t JfFhe Malioii's! 1 6b IComics -rt 4 mv ' v. ".-, . - i" 1 - r- 4 e J: v : .J , in ii r Home 3VcVn;ier V I v . . r'A-l, ;'.".''.-V - n Mipj ijiiJippiTO i ''''IlllililPlllllllli ' M A BLONDIE " r' ct.X. J llHMMHHHMHBMMMHMHMnMHnMBAMHM f - " 1 ' " 1 issssbsisj sssb---s -. aais . , ..,. , ii , " '' 'a MV DIAMONDS AMD MONEY.' I HID tM IN TV4AT MIDOLE KETTLE I 1 m m r-1 M 1 4 11 DICX TRACT IZacojly suouLDO?r hand MOVES TOWARD THE GONH TENT5 OP THE ICON POT f . , RVhen sldogmv the ncuce SWOU-DERS THOUGHT WE UAD KNOCKED OUT MOVES SlLENTLV TOWARD THE STEPLADOEg. MUSTERINC ALL HER STRENGTH MISS VARNtSH GIVES THE LADDER A MIGHTY TUG f 7 . JV HOWAPEYDU fwai.?A OVINS FEELIN TDOflY. MAN HtVtR M. HAflVEV FEELS WELL-. WEU. r HOPE-, 'J LITTLE ANXI2Z BOOTfZT (OONT B SORRY-IT Jr'M V VMOKTBEIOJCMOW TER88Lfj BETOCElUffiOUTl SOGGY-Jv-i OP THIS woGLO-y FREE AT LAST FGOM A UFEOPSiOXNESSAMO SOCGOW- WWEN THE END GOMES, rW&MT MYfClENOSDCELKa MYG00O I WAMT EVERYBODY 10 1 OAMCE. EAT. OGiNX AMO I AMD SAY, 'AT LAST THE POOR, r SUFFERING MARTYR MIT TUt BE MERRY. r l UAUs TOT -J I I rO UK TO EXFUKS IT A J i BUZZ SAWTTB ATKMPfTV f M wmZ5TCt M INMCT SOU I Vcs.oac urrs 6ctoutV 9 " J i MIAA OOT ANP iNTiaDPUCB HtM TO SOME Of VOU i -sn MICTEY MOUSZ 1-iQ "rss, twis X)TwEyl -txi still coktt Tcaje..ajT iH I rr'6 mcvts dum uwocxjBTEDiif oesmoko wsje gobs mjncw J ' 0LCC BLOCX ) AU UEO KXOV WUCTVCQ I PXCO UP SWOT BY TV STAOu0CS.. DOT MJMSCa TVO... WC'Sg GOING y PQCVES Ti-ERC MAS ASOUT IT IT WAS Si-kAMM J COMETH; US IN CVHjOPE MO BBTUHJCD TO 6h(V THS FILM.. AXXJMSeTFJ iKI TUXT Tm MAUXfi TWe.Q MAU. AFTCgTHeY FUEO "VT TO AM AUPiBJCEAiV v wouegy gTAgjooS that may MEiP "yjmUTy V. ; - .. , -jSrx' W "S f- V i. eg cm LJ I ' 'I- 'I j -l" 1--: - 11-- vrTH ttitti fnrtiri itmgAi.'N tl hvf 10 TO I r I v. 1L' MK0 COT Mt 1 AMK0 MM HAO X -i- ILLilUI - II I GASOUTi AUET AUNT LCNAXZlE OJNOFP IN THf WOODS SOOftWUW i CPU6E Z TOCHER I SEN VOR6 MOW HOBOED THtS-VWW WW ft SflTCHeL-BflO, UWbNUW BAUS 8AR7IZT GOOGLE SKU7FVS DQPtAl IN A "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier ra think I eacht U take Mud niche and a h4 drink t Dmuia and her by friend. . . . Tbey'Ta beea parked at tber in the aold far arer an havrr Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Feb. 18-(-Today closinf quoUtlons: Al Chem Ac Dye American Can . Am Power St Lt Am Tel St Tel Anaconda Atchison , Bendix Avia Beth Steel BoHnf Air Ca Uf Pack Canadian Pac Case J I Chrysler Comwlth Sou .. Cons Edison Cons Vultea Crown Zel Curt Li Wr Douglas Air Dupont de Ne Gen Electric 174 (Gen Foods 77!Gn Motors 6 I Goodyear Tira . 149 Gt North pfd . JlHlInt Harvest 88 mint Paper pfd . 2i J Manviila 32VKennecott 22 hi 29 im 37 V 55 22 Lon Bell A Mont Ward Nash Kelvin - Nat Dairy N Y Central North Am Co . Northern Pac . 12ViPac Am J"ish 27 4V4 82 V4 169 33 Pac Gas FJec P T St T Pan American Penney J C Radio Corp 37 H 33 V4 45 36 49 18, 25 13 1C 32 34Rayonier S3 I Ray order pfd 41Reynolds Met Richfield 'Safeway Sears Roeb Sinclair Oil 43 'So Pacific Stan Brands Stan Oil Cal Studebaker Sun Mining Union Oil Un Pacific - 18iUn Airlines . tUn Aircraft . IU S Steel . 