The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    j The StaWmm. SalnSAfh'BndaT' Fabrcgrr If. 1W
Sgt. White
IWeds in
From North Carolina comes
news of the marriage of a Salem
man. TSfft. Loren J. White, ion
of Mr. and Mrs. Loren R. White
of Salem, to Miss Sarah Bemice
Allmon. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob M. Allmon of ML Pleasant,
North Carolina. The vows were
exchanged on February S at ML
lilead Lutheran church In ML
Pleasant at 7:30 o'clock by the
Rev. Edward Fulenwider.
The bride entered the church
.th her father, who gave her in
marriage. She was gowned In
white slipper satin, fashioned on
Erincess lines and designed with
ice yoke and peplum and full
skirt ending in a train. Her tiari,
to which her veil was attached,
was trimmed In seed peals and
white rhinestones. The bride's
bouquet was of white carnations
and lilies of the valley, with satin
petals and tied with white satin
ribbon. Her only ornaments were
yellow gold star earbobs center
ed with pearls and a necklace of
Mrs. W. Craven Almond was
her sister's matron of honor. She
wore a gown of pastel blue taf
feta, patterned after that of the
bride. She carried a cascade bou
quet of yellow carnations and red
roses, centered with wedgewood
Dutch iris and filled with acacia
and tied with wedgewood satin
ribbon. Bridesmaids were Mrs.
Howard H. Almond, sister of the
bride. Mrs. Charles Almond, Mrs.
Eric Clayton Smith, cousin of the
bride, and Mrs. Ralph M. All
mon, sister-in-law of the bride.
Mary Katherine Allmon. sister
of the bride, was the ring bearer.
Flower girls were Helen Black
welder, cousin of the bride, and
Muriel Almond, niece of the bride.
Serving as best man was SSgt
(oel G. Woodard of Fort Bragg,
rshers were Ralph M. Allmon,
irother of the bride, and Howard
I. Almond.
Mrs. Allmon. mother of the
bride, chose for her daughter's
wedding a dress of light blue
crepe and a corsage of white gar
denias. The bridegroom's mother,
Mrs. White, was unable to go
south for the wedding.
Following the ceremony, a re
ception was held in ML Pleasant
t the home of the bride's par
ent?. The couple left for a wedding
trip and for traveling the bride
Wore a black dress with black
accessories and a white topper.
TV Sgt. nd Mrs. White will make
their home for the present in
The new Mrs. White is a grad
uate of the ML Pleasant high
school and attended Lenoir Rhyne
college In Hickory. TSgL White
la a graduate of the Salem high
school. He entered the service in
June of 1944 and served for 20
months overseas with the 508th
Kraxhute infantry regiment, S2nd
borne division. He Is now sta
tioned at Fort Bragg, N. C.
Pre-Ball Parties
Among those entertaining be
fore the military ball Saturday
ftliht at the armory will be Colo
nel and Mrs. George Spaux. They
have invited guests to their Che-
meketa street home. Bidden are
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Simmons,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert King, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry 1L Weinstein, Mr
tnd Mrs. Paul A. Hale, Dr. and
Irs. M. K. Crothers and Major
nd Mrs. Robert F. Wulf.
Major and Mrs. Ward Davis
will be hosts before the ball at
their East Wilson street home for
group of friends. Coming from
Out of town will be Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Hammond and Dr. and
Mrs. Louis B. Schoel of Portland,
formerly of Salem.
To Return to Coast
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ros
well Beach (Jo Love Lehmer) and
two and a half year old daughter.
Sharon Love, will be interested
to learn they are expected to ar
rive in the capital Sunday for i
Stay at the Royal Court apart
ment of her mother, Mrs. R. H
Baldock. Mr. Beach, an electrical
engineer who has been with the
American Telephone and Tele
graph company in St. Louis, Mo
has been transferred to Portland
with the Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph company. They are
driving west and Jeft Missouri on
If ike work is
piling higher...
-here's JAZ
Rest for a moment with a de
licious cup of Golden West.
Every sip is purr delight. 3
grinds drip, silex, regular. Try
Golden West CofTee always
Something to enjoy.
Friendship Night
For White Shrine
Willamette shrine No. 2, White
Shrine of Jerusalem, held friend
ship night on Monday at the Ma
sonic temple with Mrs. Abner X.
