10 -The State man, Sole-m, Ovqaa. laday. fbrnirf 17. IMS CI lurch Meeting At Independence February 18-19 INDEPENDENCE Calvary Presbyterian church will b hoct to the spring; meeting of Willam ette Presbytery on February IS and 19. The Rev. Harvey G. Schmidt of Lebanon la the mod erator and the Rev Charles C. Barnes of McMinnville is the itated clerk. At the popular meet ing on Wednesday evening there will be representatives from West minister houses of both Eugene and Corvailis. All of the meetings are open to the public. Members of the Independence Woman's club will hold another meeting Friday afternoon at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. Walter Smith to make miniature hop baskets for the Oregon banquet of the na tional convention of the General Federation of Woman's clubs in Portland in May. Jobs Daughters of Independ ence. Bethel No. 34, initiated new members of the new Bethel at Salem Saturday at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. The Polk County Odd Fellows Visiting association will meet at the Bethel gymnasium for an open meeting on February 27. Polk 4-H Sewing Club Host to Second Group BRUSH COLEG E The Needle and Thread 4-H sewing club en tertained members of the Stitch and Chatter 4-H sewing club at the schoolhouse after school last week. Games were played under the direction of Marilyn Sargent. A Valentine box entertained all. Valentine cookies and punch were served by the social committee. Sharteen Simons and Mary Jack ubec. Mrs. Charles Ferguson Is the leader of the Needle and Thread club. Mrs. Oliver Sargent of the Stitch and Chatter club. Salem Heights Club Sets Dinner Fridajr SALEM HEIGHTS Plans are being made by the Mothers' club of Salem Heights for a chicken dinner to be held Friday February 20, from 6 to 7:30 p. m. in the school cafeteria. Revenue will be used for the purchase of boleros j for the school orchestra. i Mrs. Lyle Bayrie is general ! chairman. Mrs. Hobart Smith, I Mrs. Leslie Bates and Mrs. Raj Kapperman have charge of te 1 kitchen. Other committee chair men are. Mrs. Carl Harris, decora tions; Mrs. Clark Lethin, dining room; Mrs. Louis Anderson, and Mrs. R. E. Rothweiler. tickets. Dallas Canteen Keeping in Trim DALLAS The Dallas Canteen held a reunion at the home of Mrs. Sam Toevs February 12. The once-active canteen except for the annual get-to-gether and serving the lunch for the annual meeting of the Red Cross, is inactive now. but chooses to maintain its or ganization in case an emergency should arise. The members will meet next with Mrs. Lloyd Hughes of Salem. Those seated about the table in eluded Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mrs. C. T. Smith, Mrs. C. J. Enstad, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Hulda Smith, Mrs. A. M. Larson. Mrs. J. R. Sibley, Miss Fannie Dempsey, V-s. Cecil Riggs and Mrs. C. E. Jepson. The 200-inch lens for the Palo tnar telescope was ground to an accuracy that did not permit more than two twoi-millionths of an Inch variation from the charted curve. ' NOTICK Or FINAL. SETTLEMENT KSTATB NO. 1ZSIS Notice ta hereby given Uvat Um un dersigned. A. A. CRETE. Administra tor of the estate of ROSALIE CRETE, deceased, has filed his final account as said Administrator In the Circuit Court of Marion County. Oregon. Pro bate Department, and tt.at said Court has appointed Wednesday the 3rd day f March. 1948. at U 00 in the forenoon f said day for the hearing of objec tions to said final account and the settlement thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons In terested in the estate of ROSALIE CRETE, deceased, are hereby notified and required to appear in the Circuit Court Room. In the Court House, at Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at said time, to then and there show cause, if any there be. why said account should sot be settled, allowed, and approved, and said estate forever and finally set tled and said Administrator discharged. Dated this 3rd day of February. 1948. A. A. CRETE Administrator of the estate of ROSALIE CRETE, deceased. H. C. BENNETT Attorney for Estate First Publication: February J. IMS Last publication: March 2. 1941 F 3-10-17-24-M 1 t tfee Clrratt Ceart ef tke State at Orsgea. far Marlea Ceuaty Sella Inei Neal. Plaintiff. I vi I No. Jese Thurman Neal. I Defendant. I SIMMONS To Jesse Thurman Neal. the above Simtd defendant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby, required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court and cause within four weeks from the date of the ft rut publication of this summons (February 17th. 1S4SI. and If you fail so to answer, for want there of plaintiff will take a decree grant ing plaintiff an absolute divorce from you. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof pursuant to or der of the ahove-entitled Court mad and entered Febmarv ISth. 1944. FRANK J. HEALY Attorney for Plaintiff Address : Salem. Oregon. F 17-24-M 3-S-1S-Z) ffOTlCE OF FINAL ACCOCNT Notice is hereby given that the final account of Pioneer Trust Company, as administrator of the estate of Charles T. Dixon, deceased has been filed in fce Circuit Court of Marion County. Oregon and that Wednesday, the 17th Jay of March. 1S4S. at, ten o'clock a.m. in said courtroom haa been fixed by the eourt for the hearing of objections to such final account and the settlement thereof, at which tune and place any person Inters ted In said estate may appear and file objections thereto la ferritin and contest the same PIONEXR TRUST COMPANY, as such Administrator Steve Anderson. Attoroev for Admin istrator. Salem. Oregon. F 17-24-M 3-9-18 NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PStOPKBTY Whereas Bernardty Tailors and Fur riers, lnc, 3S2 Stat Street. Salem. Marion County. Oregon dad. on May 13th. 1947 execute and deliver to A. banner a chattel mortgage which la recorded In vol. 70. page 187. Marlon County records of chattel mortgages, covering certain chattels to secure the payment of a promtaaory note ef the same date and default having been made in the payments on said note and certain other conditions of the said mortgage being broken. Now. Therefore, notice la hereby giv en that the aloremenUoned mortgagee, under the terra of the said mortgage wUl seU at private sale three power sewing machines, one steam press ma chine, cold storage room equipment, work tables, shelves, display cabinets and other furniture and fixtures lo cated at the above address iUvesJey Building. The said chattels may be inspected at the above address and bids thereon submitted to Steve Anderson, attorney for mortagee. 