i Thm Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Friday, February 13, 19437 -if l J ii i. fi O UT I N C-JmHifrrUM Jsse wears s See shirt wltk a ' u4 carries e wicker luck Many Parties, Visits in Lyons LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Culwcll were hoatM for dinner held at their horn honorific their daughter Joyce on her fourth birthday. Coven were laid for Mrs. Joe Weitman. Lileth. Max ine and Ernest: Mr. and Mra. George Hann. Delorrt and Gary, f Aumsvifle: Mr. and Mra. Sam Culwell. Harlin Gibson, Elmer Culwell. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kaue, Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Cul well, Joyce and Thelma. Mrs. George Huffman waa hot eea for the afternoon card club with the party held at her home Wednesday afternoon. A deaaert luncheon waa served followed by several tables of 500. with Mrs. Herman Free holding the high core. Mm. Bob Carleton low and Mrs. Pat Lyons winning traveling prize. Present for the party were Mesdames Earl Allen. Albert Bass. Kenneth Bass, Pat Lyons, Floyd Basnett. Walter Bevier. Bert Ly ons, Clifford West. Herman Tree. Bob Free. John McClurg. Donald Naue. Bob Carleton. Merrill Brass field and Albert Carr. Mrs. F. L. Becker and little daughter Randie of Medford spent several days at the home of her parents, the Rev. and Mm. R. T. Cookingham. Little Randie re mained for a two-weeks' visit with her grandparents. Mrs. Kenneth Knight and sons Phillip and Jimmie have returned home from St. Louis, Mo, where they visited at the home of her parents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead and son Walter, with Mr. and Mrs. Id Olmxtead of Mill City, spent several days in Seattle. Mrs. Elaine Esselyston of Port land visited at the home of her Brents, Mr. and Mrs. George ipfell Monday. Boy Scout troop II met at the home of Scoutmaster Floyd John son. First aid was studied for aec end class work. Refreshments were served. Paul Cookingham of Salem spent last Saturday with his par ents, the Rev. and Mrs. R. T. Cook ingham, and assisted them in get ting moved into the new parson age f Midweek prayer meetings are being held at the Lyons Methodist church sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian Service, with Mrs. George Clipfell in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges and ! children of Portland visited! friends in Lyons. They were guests t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fran da Jungwirth. The Bridges are former residents of Lyons, having wned and operated the Lyons garage here. They have added an other daughter since leaving here. n Y' ' ; . . ' . ' - a i, . . ' 1 ' T ., . v RETURNS Dona Drake Is aaaktag aew aaevie after being aba i frees screea a year ee caase ef lUaess, 11 "50C- m mi aV ;.jrvv. Nw li. "is vi 'mm vv.v Qfbf 7 7' e ra,.,.. . h,.i " "Witose an dextr, - So lor K-t. "es. Sit. Ansel Cheddar Lb. 55c PRICED LOW EVERY DAY To save you a little on each item IGA I'linced Clams . .7-oz can White meat razor clams, free from sand and grit. V Bine Plale Shrimp 7-oz. can, med. A ses delicacy. Finn, tender, to serve French fried 610 Red Salmon 1 lb. can Elsinore aockeye with the finest delicate and delicious salmon flavor. Pure Cane Fine ' Granulated 10-Ib. m Crab Heal Bloc Jacket 7-oz. can 670 For a tempting cocktail or Crab Louis. 4 Ilorvegian Sardines,.. 