g The) gkrtman. Saltn. Orxjwn. FridaT. Icmqarf 23. 184 Additional Classified i Ads on Pace 15 Situations Wanted PAINTING or paperhanrlng. Call .. - ' tj r u Lester DeLapp Truck Service j Commercial Hauling Furniture Moving 1115 N. Com'l. Ph. 21750 " T35lIlNSWrATMfSii-i TiirurvrfT atjnftailation J P Vojl, Phi --? Well Drilling Domntw. Irrigation. Industrial H-A ROBINSON Ml 4 N TRONT. Sa lem .AVAIL imnxd Lxpert in ill work in stall at ion. rtntodelinf. Alt Bros . Con tractors Ph. 3-2780 or Silverton Rcd231 "SCISSORS, knives, pinking shear. Sharoened Dexter 96 Cantor Ph 6833 "WHAT! Need paintins' phone 1-310 PAJNTiR and PiotrhiiU Raon abla prices Free estimate. H J Wood worth Ph 3015 DRAWING a Designing Houaa and ftor olans Ph. 9621 FJPERT Repair New rolls Olson Wan her Repair, a Liberty Rd. Ph 1-5 inn J CHIMNEY sweejv Northnes. ph 4430 "pRCSchool " Plavschool 1391 StaU A get 9-9 Partorall day Ph 1430 ALL Work guaranteed Window walla, woodwork cleaned Tutors wax ed. ; Insured workmen Professional rnin( Service Phone 4437 PRUNING and I spray In L W can del pruning a Spraying Co Ph T9O0 piiNTLNG Papernanging Free estimate 857 Shipping Ph Mil SMALlICarpenter job Ph 3-31-0 Tl'RTAINS Washed stretched"""---S gnd Mrs B Llesk Phone t-C343 Hollywood Transfer For local and lone dtstanc hauling Pickup and moving Traitor for rant ph 974 Burton's Mobile Station Septic Tanks Cleaned at r Hamel. 1143 9th West SaJem Phone T404 ""Cr.MtNT COnTRACTIN- Phone -345 Stanley FafjL Painting Automotive as commercial. Spray or brush PA UT. BASSCTT fit Bo WCI ET -I'" Tainting and- paperhanging. Ph 43-3. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 1-5444 DICK OREY t Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service n Sewers Ph 9469 or 5-127 WANTiD Furniture to glue and repair Lea Bros. Ph (1333. 4030 East gtafe St INTERIOR painting for a good lob at reasonable price Ph 2-5519 For Sale Miscellaneous AVON Prs. Write Rt. 9 Box 47 ALWAYS a bt stock Wondrys Furniture Mkt Ph 8119 " R EST ATTJLAN T griddles and electric range YEATER APPLIANCE CO "REVERE" WAftafuinnum Trying griddles " OrTT CON VERSION units for-your Wood or coal cooking range. YEATER APPLIANCEJCO ""atutCTRl'T" clocks" and door chunes . YFATF APPLIANCE CO " STERlLlfPS'urherp prevent spread Sf disease for home and office. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO "JUST TARETRAT TTUtTTtCtTO THE 11XKK. DOCTOR. 19Q S 14th I MABATTNTRTand chair, and f-arly American Ottoman. Phone 9614 national-CXsh Register, sc u 7 DO with tape. Good con. Ph. 4133- BA&nYARD J Chicken manure. Dei. 5 per cu yard. Ph - Phillips ferrx , Rt 6. Bos 111 T'VPEWRlTtR RENTED, repaired KAY TYPEWRITER CO. SSI Court St. Phone 9094 .Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads a driveway Cement Ready -mis Concrete Garden sand BuHduaing. drainage and ditching 4 yd 'hovel St drsg linePhone 836,1 COF 1'EI '-LAKERS "and replacement YEATER APPUANCE CO RADIOS AND record pfaver. Wttl 9rtghoue. Snnori Garod. w ilcos. Gay YEATER APPLIANCE CO PRESSURE COOKtRS or cooking or canning 7 M and up YEATER APPLIANCE CO RO )M HTaTERS witn or without tan. lin-330 volt Y EATER APPUANCE CO OIL Circulating heaters with twin radiant doors. 4 to room size. (M M Hr-nigomcrv ward LO , Mltm A CSTT ANS for kitchen o . Ststrlal use YEATER APPLIANCE CO "H IdVOLT" ELECTRIC rtngasTno" spe lai wiring required YEATER APPLIANCE CO i 0IL CnCTfljrroRSrradinTor tan tTp. t69& and up YEATER APPLIANCE CO , DONERS. tTNTVTRSAL AND TH6R YEATER APPLIANCE CO " ucHTtsTT rnrnrRTSTot k indrr " YEATER APPLIANCE CO "HEA riNTT PADS, electric comorters rid blanketf. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO MARSHALL STRAWBERRY plants 910 00 per 1000. dug. free use of machine transplanter on 15.000 Paul Rlffe. Rt. Box JlJ. ml S. W Macleav SXTTT LAMPS AND tfEXT LAMPS m YEATER APPLIANCE CO "HOT PLATTS. single and 2-burner YEA TEH APPLIANCE CO. . TwiLL BUY or f modern or antique (uns Don Madison, M4) N. Capitol. POTATOES , Graded Deschutes. Netted Gema. quantity lots. (3 per hundred. 13 33 de livered Salem and vlcinitr. J. C. Tra cy Co . DslUs. Orejor Phorie400 CI IXfcTRK? refrigerator. Good condition. 173 00. Late model washing snarhine with pump. ISO 00. Royal vacuum cleaner. $13 30. Davenport suit able for slip cover, fa 00 Kitchen cab inet with bin. 90.30. Trailer-size otl Circulator. SU00. Large Occidental gas range with trash burner in good rond.. 989 00. rold-a-wa? bad. 7 SO ru!l-sire Inner spring nat tress. $17 50. Child's wardrobe chest. $1(00 These and many more bargains at the GLENN WOODRY rURNITURE MKT. 1006 N. Summer 1 blocks north of Stale Capitol Bldf . SURPLUS STORE. 1331 HOYT ST. YOUNG WASHERS. New DeLtfae gnd Regular model with pumps. Im mediate delivery. linoleum, bast grade 4f print. Another shipment of Lyons all steel heavy duty folding chairs has arrived. Bed side or radio or phono graph oak table. 1 drawer. 1 shelves. 13 30 es . 2 for $10 00. Shower stalls, kitchen sinks, wash basins, copper pipe and fittings. Thermador electric heat ers Oil circulator. New 4 section me tal filing cabinets. House and outside wire. Scarce 12x3 Lumex at regular price, switches, outlets, boxes, fuse boxes, entrance and range cable. Bath room fluorescent lights S3 OS. Single lanndry tub. 96-50. Swivel chair. Bunk beds and mattresses. 34" folding steel aingle bads 9300. 30 ma ttr seats. 33Js 43 Gal. electric watex heaters, guaran teed. Apt. size wood and coal ranges. Rubber tape. i,-lb roll 20c. TARPS Storage tents 1C'x32. 3 4c 23 KVA Gas Electric generating plants. Come south on 13th to Hoyt, turn East one block. Tel. 7910. OIL CIRCULATOR. Oscar Bynum. 