91 Warner Bros 8West FJec 39 Wool worth ! 34 20 17 23 15 47 23 S3 17 10 22 1S6 18 24 70 11 28 44 Portland Produce PORTLAND. Orm . Feb. ! (AP Butterfat Tentative (aubtect to tm- nadiata ettance). Premium quality maximum of - to 1 per cent actditjr delivered la Portland. tl-4c lb.: ftrat oualitv, SS-BSc lb.; second quality. SJ Uc lb.; valley routes and country points s cents mm tnan nrst. 7-o i. Butter Wholeaaie. f b. bulk cubes, grade AA. S3 score. S&e lb.; A, fl score. S4c lb.; B, M score, S2c lb.; C AS score. Tie lb. Cheese Selling- price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon sing lea, 4-AJc; Oregon S-lb. loaf. S ISc. Ecss To wboleaalers, A grade, tarce. SH-2V doc.; saedsurn 41.,' 4SH: A grade, small, nominal; B grade.-large, 41ta-4St. Eggs Purehaaed from (armors. Cur rent recoiBte. 4a,a-4sC dos.; buyers pay S-',c below wholesale quotations on graded basks (or beat bennery egga. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers under S lbs, -33c lb.: fryers. 2 to S lbs, XI -Me lb.: 1 to 4 lbs., X1-3&C: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. Ssvxte: lowL Lochorns. un der 4 lbs, Sa-21e; 4 lbs. and over. 34 c; colored (owl. aU weights. S9-3U lb.; stags, all weignta. lz-ise id. Rabbits Average to retailers (or lo cally dreasod animals. ft4-63c: fryars. live, white. ZS-aoc lb.; colored, aa-zac; or Hmw. 14-lae. fresh drssssd meata Wboleaalers to That SicrUsnnan, ScJam Ofcjcm, Thnrtdcry , Tmbniarr 19, 193 1 1 retailers In dollars a hundred pounds: Steers Oood. $43-43; commercial, S40-42: utility. S37-39. Cows CotnmercuU, S37-3S; utility. e-jv; cuiier. cannerv a-a9. i Beef cuts (good steers, heifer) Hind quarters. f41-49; full loins trimmed. $44-43; triangles. . 839-40; square chucks. S44-4A; ribs. ; i4-M; forequarters. S40-41. Veal and calf Choice. S4S-49: good, S4S-4B; commercial. S45-47; utility, SM- . Lambs Choice and good. S42-43; commercial, all weights, $41-42. Mutton Good. 70 lbs. down, $21-23. Pork cuU: Loins No. 1, i-lt lbs, Stt: shoulders, S39-40; sparcrlbs. $ lbs. down. S4S.M.' Wool Coarse, valley and medium grades, 49c lb. - Mohair 42c lb. on 12-month growth. Onions ao-lb. sk. Or. Brooks, yel lows. No. 1, medium. $$.?$-; 8 Inches larger, $4-4 2J lug; No. 2. $2.75 S; boilers, No. L 10 lbs, SO-aSc; M-Ib. ska, S2JO-S.7S. Potatoes Ore. Deschutes and Klam ath russets No. 1. $3 .79-4. some to $629; 29 lbs, $1-1.4; 19 lbs.. SOc-$l; No. 2. 50 lbs., $2.25-2 .50: No. 1 bakers, $4.90 S.79 hundredweight; No. 2, $3.90-9.79; Idaho russets. No. 1-A. $5.75-9 93: Tex as Triumphs. 