The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 The Statesman. Sdm. Oregon. Sunday FebcnarY 15. 193
Miss Lake,
Mr. Ettner
To Many
Miss Jane Lake and Donald I
Ettner will exchange their marri
age vows at a ceremony this aft
ernoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Cal
vary Baptist church with Dr.
Charles Durden officiating The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer A. Lake and will be
given in marriage by her father.
The benedict is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William J. Ettner.
The altar will be banked with
Brarngements of acacia, daffodils
end blue Iris. Elmer Ettner and
Benjamin Brown will light the al
tar candles. Miss Joan Lake will
sing for her sister's wedding and
Mrs. D. B. Kleihege will be the
organist. .-
Of white satin is the bridal gown
fashioned with a pointed collar
trimmed in lace, long sleeves ed
ged in lace and a fitted bodice with
atin Hnttnns extending from
neckline to waistline in front The
full skirt is enhanced wttn lace
panels down the front on either
side and lace edges the train. . A
lace tiara will hold her fingertip
length tulle veil in place and she
will carry a fan shaped bouquet
of white carnations and freesias.
Miss Joan Lake will be her sis-
, -' (uinnr maid and will wear a
' lavender taffeta frock fashioned
: with a peplum, cap sleeves and a
! square neckline. Bridesmaids will
i be Miss Be mice Ettner, who will
var anrin (rcciL and Miss Ida
Corwin, whose frock will be of
mist nink Their dresses are made
identical with net skirts and bro
caded bodices with peplums. cap
sleeves and round necklines. They
will wear veils to match their
frocks and carry small fan shaped
bouquets or rose duos, ins ana sea
; cia.
Attend the Greece
Gray Robinson, will stand with
the groom as best man and ushers
will be Francis O'Connor, Roger
Radke, Clay Vincent and Colmer
For her daughter's wedding Mrs.
Lake will wear a grey suit with
black accessories and corsage of
red rosebuds. Mrs. Ettner will at
tend her son's marriage in a for
est green afternoon dress with
black accessories and her flowers
will be pale pink rosebuds.
At the reception to follow in the
church parlors Mrs. Walter Young
will pour and Mrs. John Hanna
cut the cake. Assisting will be Mrs.
Clay Vincent, Mrs. Francis O'Con
nor. Miss Barbara Ryan, Miss Jo
sephine Haury, Miss Betty Gregg
and Mrs. Roy Herr. Miss Betty
Ann Willis will pass the guest
book. Mrs. Bruce Willis will be
in charge of the dining room.
When the couple leave on their
wedding trip the bride will don
an ashes of roses suit designed
with, rounded lapels and pockets
and a brown hat adorned with a
matching taffeta bow caught with
pale pink roses in back. Her ac
cessories will be brown and she
will pin a white orchid with a
pink center to her suit Mr. Ettner
and his bride will live in the Rei
ser district.
Shower Honors
Ruth West
West whose marriage to Earl Schar
is to be solemnized February 28
at eight o'clock at Roberts Studio
In Salem was honored at the Fred
Schar home Tuesday night with a
pre-nuptial shower. Mrs. Schar
and Mrs. Clarence Surmons. Jr.,
were hostesses. Mrs. Arthur John
son assisted the hostesses serve a
late supper.
Guests were Miss Carol Dough
erty, Mesdames R. O. Bye, Ray
mond Werner, Leonard Roth. Don
Kuenzi. Clarence Herr, Henry
Rudishauser. Perl Bye, David
Scharer. Harvey Kaser, Melvin
Kaser, Clyde DeSart, Weldon Hat
tcberg, Lyle Krug, Albert Schar
er, Fred Scharer, Earl DeSart,
R. H. Bye, C. L. Simmons, Roy
Herr, Elbert DeGuire. Alpheus
Schar, Arthur Johnson, Walter
Haver son.
Chapter G of PEO will sneet
with Mrs. Silas Gaiser, 825 North
Winter Thursday for a 1:13 o'clock
dessert lunch. Mrs. Silas Gaiser
will spesk on "A Woman Weaver."
Mrs. A. A. Linerode will assist
the hostess.
Seven days
Is s 1 1 It
takes f er
our expert
e raftsmen
to repair year watch er
eleck te ran like stew
ag-aJn. Finest qoaJlty fac
tory parte.
Com la Today For
Am Apprai$al
Luncheon Served;
To Neighbors . f
The Tensing Neighbors' Home
Extension unit met on February
12, at the home of Mrs. P. E. Ler
mon, 260 Park avenue. Mrs. A. M.
Moen and Mrs. Zina Sharpnack
presented the project "One Dish
Meals." At noontime luncheon
was served to 18 members. Two
guests present for the demonstra
tion were Mrs. F. L. Garlick and
Mrs. L. W. Johnson, I
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. V. E. Fitzgerald on
March 1L The project to be pre
sented at that time is "Care of the
.Skin" . t
Chandle-Vickroy !
Vows Exchanged
MT. ANGEL The marriage of
Miss Clarice Viceroy, daughter of
Mr. end Mrs. C D. VIckroy, to
Donald D. Chandler, of LaGrande,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chandler
of Silverton, was solemnized Mon
day, February 9, at St Mary's Ca
tholic church at 1:00 p. m.
Miss Helen Keber played the
wedding marches and accompan
ied Miss Pauline Saalfeld when
she sang. Rev. Father Hildebrand
Melchior, OSB, officiated at the
double ring ceremony.
The bride was attired in a pale
green wool suit with black acces
sories and carried a mother-of-pearl
prayer book topped with a
gardenia corsage.
Miss DeLoris VIckroy, was her
sisters only attendants and she
wore a grey suit, with black ac
cessories and wore a corsage of
pink carnations.
