The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1948, Page 5, Image 5

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Installation o a new three
story elevator shaft in the Miller
Mercantile store at Court and
Liberty streets was approved in
a building permit issued Satur
day by the city engineer's office.
The work, for which cost is esti
mated at $8,500, is not expected
to start for another month. A
building permit was also issued to
K. L. Strawn to erect a one-story
dwelling at 935 Hickory ave. at
a cost of $5,000.
Remember the Portland Sympho
ny Feb. 18, Salem high school
-auditorium. 8:15 p. m. Tickets on
sale at music and record stores.
Quality used aids $25.00 up. Otar
lon Hearing Aid Center, 466 Court
St. Phone 2-4000.
Salem Knights of Columbus will
visit a meeting of the McMinn
ville council Tuesday night at the
McMinnville armory, local Grand
Knight Al Cramer announced. The
Salem Knights will meet at the
local council rooms at 7 pjn.
Tuesday and travel by auto. The
.visit, in lieu of a meeting here
that night, is part of a series of
visits to neighboring councils be
ing made this year by the local
Wooden Berry hallocks. Order
now to be assured of your supply.
Oregon Feed & Farm Supply,
2700 Portland Rd.
Contract of sale for Normandy
Manor, South Commercial street
dining establishment, to American
Legion, Capital post 9, is being
completed, Commander Lawrence
Osterman reported Saturday. In
ventory of equipment at the manor
was completed last week, he re
ported. At a recent meeting of
the post it was voted to pur
chase the property and to sell the
post's present property on Che-
meketa and North Cottage streets.
Johns-Manville shingles applied
by Ma this Bros. 3 years to pay
FrM Mtimatn. Ph. 4642.
Mrs. Ruby Bunnell, executive
secretary of the Marion county
public health association, Is in
Chicago, 111., to attend a two-day
meeting of the National Health
conference of the National Con
gress of Parent Teachers associa
tion beginning Monday. Mrs. Bun
nell is state health chairman of
the PTA and left Friday with
Mrs. H. H. Hargreaves of Port
land, state PTA president
Transposing sheet music, legible
manuscript, 75c to $1.00 per page.
Ph. 6159. 125 E. Rural.
Marion county road graveling
crew, which last week put rocks
on roads in the Silverton area,
has been moved to the Mehama
section where graveling will be
done on - the- Little North fork
road, the Taylor's Grove-Mill
City road, and roads in the Fern
Ridge and Stayton areas, accord
ing to County Commissioner Roy
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association, 390 State st.
Permits to haul logs over cer
tain county and market roads were
granted by Marion county court
Saturday to Freeman Gatchet,
Silverton; E G. Fuson, Aumsville.
and to Keith Salchenberger and
Francis Bodeker, both at Stayton
route 1.
Cars driven by Bessie Huldah
Rondall, 3515 S. Commercial st.,
and Jack K. Burdett, Medford,
collided at South Commercial and
Superior streets Saturday, city po
lice reported. Neither car was ser
iously damaged and the drivers
and passengers escaped unhurt,
police said.
Regular meeting at a new loca
tion, 1610 N. Summer st.. Is slat
ed for Monday at 7:45 p. m. by
Salem chapter of the Society for
the Preservation and Encourage
ment of Barbershop Quartet Sing
ing in America.
Hollywood slenderizer coming.
Joseph Prange, 1945 Maple
ave., is recovering from a heart
attack at Salem General hos
pital where he was taken Fri
day night. He expects to return
home by mid-week.
We wish to thank our friends
and neighbors, The Turner Fire
Department, and the Cloverdale
Mothers Club for their kindness
and generosity during and after
our fire.
Irvin and Mae Kreger.
Three Salem students were am
ong the 140 who made a grade
average of B or better at Pacific
university last semester, accord
ing to word from Forest Grove.
They were Bernard Brown, jun-;
ior in optometry, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Harry A. Brown, 1710 S.
Winter st.; Kei Box, senior in
business administration, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Box,
route 1, box 271, and Dean Wil
cox, sophomore in pre - medicine
son of Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Wilcox, 290 Park ave.
Dutch Mill cpen Tuesday. Under
new management of Clark Tuck
er, Margie Tucker and Fred Shay
We welcome all our old friends
and new customers.
John C. Schwa rz, seaman 1c,
son of William J. Schwarz, 650
Thompson ave., is participating in
amphibious training exercises on
the southern California coast
while serving aboard the attack
destroyer transport USS Horace
A. Bass. In the landings, at San
Clemente island and Camp Pen
dleton, the First marine division
is maneuvering, with live ammu
nition being used by fire support
ships and planes.
Launderette, 20 Bendix Self Serv
ice. Open till 9 p.m. every night
except Saturday. 1255 Ferry. Ph.
George Spaur of Salem, depu
ty state forester and a colonel in
tne army reserve, is at the mid
way point in a two-weeks indoc
trination course at Fort Winfield
Scott, San Francisco, Calif. In
struction is being given reserve
and national guard officers in lat
est developments in army wea
pons, organization and policy, as
well as reports on cold weather
operations. Colonel Spaur is to re
turn here next week end.
