The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    f Thm Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday. February 24. 1948
We ceald devote an of today's
pace and a few columns of to
morrow's relating what went Sat
arday night at Corvallis, after the
Oregon vs. Oregon State smoothie
f Friday night. We'd like to leave
tt lay with a final "We've seen
every thing- new," (and brother,
we did!), bat will hand it to year
wn imagination after -yen absorb
this .note by Marlowe Branegan
f the Oregon Journal In his Sat
urday game writenp: "The Beav
ers earned their points the hard
way. The Webfoots came here
equipped 'er a fang fight, and
sed every thing bat a blackjack
In their efforts to make them
selves at home. A far cry from
the smooth, game and talented
brigade which had swept the
Beavers Into submission Friday
night, this was a Webfoot club
which had nothing but mayhem
In its heart, cutting out for Itself
a new record for personal fouls.
Thirty-eight times the Webfoots
were whistled down for rules In
fractions, and on at least half of
those occasions the fouls were of
the deliberate variety."
Why the other Portland scribe,
whose latest peeve la not speaking-
to the officials with so much
as a personal -hello", didn't write
Tag learners Set for Mat Mainer Tonight
The spectacular twosome of them, and asked for a bigger and tis. The latter lost to Jack Llps
Frankie Hart and Buck Weaver, rougher crony and a rematch, comb last week. Georges Dusette
who wowed the clients in its de- Owen okebed both items and has been assigned refereeing
but as a tag team last week, re- signed on Ross. Well-driller An- chores, inasmuch as the main
turns to the armory tonight to thony hasn't been operating oth- event looms as one that will re
help highlight Matchmaker Elton er than his drilling equipment in quire third man of Dusette's
Owen's weekly grappling show, these parts for many weeks, but caliber.
And this time the popular side ox has been gladiating regularly in
phe team scraps
will face a much
more formidable f V' j vice-president
duet than Joe II Ni I A rematch of the two gents who
Dorse tti and i l - a 1 supplied 30 minutes of
Sammy K o h e n
proved to be a
week ago.
Dorset U has
taken on a new
partner in
crunch crime,
Sale m's own
Tony Row. The
nuitich ioed
meame blamed joe Dorsetu
the wee and capricious Kohen for
-3 other rasslin' stops. He accepted y- o f "tps.
tonight's task gladly, as ne is now fftlftmOfQ ff i ill tlTi
vice-president of Nasties, Inc. AlXsVltSf O MS J IV 1 1
SSZ OCE Quintet
action in last week's special
has been booked for tonight also,
That will bring Joe Lynam
against Bob Cummings. Neither
was able to put over a fall In their
first meeting, which was a mild
upset in itself for the talented
Lvnam. They'll be in another two-
of -three taller, limited to SO min
ute. The main event is tagged
with a one-hour limit.
The 8:30 o'clock opener brings
the beating Hart and Weaver gave Kohen back, against George Cur-
ASHLAND. Feb. 23-(Speclal)
Southern, Oregea College of
Education's Bed Raiders
chalked up a, 38-32 decision
over Oregon College ef Educa
tion's boopsters here tonight.
The Baiders had to eosno from
behind after traltta at the half.
The two teams meet again to
It Wasn't Posed, Either
Va J v 1 ' '
a similar account we hesitate
say. He consistently blasts at aU
the whistle-tooting In the division
basketball games, but has yet to
se the vast power he has over the
state's sports-reading- clientele to
help clean up the situation. He
could do so much to help If only
he would. As It stands now, north
era division basketball would be
better off were he to stay away
from the games and leave his
inal likes and dislikes out of
entirely. Either that or take a
wblsUe himself and get out
the floor. We offered him our
teeter Saturday night, but he
wasn't speaking to us, or to our
partner Hal Lee.
it enti
88 Foul No Record
Oregon's 38 fouls doesn't set a
new record, however. Wo recall
a game of two seasons hack In
which the Ducks, under Howard
Hebson, were whistled down 44
times in a single game. Well grant
that penalising so abundantly Is
awful when you eonatder that bas
ketball Is supposed to bo a game
of skiU aad finesse. Bat just
what is an official supposed to do?
