The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 18, 1948, Page 7, Image 7

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Heard Here
The Portland symphony's pro
gram tonight at Salem high school
auditorium includes the works of
several of the greater symphony
composers. The concert, second
of the series of two to be given ia
Salem this winter, begins at 8:13
o'clock. Admission may be ob
tained at the door by those not
holding season tickets.
Werner Janssen has brought the
organization into first ranking
form in his few months at its
head. The Portland symphony was
reorganized this fall after seven
years of inactivity.
The following program will be
Overture to "Marriage of
Waltz to "Serenade to
Tirebird- suite
Six movements
Symphony No. 4 in E minor Brahms
Surprise Party
For Youngster
Ronald Brown, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Brown, was surprised
with a Valentine's day party on
his 11th birthday Saturday by his
mother. Valentine decorations and
refreshments were featured.
Those attending were Mrs. Rus
sell Shipman, Herbie and Jerry;
Mrs. Clifford Hansen, Bruce, Byr
an and Tommy; Mrs. James Dar
by, Jimmy and Tommy; Mrs. C.
K. Dye and Buddy; Mrs. Jack
Kinney and Jackie, Mrs. Donald
Brown, Dennis and Ronald.
Salem Liens asxiliary will ret
at the Edward Boring home. 1800
Madison st., Thursday at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Jerome Lillle, wife of the
athletic director of Willamette
university, will talk on life In Ha
waiian Islands.
frotfi mm
Sevea days
Is all It
takes far
vr eaaert
to repair yew wateh er
clock to ru Ilka new
a rain. Finest eaality fae
tory parts.
Com In Today For
An Appraisal
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HI 'ill I MP
Pictured with har attendants is Mrs. Laurel H. Kuebler
(Patricia Berry hi 11), whose marriage was an event of Feb
ruary 7 at the First Conregational church. Left to right are
Mrs. Charles Flegelj Miss Nadine Zaniker, and the bride.
vThe new Mrs. Kuebler Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.
C. Berry hill and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Kuebler. (Jesten-Miller photo).
Fascinating Hobby
Filipino Cooking Only One of Many
. e e
Foreign Uountnes Uttering necipes
. Br Maxlne Biireo
Statesman Woman's Editor
I've long wanted to know more about Filipino cooking, for the
little bit of knowledge learned from our University of Washington
houseboy, Juan PePalpalatoc, away back long before the war, whet
ted our appetites for his native dishes.
Juan laid no claim to being a
good cook, for he was of the mer
chant class, but his inherent; taste
for good food helped along when
he whipped up some special dishes
for us from memory. One pf his
specials was chicken adobo which
I always recall with relish.
Recently, material sent from the
news bureau in Manilla, busy in
forming the American public with
life in the Philippines, confirmed
my suspicions about the cooking
native to the islands. It has a
certain tang of the islands, but Is
not so distinctly different from
ours as is other oriental cooking.
For instance here Is one of their
favorites, according to the news
bureau material:
(Serves six.)
2 pounds round steak
Soya sauce
Lemon juice
t medium-sized onions
Cut the steak in thin slices
across the grain. Marinate . In a
mixture of soya sauce and lemon
juice (about V lemon Juice and
i soya sauce) for several hour3
before cooking time. Vinegar may
be substituted for lemon juice if
Drain the meat, and fry It in a
hot skillet with a little fat until
brown. The meat is then ; taken
from the pan and kept warm. Add
V cup of water to the pan,
allow it to come to a boil. -
Then add the soya sauce and
lemon juice in which the, meat
U J)
was marinated. Cut the onion in
rings, and add to the sauce, al
lowing them to remain until they
Decorae sort.
The steak strips should come to
the table swimming in the heated
sauce. This dish is best served
with steamed rice, for which the
steak sauce is a piquant accom
paniment. Miss Lovre Feted
On Birthday
Miss Els Lovre was honored at
a surprise birthday party Mon
day night at the George Sanders
home when Mrs. Maxine Hillpot
and Miss Phyllis Sanders enter
tained. The evening was spent
informally with late refreshments
served by the hostesses.