211 Oregon Bid-, balem. Oregon pn. 8232 before 1:30 p m. Wednesday. February. IS. 1S48 r I7-K NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE ALLEY. BLOCK. IS. ROSED ALE ADDITION Notice la hereoy given that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and ex pedient and hereby declares its oar pose and intention to improve the al ley in Block IS, Rosedale Addition to the City of Salem. Marion County Oregon from the East line ef 1SU street to the West line of 17th street, at the expense of the sbbutting and ad jacent property, by bringing said al ley to the established grade, and pav ing said alley with a S-inch Portland cement concrete twelve feet In width, in accordance with the plans and speci fications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council February S, 194. which are now on file tn the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement de partment. By order of the Common Council February S. 1S4S: ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Dote of first publication hereof la February "rf NOTICK OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE McCOV AVENL'E FROM MADISON STREET TO ERLXON STREET Notice la hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and ex pedient and hereby declares Its pur pose and intention to improve McCoy avenue from the North line of Madison street to the South line of Ertxon street. In the City ef Salem. Oregon, at the expense ef the abutting and ad jacent property, by bringing said por tion of said avenue to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion ef said avenue with a 2'-tnch aaphaitic con crete pavement twenty-four feet tn width, in accordance with the plana and specifications therefore which were adopted by the Common Council Feb ruary S. 1948. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street improvement de partment. By order of the Common Council February S. 194S: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la February 14. 1S4. t 14-13-17-18-19-20-21-22-24-25-28 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE NEBRASKA AVENL'E FROM 21ST STREET TO 2ZND STREET Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City ef Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and ex pedient and hereby declares Its per pose and intention to improve Nebras ka avenue from the East line of 21st street to the West line of 22nd street, in the City of Salem. Oregon, at the expense of the s butting and adjacent property, except the alley Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said Krtion of said avenue to the estab hed grade, constructing cement con crete curbs, and paving said portion of id avenue with an asphaitlc con crete pavement twenty-four feet in width, in accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which ware adopted by the Common Council Feb ruary t. 194$. which are now on file in the ofiice af the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement de partment. By order of the Common Council February B. IS4S- ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Data of first publication hereof la February 14. 194$. F 1 4-15-17-l-l-JO-21-n-14-23-28 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE PINE STREET FROM FIFTH STREET TO CHURCH STREET Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and ex pedient and hereby declares Its pur pose and intention to improve Pine street from the East line of Fifth street to the West line of Church street, in the City ef Salem. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the alley intersections the expenses of which will be assumed by the Citv of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a Portland cement concrete pavement thirty feet in width, in ac cordance with the plana and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by the Common Council February t. 14. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby deelarea its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street improvement de partment. By order of the Common Council February t. IMS: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la February 14. 1948. F 14-15-17-18-l$-20-21--24-2S-2 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE URD STREET FROM MISSION STREET TO CLAUDE STREET Notice is hereby given that the Com. man Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and ex pedient and hereby declares Its pur pose and intention to improve 23rd street from the North line of Mission street to the South line of Claude street. In the City of Salem. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and, ad jacent property, except the street and alley intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portions af said street with a 2 'i -inch asphaitlc concrete pavement thirty feet in width, in accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council Feb ruary I. 1948. which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement de partment. By order of the Common Council February S, 1948: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of nrt publication hereof la February 14. 