The fouls are there, and that's
what he Is supposed to detect. A
i!Uto Gill remedy would bo to
limit any player to throe. Instead
of five infractions per game. He
hopes to have It voted into the
northern division as an experi
ment next season. And the way
we look at It, allowing any play
er only throe fouls per game cer
tainly would clean up these
whistle-pocked bottles of the pres
ent era but quickly.
As It Is now, we surely do
know why officials are continu
ally resigning from Commissioner
KaJpn Coleman s forces, xne men
ey they get doesn't begin to salve
the abuse they take. Fans, eosehes.
players, sportswriters every
one Is climbing on the officials.
Because everybody sees the same
things differently. First thing- you
know the officials' own wives will
be locking 'em outside the house
and their kids will be tars lag
rocks at 'ens.
3 Clubs Tied at Top
As Nationals Finish
The City league's National division wound
up its regular second half schedule last night at
Leslie with three teams knotted in the top spot.
The Marine Reserves handed the
Naval Reserves their initial de
feat of the second half, 30-26,
pulling up even with the Navy's
on the top rung and Elfstrom's
did likewise as (hey downed
Montgomery Wards, 36-26. The
National Guards.' grabbed the
scheduled third game of the eve
ning by default from Master
Wares (M)
Straw (14)
Strewn (3)
Bates l5)
Klfstroass (M)
(9 Miller
(9) Wirtx
() Woods
(1) Nossaa
(11) End
Lawrenco (I)
Schlietlne (J) G
Subs: Wards Cades (1)- EUstroms
Davy (9) Kukahiko (3) Daron (2).
Marines (30)
Williamson (9)
Williams (4)
Hood (4)
Henery (7)
Wilkinson ()
Oftlcials: Donovan and Ereolinl.
..F -C.
Naval Bes. (M)
(4) Deacon
(S) Hartley
(10) Morgali
(1) Harbaugh
2 Snyder
Vik Grapplers
Top Parkrose
Salem high's wrestling crew
closed out their regular schedule
last night with a 39-17 victory
over Parkrose. The Viks captured
seven of the 1 1 matches, three via
falls. One match was a draw.
Hank Juran's locals will parti
cipate in the Big Six meet at
Springfield this Thursday and
Friday nights.
The Juran's record for the sea
son shows 14 wins and five losses.
109 Gartner (S) decisioned Coop
er. US Hageman S decisioned
Konkle. US Baker (P) pinned Brew
ster. 130 Cooper (S) pinned Lisle.
131 Berian IF) pinned Benson. 133
Turner (P) pinned Lawrence. 140
Youngbioop (S and Smith (P) draw.
149 Schweitz ( & eecisioneo Holt
150 AU. Williams (S) dcclsoned
HlseL U4 YeUum (S) pinned Whit
ney. 141 Shepher (S) pinned Mor-relL
Washington SI. Idaho 33
Wattwertn T7. St. Martins 94
CWCE 17, Hawaii 41
Gooxsga 4S, WMtataa 3S
EWCE St. Pacific Loth. 43
Mtcaisao 44, Pardee 39
Yale SS. Princeton S3
Wisconsin St. Nortkwestera
Ohio State OS. Indiana 43
Polk TB' Meet
Set Thursday
MONMOUTH, Feb. 23.-(Spe-
cial)-The annual Polk county B"
basketball tournament will be held
on -the Oregon College of Educa
tion floor Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of this week. The win
ner will represent the county in
district play on the same premises
the following weekend.
Perrydale. Fails City, Valsetz
and Monmouth will be entered in
the double elimination meet, won
last year by Monmouth in a final
playoff game. Both Valsetz and
Monmouth finished in a tie for the
championship of Polk league this
season. Coaches of the respective
teams are Ike Lewis of Falls City,
Lester Stewart of Perrydale, Bob
Van Haute of Valsetz and Budd
Gronquist of Monmouth.
The girls' volleyball tournament
will be held In the Monmouth
high gym during afternoons.
Beavers Prep for WSC
Visit Coming Weekend
Oregon State's basketball varsity went back to
work Monday to prepare for the crucial two-game
series with the nortnern cuvision
leading Washington State Cou
gars here Friday and Saturday
nights. The Cougars, who split
with Washington over the week
end, are currently leading by one
half game over the Beavers.
