The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    f Tho StntownmiSolia, Oregon, Sunday. February "I V 1K3 j
Store Employes Get Profits
i .
ill Pi
G. Vaaaeaeyade (right), snaaager of the Salem Scan Keeback store,
last week handed to 89 employes indivldaal atatemeata ahowiaf
their tettl shares la Um eampaay'a aariajrs aad praflt-alUiiat-fand,
which new acgTefates $7S4tZ fer 8aleaa atoaa. Others (left
to rtxht) are Haael Njra. assistant aadltar; Mrs. Lealse Jeoes, credit
manarer, and Key C. Baker, assistant minner.
Employes Get
1947 Share of
Sears Profits
Additions to Individual aceounti
In the Sears Roebuck savings and
profit - storing fund for em
ployes were announced last week
fey G. Vancer.eynde, manager of
theSaJexa tt&re, and bring the
rroap aggregate investment to
76.3S2.Sucty - nine employes re
ceived 'statements pf their share
in 1947 profits.
The -fund, established 32 years
ago, is for all employes after one
year it service. Employe - mem
bers -deposit 5 per cent of their
salaries: into individual accounts
ticb yctr, Vandeneynd ex
plained, up to a maximum of
250. . '
Tha cxan'pany contributes $1.13
to the credit of employes of less
than. Sv years standing, for ev
ery dollar the employ saves;
$2.30 Sot each dollar saved by
employes ot five to 10 years; $3.45
for those over 10 years, and $4.60
Fram a atsanl heads ha
edy i a eaasaUeated farmmla
lavalTteg seare and axatie la
srediaata; v haraaaebte take
rida la their skill fa aosaneaa
dlag year praacriptlaa needs.
Taa are aasared af trastwar
thy aerrle. rendered areaiatly
and efflcleaUy. whan w faOaw
year daatar's orders for yoa.
Dreg Slore
Phone 5197 or 9723
135 North Commercial
for those with J3 years of service
and who are mora than 50 years
of ago.
In announcing the Issuing of I
1847 statements, vandeneynde
said "the Sears management ac
tually Initiated a form of social
security 20 years ahead of the
"The fund now owns over 18-1
per cent of Sears stock and this
ownership makes it the company's
largest single stockholder. ' The
fund's current assets amount to
$171 05 OOO rhad on a Jannarr I
11 vo1n nt til m ,hrt Hnnr-
ever, the actual money deposited
by the present employe member
ship in order to amass this value
has been only $31,000,000."
Dewey Man
Files for Post
Talmage T. (Jack) Staley, Port
land. Friday filed her for dele
gate to the republican national
convention from the state at large.
His ballot slogan; "In agreement
with principles, as announced by I
Thomas E. Dewey."
-W. . Wilkins, La Grande, has
filed for delegate to the demo
cratic national convention from
the second congressional district.
He is chairman of the Union coun
ty democratic central committee.
Other filings Friday:
Ralph P. Cowgill, Portland, re
publican, for state senator from
the 13th district; Ernest John Bur
rows, Portland, republican, for
state representative, 5th 'district,
and John A. Woe rn die, Portland,
republican, for state representa
tive, 5th district.
Institutions to
Exceed Budget
Financial reports from state in
stitutions covering the first six
months of the current biennium
indicate that at least three will be
unable to hold their operating costs
within the 1947 legislative appro
priations and will have to seek re
lief from the state emergency
Roy Mills, board of control sec
retary, attributed this situation to
the gradually rising costs of com
modities and wage increases. State
Treasurer Leslie M. Scott predict
ed last week a deficit of more than
$300,000 In the food accounts ofl
the institutions by the end of the
biennium. Mills said Scott's esti
mate was conservative.
The Oregon State Employes as
sociation recently filed application
for a wage increase for state work
ers but action on this request is I
sua pending.
With a Keith Brown Thrifty Pay
Homo Improvement Loan.
Ono stop arranges materials, con
tractor, and finances for your paint
Up to 3 Years to Pay.
A simple, helpful plan for YOUR
Inquire Today
Plumber yard
Party Is Held
SILVERTON Several hundred
parents and friends attended the
Pounders day of the Parent
Teachers association here Tuesday
night with Mrs. Gordon Van-
Cleave presiding.
Past presidents were especially
honored and tn this group were
Mrs. Helen Wrightman, 1821-22;
Mrs. John Hobtltt. 1925; Mrs. W.
P. Scarth, 1936; Mrs. T. R, Ho
bart, 1938; Mrs. F. J. RoubaL
1940: Hannah Olson, 1941-42; Mrs.
W. H. Woodard. jr- 1943, and
Mrs. Helmer Brokke, 1944.
The Rer. James A. Tofte gave1
the- tevocaUorirtiMrs. Wrightman
told of the r early organization.
Mrs. Scarth sang a group of solos,
accompanied by her son, Robert,
and the Silverton Guardsmen
sang a group of numbers.
