't r 10 The Slot man. galena. Orecon. Sunday. February 15. l$4$ Miss Jean Taylor Is Engaged At a Valentine tea on Saturday afternoon Miss Jean Taylor told a group of her friends of her betrothal to Samuel James Stlne baugh, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Stinebaugh of Grants Pass. The brunette bride-elect Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sherman Taylor of Portland. Nj. date has been set for the wed ding. The news was revealed at an informal tea for which Miss Tay lor and Miss Florence Duffy were hostesses at the Union street home of Mrs. William H. Burghardt. Cuests called after 3 o'clock. Mrs. Stewart Johnson presided at the tea urn and assisting were Mis Marianne Low and Miss Mary McKay. Miss Taylor Is a graduate of the University of Oregon and a member of Alpha Phi sorority. She is society editor of the Capi tal Journal. The pat year she has served as president of the Spinsters. Her fiance attended the University of Oregon and his fraternity Is Phi Gamma Delta. He served in the navy for three yearj during the war. He is now in business in Grants Pass with his father, where the couple will make their home. BROOKS Mr. and Mrs. Melrta Klampe entertained with a dinner Sunday, honoring E. B. Klampe on his birthday anniversary. Cov ers were placed for the honor guest, . B. Klampe and Mrs. EL B. Klampe. Mrs. W. F. Klampe. Vel raar and Grace Klampe, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Klampe, Caddy and Lorna, Arlyce, Morris, Marvin and Nylet Klampe, and Rev. Lloyd Eucher and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Klampe. Westminster Guild af the First Presbyterian church will meet for a 1:30 o'clock dessert luncheon on Wednesday afternoon at the church parlors. Mrs. H. J. Thom as heads the committee In charge. Mrs. Elmer O. Berg la program chairman and Clare Argow, Port land, executive secretary of the Oregon Prison association, has been secured as the speaker. Airs. Max Flehrer will eaterUla the Alpha Gamma Delta alum nae at her North Church street home Tuesday night at o'clock. Don't Cook flow. . . Bui . . . your meters are slipping Mister Mayor. , AH right, ail tight . . liere's the rain, we hop, so everyone atop sniffling. So what? . . . Calif dfnkj scientists hav claimed to produce- gold by bombarding metallic subetances with some chemicals. The only thing is the gold disappears. We repeat, so whatl Going! going I gooel ... Men are a modest sex. Sitting in an audience, we had a chance to observe the way men subtly or brazenly clutch at each falling hair as a drowning man to his straw. There is Low Part Looie, who sets his part down another notch each season until now he's grazing his left ear with the comb in a vain effort to catch just one more hair to hoist up and over the hump. Front Fringe Ferdie combs his (all five) pompadore, laying each down in its place like five little wooden Indians. High Forehead Herman finds a part right in the center, with careless downward sweep of the comb, covers those two shiny peaks over each temple perfectly, though he longs for the return of the Spit Curl. And then there is Flat Tom Thomas whose long curly tresses gently caress his coat collar, and terminate in an ever-widening center of interest the ex-crown of his head. The profile is a bit odd, but the manly spirit is strong and confident These Are Modest ... but the man of my heart Is the heroic fellow who bravely pol ishes his pate and daring pneumonia to strike, waves it in the breeze, a mark of dis tinction 1 . . . Marine Buren. Musical Treat Portland Symphony Here Wednesday In Second of Two Winter Programs By Maxiae Bares Staff Writer. Tha Statesman The Portland Symphony's second appearance at Salem high school auditorium set for Wednesday night is being greeted with even more enthusiasm than the first, and if what Portland music criUcs say is true, this concert will be even better than the first. The critics have spared no adjectives in their reviews of pro grams of the symphony under the direction of Werner Janssen, and wax more eloquent wun eacn con cert. The symphony orchestra, which was reorganized this year after seven years of Inaction, has made great strides under the leadership of the eminent conductor. Janssen. Included in the program will be the well known popular classics overture of "Marriage of Figaro," waltz from -Serenade for strings" by Tchaixowsky, six movements of Stranvisky's "Firebird" suite and Brahms "Symphony No. 4 In E minor," certainly an imposing collection of music. Opinion of Salem listeners who attended the first concert here In January is that the Portland sym phony gave them the best per formance they have heard on a Salem platform for many years. Opinions as to whether or not the concert-going Salem public wish es the orchestra back next year will be asked. If this rear's season proves successful and the publle desires, this series of concerts by the Portland symphony will be the annual event, say members of the executive board of the Salem Phil harmonic association, sponsoring group. BROOKS Mrs. DeJUe Rasa was hostess to the Brooks Sewing club at her home Thursday after noon, with Mrs. Gertrude Reed assisting, Mrs. Marie Bosch, pres ident, appointed the following committees: proeram. Mrs. Anna Dunlavy, Mrs. Elva Aspuawall and Mrs. Ruth Jensen; work, Mrs. Martha Lesher, Mrs. Nona Side