Washington is in third place half
a game behind Oregon State, but
can better that standing in games
at Idaho Monday and Tuesday
The Beavers came through Sat
urday night's rough game with
Oregon in good physical condition,
and Coach Slats Gill plans siie
able workouts each day of the
week. Following the two games
with WSC the Beavers have only
one more league contest to play.
That will be at Oregon on March
Washington State goes to Eu
gene to play Oregon next Mon
day and Tuesday nights.
lie. ' ' "'
4 1
They might have done as well had they posed It. bet neither Beea
Jack (left) or Terry Toaag (right) had little tisse for other than
actloa la their lf-reander la New York's Msaiaon Saaare Garden.
Toaag- won over Beaa Jack la a split decision, an apset From the
looks of Jack's facial featares he got the worst of the exchange
pic tared above. (AP WlrephoU).
Keep Eye on Eddie
One lad to keep an eye on la
the Portland Beaver spring train
las' chores Is Eddie Kowalski. the
hard-throwing bat dlsgasttngly
wfJd right header with the town
Senators la IMC Eddie won It
aad lost eight for the Aagasia,
Ga nine ha the Class A Sally
leagae last season, an Indication
that he's ready for fall-time daty
with the varsity. If he has shaken
that wUdness hell be a vaJ sable
snaa on Mgr. Jim Tamer's team.
He does have the staff . . . .
Note also La the Bevo encampment
is Lefty Kenny Wyatt, who dar
ing the winter allowed as how he
threagh with pro baseball.
Portlanders mast have pret
tied Kenny's contract with Jast
the right flgares. Aad if be
doesn't stick, hell come hack to
the townles provided those
flgares don't shrink too ranch . . .
Beaver-Salem Presideat George
N organ, ta Portland (sarprlse
rarprioe) last week, told Solon Bis
Boss George Emlgh he weald see
to It personally that the Senators
have a pennant threat agala this
semester. It seems Mr. N organ,
a resident of Vaneeover, B. C
last doesn't like the way the
Vaacenvers finish In front of the
Salerno la the WIL
Speaking of the Vaacoavers,
Bob Brawn was comparing
present salaries with these of the
long ago. "I got $M a month when
I broke ta with Helena m lfet.
Joe Tinker, who was with me,
Jot a boat the same. We went to
ortland the next season aad each
of as get 9125. That was big
otoagh besides at that time the
players had the privilege of writing-
oat passes and wo paid for all
aar meals by giving the waitresses
at the restaurants passes to the
Now the waitresses Jast get the
Loggers Come Friday
What may still be a tassle that has a strong bearing on which
way the lMg Northwest conference cage title will fan eosnes to
the Willamette U gym Friday night when Johnny Lewis' Bear
eates take on the loop-leading College of Paget So aad Loggers.
The Taeomans are 1H games ap aa the second place WlTs ss a
resalt of weekend games, bat play the aapredlctable V of British
Colambla Thanderblrds st Taeoma Tuesday night. A 'Bird win
la this oae, pi no a Willamette victory over CPS here Friday will
leave the Cats and Loggers la a knot for the championohlp. Sboald
CPS cop the nod Taesday against UBC, however, that means
the title for Paget Sound. Willamette will Uvea be battling Friday
to retain a second place finish in the conference standings.
The rangy and potent Loggers, who have lost bat one game
this season, managed a narrow fear-point win over Willamette
at Tacocna last week. The crippled Cats, atlnas the services of
the loagae's ace scorer. Bob Johnson, then went on to Canada to
smack UBC in a 44-4 game. Tuesday's game against CPS Is the
last for UBC. now sporting- a 9-woa, 4-lost record, half a
behind Willamette's 9-1. The Loggers have lf-1-
Indian Fighters
Win, Lose Bouts
PORTLAND, Feb. 23 -WP- One
Chemawa Indian school boxer
won by a technical knockout to
night in a Rambler club show,
but a second fighter from the
same school lost by the same
route. Ed Lopez, 100 pounds, won
by a TKO in the first round
against Bob Bosthby, Salmon
Creek. Joe Payton, Rambler club,
scored the second technical in the
third round of his fight with Larry
Arthur, Chemawa.
