ifHE YOUNG IDE A" By MiTTffTfrl 8totom rnda, rtr'ia; iusJii - DAILY AN11 STrNlTA Y M lb.. SI -! ; IS Iba. Sc-1; No. S. . :5EKei6la lion's JEbMGoiicsI 90 la-. I Z-Z JMI: no. 1 baker, fa 90- 73 bundratl wight. No. t, i M- 7, loano Muoaacu no. 1-A. 3 I-K. I rM- m Tiiumptw. M-lb ska 94 U-4M; Tim. -4 L . 'iObifixnrlo;; JfV Trtumph. M.W-i 7t - Yoiif Home Snffcpmcr- ' 7' -.-a-;.-, X je, V " Hay UJ. No. S. croofi alfaUa or b. lor. rarlood lota t b. Portland. U1M M: UJ. No. Uittothr. ooatom Omn A. "4 .r or Woahlnctoa. carloia A. Portlaaol, I biamCR m J: ooia ua wtm nay, i Mra u u,- m --h OPEN A JA 1 I r -i OF 6LONOE15 )- 4 S. HOMEMADB ) tr? - PICKLES TXJj 1 SajnDwO-i) VL- ii LJ BLONDZZ KV .9o cajjledN AKBtSBCV OTAkTf T AJAR r - -a- sUW .5 WED Bkl IfcP CST BATk MISTER. AND WXTCW TOR THE SQUAD CAR WHEN IT COMES DOWN "THE CRAVEL ROAD. DICX TRACT TMEVVE RXJNO FTf I'M I M A SPOT AGAIN.' THINGS ARE HAPPENING. WHV WASN'T THAT WOMAN COMS DACKP MEANWHILE-A CAR OF AND IN THE OPPOSITE ANCIENT VANTAGE. BEARING OCECTON, SEVERAL BOYS MISS VARNISH RUMBLES WAJTANO VMS7CW AKDOOUSLV AU0NCTOARDTHECENTU?V POR AMCTTT-ICR SQUD THAT SWOP-RXJ-OWED AT SOME NEVER ARRIVES. DISTANCE BVTWO SQUAD DOTWEVVeS.WE S1DOO BV i p MAN (THE PHONE WHILE) Jif T ITS GETTINGL, MAKE L"HE TALKED TD THE nice resh rr jr IHSHEEtr OFCOURSE-X V": llGUESSEVEW-) LfeJ LITTLE ANNIE ROONET r BUT MASBS WERE WONT J y VELLY B'6 OCEAN -ALLEE Ml T YPU MEAN YDU CAM PICK UP FISH J DSAMEEUKE VELLYBIS m IN A ASM PARPEN JUST UKE J H RSHEg GARDEN-RESHJU YOU PICK UP A pc . IrSHEE 6P0WEE jJf ROWER f 2S2rf f AUnfVV MYGOODNESS jrWj L 1 I MCAMM4 VOUO JU5T X t I' nlo J AT I A-M.T I TM KJTCH6H 1 L. ' tlM Ji jfar m MUN$WY Jammmmmmmmm BUZZ 8AWTO MM6KY1 OH, WPRPT 1WCKE A BEU SEDC OWKOMrRMW. IWWE I NOT MCKTtONEP TMAT MX) ONLY TO RM TXC BELL FOR AMVTWIM CO WlSMf WWMT TO VAK AMV- T1UT. VKi 9W. OBVIOUS. BUT upoc ou drop our auMyr 4U6TEKFU6C WUI MOT LOOK- MA FOR A KfTOCM "tCVRS LOOKIHw FOR A CACHC OF RAMI TtUT WAS IH6MT ON TMS U BUTTON! BUT BUZ P0E9NT 50 MUCH A6 BAT AM EYE. Eg I MICTET MOUSE 1 I bCU . T ll ATP -T-n UCK IMVEL0FeS... Tffup UE3TO BUT I COsTT X BUT DON'T OU SEET OCESSTAMD, SiO. TVC 0UTLES7 CUMCHeW HIS SCBETASX MlS IT I SAID W6 LAWYB3 AM7 MOM M f WAWTEP TO TAlCE A 3L.TLB3 SAf BTABLOOC I FAMILY PHOTO...HB MO CUtLDJsG. SAiD TMCY WAP MO RIP K723T r" i Mk. ..wmY BSCALI5C CMILO Diownr oviesv C5ES HE VMS TVflKHClWS op om I , TOM f GUT WETX COASW THAT MI3-TT t TO mr I ou I FouTTECN n rJ it I KJU PONT jALM I FONT g HTv 4 err thi Aufi. 1 njBSEK.n VlV K; ALLEY A 1 GASOLINE I WANT VOU TO HEAR A NEW HOT KC08? i jurr fxxso ur. rrr a acuxx. toc 1 VRM SEP. ANP URN THAT HOXRiBUE KACnME.' 