957 Monmouth St.. Independence. Ore. ELEC. WASHER with pump hke new. 1770 YCW St. Ph. 9431 . 6xl tent. Ph.23190. wH.TON RUG". 9xl2. Rosa predom inant, 973. Call mornings, 963 Snipping. ' GOOD CLEAN silk floss mattress fio Rr 9. Box 317 B. Swegle Rd. B TTR Home at Gardens will now accept both new a renewal tuba. Ph. 1829. Mr. Paul H. Hauser. For Sale Miscellaneous J r. Watktns Co products 1711 Can ter St.. 5 Km. m. . w ii on BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCKCTE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATtlPROOmC I nuto south on River Rd Plume Oil Circulator Service Call Cy Your jar Phone C073 EARCAf" garden Uactor. VM hp. Lawson motor, plow, cultivator, weed ers, leyrtT. S3S. aooa Portland Rd, GEN. ELax:. aaitd vacuum cleaner. Phone 3-lioa after six p m. DELUf Lang "trash burner w ith oven, copper roils. Like new. CaU aiter p m tt0 S Summer. COMBINATION Library at Duung table. Seats I. Fireplace screen and- irons. 1321 zit r-none wu. ELECTRIC RANGES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 7vviu"lv 1 rSirlT SiutleU and" wall switches. JfEATERAPPLIANCECa PLASTER Board, wall board. 4' x 3". Celling Tile as Wall Plank. Rt. 7. Box OIL- McCain Ave. oil suverron . Salem. 9 MOhHS baby bed at mattress 310. Baby bassinette, steel frame, never been used. 310. C. C. Harlow. 34 N 13th . . CEDaRP')STS Phone 9Hf23 FXXCTRIC RANGES. i-buner. large oven and broiler. YEATER APPLIANCEJCO ' W ASlllN'C IttCWNXS." Westing - house Laundromat. Thor Automagic. Universal 3-Speed. Little Glint Tray Washer. Cinderella Portable YEATER APPLIANCE CO LA MPS fOR des. table, oed pin-up and floor lamp YEATER APPLIANCE CO " WaTKH filATOlS. aU size and tvDsMs. YEATER APPLIANCE CO TLTCTRIC- TRONS. Ironing boards, Lisili and covers YEATER APPLIANCE CO nrAftsffRS Atentn - Special farm lantci na 93 95. fence controller 914 93. milking snacnlnaa. -I trie -nllk cooler for 9-1 gal -ana YEATEW,APJfJAJNCE CO. Salem Screen Shop 1444 S 12th Closing out all wds . door a view sah 20 off list Now Is the time to order wd screens and screen doors for spring del Screes will sull be in short aupply in lsa - . , CH1CTCEN AKD oarn ard manure $3 per cu yd. Otis Branch. Turner. Ore. JO-G AL. AlTO gat water heater, used very little. A-l con 933.pn a85- BLix3T 19x12 ft. Good cond. 90 Rob erts Ave off Silverton RdPh, 2-3919 "DCo-ThERkl oil beater, new chrome dinette set. platform rocker and writ ing rleok Phone 23139 VIW WOOD posts. ', andTfr length 93c each. Other lengths. Phillip Bros. Rt 9 Box 1U- 4 ml. out State St. "3 OAKlS Eaec. brooders. SOOchick siae Wood ctrculator heater, also a saddle Rt. 3, Box944. Ph. 24379 SINKS, double compartment, new rastiroa. Electric hot water heaters. Toilets, bathtubs, waah basins CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE HenterSt. "TWO-ft-'R Coat, size 1 to 19. 1 quirrel lock, one black. Reasonable. 3130 N. Church. Ph. 4279 L'SED " HOTPOINT electric range Call 9370 OCCIDENT AiTCAS range, pilot light ind orrn control Ph. 9331. 1 Center BERRY CARRIERS Be sure e delrvery. Place your or ders now. Oregon Feed & Farm . Supply JTOO Portland Rd. . PhpntJ50 PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 13th St. Block Co S 1 3th St. at Vista Ave. Tele. 2-333 Evenings 9804 "ROTATfLLER. Like new. with hooks a blades. Beautiful new colored sail--uti davema Overstuffed mohair rock- ! er. Route 2. Box 44-B. Keuter-Che- I miwi roedSaturday or Sunday.. i PREPARE for meat shortage buy a Earm or Home freezer, oean. naroer Freeze. Kelvinator Ereezer for immed iate delivery. Ralph Johnson Appli ance. 1&3 Center st. " TOY female puppy Reasonable to good home Phone 2-1369 TOILETS ai bargain price. New Nev- er used 333 N Winter "LEAP "Mold. Excellent fertilizer a soil conditioner I's yd. load. 93. de livered Phone 9949 "RETRlGERATOR. 1949 Model. M W. Deluxe. 1't ft.. 9 yr guar . 9230. 1233 S 17th Apt. 3, Vets. Proj SMALL Lange range with coils Bed. mattress A spring. Linoleum a Ice box. Phone 9333, , LEONARD" refrlgerstor 7 ft prac tically new deluxe model. 1939 Hazel Ave EASY Spin" Dryer Wash machine. Call 9217 between 9 am. and 9 pm. " 20 CAL.. day or night gas water heater, slightlv used. 939 30 Ralph Johnson Appliances. 339 Center St. Ph. 4O30 NEW Pontoac-3 chains. Never used. Cabinet radio, oak book rase. Phone 2-1913 Rt. 9. Box 440. 2 LA DY"S Diamond ring Ph 2-3929. "krrCHEN sink. comp. with cabinet a fittings Reas Ptv 23712 fterj9p m, 100 USED inside doors from gov ernment housing. 3 panel, complete with hardware a casing. Soma soil pipe a fittings in 2. 3 a 4 Inch pipe. C. G Long. Rt. 2. Box 33. Salem. 1 mi. north of Kclzer GOOB used washer, reconditioned and guaranteed: conventional and auto matic types. Ralph Johnson Appli ances. 33j" Renter. Ph. 4036. SO 000 PT of sheetrock. Special buy in outside doors with glass. Yale locks and casing. 2'x9 9" doors for closet a bathroom. C G. Long. Rt. 2. Box 36, Sa lem. 1 ml. north of Keizcr. RAtiBlT fertilizer. Rt- 7. Box 372 Hayesville Drive. - TOILETS:" Rt. 7. Box 43 f L. McCain Ave, off Silverton Rd., Salem. COLEMAN circulator, used only 4 months. Phone 7343. ,T:4rx9 WALL board. 94SOO per thousand. Rt 7. Box 431 L. McCain Ave., off Silverton Rd.. jSalem PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1S31 Market. Ph 9-4393 Orisntst. accompanist. River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MDX READY MIX AXX KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 9-1909 3-3100 ' UHEVS Music Studio. Instructor of brass Instruments 793 W. ISth. Ph 343Q9 CAHDSOARD packing box and sheets, any size 1790 N Front. WORLD "CLOSES, desk pensets at rvoc9?j price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO PLASTl-KOTE. the transparent eel-lophane-like finish that require no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Wanted MigceuantTous GALVANIZED Pipe. . Inch. 1 Inch a ls inch, from 10 ft. up to 100 ft. Writ Joe Miller. Rt. 9. Box 979 Diets WANTED three used steel corner posts for wire fence. Ph. 943. 