The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1948, Page 14, Image 14

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    14-Th S failman, Sokm. Oregon. Sunday. February 15. 193
aseball Banquet Due Here Monday Night; Many Stars Coming
The Salens Breakfast flat's
gigantic baseball baae.aet. de
signed to b no Im thaa the
heftiest eveot of Its kind la the
history of Oregon. Uktt place
Monday night at :4S o'clock la
the MirUo hotel's Mirror rna.
And from th ImIu of Um list
r special guests, representing
alaoest five decades mt the U
MMRd sport, the success of Um
fete already la assured. Young
and aid baseball men. represent
ing nearly all departments af Um
game fraaa Um majors to
Um sandlots, will b amcat
The stag event ta open ta the
public al $1J per plate. Tickets
aUII arc available at Maple's ar
at Um Valley Matar caanpaay.
Principal speaker far the area
siaa will be Robert B. Abel.'
president af Um Westera Inter
na Uaaal league. Abel will bring
along fraaa Washington Darsett
High School Hoop Tourney Picture Shaping Up
By the Associated Press
Newberg loomed today as aae
af Um state's strangest candi
dates far the annual Oregan high
arheel basketball championship
playoff at Eugene.
Newberg. with Don Hey. est
the all-stale second team last
year, sad a new scaring threat.
Bill Geavia. clinched at least a
tie for the Tualatin-Yamhill Val
ley league title this weekend by
downing strong West Linn. (3
SS. Gesvln seared M points.
Second Round
Fired hy B's
Marion County B league hoop
alert cleaned up second round
play in the snnual tourney last
Bight on the Willamette floor
with Chemawa topping Mill City,
41-37; faxored Aumsville sub
merging St. Paul. 51-26; Sublim
ity running over Hubbard. 55-32;
and Gervais walloping Detroit,
if21 , V -
In the semi - finala beginning
at 7:30 next Friday night on the
same court Gervais meets Sub
limity, Chemawa clashes with
Aumsville, Mill City takes on St
Paul and Detroit goes against
MM I my (17)
Cbsasawa 4I
.... (1 Crane
) Kutch
.. i St Hlllaire
. ( Jackson
Sool 101
Curnmihim it)
Miliar 10 1
Verberk 13
Pool 1 10 1
1 41 Henry
Subs Mill City Mcfadden (I)
" Oil
talk 1 13 1
Coy iJ
Klilmsor ll)
Houah HI)
I. Paul SS
r . Ill J Hondrto
y "J P Kirk
C (ll P Hondrie
G ' R. Kirk
O i J) Davidson
Spr ill
..k. Aumivill Bates ill Coats.
Have. Bnt. O 5pt. St. Paul Mr
son ill Ruinuixn, Brcntano. T. Kirk.
Bahkjra (12)
piper i II)
Dahi IS
Strawn 1 1 i
Sablf.My (SS)
r ! Albtio
T t) Hartnvann
C . Klntx
G 1 4) E Hltberser
Chafer 1 2
Subs Hubbard Aho. Klby. Heyer-
Yr Hall il' Sublimity stucaan isi
4ver ill T Hihbrier (4 Bradley
111 D BraUIvy ill
Cervata (4I
rvlleoue 13)
lllolt in i
Yate 111
punn i 0 i
DetroM I1)
0) Denton
It) Thomason
id Fryer
i 3) Haeman
iSI Harlon
K Yate H
Suha Gvrvais Hichardnon ill Mor
rison i4i Bellque ill Hall lOl Ma
Won v i)i Detroit Budlong id Mor
gan ill Lady III
Officials Morn. Cavett and Vande
vwrt All American
Gu nnern Named
Thirteen gunners representing nJne
states are on the 1947 All-America
trap shooting team announced to
day by Jimmy Robinson, shooting
editor of Sports Afield.
Joe lijestand, of Hillsboro, O.,
who holds a long run record of
1,179 straight hits at trspshooting,
was named captain of the squad.
Miestand won the champion of
champion events at the grand
American shoot last August with
tOO Mraight hits, and was high
average gunner of the nation with
.9852 on 6.150 registered targets.
Robinson's selections included
larl Colson, Tacoma, Wash., lead
ing Pacific coast gunner.