3 RUNOFf.STOPER SWSr J BARHE7 GOOGLE I tol' him oc snort vguz LOOKIN' fR HKAJ PcflPLYoUNc. OFFUKfcASKftRr HE WUZNT NOR6 TYPE. NOHOW, PEflRLY JUNG--HEB HOMELY AS A WUO FENCE- fWSTT OT A REDCENTTOHtSNfT)E HES OLWRREISOME LPCZY-- A FINICKY EATER- WONT NEUBV SETTLE CO-AM AM' 1 11C V-N J CALLS O' FIRS IJ I I CAINT BE rtTI 100 CHOOSY!!. ICgCtcay fair scaur six CUTOUT Mira nue OFSfJUFPy SMIFS " " .. "'T V rT. . I AumovUlo. loraj boalai. ro upon ouallty and Vocal ton. vlMi -J . .... .mHmms awte Mthimi, Orooma. IMlann Km my Urn Hrwtl Portland Urestoek MMniMn s ak ta aoi I raajK (USD AN-Ubto and total eatUa 1M. L Mrf Marto Fawk. Uu roaldonl a4 eatvoa M: markot rathor alow, atoora l-aboiand. ria , at a Pm4Mm Kii hotaora avow Ba-M ooota bolow I tol woonaodar, rtaratrr II. IHtrva4 tar: row mostly atoodr: anodlutn I by bor aman.nd. feurod N. raw mi atoora M-BO: 1 hood aood atoora Imtm I Ora l a4 a ata, Mr. Wodnoadajr Ja.lS; modlum bolfora tl eo mmm aova: fatnor, clowdo Uodortml; M0; cuttor -common (rado mm.mmhmr. Un Hmt tw-rm wihImi lrru -tolll. all ui Lohlanf. .common mm Including fat dairy I ' Uravoatdo aoryloo will bo bMl iTOO-iaao: aow anodHwn oM oow I M-MM: anodlum-coa aauaaco bulla I toO -!; oommon bulla ITJO-. yood-choteo yoolor MM-lAt, law UtfHt ruiia marfcot down to atoody at alabU bo M. tool ITS around M eonU lowor; ood- 2a lb woufhta MM: aood-ci S7t 10 aow M.M-21 o6 hoa largely X : 1 lot chotoa 1M atC S2.M. Salabto and total aha a laa. market alow: no early aalaa. feneraliy active, teady; Urg lota moetly food lamoa bold a bore 1 SO. BUIctly food-chofco quotea to n am. anom umot of turn -aood cradoa bold a bore ood-rhoie ewe aalablo atoody at Sm- io oo or "I hope r don't mln4 dttlnc oat hero. lief a pbene call frees m seper Tae expeeta-NT Salom Market Quotations Portland Produce PORTLAND. Oro . Feb. IS AJ Butter fat ton ta tiro (aubleet to Im mediate change). Premium quality mezimum at Jt to I dot cent acidity delivered in Portland. M-7e lb; flrat quality. tl-95c lb; aacond quality. M- c lb; valley routea and country ootnta I 3c Ics than first. SO-3e lb. Butter Wholesale. o. bulk cube. A A, S3 acora. tie lb; A. S3 score. 7c lb; B. N acork. aSc; C. a score. SOc lb. Cheese Cetllac price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 43Vi-S3c; Oregon S-lb loab. 4TH-5oc Live chickena Farina erica to ero ducers: No. 1 broilers under l' lbs. 33-S3C lb; fryers. 24 to S lb.. n-Uc lb; 1 to 4 lbo T7-3ac: roaaters. 4 lbs sndotrer. 3-37c: fowl. Iectvorns. under 4 lbs. Se-Slc lb: 4 lbs and over S4-2Sc lb; colored fowl, all weights. Sue lb; stags, all weights. 13-16c lb. Eccs To wholesalers. A errada. Urge. SO'.a-33'.fce doz: medium. 474 S'rc; a grade small, nominal. B grade, large. 4lTt-3,ac. Eggs Purchased from tanners. Cur rent receipts. aea-iS'aC doz; buyers pay 3-3aC below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eg 7a. Babbits Average to retailers for lo cally dreeaod animal. M-o5e: fryers, live, white. SS-SOe lb; color od, Se-Ssc; old or heavy. 14-lSe. Fresh dressed meats Per hundred pounds: Beef cuts I good ateer. heifers) kind quarters. S47-4S; rounds. $47-e; full loins trimmed. teS-7; trlangloa. $ 40; square chucks. S44-4S; ribs. SW-oa; forequarters. Ma-44 Steers Good. S43-44; ootnmercial. 46-43; MtllUy. S3S-40. Cows Commercial. t37-3g; utility, 33-3; etrtter. canner, S33-3S. Veal and calf Good and choice. S40 41: good. $4-4; commercial. 