Honoring Miss Lovre were the
Misses Lois Dierks, Gladys Schol
lian, Mildred Toombs, Emma
Belt, Cecelia Green, Macyle Wood
ruff, Noma Boles, Joyce Turner,
Emmaline Bair, Dorothy Ander
son, Ruth Bilyea, Mesdames Ruth
Bairy, Christine Mumm, Clara
Elkhout, Lena Victor, Mildred
Lerume, Ella Shuck, Ardelle
Meier, Amanda Anderson, Lor
raine Schwartz, Patricia Brinson
and the hostesses.
Maccabees to Dine
Capitol tent hive 84 of Mac
cabees will meet at Beavers hall,
248 N. Commercial st., for a cov
ered dish dinner at 6:30 Thurs
day. Members are to bring hot
dish, salad or dessert Members
of the Maccabees, their families
j and friends are invited.
Colored films of the Oregon
Trail will be shown, followed by
a musical program. The dining
room committee includes Mrs.
Edith Strang, Mrs. William Fol
lis, Mrs. J. Edgar Reay and Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Brown. Mr. Brown
is also in charge of the program.
Ce-aaeO of Women's organisa
tions, meeting at the chamber of
commerce Thursday, will hear
Mrs. Earl Huckstepp talk on fam
ily life education and Frank Ben
nett on the school bond issue and
needs of the Salem schools.
Liberty Girl la Given
Surprise on Birthday
LIBERTY Mrs. Dan Thomas
gave a surprise party for her
daughter Patty on her fifth birth
day. Candles were lighted on the
birthday cake and refreshments
were served to Judy Van Dyke,
David and Mac Thiel, Randy and
Arleatha Butts, Keith and David
Mischke, Barbara and Janet
Martsolf, Donna and Darrold
Thomas, Mrs. Estalyne Martsolf,
Mrs. L. G. Behrens, Mrs. Warren
Thiel, Mrs. Thomas and the guest
of honor, Patty Thomas.
Bat den't make year farm laeeoM pay far empJeyaes' Injaiiea,
auU leases and sutfereseea haaards that result la law-salts.
Iasmre with
"Oregon's Largest
123 H. CtxKUMWcial -
Faculty Club to
Honor Men
The Willamette university fac
ulty women's club will entertain
with a covered dish dinner Thurs
day night at Lausanne hall at
6:30 o'clock. This is an annual
affair for the faculty. A program
and entertainment will follow the
dinner hour.
Mrs. Lestle J. Sparks Is presi
dent of the faculty women's club
and Mrs. Arthur Bates heads the
directorate for the dinner. As
sisting are- Mrs. Maurice Bren
nen, Mrs. Egbert S. Oliver, Miss
Lois Latimer, Mrs. George Mar
tin, Mrs. Ellen Foster, Mrs. Ray
Smith, Mrs. Cecil Monk, Mrs.
Charles Sherman and Miss Vir
ginia Cannon.
Centra Ua Tmpl. No. 11. Pythian
Sisters, covered dish supper. KF hall.
9-30 p.m.. honor grand chief meeting.
Woman's guild. First CongrcgaUonal
church meet at church parlors, p.m..
Mrs. James Chlnn, Portland, speaker.
Salem Writer s- club, with Flora
Thompson Enders, 660 Marion street.
7 JO p.m.
Westminster guild. First Presbyter
Ian church, meet at church, 1 o'clock
Knight Memorial church circle 1.
luncheon, church parlors. 11:30 p.m.
Sweet Briar club with Mrs. Charles
Glaze, Route 1, 1 P m.
Eta chapter. Beta Sigma Phi. meet
with Mrs. R. H. Wood, rout 4. Box 27
SA. meet at chamber of commerce.
7:45 p.m.