Kline, worthy high priestess, and
Wilbur Pin tier, watchman of the
shepherds, presiding. Guests were
present for valley and surround
ing cities with over hundred
coming down by bus from Port
land and Vancouver.
Honored were Mrs. Flossie
Hancock, worthy high priestess,
and Del Snyder, watchman of the
shepherds, of Oregon shrine, Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Al
bln, officers of Bethany shrine,
Vancouver; Mrs. Blanche Herblg
of Eugene shrine; Mrs. Beatrice
Dennleon, noble prophetess, Klam
ath Falls shrine; and Mrs. Willis
Brown, Salem, district deputy.
The program included duets by
Mrs. William Skewis and Mrs.
Lenard Kephart, solos by Ronald
Craven with Mrs. Craven the ac
companist Members of the Junior
Playhouse presented a skit from
-Little Women."
Refreshments were served fol
lowing the meeting with the
George Washington motif carried
out in the decorations. The com
mittee included Mrs. Miller B.
Hayden. Mrs. Maude Space and
Claire Davis.
Dinner Honors
On Sunday, February IS, Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen Ma pes, 1693 S.
Liberty sL, Salem, celebrated
their golden wedding, which oc
curred on February 11 in Denver.
The affair took place in Portland
where at 9 o'clock a banquet was
held at the Redmond on the H11L
Those present included the
sons and their families. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Ma pes of Vancouver,
Wash- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mapes
of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Mapes and two children, Stephen
and Janle, of Garden Home, Chris
Zehr, brother of Mrs. Mapes,
of Beaverton, Mrs. Dahl of Van
couver, Mr. and Mrs. A. Winkler
of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Addler
and .two children of Garden
Home, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thye
of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
Newberry of Portland and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Shute of Oar
den Home.
The afternoon was spent infor
mally at the Newberry home on
Palatine H1U road, Portland.
Special sale
-features new
I DISH WASH NG V y fit b
TIME IN rfpzz'
Glassware, dishes l
1 drain sparkling dry Uj
1 without wiping, even '
I in hardest, coldest wa- 7jr v
i-"" ter. Trend contains
1 o powder to make
, I yousneexe. '
f i f . t4
I , 1 .
ft seera n . t teeic
I sscoa MUM
Brides-Elect r
Honored at
Miss Lois Ktarni wis the In
centive for a bridal shower Mon
day night at the home of Miss
Bemice Kleihege on Xast Center
street Miss Kearna will become
the bride of Donald Ramseyer of
Toledo during the Easter season
at First Presbyterian church in
The decorative scheme was
pink and white with the serving
table centered with pink candles
and a bouquet of snapdragons and
carnations. The evening was spent
Those present were Mrs. Hur
ley Colson, Mrs. Robert KlempeL
Mrs. H. J. Dyke, Mrs. F. E. Cas-
E1L Mrs. Richard Rosecrans,
rs. Elmer Weik, Mrs. E. H.
Bankston, Mrs. A. R. Kearns,
Mrs. D. B. Kleihege, Mrs, Arthur
Frank, Mrs. Wallace Guthrie,
Mrs. J. R. Kolb, Mrs. Paul Klm
melL Mrs. C. E. Siegmund, Misses
Betty Jean and Roberta KlempeL
Dorothy Dyke, Dorothy CaspelL
the honor guest and the hostess.
Qener Mies Young
Miss Lois Young, bride-elect of
Philip Willi, was feted at a
shower Monday night when Miss
Loris Harlan entertained at the
home of her parents on Garden
road. A dessert supper was serv
ed by the hostess, assisted by her
mother, Mrs. Ralph Harlan, Miss
Lois Archibald and Mrs. Ronald
Harlan. Arrangements of carna
tions and daffodils provided the
decorative note.
Honoring Miss Young were
Mrs. Fred Buckner, Mrs. Anne
Dulaney, Mrs. Ronald Harlan,
Mrs. Melvin Crowe, Mrs. Lucille
Crowe, Miss Bonnie Bishop, Miss
Evelyn Bishop, Miss Lois Archi
bald, Miss Rita O'Brien, Miss Lil
lian Mollet, Miss Vivian Tag
notte, Miss Frances Laisell and
Miss Jeanne Grimm.