The groom was attended by S.
Saunders of Silverton and the ush
ers were Kenneth Hawes of La-
Grande and Allen Jungwirth of
Newberg, uncle of the bride.
The bride's mother wore : a
printed Jersey dress,: grey acces
sories and a corsage of pink car
nations. Mrs. Chandler, mother of
the groom, wore a grey dress with
dark blue accessories and a cor
sage of tubular begonias.
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held in the Legion
halL Cutting the cake was Mrs.
Joseph Rohen, Miss Marcella Ger
11 ts passed the guest book and
Mrs. A. F. Junffwirth of New
berg, aunt of the bride, had
charge of the gift table.
The couple left on a wedding
trip to the Oregon beaches and
on their return will make their
home in LaGrande, where the
groom is employed with the Union
The NALC sad auxiliary win
meet at the Mayflower hall Tues
day night at 8 o clock. The com
mittee Includes Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Wagers and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
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Miss Joan Hoereth. daughter of Mr. end Mrs. F. X Ho-"
reth, -who was chosen the Hi-Y wetheart at ttie annual
sweetheart formal dance Saturday night at the high school
aymriasium. Miss Hoereth Is a senior and was presented by
Jim Williams, president Her Identity was kept a secret un
til the dance and her selection was by popular vote of the
Hi-Y boys. OCennell-Eliie photo).
Home Rites
To Be Read
Before the fireplace of the Sa
lem Heights home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert M. Dunn this afternoon at
2 o'clock, their daughter. Miss
Donna Lee Dunn, will become the
bride of Russell Shaffer, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Shaffer of
Freemont. Indiana. The mantle
and fireplace will be banked with
arrangements of white and Pink
stock and acacia. Lighting the ta
pers will be Miss Armeila Edler,
who will wear a blue afternoon
dress trimmed la pink.
Dr. Charles Durden will per
form the double ring ceremony.
Miss Shirley Gllkey will plsy the
wedding music
Mr. Dunn will give his daugh
ter in rnarriage. For her wedding
she has chosen a mist blue silk
afternoon dress fashioned with
draped skirt, cap sleeves, sweet
heart neckline and gold trim. Her
only ornament will be a strand of
pearls, a gift of the groom. Her
accessories will be black and she
will carry a cascade bouquet of
white roses and bouvardla center
ed with a white orchid. For tra
veling the bride will dorr a match
ing blue shortie cost and white
felt halo hat
Miss Marjorle Dunn will be her
sister's only attendant She will
war an inui afternoon dress with
scallop trim, cap sleeves and a V
neckline. She will carry a bouquet
nf nlnk camellias Robert Reinke
will stand with the groom as best
rw tmr taii0htra nuBtiala Mrs.
Dunn has chosen an electric blue
gown with draped skirt and a cor
sage of pink rubrum lilies.
A reception-will follow the cer
emony. Miss Beverly Matlock will
pour and Miss Joyce Gorton will
cut the cake. Miss Willett Edler
will be at the gift table and Miss
Armeila Edler will pass the guest
Following their honeymoon the
couple will be at home St 2347
Trade street
Vows Read
At a oretty ceremony Saturday
night in the prayer room of the
First Presbyterian church Frances
Purdue Tycer. daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Paul VL Noel of Newport,
received her golden' circlet from
Charles Kent Mills, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy H. Mills. Only mem
bers of the family and a few
friends witnessed tne excnanet
at a o'clock at which Dr.
Chester W. Hamblia officiated.
Bouquets of acacia, snapdragons
Arwhl KanlrMi with candles
and woodwardia fern provided the
. msri VJlIk
setting for tne nupusus. sous uuu
fairhm was the BOloist and Mrs.
A. A. Schramm played the wed
ding music
rw Nni nn hla tall, brunette
daughter in marriage. Her full
skirted ballerina gown was oi win
urhit. mVmt with a cold metallic
stripe. The bodice was studded
with brilliants ana lasnionea wiw
short sleeves, a low neckline and
. ninm effect at the waistline.
She wore a small hat of the ma-
t..i nf h- Arm and camca a
Miit nnunf of natter white
narcissus centered with an orchid.
Mrs. Elliott Price (Roberta
Milii) of Camas. Wash, sister of
the groom, was the matron of hon
or. She wore a ballerina orcss oi
rfiiatv mu henralina and hat to
match. She carried a nosegay of
roses, narcissus ana oaoy prim
roses. Edward Lambert stood with
the groom as best man and show
ing the guests to their seats were
John Griffith and John Copenha
ver. Mrs. Noel selected s black din
ner gown for her daughter's wed
rfine and a corsage of cardenlas
mi raid. Mrs. Mills chose a fuch
sia crene gown and wore a soft
pink carnation in ner nair.
Th newlvweds STected their
niM at a tec action at the home
of the groom's aunt, Mrs. Lewis
Griffith, on lourx siren, mm.
rk.riu A finrame served the ices
ssd Mrs. Griffith presided at the
coffee urn. Mrs. ucvnm jwuubb
cut the bride's cake and assisting
. intintt Price. Mrs. John
Copenhaver and Miss Jean Spaul
ding. Mrs. Kenneth Hanson was In
chargt of the dining room. Min
riin with the euests In the liv
ing room were Mrs. A. A.
Schramm, Mrs. Robert W. Craig
and Mrs. Clyde KJuser.
Mr. Mills and his bride will be
at hARM on Marion street follow
ing a short honeymoon. For tra
viin the bride wore a black en
semble with straight skirt and
shortie coat unea wtu iniaow
plaid taffetas in shades of pink,
wine and white. She had a blouse
to match and her hat was black.
Her shoes and purse were of wine.
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