1190 WallerSt. 100 SEWING MACHINES. Sundalca. Ph 23311 394 S. Liberty. WE PAYcash for Junk batteries U S. Metal and Salvage, 927 N. Liberty PlAlO-tDninS WUla Music Store, Salem "CASfl for old gold. solidT Plated or filled. Sa-ora Walch ftbog. 1391 Stat Trade Xnteellsneous TO TRADE for equity In Real Es tate: Trailer house and 1S3S Hudson with '42 motor. 2 new tire, new seat cover, new upholstery, new paint ob. 942 Edgewater St.. W. Salem. Ph. 1743. Wanted Furniture Uro rVRNITURE Phorte 9183 WANT t0 Buy Used Camera a lenses McEwan Photo Shop 433 State CASH for used piano it other mu sical instruments. Call 441 day or 337 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co. 191 S High USCDgNrTURE Phon iljj fkNlTURlTand what have you bought for cash Call any Urn Sun dale Ex rnanga Pn 2-9511 994 N Lib erty Miscellaneous DRESSMAKING. Alterations. Millinery j Are you large or hard to fit? Prom head to hem we'll fit you out. Old hats and clothes like new. New dresses, suits and hats made here. Our aim la to please you. Phone2-S50S . OIL CIRCULATOR for sale or trade, also wanted, deer rifle. Ph. 2-138, A. W Campbell. AL'S RADIO Clinic. Keixer dlst.. day or evening. Ph . 2-4373 . oiON PAIN TING Built to order. E. Scott Ph 3933 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing - Ditching Sewer 4 Basement Equipment Rental 13 B-', yd 912 00 par br. 10 B-s yds 9 90 per hr D-7 Cat a Dozer 9 90 per hr D-9 Cat Duser 9 40 per hr D-4 Cat 4 Doser 7 09 per hr Phone Days 9409 Evenings 9349 or 24400 Salem Oregon PIANO tuning. Will's Music Store. Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Msll Your Plate for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg. Stat a Com Ph 3311 Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4Q89 HAVE YOUR Singer sewing macnine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph 3513 for free pickup a delivery service on all makes of ma chine. Tree estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co 130 N Commercial WRECKIVGFXA RC E"H6CSES IN SALEM 2 hot water circulator heating sys tems complete with radiators if want ed Mi and 93 Court St. WJCAThER stnpaPullman i Ph 593 AUTO painting." lust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 9302. MEN S HATS cleaned and blocked. 3100 1 ES SPRINGER 494 Court WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duffle Id Bros.. Rt. 9. Box 423 Phone 3-1313. Financial rOR SALE Mortgage Sale pqre of property 919.400. Balance due 99-100 payable 9300 per month SI. WIU da count 91.000 Write Box 932 Statesman. Money to Loan Wanted: Real "estate mortgage loans, city or farm properties, loan made as small as 9300 See us about refinancing your present contract, or mortgage. Approved city loans. G I. loans, con struction loans Low interest rates. Leo N. Child, Inc. REALTOR 344 State Street Ph. 9291 9 9 MONEY 9 9 4'., REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. Hish St. Uc S 219 M 223 Loans Wanted NEED 94300 on 914.000 security. 9 Interest. Herder's Real EaVfeta. 419 Church St, Daiiaa. Ore. Ph. 107R. Money to Loan Private Money Special rates and terms on larger loans. LONG OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Roy H. Simmons 139 S Commercial Phone 9199 Clt v - Suburban - Parma First Mortgage f-oans WARD l McCAETXRTY 437 Court St Ph 9744 or 3914 CONSOLIDATE Your BILLS Pay off your old bills wltaj a loan from Personal and make one conven ient payment each month in one place 910 OS per month repays 9109 In 12 months other amounts In proportion Phone for faster service. Personal Finance Co. 919 State St Rm 129 Phone 2191 E Gallinger. mgr Uc S-123, M-193 . Auto Ixians Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Nat'l Enk (old quarters! f ARM and CITY LOANS 4's and S Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7192 General Finance Corp. offer money at once on cars, truck, furniture, trailer houses, livestock farm machinery, contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co signer General Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loan made by phone 139 South Commercial St.. Salem Phone : 9199 Licenses S-139 a M-339 For Rent Rooms LOVELY warm rm. for employed woman. No smoking. Ph. 2-9962. NlCiL furn heated sleeping rmi. Close in. 1271 Che mek eta. ROOM for" rent. Sleeping room with twin beds. Two girls. Cooking privi leges. Phone 7764. 993 N Church, SLEEPING room for two. 523 N. 20th. SL-J-PiNCrm. for man. 991 Mill St. SLEEPING rmnear Hollywood dist. 971Jef ferson. Ph 3296. WARM sleeping rm. Employed man. Pti 5J.T9 793 N Winter. SLEEPING IfM. lady. 491 N.Winter. SLP. Rm. auto heat. 2131 Center. Phone 2-369. SLEEPING rm. ground fir. Close in. 733 Union. SLEEPING rooms by th week st the Blaine Hotel. 2 SLP. RMS., joint bathroom. Call 2-4233 M. 395 N 14th. Ph 9752. IN HOLLYWOOD, clean sleeping rma Ph 6093 20.13 McCov CLEAN. UTETslp. rm.. close In. for I or 3 men. Phone 21719. 902 N. Winter. For Renl Apartments SMALL light housekeeping room. 2Q3 Msple. Phone 2-3093. NICELY furn. spt. Close in. 1271 Chemekets. Ph 301. J Rll. rlTRN. apt. 93 week. Elderly gentleman preferred. Phone 9279. IRM APT. 61deriady preferred. 94S Ferry- . 2 RM. APT. Private bath. No smoker or drinker. 933. 1133 N.21st. B0-CRN Cottages' by day. week or month. 3390 S. Cora L LAFF-A-DAY s "No. you hsven't kept us up we would have been getting- up goon, aunyway." For Rent Houses CLEAN. 