4-47; utility. S3s-3t.. Lambs Choice and food. 143-43; commercial, all weights. S41-43. Mutton Good. 7t lba down. S3 1-33. Pork cuts: Loins No. 1. to 13 Iba, fS3-93; shoulders. S41-U; sparertbs. i lba.. down. S30-42. Wool Coarse, valley and mod him grades. 43e lb. Mohair 41c tb oa 13-month growth. Onions fte-lb. ak. Ore. Brooks, yel lows. No. X, 2-mM. large. $SAe-STS; No. 1. $3 75-3 00; boilers. No. 1, 1-Ib 0-3c; white, medium. No. 1. S4Aft 3 00: Washington yellows common, mo- aium. ea-as-s.iw: large, sajio-sa. Potatoes Ore. Doachutea and itlara- ath Rttaet No. 1. taaa-S. some to UM: rurrrurAT Premium , No. 1 No. 1 PUNTS Wholesale Retail 9 A3 1 katurday. rebruary 14. at if ax . tai C'lly View aometery wtMtey the dtiae tton of sno doufb-ttarrtvlc wnixiir, I wiU Or. Cnarios uwata fficiaUM. ANCM i Milos E. Vane, late resilient of t. dependence, at a local hoaMtel, ftWs. , ary II. fttsrvtved by hta wUe. Mrs. Hel. tranch. mm Intteaenoenee: to daughter. Mrs. Beverly wiikinee and I Mrs. Lo4a Gm, MU ad astern: two 1 S Um mmm kik.. . fiilu. l i w w wiir m p , Calif ; and Mrs. imhm front of Tarome. Vaeh.. and a brother, Everett Hi enfti of OakMR. Servtvee will bo held f rent the Cleugh-Berrtrk enaoel Bturav. February 14. at S in, with tno her. Vernon IVrabraten orirlatmg tillwsl. : aerwea mr Indeaondam Luiea AF aV AM. WWfTB Mies Hattle WMU 33os O at the age nelreo. " " wmim. mi. vrwn aey of kenta Crua, f aitf .. and a peuti ew, the ttev. . C. kneneer of (.r III. Annewnrament mi i la Uk, We -io snsorncai . tale resident ef at. In thla eily February IS et of M veers Survi vet by two Mrs. May Mayhew of Miane.' rod BUTING Eatra large Modlum , Standards Pullets and cracks EOGS Set Hag Prise Wholesale, large Retail. Urge Retail, medium . JS PQfJLTRF Colored kens Me. 1 No. S Fryers 'K (By n 147 Umbo, ehoiee Yearlings .., El Fat dairy cows Cutler cows Dairy heifers up to see to up to 14 0 ISA to I4M 13 so to it ae up to MM Nonci or Arr-mwTMEMT or EXk Llklk ! i deratcnod koa boon ainsouttod b tbe circuit court of tne ktete of . for We County af Marten, sitting in rebate, mm oaoewtrta of toe eeteut of Edward U. Worth, doeoaaed. a. Iduly qualiflod aa such eaerutna: mil having rlela-e at alnet the eets-f dsr Ssnt are hereby notified I to prsaent the some, duly verified ae I required by Uw, to M ) M orfteo " of my attemey. Sot Oregen tHUiot-g. "". uregon. witnin eta ) snonttie trmrm the date of this SsUst. Doled at Bale, Oreeen. thla tb day of Jmrnmrnrr. IMS. Ada L Condlt, tre-utrts f w ga la te of Edward ti. Wn I Ronald C Oi-or. Attorney (or EaeeutHa. sue -iregea kalom. MM IS SM og-jBt-ldU t l-S-tk-F S IS FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: WUSLM ISM. KOCO 14S4. KOIN t7t. KGW 2t. KEX 11M HOUK 6KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEZ 99:1 99A9 News rnmekeeoer March Time IN KOCO KLOCX I KOCO 1CLOCX KOCO KLOCK Farm Parade News IKOIN KJock IKOXN Klock KOIN -Clock Honeymoon (Honeymoon (Kneass News Early