1 The Stat nun, SaUm. Oregon. Sunday. February 2. 1948 WU Speakers To Compete At West Point The Willamette university de bate team of Robert Sjyre and Charles Mills was one of three chosen by judges at the Linfield college 18th annual forensic speech- tournament fmaU Satur day night to compete, in the na tional debate tournameut in West Point, N. Y from April SO through May 2. Teams from Willamette. Wash ington State Mf Gonzaga uni versity were selected to represent the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho at the nation-wide event. Jedges w selected the teams were Dr. H. C Rahe, Wil lamette professor of speech; Prof. W. H. Veach of Washington Stats college: Father John OXeary of Gonzaga, and Prof. A. JL. White head of the University of Idaho. Dr. Rahe, who will accompany the team on the trip, said that he and the students would also attend the national convention of Tau Kappa Alpha, forensic hon orary, at the University at Blooming ton ram - April 12 through 21. This is the second successive year that Willamette debaters have been accorded the honor of attending the national tourna ment. Lat year's team, however, was unable to attend because of a previous commitment. Sayre and Mills have an envia ble debate record, losing only one debate in 1947 and winning two of their contests this year. The Veterans Living Memorial Association of Marisa Counly and Disabled American Velerast of Marion County wish to THAHK the Merchants, Public. Citizens of Marion County and Polk for their fin a and generous support of our building program and done. Ws espddaHy wish to thank the management oi Crystal Gardsaa for donating the building, Clauds Bird's and Jo LanVs Orchestras. Reported the largest attend ance and atOMt crowd ever to attend a dance at Crystal Gardens. This living Memorial is dedicated in honor of Marion Covin fy. Hvina and dead, who have suffered that the glories of our Union may still bo preserved unsullied and that the tread ami for which wo stand may never, bo lost. It will b a Peace Tim homo for those who sacri ficed Most. A Permanent mooting place for our Gold Star Mothers. Willamette U. Speakers Win Linfield Prizes Willamette university debaters swept four first places, five se conds and two thirds to win se cond place in Linfield college's 18th annual intercollegiate for ensic speech tournament which ended at McMinnville Saturday night When points were counted Sat urday night Washington State college walked off with top hon ors. More than 250 orators from schools in Oregon, Washington and Idaho participated in the tournament which started Thurs day. Willamette orators winning first place trophies were Jack Gunn in the junior men's im promptu; Tom Bartlett in the Jun ior men's oratory; Jerry Igo in men's interpretation and Russell Tripp in the after - dinner speak ing for men. Taking second places were Tom Bartlett in the junior men's ex temporaneous; Maxine Muckle in the junior women's extemporan eous speaking; Elliott Motschen bacher in the junior men's im promptu; Robert Sayre and Chuck Mills who tied for second in the varsity men's debate, and Bar bara Burner who tied for second in the acting competition. Gunn and Motschenbacher were finalists in the junior men's de bate contest. Betty Ferguson tied for third in the junior women's oratory; Harriet Ness placed third in the after - dinner speaking for women and Frank Washburn tied for third in the speech of the oc casion division. Jerry Igo also placed fourth in the junior men's impromptu event. Dr. H. E. Rahe. professor of : speech at Willamette and debate I team coach, accompanied the lo I cal orators to McMinnville for the 1 tournament. Seal Seller ITS HERE THE NEW WESTINGHOUSE "LAUNDROMAT' AUTOMATIC WASHER The washer that takes the werk eet ef washday. Watch it automatically fill with water, wash, rinse and damp dry the clothes, then clean and drain itself and shat eff. And the laaaemat doesn't have te be aeehered te the fleer. It cm be installed anywhere, in kitchen, bath er atility room. The exclusive 5 year transmissiea gwaraatee assures yea, ef long life end treuble free service. See fee yeanelf hew yea can have werkless washdays. Come in YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty P hone 4311 fBookie9 Joints Photographed PORTLAND. Feb. 29 -TV Early Sunday editions of the Oregonian tonight published photographs the newspaper said were taken in crowded Portland "bookmaking" offices just prior to the Santa Anita horse races. The newspaper said staff pho tographers, escorted by husky bodyguards. appeared at five "bookie" offices. Crowds estimat ed to have totaled 500 men and women bolted for