1 rm. cabin. Reasonable. Box 33. Highway Ave.. Salem. 1 a 3 BDRM. furnished cottages. 3213 Portland Rd. N EX-SCOTT beach cottage. Ph. 9160. For Rent LARGE Trailer house, bus by door. Ph. 2-2199 after a p.m. X BEDRM. house in exchange for 1 bedrm. house. Write Statesman Box 953. OrflCE SPACE on ground floor. 943 per month. Ph. 26460. TIME is money. Rent one of these labor savers. Belt a disc sanders. pipe tools, transit, chain hoists, skill saws, house Jacks St auto tools. HOWSER. BROS. 902 Edgewater Phone 3646 HOOVER cleaner with attachments. 91-00 per day. HOWSER BROS. 903 Edgewater Phone 3646 DON'T Forget the sixth side of your rooms. Rent high speed floor sanders a polisher from HOWSER BROS. 903 Edgewater Phone 3646 U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets turn 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 0O63 GOOD Used Piano H L. Stiff. 'TRAILERS 75c first hr, 50c hrs following Woodry'a Mkt. 1609 N. Summer. FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, th Marshall Wells store Ph 6977. ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-sell H C. Pught 694 N 17 4692 "TRAILER space Mod, clean, free laundry prv Reas. rates 3390 S Com 1 FOR RENT Large ground floor room rge und "floor room suitable for store or large office South High Street Iocs tic n State Finance Co Ph 4131 FOR RENT" or lease. 5 yr. with op tion, highway frontage and some bldgs. Could be used for garage or other shop. Come after 3:30 evenings, second bouse north of Lake Labish Welders. Wanted to Rent BY RELIABLE family. 3 or 3 bdrm. furn. or unlurn. house. Best of refs. Phone 2-3063. PLEASE HELP us. Apt. desperately needed. Veteran marine, wife and baby son. Baby well behaved, good refer ences No drinking. Ph. 2-1324 between 9and S. SMALL house or apt. Imp. couple. No smoking-dnnking Ref Ph. 9197. TJRGCN TCVUtEutD araaTl turn or unfum house in or around - Salem. Ph 3339-3 VET. W U. student and wife, both employed, desire small unhirn. house. References. Call Fabian Nelson. 7094. For Sale Ileal Estate HILL TOP HOUSE WITH VIEW of snow capped Cascades, open for in spection today, see this spacious bun galow, large living room with fire place. 3 Urge bedrooms, dining room, breakfast nook. Urge kitchen with plenty of cabinets, single bathroom, all Just redecorsted. lot 140x219 feet, family orchard of Royal Anne cher ries, walnuts, apple, prune, and strawberries: located close to fine grade school and Just over a block to city and high school bus. Just outside city limits: fuU painted concrete base ment. Open today. 370 Salem Heights Ave., turn right off Liberty road. Call owner. Bob N orris, phone 5939. or see your resl estate agent. Pt Ice $ 13 .350 00 THIS WEEK ONLY! 31500 dn. $30 per mo. Liv. rm. Kitchen. Bath. 1 bedroom dn a 3 up. att. garage. AU furniture Incl. Imm. possession. 240 Hollywood Ave ,off oi StlvertonRd. "EMERGTeNCY forces owner to sacri fice furn. small home on 1 A. Swegle Diet. Elec. heat, cooking a deep well water system. 94200. Ph. 2r623. NEW 3 rm. modern house. Bdrmli. rm. a kit. Elec heat, elec h.w. heater. Wired for range. 3663 Pleasant view Ave. Phone 2-62-4. BY OWNER: 3 bedrm. home. LR. DR. kit. a bath, basement, oil fur nace, hdw. floors a fireplace. Locsted south, near schools. 1960 S. High. " CLOSE TO STATE BUILDINGS Extra large living and dining rm. Modern kitchen. Elec hw heater. 4 very nice bedrms. Large gUssed in sleep ing porch. Basement, oil heat. Wonder ful home for large family. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. PborieJ:793 &200 BITySTTHlS unfinished 6 rm hie on large lot, close to school and bus. Call Ralph Dent for Appointment. Olson and Reeve 943 S ComX St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 2-30M 910.000. 3 ACRES with a nice 4 bdrm home, close to school. 7 jrs. old. this has a lot of possibilities, all kinds of fruit. Imm. Poss. Olson and Reeve 943 S. Com 1 St. Ph. 4390: Eve. 2-3089 4 INT. 92JOO DOWN 2 bdrm home, room for 2 upstairs, h wd -firs, beautiful kitchen, auto. heat. Imm? poss. Olson and Reeve 943 S. ComT St Ph. 4390; Eve. 2-5630 WE WOULD like listing on nice 2 and 3 bdrm homes. Call Maddy. Olson and Reeve 943 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5930 OAK TREES 3 lots. SO x 130 each. Alley at rear. Paved street, sidewalk. Beautiful oaks. The spot for 2 nice homes or 1 large one. Owner says sell this week for 92-30 00. CHAS. HIJDKINS & SON REALTORS 230 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 94750 -""Bl)ttM MOMI --$4TSo THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St Phone 3-4793 uU-C --ROOM-home, fireplace. Full bsmt. with sleeping rm. and play rm., garage, nice yard with picket fence, Ktio. arbor, outdoor fireplace and yard jhtlng. 912.000. bv owner. 1965 Roose velt St. Phone 23064. SEVEN LARGE adjoining building lota on Oxford at So. Capitol. Owner. Phone 9470 LARGE LOTS. t-OOO restriction. Ready to build on. Dickson's Market. FOR Efficient and effective sales service rail the Salem Realty Co NOW W50 31DR6c7M"bung. Redecoraf ed. full haiement. Leaving town. 457 N 17th St. NEW house, kitchenette. 3 rooms bath View property Will sacrifice for 300 Inquire 920 Hansen . NEW HOME" on 95x100 wooded lot. in beautiful setting at south edge of city. 1200 aq. ft. full basement, oil furnace, party room with fireplace. . bed rms with provision for 3rd One blk eaat of S. Commercial on Ratcltff Drive Owners phone 4234 LOVELY 4 bedroom home. Top of Fairmont Hill. 320 W. Superior. No traffic, no noise. Oil heat, corner lot. Priced right, or will trade for smaller house. Jt la now vacant, Call owner at 9345. T-OOKLNGFOS" a good home? 3-rm. house newly decorated, corner lot. Keizer. Phone 23190. For Sale Real Estate McKILLOP REAL 199 South Phone 9131 9.950 Good location south, ad BR home. pi. Interior. LR. DR. K and bulltlns. wired for eiec. range, oil heat, garage, close to bus. 9,900 Nice 2 BR borne, about 900 so. ft., plastered Interior. Oak floors. Bath. LR. OR. K and builtina. unfinished upstairs, automatic oil heat, wired for elec. range. Utility Room. Ga rage, close to bus. immediate possession. 