90-lb. sks- $4-29-4.25; Florida Triumphs. $4.09-4.7$. ' Hay U. 8. No. 1. green alfalfa or better, carload lot ful.b. Portland. $37 .50-39; U. 8. No. 1 timothy, eastern Oregon or Washington, carlo ts, f o b. Portland, $3g-M50: oats and vetch mixed hay, uncertified clover hay $27 .90-29.50 baled at Willamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Feb. i AP) (USD A) Salable cattle 130. total 400; calves 25; market active on kinds available, but supply mostly canner-cutter cows; these selling around 90 cents higher; odd common sjeers steady at 20X0; common-medium heifers 18.00-22.00; canner-cutter cowt largely 14.00-1S.90; shelsl down to 13 00; common cows In cluding fat dairy type kinds 17.00-M; medium beef cows 18-50-20.00; odd me dium sausage bulls 20.00; vealers stronger, (ew good -choice 2t .00-31.50; cull-common liJJO-ZSJOQ. aUbto hogs 190, total $00; market active, steady to 29 cents higher; good choice ISO-239 lbs. MO9-40; odd 290 lbs. 255; 14 lbs, 24.90; good 490 lb. sows up to 22 00; good-enoice feeder pigs quoted 23ao-24ae, 1 good 140 lb. stag 19.00. Ss labia and total sheep $0. no early action; demand vary limited; good choice woo led lambs probably salable downward (rem 21.00; good-cboioe ewes quotable up to 10.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, Feb. 1$ ( AP) Wheat; No futures quoted. Cash grain: oats No. 2 M lb. white ium: barley No. a 4 lb. B.W. 72A0. Cash wheat (bid): soft white sis- soft white (excluding Rex) 2. IS; white club 2 IS; western red 2.1S. Hard red winter; ordinary 2 IS; IS per cent 2 20; 11 par cent 2 JO; 12 par cant 2.40. Hard white Baart: ordinary 2.48; 18 per cent 2.4S: 11 oer eent lti- 11 w-r cent 2 SO. Today's ear raceints: wheat ttmrlmm ti Hour 1; hay 1; snlllfeod S. iiSaIem:i: Obitiuiriefi SHIEL I Sophie H. ShieL lata resident ot Seattle. Wash, In this city Monday, . ' February IS. Survived by nieces, Mrs. , ; , O. U Donnelly and Mrs. T. M. Grieve, ' both of Salem. Mrs. O. R When berg i ot Klamath Fails, and several nieces and nephews in Canada. Services will be held Thursday. February 19. at 1 JO &m. at the Cloucn-Barrlck chapel with' r. Chester Hamblln officiaUng. Inter- . mcnt In Belcrest Memorial park. i. , WILLIAMS I 1 Melvln WlUUms. at a local hospital.; Monday, February IS. Survived by a . son. Melvin Williams, jr mi Forf J Worth, Texas. Announcement of aerv Icea later by Clough-Barrlclc company,'. SEOAR - 'i- Sanford Sedar, UU resident of ICS Berry street, at a local hospital, Feb. ruary 17 at the age of $1 years. Sur. vl red by his wife. Peart Sedar of Sa lem; two daughters, Mrs. ' Nita Tel-' kamp of Drain, Oregon, and Mrs. Lau ra Linn of Alameda. Calif.; a sister,. ' Mrs. Laura Goetsche of Chicago, IU.; a brother. Lloyd Sedar f Pontiac,' Mich.; and three f randchildren. Serv- Ices will be held Friday, February 20,i ' ; at 2 p.m. at the Howell-Edwards cha pel with Rev. Kenneth Wishart offi ciating. Interment In Belcrest Mem or la I park. ROBERTSON I In Oregon City, February IT, Lillian -Robertson, late resident of Aurora route 2, and former resident of Salem. Sister of Mrs. Myrtle Cannon of Sa lem: 'Mrs. James Pate of Jefferson. Ura Van Svarverud of Santg ' Barbara, Calif , Mrs. Robert Sears ; of Salem rranic a. Hartley of Zlllah. Wash, Ed mond T. Hartley of Gastoru Ore, Carl Hartley of Aurora, Arthur-' Hartley of Imola. Calif, and Rex Hartley of