148. r 14-13-17-18-19-20-21-22-24-23-28 Livestock and Poultry NEW Hampshire baby chicks, start ed chirk at older pullets always avail able Ph 2-2881 Lee Hatchery WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hoes A sheep WUl call at farm. Licensed as bonded buyers Prompt service. E. I Snethen Son. 1554 Lancaster Or. Salem Ph 2-1345. - CUSTOM dressing of chickens any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 2-CTSI Lee's Hatchery. ; LEAD Stork picked' up. free of char re. day and ntsht sei k.a- Ph Sherwood. Ore, 44 or 4414. Call collect. Livestock and Poultry WANTED: AD kinds af cattle, fat hoes, sows 4 boars At your farm or deliver ed Market price E. C MeCand- liah, HI. s. Boa z across rrom waters Ball Park on S 23 St- Ph S147 WANTED to buy: All kinds of cat tle, nogs and sheep Frank Wood. Rt 7 Box 431 H Phone 2-4714. "TmPROVeD M. H7 dajTold or started chicks and pullets for Immediate or future delivery. Also a complete line of feed, poultry equipment, remedies and seed and garden tools. Foxes Helcnerv. 2719 State St Phone 4989 FCmnL4X15&odTainily cow. 2 ml out Si'verton Rd.. Box 408-K. 11 "EXTRA GOOD weaner pigs. A, Scnwengel, Rt. 7. Bos 36a. l' F. , WfllVI, .... , uv, 8. of Totem Pole. mi. 1PUR TBR tO JERSEY heifers. 1 to freshen before the 20th. Ph. 2-1280 or 7335. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED berry trainers. For est Simmons. mile east of LabaUi Center Store. Box 283. Help Wauled fUle SALESMEN NOW on the road, we manufacture a side line that la a nat ural. Ph 2208 1 eves. SECRETARY wanted. Permanent Po sition. International Business Machines Corporation. Phone 2-5013 for appoint ment. YOUNG Man to learn appliance buai- ness. Must have soma sates experience St mechanical ability. Call tn person. Car necessary. Singer Sawing Machine Co . 130 N. Commercial. AUTO MECHANICS: Seifer and MoU. Chrysler and Plymouth Dealers. Sil- verton. ore. Phone 191 3 SEAT young men. 20-35. to assist Dtst. Mgr. Steady work, advancement, average wkly. earnings $75. Car help ful but not essential. Apply 7-8 p.m. Tuesday only. Mr. Hammond. Hotel Marion. YOUN'G UTS 11-23 free to travel East and West Coarts. Transportation turn. Permanent, advancement. Excel lent earnings. No experience neces sary. Veterans preferred. See Mr. For ney. Hotel Senator. 1:00 to 8:00 pjn. Help Wanted Female BOOKKEEPER. Salary 8163 to start with. See Mr. Wilson at Loder Bros.. 468 Center St. Phone 8133. HOUSEKEEPER for light houskeep ing hours 9-3. 8 days. s day Sat. 8 women in family, ph. 7753 after 8 p.m. C IRITVANTED" for lighTousework and care of child. 1420 Market St. " WASfTED Clerk - stenographer. S me. temporary position in Federal of fice in Salem. 8180 per mo. Phone 3093. WTW0ULD like to Have an7in school or Junior high school girl live at our home. Private room and bath. She would be asked to help around the house and stay with our children on evenings to be arranged. We have a new home in the south part of town. Call Mrs. Clark at 3345. Small wages to proper pel son. "WANTED Experienced stcTtogxa pher and bookkeeper. Price's. 135 N. Liberty. GIRL FOR housework St assist with rooking. 875 per mo. Prefer refa. Ph. sftion. International BoilnMi UirhlnM Corp. Ph. 2-5013 for appointment. Salesmen Wanted FACTORY SALESMEN Sell Charles Chester nationally known Cushion shoes direct. Complete line for entire family. Full time or side line. Full tone men earn up to 820 per day in commission. Big repeats. Samples and equipment free to producers. CHAS CHESTER SHOE CO.. 334 Cheater Bldg.. Brockton. Maas. Situations U anted GIRL DESIRES housework. Prefer child care in your home. Ph. 2-1028. 1097 Fir St. WORK AS cook's helper. Write Car roll C. Sharpe. 1830 N. 23rd. ' TO DRIVE truck will haul (nitro) or what have you. No seml-exp. Write Carroll C. Sharpe. 1830 N. 23rd. SEWERS INSTALLED. Smith A Berr. Ph. 243Q8. LAWN MOWERS. knives Sharpened. Dexter. 968 Center. Ph. 8833. CUSTOM PLOWING. Ph. 2-2433. PRACTICAL nursing In your home. Ph. between I a T p.m. 2-4068. REPAIRS and remodeling, general carpenter work, ph. 8200. SPRAYTNG PHONE 7900. GARDENING all kinds, also lawns put In. Ph. 8445 after 5 p.m. REMODELING and patch plastering. General repair work and chimneys built. Ph. 23F14. PLOWING, discing, blade work. Riv er silt St gravel Ph. 2-2843. I Hartman. REM (5 D fXIN G St general carpenter work. Cement work. Phone 5583. AFTERNOON and Sat- work wanted by 17 year old boy. Phone 3538 1st CLASS Carpenter work. New or remodel large or small. Phone 8281. Income Tax Returns Prepared In Your Home or Mine PH. 2-4628 FOR APPOINTMENT LANDSCAPE gardening. Pruning St planting. General cleanup. New lawns. Phone 2-5623. DBAWTXC house plans. Ph. 9621. OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned. Vac uum used. B. F. Enslcy Ph. 7176. CALL 18F5 Reuben C. Paschke FOR THAT new construction or re modeling Job. Cabinet work of all types WANTED: Orders for handwork, em broidery or crochet. 770 N. Main Street. Independence. Oregon. SEPTIC TANKS, drain lines cleaned. J H Boening. 1067 Elm. Phone 8633. WANTED: Furniture to glue and re pair. Lee Bros. Furniture Refinishing Co. Ph. 2-1233. 4020 E. State St. WHAT? Need painting Phone 3-3190. PAPERHANGINGrJerryrortnson. 3723. OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE BRIMM'S HEATING APPLIANCE 422 'k S. High Phone 2-6062 General Cement Contracting. 7641. STRESS MAKING. Fittings made, your hmeDesterilng Instructions. Ph. 2-4971. RELIABLE TkEE work, topping, trimmine. removing. Go anywhere. In rured Phone 2-1498 for free estimates SeWTKG drensmshinTTPhone 8734 cTTrTAJNS washed and stretched' Al- tablecloths. Phone 2-6343. TREE WO RK. insured service. John Payne. 248 S. Church. Phone 2014 SEWING St alterations. Mrs. Smith. Ph. 8387 or 283 W. Rural, PATCH PLASTERING. Ph. 7574. ' DRESS MA KINGTtailorinr Ph. 2-6955 CUSTOM ANDTarden plowing. Call At Benson. 2-4538. Well Drilling Domestic. Irrigation. Industrial H. A. ROBINSON 2214 N FRONT. Salem Ph. T293 PAINTER and Paoerhanrer. Reaebn- able prices. Free estimates. H J Wood worth Ph 3015 EXPERT Repairs New rolls Olson Waher Repair. 