1 ) I: CtnmtiltttMi re to Mr. Mrs. Stewart Sharpnack (Helen Hatfield) on the birth of a seven pound daughter. Donna Jean, on Tuesday at the- Salem General hospital. The Utile girl . has an older brother, Alan. The) grand parents are Mr. and lira. Earl B. Hatfield and Mr. and Mrs. ZIna Sharpnack. George Uashinglon May Have Been Famous for Chopping Down the Cherry Tree A BUT THE LITTLE FRENCH SHOP Will Be Famous for CHOPPING PRICES Thursday. Friday & Saturday Only 50 Beautiful Spring Coat Purchased to Sell for pj 39.75. 25 Lovely Spring Coats Purchased to Sell for 49.75 and 59.75. 25 New Spring Suit, Bal lerinas. Purchased to sell pef for 49.95. 25 Beautiful Plaid Light Weight Wool Dresses. Reg. 17.95 Values. 25 Lady Alice Rayons, Washable. Reg. 10.95 Value. 50 Dreswea and Tailored Dresses. Val. to 26.75. Chop- 95 22)95 Chopped to Chopped to S95 a oo WE TELL THE TRUTH TOE LITTLE FBEIICH SnOP US 1C Rlgfe St. -1 t ' - i i i ; Mr. and Mrs, Harlan Hanson (Mary Pago) who woro married on February 11 at the parsonage of St. John's Lutheran church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CL A. Page and the groom Is the son of Mrs. Ursula Hanson. The newiyweds will lire In Salem. (McEwan photo). Defy the High Cost Ground Beef, Served with Interesting Sauce Is High in Quality at Low Cost By St t mn Woman's Zdtter We're found that pound of (round beef does more to bolster up the sinking spirits ei the woman who finds It necessary to cut the budget (and what woman doesn't) than any other Item at the meat mans. A quarter's worth of around cracker beef, with an tX. i meal or breadcrumbs and chopped onion, makes some pretty husky servings of meat for a small fam ily. A half pound of ground beef makes a loaf of considerable sire and when served with a nice sauce, produces a mala diah to be proud of. Ground beef goes Into wilted WILE VII BAIT REFRESH WHSBJF e i v , '- 5"Nr - riaeaeaeaeW se,iBam ' " ""sN ' ; vS ; lotui ewect AwmotiTT or tsi coca-cot coeraMT sr COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF OREGON. SALEM. OREGON II i eccee cabbage leaves and Is cooked to make another nice dish. But what about a sauce for the cakes or hamburger? Here axe two to remember: TOMATO SACCS Yield: 1 V4 cups sauce. 1 tablespoons fat k cup chopped celery V cup minced onion 2Va cups tomatoes t teaspoons sugar k teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon salt k teaspoon ground auspice 1 clove garlic 1 tablespoon flour Melt fat in skWit. Add celery and onion and saute until tender and golden brown. Add tomatoes and seasonings. Split garlic dove and add. Simmer for 20 minutes. Strain. Add small amount of to matoes to flour to make smooth paste. Remove garlic and without straining stir thickening into sauce and cook I to 4 minutes, until smooth and thickened, stirring constantly. Serve hot. Variation: Cook ground beef patties In the sauce after season ings have been added. ONION SAUCS Yield: ltt cups sauce 1 tablespoon fat 1 cup sliced onion 1 cup brown stock or bouillon 1 tablespoon flour Melt fat In skillet Add onion and cook slowly until tender and golden brown. Add stock and sim mer about 5 minutes. Add small amount of liquid to flour to make smooth paste. Stir into remain ing stock and cook S to 4 minutes until thick and smooth, stirring constantly. Serve hot. i Open House At Lausanne On Sunday With the theme of "Sweet and Lovely." the girls of Lausanne ball will entertain their parents, friends end faculty at the an nual open, house, Sunday, Feb ruary 22. The hours have been set from two to five in the afternoon dur ing which time visitors will be guided through the halL The old-fash toned motif win be used en the programs and In the decorations in the rooms and halls. A musical background, as announced by Velma Youmans, music committee chairman, will be furnished by four pianists. Jean Carrico, general chairman of the open house, lists the fol lowing girls as committee chair men: table decorations. Norma raaborg; Invitations,' Phyllis Bain; music. Velma Youmans: hall de florations, Nicky Haynes; pro grams, Marie Clasee; refresh ments, Sally Smith. Pouring will be Mrs. George Speur, Mrs. Cay la Morris, Mrs. EUen Foster end Mrs. Elizabeth