the doors when the camera flash bulbs exploded, the paper said. Five of the offices were listed by name and address. A Multnomah (Portland) coun ty grand jury is now probing re cently published charges of the City Club that some police and Portland officials are sharing a $80,000 a month payoff from vice overlords. Man Held as Cars Damaged Raymond B. Lundgren, Sea side, faces a charge of driving while intoxicated in municipal court Monday growing out of his arrest by city police Saturday night in the 1100 block on South Commercial street where three parked autos were damaged in a collision. V Louis H. Nicol, 1307 S. Com mercial, signed a complaint char ging Lundgren with driving the car which struck his vehicle and two others. All three cars were extensively damaged, police said. Lundgren is being held in the ! city jail in lieu of $250 bail. Mosquito Control Conference Held PORTLAND, Feb. 28-(;P-Sani-tation officers for 11 Oregon counties attended a statewide con- t A . n" 1 ' I '.-Jfc--S2& i J X Brace Spa aiding. Salens atteraey sad eeanty chairman ef Marie eeanty Easter seal sale, whe an- j neaneed Satarday that Salem's i newly -termed Optimist elab will spearhead the drive this year. d 0 T 60 NEW HOMES READY NOW! In The Mapleton Addition Beeaase e the inclement weather we have beca enable te finish eempletely the eeaaeat werk. landscaping, etc, er these sixty heesee. They are. hewever. ready te meve late and if jm pay the dewn payment and year credit Is geed yea can meve la temerrew er the aext day a walUag fer FJLA. sad ether aparevaht. Ia aeeae caaes the dewa payment will be sa UtUe as and the aaeathly aeyaaenU will he leas than we could actually get fer reat. The senses are all brand new. they are felly insula ted. have hard weed fleers, ell faraaees sad will be finished te laclade saved walks, paved driveways, etc The streets are aew paved and ail heases are ready te be lived la If yea east pat ap with the laceavenience er waiting a little while antll the weather will permit as te take care ef the cement werk. Am Little As $600 mi'm Balance Less Than Rent There will be a representative ea the greand all day seven daya a week- Drive eat the Nerth River Read te the city limits. Maple tea Divisie la ea the right-hand side ss yea ge nerth. Bas Service (Kelxer) every alnates. ference on mosquito control here today. Portland and Multnomah coun ty insect control agents outlined the anti-mosquito spring caan naisms conducted by the two groups in past years. I fruit at officials attendine in cluded W. B. Quinn and 1- G. Lermon. Salem. Marlon county; Harrv R. McKeller. Benton and Polk counties; Fred A. Webber, Albany, Linn county. California Rain Relief Slight SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. A short rainstorm, the best of 1948 in much of parched Califor nia, brought slight drought relief today. The weather bureau forecast sunny skies for tomorrow, and preparaUona continued for emer gency maesures such as daylight saving, to cope with the crisis. Livestock men, unable to feed range cattle without importing feed, moved herds in increasing numbers to pastures in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon and Nevada. tNJOT TMC atAMT IXCIUSTVI rtATVMS Of TMI SILENT, CLEAN Conversion DURIJEKl Hove greater comfort ond be doflors ahead. Patented burner design. ..no moving ports. Underwriters listed lor low-cost fvmoce oil. Foctory Guar anteed. Seven sixes. See it today I fjf PLUMB ING-HEA TAfO f 1 Prize) Baby la Photogenic Contest First prize in the fifth week's division of the Hi Lite Studio's Photogenic Baby Contest goes to Cathey Jane, ll-mos.-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Holman, Rt. 8. The contest, now entering its 7th week, is arous ing interest throughout the val ley. Prizes are given each week and there are also 10 Grand Final Prizes. Everyone is urg ed to enter their children in this great event. The address is 110 N. Com'l. The phone 4522. Paid Advertisement Boiling Leaking Radialors Need (h attention of our radiator expert . . . We hare complete iadl Ifiee with which to repair, dean and flash radialors and cooling systems . . . 