4., n Tender, flavorful, small sardines for those who crave the best. Ilushroom Sonp &mpb!m4.., 160 The same heme-like flavor that make Campbell Soups the favorite. Cockiail Sance ,57c jUiii. . uen s '. vendo ----- " 0W oma of a, T n COit ..i. W " ! or a veg. 46. is M r can r-, ' r asiS, tomatT -16 me aaw.f.vr i- -41JL. ""- .sT tun a a. ... w Plat Sunshine -rjC. can or. Price Jr HV C re. Peanut C. II. B. ... 14-oz. bottle To add flavor to your fish, salads and cocktails. 230 Krispy Crackers Dainty salted squares. Crisp and flavor ful, tender in texture. L 2 lb, pktr. a P 'Make Lenten Meals Sparkle. Large Grade Doz. 53c Sweet and crisp. So Special for Friday and Saturday 1 Idaho Qusseli Potaioes Take 10 lb. bag: vantage of this special low price on these better than ever potatoes rnssion imcABom Elbow Ilacaroni VkT Elbow Spaghetti "iT Fruil Cocktail No. IH ean. Del Monte Cranberry Sance .iM can, bee spray Green Beans e snusm - 20c Lima Beans Ne. x can, seaside L tlQcj Spinach Na. t can. Tasty Fak Tomatoes Ne. X can. Tasty Fak 117c Jiffies -ll-es. pkg. 27c DINNEK Ilacarcni & Cheese 13 C l-ea. ykx. IJIDLETS GOQII Whole kernel Tacuum pack 12-oz. can Green Gianl PeasNv su ea. The big peas with the garden fresh flavor, i 190 20c Cabbage Pound good for slaw or as a vegetable dish. Sic "j&ckatd 'Luscious mod with Pillsbury's Dst Ealif . Selery m 9c Keep am on band always for salads and your relish dishes. Pinh Grapefruit 80 size. Dozen .. These grapefruit are at their peak of goodness, chuck full of sweet, tangy Juice. assvnVJWJkviahjBJL. -3. BORAX poi toon COfTAJNZX 10-oz. pkgr. MULE TEAM PRODUCTS BORAX SOAP CHIPS SJCK CatAMt ustm tm 43c DORAS POWDER He BORAXO ItMOVfS STVtaoN0rr amo eaiAU 17c Cleans dirty them soft and white. 2-lb. pkgr hands m ak e 27c Boston Poach Cream Dossort MT tKlPI m OUI lTOil Pillsbury's Dett 10 ,b.-,k 950 California Cling: 4)A Peaches, No. 22 can 10-oz. can Bla-Uhifie lc Blues while you wash, does not streak. Whitens, brightens, makes clothes dazzling white. Self-Polishing sciomzE Quart THI QUALITY soap roa PARticular Moojrwivu IASGS LHtt J Bisqnick 4 pkg. 49 c Just add milk for biscuits, also dumplings, meat pie and many other things. Cake Floor Large pkg. Giant pkg. 410 870 44-ec kg. 42c Pint Size Boft-As-Silk, with more moisture for extra delicacy and flavor. IGA Sail 15 c Non-caking, always runs freely. Size Gives floors longer lasting beauty. No rubbing, no buffing, shines as it dries. SPIC MID SPAII No rinsing, no wiping. For wood work, walls and floors. 16-oz. pkg. "7 I Wcodbnry Soap Each - - - 12c PUSS 'II DOOTS aoal 230 8-oz. can Each 90 ee cans for 0 Gives your baby the right start in life. Babies yearn for it. Every Day LOU PDICES in This Ad Effective al the Following Stores mGHLAIID IIADKET tet Highland Ave., Salem, Oregen minEGEn kasd & BAnnY East Center at 4th, Salem, Oregea DEnG'S GBOCEQY ST0I1E 171 Ceater Street. Salem. Oregea STATE STOEET IIHT. SUte Street Saleta, Oregea I10DEL FOOD IIADEET S7I Nerth High St, Salem. Oregen nomiEn's GQ0CEHY Gerrala, Oregea KEII GOLLKT Mehama, Oregen Open Sanoays CEHTDAL CASH IIADKET Meamoath, Oregen EQDALL'S GDOCEOY Weedburn. Oregea - f DIIOADUAY GnOCEHY Braadway sad Market,' Salem, Oregea Open Saadays ' - , i . . LEZHIOII'S IIADEET MS Nerth Cemmereial St. . Salem, Oregea , i f ' '' CADTED'S IIADEET 17th aaa Market 8t, Salem. Oregea PEADSOII'S FOOD IIET. Z4 Nerth Commercial, Oregea ODCDTT'S IlAnEET 42M Nerth Elyer aUad Salem, Oregea . j , IIIDEPEIIDEIICE FOOD IIADEET 1 ' Independence. Oregea I SEDVE niTE GO0CE117 Dallas, Oregen )&gZ? (PGOGdS fecG? Q&ffo T :