Jef ferson. Services will be held from the' W. T. Rlcdon Chanel Flidav. February 20, at 1:30 pTn, Elder Dickenson offi- elating. Interment in the Macleay cem etery, j The domastis Mntumntlon ( finished oil products in. 1947 was at tne rate or S8Z sjaiions a year w 7 own, womu'ina CTtUOV i in uie country. Salom Market Quotations UTTCRPAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS Klleeyelea: fc&XM llff. KOCO 1499. KVOIN f7l. KGW 29. KSX lltl 6KSLM Morn News fTlmekeeper iMareb Time fNews ROCO KOCO nXOCX IKOCO kLOCX lKOCO 9CLOCX lirs a Deal ioTN News Roundup IKOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KGW Honeymoon I Honeymoon (Kneaas News Early Bird hex Farm Hour IFarm Hour Farm Hour Irann Hour 7KSLM News I Rise. Shine INews (Top Trades KOCO Farm Parade News iTex gutter Southland Sing KOIN KOIN Klock (News (Bob G aired Fred .Beck KGW Farm Time ' Farm Time I Old Songs Sam Hayes KEX Sing Cowboy lAaronslry tstocte Mkt. Zcka Manners 8KSLM News lOrchestra IPtuneers JBargalns KOt'O Haven of Rest (Haven of Rest West Melodies (Over Coffee KOIN User News Art Baker Grand Slim J Rosemary KGW Fred wanng Fred Wartng Jack Bercb (Hospitality REX Breakfast Club Breakfast Breakfast I Breakfast 9K9LM Kate Smith IV. Undlahr (Pastor's Can Orchestra KOCO Gospel Singer Organ Moods Usn Carber IS Urn Bryant KOIN Wendy Warren I Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent (Gal Sunday KGW Tommy DorseylTommy Dorse yi Tommy Dorsey! Tommy Dorsey KEX Music I Worn Shouldn't1 Breakfast 'Breakfast . KSLM News IQuinn Show I How Do Do? Harmony 1 fl KOCO Peggy Lee LuUaby iHswsii Reminiscent III KOIN Big Sister Ma Perkins IDr Ma lone Guiding Light I U KGW School 'Cast School 'Cast (Claudia Joyce Jordan KEX G Drake I Ted Ma lone ITrue Story I True Story 11 KSLM Organalltles KOCO News KOIN Mrs. Burton KGW Today's Child KEX B. Crocker I Serenade Queen Today JQueen Today I Latin Amer. I 4a Ion Concert '4alon Concert Perry Mason Cole Trio I Hose ureams Woman White 'ftony sioane tuigni koiio Kilgallen 1 Melodies Ethel. Albert 12 KSLM Hit Time KOCO Chuck wagon KOIN News KGW Knease News KEX W Klemaa News IN.W. News I Varieties Vince Lopes 'News I Run set A Vine Come Get It I Double Nothing Double Nothing Ma Perkins I Pepper Young Happiness (Noon Dreams IP Wblteman IP Whltemaa 1 KSLM KOCO atom KGW KEX 1390 Club Hello Again Art Baker Stage Wife P White man 130 Club ! Hello Again Lullaby Stella Dallas P. Whitaman LaSchelle Hello Again I Newspaper 1 uorenzo J I Kay West (Bing Sings iHello Agstn (Newspaper IWidder (Brown IKay Wekt 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX Heart's Desire Hollywood Hr. Air School Girt Marries What's Dour (Heart's Desire Hollywood Hr (Air School Portia What's Ootn Favorites Hollywood Hr, House Party ' Plain BlU Bride. Groom itra ioodKr. Parly OTchestra iHoilywc House (Pace Farrell Groom 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX Orchestra KOCO Kapers Art Kirkham Road Life Be Seated lOrchestra IKOCO Kapers Tunefully Lora Lawtoa Be