The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1948, Page 20, Image 20

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3 The Statesmen. Salem. Oregon. Sunday. February 15. 193
Portland Man
Given Corvallis
Recruiting Post
M. Sgt. Frederick J. Phillips,
Portland, has been assigned to the
Salem office of the U.S. army
recruiting station for duty at the
Corvallis sub-station.
M. Sgt. Phillips is a veteran of
nine years In the army, having
served as a 1st lieutenant in Af
rica, Sicily and Italy with the 3rd
division, 7 th infantry. He is the
holder of the silver star medal
with one oak leaf; purple heart
with two oak leaves; good con
duct, victory and American de
fense medals; American theater
and European theater, with five
combat stars and one arrowhead,
M. Sgt Phillips was awarded
the silver star melad when
be was a mortar platoon
leader and went into open
ground on the battlefield
in Italy to repair communication
lines under heavy machine gun
and artillery fire. Result of this
action permitted artillery observ
ers to direct American fire on en
emy positions which aided the bat
talion to gain its objective, ac
cording to Phillips' citation.
State Senator Carl Engdahl,
Pendleton, filed for delegate to
the republican national conven
tion from the second congres
sional district. Engdahl would
, - i 1 1 -.:
i; .-
M. 8(L Frederick J. Phillips.
PeTtland. will be in charge f
the Cervallls recrvfting rabsta
Uon eat ef the Salem U.S. army
recruiting effice. A first IleU
tenaat daring the war, Sgt.
Phillips saw actlea la Africa,
Sicily and Italy, where he was
twice decorated with the silver
star medaL He served with the
3rd dlvislea ef the 7th Infantry.
support the peoples" choice for
president he said in his ballot
slogan. ;
NEW 1948
Kaisers and Frazers
Kaiser-Frazor Has Designed and
Built These Cars For You
The World's Fourth Largest
Manufacturer of Automobiles,
For the highest trade in allowance and the
best deal see Teague Motor.
Come in Today and Take a Ride.
355 N. liberty Phone 24173
Oregon Women
Enter Convent
Of Benedictines
MT. ANGEL At a pontifical
high mass celebrated by his Ex
cellency, Most Rev. Edward D.
Howard, in the convent chapel of
the Benedictine Sisters, ML An
gel. February 10. three young
women' pronounced their vows of
religion and four received the
habit Of St. Benedict.
Sister M. Mercedes Schiedler,
daughter of Frank Schiedler, and
Sister M. Antoinette Traeger,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Traeger, both of ML Angel, made
their perpetual vows. Pronounc
ing her triennial vows was Sister
Jean Marie Brettraeger of Port
land. Invested as novices of the Bene
dictine order were Clara Semolke,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August
Semolke, and Charmaine Fenni
more, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Fennimore, bath of ML An- j
gel. Also invested as novices were !
Elfcabeth Klcnski, daughter of Mr. j
and Mrs. Peter Klenski. Hubbard, j
and Alice Klaphake, Pittsburgh,
Pa. j
Entering as postulants were Ida :
Buccholz, daughter of Mr. and j
Mrs. Martin Buchholz, ML Angel, !
Jean Morrison, daughter of Mr. 1
and Mrs, Clifton Morrison, Spring-
field. Miss Delores Wei ley, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Zeno' Welley, '
Salem. i
Assistant priest at the ceremony i
was the Rev. Damian Jentges,
OSB, who also delivered the ser- j
mon, with the Rev. Frater Conrad
Rausch, OSB, deacon, and the Rev. I
Frater Kevin Coyle. OSB, sub- '
deacon. Asssitant deacons were the
Rev. James Koessler, OSB, and
the Rev. Ambrose Zenner, OSB.
The Rev. Thomas Brockhaus,
OSB, was master of ceremonies, j
assisted by the Rev. Frater Rich- 1
ard Galvin, OSB .
Present in the sanctuary was the j
Right Rev. Abbot Thomas Meier,
OSB, assisted as chaplain by the !
Rev. Benign us, OSB. Visiting j
priests present were the Rev.
Maurus Snyder, OSB, the Rev. I
Valentine Moffenbeier, pastor of
SL Luke's church. Wood burn, and 1
the Rev. Hildebrand Melchior, j
OSB. !
Oak grove Garden Club
Hears of Convention
The Oak Grove Gardeners cliub
met February 10 with Mrs. Mat
tie Carr. Several new members
were taken into the club. The
horticultural committee gave a
report on new roses and other
new plants for 1948.
C. L. McDonald of the Salem
Men's Garden club spoke on
camellia culture and the control
of pests.
Mrs. Clara Brunk told of her
recent trip to California.