Collect Clothing
A drive to collect used clothing
is the service project lined up by
the Tri-Y chapters for the month
of March. The clothing is to be
for European relief ana the arti
cles will be collected at the YW.
In charge of the drive is Pat
Flora, general service chairman.
Others working with her on com
mittees Include Jahala Xeyes,
Elaine Undstrand, Dorothy Ladd,
Beverly and Fay Rolie, Doris
Beals, Nola Gotten berg, Beverly
Bolstrom and Bonnie Belle Stewart
suds miracle
PEG Group at
Fisher Home
Mrs. Arthur Fisher was hostess
for a luncheon on Tuesday after
noon at her home on Electric
street in compliment to members
of her Lebanon PXO, chapter V.
Mrs. Usher's mother, Mrs. O. A.
Reeves of Lebanon, was a eo-
Covers were Placed for twenty
five and a special guest was Mrs.
Lester Wilcox of Salem. Miss Bar
bara Miller, Willamette uni
versity student, spoke to the
group about her PEO scholarship
at Cottey college.
Carol Ramsden to
Have Birthday
Carol Ramsden, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Ramsden, will
celebrate her sixth birthday at a
party Friday afternoon at the
Falrmount Hill home of her par
ents. Guests have been invited at
3:30 o'clock and a pink and blue
color scheme will be carried out
in the decorations. The table will
be centered with a bouquet of
Honoring Carol will be Judy
Fortmiller, Nancy Miller, Mary
Wilbur, Sande Tomllnson, Jimmy
Woodry, Gregory Stadter. Joan
Griffith, Susan Cannon, Cathy and
Christy Cannon and Susan Wil-
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brass
and daughter, Phoebe Lou, left by
plane Tuesday night for Los An
geles and Del-a-Mar beach for a
week's sojourn.
Van's Radio
605 Edgewater
f v T V :
Tfeind bates
If any prod nets wash dishes and fine laundry. Trend not only does these
jobs better but also babies your hands. For trend Is neutral. It contains
no alkali, no adds. For mildness, compare trend with even the finest
complexion soap. It's easy on your hands. Trend babiti your hand.
Once you try trend, we're sure you'll use It always.
So, for a limited time only, your jfrocer is offering
. TWO packages for the price of one, plus U. Gie
TREND a real trial. If you don't agree that trend la
the finest sudaer you're ever used, your money will
be refunded. Buy trend today I
Made by the makers of PUREX
This Oiler Good Only La Salem and Vicinity.
Society. vsGluBa
Music-, .vrjhe Home;
Chapter O, PXO with Mrs. Silas
Oaiaer. S3S X. Winter St, lOS dessert
Kensington club with Mrs. Leon Bar
rick, 1610 8. Church St, lio dessert
West Salem Woman's elub meet at
city han, S pjn.
Salem Woman's club benefit bridge,
dessert luncheon, 1 0 p.m., clubhouse.
Women's council.
church, meet at church, program. S
pjn- welfare luncheon, noon, business
session, 1 pjn.
Salem Council of Women's Organiza
tions. S pjn. at chamber ef commerce.
American Gold Star mothers social
meeting, vrw baa, S pjn, families and
friends Invited.
Havesvllla Woman's club with Mrs.
William Powers. Portland highway.
las dessert luncheon.
Kin gwood auxiliary, American .Les
ion, meet at Klngwood hall. Parkway
drive. S p.m.
Fidelia class First Baptist church,
with Mrs. Viola Harr.lson, Hit state
St.. i p-m. . ....
Young Matrons cluD meet at iwc.
7:4 pjn.
te university faculty we
en's club
lub. c
overed dish dinner. La
hall, I JO pjn.
Daughters ef Union Veterans e the
OtU Wir, a pjn. at Woman's elub-.
house, social meeting.
Marlon auxiliary
VFW. state ofn-
eerr visit, s pjn.
Auxiliary to SflSth engineers and
aosta quartermasters meet at leseTY
center quonset hut, TSM pjn.
Mrs. William MeGOehrkt, Jr,
has returned from a several days
stay in Portland with her daugh
ter and family, the Peter Bucks.
31 Day
Is your reception muf
fled, "itaticky"? Sate
further wear and tear
on your radio now!
Let us service you
get repair it expert-
& Applianco
Phono 14727
Sheerest nylons rinse
out cleanly, tbey last
longer. WcxJens come
out fluffy, new-look-log.