Smyth's Furn. Polish is "Tops."
Ph. 6724.
Clay Cochran and Glenn Pra
ther, manager and assistant man
ager of Salem Chamber of Com
merce, have spent the past three
days in Portland at meetings of
Oregon and Washington chamber
executives and of the 99 Highway
Urgently needed, small 2 bdrm.
house, unfurn. or partly furn. by
couple with 5 mos. old child.
Prefer Holywood disL or northern
part of city. Local refs. Clint Ault,
1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-5281
weekdays until 6 p.m. Sun. and
eves. Ph. 9006.
Fiftieth anniversary commem
oration of "Maine Day," Feb. 15,
1898, will be observed Monday at
8 p. m. by Hal Hibbard camp 5,
United Spanish War Veterans, and
auxiliary 4, in conjunction with
Willamette Sea Scout ship 12. The
program will be at VFW hall, ac
cording to Roy Page, commander.
Announced Saturday as new
members of Salem Chamber of
Commerce are John C. Schoppert
of Willamette Travel service, - in
the Senator hotel; M. J. Hoerauf
and Mable Hogue of Van's bak
ery, 603 Edgewater st., West Salem.
Willard C. Marshall of Salem,
general manager of Oregon Physi
cians' service, has returned from
San Francisco, where be was tem
porary chairman of a conference
to organize a western states dis
trict of Associated Medical Care
Plans. He was accompanied by
Dr. Gordon B. Leitch of Portland,
an OPS trustee
Air-Steamship tickets anywhere.
Kugel, 7694. 735 N. Capitol St.
The regular February meeting of
Canery Local 670 will be at the
Labor Temple Tues., Feb. 17th, at
8 n.m. Final vote on contract
changes will be held. All members
please be present.
Taking home infant daughters
from Salem General hospital Sat
urday were Mrs. Charles Tungate,
Salem route 4, and Mrs. James
Dunn, Independence. Mrs. A. G.
Moore, 425 S. 21st st., was dis
missed with her new-born son.
Auto glass installed. Floor Sand
ers for rent. R. D. Woodrow, 450
Center St.
Dr. Seth R. Huntington, pastor
of the First Congregational
church, will address members of
the Salem Junior Chamber of
Commerce at the organization's
weekly luncheon meeting at the
Marion hotel Tuesday noon.
The Rev. Lloyd E. Vecker, pas
tor of the' Evangelical United
Brethren church, will be featured
speaker at a meeting of the Holly
wood Lions club at the Lions' Den
Wednesday noon. Glen Slentz will
introduce the speaker.
Smyth's Furn. Polish is "Tops.'
Ph. 6724.
Members of the Salem Kiwanis
club, meeting at the Marion hotel
Tuesday noon, will hear Roy
Hewitt, Salem attumey and for
mer dean of the Willamette uni
versity law school, discuss the
subject "Psychology, Solution to
the Threat of War."
Now is the time to replace those
old light fixtures with new from
our third floor light fixture dept.
Henry Millie will show a tech
nicolor film produced for the
Great Northern Railway company
on Glacier national park and the
northwest at a meeting of the Sa
lem Rotary club Wednesday noon
at the Marion hotel. Millie will be
introduced by Melvin Millett.
Expert picture framing. Art Dept.
thi-d floor, Elfstrom's.
Ralph T. Moore, sr., Coos Bay.
state representative and promi
nent lumberman, in Salem con
ducting a hearing for the legisla
tive interim committee on high
ways, will address the Salem
Chamber of Commerce at a for
um luncheon in the chamber audi
torium Monday noon.
Smith and Berr Sewer Installa
tion is the assumed name of a
local business filed with the Mar
ion county clerk Saturday by Ed
ward E. Smith and John H. Berr,
both of 424 Evergreen ave.
Leslie Raymond Newport, 14,
escaped from the Oregon State
training school at Wood burn Sat
urday morning, state police said
in a report to city police.
(1 Vi blocks from the crossroads ol the Willamette valley
Capitol and Center streets)
(Adequately seated automatic beat in winter air
cooled in summer)
(Spaces reserved for all Funeral cars only a few con- I;
venlent steps from tne unapeu
mm mm mm
VMo They lad!
2-20 7 - Tune Fluorexcenl
Complete wilh Tubes ----- Only
Salem Lighting G Appliance Go.
136 N. High St. f
Under the new management of
Clair and Margie Tucker and Fred
Shay, the Dutch Mill, 897 N. Com
mercial st., tavern, will open for
business Tuesday, the owners an
nounce. The Tuckers have been
in similar business since 1933 in
Salem and vicinity.
Steam bath and massage. Ph. 6253.
'46 Buick 4 dr. Super sedan. Must
sell immediately, $2,200. Ph. 6431.
Minto Named
On Polio Board
Salem Chief of Police Frank A.