Bird Farm Hour Irarm Hour LTarm Hour Para Hour 7KSLM News Rise. Shine News ITop Tradee KOCO Farm Parade New Tex Ritter Sammy Kaye KOIN KOIN Klock News Bob Garred Fred Bock KGW Farm Time Farm Time (Old Songs Sam Hayes KKX Slug Cowboy Agronsky IStock Market Zetee Manners 8KSLM ' S o'clock News I Orchestra Pioneers ' IBargains KOCO Brkfat. Club Brkfst. Club I West Melodies (Over Coffee KOIN User News Roundup I Grand Slam iRaaamary KGW Fred Waring jFred Waring (jack Berck Hoepttality KEX Breakfaat cfuk I Breakfast Cluk I Breakfast Oub IBraakf art Owk 9KSL.M Kate Smith IV. IJndlahr Pastor's Call (Orchestra KOCO Gospel Singer I Organ Mood Jan Garber March Muste KOIN ' Wendy Warren! Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Col Sunday KGW Tommy Dorse y I Tonuny Dorsey Tommy Dorsey remmr Doraey KKX Magartne (Shouldn't IBkist HtVywd Bktst HoUywd - m KBLM News IQuinn Show (How Do Dot I Harmony I II KOCO Waltz Uvea On'LuUaby Ryth. (Hawaii Echoes Rhythm III KOIN Big Sister (Ma Perkins (Dr. Malone Gulaf Light I W KGW Olmsted iKneass News Claudia Joyce Jordan KXX G. Drake jTed Malone tTrwe Story iTrwo Story Calves 4 300 to 4M lbs.) Veal 11 3O-300 lba.) (goed-enotee). MM Bulla ISM to MM I NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION STATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF MARION SO. School District No. M I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the School Dteurirt Bond Elartlan here by calked to be hold at the vorteti poUlag places described aa loilowst North Salem Precinct: School Administration Offloe 4M North High Street East Salem Precinct: C Si K Lumber Co. Offloe Center A Lancaster Streets South Islam Precinct: Leslie Junior High rhaal South Cottage Jk Howard Streets West Salem Precinct: Center School Building HIT 3rd Street West Salom in and for School District No. M. Mar- toe County. Oregon, en the Mth day of February, 1S4S. between the hours of SM o'clock pm. and 7 M o'clock pm there wUl.be submitted to the legal voters thereof the quest lee of contract ing e bnndad Indebtedness of the eia trlct in the euan of Three Million Five Hundred Thousand (S3J00MMI Dollars for the purpose of providing funds with which to acquire, construct. Additional Classified Ada Uvfjstock ami Poultry M MM. LAYING nana MM awHt- Phone t-re " I WCtK OLD lip liS-TTinP&VTU ml- O-euth Inispsndsnis on Dunne Vie 1 reed W tAKTmpIGI J. F. tqnT7T-l. T.rv MTPh. Wit. hhlN IAJTU til 14 " lor a.lTl rreah. t'.m aal. 1 M. naet of -hum a NEW Hempeltire by rnk-a. atari ed ctolrfco mUmw pulieto alweys evaUU WANTED: Any kind ef ehoon WtU eat! at farm. Urona. kanrlsd burets Prompt aorvtce A. I Snetheei 4k Son. lt Lens setae Dc. Sslem Ph f IMS CU.T6M dressing of l.Uaea-r umber Prompt seryice Dreeaod Powk try wholesale owe t s si I any. Fnone charge, day and menf Hrvk ft Sherwood Ore. Atal or . Call me-t WAjgilU: Agt iU. i-... lie f .'t atruct. knpreve. repair, equip and fur- I hoys, sows A boors At your farm or or oddlUons delivered Market prW-E C. Mt end. 