Seated Stranger Songs KOCO Kapers Art Godfrey Aunt Mary Welcome News KOCO Kapers Art Godfrey Nora Drake (Welcome 4 KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis IHesnlngway I Passing Parade lOrchestra Melody MatlnoeiTune for John HS Class LI t U..M lfJ Wm 1 1 1 h tiSeet M Issue - Um BLa.,tffiil irlrrhMiri IStars Todav Sunnyside Up (Northwest I Sunny side Up ISunny Side Up Adtos I I Meet Missus 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Adv. Parade Off Record Knox Mann Chuck Foster Sky Patrol (Superman (Off Record (George Moorad.Sunny Side I Terry. Pirates iky King leapt. MidnlghtiToin Mix Rhythm Ranch Sports Hllltee hod uarren ; (Elmer Peterson iSky King 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX O. Heater Manhat. Mueie Dick Hi Al J olson Sports (News Reel (RED America Manhat. MusieiNews Dick Hay mes j Crime Photog. Al J olson (Jack Carson IK. Baker (Lee Sweetiand I RED America IMualc Box I Crime Photos. (Jack Carson I Lee Sweetiand 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Pres. Truman Playboys Radio Digest Pres. Truman Cilery Queen Pres. Truman Playboys Radio Digest Pres. Truman ailery Queen i Orchestra (Freedom Am. Friends Musical N.W. Neighbors N.W Neighbors Ronald Cotman Ronald Colman 'Henry Morgan Henry Morgan I 8 KSLM Fslcon (Falcon KOCO RequestruMy iRequestfuIly KOIN Lowell Thomas' Jack Smith KGW Supper Club I World News KEX Willie Piper I Willie Piper News RequeatfuUy Mr. Keen Aldrich Family Candid Mike (Orchestra Request! ully Mr Keen . Aldrich Family iCandid Mike 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News News FBI IReutah Eddie Lamar TBI (Orchestra lJuke Box IClub 19 bim St Alien i Burns as Allen I Noah Webster Melody. Inc. (Melody. Inc. I Rhythm New scope Juke Box Cd Murrow . Noah Webster Quintet 10 KSLM Fulton Lewie KOCO luke Box KOIN 9 Star Final KGW News Flashes KEX News IMorton Dowaeyl News I luke Box I Classics (1st Nighter (1st Nighter (Current Choice Eddie Cantor (Tapping Out I Concert Hour Local News (Classics (Men as Books j Eddie Cantor (Concert Hoar 11 KSLM Open House KOCO Tours. Party KOIN Serenade KGW News KEX Concert Hour (Open Ho Thurs. Party Orchestra J Garber (Concert Hour (Open House (Thurs. Party Air -do JPrcheati r lOrchestra INews (Thurs Party Alr-fle lOrchestra KOAC e5S k-Tkarsday IS :00 ajn. The News: 18 W, EapeciaUy (or Wom en: 1140. Oregon School of the Air. 11:19. The Concert Han; 120. The News: 12:19 pjn. Noon Farm Hour; I "Se. Ride 'Cm Cowboy; 1:19. Ore on School of the Air; 15. Melody Lane: 2 -OS. Home Garden Hour; 1:20. Memory Book of Music; 2:00, The Oregon Re porter; 2 .15. Music of the Masters; 40, University Hour; 80. On the Upbeat; 9:41. OSC Studio Orchestra; 80. The News: 8:1$. Dinner Melodies; 830. 