9,750 Clean, nicely arranged. 3 BR bungalow. Bath, LR, Fireplace. DR. K. Nook, builtina, Ven. blinds. pi. interior. Utility Room. Rumpus Room, house Just eight years old. garage, bus by door. of an acre with some fruit and nut trees. Come In 9131 - Evenings 3-6319 CALABA AND HABERNICHT, REALTORS ATTRACTIVE HOME ATTRACTIVE BUY Nice neighborhood, owner has Just finished this modern 2 bedroom home, sll the rooms are well arranged, has tile drainboards and tile bath, large fireplace in living room, extra deep lot $11300. ENORMOUS FIR TRUES That's the setting of this completely new and modern 5-room home, has 1200 sq. ft of floor space, you'll like every room and you'll love the large living room .windows and fireplace, swell basement also has firepUce. all floors are hardwood, finest auto heat, etc It s located JUST off the beaten path, priced at 914.200. 9900 AND FINISH IT UP This week, small garage building that can be made livable without too much labor, lights are In, Is acre ground. East of town. CALABA AND HABERNICHT, REALTORS 231 N. High "Wanted listings on city SULLIVAN REALTY INC. VETERANS Another good 2 B.R. suburban home that should pass for a G.L loan, close to school, stores and bus. 97.250. SUBURBAN NORTH Real family home. 9 room and util ity plus wide stairway to Urge unfin ished attic. Beautiful oak hwd. throughout, auto, oil heat, lovely kitchen, att. garage. Only 96.630. THREE BEDROOMS All on one floor, firepUce, att. ga rage, nice lot located in new suburban East location that is building up fast.' This home is nearing completion so get the Jump on the other buyers and see It soon. 99.350. 20 ACRES BEAVERDAM 43 altogether in this farm. 11 acres of the beaverdam Is in cult, and an addi tional 9 acres to be cleared. Balance of the farm is Willamette silt. There Is also a 7 acre bean yard on the pUce. 9 room houe, onion house, barn and machine shed. If you are looking for a real farm with real beaverdam this is It. This Is real!v prir-ed right. 925,000. 52 ACRES With a very nice new home. 2 Urge BRi, L.R.. DR.. kitchen and nook, full basement, auto, oil furnace. Urge unfinished attic, nice double garage, on paved road, east. If you are looking for a farm with a really nice home, this is it. 919.000. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3259 LEO N. CHILDsS INC. REALTORS OUR BEST VALUES NICE NEW HOME on N. 23rd St. Mod ern style with 2 bedrms., living rm.', dining rm.. kitchen, utility rm. close to bus. Thia house Is a vedy well balanced home. $10,500. EXTRA SPECIAL. 3 bedrm. house. Plastered: coved . ceilings; h.w. floors: oil heat; Insulated. Com pletely furnished. Including re frig., elec. stove, washing machine, and all furniture. Corner place with l's acres. Also deep well. Close in. All tor 912.600 and worth it. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME. 2 bedrms. with unfinished attic. Elec. base furnace. FirepUce in living rm. and In party rm. In basement. See this for 914.000. INCOME PROPERTY. Clesn as a pin. Large lot approx. 80 x 165. In Sa lem s finest district. S apts. and 3 sleeping rms. In house. Nice apt. over garage. Income 9339 per month. Very spacious house and worth looking into. Price 937.000. For these and manv more CALL or SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors "32 years of dependable service to home owners" 344 State St. Phone 9261 Evenings call 2-4007. 2-5653 or 9901 BEAUTIFUL new 5 room suburban home. Hardwood floors, large laun dry room, plenty of closet space. Close to bus a school. This won't Ust long. Priced st 99.250.00. Easy terms. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110'. N Com. Ph. 3030; Eves. 7960 Best Investment in Oregon INCOME over 91200 00 a month. Leased right now for 9500.00. This has 4 lines of business combined. Includ ing an auto-court bringing In 9400 00 a month. You can't beat th is $32.000 .00 . 10 A. No. on Rivef Road AU tn cult. Filberts, raspberries and young berries. 2 bedrm house a barn. Best of ground a only 9 miles north. $10,100 00. Wonderful Opportunity for Some One 49 Acres close to Salem, on paved highway. Fully equipped and with a set of good bldgs. This property can be farmed, or subdivided Into 1 - acre tracts. Eouipment alone Is worth 99. 009 00. , 929.000.00. WUI take this prop, at $6.0-0.00 Dn. Owner will carry const. These are Just a few of many good investments we have on Hand. Drop tn to pur office Sc let us go over In detail any one you may be Interested Art Madsen 1326 State St. Phone 3580 Exclusives Nice 3 bedroom home all on one floor. View property. Hardwood floors, fireplace, large windows full basement, auto oil heat. 2 car garage, cement driveway. Good Uwn. shrub and rock garden. Priced at 917.000. $12,000 9 bedroom home 9 yrs. old. good lo cation east, dining room, living room, kitchen and utility room. Hardwood floors. firepUce. attached garage, good Uwn with sprinkling system. Morris Realty Co. 970 S. Comm'l. Ph. 4217: EvejWS. $2 lOO Bown. Full price". 500 O0. 