80 Liberty Rd. Ph 2-5100 CHIMNEY sweep Northneas. ph. 4450. PRESchool Playschool 1381 State. Aeea 3-8 Part or all day. Ph 8430 A EX Work guaranteed Windows walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional CTanin Service Phone 4437 PAINTING 8j Papemanetng Free estimate 857 Shipping Ph. 8613 Septic Tanks Cleaned K F Ha me l. 1143 81 h. West Salem. Phone 7404 CEMENT CONTRACTING. Phone 2-3043 Stanley Fsgg Painting Automotive St commercial. Spray or rush, PAUL BASSETT at 8 Box 363 Phone I CTt Painting andpaperhanglng. Ph. 432X Situations Wanted Paintin? & Decora tine: WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS DICK omi 6269 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers Ph 8468 or 8327 " UARlOM RlTCHlZ " Electric Repair Service. Pick-up and delivery on all appliance repair. 230 N. 20th. Ph. 24575. WA. 2-5140. HIGH SCHOOL senior wants after noon work 1 to S. Typing, bookkeep ing, shorthand. Lois Graham, 1760 S. High St. - ; f AVI MOTHER oi S small daughters and would like daytime care of other pre-echooi children or infants. Rea sonable charge. 2273 Lee St. EXPEJUENCED comptometer opera tor. Have own machine. Work in my home anytime, your office Friday and Saturday. Also fast typist. Call 8649. INCOME TAX Returns made out at 462', State St. Phone 3-5563 For Sale Miscellaneous Hotplates. Single and 2-Burner YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY WASHlN aTNlS Westing- laundromat. Thor Automagic wringer types and portable. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 12th ST. ELECTRIC MOTOR PUMP APPLIANCE RE PAIR. Radio ser. Ph. 2-6417. 1430 S. 12th LAMPS FOR DESK, table, pin-up. bed and floor lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY , CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 68T22. Water Heaters. AlTSlxes YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 7-FT. refrigerator, en cell. cond. Mrs. A. R. Boat wick. 413 8. Denver St, Albany. Ore. "JUSTTAkE THAT TIMEPIECE TO THE CLOCK DOCTOR . . . ASK ABOUT USED WATCHES. GOOD BUT CHEAP. 190 S. 14TH. - EASY WASHER, excellent cond, 875. Phone 9409. 1685 Madison. USED mattress and coil springs, both good condition. 812.50. Phone 8049. UNFINISHED double bed. springs and mattress, 5-room wood circulating heater, good condition, medium size wood and coal range with coils. Rt. 7. Box 2. Highway 99E. l's miles north of underpass. CUM-WALNUT dining table and 6 chairs, with black leather seats. Queen Anne style. 835. Kt. 4, boi itt-m. 47 Evinrude sport twin. Used very little. Call evenings, 3SF4. Kt. s. BOX 13J-H. . T947tRCUftY outboard motor. 7, hp.. 4 life Jackets. S-gal. gas can and extra propeller. 8150. Phone 24292. DSED CHESTS We have a quantity of used chests. 8 and S-drawer. These are of hardwood construction. Prices ranging from 8S-50 and up. THE GLENN WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1606 N. Summer TJSTB-fifilCKT Common brick. 2c ea. Face brick. 4c ea. 965 Court St. Here Is Your Chance! - You cant miss when you can buy 7 pieces of living rm. furniture for only 809. This consists of a daveno with full spring construction, covered in a high grade tapestry. 1 cocktail table. 2 lamp tables, made ef raster hardwood with glass tops. Also 2 attractively styled Aladdin table lamps and a chrome smoker. This 7 piece group can be pur chased for only 825 down and balance 816 per mo. THE GLENN WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer St. Where conaervative buyers buy 16 blocks N. of State Capitol Bide. BARNYARD fertilizer, lust right foi new lawns. 83-50 yd- deL Ph. 9397. FO"R""YOTJr spring tonic, drink and enjov pure apple Juice. Contains all the fruit vitamins. Made daily. Puri tan Cider Works. West Salem. AVON Products: Write R. 9. Box 479. BABY CHICKS. 9 varieties. Weekly hatches. Day-old Leghorn cockerels 3c each. Lee's Hatchery. REINFORCING Steel. Mesh & Sash. Expansion Joints. Standard and Water proof Cement. Lime. Keene cement. F ire-Clay. Fire Place Dampers. Cal cium Chloride. Premlx dry sand, gravel St cement packed together 90-lb. paper sack. Concrete Drain tile, sewer Si Culvert Pipe. Building St Chimney Blocks. Piers ac Septic Tanks. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 4405 N. Front St. Phone 3417 WASHING machine. 843. Ph. 2-5904. REVOLVER: 32 L. R. Harrington St Richardson. Cost 848 with holster. WiU sell for 835. 879 N. High. Phone 5830. FERTILIZER: Sack 81. yd. 89. load 838. Boyd's Nursery. Ph. 8556 or 3843. Oil Furnaces - Burners Restaurant sinks, canopies, etc. Eave troughs. AU types of sheet metal work- All work guaranteed. Free estimates. JOHNSTON SHEET kUTTAL tU. 1419 S. 12th Phone 5391 PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 12th St. Block Co. S. 12th St at Vista Ave. Tele. 2-5363 Evenings 8904 Tlashliahts and Lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1986 - 2-3100 Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads & driveway Cement Ready -mix Concrete. Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching J yd shovel St drag line. Phone 8561 BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE W ATERPROOFING I mfle south on River Rd Phone 8968 HOSP. bed. wheel chairs. Rent or selL Burin. 745 Court. Ph. 7775. WHITE ENAMEL 4-bumer gas range wrtn Duiit-in neater. rnone 6294. i."-4x' WALL BOARD. 845.00 per thousand. Rt. 7. Box 431 U McCain Ave., off Sllverton Rd., Salem. J R. Watkina Co products 1717 Cm- ter St. Salem Ph. 5395. Free deL ELECTRIC RANGES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Wall Switches and Outlets YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " HEAVY DUTY ranges and griddles for restaurants, club nouses, lodges, etc. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Revere and Aluminumware YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OIL CONVERSION units for your wood or coal cook stove. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 5ERVEL GAS refrigerator A Wedge wood gas stove. Both in good condl- tlon. Ph. 3838. or 230 S. 21st. Used 80-GTfloiTWater Heater YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OIL Circulating heaters with twin radiant doors, 4 to 6 room size. 894-93 Montgomery Ward St Co.. Salem OIL TANKS. 285 gaL Rand la oiL 3375 Portland Road. Ph. 9053. GoodTUsed Calculators Frldens. Monroes. Merchants Phone 26550. 