In other bouts: SO pounds Oorar
Genshaw, Chemawa, decisioned Hugh
M maker. Portland ronce league: J 12
pounds Jerry Donovan. PAL. deci
sioned Raymond Pete, Chemawa: lit
pounds Dave Shellal. Chemawa, de
cisioned Zharias zanartaus. rAL.
Hostak, Snapp
Slate Match
Local Ducksters
Top Aberdeen
three of fear tches with
Aberdeen tea la a anal at the
BAB bowling- eararto'Sanday.
Ina Salem men's No. 1 entflt
won their e 412C pins to Sttt;
Salem men's team No. I same
ant the winner. 2774 to St21;
the local ladles' No. 1 so. sad lost,
27CS to 274S; and the ladies' No.
S grasp wan 20S to tt.
Local Stringers Fire Fourth
Round of Slicker Tournament
Salem Golf clubbers trotted through the fourth round of the
Slicker tourney over the weekend and after the firing was over the
leaders in the five leagues stand thusly: American league The team
of Glen Longren and Don Hendrie with nine points. NatJjonal Tom
Wise and Floyd Baxter with 10.
Pacific Coast Jim Sheldon and
Bob Burns with 1L WIL Tony
Painter and Dave Eyre with nine.
EIL George Scales and Max Al
len with 11.
The Scales-Allen duo took the
lead in the EIL by rapping the
Campbell - Jaskowski team, 2-0,
while the erstwhile leaders. Bill
Goodwin and Leo Estey were idle.
Lengren and Hendrie pulled ahead
in the American by topping Filler
and Gwynn 2-0 and Wise and Bax
mr iumned into the' fore in the Na
tional as they whipped Martin and
Parker via default. Sheldon and
Burns bung on to their advantage
in the Pacific Coast with a 2-0
blanking of Hoffman and Water
man, while Painterv and Eyre mov
ed in front In the; WIL by shut
ting out McAllister ana woue,
The fifth and final round of the
meet is set for next weekend with
the playoffs to follow.
Fourth round Slicker results:
American league Longren-Hen-drio
S. rtller-Gwynn ; Pauloon-Wood
2, toucks-ShaJer U MlkUs-McCrary
3. Williams -Cope land Is. National
league Schultze-McNeil S. Pekar
Bmlon Wise-Baxter S. Martin-Parker
(default); HoObins-Cuafaing vs.
BurreU-Quistad. un played. Peel fie
Coast Shafer-lngrara a. 'iTah-Grif-fin
0: Sheldon-Bums S, Boffman-Wat-erman
0; Fry-Kay 1. Ovaae-Mr Bur
nett t. WIL Palnter-Irro X. McAllister-Wolfe
a; Gusts fson-Moore a. Me-Laughlln-Nash
; Bunigbt-Mspes t,
Hav-Dver S. KTL. XlmmeD-rranrwa
J', Priee-ritsinunons H; Scalee-AJJfn
S. Cam pbeU-J aakowkl S: Good win-IV-vs.
Thompson-Cb ambers, unplay-
St. Mary's Team
Noses Mt. Angel
MT. ANGEL, Feb. 22-(Special)
The St Mary's prep Gaels of Eu
gene Sunday afternoon nosed out
Mt Angel Preps, 32-30. in their
close basketball game here. The
Gaels led 14-12 at halftlme and
the score was tied at 19-19 at the
third quarter. Larry Traeger led
ail scorers with 13 points.
ft Marys (St) (M) Mt Aagol
Rremrnal (I) F ( Kuef
Higglns 4 F (3) fcosaek
Winther (7) u C (I) Bucehelt
Adair G (8) Wolf
Knaeneewi (t) O (IS) Traeeer
EC Mary's sub Furrer X. Mt. An
gel Wo&raan 2. Officials Al Ugbt
ner and Boas Elytes.
PORTLAND, Feb. 33 -ff)- The
Oregon Softball Association yes
terday elected Ralph Curses, Ore
gon City, as president Don Janu
ary, of Eugene, remained as state
Vikings Play
OSC Thursday
Salem high's Vikings drop the
curtain on their regular season
here Thursday night when the
potent Qregon State Rooks visit
the Villa for an 8:15 o'clock clash.