4. New 2 B.R. Good construction. Has lots of extra features. Plenty of ground for lg. garden. Good soil. Close to bus and store. Pvd. Fd. North East. 512.650 One Full Acre. Lots of rrult and nut trees, berries. Lg. chicken house, small bam. Dandy 3 R R home. Full has t. 1 ml. from city limits. East. Call Ed Lukinbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor Ph. 21549 341 Chemekets St. Eves. 2-6680 G. I. HOME Large 2 bedrm. with unfinished up stairs. Hdw. floors throughout. Auto oil heat. Nice kitchen with plentv of huilt-uns. 9850 down. Total price 98750. First come, first lerve. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 11 to N. Capitol Ph. 8219 PRM. HOUSE. 412 Taylor i7&aP las. Ph. Salem 9009. - For Sale Real Estate ESTATE AGENCY High 9620 $10.500 North. 4 BR house, double plumbing. LR. Fireplace. DR. i K a builtlns. completely plas tered interior. HW floors. Base ment, good garage, close to bus and schools, rooms arc large. 912.600 Very nice BR home Bath. LR. DR, K and builtlns. Ven. blinds, pi. interior. HW At Fir floors, wired for elee. range, elec. and oil heat, garage, nice lawn, lot 60 X 120. 914.000 Beautiful 4 BR home, nice lo cation north, pi. interior. HW floors. Bath. LR and Fireplace. DR. K & builtlns. Basement. ' garage, close to bus, terms. or Call 9620 - 7193 2-S333 MARION STREET 4 BEDROOMS Living-room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen ni bath down. 2 bedrooms, kitchen ana bath down, 2 bedrooms up. sleep ing porch, includes elec. range and other furniture, good location out of town owner 90500. JUST NEW Be the first occupant of this cute 2 bedroom home with attached garage, heated with oil floor furnace, has elec. waterheater, small lot. priced at only 97000. JUST LISTED NORTH Modern 9-room home with full base ment and sawdust furnace, fireplace In living-room, nook in kitchen, wired for range elec. water heater very clean, nice back yard with- outdoor fireplace owner is asking $8950. Phone !U-I- Eve. Ph. 3779 and suburban homes" Business Location 100-FT ON So. Com'l. 50-ft. deep comer lot. cone 3 business. This really U a bargain. Ph. 4642; eves. 2-1647. ROOM FOR COW St CHICKENS New home, 3 bedroom upstairs, Lg. living rm., kitchen St nook, utility rm.. gas range, auto gas wtr htr. 1 acre choice latut with 2 small outbuildings. bus by door. FULL PRICE 96800. Colbath Land Co. 1683 Center St. - Ph 24352. Eve. 21405 Joe Hutchison, Realtor Phone 7696 SPECIAL ONLY 3900 DOWN Corner lot 90x120 with 1 BR mod. home. Utility room. Attached gar. Nice shade tree. Bus by door. Full price onlv 94350. NEW. BUT UNFINISHED 64500 2 BR. cottage style North. Part base, gar Chick rise. Family orch., berries, almond a walnut tree. li ACRES. FOUR BEDROOM HOME 1 BR down. 3 up. Eng. lVs story. 12 years old. HW floors. firepUce, full basement, good wood furnace. Gar age. Near schools. 92500 down St as sume. G.I. loan, or full selling price 910.100. TWO BEDROOM GAR HOUSE 93000 Lot 95x193. l',s story. UnfinUhed. material to ftnUh Included, brick, win dows, flooring, laundry trays, comb, gas a wood range, etc. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court Street .' Ph. Evenings 2-4789 . $9,350 Full Price 3 bdrms., ilv. rm., din. rm., kit utility rm. Northeast, lge. garage, hwd. doors, nice yard. Older Type $8500 1 bdrm. a bath down. 3 bdrms.. full bath up Well located. Urge lot. $7000 Full price North. Older type home. 3 bdrm. full basmt.. corner lot. New, Suburban Dream home. 3 bdrms.. hdwd. firs. North Auto heat. Lou of built-lns. large utility rm . Urge attached gar age. acre. 911.000. Ask for Mr. K hinder. M. O. Humphreys & Co. Realtors 3059 Portland Rd. - Ph. 7820 or. 24596 Scenic Drive View Property. New F.H.A. home. 2 BR. lge. LR St DR. kit . bsth. gar. lot 70x140. oil heat. $9500. Terms 92300 down. New F H A. 2 BR. oil best. Will be completed in 30 days. 99000. Terms 92000 down. 4 BR home. Urge LR. with firepUce. large DR. den. hwd. firs.. Venetian blinds, automatic heat, walking dis tance. 92LSOO. Ideal for home a income. New 2 BR home, lge LR. Dinette. Kit . bath. hwd. floors, gsrsge. utility room, 'i acre. Immed. Poss. 97230. Terms. Suburban 2 BR. LR. Kit., bath, laun dry trays, excellent condition. Immed. Poss. 95500. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listins - Personal Service 164 S. Cornl. St. Pn.9389; Eve. 7440 WHYHPAYTilGH-RENT? 9i".000 down a 949 monthly and you may own a nice acre minus, with a lovely 1 bedrm. house. Elec. heat. bath, nice living rm, and kitchen. Full price 93.800. Lawrence Real Estate LOANS AND INSURANCE 520 N. H hrh Ph . 7MVS 94200 CLEAN 2-BR home McKtnley School Dist, Elect wtr htr. Wired for Range. Some furniture goes. Immed -Ute possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High Sr Ph. 4121: Eves. 2-8561 bIjngaLow TYPE Nice to look at, and cozy to live tn. 3 bdrm. Urge liv. rm, din. rm.. nic kitchen with lots of bulltins. f ireolace. partial bsmt. .auto, oil furn. 'i blk. to bus. Large lot. fruit a auU. 98500. - Lawrence Real Estate Loans and Insurance 520 N. High Phone 7506 Attention G.I.'s If you need a five room home apply for a loan on thU brand new ultra modern house In a desirable district less ban two miles from city center. For further Information ph. 6214. "9-,000-lJNFINiSHED garag house. Lot 95x165. Plumbing ruffed in. Ma terial to finish. Bath room fixtures in cluded. Call Stanley Brown with. State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. HlfhSt. Ph, 4121; Eve. 2-3561 &Y ' OWNER: Good 8 room house; Fairmount Hill, nice lot. Price 319,- 000 00. Good terms. Phone 9785. BV5wNER: 3 bedrm. house. In need of some repair. Large corner lot lOOx 118. 96,000. 