360 State St. Room 203 CHICKEN OR cow manure. $1 per sack here at place. Will del. 9 sacks. Ph. e8F22. Phillips Bros. Rt 6. Box 118 4 miles out State St. PLASTI-KOTE. the transparent fin ish for floors or linoleum that re quires no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ROLLER bearing Swing cut-off saw. used, Tim kin. model A. complete with 1 h.p. 3 phaae motor 81-0. Keith Brown Lumber Yard. Front Si Court Sts. Ph. 9163. WorldGlobes. Desk Pen Sets (Special 1 YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY LAFF-A-DAY "You speak to him, Artie touts on the debating team." For Sale Miscellaneous ELECTRIC IRONS, ironing boards, pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Of a ct'ttj ra r inn -1 1 k.. A'. Ceiling Ule St wall plank. Rt. 7. Box 431 L. McCain Ave., off Sllverton Rd Salem. FARMERS ArfEN'riON - Special farm battery lanterns 3-B5, fence con trollers 814-93, milking machines, elec tric milk cooler. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY NEW AND USED electric ranees. new and used oil heaters, all sizes, cheap oil range, wood heater, new 8-ft. Hotpoint refrigerator, elee heater, small gas heaters, hot plate, waffle irons, elec Irons, 1941 Pontiac station wagon. HARDMAN BROS, i Mile Past Totem Pole on Portland Hirhwav Open 9 sjti. to 7 p.m. - 7 Days a Week 2 NEW TIRES and 1 good recap. 600-irs. tubes, and wheels. Price 845. Phone 25807. n. Call evenings. VACUUM CLEANERS YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Electric Roaster and Tables YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Pressure cookers for cooking or canning, 86.95 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY EEECTRlC RANGES YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY CARDBOARD packing boxes and sheets, any sue 1790 N Front. ALWAYS a big stock Woodry s Furniture Mkt. Ph. 8110. BARNYARD St Chicken manure. DeT 83 per cu. yard. Ph S8F22 Phillips Bros.. Rt. 6. Box 118 CONVENIENCE Outlets and waS switches. YEATER APPLIANCE CO Ixhaurt Pans for' Kitchen or Shop' YEA TEH AmJANCX CUMrAW Y TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS St GARDENS 6 SACKS 85 or 810 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere in Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph.. 8127 days; 2-4397 eve, or 8127 Oil Circulator Service Call Cy Younger. 8072 SURPLUS STORE. 1351 HOYT ST. REPLACEMENT TOILET BOWLS for flush down toilets, new. Grade A. no tanks. Steels lavatories. Kitchen sinks, laundry trays, double and single. Copper pipe. 36 Gal truck gas tanks. Electric RANGES, apt size. House wire, wall boxes, switches, outlets, entrance boxes, fluorescent lights for bath room and kitchen. FILING CABINETS, met al secertaries' desks 30"x40" with type writer drop, swivel chairs. ELECTRIC WASHERS. Delux and regular models. BUNK BEDS AND MATRESSES. Come south on 12th to large HOYT ST. sign, turn east one block. Tel 7916. MARSHALL STRAWBERRY plants 810 per 1000. packed. Free use machine transplanter on 15.000. Paul Rifle. Rt. 5. Box 313. S mi. S.E. Salem. .25 GAL. COLT auto, with shoulder holrter 825. Elec. phonograph $10. 1537 n . w inter. SMALL OTE circulator 820. 2165 laurel St. UNIVERSAL elec. ranee. 3 mot. old. Call 2-2706. Rt. 6. Box 408. KENMORE washing machine. Good cond. 835. See at 2360 N. Broadway LARGE BlX'e mohair frieze daven- port and chair. Call 2-2009 after 8 p.m. 119 jancasrer ut 10O-LB. BEEF hind quarter 32c per lb. or trade for pork. Oscar Lindquist. Kt. I. box s. BrOOKS. BABY PLAY PEN and bassinette: Cood condition. $10. 1319 Franklin SL. rest Salrm. ABC APT. range. Nearly new. $125. Phone 6311 between 8 and 6:30 p.m. S-YR. SIZE maple crib and inner -spring mattress $20. Large "Thayer" buggy $25. At 506 S. 19th. CHICKEN St cow fertilizer. 50c per sack, bring sack. William H. Damery. Rt. 6, Box 264. Frultland dlst. $200 BUYS 2 pc. living rm. suite. 8x10 rug and pad. New innerspring mattress St box springs. AB electric range, tee bore, bookcase St table model radio. 1930 S. High. Call any time Sunday. 10' x 17 RUG St Pad. Mag. secretary, laundry stove, single iron bed. Ph. 2-3593. BALL BEARING sturdy swing cut- off saw. has NEW 4 h.p. single phase elec. motor, and comb. 10" saw blade. S9Q. H. Edwards. 1519 6t a St.. W. Salem. HEAVY steel clothesline posts. Porch railings in stock St made to order. 1145 N. Liberty TWO HIND Quarters good fat beef. 40c lb. Ph. 3-2639. 5 RM. SIZE Coleman oil heater. Reasonable. Ph. 3881 . A FEW riNE Cocker puppies left st reduced prices. All colors, all A. K. C. registered. Hoffman's, Box 143 Auburn Rd.. between State & Cen- ter, off Lancaster. SAWDUST FURNACE with therm- otat. $45. Ph. 3381. LIVING RM. suite. 2 rockers, din ette set, chest of drawers., lge. wood heater, wood range, cedar chest, wash ing machine. Royal typewriter St oth er it rms. Lea vlng city. 745 Trsde TABLE SAW with H. P. motor St cabinet. 1293 Nr Fifth. SMALL MACHINIST'S lathe. 1293 N. Fifth. BABY BUGGY, play pen. bathinette. all for 823. Mrs. George Baker. Castle Hall cqttages at 12th st. junction. No phone cs lis. ELECTRIC RANGE. Thermador de luxe model. $329.50. Terms. Mitchell's. 1880 State. Ph. 7577. A GOOD 3-pTeCE man's suit, size about 36. Dark blue material. 1040 No. Cottage. Ph. 2-1378. LARGE SIZE, brown enamel wood clrcu lator, 830. 2476 rairgrounda Rd HUNDREDS OF FT. of dry. well seasoned shelving lumber-. Can be bought in bulk or small lots. Also beautiful round end 8-ft. plate glass showcase. Come in & make us an of' fer. Mercgn Shoe Co- 357 State St TOY TERRIER puppies Tor" lie. sitra n. niver rioaa. TREE ROSES, camellias, reasonable. . mi. W. of the N. Howell sch. Ray Woelke. Box 248. Rt. 2. Sllverton. Ore. MOHAIR davenport and chair 835. U9xl2 Axminster ru g $10. Phone 2-5750. ajjkust new gaa circulating neat er. Round oak dining table. Hoover vacuum cleaner, zjio n. 4tn LIKE NEW. wine colored Builtwell davenport and chair. $125. Call 3086. 