The Vikings dropped the Rooks
by s 38-36 count st Corvallis Sat
urday and rang up their 18th vic
tory of the season In doing so
Coach Harold Hauk's quint has
lost only seven thus far. In down
ing the Rooks the Viks became
one of the select prep teams in
the state holding wins over both
the OSC babes and the Oregon
rrosn mis season.
Duck Pins
Ladies' City leagae action last
night at B A B bowling re arts
saw Maudie's Ian top Oregon
Flax. 4-9; plaster Bread beat
Giegers Real Estate, 4-9; High
land Market stop Memorial
Hospital, 4-9: and Georges Elec
tric slam Wooden Shoe. 4-9.
Nona Mooch's 954 aad 237 were
high series and game.
CHAPEL HILL. N.C, Feb. 23-
UPy- Head Football Coach. Ari
Snavely of the University of North
Carolina said today he declined
an offer to become coach of the
Los Angeles Dons of the all-Amer
ica conference.
PORTLAND. Feb. 23-CfVDon
aid Case, Lewis at Clark college,
won the University of Portland's
second annual class C slalom ski
vent at Mt Hood yesterday.
NEW YORK, Feb. 23-AVMsr-cel
Cerdsn of France, European
middleweight champion, will ar
rive here tomorrow to prepare for
his March 12 meeting with Lavern
Roach of Plainview, Tex., in Mad
ison Square Garden.
MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 2X-Jf-Ci-
tation, Calumet Farm's sensation
al three year old, ranked the stand
out favorite today In the $50,000
Flamingo stakes to be run Satur
day at Hialeah race course after
Circle M Farms announced that
Relic had been withdrawn.
ELLENSBURG, Wash., Feb. 23
- The University of Hawaii's
basketball team had Its 22-game
victory string broken tonight by
the Central Washington College of
Education which defeated the Is
landers, 57-41.
WHITHER, Calif, Feb. 23-OT
The. Hollywood Stars opened their
spring training season today with
a light batting drill as Manager
Jimmy Dykes watched 33 per
formers go through their paces.
Willie Pep to Defend
Feather Toga Tonight
MIAMI. Fla, Feb. 23 GTVThe second time since his near-fatal
plane crash last year, Willie Pep will defend his world featherweight
championship tomorrow night in a bout that may set a couple of per
sonal records for him. The chunky little Hartford, Conn, fighter en
counters Humberto Sierra, a ran
gy Cuban who was one of Willie's
14 victims in seven months on
tensive scrapping.
Due partly to $ierrs's local pop
ularity. Promoter Clarence Kant
rowitz is talking about a 9 100,000
Tomorrow's 13-round title tilt
will be held indoors in the Orange
Bowl, which can hold a great ma
ny more spectators than the J-Q,-000
or so they are expected to pay
up $18 for tickets.
Pep, who went through 62 con
secutive fights before his only de
feat as a professional, csn improve
slightly upon that mark by whip
ping Sierra. That string was
marred by one drew against Jim
my McAllister. Tomorrow he will
go to the post for the 82nd time
since he lost to Sammy Angott in
a non-title bout and this string
has been an all-winning one.
Pep has been established as sn
11 to 6 favorite in the betting.
SEATTLE, Feb. 23 -?"- Al
Hostak of Seattle, former world's
middleweight champion, will meet
Jack Snapp of Klamath Falls,
Ore, In the main event of a
fight card at Portland March 16,
Hostak's manager, Eddie Marino,
announced here today.
Marino said srrangements for
the bout which will be 10 rounds
or less, were completed with Tex
Salkeld, Portland boxing promo
ter. Hostak's guarantee, his manager
said, is the largest ever offered
a fighter in the Rose City. Hostak
has started training here and will
go to Portland a week before the
Snapp, sensational young 160
pounder, has an imposing record
in his comparatively brief ring
G-QiuisEaies Turn BacU i
VaDndlal Five, 52. -33
McCIariicy Club Moves into Second j
PJace Tie with Oregon State Quint x
MOSCOW, Idaho, Feb. 23-OIVThe Washington Huskies teal
down lowly Idaho, 81 to 33, tonight in a Coast con fet once basket
ball game to move into a tie with Oregon Stale for second place la
the northern division. The Huskies led, 23 to 18, st halftlme.
What started out to be $urw
contest became runaway victory
for Washington in the second half.