'Round the Campdre; 7:1$, Evening Farm Hour: SS, Concert Ministure; S.15. Nightflong; S 30, In Your Name; S 45. The News; 90, Muste That En dtarea; 9:49, Evening MedlUUons: 188. Sign Off. PRINTS Wholesale . Retail ' kgos iuriNcf Extra large Msoium Ml 0 JO as JU Standards Pullets and cracks RGGS Setting Price Wholeaaie. large nexaii, targe Retail, medium em:i - Colored bens Me. 1 no t Fryers , LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) 1947 lamba. choice Yearlings up to Ewes tM to Fat dairy cows , up to Cutter cows - 100 to Dairy heifers 12M to Calves 300 to 490 lbs.) up to Veal 1 150-MS lbs.) good-choice). Pu - - - - 10,00 to as M S4 Lj ff" S)pt se eo siisy ', ' i mmM 'j UEUilljT Y0UI1 EGGS! Always a Dependable Cash Markktl I Cnrlcy's DiiiY Ptsns 0703 i Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Eeb. STOCK AVERAGES 20 Indus Wednesday 84 Previous day S4 9 Week sea HI Month ago 17 7 Year ago o i BOND AVERAGES 19 is is at Ratls Utll Stocks 24.8 2S.4 SI 249 2S SI 24a M 4 S0J 29 4 39 8 02 9 asa ssa 87j Wednesday Previous day Week aso Month ago ..... Year ao Ralls Induct Utll Forgn asa tooa 999 hi .88 4 100.7 90a 04 1 88.1 1005 90a 04 1 SS.7 100 7 99.0 SSa 90 9 103 0 104 0 74 2 Crop Reports Basis for Late Grain Rally CHICAGO. Feb. 18 JP. Pm.1. mistic reports on the crop out look in Kansas DrovLded the hark. ground for a late rally in wheat on the board of trade today. New crop deliveries cancelled early losses and ended with moderate fains. Old crop contracts finished lower. Corn acted the itrone-eat nf all cereals. It had a al limn ahnrtlv after the agriculture department announced the number of live stock on farms on Jan. 1 was the smallest since 1030. But nricea bounced back quickly from the seu-on. Wheat finished IV. lower tn 2 higher. May $2.35-2.35 Vi: corn was 14-34 higher. May 12.10 2.09 H; oats were tt- higher, May $1.05H-V. and soybeans were 8 to 4 cents lower, March $3.37. Most of the late buying in wheat was believed by brokers to be short covering. Grain nrirea now have advanc ed in three of the last four trad ing sessions. Analysts believe this Indicates the big break has run its course. Don't let used furniture accum- ulate. Get rid of it now at pre vailing good prices. Use States man classified ads. rW6V a m ' m n j i v J 6 J- V- IRON Fin Of ! AN OIL DURN-R New beating com tort a & acooomy comes to toe bo-so eqaipped with an Iron Fireman Lmlaos Flan is oil burner. This new and differ ent borner is quiet, eificieacV dependable. One demoo strstiow will convince ro Ask tor free bestial surrey. i -' KEITH BROWN f-sunber rarsl ; Front Cenrt Sta. rbone flfj Jal Dr.T.TXa-Ni. DBS. CHAN Df.OXIaJIJ. . .f. LAM CHINKSE BTIBAUITl 241 Nerth Uberty f ; ' Upstairs Portland General . l-setHe Co. Office open Saturday only 18 a-n. to 1 pjn- 8 to 1 pjn. Consul tation Blood pressure end urine teats are free of a ergo. PracUeed uii. i HEALHI TO YOU After Correetlna; r- Demerrholds (Mies) Flstala. flaanre. Prolapse, and ether Racial DU-erders. Ne HMpiUUtetls Write er Can for Free Beeklet Dr. R. Revi-ol-a CllnU Natare-rroeUlogUi 211 N. Uberty Si, Salens, Ore. u 1 EEIEDMTE SEI1VIGE O Factory Test Equipment and Service Methods. O All Work Guaranteed. O Pickup and Delivery, Morrow Radio j 1&3 8. Liberty Phone S953 j ZZ7