Oregon Crape camp. Royal Neigh -Dors
of America meet at VFW ball. S
Chapter- O, PXO with Mrs. Silas
Caiser. SSS N. Winter st, 1:19 dessert
Kensington club with Mrs. Leon Bar.
rick, mo S. Church st, 1JS dessert
West Salem Woman's club meet at
city hall. p m.
Salem Woman's club benefit bridge,
dessert luncheon. 1 :S0 pjn, clubhouse.
Women's council. First Christian
church, meet at church, program. S
p-m.. welfare luncheon. neoa."buainess
session. 1 pjn.
Salem Council of Women's Organiza
tions. S p.m. at chamber of commerce.
American Cold Star mothers social
meeting. VFW hall, S pjn, families and
friends invited.
Hayesvtlle Woman's club with Mrs.
William Powers. Portland highway.
1:1 S dessert luncheon.
Kingwood auxiliary. American Leg
ion, meet at Kingwood hall. Parkway
drive. S p m.
Fidelia class First Baptist church.
with Mrs. Viola Harrelson. 1117 State
St.. 2 p.m.
Young Matrons club meet at YWCA.
7:45 o.m.
Willamette university faculty wom
en's club, covered dish dinner, Laus
anne hall. :Ju p m.
Daughters of Union Vetersns of the
Civil War I p.m. st Woman's club
house, social meeting.
The PLE nd T club snet with
Mrs. Earl Burk Friday night for
a 6:30 o'clock no-host dinner with
covers placed for forty - five
guests. Gifts were exchanged by
secret pals and new names were
drawn. The next meeting will
be February 28 at the Mayflower
Today Pattern
10 I
Make Pattern 4950 your first
project this term! Check it In cot
ton for a crispy school-and-date
dress. And in white, it s grad
uation beauty! FULL-circle skirt
that goes whee-e!
This pattern, easy to ase, sim
ple to sew, is tested for fit. In
cludes complete illustrated In
Pattern 4i50 in teenage sizes 10,
12. 14. If. Size 12 takes 4 yards
35-inch fabric.
Send TWENTY-FIVE cents in coins
for this pattern to The Oregon States
man. Anne Adams. 1C First St.. San
Francisco . Calif. Print plainly NAME,
The New Look this sprtng is the
ANNE ADAMS Look I See It in ear
new Spring Pattern Book Just eutl
Send oalv fifteen cents more for this
Send only fifteen cents more for this
catalog of easy -sew styles for the whole
la log of
nily. Ah
family. Also printed ngni in ine dsos
is a FREE PATTERN for a smart hat-
and-bag set!
Upstate Agency'
Salwza Dial flllt
Com Brr
0 s.
J J - if- " " - t
if f Vi'
L - 'l- 1
MT. ANGEL Francis Schmidt,
svaaied first eitlsea mt ML Aagel
by the Balneea Mew's dab
which be set-reel aa president
last year.
Brash CeUege Mrs. E. C.
Cameron of Portland visited her
mother, Mrs. William Kipper at
Monte Harris' and Mrs. Bayer of
Brush College, and her mother-in-law,
Hattie B. Cameron, 15
N. 21st st., Salem.
Pioneer Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Stalcup of Oakridge (Dorothy
Keller) are the parents of a
daughter born at Dallas Saturday.
8wegie Marion County Covin
cil. Parent - Teachers association,
will meet Wednesday night in
the school auditorium. The film
"Human Growth" will be shown.
All adults of the community are
invited. Swegle PTA will be one
of the hostess groups for the
social hour.
Salem Heights Mothers club
will meet Thursday at 1 prn. in
the school cafeteria. The program
will be presented by the sixth and
seventh grade pupils and the
school orchestra will play.
Zena The annual pie social
sponsored by the Spring Valley
Farmers Union as a benefit for
the national education fund will
be held at Zena school Wednes
day, February 18. at 8 p.m. A
style show will be a feature.
Turner Mabel Messer, 10,
daughter of the Anderson Mess
ers, is in the Doernbecher hos
pital in Portland.
Brash College Brush College
community is sponsoring the an
nual carnival and baked ham
dinner at the schoolhouse Friday,
February 20,. at 0 pjn.