93.000 down. Ph. 6915. BY""6WNER: New 2 Bedrm. house, completely furnished. Automatic heat and water heater. Paved st, Close to school. Large Jot 2430 N. Church. Large Lots 78 ft. front, graveled streets, north or s- uth front, water and lights available at once. Dicksons Addition SOUTH SALEM AT DICKSON'S MKT. MOD. 6 bdrm. home, dble. plumb., flrepl v. blinds, full bsmt.. oil heat. Dbl. garage. Corner lot. Good for in come 812.000. Ph, 4561 HANDY MANIDO A LITTLE FIX IN' ON THESE HOUSES a SAVE MONEY. Corner lot. 4 rms. up. 3 rms. a bath dn. Lge. hallway. 96500. terms. Lot 50x200. newly -dec., a few built in needed. 8 rms. 96950. term. Lge. 8-rm. hae. near hospital. Good loca. 97500. Good terms. Let 59x150. close In. Well mad old er hse. Nr. Jr. high schL 97950. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 8F11. Wallace Road. R. I. Box 193 OPEN EVES. St SUNDAY est For Sale Real Estate LEE OHMART & STOP WORRYING ABOUT INFLATION 3 furnished apts. located at 340 Divi sion at. Monthly income la 9105 00. Asking price in 96X10. Just call Dan the real estate man. Need we say more? LIKE TURKEYS? Here 1$ a 42 acre turkey ranch lo cated near Salem. Modern 3 bedroom home with 2 baths; basement with oil furnace: 4500 capacity brooder house; all in cultivation: better see Mr." Cop pock PD.Q. (MEANING SOON). 969 N. COTTAGE STREET Mr. Investor, make a date with Mrs. Mankertz to see this income producing property. 91.540.00 per year at present a the price is only 912.600.00. Just dUl 2-1222. You won't be sorry, . Our Sales Organization Incidentally Folks. We're LEE OHMART & 477 Court St. Evening phone NELSON SEVEN RESTAURANTS Pick the one you want in the spot you want it. In our listings will be found anything you want from a one man operation to a downtown res taurant seating more than 100 people. Prices range from 92700 to 920.000. HERE'S A SAMPLE In the heart of downtown Salem, scats 00 people, mod. equipment In cluding coffee makers. Juicers, steam table, neon signs, menu eouipment, etc., operating on lease good 3 more years. Price will depend on how much of the equipment purchaser wants. DOUBLE HOME Completely rebuilt, 3 separate living uniU. rented subject to sale at 940 for upstairs St 980 for downstairs. Mod. in all respects. Live in one and make th other pay for th hoOse. Only 98500 to tal price. NELSON & SPECIALIZING 703 N. High St GRABENHORST SPECIALS CHERRY AVE LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN This ia itl Immediate possession, just 3 yrs. old. 9 cozy rms, hdwd. firs decorated In good taste thru out. Truly a fine horn at 99.230. ATTRACTIVE HOME Bungalow type 9 rm. modern home with breakfast nook, full basmt, air conditioned, firepUce St hdwd. firs, thruout. Patio, corner lot. niee fenced in back yard. East front. A beautiful home. Price 913.750. LOCALS LOCALS LOCALS First-class office space, 2nd floor lo cations, close to city center, completely remodeled, auto-heat Can arrange sat isfactory lease. GRABENHORST 134 SOUTH I Phone 4131 Evenings for Prompt Courteous Service. PHONE LOCATED NORTH Here's a beautiful 3 Bdrm. Cottage, has everything to make a cory home, it i bright a clean, garage. 90x150 lot nice lawn a shrubbery, space for extra Bdrm. upstairs. Close to schools St bus. Call Mr. Klein. . , LOCATED NORTH - j ' j '. J n.5Ve.l ifl. W.,h tory EnglUh Home. 2 yrs. old. plastered, hardwood "TTi k- . w . I V T""J roorn- a. dining room, Tile bath. l MLJt:Ur'rnaZJVt Wlndow' - Wood ft BURT PICHA, ' Phone 3210 AMUNDSON REALTY BARGAINS Holl Jllywood Addftion 91550 will hn l's stories with 4 bedrooms. Rea- dU. sociably priosd at 94750. See Mr. Rain. An excellent new home north for 97300. 3 Bedrooms with an Unfinished upstairs. Cloae to schools bus and stores. See Mr. Rains. Business Opportunity FounUin and lunch in good business district. Excel lent Income. Owner leaving a must sea Call Mr. Pt.ree. AMUNDSON Phone 3-6687 Nob Hill THIS LARGE 2 BEDROOM HOME CAN BE COMPARED FEATURE TOU FEATURE WITH ANY HOME IN ITS PRICE RANGE IN TOWN CORNER LOll WITH Many FINE SHRUBS, LARGE LIVING ROOM WTTh FIREPLAO DINING ROOM WITH BUILT-IN CORNER CUPBOARDS. LARGE KITCHeSI WITH PLENTY OF EATING SPACE 3 ADEQUATE BEDROOMS, PATIOl AS?Ar.ULL BASEMENT WITH AUTOMATIC HEAT THISHOME WaJ FINISHED IN 1942 AND HAS THE FINEST OF MATERIALS THROUOUaV PRICED FOR QUICK SALE AT 913.750X0 inuuuuuf, Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 MASONIC BLDG. A PHONE 9519 INSURANCE - MTG. LOANS 4 GROCERY STORE Stock a fixture!, 94200. 9 rma. for living quarters. Rent 930 per month. FARM 97500 20 Acres in cultivation. S-rm. house. About s A strawberries, some fil berts a walnuts, holly trees. 6 chest nut trees, grapes. No out bldgs. Paved rd. 9 ml. out. Taxes approx. 935. BUSINESS LOT Good business lot with 3 houses. Close in. 925.000. CALL GEO. SELF. 97000 New 2-B R. home. L.R . D R. a Kitch en. Fl. furnace. 1 Blk. to bus. Immed. Posa. 4 BEDROOMS 910.100 Stucco, plastered. L.R.. D R., Kit., 1 B.R. down. 3 up. Basement, furnace, wired for range, fireplace. CALL WES HAN SELL. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Nerly new cone, block Bldg. 40 X 40 on SO x ISO lot. Bldg. alone 99000. Com plete cabinet shop machinery if want ed. 95000 extra. BUSINESS LOTS On Edgewater. 90 x ISO. 92500. Easy terms. Excellent corner lot. main hl way, 9-500. CALL WALT MUSGRAVE. Walter Musgrave Realtors 339 N. High Phone 2-5022 91000.00 DOWN. 940.00 per month buys thU new 1 bedroom modern all electric home on 100x200 ft, lot for 93800.00 See this today. 91200 00 DOWN, here U a good buy on a 100x100, 1 story. 1 year old, 1 bedroom.. Wired for range and hot water heater. See this home for 95250 GOOD TERMS. 1, story home, stuc co, -new home, concrete foundation, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, built-lns. venetUn blinds, elec. cooking and elec. hot water beater. Will Uke a good house trailer or 47 car In on down payment Priced at 97830 09. A REAL BUY. Completely furnished home with almost new furniture. 