2x3' SPEED Graphic R. F. hofd" ers. Pack ada pter. 374 Fairvlew Ave. TOILETS: RT. 7. Box 431 L. McCain Ave, off Silverton Rd.. Salem. ( Electric Clocks and Door Chimes YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY THE SPREAD of common colds and many other diseases may be prevented with a Sterilamp for your home or office. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Coffee Maker Replacement Parts YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY RADIOS, record players, home re corders. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Electric Room Heaters YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY CEDAR SHINGLES 4c shakes. Lum ber, all grades. Roofing, plyboerd, flooring St Insulation. EOLA LUMBER CO. Salem-Dallas Highway Phone 2-5990 For Sale Bfiseellaneoas BATHRM. SETS, all new. grade A. At huge savings. Come in and let us fig ure for you. Capital Bargain House, 145 Center, 110-Volt Electric Ranges YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Oil Circulators. $6995 and up YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired. KaV Typewriter Co. 357 Court. Ph. 8095. Irons. Universal and Thor. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Light Fixtures of All Kinds YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC heating pads, comforters and blankets. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Sun Lamps and Heat Lamps YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 20-GAL. auto, gas water heater. Elec. floor polisher. Cheap to close out. pnone wh. WILLIAMS auto, oil burner, like new. reasonable. 949 Tamarack. MAPLE davenport and chair, maple daveno set, picnic table, laundry stove. book case. S43 xsmarack. FINISH LUMBER. 2x4 a. cabinet doors, lavatories. 945 Tamarack. NEW 16-fL deep-freeze cab. Real Moving from state. 945 Tamarack. 8-TUBE Majestic' radio, good condi- tion. $13. K. L. Berry. MO Salem Heights Ave. W. Salem. BABY CLOTHES, new and slightly used. Infant size. 1499 State. BALED CLOVER hay for sale. Rt. 1, Box 40. Brooks. Ore. NfW MAYTAG washing machine. Less than cost. And 1936 Ford 4 -door $275. Phone 2-4433. NEW FINISHED lumber. 2x4. 2x6. 2x8. 2x10 and 2x12 at $35 per M. Ship Up $45 per M. 1" sheeting. $40 per M. Free delivery In town. Will's Service Station, 837 S. Com'l. Ph. 7167. Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE. Phone 918 WANT" TC Buy Used Cam c Fm St lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State CASH for used piano At other mu- sical Instruments.; Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquitn Mtnic Co- 181 s High US ED FU RN ITURE. Phone 8110. FURNITURE and what have you boueht for cash Call any time. Sun- dale Exchange. Ph 3-8511. 894 N Lib erty Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED to buy: Old stumpsge. logs. large second growth. P. T. Deckard. Rt. 9. Box 96E. Phone z-aiso. CRAWLER type tractor. M. Mukey. 765 "E" St., Salem. Ph. 5211 HIGHEST Prices for rags. Junk bat- teries. scrap iron St metal- Call 2-3605 tor pickup service. SAW TIMBER. Stumpage. 50.000 ft. or more. Phone 2-1035 WHEEL chair. Hoso. bed and table. Ph. 7775. Buren-f 745 Court. 100 SEWING MACHINES. Sundale's. Ph. 2S511 594 N. Liberty PIANO TUNING Wins Music Store. Salem CASH (or old gold, solid, plated or filled. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State Miscellaneous ALS RADIO Clinic. Keizer dlst, day or evening. Ph. 2-4373. Pumice Block Homes Complete or walls only. Ph. 6808. PECO PACIFIC EXCAVATING COMPANY Bulldozing and Grading PHONE 2-1413 SALEM, OREGON SIGN PAINTING Built to order. Scott Ph 3635 . " SERV-Uk-SELf Laundry. 3235 PorT land Rd. 8 a.m. to a p.m. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental IS B- yds. $12.00 per hr 10 B-4 yds. 9M per hr D-7 Cat Dozer 9 60 per hr D-6 Cat Dozer 8 40 per hr D4 Cat Dozer 7 00 per hr Phone Days 9406 Evenings 8246 or 24408 Salem Oregon Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR BARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adotph Bide. State St Com Ph 3311 , Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph. 4069 ' HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3S13 for tree pickup & delivery service on all makes of ma chines, rree estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Ma chine Co 130 N Commercial WEATHER strips. Pullman. Ph. 5965. AUTO painting, lust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 8502. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. $100 LES SPRINGER. 464 Court. WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 Phone 2-1313. Loans Wanted Investment Loan Wanted loan of $3250. Will pay 5 interest per annum. Good first mort gage on city property. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 2-4552: Eve. 2-6923 Financial $ J MONEY $ S 4',, REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie S 216 M 222 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 8 to 40 Years and NO Commission Leo. N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261 Ed Byrkit and Company .FIRST MORTGAGE loans at 4 F H. A. At construction loans. 339 Chemeketa Phone 5981 Money to Loan FARM and CITY LOANS 4i and 5 Your own terms of repayment with In reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. rAPlTOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone7162 BILLS UNPAID? To clean them up Just do this. 1 add them up and then pay them off with a Personal loan. 2 then make Just one reasonable payment each month. Interested T Phone or come in. E. Galllnger. Yes Manager Loans $25 to $300 or up to $500 auto. Personal Finance Co. 518 State St, Rm. 12S Phone 3191 Lie. S-122. M-165 Private Money Special rates and terms on larger loans. LONG OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial Phone 9168 General Finance Corp, offers money at once on cars, trucks, furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm machinery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co signers General Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan. Ap plications for loans made by phone 136 South Commercial St, Salem Phone : 9168 Licenses S-138 M-338 Money to Loan Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Natl Bank (old quarters) For Rent- Rooms SLEEPING ROOM for business man. Phone 8662 between 1 and 9 pjn. CLOSE IN. Nice warm rm. for X or t girls. Ph. 7764. 