Tamer Mrs. Wallace Riches
is 111 at home with the mumps.
Her mother, Mrs. Frank Armen
trout of Tillamook, is staying here.
Independence Grove Peterson
has purchased 52 acres of land
near the gun club north of Inde
pendence, and R. A. Alders on
bought 40 acres from Dr. Long
west of the former P. O. Black
Tarner Mrs. Raymond Titus
will entertain the Three Link
club in her home Friday, Febr
uary 20. Covered dish be served
at noon.
Jeffersen Santiam Flax Grow
ers board of directors at, a meet
ing at the plant Monday night
named Walter Shelby, president;
A. L. Page, vice president; and
Harry Asbahr, secretary.
Popcorn The Friday night
community supper will not be
held this week but the roan will
present the program at was an
nounced, those in charge state.
Missouri Family Visits
With Friends in Salem
SUNNYSIDE Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Davis and daughter Doris of
Iantha, Mo., visited Mrs. George
Heck art this week. Davises farm
near Iantha and are on a six
weeks trip to the Pacific coast.
In Salem they have been at the
Harry Phillips home In West
Mr. and Mrs. Vale Lady of
Dalva, Iowa, formerly of Salem,
visited this week at the Charles
L. Taylors. Ladys plan to reside
at Long Beach, Calif.
Four Corners
As Benefit Area
Four Corners Community Center
association, whicft includes repre
sentatives of five community
groups, has been incorporated to
manage the community hall built
three years ago, and coordinate
activities of the area.
Plans for activities of the cor
poration were outlined In brief
today for one group, the home
extension unit of which Mrs. L.
J. Shrake Is chairman. The report
was made by Mrs. E. C Sunderlbi
who is the unit's representative
on the corporation board.
The many and varied uses to
which the community hall is put
was more than evident here to
day as 28 women of the exten
sion unit were busy about the
large room upholstering foot
stools. They stopped at noon for
luncheon prepared- in the com
munity hall kitchen which is fully
equipped with stove, cupboards,
dishes and cooking utensils.
Fire Track Ileaaed
.. As the weeaea set at the tables
to eat, inquiry was made about
"Why the double doors?" to be
met with the answer "That is
where the fire truck la brought
in, but Its over at the service sta
tion now."
The fire truck is the pride and
joy of the Four Comers volunteer
fire department whose ir coniza
tion is one of the units of the cor
poration, , represented by Law
rence Lee.
The Rod and Gun club Is rep
resented by Leroy Austin; Fred
Smith represents the Four Cor
ners Businessmen's club and has
been named president of the cor
poration. Mrs. Harvey Meyers
represents Rickey Garden club
and has been named secretary of
the corporation.
CI a ear so Previa si
Last year when Rickey school
population overflowed the avail
able room at the schoolhouse class
rooms were set up In the commu
nity hall, so It has really served
the community well.
Mrs. W. E. Pederson and Mrs.
Waldo Mills were project leaders
and Eleanor Trlndle and Con
stance Hampton, home extension
agents, directed activities.
Other women present were Mrs.
Ralph King. Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell,
Mrs. Clifford Morris. Mrs. Wil
fred Wilier, Mrs. Stuart Johns,
Mrs. Dale Jeffries, Mrs. S. H.
Cable, Mrs. Ross Chrisman, Mrs.
Jesse McMillian, Mrs. Roy Os
born, Mrs. Oliver Rickman, Mrs.
Hardy Phillips, Mrs. Jack Scorgie,
Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. A. L.
Weaver, Reatha Hager. Mrs. Ar
nold Olson, Mrs. S. W. Masters,
Mrs. P. T. Deckard, Mrs. E. A.
Stayton Plans
Sewer Survey
STAYTON Stayton Chamber
of Commerce outlined work for
the year to Include promoting a
preliminary sewer survey aa its
major function.
Meetings will be held second
Mondays cf the month with a
luncheon at noon at the Bon Ton.