The Vandals ramo within two
points of the Huskies I a the fiist
three minutes of the final perio
and trailed by on) 21 o 26 with,
nine minutes remaining.
Then the Husky ban age began.
Washington scored 17 straight
Baroudi Death
CHICAGO, Feb. 23 -Uf)- The
Illinois state athletic commission
today ordered Mike Splnelli, New
York textile trucker, to show
cause on March 8 why he should
not be suspended as a boxing
PfTTSBi pmi. Fk. ttwan.
Jake Mlats. saaaager .of Fighter
x-ssare caarles ioaay ottered
the services of the Clactaaali
light heavyweight la a title
fight with Gas Leoaevtch at
Chicago stadlasa, the proofed
to go to the faaally of Bass Bar-eadL
Cat Coaches
Play Champi
The Willamette U facalty
anrnt. made ap largely of the
school's coaches, aad the Intra -moral
champs, will collide ia a
7:36 o'clock basketball game to
night at WU for the benefit of
the apcemlag W" dab's Varsity
Ball oa March It. Admission
will be 15 cents. The Facalty
roster lnclades Coaches Johnny
Lewis. Jerry LUUe, Ted Ogdahl
and Marv Goodman and Profes
sors Les Sparks sad Jones aad
Doctors Morris and Lather.
Marion Croaasery (2)
Pckar 191 1M 1
Parker 1S7 13 wo ws
Kins 157 ITS 219 531
Davonoort 1S3 120 ISO
Ken yon 155 1SS 1M 530
TOTALS 933 79S SS3 1345
Weeeosra (1)
Stock ......
Oaagan , .
Austin . .
Hicks .
173 190 193 314
120 14 109-
179 123 123423
134 145 215 5
197 17S
TOTALS 907 929 994 1309
Lata rierla (1)
Union ,
Parker ;
193 143 170 4SS
14 114
1S1 142 144 434
199 192 159 530
17 219 127-
TOTALS 943 79 771 2429
Kalta Brown 12)
Cuahtn-. Stooras 141 19 1
Jernlcan. Francis 192 19 14 524
Bahlburg. Erv 143 14 149 45
Saurs. Art 177 191 147 509
Powell. U. .. 209 204 1
TOTALS 99 919 71 232
Cear St. Basse
Cody. M. 191 129 143472
MeCuiM, W. 15 19 11 91
Br ad en, U 170 174 229572
Bolton. F. 140 192 152 474
UcTarlane. at. 197 197 114 9
TOTALS S3 977 99 2391
Geoa Be
Jones. L.
koeomg (1)
17 172 14 509
173 194 191 929
J. 149 14 127 44
219 191 17
149 142 14 45
TOTALS SS4 979 922 239
Starr Prsftt (2)
LsPFtfYI fPIl , i
192 149
171 IS 17 91
12 17 191 tag
13 ISO IS 41
14 212 17 942
TOTALS 791 891 800 8374
WaBon-Browa fl)
Brown. Chan 144 12 144 45
Gallagher. Ken 17 IS 17 515
Si Ike. Paul 147 137 159 432
O linger, Harold 19 159 173 4M
PJebe. John 191 179 190 921
TOTALS 779 794 944 8409
A league - - First Christian 40.
First Evangelical 36: First Baptist
43, Mennonites 31: Nazarenes 43.
Jason Lee 30-
Shooters Hold
Session Here
Douglas Heater's 68 out of 75
was tops in s trspthoot held st
Salem Gun club Sunday. 'In a 50
target event Clarence Townsend
downed 43 for high. Lee Egel
ston's 20 out of 25 topped an
other event. In the Salem club's
round In a telegraphic shoot, Ted
Welty had a perfect 23, Park
Thede a 24 and Don Cannon a 23.
