10 Tho Stertmon. Salem, Orecon, Friday February t, ltl3 Forks Folks On the Move MARION FORKS Mr. and Mrs. Scott Young mad a business trip to Starton the past week. Robert Jones took his brother Calvin to Portland on Wednesday. He has been working for the Jos tre Lumber Co. here. Mr. and Mrs. Vera Morgan vis ited at McMinnville over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M. C Smith, formerly of Idanha. Robert Young operated the ski tows at Hoodoo Bowl this week end during the absence of Ed Thurston, who made a trip to Mt. Hood to enter Kathy In the races there. Visitors over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodwe, Vern Fallhaves, Idanha, Otto Russell of Detroit, Vickie Laubacn, Virginia O'Brien and party, Henry Mcln tire, R. A. Helder, Willamina; R. D. Blair, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Patterson, Redmond; Charles Mathls, Alice Smith, Bend; Bill Bunkley, Salem. Enjoying the snow on the sum mit arul at thm Bowl ware decree Bainey, Jjr- Dick Ha semen, Shirley Hammer, nr. ana airs, avam r-ai- merton, Noyes wnltten ex idanna, navM-lv T-arann. Franca Zohlar. Sheldon Johnson and Roger X. Loe of SUverton. Hie axung was re ported good, new snow having fallen. At Marion Forks, six Inches of new snow fell ana a temperature of 19 degrees was reached today. Eudeen Smith, son of Vaughn jgmith, has returned home from the hospital. He suxxerta a oroaen ankle in a car wrecx near win mina. Rally Night at Independence INDEPENDENCE A Sunday school rally night will be held at the Baptist church at t pan. on February 6. Reverend Ha si am, who has been giving a series of sermons for tne pasx iwo wku, wiU present approximately w youngsters in group singing. The 4imio f-Hrtif will also sins. Reverend Haslam will complete his sermons Friday nigro ana wui leave for a new location. Bay a 24-Bollle Caso of Those Five Dclighifal GABDOimTED BEVEBAGES: Correction In Price Plus Deposit at Most Dealers. ROOT BEER; ORANGE; CREAM SODX; GRAPE; and KOLA or COLA. Save These and Dr. Pepper Crowns to Win Sterling Silver, Bicycle and Roller Skates. Ask your dealer regarding these valuable- prizes or see the prizes at HARTMAN BROS., JEWELER, SALEM, OREGON SCOTT BICYCLE SHOP, SALEM, OREGON Given By BOTTLIIIG COIIPANY Salem. Oregon Tone in KSLM, 1390, Each Sat 11 a. m. WALKING ISN'T' CROWDED Xetegac. Germany, fetk walk U work afler trg, W rertersstnwk. asktagfer raorifeod. Spire &.Ctogaf caj&edral ts la background. ittitk'Y iliumettfeiVfe ly Rosedale Phone Co-op Election Held This Week nocTDAT.I . Annual stock holders meeting of the Rosedale Cooperative Telephone Associa tion was neia nonivj m. m schooXbouse. - . Norman AJesa&der, Qus Cole, John TurobulL and Guy Williams were elected to me Doara ox tu rectors. Mrs. Guy Williams 1 umianr nt the association. rt w decided to re-condition the lines of the company with a riew of expanding service In the district. The association clans to partid in the nvmarative service or m4 a Vma tlnM f the rural telephones In order and delegated rorrest Cammack and Norman Alexander to represent the asso ciation. Family Dinner Party Glren for Visitors T.TBSRTY Mr tnd Mrs. lillton Stevens entertained with a family dinner nartv In honor ol Mr. ana Mrs. Leo Pietsch of Ocean Lake Wash. Present were Mr. and Mrs Salnh Sohn. Milton. Nina Lee. and Donna. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robert son, Sharon and John, Mr. and VTra Ralnh Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Johnson. Judith, Em met t, IT-, Steven ana unaa, w. and Mrs. Don Whltesel and Kathy. ich coffee always tastes better ...and EDWARDS is abavs rich coffee! recvlai.sii PSLYEIIZtS ft SfeutAR GRIME- ft Featured at 0nFDt721V D'SOUUZ Valley Calendar raiDAT Turner 4-R lesders lub. Craaf eftlMrs oafarvae. Xizr. Martpo eouaty xteasloB units: S tem Height, 10 M sjd. enununltr hall. Buena Vista Tarmers Union. Polk count extension commlttM, eourt bouse. Dallas, IM pjn. Polk franfa asricutturalbome eco nomics aommlttoa county wide meeting-, all day, fclckraall grans ball. Liberty Community dub. pi aortal. pm. Bunnyslde community dub st scnool bouse, pjn. Leblsh Center, program, pie social, D.m. t sebeolbouM. fitacleay Orang at ban. SATVmOAT Union Hill Young Orangers dance at ban. Jefferson Couple Leave for South JE3TIRSON Mr. and Mrs. Earl Phelps left Saturday night for Long Beach to visit Mr. and Mrs. Id win Hitt and family and at WilsonviHe they will visit Phelps brother and family. They plan to be gone two weeks. Mrs. Tred Wied and Myrtle Myers left Sunday for Los An geles to visit their sister, Mrs. Mary Williams, and will be gone a month. Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Phelps celebrated their 40th wed ding anniversary. Those present were their two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Phelps and children and Mr. and Mrs. Trancis Phelps. Mrs. Sam McOee has traded her house on Main street, known as the Humphry house, for the ten room house of V. B. Vallick in Marion. Mr. and Mrs. McGee are moving to Marion where he ex pects to open up a blacksmith shop. Woodcrafters Elect, Initiate ALBANY Highlighting the meeting of the Neighbors of Woodcraft Monday night was the election of officers, and initiation of a class of new members, with luncheon served after the business meeting. Mrs. Ruth Curry was elected guardian neighbor to succeed Mrs, Mary Ochse who has erred the past year. Other elective officers are Mrs. Maybelle Abraham, ad visor: Mrs. Virginia ooltra, ma gldan' Mrs. Alice Schoel, banker; Mrs. Florence Kutscn, attendant; Mrs. Bernlece Hammond, flag bearer; Mrs. Edna Karstens, cap tain; Mrs. Lola Junkin, musician; Mrs. Dorothy Tabor and Mrs. Ju lia Borders, sentinels: Mrs. nor ence Voss, Mrs. Alice Flsler and Miss Anna Sexauer, managers; and Mrs. Anne Lake reporter and senior Juvenile guardian. Mrs. Edna B. Warner, who has served as Circle clerk for snore than 40 years, was recommended for the same office to succeed her self, and Mrs. Ochse was recom mended for Installing officer. The new officers will be Installed In April. Old Friends Have Birthdays ALBANY Following a cus tom which was established some 48 years ago when both Walton Worrell and Frank Powell were fellow workers In the Albany poetoffice, the two men met for their usual birthday dinner here Sunday. Powell now makes his home in SUverton where he has resided for many years. The birth day dinners are reversed each year, one year the Powells being the hosts and the next rear Mr. Worrell. They have only missed one year ef celebrating together since 1900. This year Mr. Worrell enter tained at the ureybound Tavern. with his sister, Mrs. Bertha King, Albany, and Mr. and Mrs. Poweu being present.- T7E SPECIALIZE III IIADE TO ODDED STOBE FIXTURES Of AH Type O Retttaurant O Grocery O Hut Market O Tavern 0 Drug O Clothing KITCHEN CABINETS WAJKDBOBES LINEN CLOSETS, ETC. FREE ESTIMATES DEAVEnCDAFT CO. S75 N. Laacasttr Salem, Ortfon 1 Phose 9414 Jeha n. Stems ALBANY Funeral services for John H. S tarns, 97, who died In a local hospital Saturday were held from the Fisher funeral home at 2 pjn. Wednesday, February 4. Interment was in Riverside. Bom on March f , 1860, at Waco, Texas, Sterns had lived in Leav enworth, Kan., previous to coming to Oregon 71 years ago. After ar riving here he lived in and near Eugene and Junction City, and ior the past 44 years near Albany. He was a retired farmer, and was a member of the Free Methodist church. On Oct. I. 1881. Stems married Kathcrine Rickard In Corvallls, and in 1948 they celebrated their 69th wedding annnlversary. Mrs. Starns survives, as do two daugh ters, Mrs. Anna B. Gates of Har ris burg and Mrs. Rose A. Koenlg of Salem,- a son, Cleve T. Starns of Junction City; three sisters, Mrs. Kate Starr of Portland. Mra. Bell Cochran of Sherwood, and Mrs. Birdie Glexentanner of Yaki ma.; a brother, O. B. Starns of Union; 16 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren and three crest great grandchildren. Sephrenla Pybvrn ALBANY Mrs. Sophronia Pv- burn, 75, who came to Oregon from Salt Lake City. Utah, where she was born March t, 1872, died at the family home here Tuesday night, February t, following a short Illness. Funeral services will be held from the Fisher funeral home at 10:30 am. Saturday, Feb ruary 7, with Rev. Orville Mick conducting the services. Burial will be in Willamette Memorial park. SophronJa Engberg was married to R. H. Pyburn et Brownsville in February, 1894. He died in 1941. Surviving ere seven children. Richard of Eugene. Leigh ten and Pete of Albany, Mrs. Martha Leach, also of Albany, Mrs. Belle Montgomery of San Leandro, Calif., Mrs. Jessie Clinton of Port land, and Mrs. Bertha Keener of Korton. Two brothers. Walter Engberg of Medford and Horace Engberg of Portland, seven grand children and five great grandchil dren also survive. J. Fred EaeaaeU AMITY J. Fred Emmett. for merly of Amity, late of Ashland, died January 19. at Community hospital at the age of 72 years. Born at BetheL Polk county, Nov. 12. 