe attack. Roberts Leonard Lester was: called to Breitserton by the death I of his mother. Mrs. Pheobe Les- ter, February 28. The funeral was held Monday in Bremerton. Bethel Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Spranger and Mina Lee Spranger j have returned from a four day i trip to Seattle to the home of I his sister, Mrs. A. E. Sykes, where two birthdays were celebrated. j License Plaie Frames flae chromium 4 ft ft finish. Fair . liVU BATTERIES Genaine Ferd 17 -plate. lt aaap. If months gnaraatee. Eaeh ..... 14.95 Tear Battery Exchange SO! mmmm if Commercial RADIOS Adda additional pleasure to year traek "7Q drtTUtf. Each M M "7 Tire Chains C:5xlC relaoreed dlamend 8.47 Uak. Set . snj0n9 Cleaner Wax Polish Foam Upholstery Cleaner f Each .. .Jint fDC Fair Fender Skirls Square er torpedo type. 19.95 Tudor : Seal Covers Finest lenc life, aac-flttina; sail cloth j Q : Spoilighls Genuine Ford sealed beam, chremlam f O Cft finish. Ea. XOaWW S A EXCHANGE mimm . specs ail Contiaocd For Limited Time Because Of Popular Demand Next Best to a New Car ETerythlnr complete including oIL caskets, clutch, tuneup and installation , . ! Your Choice V-8 or 6-CyL, 85, 95 or 1 00 II. P. SCO V WHOLESALE e RETAIL 375 Center .1 J j i - Sakm, Ore. ML Angel Fred Geschwill, Rev. Robert. Kebeif, OSB, Wilbert Aman and Killiafi Smith have been ' spending several days in the Yakima, Wash-, district in specting hop picking machines with the idea of purchasing and installing one in the ML Angel Donald district. Brooks Johnny Harris broke his right leg while skiing at Mt. Hood last Sunday. He is the young son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Harris. Silverton Mrs. Paul Jacquet of the Union Hill district is re cuperating following a major ope ration at the Silverton hospital Saturday. Lincoln Recent Albany visit ors were Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Meissner, Allan and Judy, who were guests of Mrs. Meissner's relatives, Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Starnes. Silverton Marvin Tomlin, 34, Scotts Mills, injured In a motor cycle accident east of Silverton Sunday night, is still in a critical condition at the Silverton hospital, hospital authorities reported late Tuesday afternoon. 'CydIoy.;:-;: Obituurieg Mar q nam Mr. and Mrs. James Hanks have returned from trip to San Francisco where he at tended the hop convention. Edwin Willig and Fred Lucht returned with them. Silverton Silverton friends are receiving greetings from Mr. and Mrs. Norris Ames who are spending some weeks in Florida. Unionvale Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rutschman Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kon zelman of Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Withee, jr. and Stanley, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lehman and Shirley of McMinnville. Hayesvllle More than the usual amount of illness has af fected the Denny family this win ter. Mrs. Jacob Denny has been ill in bed and under the doctor's care for several weeks. Mrs. Hin fhaw who was hospitalized last fall is still bedfast. Ida Denny is recovering from influenza. A granddaughter was ill a short time ago with the chicken pox. A daughter, Mrs. Fred McMillan of Corvallis, spent the past week with them to assist caring for them. Brush College John Schultz who underwent an operation at the Salem General hospital last week is recovering nicely. Schultz is the father of Mrs. Frank Rinett and Philip Schultz. Mrs. Mary Tate STAYTON. Mar. 2 Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Tate, about 75, will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Weddle ' funeral home with the Rev. Pierre Smith of the Methodist church officiat ing. Eastern Star will be in charge of ritualistic work and burial will be at Silverton. Mrs. Tate Was found Monday by her son, Melford Allen, only survivor, at her home on Virginia street Death was attributed to natural causes. Mrs. David MiUer BRUSH COLLEGE Mrs. Will iam Kipper and Mrs. Anna Bayer went to .Seattle for th funeral of Mrs. Kipper's granddaughter, Mrs. David Miller, who died Saturday. Mrs. Miller is survived by her widower, David Miller; daugh ters, Gloria and Helen; sons, John and David; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fitch, three broth ers and three sisters, all of Seattle. Mrs. Gast Named Manbriii Gardens Club Scout Mother KEIZER A new den, from Manbrin Gardens, with Mrs. Fred Gast as den mother, . was taken into Cub Pack No. 41 at a pack meeting Friday. Induction cere mony was led by den 6 of which Mrs. Otto Yunker is den mother. Cubs inducted ware Jan Schiedler, Robert CNiel, Ed ward O'Niel, Larry Bevens. Lar ry Cummin gs, Fred Gast, Jr. and Howard Lilligh. Den 5 was di vided into two groups and Mrs. Mike McClanahan is the new den mother. Father and son banquet will be held April 2. Cub Mothers will meet March 17 with Mrs. A. B. Pederson. &,' .v.,i. . .. i ':. w w :t Silverton Teachers Ask Salary Boost SILVERTON An increase of $500 per year was asked by Sil verton teachers at their meeting here this week. The recommena tion, which will go to the budget committe meeting March 15, ex plains that the $200 is asked as cost of living increase and $100 as an annual increment. It was also voted to recommend to the school board, the adoption of the Oregon Education associa tion salary schedule as a basis for annual increments for experienced teachers. This schedule calls for an increase of $100 per year for each year of experience. Awards Court Held For Detroit Troop DETROIT Court of awards and dinner was served at the Gun club rooms Friday by the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Awards were made as follows: Girl Scouts, merit badges to Maria Vickers, Marlene White, Mary Gordon, Virginia Adams and Ernestine Morris; second class badges to Marilyn Myers and Erna Steele. Boy Scout awards: one merit badge to Earl Lady, second class badge to Dale s Peterson. Plaque's were presented to the den mothers of the Cuh Scduts. Three den chiefs and den moth ers are Richard Hanson, Mrs. Lor raine Rice, Gerald Tupker, Mrs. Edison Vickers, Dickie Woodard, Mrs. R. Schneider. Durable Beautiful SI Moderately Priced f - , t - . :" .! '"'V:Inldidim Linoleum ' Printl J Linbloum j " : ' '; Congoloiixn Rugs r ; ASPHALT TILE - Floors of Permanent Beauty WALLCOVERING O Con go wall Wall Linoleum Tyle-Bord Accessories Art Trim Metal. Adhesiyes. Lining Felt KEITH BR LUMBERS CL OWN YARD Front & Court St Phonsj 9163. Mrs. Ross Marqaam SILVERTON, Mar. 2 Funeral services for Mrs. Esther L. Mar quam, 29, who died Sunday morn ing at her home near Marquam, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday from the. memorial chapel of the Ekrnan funeral home,, burial in Miller cemetery. The Rev. An drew Langendorf of Marquam Methodist church will officiate, i Survivors include the widower, j Ross Marquam; two daughter?, ! her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. I Haugen of Silverton, and several brothers and sisters. Spring Valley Mission Croup Plans Meeting ZENA The Spring Valley Home missionary society wilj hold an all day meeting Thursday, March 4 with no hostess dinner and names of secret pals re vealed, at the Zena home of Mrs. Ted Burns. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Walter B. Hunt. Mrs. Harry Phillips, Mrs. Lawrence McClure and Mrs. Kenneth Hunt. 155 N. Liiierty Telephone 3194 Stays Wfinote for-Year - -t wwm If o 1? U SmmlmGmllm4.fi new. Hi WARDS SUPER HOUSE PAINT . . FINEST QUALITY AT ANY PRICE! Contains 15 Titanium Dioxide, the highest-covering white pigment known! That's why "Super" goes farther, hides better, covers 400-450 square feet, two good coats! It's self-cleaning, tool A controlled chalking actions washes away surface grit wherf it rains, leaving your house! looking and dazzling-white year after year. Add value to your home through protection and beauty. Your house will be the admiration of the neighbors. Paint now! if J "! .... TO FINISH THE JOB JUST RIGHT. SUPER SHINGLE PAINT renews, tieals, : pre vents roL reduces warpine and cracking. ; For previously painted or stained shingles. ( i j t . - . : ' 1 w i - : ' " t J ;" !. , : ; '": . . ; . ! ' Red A creea 2.S3 wJ CaL la r TRIM AND SHUTTER PAINT is g bright, ah ideal touch-up for trinu gates, windows, etc. Fade resistant, era 400 sq. ft, 2 coats. GaL 6.65. 1 USE WARDS MONTHLY f AY MEHT PLAN ossy and shutters, GaL ; cot- f Quart X r X