SEATTLE. Feb. 14-v-America's
five-man ski Jumping team
which participated in last month's
Olympic games at St. Moritx,
Switzerland, will compete intact
on the national championships at
the Milwaukee bowl in the Cas
cades March 6 and 7, officials said
PALM BEACH. Fla . Feb. 14
lV Winsome Peggy Kirk, al
ternate member of the Curtis cup
Vim, won the women's golf
championship tournament of Palm
Beach today by defeating Polly
lUlev of Fort Worth. Tex., 2 and 1.
Mat Prelims
The two prelims which will
set off Tud7 night's Frsnkle
Hart-Buck Weaver vs. Joe Dorset!!-Sammy
Kahen tag team
kin event at
a r m a r y
were announced
aa signed last
nlgkt by Match-
maker Kllaa
aae or um pri
mers, the l:lt
o'clock epeaer.
a g lad U tor of
olden times ta
these parts
makes his first
sppearaaee la
souths. lie Is Jack (The
Upseomb, the rougaie-
af maay aa
ho epeas
-i A"
rpr r-CT jpr-rri fTvl ry-q rm
'Fl r if f .
J. 1 4 te - s J
; . i . w I., -i .. i "S '- a, ft,, if- '
Jos Goreoa
tarry Saasca
(Tabby) Graves. long-time TJ af
Washington baseball aaach who
also Is listed as a speaker. Wash
lagtaa alsa will be well repre
sented by Um appearance al Jeff
Heath and Freddie Hutchinson,
long-time American league star
outfielder and pitcher, respec
tively, wha are aeeaaspaayinc
Newberg Is favored ta aria Um
district t UUc. and West Linn
la favored la district 12.
Another Strang- quintet. Jef
ferson af Portland, eoaUnaed
unbeaten. The 11th censeeuUvn
victim was Lincoln, defeated 29
22. Jefferson was expected to
aab one af rartland't twa posi
tions la Um state tourney. Wash
ington dawned grant. 14-25. ta
btcsait favored far Um other.
roar teams already arc as
This Is 14I and Um Tillage long-range planning eemmish figures
well number aroand ana day not too distant. But ana would
think It 1S4S instead, and that we're beading far Um mark were
he to examine the hushed but rumored Plana far Salem high's new
football stadium. Those yUns call for a pair af concrete grandstands
capable af seat ling Use each. Eighteen hundred, that is, and. Bat
eighteen thousand. For years 'a'
years we've heard little other thaa
we've heard little ether thaa
iks from Viking football fol-
s w ao have been farced ta
la the mud aroand tweet-
i.xi rLid and wha hare by the
.4. mtA mm la a fftlM
nonwewa '
..I. hnc Umt knew they
wouldn't get a sett when they got
there. It has been estimated many
times that any high school grid
dish In Um city weald pall from
5.Sa to 1A or more If only there
were seats for aa maay. 8a the
answer k to be brand spanking
new concrete grandstands. Seating
aa overall !.. It mast take
braias ta arrive at such conclu
sion. tar. k.a'l rMll eheeked H.
but wouldn't be at all surprised
If the new stands are finally
varied not an the OUnccr pas-
tare, where Um field now lies, . w . ... .
bat aut by Kelser some place. It seems those In chAtf JtJZ
ba that ancoaventlonaL Then perhaps when television comes they
can give each patron a set aa that they can be sure ta sea just
what's happening la the game three miles away.
All Isn't a total loss, however. They sUU can sell ye- end sane
eats atop that new bus garage at Olinger. after they spend another
I1H.M4 for sa elevator ta get you on top of the euased thing.
Armory Developed Into Right Popular Spa
While an the topic of athletic arenas, the eyesore that was once
Um armory la bow one of Um mast popular spats la the village since
Its overall faee-UfUng. Ira nieher Co. has done a remarkable
Job with Um Joint and the dividends are fat Indeed. Never before has
the Ferry Street Garden been In such demand as a meeting halL
richer tills as the new look has netted solid bookings for months
ahead a la the Madison Sauar layout la New York City. PUcher
hasn't yet got around ta patting a freese in the local palace for lee
(Continued on page 15)
Wildlife Group
Reelects Loder
-The Oregon Wildlife Federation
reelected James L. Loder, of Sa
lem, as president at the conclusion
of the 12th annual session today.