Sunday results included the fol
lowing scores:
79 tarcets: Dous Hosier SS. BUI Ball
4. Don Cannon 4. R. P. Anderson S.
Vine Rodakowskl 54, Harold BtaMrk 43,
Babbitt 37. Jantcek 47. 50 targets: Kehn
Wain 29. Clarence Townsond 43. Trad
Bernardl 37. 23 tsrfets Leo Eselstoa
20. Mrs. D. Heater 19. frod Leia? 19.
Chemawa Kids
In Title Wins
CHEMAWA. Feb. 23-(Special)
Two Chemawa Indian school
fighters won northwest Golden
Gloves boxing championships st
Seattle Saturday night. Melvin
Eagleman, 118 pounds, came
through with s TKO victory in
his finale, and Carroll Gensaw,
1 1Z pounds, punched out a deci
sion to capture the title in his di
vision. Both will go to San Fran
cisco In April for the western fi
nals, and If they win there they
go to Boston for the nationals and
a possible selection by the Olym
pic Games committee. Chemawa
Boxing Coach Stanley Ashcutt
likely will make the April trip
with the aspirants.
manager In connection with the
ring deeth of Sam Baroudi.
The commission said that as
Baroudi's manager, Spinelli faUe
ly gave 21 as the sge of the 20-
year-old Akron, O., negro fighter,
who died of cerebrsl hemorrhage
early Ssturday, six hours sfter s
10-round bout with Em rd
Charles of Cincinnati.
Under the Illinois code, s fighter
under 21 esnnot participate In
bouts of more than six rounds.
The commission said it Intended
also to interrogate Spinelli on his
conduct'" sfter Baroudi was
floored by Charles In the 10th
round of their Chicago stadium
fight Friday night.
At a coroner s inquest Ssturday,
it wss disclosed thst Spinelli at
tempted to catch s plane for New
York several hours before Baroudi
died at Columbus hospital and had
with him his fighters share of the
purse, 4,000. Spinelli missed the
Spinelli applied for an Illinois
manager's license on Jan. 23.
W L rvt
Wash St. S arOfMl
ire. oi.
Washington 91.
at. S srOfMl
St. S 9 .SIS loafte
tntn s 9 Mim I
t night's roowNsi A
9 11 .14
Isahe 98.
points while holding Idaho to a
single field gosl snd Coach A I
McLsrney took his first team cut
of the game with the score rd
ing 46 to 28. ! ' '
Powerful Jack Nichols, who led
both teams In scot ing with 13 tot
the evening, sparked th drive, lid
nipped In baskets with 'ease frcnt
the key but spent 1 more time
shooting bullet passe to Simmy
White for the setups underneath
xne teams snoot. sgsin tomcr
row night.
Honus Wagner
Observes 74th
Joha Petes' tHoaas) Wsgaer,
baac ball's grand old snaa. plans
a as let celebration tosaorrow st
his honae la nearby Carnegie.
Ilcll be 74.
Heaas. aatversallr regarded as
the "greatest shortstop of the as
all,- will alt dowa to a terkejr
dinner with sll the trtsmsalags.
With his wife. Beeste, sad his
two dssgbters. Virginia aad Bet
ty, the conversation will probabl
tarn back to 1 whea Henna
batted JI4.
Or the tlsae he baaassed a rid
oa a freight train caboose la 1894
Washington l) fit) Maa
V-nkf M f W..UwVf 'J W.M,
whit! i 4isMnk.r' - i I S j
ninwa II UtMi I III
f)pfkhj Clrevs g I i
tarlorf I I I 3rimr.LJg4 9 II
M.llrr f-e 9 9 9 SSsinori
Morse f 03 Evan I I
rarnval.1 JIUU g
JtirOJ ChrW.g
w m o . j - -
InranMvg 1012
fesmans- 1 . i
kXratrma 199' ; 4
Millikana- S S S M 1
Totals 22 t 91 91 Tesb) i
Hainime ftroroi Wsohiilgtan
Free throws missed!
White 4, NtrMia. tnastra
Oeteker 4. Lloek 2, Uano,
nail a, K vans s.
ij n it SI
it, issi4
I; Wsahlnf fott A
gatrem Uti -4
ma, Qrevs, Piiaia
LA Dons Eye t
Fritz Crislcr
The Los Angeles Don of the Alio
A merles pro football league warj
Michigan's Frits CrUler to roatli
the 1848 team and General Man
ger Harry Thayer r "CrUUf
csn write his own Utkt.