3 bedrooms, large living room and din ing room, full basement, oil furnace, garage. New refrigerator and new elec tric stove and electric washing ma chine included besides all the rest of the fine furniture. Priced reasonably at 910.000, Good .terms to right party at 4 interest. 3 BEDROOMS, English type, l's story, concrete foundation, basement and firepUce, plastered, gas air con ditioned furnace, elec cooking and elec. hot water heater. Possession im mediately. 912.000.00. Ed Byrkit and Company REALTORS 339 Chemeketa Ph. 8081 or 3709 G.I. OR F.HA. New 2-B.R. modern home, exct. dist. Oil fl. furnace, hdwd. firs., utility, at tach garage. Urge lot. Price 98250. CALL MR. BACON 9100 OK 9334 WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1233 Edgewater . c 339 N. High 3-RM. UN FINISHED house, south. 31830. C. R. Ttosnpaoa. Phooo 358M. For Sale Real Estate CO., REALTORS j YOU CANT GO WRONG ON ME I have 3 bedrooms St am on a good paved corner In North Broadway. Its' true my floors are a bit shaky St Tm not exactly modern but people say I'm at least two-thirds plastered. Someone," is going to buy me for about 94,760; That's cheap, but I'm too tired to ob ject. i .. IDEAL rUTURE COURT! SITE . i, In the meantime a good Income can be derived from thU 9 bedroom home located north on an excellent S3 x 244 wooded lot. Immediate possession. Sew it now at 910.600. t LIKE A BASEMENTf We have a nice 3 bedroom home) with an unfinished upstairs located on Pearl st. Plenty of room to expand here. A new Bendix ia Included at 913.300. Carries a 4 mortgage. Posses sion within 2 weeks. WUI also sell corn pletely furnished. This on will move soon. See Mr. Stewart. Is At Vour Service Still Selling Insurance CO., REALTORS! Phone 2-4119 - 2-4119 5620 - 2-1223 NEWS GOOD S-RM. ONLY 96300 Mod. plaat. home, L.R.. with fire pUce. DR., Klt 3 Bdrms, 1 Bkth, an on 1 fir., part basmt. with piped fur nace, on bus Sc near schools. 957 PER MONTH ! L.R.. Dinette. Kit.. 2 Bdrm- Bath it Utility Rm. (adaptable for bdrm.) on i fir., oil furnace, lg. lot. 93800 cash, balance 957 per mo. i 47-ACRE FARM 1 1? In timber St pasture, balance tn grain family orchard. Deep well with elec. pump, all-yr. creek, good 5-rm. mod. home, fair barn, garage, shop As other outbuildings. 13 mile N. Will sell for 995O0 or trad for city noma about same price. - j 200 LISTINGS I Our 4-Page list of property for sal Is now available for the asking. Fa rma. acreagea. city it suburban home, busi ness opportunities St properties. NELSON REALTORS Phon 46331 A REAL BUSINESS LOCATION , ' No. 3 business tone. 70 x j 150 ft. lot, lge. home with 4 apts. Income 990 per mo. This property has excellent po tential. Located on S. ComT St. Offered, at the attractive price of 913.800. 93.000 wiu nsnait, GROCERY STORE Very good location in outlying com munity. Nice, cUan, modern store, with modern living quarters. 1 Well stocked. Stock Sc fixtures go. Good lease. SEE THIS TODAYj IT IS i A REALLY FINE SET UP. Price 99.450. BROS., REALTORS tnroT V STBrrr 4 f 7772, 3-0569. 3-2948. 3-4457, 7978, 40631 List You Property With! Us i 3210 W. T"l W ATI 1 l-'ITT Knes4 Mlm -in. . O )...!. plumbing. pUstercd. hardwood floor, dinette, dining room, LR. with flrepL basement. auto, oil heat, best location. 919,000. Shown by appointment only. Call Mr. Crawford. ve. 3-9380. i . 4, 1 REALTORS ; K S3? Ni High Street " f 94500 buys 30 A rolling Und. 8 A fa bei-Tles. Year round creek through aome) timber and pasture. Call Mr, Pierce New homo on large lot.' f tiedroomgL unfinished attic. Hardwood floors. To tal price 98650. Mr Amundson. 4-. . A nice warm home on : a large lot, Weatherstrlpped and insulated. Elee heat. Oak floors. North. ; 910,909. Call Mr. Amundson. j , . REALTY CO. j 4 f 954 Ferry Street '' Beauty ENGLEW00D i! Th district cant be beat- . th entire nous has Juai been redecorated there i ard French doors from th livlnj room to a roofed patio th dining room ha a bay win4 dow step saver kitchen -3 bedroom bath with tub A shower full basmt. all whits) furnace, eleo, water, htr. Now on top of all these fine) features th price has i been reduced to rock bottom oj 913,000. Quick possession ai aee It today. j -j CHAS. HUDKINS & SOH . REALTORS I d 350 N. High St. i phone 1-412S GOOD BUltblNG""tOTST 70x101. Glen Creek. 987J. 80x219. Nr. Swegle Sch. $850 up. i Orchard Hgts.. $309. up. T I .100x100, Csndeleria HgU.. 91250. 1 125x140' Kingwood Hgts.. 91829. .'. ' Excl. res. dist. south. 92250 upj ' B. Isherwood, ! Realtor I Ph. oril. Wallace Road R. 1. box 191 upen sves. Sundays 98.000.00 NEW modern 3-BR I heme unfinished upstairs Close In North? east. Hardwood floors. , fireplace, W blinds, oil furnace. Immediate possses alon. Call Stanley Brown with t State Finance Co. Realtor 3 193 S. High St. Ph. 4131: EveaJS- ADVTRTIStNO Weftorn Advcrtl-lnf Representatives Ward -Griffith Company, rranciaoa Eastern Adver-tlging Representative Ward -Griffith Company, fne. Chteago. New York. Detroit -Mateo. Atlanta . Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advert-staffi Entered at the Poetofflce at fa lem, Orepon aur iteoma Clam 9fa9 ler. Published every morning eas. eept Monday. BuMnmn efics US, esu commercial Street, V SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mat! Pubscrtptton Kate tn Ad vances Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo. 90 cents; 9 not, 93-IOt 1 year. 96 00. Elsewhere 90 cents peg mo. er 9730 tor I year la edvaeeg Per copy 9 oenta. ( J By City Carrier. 71 eenta a month, gaoo a year in aovanee us Mar km K