'mn, m. a, ssf sao oera bwl-dtags. 11 KBLM Walts Time KOCO News KOIN Mrs. Burton KGW Today'a Chlld B. Crocker ISerenade I Latin Amertea SeJon Coocort Perry Mason I Woman White. IHoUy Sloans CLXstening Qusse Today Knaan Taday Feature Holly rMelodiae (Light World I Ethel. Albert 12 KILN Hit Time KGW Extension KOCO News KOIN Kneass News KEX W. Klernan N JNovatimo I Come Get It I Ma Perkins INoon Dreams N.W. News Varieties News fit's a Deal DTsle. Nothing Double. Nothing Pepper Toung IHapptnaas IP. P Whl toman Whiteman 1 KILM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX 1390 Club Hello Again Art Baker Stage Wife P Whiteman IBlng Sing 1390 Club ILaScheUe Hello Agate Hello Again 1 Hello Again Lullaby Time Air Newspaper I Air Newspaper Stelle Dallas I Lorenzo Jones ) Winder Brown P. Whiteman I Kay West I Kay West nteh school th.r4M f - - I I and personal, appurtenant thereto or I Half Park connected therewith. The vote en said question to be by I ballot upon which shad be the word Yes- and - No", and Use voters shall pi. -X- betwaan the word B the word "Yea or sslwssn the word -Bonds" and the word "No" which as dics tea his rheiee. The polia for the rooeption of the hsDots cast for or acsinst the . eon trading of sold bands 0 indebtedi win. on said day and dele and at the places aforesaid, be opened at the hour of in e clock pm end remain open until the hour of TM o'clock pm. of the same day when the aame shall be Bell Perk en S t Bt., pt, (,f WaNTCO U kuyiAaia-t l p. Fr Pnene C k 1 Be. g u Phone I 0TI4 UFAOVXO KTH. day-old or sU.l4 ehH'hs and pulieta far hnmsdieia e future Oeitvery . Also a complete lto lullry equipment, reeneeiee end aaiden lla toicnery. grio Stale Bt. 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Heart's Desire Heart s Desire (Martin Block fOrchestrs I Corners Hlur 4 Corners Hlur 4 Corners Hlur!4 Corners Hour Air School Girl Marries What s Doin 4Air School I races Life IWhat's Doin' House Party Plain Bin Bride. Groom House Party Page Farrell Bride. Groom 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Red Cross KOCO Kapers Art Ktrkham Road of Life Be Seated Dance Parade (Stranger Songs (News KOCO Kapers (KOCO Kapers UCOCO Kapers Tunefully Art Godftey Art Godfrey Lore Law ton (Aunt Mary Nora Drake Be Seated I Welcome IWelcome 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Pulton Lewie (Hemingway Passing PsradMOrcheatra Melody Matinee Melody Matinee' W Salem Hour'W. Belem Hour Hint Hunt IE. Winters I Meet Missus (Meet Missus Woman's Secret Ufe Beautiful I Rhythm Stars of Today Sunnyside Up INorthwert ISunnyside Up ISunnyside Up Cap. By order of the District Sehoai Board or School District No. M. Marlon Coun ty. Oregon, made this SOth day of Jan uary, less. ROY HARLAND Chairman ml School Board. School District No. M. Marlon fmnt. O ,. ATTEST " C. C. Wsrd Clerk of School District No. M. Marlon County, Oregon. F S-1J NOTICE STATE OP WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING I " S. H. PERKINS, being