Higbee, Girls of Tewssnne will as sist la serving. In the receiving line wQl be Miss Fornia Blower, Miss Jean Carrico, Miss Helen Olson, Miss Lorena Jack, Mrs. Arthur Line rode, and Dean and Mrs. Law rence Biggs. Parties Will Fete Mrs. Bowman Mrs. Robert Bowman Is the In centive for several au revolr parties prior to her departure for Portland to reside. Friday afternoon Mrs. Carl Wood, Mrs. Howard Elsmann and Mrs. Wesley Stewart will be hos tesses for a one o'clock dessert luncheon st the Wood home on Judson street in compliment to Mrs. Bowman. The au revolr motif will be carried out In the appointments and bridge will be In play dur ing the afternoon. Covers will be placed for Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. BJarne Erlcksen, Mrs. C F. Putnam, Mrs. Brno Lfndholm, Mrs. B. M. Donaldson, Mrs. E. T. Barnett, Mrs. Howard Wise, Mrs. E. B. Daggett and the hostesses. Mrs. Armin Berger was hos tess for a smartly arranged din ner party Tuesday night at her homo on Hansen avenue for the pleasure of Mrs. Bowman. The table was centered with an ar rangement of heather and pussy willows flanked by tapers. Covers were placed for Mrs. Robert Bowman, Mrs. Carl Wood, Mrs. Ernest Fk Arnoson, Mrs. Glenn Holman, Mrs. Howard Eis mana. Mrs. H. M, Randall end the hostess. Church Sessions Set iHave as aaake a sourer top far the eccaslsail taMe It wUl add ssessaraMy to Its beaaty sad tt Is so easily cleaned! We make salrrer aad clear glaaa tops for desks, taWea, f arattare mi all Haas. Cveapleto vies also. It M lea wtta 24 Gears mi The White Cress groups of the Florence Vail Miasieaery socie ty of the Calvary Baptist church win meet Friday for no - host luncheons at noon and tea o' clock meeting to follow. Circle 1 win meet with Mrs. K. H. Pickens. SS North 17th street. No. 1 at Mrs. Edith Jones,' 2060 Myrtle avenue, and No. I with Mrs. W. F. Foster, 95S Gaines street. Eugene Friday and Saturday for the annual Oregon press confer ence wQ be Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schenk, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Webb, Miss Alene Phillips and Erie Allen, Jr. Returning with Mr. Allen to spend the weekend in Salem st the Allen home are his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Allen of Mer cer Island, Wash. Matrons to Meet Past Matrons of Order of the Eastern Star wfll gather Friday night at the Golden Pheasant for their regular meeting. A 6:30 din ner will be served. Hostesses ere to be Mrs. Robert Schroader, Mrs. A. M. Oopeahaver, Mrs. George Monger, Mrs. Frank Mlnto, Mrs. David Reavis and Mrs. John Sweeney. The Sfarlosmcm, Salem, Oregon. Thursday, rebraarr 19. 18438 Jessie Ellis Engaged The engagement of Miss Jessie Ellis of Marietta, Ohio, to William Edwin Banton of Portland, was revealed on Tuesday night at the Kappa Alpha Theta house st Ore gon State college. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Ellis, formerly of Salem. The family lived In Salem during the war, when Mr. Ellis managed the alumina plant. r Larson ef Portland, Is a nephew of Mrs. Oscar L Paulson end Mrs. W. B. Burris of Salem, Be is a student at Oregon State college and wfll continue his studies there after the wedding, which 'wfll take place In Salem In late sum mer. Miss Ellis attended Salem high school and Oregon State col lege. .J . ICE dEAIl Icaris . 330 SAVEIG CEIJTEB a TV est Salem AT GREENBAUM'S REMODELING lirt For Examplo BOYS' COTTON TROUSERS SIZES TO it l OK MOW. PAIR . ' iXmOtSf 3- MEN'S ALL-WOOL SHIRTS PLAID PATTERNS NOW PART WOOL WORK SOX HEAVYWEIGHT NOW S PAIRS 5.3L7 HI I. m DEPARTMENT STORE : 24 - 24 NOBTH COMMERCUU oRES.P.A. Salem's Detail Packing Plan! 351 Slalo Si. QREldDA The prices ws are quoting this week are net aa low as wt expected them to be - - but when COMPARED WITH A MONTH AGO. YOU WILL NOTE SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS. You can sJwajs depend on the Midget to ftfe their customers the benefit of any change In the livestock market Immediately. Open Kettle. Lb. 0 Smoked r IL(S)UIB 0 o o o . Lb. IP5)i?& Enon IE actc r- - Lb. "Fhvorized" Bacon In the piece ; Lb. -FLAVORIZED- SliccrDacon Pound - HO "HOT SOOTS' 110 TMCKY DliEGiUIIS. Ufcen Tea Sea U in Our M. il'i So.