Trend brightens
colors, too.
Social Slate
Filled .With
Affairs .
The social calendar Is marked
with Informal luncheons, dinners
and bridge parties this week.
Mrs. Erie Butler will preside at
a dessert luncheon this afternoon
at : her home on Hulsey avenue
for the pleasure of Mrs. Ray A.
Yocom of Chicago, formerly of 5a
Ism. The visitor has been In Port
land, Salem and Corvallis with
her children the past month and
plans to leave for the east next
week. Bridge win be In play after
the luncheon hour,
lira. Allen te Entertain
Mrs. Eric Allen, Jr, will be a
party hostess Friday night at her
home on Imperial drive for a
group of her friends. A dessert
supper will be served with sev
eral hours of contract bridge fol
lowing. The patriotic motif will
be used In the decor.
Quests of Mrs. Allen will be
Mrs. J. Parker Llneberry, Mrs.
Joe Hutchison, Mrs. X. X. Boring,
Mrs. Paul Harvey, Jr, Mrs. Ervin
Peterson. Mrs. Glade Follls, Mrs.
Edwin Armstrong. Mrs. Maurice
Brennen, Mrs. Harold Shogren,
y2 (Qfi W
Qxh; '
A Uniqne & Helpful
Dcail Ilack for
Open Pan Boasting
For Roasts and Fowls
Adjusts to 7 positions
From Flat Grill & Small V
E-Z-V Roast Rack
O Paper Towel Holders . ; .95
O- Flower Sieves 49
Tin Cookie Sheels ... .30
Garbage Cans . $4.29 & up
O Ulilily Scales
O Asbesios Siove
Portable Tbermador Heaier
Pi- U M B E
Front & Court Street
Mrs. La Verne Young, and Mrs.
E. A. Carleton.
An Sevoir Luncheon
Mrs. Fred Schlapkohl and Mrs.
Arthur Jones will be hostesses for
a 1 o'clock luncheon on Tuesday
afternoon at the former's suburb
an home on Pioneer drive In com
pliment to Mrs. Custer Ross, who
is leaving in March for an ex-
f -tended trip to the orient.
Members of Mrs. Ross bridge
club and a few additional guests
have been. bidden to the affair.
Bridge will be in play during the
afternoon. ,
Mrs. Payne a Hostess
Mrs. James Payne entertained
informally : Wednesday night at
wonderful how a
u each nostra acts fast '
sovsooine irritation,
open eaId-lwMrf nnu
and reduce stuffiness. And tf used to
job, vjohs va-BO-noi neips pnvni
many colds tram dereloplnsv Try ttl
Poilow directions In taepacMaajf
umu oQouirs
f i 1 1 mm
Quo cannier cf dnratlo, easy
X Pin
An attractive tasteful wall
lamp, modern, mellow.
Indirect lighting. You can
put it on your
minute and
minute with simple brac
ket. Special price in
cludes beautiful shade
and bracket.
.... $6.50
Hals .15 & up
Here's a really good
portable electric heat
er. Move it anywhere
easily. Heat fan blows
heat where you need
it. Enclosed in attrac
tive baked enamel
case. Another triumph
in Thermador heaters.
You'll like it.
. $14.95
her Mission street home for a
group of friends; Bridge was In
play with a late supper served b?
the hostess. The George Washing
ton motif was carried out la th.
Mrs. Payne's guests were Mrr.
Sam Campbell, Mrs. Calvin Ken'.
Mrs. Carl Wood, Mrs. Wflllar.
Johnson, Mrs. P. C. Andcrsor,
Mrs. Rodney Fety, Mrs. Ralph At
wood, Mrs. Leon Margosian, Mrs.
Robert JCyre, Mrs. Loren urwv,
Mrs. John Dannand Mrs.-IV -Jenkins.
Nw ' i . I :
-Lccalioii ii
419 jfj
(In Fhene Directory)
io clean
op .pLDEaj
wall in a
move it in a
i (o
Marked down front $3.95
Here's A Help
A handy utility clothesline. 28
feet of line on a reel in a plastic
case. Now you can string a
clothesline anyplace and remove
it in a moment. Ideal for light
laundry and lingerie. See it today.
Qnaliiy Ligbl Fixinres '
For livery Purpose
. .$5.50 AND UP
Phone 9163