The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1948, Page 15, Image 15

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    Mangrum Tops
Pro Swingers
Drawl Features Rio
Grande Open Action
Debonair Ucyd Mangrum of Chi
cago ripped the 6.045-yard Har
lingen municipal court with an
eight-under-par 63 today to shoot
Into the lead In the lower Rio
Grande Valley $10,000 open at
the three-quarters mark.
Displacing Jimmy Demaret, the
inking man from Oji. Calif.,
who led at the start of today's
round with 129 and skidded to
a one-over-par 72. Mangrum
brought his 54-hoie total to 196.
Demaret fell Wito second place
The finish of the leaders cli
maxed a day of bickering among
the players ever the rules situa
tion and at one time two of the
ftroe came to blows but. however,
n no way related to the general
turmoil that has taken over the
The two pros figuring in the
brief flurry were N. C. on Nida
of Sydney, Australia, and Henry
Ransom of Ravtnia. 111., former
Texan. Ranacm claimed Von Nida
told him he should be charged an
extra stroke on a hole for tap
ping the bail before putting. Ran
som said he did not tap the ball.
Hot words passed between them
then and later they renewed the
argument rear the scoreboard.
They wreftied around on the
ground until other pro separat
ed them.
Fanied Mordecai Brown Passes
TTJtlE HAUTaVlsA. Feb. 14
(Py-Merdecal Brswa, whs had
bat three fingers eat his pitch
Log hand U atae La making one
f the greatest recards La base
bail, died tedav. The Jl-yeer-44
Vetera mt the saajer leagnea
had beea Ul sine he suffered
a s treks a year age. His death
was attributed to diabetes.
Oaee the aaehar aaaa ef the
Chicaga Cabs pitching sUff.
Brewa begaa and ended his pra
fiaslsail has ball career here.
Caealag tmt ef the Indiana
eaalfleJda, where a saining acci
dent eat hint twa flagers, ha
Joined the Terra Ha ate Three-I
leagne toaas La Iff L ' Eighteen
years later, he came back fraoa
the big time to maaage his
hsmetowD elab La 1919 and 1929.
The Cubs toak notice whea the
three-finger" artist shot them
ant in his first majar league ap
pearance with the St. Laois Car
dinals la IMS. The game was
rained ant after five Innings,
hat Brewa held the Cabs to a
The next year Cab Owner Jim
Bart gat Brawa en a trade that
ranks ameng the best the Cabs
ever made. Far six straight years
with tbesa ha wan 29 ar snore
Far his entire career la the
majers he wen 239
Huskies Ski Leaders
SEATTLE, Feb. 14 -OP)- The
University of Washington main
tained its lead In the northwest
intercollegiate ski union cham
pions at Martin, Stampede Pass,
today with a combined total of
294.1 points at the close of the
downhill races. The University of
British Columbia was close be
hind with 291.4.
Table of Coastal Tides
Tides for Tart. Ore., compiled by O
S. Coast and Ceodeuo Survey. Port
land, Ore.
We have a very good stock ef
Levis, Caa't Bast en. and
Wrangler Overalls.
We alae have sew aasabers in
Weyeaberg Drews Oxfords.
(Continued from page 14)
hockey, however. To shew yon haw busy the place Is. fistic Mateh
saaker Tex SalkekL, forced to cancel hla bi-monthly show aext
Wednesday night, couldn't get another night antU twa weeks ; later,
March 3, his reserved date.
Both Sevens, Yankees fVott Satisfied
Sorties: Na one knows hew the deals will tarn eat, bat If effort
and hope roaat Senators Bis Baas George Eanigh might haal a NIL
pennaat late towa next fsU. He's beea tossing players around with
gusto the past 19 days, and says he's not yet finished. Soma seem
to think Use peddling mt Lea KabUk. the team's leading hitter Last
seasoa. was a mistake. Bat aa the other hand, this Tony Klisara
aalght bless saw lata a 29 -game winaer for the townies. And they da
need pitching . . . This was hound to some sooner ar later. We are
told Woody Sal a has applied for his reinstatement to pro hall
ranks . . . Certainly not a hard gent to get along with. Bill Sevens
flgares aeitber he or the Yankees are wounded too deeply since be
and the rlab eoaspromlocd on their salary dispute. They wanted him
for S13.S0S. Ho wanted the $19,999 he got last year. He geta $
and all hands are happy . . .