fust DACIliCIIE, i leg Fiiins nnv i BE DJillGH. SIGil OfTirwaKIJiidTS aba and lag poles sea eealoe yee l-e'taate-ellaaaS au ee . Naaate asay be oar-sag ree te aseee s miaf weyef teHee Adv. Parade Off Record Knox Manning Chuck Foster Sky Patrol Superman Off the Record Uncle Remus George Moor ad iTerry, Piratea Mldnlght'Tetn Mix Rhythm Ranch fCoilingwood Sunny Side U. Armstrong (Sports News tBob Garred E Peterson i. Armstrong 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX G. Hester Allen Roth Morgan Show People Funny Sports IS ports Glass Uuest Star Morgan Show People Funny K Baker Info Please News lOxzle. Harriett Waltz Time Sheriff Info Please (Music Bon I tOszlo. Harriett Waltz Time I Sheriff 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Meet Press Tempo Time Music Calls Proudly Hall Sports I Meet Press iMusie Hail I Music Calls Proudly Hall ISpetts I Cisco KM (Cisco KM IMusie Horizone Music Horizons Review I Review Bill Stern (Advised lYour Musis Your Muste 8 KSLM Scarlet Queen tScarlet Queen (Orchestra (Orchestra KOCO Roquestfully iRequestfulry Request fully Requostfully KOIN Lowell Thomas; Jack Smith Danny Thomas Danny Thomas KGW Supper Oub I World News Top This? Top Thisf KEX Fst Man I Pat Man Your FBI lYour FBI KSLM News IBeulah fEye Futurw IH. J. Teylee 9 KOCO News Eddie Lemsf IJuke Box Juke Box KOIN Fannie Briee Fannie Brtee tClub IS Ed Murrow KGW Advised (To Veterans ITheatre Theatre KEX Break Bank I Break Bank I Western Skies Western Skies a n KSLM F. Lewis Barbershop News Local News , 1 II KOCO Juke Box Juke Boat Classics Eve Claasico III KOIN S Star rinal Sports U.N Report lOrcheetra I tsf KGW News Plashes Sports Current Choice- Bend Wsgon KEX News Veta Concert Hour I Concert Hour 1a KSLM -Open House (Open House Open House News 1 KOCO Friday Dancing Friday Dancing Friday Dancing Friday Dancing I KOIN Serenade Serenade Air-fle Air-flo I KGW News Pro and Con Orchestra Orchestra KEX Concert Hour Concert Hour (Orchestra (Orchestra duly sworn, deposes and says thai he la the hecretary of SICK S SEATTLE BREW ING A MALTING COMPANY, a Weeh- ngion corporation; that notice le here by given that SICK S SEATTLE BREW. 1NG St MALTING COMPANY haa filed and registered with the Secretary of state of the Stale of Oregon a trade mark described as follows: the large. Arabic numeral en which appears "Sicks Select Beer" with words on banner across the bottom of the figure reeding: "Sym bol of Quahty "g" Sicks' A Symbolic Pronunciation, together with the words "The Best Beer in Town", end "Unit of One Of The World Great Brewing Organizations:" that the trade-mark la to be applied io oeer ana other malt beverages ss brewed by the said corporation and placed in suitable containers; and that the said corporation is the owner of the aatd trade-msrk. S. H. PERKINS u beer I bed and sworn to before me this ltth day of February. IMS. J. A. O. Griffith. Notary Public in and for the (SEAL) Stale of Washington, residing at Seattle. F IS-SO-37 If be ska