1 Day 1 Stop Service Satisfaction Guaranteed Loder Bros. itS Center Phone 6133 Optimist Club Starts Easter Seal Campaign The newly-formed Salem Opti mist club will spearhead the an nual Easter seal sale beginning in Marion county this week. Bruce Spaulding, county chairman, said Saturday. Working in connection with campaign officials and other local groups, the Optimists will initiate a county-wide program of pub licity, radio talks, civic addresses and other campaign boosters. Early this week contribution bottles will appear in stores In Salem and other towns in Marion county. Later on Easter seals will be mailed to county residents. The Optimist club committee is headed by Clark Lethin under President Kenneth Foster. Com mittee members include Floyd Col burn, Sam Hall, William Hall and Sydney Jory. Working on the county commit tee under Spaulding. appointed by Douglas McKay, president of the Oregon chapter of the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, are District Judge Joseph Felton. assistant chairman. Dr. Vera .Miller, medical advisor, and Lawrence Os terms n, publicity di rector. Proceeds of the sale will be used to further the society's pro gram of aiding handicapped per sons, officials stated. The fund drive will continue until Easter. EISLEJt CONCEBT HELD NEW YORK, Feb. 28 -JP)- A number of leaders in American music sponsored tonight a town hall concert of compositions by Harms Eisler, Hollywood compos er deported as an alien com munist. Camp White Area, Buildings Bought PORTLAND. Feb. 28 -AV The war assets administration author ized a group of lumber com panies today to buy 733 acres, 11 buildings and a railroad line in the Camp White area. The compenies operate the Co operative Southern Oregon Lum ber Mart, which already occupies some space at Camp White. The VTAA cancelled a previous sale to allow the mart to expand. INCOME TAX RETURNS! WHEN RIGHTLY PREPARED YOU 8AVEJ J. W. COBURN Prepares Year Reiaras 137 Market BL - T. 8-434 - I U k CROWDED KMG WELCOMES you WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? aaaassnse J? Y0UI 0WII WRIST WATCH Wilt fROVE Till ECONOMY OF THE ffit tint your hollar got an, m hew long it takes before the radiators get hot I Some boilers take 30 te 43 minutes. Compare it te e O I whirh puts heat into radiators aVo to aaraa aninuae after the burner goes en. Wa leave it te you te egure tha savings and superior heat you sVeuld get with a OJB. Sea mm for the facts. s Sit Ceert Street 7&t now jot Affi-iu UNDED m JVl o WORLD'S FINEST AVIATI0M TRAINING Uuzirt&i of epportonities If you are 17 to 34. physically fit, and can pass cer tain mental examinations, you may enlist right now in the U. S. Air Force. Once in the Air Force you will have an opportunity to qualify for one of the many technical or specialized training; courses offered by the Air Training Command. In addition, you may take courses under the United States Armed Forces Institute and complete your high school edu cation. Then, if you are between 20t and 28, you may compete for appointment to Officer Candidate School. Special opportunities for atn with two years ef ccllcti er tha equivalent In addition to the opportunities offered by the Avia tion Career Plan and Officer Candidate School, all unmarried male citizens between 20 and 26 Vi are eligible to apply fo'r Aviation Cadet Pilot Training (next classes start March 1 and July 1). Successful graduates of pilot training will be rated as Air Force pilots, commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants, Air Force Reserve, and assigned to flying duty with the U. S. Air Force. These officers will have an opportunity to compete for a Regular Air Force commission. 2nd Lieutenants, unmarried, receive pay up to $330 per month. Special opportunities for kith school (radsates If you have graduated from high school you can en list in the U. S. Air Force for 3 years and will be accepted for an Air Force Specialized School of your choice before you enlist, under the Aviation Career PUn. If you are between 20 'g and 28 you can com pete for appointment to Officer Candidate School. Special opportunities' for Veterans of any of tho Arced Forces If you held an occupational specialty in any of more than 300 skills with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, you may be eligible for grade as high as Technical Sergeant in the Air Force, depending upon your skill and previous experience. Former officers may apply directly to Headquarters, U. S. Air Force, Washington 25, D. C for a de termination of a grade in which they may enlist. ALL THESI OPPORTUNITIES AND GOOD PAY, TOO! Don't overlook the money in an Air Force career. Right at the start, you make $75 a month, plus such essentials as food, clothing, quarters, medical and dental care, pro visions for retirement, and in a few short months, you may be rated Private First Class at S80 a month. This actually gives you more net take-home pay than the aver age civilian who is paying for equal benefits. For full details, ask at your nearest U. S. Army and U, S. Air Force Recruiting Station. Room 211 Post Office Bldg. Salem, Oregon F. L BRESSLER DEVELOPED BY