1879. He married Ethel Putman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Putman of Amity, on Sept 2, 1900. Ashland, three daughters, four grandchildren and one brother, E. w. Emmett, Salem. - Emmett had been in business here for nine years, was a member of the Methodist 'church where he sang in the choir and was a mem ber of the Amity Thirty xesr ciuo. Purchase of Bus To Be Considered AtTMSVTLLE The Aumsville School district will hold a spe cial meetlne February 11 at S da. to discuss buying a new school bus. Mrs. Martha Warren was host ess Sunday at a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Oran Haggerdt and Don na of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Tolmberg and Mr. and Mrs. Dew ev Tolmberc and Velva of North Dakota; Mr. and -Mrs. Lewis Jud- son and Lloyd and Edlyn Holm qulst of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Warren of Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holmqulst and Lots of Aums ville, Mr. and Mrs. J sex apnoon and Linda of Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warren of Aums ville. The Aumsville Firemen are holding a benefit Valentines dance Friday, February is at tne city halL Founders Day Program Given at PTA Meeting j INDEPENDENCE Approxi mately 190 attended the entertain ment presented by the ' Parent Teacher association Tuesday. Mrs. C. A. Fratxke spoke on Founders day and a two-act play wss pre sented by the etghth grade pu pils. ' i Local membership .now totals 193. Next meeting will be Msrcn 1 when a round table discussion will be presented on "Better-Home Relationships." g - . t The Belgians were first to use a tank ship, cerrylag U from th United States to Europe In 1869. I Moati t; 1 e Th3 KcMi3 Proj:etcr Shows your Kododvome trontporencJei bf Woolly. Entire opticol system Is UeawWiedL Hel fJ J Una. Now in stock. i BURKE'S CAMERA' SII0I j 171 N. Ceeaamereiai 1. I-ltJ A sfal e e e Tfco Big HaH-Yearly mm (breath-taking values) f WW Cunco V Tin. md fiC UlkSOCQ P. t).... Cm Sw.jb. D Cleanser D 0 D 0 D T D D 0 0 D D 0 0 Hudson House Cm Dispenser lVi'm tin 200 2Vi'stln 190 Starr OaHk 4 fc.12-oc.tin Spinach Loganberry Jnico Btl Peas HAD. sweet blended 203's tin lomaloos Dundee 2'sj tin aJW DevU Food Ilix D..Pkf. 270 Grapennl Flakes .... 3L50 .340 In I ... , I" BMHUttlbl ulrW . 430 A Flapjaclr Flour Luncheon Ileal ...M,,2r;i 490 Snow's Jt eUUUUU UlUlila) 8h-z. (In Clam Chouder 21 0 Coffee Mission JL lb. tin 490 Sngar Wafers. N:bU!!. Pkr. 150 WL Wheal Cereal ...pi.. 270 Dog rood Bef-Mor. 2 Preserves 5?, D0HEI7E SOAP PQtfDEn i pt. viz. 2CO)i , , I FZ-JJ ,Ttt VIM 9 ' '-t 1 lt-ee. Ost Cera Xt-os. Fees A Carrete lt-ee. 11- Klxed TeceUUee D D Q 0 D 0 D a a n D 0 0 D a Q D 0 D 0 0 0 D D D 0 D D 0 D D D ll 350 FROZEN FOODS French Fries H-ee, :.. 20c 25c 22c 2Cc 29c 29c 29c (W mm. Toiletries Remedies e Weedbary Skla Cream 47s tec reads race rewder etc etc Jertens LeUea 4Se le Celsatee ghaTiac Oeam I7e lea repeedeat Teeth raate tie Cajaahepheaieae, 1-ea. giaas X7s ffSe Sal Bepattea 4te See Alka teltaer 4te nsnnn's ' BISIOT TTTXT ... m S ae ? 1 " "1 - i ! I in i . n; cunns iiamet ; Genuino Lamb Vte." D D 0 D 0 reeetred a urg; shipment oLthose top qua lit fforcrn ment inspected i SWIFTS PREBIIUaI , Leg of Lamb ixbj S90 Arg. weight 4V, to 7 lbs. Ns lure's blend of real food ralue. Serrc hot with mint sauce. I SWIFTS DIXIE 5 I Dacon by the piece Lb aJIC U Tl. I ( 4k. .Ilk it. iinHM TV . - auaia nu nw j hiium .ue. IV aeiicious. Fresh Pcaliry, Fresh Oplcri Tillanook Cheese i'. Ft Meat U Eat We Ceat Be Beat "HerV" Cavtle u OSS mm D D D n t7orih Capilol al Ilarlicl SfrccI