Bslsir.lH.I yeee staes mm Ibey kaip aaast seals pass sOeet plots e day. If the 14 asfia of -Una eke sad Share dsn't mi ws. pssaenew mmmtm itisr xri towk--4.7--snsasnsrtsMisa baakoshss. sHvoaasie palest Me oases. fcs mw HSsMauill, pell lag ea els -la. iMi.j Iksng oisae vncfe pew bKasps se M-r. rane Srei I tee Imm i ImlesSlAA PUa, a su-saa be mtmm lee ever SO raw- I mmmd and wet keip the ti rt-s. i's ewe KO AC SM kut. - IS M News: 1S:1S Especially for Women; 110 Ore. School of Air: llOS Concert Hall: 130 News: 13:13 Noon Farm Hour: I'M Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:1S Oregon School of Air: 1:30 Melody Lane: saw aunwomens Half Hour: S Memory Music: IM Oregon Reporter. 3: IS Music of the Masters: 4.-00 New:-4: 13 Intl. Week si OSC; 4:43 Children's Theatre; SM On Upbeat: S40 Sport Club; SM News; 13 Dinner Melodies: 4:M Music of Czechoslovakia: T:13 Evening Farm Hour: 1M Basketball Idaho vs. UO: SW News; t:43 Eve. Medltationa; 10O0 Sign Off. Ailenlicn Ilea Just RdcbItbcI SOO Pairs el Wooloit Pants Ck Slacks 5.95 19 1185 THOS. KAY WOOLEN MILL CO. t$9 8. ltth SL - !-L 41S Why Suffer Any Longer ie. A years ks wkat sllssinl yen ere sfTlicteO disorders, innsiii. koarL Inngs. Mv r. kidneys, gas. ssnsMpailsn. nicer, eiasetes. nsioaaatlsas. gan and Mae dsr fever, skin, female CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE BERB CO. tM N. Csmsrrlsl. Pbene S-MM SALEM. ORE. Offlee Beer I Is t, ceesylatnt NOTICE Pursuant to tha provisions of Chap Ur 1. Title 07. O C1.A, aoues la here by given that the undersigned will, on the behalf of and as agent of the owners of ths McAlpine Apartments. 1340 Center Street. Salem, Oregon, at 10 o'clock AM., on the 3!lh day of February. ls-M). at the McAlpme Apart ments. Salom. Oregon, sell st suction to the highest bidder, the persons I prop arty (except wearing apparel) owned by LOREN S. HARRIMAN formerly e tenant tn sold apartment, and brought lipsn the premises there of and of which the undersigned has taken pnaaaaluw and soon which a lien M claimed te secure the payment of rent, which rent has not been paid. t-S-SUiEN HOME St LOAN CO 144 S. Commercial. WEUZIIjT- : YOUR EGGS! i Always a DeperulabU Cash Market ! Curlcy's Dairy Phcna 0733 ICE CI1EAII Qnarls . 330 SAVIHG tXlTTEO tstosa A Ifea4 geleas Oreeon. Agents for Owners of McAlpine Apart. F IS Don't Nooioct Slipping FALSETEETH Do false teeth, drop, slip or wabble when yen talk. eat. laugu mr aneere? Don't be annoyed and embarrassed by suck handicaps. FASTEETH. sn elks line (non-odd ) powder te sprinkle on your pistes, keeps false teeth mere firmly set. Otves confident feeling of security end added comfort. No gum my, geoey, pasly tenia or feeling. Get FASTEETH today at any drug store. jtf !k m ii 11 I Dg.t.T-UaM-NJS. DfXkanOW DBS. CliAJl . a . LAM CniNCXK ItCKBAUITI 111 Ner-k Liberty (rpetetr pertland General Flu tils Co Offlee open Aelurday only It a nt to I M, I to I in Consul tatieai Blood Pf aeaura end ur las tests are free of eheroo. Practiced isit.