Among resoluUons was a gro
posal the stste establish a gradu
ated system of fines :for repeated
violations of game laws and op
position to "padlocking' of sus
tained yield tracts of public land.
Col O. E. Walsh, district chief of
army engineers; explained fish
problems in connection with riv
ers and harbors work. Cspt. Bert
Walker. Oregon state game police,
spoke on enforcement. Senator Mc
Kay, Salem, also spoke.
Salem Gunners Sked
Shooting Bee Today
One af the regular weekly
sheeting sessions wUl be held,
starting at II a. m. today, at
the Salem . Traps hooters clab
range aa Taraer road. The card
af events lists fifty lC-yard. M
handicap and 12 pairs of dou
bles tar gets. The shoot la open
to Um public
are Added
George Gurus la a 29-minute
aae faller
The semiwlndup special feat
ures Joe Lyaam against Bob
Cummlngs. the latter getting la
this one a snatch he aaked for
aa a measure af proving ta Owen
he Is ready for more Important
grappling assignments. This ane
will be two of three falls or
19 salautea.
The Hart-Weaver dynamics
will undoubtedly supply much
af the more popular action fas
the main event, aad nasties Dor-
seUl aad Kahea eaa he depend
ad upon to file their fall share
af the unorthodox. Altogether.
use asalaer should amount to a
caps bio addition to the maay al
ways popular tag team tussles
t armed lssas here la Uw past.
BUI Severn Eaala Erantt
Abel and Graves ta Salem from
Musical Bombers and ether
entertainment have been ar
ranged by the elnb committee
and Harry V. Calllns. eloquent
president af the club, will act
as master af ceremonies.
The purpose af the banquet Is
sured entry la the tourney
Klamath Falls. Marshfleld.
Springfield and Astoria. The sit
uation remained unchang-ed In
Um ether districts, where these
teams arc favored:
Dlst. 2 Baker or La Grande;
dist. 2 Mllton-Freewster ar The
Dalles; dlst. 3 Bend; dlst. 7
Albany ar Newport; dlst S
Newberg; dlat. Ilillsbors:
dlst. 11 Salem: dlst 12 West
Una; dlst. 13 Farkrose; dlst. 14
f 2t..k'
I - -JV v
i- - - " 4 f",
, - 4 ,
;t ,
City Leaguers
Near Finish
crrr liagie standings
(National) (Aasenean)
Marines J S S-NavigaUon S
Naval Res. S
S'Page s J l
1 Knights S 1
JlVaL Motor 11
31 Warner Mot. .IS
a'Army-Navy 0 J
Distroms S
Mont. Ward - 1
Nat. Guard
Master Br. . S
With only two more rounds re-
msininf in either division, the
Salem City Basketball league this
wk honk heaw action at Leslie
on Monday and Wednesday nights.
A post - season piayofl will De
held following end of the regular
In Monday action, starting at
seven o'clock. National Guard
plays Montgomery Ward, Elf-
strom's battle Marine Reserves
and Master Bread tangles with
Naval Reserve in that order in
the National division. On Wednes
day Knight of Columbus tries
Warner Motors, Army - Navy
faces Page's Karakul Karpets and
Valley Motor squares off with Sa
lem Navigation in American di
vision scraps.
PORTLAND. Feb. 14 -(JP)- Ore
gon's 1948 AAU boxing cham
pionships will be decided in three
nights of fight here March 10-1Z,
Chairman Ed Potter said today.
Winners in eight divisions will
represent the Oregon-southwestern
Washington area in the na
tionals at Boston, Mass., April 5-7.
TUnberllne Lodge Snow depth 130
Inches, none new. surface packed, and
wind crusted; skiing good: all tows
operating: road clear, chains needed:
ample parking. Forecast: Snow flurries
Government Camp Snow depth 73
Inches, none new; surface powder and
wind crusted: skiing good; all tows
operating; roads clear, chains should be
carried; ample parking. Forecast:
Slightly cooler with flurries Sunday.