bottom. Mrs. Cleo Walker; flower, visiting and cards, Mrs. Eva Conn. The next meeting will be held at the home ef Mrs. Grace Sayre. Mrs. Brace Saaoldlnx vited members of the Theatre Arts group to her Fairmount Mill home Tuesday afternoon at a one o'clock dessert luncheon. Mrs. IL Iran Lovell will present the program. Auxiliary Will Hear Speaker Mrs. A. F. de Lespinasse of Hubbard will speak on child de linquency research in Holland at Monday's meeting of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary, Capital unit. Mrs. de Lespinasse recently re turned from a trip to Europe. Special guests will be Mrs. Craig Coyner, Bend, department of Ore gon president, Mrs. Mae Whit comb, Portland, department sec retary, and Mrs. Leon Brown, Sa lem, national commit tee woman from Oregon. A violin quartet composed of Carol Koster, Gloria While. Bob Danielson, and Phil Ringle, Jr, ac companied by Dick Louphan will Play. Americanism chairman Mrs. Z. W. Ritchey, and national de fense chairman. Mrs. Clark Craig and their committees will have charge of the tea hour. Mrs. Merle Travis, unit presi dent will preside at the meeting. Women interested in haHnMr de Lespinasse are invited to attend the meeting which will be at the Woman's club house st 8 p.m. Cub Scouts at Wieaer Roast Mrs. Gardner Knapp was hos tess st a party for Jimmy, her 12-year old son on his birthday. Members of hit Cub Scout den, part of pack No. 8 of the pres byterian church were guests. The affair, which was a wiener roast, was held in the Boy Scout room of the church Saturday afternoon. Those present were Jim Bow ers. Jack Phillips, Robert Wolf, Jerry Berg. Bobby Ohmart, Kent Miller. Clive Miller, Wayne Bak er, Eddie Syring. Eugene Bowers, the den chief, and Jimmy Knapp. On Friday night the pack will be hosts at a covered dish din ner at the church for their fami lies. Blue and gold have been se lected for the color scheme. The boys will decorate and are now working on favors, small tepees and tiny Boy Scout campfires. The cub den No. 4 will give the program which will include band numbers and solos by three of the boys. West Sales Ueas el ah will meet Monday night at the West Salem city hall at 8 o'clock. Mrs. E. J. Osborne, Mrs. Guy Cook and Mrs. R. J. McDonald will be host esses. Colored slides of Washing ton. D. C. will be shown. r IjrfftA SMALLEST EMERSON SELF-POWERED PORTABLE MODEL S40. Oaly Vi la. wise, bat a I TU.K PERFORMANCE. Plastic Cabinet with stare1 carryiag aaaaie. Ail saesera faatarsa. Yeall carry k wkkprUa MftX "Me?" Lvm KmttmUi MODEL 141 -"BLACK COLD" aTataraaat Rmdim AC-DC SaaarfclarWyae la ktalMSM plaatis nUaA Wisely fee. tared as tfce "Black Cele" seearl-a seaer aerferaser trka all aew elee- eA inR! treaie develeesaeat. Aa ? J IM ealee at AJ araJlaUe la attractive cetera. OteW Km 194M Rmfi r Emmjr Pmrpmmp Emmy fi MILLER'S DOWNSTAIRS Airs. Hale Honored Mrs. P. W. Hale will be honor guest at a shower on Monday night at the home of Mrs. R. L. Daniel on South 25th street. Mrs. Gilbert Bannister Is hostess with Mrs. DanieL Valentine color scheme' will be featured at the party to which some 23 have been Invited. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG i i Don't wait until you are half dead before you call your family physician. Ills chances are better j and yours, if you caul him at thai first sign of illness. It will be lea expensive for you, too. Often s) word of advice, sensible pre i cautien, will prevent serious complications. Even though you may fed per foctly well, it is good practice to see your physt aan regularly, at least twice a year. If be finds It necessary to preacxibe medical treatment, bring your prcecriptioos to us. We will 21 them promptly and accurately, just as the doctor order, WILLETTS Capifal Drag Sforo Car. SUte A Libert Pitta 1118 7t HOSE'FORSEVERYONE AT WARDS " Check your needs l59 NYLONS All nylon from top to toe, sheer enough for day-time and datedmeJ In dark shades. Sisea BH to 10H. MOTS A1GYU3 They're mercerised cotton in clear stay-bright colors! Quality elastic knit-in taps. Size 10 to 12, 15. ft OtXW SOOCS S for W Mothers! 8 pair of these cotton socks must give 8 months wear or Wards replace them free! 8H to 1 L LJ BLAZSt SOCKS 25 Youngsters like their gay circular Stripes, elastie tops that stay up. Sturdy cotton. Sixes 6M te &H. Add fkese pwrcheses te ye Mowthry Payment Aces ens. S pairs for 1.00 m eh mm dews feOQii)l!ii THIS AMAZING NEW WAY TO BETTER SLEEP-JUDGE IT YOURSELF We've had so much praise on this wonderful Simmons blanket . . .how toasty warm you can be without the weight of other covers. . .that we want you to try It for 10 NIGHTS in your own home. ,Wt want yon to sleep under it, wt want you to enjoy this new way to luxurious, comfortable sleep. . .wt want you to be the Judge. And, if you're toot completely satisfied, return your blanket at the end of 10 days for a refund. - Here's an smstlng offer I No strings attached I Stop In today for a demon. Itration. . .select the color you want. . .and we'll make Immediate delivery. (All blankets In this offer art new, of course.) O WARMTH WITHOUT WEIGHT i O nEGULATES ITSELF FOR CUANGES OF TEUPERATURB i O COMPLETELY SAFQ O WASHADLC j V, 'tl: filitf: e)MM Mi I'4 O Li L FURNITURE DEPT. SECOND FLOOR 0221 . , s.- XU. - ,""" 1-asaajsjBaa S -r- . ' I ir--v 1 K ' so i-;l 1 . :...-z."-- v 1 I saosa fae f s S40 COURT ST. -1-" 1