Mrs. J. B. Van Cleave told ef
the State Federation of Garden
clubs convention to be held at
Gear hart in June and urged the
club to send delegates.
See the Lists of used cars offer
ed in Statesman want ads.
Classmate of Famed
Doctors Mayo Lives
In Polk County Town
MONMOUTH Mrs. William
Alderson observed her 89th birth
day February 3. She was born
at Rochester, Minn., in 1859 and
attended school there where the
famed Doctors Mayo were among
her schoolmates. She taught
school for three years in Olm
stead county of that state.
In 1879 she was married to
William Alderson at Oronoco,
Minn., and they came to Oregon
more than 30 years ago, settling
near Monmouth. After her hus
band's death she built a new
home in town.
She has been an active mem
ber of the Christian church dur
ing most of her lifetime. Her
niece, Mrs. Ira Cottrell entertain
ed with a family dinner party in
honor of her natal date.
Mrs. Alderson has two child
ren, R. A. Alderson of Independ
ence and Mrs. Ina Ferguson of
Portland; seven grandchildren,
and nine great grandchildren
Pypthian Lodge Club
Holds Work Meeting
SILVERTON Pythian Altru
istic club met with Mrs. Guy San
ders all day Tuesday with no
host dinner at noon. Members
hemmed dish towels for the lodge
kitchen. Elizabeth Cooley, vice
president, presided at the business
meeting in the absence of the
president, Mrs. Albert Grinde. The
next regular meeting will be held
March 5 at the home of Mrs.
Marie Hope.
Keizer Young Folk Are
Guests at Grange Party
O.C1 O.D
KEIZER Ninety four attend
ed the first of a series of youth
parties sponsored by the Keizer
grange held last week at the
grange hall. Committee in charge
included Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sav
age, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O'Con
ner and Mrs. Floyd Lutz. Mrs.
O. H. Lunda played accompani
ments for games on the piano
and refreshments were served.
The youth group included those
between the ages of 12 and 18
years. j
Four Corners Women
To Make Foot! Stools
Corners Home Extension unit will
meet Tuesday, February. 17, for
the demonstration ' "Making
footstool." Those taking the pro
ject are asked to bring mater
ials It will be an all day meet
ing with a sack lunch at noon.
j. . r
Three Girls
Hurt by Car
AMITY Three small girls,
primary grade. Amity grade
school, Mary Harrick, Karen Kroe
nig and a child named Groseth,
were injured at a street crossing
on 89 W Tuesday morning, Feb.
10 about 11 a.m. as they were
crossing the street to a candy
store. They were hit by a car
from McMinnvllle traveling south.
Both Mary Harrick and Karen
Kroenig have broken legs and
arms and the Groseth child cuts
and bruises about the face and
head. They were removed to Mc
Minnville hospital.
Qtt 'TlteQaEsCQp (Stems? );
1 nol4HO' ls: 7" "IL-mS Ptkseek desw kef
1 YtAXW-fOUSHW 0 RXOAJtoixss or ptia no otmm
i i
157 S. Liberty
Phone 62S2
"Wlr.Yenney, I have a problem.
Tve just started housekeeping, and 1 notice that so many young brides toon get careless
about their appearance. Tm determined to keep looking fresh and dainty, even at my house
hold chores and morning shopping, yet I can't buy m lot of dresup things, and the ordinary
m quite smart enough to make me feel tpeWgroomed. What to dor
housedress doesn't
f I .'O AWJ Z33J!r 7 V wearing them
Pit WPP'
. . Speed to Penney's!
Your Pin Money Buys
Cottons at
Jr. Sized Swirl Skirts
Cotton Dresses
Here's a feature lor the Jr. Sized Women and the Young
Girls. Crisp cotton "whirling skirted" dressas, ! front
zipper for ease in wearing and laundering. Ail color fast
iron easy and wear long. Save at Penney's February
Miracle dress event 12 and 14. Some larger sizes tool
Large Sized
SO Sq. Print Dresses
Just arrived! A new shipment of 80 square Percali print
house dresses in large sizes, 20 to 52. Dainty patterns,
ruffles, eyelet, rick-raclc trim. Florals and paisley patterns.
You'll feel song-happy fPm7Q
Uniforms of
Smooth dress type white uniform. Set In
belt with front zipper panel. Button back
belt. Soft draping skirt made of Rayon
Popiin. A "Betty Brookt" product. Short
aleeves. 12 to 20.
Women's Neat
Cotton Seersucker Uniforms
Here's a uniform that needs almost "minus
care. Easy-to-launder white seersucker crepe
with detachable uniform buttons. Set in belt
band. Plenty of pockets. Short sleeved. 12 to 20
38 to 44.
B H I m 7
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