Juran's Vik Gladiator a Busy Flock
Certalaly one of the busiest geata in the village coaching ranks,
if not the very busiest. Is Viking Mat Coach nank Juran. His mata
dors are booked for an leas than 19 team matches for the season,
pi as the Big Six and state tournaments. Some weeks Hank Co.
go oat three aad four nlghta. All of which brought this query from
the team's bus driver the other night: "Hey, Just when da yen ever
see yeur wife aai kiddies. Mr. JT' . . . Speaking ef grap piers, only
they could hatch this one. clipped from a Las Angeles paper: "A
neweoater haa turned ap In local wrestling arenas with a fancy name
to rival 'Gergeeue George.' The Masked Marvel' and The Angel.'
He la 'New Lek who appears In the ring wearing extra long drawers.
Monday Bait Banquet Big Lure to Kids Too
1 The appearance ef so many "name' baseball men at Monday
! night's hage baseball banquet at Marion hotel solidifies the total
saeeeas of that merrimeat. and what aa evealng of pleasure it should
I be for those teea-age lads who always have room In their autograph
1 hooka for the visiting celebrities! Most popular target are sure to
bo such still Illustrious gents as Joe Gordon. Bill Sevens, Eddie
Eraatt. Freddie Hatrhlaoen. Jeff Heath. Don Johnson. Larry J arisen.
Dick Whitman, et aL Bat should the swe-lnspired lads care to digJ
back Into the records a bit they will find that such men as Deacon
Van Bursa. Curt Coleman. Wea Schulaaerich. Carl Mays, Sylvester
Johaasa. Meeae Cla bough and Bill Klepper wrote some Interesting
additions to baseball history la their days ef mere direct association
with the game.
Tea., should be a great night for both the kids aa weU as their
ball co ftp as elder.
1 S:43 un. S I 10:06 man. 13
3:55 pjn. S O 8:44 p m. 10
IS 4:1 ajn. I I 115 m m. l.S
BKW p.m. 4S 1421 pm. 11
11 4:5 un. S.4 12:12 p m. 1.2
S3 pjn. 4 J 11.10 p.m. JO
IS S:47 a-m. S.S 1 -23 pjn. OS
1:59 p.m. 4 2
It :47 a m. S 0:11 a.m. S 3
S m pjn. 4.4 2 .23 pjn. 0.3
20 7:53 ajn. 9a 1:29 mm. 35
10 J pjn. S S34 pjn. -0J
21 90 ajn. 13 2:45 arm. 3.4
11:12 pjn. tl 4:2 p m. -OS
23 KM ajn. 94 3:52 ajn. 3.1
11:54 pjn. . S:15 pjn. -OS
23 1047 ajn. 1.7 4:53 a.m. 2.7
S:01 pjn. -1.0
24 0:33 a m. SJ 5:49 sjn. 2.2
11 dl sjn. 9.7 S:3 pjn. MJ
23 1:10 a.m. S.3 S 42 ajn. I S
12:43 pjn. 7.4 132 pjn. -0J
20 1:47 tin. S3 7:37 ajn. 1.4
1:35 pjn. Sj) 9:02 p.m. -0.1
27 232 ajn. S.7 S:30 a.m. 1.1
33S pjn. S3 jsa pjn. 0.7
29 341 ajn. 41 937 ajn. 0.9
337 pjn. II S IS pjn. IS
29 33S a.m. S.S 1035 ajn. 0 8
432 pjn. 3 0 9-59 pjn. S3
Before World War II, consum
ers purchases In the United
States averaged between two and
tnree times the combined amounts
spent for private construction.
capital eauioment and srovern
ment goods and services.
Draws Penalty
NEW YORK, Feb. 14-(P)-Box-er
Jake Lamotta was suspended
until June 21 and fined $1,000
by the New York state athletic
commission Friday. He immediate
ly fijed suit in the supreme court
to void . the action, claiming he
was "the victim of a political feud
between the chairman of the box
ing .commission and the district
attorney. '
The commission said Lamotta
was suspended and fined for con
cealing facts of bis physical con
dition before his fight with Billy
Fox of Philadelphia last Novem
ber 14.
Loggers Crush
Coyotes 90-51
CALDWELL, Idaho, Feb. l4
UP- College of Puget Sound,
leaders in the Northwest confer
ence basketball race, smothered
College of Idaho 90 to 51 tonight.
The Loggers led 47 to 20 at hall
CPS (90) Ceu. Mane (51)
Plncham (7) T 13) Savre
Hoff (J) r 3 Fayler
Rinker (S) C (4) Jonas
Anneltne (IS) G (0 Kane
Stivers (12 G 13l Jensen
Subs: CPS Sater () Sawyer OS)
Brown (3) Danielson (13) Heselwood
(4 1. Idaho Dunn, Adamson 6t Down
er. Lee (3) Wilson, MUlbrook (4) Cham
bers (3.