A iheman Indicated CrUlef
would get mor then 330.000 a
year if he signed a Don contrsck
but Thayer declined to discus thd
maximum he would psy. I
Tokle Caplure
l;Ski Jump Event
Arthur Tokle, Norwegian. Urrl
skier reDresomins the Narwav sal
to Steaeeaville. O. to start his I club of New York, wo the Inter!
baa ball career. Or stow a lea , mountain and Utah ( open
me rvaueaai leagae ia aitttng tor jumping tourney today
tire Tears agatast a
Negro Bailers'
Bid Rejected
NEW YORK, Feb. 22 -0TV
Negro baseball, wobbly st the box
office after the loss of Jackie
Robinson, claims It was turned
down cold last December when it
asked admission to organise base
ball. The Rev. Johr J. Johnson, presi
dent of the Negro National league,
said today in a written statement
that the national association of
minor leagues had rejected the
applicstion. Both the national snd
American negro leagues spplied,
he said.
GERVAIS, Feb. 23.-( Special )-
Gervsis wfll send s grade school
basketball team to the annual
Gold 'P tournament at Pacific
college, New berg, February 28 to
28. Gervais players will be George
Burke, John McCalL Charles
Fowler, Csrl Roberts, Frsnk Bel
leque, Ronald Helgeson, Alfred
Bloke, Rsy Helmig, Norman Kep
pinger. Benny Geer. Ronald Kep-
pinger and Virgil Lucas.
CLEVELAND. Feb. 23-P)-The
Cleveland Browns tonight gsve up
draft rights to Bob Chappuis,
Michigan's great halfback.
Details of the deal were not re
vealed, but Coach Paul Brown said
the all-America conference cham
pions traded their draft rights to
Chappuis to another conference
club for players to be named later.
Table of Coastal Tides
Tides for Tart. Ore- eompllod by V.
a. Coast and Ooodotio Survey. Port
land. Ore-
29 1:10 a jn. fx 942 am. 1J
13:43 pjn. 7.4 722 pa. -J
2 17 a.m. 7:27 a.m. 1.4
139 pjn. 92 pan. - 1
27 M am. 9.7 9 J am. 1.1
829 pm. 43 99 pan. 9 7
29 31 am. 49 927 am. 9
327 p m. 9 9:1 p.m. 1
2 9:2 a m. 129 a.m. f
443 A i 8 pan. 2J
Beavers Begin
Spring Drills
RIVtRJSIDE, Califs Fab. 23.-OP)
-Portland Beaver baseball pitch
ers and catchers worked out st
the Pscific Coast league club's
spring training ramp here today.
Manager Jim Turner said the
moundsmen would get in s week's
drills before the remaining mem
bers of the club reported Marc h 1.
Seversl pitchers from the Sa
lem Senators, farm club of the
parent Beavers, hurled today.
They included Dick Slnovic, Ken
Wyatt snd Hunk Anderson.
HUBBARD Over 100 persons
were present st a meeting of the
Hubbard Rifle snd Pistol club
held Friday at the city hall. Pas
ture of the program wss showing
of moving pictures by James L.
Loder, president of the Oregon
Wildlife Federation. Loder also
spoke on the wildlife situs tion.
Tokle bested ten of the nation "4
lesding class A Jumper with li i
of 131 snd 148 feet from the clasj
B takeoff st Ecker hill in nearfc;
Psi ley's canyon. A i strong
made use of the cut A
impossible today. ( j
g wlr
Anita Slates
Richest Ever' '
ARCADIA, Calif.,? Fsb. 21 -Jt
Officials of Santa Anita rsce trsst
ssid tonight expect thst Saturday
handicap will have the blggooi
gross purse ever of fared for S
single rare In the 300-odd y
hittory of raring. '
Highest purse previously for thf
Santa Anita handicap wsi 8148,4
320 In 1848, but officials believd
Ssturday 's Jlth running will grg
$130,000 or more. It will rott 12,
000 to enter and start s horse
Previously, the foe ws $1,000.
Boiling Leaking
J 1 . i;
Wood the) crtlonaon ot our
rodlcrVof axpert ; , ,
W Lvora crotnplsta lacll
ltloe with wbich to repair
dacm cakd fiuali rodlators
oasd caeJlag by Was , ,
1 Day 1 Stop forrica
gtrttafcictlosi Ctuzrontoevd
I !
1 ! !
Lcdcr DroSo j
US CmmAM Phoava 113)
voon OLD
BBSS.' 88't E