A pageant in the form of a can
dle lighting ceremony for Found
ers day completed the program.
Taking part were Mrs. Craig
Clark, Mrs. Lowell Hoblitt, Mrs.
Victor Grossnlckla, Mrs. . A.
Kallis, Mrs. C. J. Towe and Mrs.
C B. Calkins.
Membership now totals 292.
PTA study group meets with Mrs.
VanCleave, 1103 N. Water st, for
its next meeting.
Hostesses were Mrs. R. J. Van-
Cleave, Mrs. Harry Riches, Mrs.
Ted Burrian, Mrs. Andrew Oster
and Mrs. George Runyon. Mrs.
Wrightman poured at the tea hour
and Mrs. John Hoblitt cut the
anniversary cake.
Restrictions oil
Road Loads
May Continue
Heavy-load restrictions on the
county road along the Little North
fork of the Santiam river above
Mehama may be extended beyond
Monday if the road-bed remains
soft, Marion County Judge Grant
Murphy said Saturday.
' Due to thawing conditions after
recent freezes, a two-ton load lim
it was placed on the road last
week. It was the court's original
Intention to remove the restriction
Monday. If recent rains keep 4he
road too muddy, the load limit
may be continued several days.
Scout Invesliire :9
Service Is Held
At Scotts Mills
SCOTTS MILLS Following a
no-host dinner for parents and
friends, Scotts Mills Boy Scout
troop 67 held an impressive in ves
ture service and court of honor
with Scoutmaster V. E. Glass pre-
Judge Murphy said.
Meanwhile the county's Wheat
land ferry on the Willamette river
was not running Saturday due to
low water, but If rains continue,
Judge Murphy said, the ferry may
be back in operation today or
Monday. When the river drops
exposed gravel bars prevent oper
ation of the craft, he explained.
siding, assisted by Bert Blattner.
cubmaster, and Annond Rlvlness
from Post patrol 98, Silverton,
Star Scout Robert Sams was In
stalled as Junior assistant scout
master and received the five-year
star; Harold Sams and Carrol
Moles, one-year start; Glen Msr
tin, two-year star, wss advanced
to first class; Earl Landon, one-
year star, was advanced to second
Merlyn Berquist, Robert Cook,
George Tennes were Invested in
the tenderfoot rank. Elvln Heinz,
Clarke Nomer, DeQsyne Vetter,
Kenneth Swartout were advanced
from cubs to tenderfoot rank.
Officials present were Jerry
Scott from the executive office
and Mrs. Scott of Sslem, M. D.
Ford, district commissioner, I. B.
Alfred, advancement chairman,
and Joe Stoy, neighborhood com-
IUenLnl Ilygiciio
Course Offered
At Willamette ll. "
Willamette university, In keep
lng with national emphasis on
mental hygiene. Is offering for
mal courses tn mental' hygiene
for the first time In Its history
two hundred and 10 students
enrolled for three such 1 rouraee
for the spring semester under the
direction of Dr. Arthur Burton,
psychology departmeat head.
Psychological consultation In
the university psychology clinio
is an added feature for the stu
dents in addition to lectures, fiaid
visits, guest speakers end Hint
material. " ,
mlasioner, all of Silverton.
v. ': ': ' i - v. 7
Nonaction andattraction ;o
o) &
bolted foundation
feel real comfort! Yel g1v'your'f1gur rho control
needed for a smart, smooth tilhouette. Wear fhU
Oiarmode Nu-Back foundation with the famous 1
patented sliding bock that "will not rid vp M
1 1 -inch well boned Inner belt supports you aUtf
and beautifully. Mercerized cotton twifl
1 5-ln. length. Sizes 36 to 54.
A. figure It out smartly r-r
nu-back btltd glrdl
To hove a fashion figure, start wWTlhle
Otarmod'e Nu-bock girdle. Ht famous pot-'
ented sliding bock "will not ride up." Batiste
with elastic side ponels. 15-ln. length. Sizes
38 . yt , . . i . 39 S
B. it serves you right .
nu-back belted all-in-one
Fine for freedom! For a lovely, youthful lino-.
Patented sliding bock Mw01 not ride up." Mer-J
011x04 cotton twill with full length elastic
side panels. 15-in, length.
C the full figure's friend . r
charmode back laced corttt
SkMfwMy boned ond laced in bock. EosJy
sKms full figures. Strong cotton twid. 4lA
Inch length p4u 2 inches above waist. Sizes
27 to 40. 1 , 3.59
IX for health and beauty . -
front laced boned corset
Improves posture, toned outer garment hoi
front toeing for easy, comfortable adjustment,
doth and elastic inner shield dosps In front.
Sizes 33 to 44..-
Sizes 2i to 40.;T?T?!
484 Sfafc Sf reel
Fro&l & Court Streets
Phono" 9163
r f -