Washington State Coach Buck
Bailey reports.
Eddie Franklin, 23-year-old Phil
adelphia heavyweight, was ope
rated on Friday for removal f a
Tha Staiesmtm, Salem, Oregon, Stmdar. rebrearr 15r 13iS 1
clot on the. brain the result
of a punch to the head in an
eight-round fight.
He was knocked down three
times in the eighth round last
night by B01 (Chicken) Thomp-
PULLMAN. Wash, Feb. H-GF)
More than 20 pitchers and catch
ers have reported for early base
ball practice and are working out
daily in the Cougar field house,
For All Homes
Fresh, clean sawdust, direct from the saws: of a lumber
mill, provides efficient, inexpensive heat for the home. Saw
dust from green logs makes the best fuel and it should be
damp. Furnaces equipped with sawdust burners are easier to
stoke and provide a more uniform temperature than when you
burn wood, and your fires last longer without refueling. Saw
dust, because of the plentiful supply in the Pacific Northwest,
is the most economical fuel available. Sawdust has been in use
as a fuel for many years, not only in home furnaces and hot
water heaters, but also for industrial plants, schools, office and
other buildings. There is a sawdust burner attachment for
almost any size furnace. We were the first steel furnace manu
facturer west of the Rockies. In the beginning, we adopted
a policy of building the best possible furnace we could and we
have maintained that policy ever since. You will find the same
careful brand of workmanship in our sawdust burners as so
many thousands have found in the past 36 years in our furnaces
and in the many other metal jobs we have done.
"Metal Products That Last?' - - Since 1912
Ul Sooth 17th Street, Salem Phone 70t
son who won vamumom de
cision. C
jb ebon
lanows and ntUlty ef a
fail length
be overset tsastsi If jreyr
lacks one rest are saraly
tag sssaethlag. Wo
pared to Install
at reasonable oast ksaattfnL
saaerb snfrrers that wCl no
nasst tSXL
24 Cosvt
p mmmm 'ZZZl tZZZl rrj g
Bo.lov, I UQ
atylo and I fl Oram. n. -
I perform- I II 'mrn i, A av reed
Imvcol .1 Ford Bo TL. f T'fTZJiTZ
Fcmaoua last I LLi
starting I I
Lioiacj room
cab c o m-fortl
ford Bowms JkuU TendksloT
- ,. . -ns uaaar cab
V7 rMmt This ,4
P aoMT-anisg waysl
! kses sorsan,
Com la ttttltw, l
miH. No
other asmkej wmaT nsaa any
mmn op Toft c.o.
37S Cam tar Salem, Oregon
- :
1 .
i.- ,
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&mm ; -s? . l .
--1) m T1 " '"T'ST'fl Ngi ;.- ..
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If, Snil
M I(fa-Manlic Buw $&mmm ail m&
Today, Pontiac annoonces a series of notable advance
meats in the car thai has already won the whole
hearted endorsement of more than million enthusi
astic owners and friends.
Foremost among these advancements is the great
General Motors Hydra-Made Drive now offered as
optional equipment on all Pontiac cars. Pontine is the
lowest-priced car in the world to provide this great
mechanical masterpiece which shifts gears auto
matically, and completely eliminates the dutch pedaL
Coupled with this great engineering triumph is a
striking improvement in beauty and luxury. New
exterior smartness extends from the new radiator
grille o the streamlined rear bumper.
Interiors, too, are remarkably improved. Upholsteries
are more beautiful and are expertly blended to achieve
new attractiveness and charm. Instrument panels are
finished in a smart design adapted from quarter-sawed
mahogany and an adroit use of chrome moulding
adds a deft tooch of modernity.
Engine and chassis have been refined wherever
possible but they remain, basically, the same engi
neering masterpieces which have become synonymous
la the automotive Industry with goodness and
dependability. g -
TKr a r, man mftra thiaea tare enald fell an shoot
the new Pontine, for there are countless improvements
which add to its traditional quality and value. Bat
we feel that, for those who kntt Pontiac, we need f
only say !
here is, by far, the most btMmtifml Pontiac ever built
here is the most luxmriom Pontiac ever built
here Is the most dtpendiU Pontiac ever built .
and it is now available with General Motors Hydra4 ;
Matte Drive optionsl mt additions! ctf.
We wish only to add that it is here od display in oor ;
showroom and that you are most cordially invited
to see and inspect it. ;
KleiriraDD - w'emis d
t ;
235 S. Commercial St.
Salem, Oregol