Cooper Spur Snow depth 26-30
inches. 4 inches surface snow, light
crust over powder; skiing good; tows
aad sno-cat wUl operate: road clear
and no chains needed. Forecast: Same
as Government camp.
Santlam Pass Snow depth 73 Inches;
aooe new; surface heavy with light
crust: skiing fair to good; all tows
operating; road clear, some packed
snow and Ice sanded; chains should bo
carried; ample parking. Forecast: Same
as Covenunent camp
mm a
: vi
Dick Whitman
Daa Johnson
to send off those players who
soon will be heading for spring
training camps, and ta usher In
the 194 S diamond eompalgn lo
cally. All special guests are to
be introduced during the session.
Although previous appoint
ments will keep a scant few of
the special guests : from attend
Compromise: 'Bev'
Signs i Yankee (Pact
The world champion New York Yankees were shy one hold
out yesterday when Salem's Bill Bevens reported to The Statesman
that he had signed his 1948 contract, bringing to a close a Yankee
Bevens salary disagreement that had spouted for a number of weeks.
Nice Welcome
For McKeever
CHICAGO, Feb. 14 -tVP)- The
All-America football conference,
opening its winter meeting, to
day re-hired Jonas Ingram as
commissioner, named Quarterback
Otto Graham of the champion
Cleveland Browns most valuable
1947 player and handed a pleas
ant welcome to new Coach Ed
McKeever of the Chicago Rockets.
Ingram said the club owners
were Impressed by the "fine
showing" made by McKeever In
his first league meeting. He did
not explain whether .the "show
ing" waa a possible expIanaUon
by McKeever af his famous fare
well letter at the University of
San Fraaclaea la which he ques
tioned the future eligibility of 22
USF players and caused a furore
la west coast athleUe circles.
Vanport Five Knocks
Over 'Cat Club, 44-39
PORTLAND. Feb. 14-(Special)-Vanport College's basketball club
came through with an upset here tonight as they downed Willamette's
Bearcats, 44-39.
The Van ports were forced to come from behind to rack up the
win after trailing at the halfway
point, 24-20. A bucket by Center
Dale Warburg with tVi minutes
left to play gave the winners a
lead which they never relinquish
ed. The Willamettes pushed to their
four-point intermission margin af
ter a slow and unexciting first
half and inside the initial four
minutes of the second period,
boosted their advantage to 32-24.
At that Juncture the loss of For
ward Bob Johnson on fouls took
the wind out of the 'Cat sails and
they began to fade. With 10 min
utes left the Vanports caught up
at 34-34 and after the lead
changed hands a couple of times,
Warburg's basket put the "Vans"
on top for good.
Pi voter Jim Johnson's 11 mark
ers was the 'Cats' best individual
The Willarnette crew returns
to Portland Tiiflday night to meet
Portland university.
Willamette (3S) (44) Van port
it ft pf tp fg ft pf tp
MedleyJ 1 2 3 4 Johnson.! 0 0
i o
B JhnsnJ 4
JJhnan.c S
TJhnsn.g 0
Warren. 4
Waldroiuf 0
Bryant 1
3 io tsaccaien.1
1 lllWarbuxg.c 3
3 9 Phillips.
3 'Ranking S
1 0! Davis J S
0 O Stratton, 0
1 2:
4 IS
3 11
o o;
Totals 1 fSlSO Totals 1(12 13 44
Meissner Ski
Trip Protested
PORTLAND, Feb. 14-iVThe
Mt Hnod Ski rjatrol todav urged
Jack Meissner, 28, to call off his
proposed 300-mile ski trip irom
Mt. Hood to Crater Lake. Meiss-
nr has announced he will leave
Wednesday with Ernst Pentheny,
20, of Maiden, Mass., on tne esu
mated 30-day journey through the
Cascade range wilderness.
The ski patrol In a letter to
Meissner described it as a "publi
city stunt (that) appears foolhardy
in the extreme," and said that In
case of accident a costly and dan
gerous rescue mission would have
to be organized. Meissner said he
planned wto go ahead anyway.
Bears Virtually
Clinch Title
BERKELEY, Calif., Feb. 14-P)
The University of California
Bears virtually clinched the south
ern division basketball champion
ship of the Pacific Coast confer
ence by beating University of Cal
ifornia at Los Angeles 62 to 44
here tonight.