Marking of streets not designated
by signs and the repainting of
other street signs was discussed.
Gene Spaniol was elected as a
director to succeed R. K. Wood
who is leaving Stayton.
Committee assignments for the
coming year include membership,
Raymond Frey, Ken Hanson, Don
Roach; education, Ed Klecker,
Dale Crabtree, M. Van Driesche;
sewer survey. Eugene Spaniol,
Ken Hanson, Byron Shucks; pub
licity booklet, Raymond Frey,
Clarence Baldwin, L. E. Spraker.
Recreational. Mrs. Byron
Shucks, Fred Camp, Wlllard
Buckner: highways, L. E. Spraker,
L. H. Wright, N. Van Driesche;
bean festival, Harold Pendleton,
John Powell.
Waldo Hills Grange
To Visit Union Hill
UNION HILL Waldo Hills
grange will visit Union Hill
grange Friday night. February 20.
Mrs. O. W. Humphreys, lecturer,
will be In charge of the program.
The social committee will include
Roy Kings, A. L. KosUn borders,
J. C. Krenzs and W. F. Krenss,
Mrs. Geneva Hubbard, Pete Ful
ler. The display table will have
old Valentines.
1 1 XX vrfXTf rs n
"TMbnited hf Gideon Stola Cooapony"
Tlx SlateHsnaan, Salom, Oraw Wedneadxry. February It, Ui3 7
Pedee Women Observe
Day of World Prayer
PEDFJE, World Day of Pray
er was observed by the Women's
Society of World Service Friday
at the noma of Mrs. Thera Worn
er. Thirteen members were pres
ant and Mrs. William BIrcheU
was a visitor.
Mrs. William McFadden, sr.,
William, jr. and Lurllne of Port
land visited at the Sidney How
ard home rriday. William. Jr. has
Just been discharged from the
navy and Is a student at Oregon
College of Education.
John Condron of PrinevWe vis
ited his sister, Mrs. Thera Wonv
er, and brothers, Leo, Comfort
and William Condron, last week.
Ernest Gillespie and Coleen
Condron, 4-year-old daughter of
Mr. an? Mrs. William Condron,
are pneumonia patients at the
Dallas hospital.
Mrs. E. A. Burba nk and Aaron
J. W. Coburn
Free Tear Retara
1S70 Market St, X-Mt
NEW 1948
Kaisers and Frazers
Kaiscr-Frazor Has Dcsignod and
Built Thcso Cars For You
Tho World's Fourth Largest
Manufacturer of Automobiles .
For the highest trade in allowance and tho
hest deal see Teague Motor. '
Come in Today and Take a Hide.
555 N. ZJbattr Ptsosso 24173
and so aro Groyhound faros
For convenient, economical service vrywhtr,
it's always "good form" to go Greyhound. You get
mors for your mowy-mors comfort, mors frequent
achedulea, mora travel pleasure
Thsro Arm Hp iQYflf farotl j
. S.4
Graats rasa
C. T, Keener, Ageat,
Seldom eqttallect. never excelled
of Portland spent -the weekend
with the former's daughter, Mrs.
Francis Dyer.
Fresh each morning, the classi
fied columns of The Statesman.
They give you all day to "shop.'
Use them. Phone tlOl.
i::sTAim.Y tUrta t
fmm J" 11 : 11 ss
h Cpfstr trmtUd Tract Tkrtxt
At irat stca ef a eaU rah UuaSerJ
a shirt, threat sad back. It
torts to relieve eengalag Sad helps
Weak PW1 ea tee la Upe
sfsaihlsl tract, aeee aa4 threat.
il eater ci U has aiX the edraatsfe el
wscssinc silaaaUlUc aaiasUrd flectcf
vet Is se bmk easier te apply. Ja4 reb
H ea fee ssiWf eat relief I la I
Reddiag , ,
San rraaclsee . .. ., . SM
Lee Aageles , 1S.SS
ris Federal Tax
SZS N. HW - - rheae Mil