685 N. Church. PRIVATE entrance, hot and cold water. Men only. 2623 Brooks Ave. NtCr ROOM for business girl. Near statenouse. r none 7403. HEATED ROOM, employed people. 565 N. Cottage. Room and Board GOOD HOME cooked meals, nice clean warm room, new beds, complete. Men preferred. 1095 N. 8th. ROOM FOR Invalids St elderly folks. Fialer Nursing Home. 219 N. 4th St. Albany. Ph. 1429R For Rent Apartments l-ROOM housekeeping apt. 1047 S. Commercial. . AVAILABLE Feb. 16th. to aulet cou ple. Liv. Rm., Kitchenette, Bedroom St Bath Apt.. Unfurn. Elec. Range. Heat. Ven. Blinds. In new 4-unit Apt. Use Util. Rm. with washer. $55.00. Also avail, now to single emp. person, un furn. sleep. Rm. Priv. Ent, Sc Toilet, $25.00. 1262 S. 15th St" 2-RM. BSMT. ant. for errtp. man or woman, close in. Phone 9660. APARTMENT. Private bath. 635 N. Summer. SMALL LIGHT housekeeping room. call after 10 am. Ph. 25093. 2605 Maple. LIGHT housekeeping apt, 340 E. Washington. 1-RM. basement spt. 435 Division. 1 RM. LT. HSKP. apL or bedroom. 535 N. Winter. NEW 3 RM. unfurn. apt. close in. $63 incl. utilities. Box 911. ! Statesman. For Rent Houses UNFURN. 1 bdrm. small house, bun galow style. No children or pets. 585 Richmond Ave, cm i to a p.m. 6-RM. HOUSE north. Close to bus. Phone 4423. 6-RM. HOUSE, must buy furniture. Elec. w. heater, basement. Phone 8741. For Rent TRUCKS and cars for rent. Smitty's Clipper Service, Center and Church. Pnone seuo. bitrm rnii, 39IS Portland Rd TAT A un work, excava- tton. trenching and scraper work. Call Haivorsen lonsrrucnon kai. traoam or 6006. GOOD Used Piano H L. Stiff n-noiu Tonruc rna rent Blankets furn. 197. S. Liberty. Ph. 9063. TRAILERS 75e first hr 50c hrs following Woodrys Mkt, 1609 N. Summer. FLOOR Sander, alee, floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Wallace Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph 6877 ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health Rent ell H C Pnfh. 684 N 17 4692 IrAft feEVT . 20 A. near Rosedale. 1 mi- S.W. of Salem. See Roy K. Reed. State Library, or call 2-2414 evenings. Wanted to Rent SEMI - PROFESSIONAL business (married couple) desires office. Will share. Phone 2-4000. ; Attention, Landlords! REWARD TO THE person that can give me In formation leading to my renting a 2 bedroom furnished house. Call Art Up ston, 6798. 12-6 p. m 4722 after 6. MAN AND WliT wish unfurnished house, court or flat. No children or pets. Best references. Phone 2-6324. ACREAGE with iivaoie nousc. pas ture desirable. Local couple. Good references. Statesman Box 901 MOTHER St daughter. 3. desire mod- ern house or apt, m. czv. IINF1TRN. house with basemenL Call 4391 between 8 St 9 p.m. WANTED Housekeeping room, in exchange for part-time house work. fnone ui i 2 OR 3-B.R. home. Prefer south sub- urban or city. Call 2-2289 or address Box 908, Statesman. MARINE recruiter and family need 2-bdrm. home, partly furn. or unfurn. Permanent. Phone 9277 ,before S pjn. Sgt. Bartlett 5.ROOM HOUSE wired for range. Hot water heater. Rt- 7, Box 75. In quire Keizer View Dairy. For Sale Real Etat NEW 2 BDRM. home. Oak floors. Best location. Near store, bus. Ideal for retired couple. Priced to sell. 1345 N 17th St urux unnrDW 1 vm hnut VI o U - a. n..t.. h..t.r 1 L A rnund. $3,800. Terms can be arranged. Ph. $6250 Clean. Neat as a pin. this 2 bdr. plas tered home, strawberries, grapes, lo- &anberries. young orchard, good extra uilding lot. worth conservatively 8800. A real buy that will not last, location North and you may have immediate possession. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol ) Phone 8216 4-BEDROOM SPECIAL Price reduced 81000 for quick sale 2 Bedrooms dn. with bath. Nice living rm- hdwd. fir, smart kitchen & din ette," large utility rm. off kitchen. 2 Bedrooms up with bath. Outside en trance to upstairs. House comp. Insu lated, elec. heat, large closets. Fenced in yard. Excellent location. Inspect this house thoroughly. It is a top buy at $9600. Call Walt Musgrava at our West Salem office. Phone 5109. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS 1233 Edgewater & 339 N. High Olson. and Reeve BEST OFFER Will buy this lovely 2 bdrm. home in East Salem, hwd. firs, a Very Modern Kitchen. Large garage and lot, imra Poss. Call for Maddy. 82500 Down buys this 2 bdrm home with unfinished attic, hwd. firs., close to school and bus. Imra. Poss. Call for Maddy. $ ACRES Nice 2 rm Modern house. Well. Spring, all kinds of : fruit. Garage, Chicken house, wired for range, on school bus line. South. Liu rlaipn Dent SEE THIS $2500. Very neat 2 bdrm home, part ly furnished, on large lot, room to build another house. JUST LISTED 4 bdrms home in Walnut Park. Shown by appt. only. Call Maddy $38,000 9 unit cottage court, with a very good income, shown by appt. only. Call Maddy. 836.500. 9 unit auto court dn 99 hi way, a good deal. Call Maddy for ap pointment. GROCERY STORE Doing a good business, well located living Quarters, owner must sen dc cause of ill health, shown by appt.. onlv Body and Fender Shop, good location, Long time lease. Olson and Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com! St. Phone 4590 Eve. 2-5830 - 2-3088 - 9536 " OUR HOME at 320 West Superior is for sale. It has 4 bedrooms. 3 urge, 1 small. Oil heat, full bath and show er up and half down. Drg. room and livine room has wall-to-wall carpet. Large nook. Lovely yard. Outside patio and fireplace. Full sealed basement and party room. Price $14,500. Call owner. Hunt uiarx. at a or aiui Immediate possession. BARGAIN: Modern 4 room house earaee.- concrete foundation. Price $3. 750.00 Small down payment, Ph- 4618. For Sale Real Estate MODERN S B.R. view home, auUv oil heat, large landscaped lot; patio, bus. $11,500. 2620 Pioneer Dr. (souU near RatcUff). rOR SALE by Burt Picha, Realtors. 