DETROIT, Feb. 14 -(JP)- The
Detroit Tigers today lopped four
names off their spring baseball
roster, shaving it to 35 players
scheduled to open training March
1 at Lakeland, Fla.
Still unsigned arc Pitchers
Freddie Hutchinson, Hal New
houser, Paul (Dizzy) Trout, Art
Houtteman, Al Benton and Ruffus
Gentry, Catcher Bob Swift,
ianorxsiop auie use inu
First Baseman George Vico,
ing, aver 59 are expected to be
present. Such players, past and
present, as Joe Gordon, Eddie
Erautt, Larry Jansea, Bill Bev
ena, Wes Schulmerich, Don
Johnson, Dick Whitman, Howard
Fax, Carl Mays, Deacon .Van
Buren, Sylvester Johnson, Duke
Windsor, WaUy Flager, Jack
Wilson. Moose Clabaugh, Jeff
Heath. Freddie Hutchinson, Al
don Willkle. Bill Klepper, BUI
Mulligan. Curt Coleman, Don
Kirsch, Spec Keene, Ralph Cole
man, Loris Baker, John Warren,
Ken Wyatt, Marty Krug. Dick
Gentskow. Paul Halter, Ted
Kerr, Lee Fallin. Joe Bielemeier,
Rod Province. Ted' Gallic. Bus
Sporer. Al Russell. John Day.
Ad Llska. Vlnce Pesky, Maya
Smith, Dick Wenner, Hug hie
Day and Biddy Bishop, plus oth
ers, are certain to be here.
I Handed a souuu cut in xne ongi-
nal '48 pact, the big pitcher who
lost the heart-breaking one-hitter
to Brooklyn in last fall's world
series said he and the club had
compromised by halving the cut.
Inasmuch as he won only seven
games for the Yanks last season,
Bevens felt that he deserved a
slice in his $18,000 salary, but not
such a big one as $5000 worth.
Bevens won 16 games for the
Bombers in 1946 and 13 in 1945.
An armailment proved his down
fall last'season.
Bill will depart for the Yankees
training camp in St. Petersburg,
Fla., late this month. He has been
employed by the Sicks' Brewing
Co. during the winter and has
been officiating basketball games
as a means of keeping his weight
down. He expects to report to
camp weighing 240 pounds, about
15 over his normal weight.
PORTLAND, Feb. 14-ifP-The
Tacoma Rockets reached from the
basement of the Pacific Coast pro
basketball league to topple third
place Portland, 60 to 55, hero to
night Talon Captures
Anita Event
ARCADIA, Calif., Feb. 14-jP)-Talon,
dappled grey from Argen
tine, swept to victory in the $50,
000 San Antonia handicap today
and emerged as a powerful threat
in the coming $100,000 Santa Ani
ta handicap.
The good looking pride of the
Pampas, owned by socialite N. R.
Ryan of New York, bolted into
the lead with a mighty flourish to
take down first money of $47,300,
In this tenth renewal of what has
been termed a preview of the
golden gallop, Feb. 28. Jockey
Eddie Arcaro, scoring his third
win of the afternoon, brought the
six-year-old Talon in by a neck
over the surprising Double Jay,
Favorite On Trust, pulled in third
Badgers Again
FOREST GROVE, Ore., Feb. 14
(flVThe University of British Col
umbia Thunderbirds defeated Pa
cific university, 60 to 5, here
tonight in a Northwest basketball
conference tilt The Thunderbirds
led, 34-24, at halftime.
McCeer (14) ..
Kermode (11)
(31) Pacific
F (7) Moreen
F (1) ThoKerson
C (7) Weisman
G (3) Olson
G (10) Whitbeck
Haas ( 10)
Mitchell (S)
Forsythe ()
UBC subs Stevenson 2. Bell 4
cllc rubs Palmer 12. Rooney 1. Ball
s. Ktucr 4.
Barbara Scott
Widens Lead
DAVOS PLATZ, Switzerland.