Minto was appointed Saturday as
chairman of the material distri
bution display committee for the
National Foundation for Infan
tile Paralysis.
Minto's appointment came from
Basil O'Conner, foundation pres
ident. A certificate of appoint
ment stated that Minto had been
chosen because of his "interest in
humanitarian endeavor in lead
ing the fight against infantile
1,280 Invitations
To Stag Issued
By Legion Post
Approximately 1,280 invitations
to Monday night's stag party of
Capital post 9, American Legion,
have gone out to Marion county
veterans. Commander Lawrence
Osterman said Saturday.
Because of the anticipated
crowd, the original quantity of
food and refreshment has been
doubled, it was reported. The doors
of Legion hall at Chemeketa and
North Cottage streets will be open
ed at 5 p.m. and a dinner, pre
pared under the direction of Hans
Hofstetter, will be served from
6 to 8 p.m. or longer, Hofstetter
Entertainment and a floor show
will follow. Distinguished guests
invited include Gov. John Hall,
Secretary of State Earl Newbry
and state Legion officers. All
Marion county male veterans,
whether members of organizations
or not, are invited. Commander
Osterman said.
Family Problems, Small Claims
Evictions Head Legal Aid List
By Conrad France
Staff Writer, Th SUtesroan
Family problems, small claims and evictions lead the list of
troubles laid at the doorstep of the infant Marion county legal aid
clinic, ending its fourth month of operation today.
The clinic was begun here last October by the Marion County
Bar association to give free legal aid to deserving people who could
not afford attorney fees. It has been carried on in room 202 of the
Willamette university law school
Tho StataTr SoJUnx Oregon, Sunday. February 13. t313 S
building, with law student sen
iors as interviewers.
Although no actual count has
been made of the number of con
tacts made to the office by per
sons in need of legal advice, Prof.
Quinton Johnstone, law teacher
and director of the clinic, said
this week that "a great . many"
have been aided or advised by
the clinic.
Most of the clinic's cases reach
it from state and county welfare
agencies, the district attorney's
office, county judges, some min
ister groups, veteran agencies and
juvenile institutions, Johnstone
said. He expects the volume of
work for the aid clinic to increase
as it becomes better known.
Most of those coming to the
clinic bring with them problems
concerning divorce, adoptions,
non-support and other marital
difficulties. Attachm ents and
small claims garnishments and
evictions run a close second.
Far in the lead of cases the
clinic receives but cannot handle
are property, injury and probate
claims. A majority of the divorce
cases, or "contemplated divorce"
cases, which come cannot be tak
en care of by the clinic because
of an original rule barring such
In such instances, Johnstone
said, the couples are referred to
attorneys or other county or state
organizations or to a local min
ister for advice and consultation.
In all other cases which the clinic
cannot take care of it refers those
involved to an attorney or to the
correct contact agency.
Chief benefit of the clinic,
Johnstone said, is the aid it gives
to those who could not otherwise
afford it, and it establishes a
central agency for referral of
such cases.
"Those students assigned to le
gal aid also will assist local at
torneys to whom criminal cases
have been assigned by local
courts," the professor said.
Law students now on aid work
include Gordon Moore, Clarke
Brown, Allan Lame, Stephen Fou
chek, Walter Riess, Robert Met
calf, Val D. Sloper, Jack Stanley,
Robert McMullen and Harold
Salem attorneys who have been
advisors to the clinic Include Rob
ert DeArmond, Edward O. Stad
ter, jr., Steve Anderson, Thomas
Gabriel and Frank Healey.
Chairman of the bar associa
tion committee sponsoring the
clinic is Donald Young, who de
scribed the clinic as a "definite
benefit to the community.'
County to Raise
Underwater Road
A section ' of the Jefferson
Buena Vista road near the Krebs
hop ranch, west of Talbot, will
be filled in with dirt and the road
bed raised to prevent further
flooding, Marion county court
decided Saturday.
The court inspected the 150
foot strip Friday where the water
collects about 18 inches deep in
winter and summer. Fill on the
road will begin soon, the court
said. A drainage culvert also will
be constructed.
Ewing & Sholseth
Tax Consultants
235 So. Commercial
Hours: S p. m. to 10 p. m.
Phono 23599
Genuine "Star-Brite" Diamond Rings
Are Featured Only by
TO7 A f
in Salem
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Masterpieces of ffitf leweTerYcft em pmenfed In ihli &,
fret Jon ofu fomfce"mcf ched1 diamond engagement end
weeding ring set c Yotf Will thrill teifcc txqTiff beoufrel
each jetting. Avpitabl Ja jniqrg&& fielder, blatlmilrij
Remember Your Swooihoart
March 21st
With a Gift From
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Liberty at Stato
. . Yon Can Gel All
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Ralph Johnson's
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Jhm only lronr that adjusts to fit you!
Hat 3 open ondft for eailer clothof
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199.50 Standard Model f
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Tne Only Dryer wilh All ol Thcio Fealsrei:
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Standard Model 239.50 i
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Ralph Johnson Appliances
135 Center St.