2 Bdrm. house furnished at 970 Hood street. $8500. You can see the Inside by appointment only. Call Mr. Reese. Burt Picha, Realtors r Phone 3210 337 N. High Street SPECIAL l',i Acres with 4-rm. modem house, groc. store at service station, rine lo cation. 3 Ml. from Salem on highway. Full price 88500. Call IKE BACON at 5109 or 8354. WALTER MUSGRAVE. REALTORS -, 1233 Edgewater St 339 N. High 'mt MY OPTION Is close to expiration date, hence this tumbling down price from 83250 to 82600 for gd double con structed hse with 2 LR St bath. Nice 1 car gar., large garden, nice lawn ac flowers. Paved st, Just off from N. Church st. See owner st 180 Division St. 5 ROOMS Englewood dist. Auto. heat, also fireplace. On bus line. Fruit, nuts, outdoor fireplace. Call in pjn. 851 Thompson Ave. NEW 2 BEDRM. home. Hot water utility, wired for range. North Salem. $6000. 2345 Garden Rd. BY OWNER: 9 rm. modern house. 3 cabins, income $120 per month. Owner keeps 5 rmi. downstairs. down, baL terms. Take late model car St trailer house as part down payment. Sam arancn. loo Miner Ave . Dallas, ore. ?. NEW HOME NORTH 2 bedrooms large living room utility room hardwood floors electric heat at tached garage near school and bus m-icei only $8s00. Rosteln St Adolph Inc. 110a rt. tomi st. pnone jojo; Eves. -6569. Attractive. 4 bedroom dwelling, built in 1945. Completely plastered. Haa con crete patio and single car garage. Som furniture. Garden tractor with attach ments. All situated on S acre tract near Salem, with 2 acres In 2 year old. strawberry plants.. Inquire Pioneer iTust to. pnone 3fS6. tor details. : CITY HOMES 3 rm. St bath, garage and utility. concrete foundation, electric water heater, wired for range, newly painted, large lot- Ideal tor couple. $3700 JM. 4 rm. St bath, about 1 year old, out side city limits. $4500.00. e rm. ac bath, eood location, eric includes kitchen ran.e, refrigeratori i beds, table and chairs. etc 85500.0vV- I rm. & bath, nook, good sized rooms.; plastered, new paint, new shlnekraJ basement, furnace, big lot, nice loca tion, $7385 00. x I. ACREAGES AND FARMS f 1 acre, 2 rm. bldg, one rm. 12' x 36. on rm. IS' x 36'. electricity, well, haa flue for stove, partially plumbed, pi ic ed to seU at $1000 .UO. Terms. ! a acres close in, good land, substan tial 7 rm. St bath, complete set ef cut buildings. The value here la obvioua. $7500.00. ... t 20 acres all cultivated. 17 acres ia clover, S rm. mod. home In good con dition. Also large barn in good shape, school mile, electric water system, etc. $8000.00. - i Here a your chance to bur a good valley farm. SO acres. 60 acres cultivat ed, 7 rm. mod. home, wired for range, etc, full set farm bldga- on hlshwav. CHff in. sia,uuu.pu. We have other lists. Come I in and tell us whst you l want. We probably have It. I HOMES EEKERS AGENCY t Silverton, Oregon SALE OB TRADE i " $5250. $ rooms Sc bath. Ldrv. travav garage. S yr. old. Elect, water heater. on a ac. east. Call Mr. Picha kiiht Pirui prii TnDa , i yPhone 3210 337 N. High Street PRACTICALLY new 2 bed house, hardwood firs, full basement oil burner. $10.000 cash. Ph. 7529.' $800 Down 4 a. under cult. 4 rm Sc bath hs. ex cellent chick hs.. brooder hs.. comb, fruit cellar Ac wood hs., sm. barn, young family orchard, good soiL Leas 1 ml center of Dallas out S. Main. Rt. & Boat 1 6-A. Immed. Poss. $3200 total price. C 1 HTf c ri I Small 2 room house on large lot at edre of town. North. Well built bouse with electric heat. You can live- here while building house.- or . would . m comfortable for one or two who want nice garden plot. 1 Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 981S Insurance. Mtg. -Loans j Whv Rent? i I Here is a 3 bedroom borne' In towrl with large living room, kitchen wtt& eating space, utility room, wired foe electric range. Older house in very by able condition. Price $3950.00 includingl Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone SSlf insurance, Mtg.-Loana VIEW PROPERTY . I 4 ROOM COTTAGE. Lot ftOxlSO. $850. j; I - GOOD 3 BR Home. Could be 2 morel up. Bsmt. Furn. Cor. Lot- $8850. Call Mra. Seely. i I . B. Isherwood, Realtor 1 PH. 6T11. Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Box 161 Open Evenings and Sundays J MAKE OFFER Good 4 bedroom home on larare Core ner lot. Will make good income prop erty. A Bargain. Call Ray Davis. ; , Huff Real Estate Co. Mi Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Eveau 9441 Phone 3793 SPECIAL $5400.00 Good liv. rm.. kit- br and store. $9250.00 Nice rm.. dining rm. furnace. Call Omer Ruff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa as. Eves. 2-5091 , Phone 2-1349 Income Property. $ 9,000 FOUR 1-RM. APT. J Two 2-Fm ants. 5 1 small house close In. terms Income 8183 ner month. ! 610,000 a rm. house. 2 apt.. 1 rm. eaba in lurnisnea iu out owner g. aDt. t- i - $13,50t) 9 rm. house suitable for boards era Sc roomers, room all renteoi $22,500 Six cottages furnished. 1 dda plex. Contact - i UNUSUAL BUSPVTESS OPPORTUNITY Full price $1500. includes 1837Forjs Pickup. Rent $23 mo. $1000 dwn. bal. $40 mo. For details eaU Mr Vlcary. asso. with e. 4 Allen Jones and. j Mrs. Needham, Realtors 341 State Phone 8989 ADVERTISING J Western Advertising Representatives V I i V I Ward-Griffith Company arm Francisee Eastern Advertising ; Representatives j Ward -Griffith Company. toe. tieago. New York, De-trots Atlanta) Member I 1 Pacific Coast Division ! Bureau of Advertising Entered at the Postofflee ef S tern. Ortpon as Serona Class Mas ter PubUshed every monriwo s : cept Monday Bttsrnesi office til South Commercial Street. f SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' Mall Subscription Rates tn Ada vance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo. 80 cents; mee, $3331 . 1 year. $8 00 Elsewhere $0 cents pad mo or $720 tor t rear advance Per copy S cents. -S By City Carrier. T3 cents a month -$9 00 a year ta advaaee in afartoa. and adjacent count! am. - - ; - 2 bedrm. home. Large . nook. Close to i bus i f. 2 bedrm. home. L1A , kit., unf. attic, Bsmii