Feb. 14 -(JP)- Barbara Ann Scott,
Canada s queen of the blades, was
kept from repeating as the wo
man figure skating champion of
the world by mushy ice today. Of
ficials ordered a postponement.
During the forenoon the Cana
dian miss, winner of the Olympic
title, increased her lead from four
to 10 points over British Cham
pion Jeannette Altwegg of Lon
don. Yvonne Sherman of New
York, is in seventh place. She is
the lone U. S. entrant.
Lcgray Boarding Cr
Training Kennels
Eoate S, Salem, Ore.
Reasonable Rate by Day
or Month.
Training to Salt Year Needs.
Free Pickup And Delivery
Fh. 23188
ID)iuicCis Piuislh) Vaundlais Beeper
fluiifto CeDSar WVtifo S2-4CD Tm
- i .
A Toast for the Boss
' XT'.' s t r--
m i ill iiiimi II II I nil ' fli I II II MMT II III III ' . .
Dean Cromwell (seated, center),
native of Turner, Ore, who will coach the United States Olympic
track and field team this summer, Is toasted at a testimonial
dinner at Hollywood, Calif., by former Olympic stars whom he
coached. Seated with Cromwell are Bod Hooser and Fred Kelly.
Standing are Lee Barnes, Frank Wykoff and Bob Van Osdel.
(AP Wirephoto)
Beavers Face Vandals
In Games
basketball team, currently resting
division pennant chase, will attempt
gear when the dangerous Idaho
Taasort 44. Willamette SS
Oregon 2, Idaho 40
CPS SS, ColL Idaho SI
VBC 44, Pacific 31
USC 4S, Stanford 44
Genxaga 44. Portland V 37
USF S3, Nevada 40
Montana 74. Idaho St. S3
Fresno St. SS, CeU. Pacific 37
De Panl SO, Notre Dante 44
Minnesota S3, Northwestern 31
Kentucky St. Tennessee 42
Oklahoma 49, Kansas St. 47
Oklahoma AScM 47. St. Loots V 33
Vanderfctlt i, A la ha ma 32
Arkansas 47, Texas Christian IS
Missouri 47, Nebraska 41
Penn SS. Harvard SO
Michigan S, Purdue 34
West Va. SI. Temple 73
Ohio SL 37, lUinoii 30
Indiana 4, lews 47
Princeton SO, Dartmouth 30
Colnmhla 40. CorneU 37
St. Martin's M. Pacific Coo. 37
Oregon Fresh 44, Oregon City 34
Oregon Froth 04. Opegon City 34
Ore. St. Fresh 41, Klamath FaUs 30
Marshfleld SS. Myrtle Point 37
Kosehnrg 40, Coo utile 29
North Bend 42. Bandon 31
Myrtle Creek 40. Reedsport M
Astoria 3S, Cent. Cat. (Port.) 23
8. Heart (Tillamook) 31. Garibaldi 21
Chemawa 41. Mill City 37
Anmsvtlle 31. St. Panl 24
Sublimity 55. Habbard 32
Gervais CI. Detroit 21
Bellingham 75. Vancouver 44
Tacoma SO, Portland 55
WSC Swimmers
Down Beavers
PULLMAN. Wash.. Feh. 14-
The . Washington State mlWe
swimming team placed first in
every event to win 56 to 19 from
Oregon State college in a north
ern division Pacific Coast con
ference meet today.
Washington State's 300 vard
medley relav team set
varsity record of 3:12.2, breaking
its own mars: of 3:14.4 establish
ed earlier in the season.
Coachless Yale
Still Loohing
NEW HAVEN, fans. Feh. 14
(JP)- With Colombia Lao Little bo
longer a candidate for the Yal
football coaching Job. aa Eli
spokesman tonight sadly confes
sed "Well have to start all ever
It Is understood here that the
Tale athletie committee wIU pick
ap from where It left off several
weeks ago, when Little Was the
unanimous choice, at a meeting In
New Haven on Tuesday.
Little announced In New Tork
today that he had turned down
the Yale offer which he had been
considering for the past 10 days.
"I feel that I want to be a part
of Columbia's future," be said.
Our "boys"
the day it
give you a
It now!
4''.'', ' .
USC track coach since 1909 and a
at Corvallis
Feb. 14-(Special)-Oregon State's
in third place in the close northern
to put its offense back into high
Vandals invade Corvallis Monday
and Tuesday for a return series
with the Beavers.
Coach Slats Gill and his men
are not taking the lowly Vandals
lightly. The Beavers well remem
ber that one of the few Idaho
wins was scored over them by a
47 to 43 count at Moscow last
month. Although the Vandals
have since lost their star center,
Jack Phoenix, through ineligibili
ty, (jnucx rimey s ciuo is still
classed as potent.
With four defeats against it,
Oregon State can't afford to lose
any more games if it hopes to
stay in the championship . picture.
Gill has been working the squad
hard this week with most of the
emphasis on offense.
Although Gill has been spend
ing considerable time with his re
serves, no changes are planned in
the Orange starting lineup. Cliff
Crandall and Norm Carey are cer
tain to start at the forwards. Fast
improving Len Rinearson will be
at center; and Dick Ballantyne
and Dan Torrey will open at the
guard posts.
Ski Jumpers
Compete Today
Feb. 14 -JP)- Flags of Canada
and Norway will fly alongside
the Stars and Stripes at Multor
por ski Jump here tomorrow when
the Pacific Northwest Ski asso
ciation's 16 th annual jumping
championships get under way.
Eight Norwegians, headed by
Ame Ulland, who has never lost
in U. S. competition, are entered,
along with seven Canadians.
PORTLAND, Feb. 14-0fp)-Port-Iand
Beaver club General Man
ager William Mulligan reported
today 29 players . have returned
contracts for the' 1948 baseball
The Coast league club managers
leave In a few days for Riverside,
Calif., where the pitchers and
catchers will report Feb. 23. The
rest of the club reports a week
The EXTRA Living expense incurred through a loss by
dwelling fire insurance at - f i
Salem's General oi America Agency f
Oregon's Largest
129 N. Commercial
Salem and
have that knack of polishing a ear to make it look like J
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Wiley Spares
UO Offensive
W L Pet. WL PcL
Wash. St 7 3 .700 Oregon $ ..45?
Washnrtn 6 4 .600 Idaho - g .200
Ore. St. 9 4 J5) - -
Last night's result: At Oregon S3,
Idaho 40. '"-f '
EUGENE, Ore., Feb. 14-P)-Tho
University of Oregon Ducks re
turned to their fast breaking gam
tonight to overwhelm the Idaho
Vandals, 62 to 40, and win both;
games in their northern division
Pacific Coast Basketball confer
ence series here. i
Oregon needed the victory badly;
to hold them within shouting dis'
tance of the- northern division
leaders. The Joss virtually .-eliminated
Idaho from the race! . , i
Idaho tied the score in the open
ing minutes but after thai it was
simply the Ducks all the way. Bob
Lavey scored within 12 seconds to
start the Oregon rush, but Pres
ton Brimhall made the deadlock
at 2-2 with his field shot Within
a moment, Dick Wilkins ut the
Ducks in front to star and they
kept at the pace until they built
up a. 17-point halftime lead of
34-1 7
Idaho rallied after the second
half was well underway,! scoring
four of nine shots to cut the Ore
gon edge to 13 points. But it didn't
last and Oregon got rolling again.
Roger Wiley led the Webfoots
with 16 points, giving him a con
ference game total of 14"9i ;
Idaho (44) 2 Ore tea
f g ft pf tp Ig ft pf tp
Geisler 1 3 3 5 Wilkinj.f 1 1 2 J
La nek 4
SCooper. 2
SWileyx Is
I 4
Elmers. f
5 IS
S Lavey. e t 2
1 HimilLi.e; 3
0 Don.f 1
3 Bartelt.f f S
9'Amchr.f-e 0
01 Berg.. l
2'Popiclc.f ? 3
2 Seeborg.g$ O
lUnis.g J
Gunnels ,g 1
Totals 12 16 23 4S To'als i 24 14 28 62
Officials Lee and TJstis.
Free throws missed : Idaho Geisler
4. Talyor 1. Evans 2. Brim.". all 4: Ore
gon Don I. Cooper 2. A mac her 1
Wiley 3. Lavey 3. Berg 1. Popidc 1.
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