K The Stat man. Salem. Oregon. Thursday. lanuarr 22. 1948 iSocietyA.. Clubs Music..., The Home Visitor Here From Africa An interesting guest this week at th horn of Dr. and Mrs. Ches ter A. Downs is Mrs. Ourr Hisey, who U visiting in Portland with her mother. The visitor has been making her home near Johannes burg, South Africa, where her husband is a consulting engineer for a British pulp and paper com pany. Mr. Hisey, who was her this winter, is now en route back to South Africa and wuTbe Joined by his wife next fall. The Hisey s attended Willamette university and she was a Beta Chi and will be remembered as the former Margaret McDaniels. Mrs. Downs and Mrs. Hisey have kept up their friendship since college days and renewed their acquaint ances several times in Europe, when both were living there. Mrs. Hisey's daughter. Ann. Is now at tending Middleburg college in Ver mont and her son. Bob. is en rolled in a preparatory school in Massachusetts. This summer Mrs. Hisey and her children will live hv Syracuse. Home Extension , Unit to Meet LINCOLN The Home Exten sion unit of northeast Polk county, of whkh members ars from Brush College, Lincoln. Zena and Spring Valley, will meet at the home of Mrs. Mike Focht at 10 30 am. Friday, January 23. The subject will be buffet meals and decorations for the table will be shown. Mrs. Ralph Champion and Mrs. Fred McKinney are pro ject leaders and a small charge will be made for the buffet luncheon to defray expenses. Those planning to attend are ask ed to call Mrs. Ralph Champion, 2-2134. . The E4hu Ljum Heme Exten sion unit will meet at the Four Corners Community hall, Friday,' it I i. m. Footstools will be con structed under the - direction of Miss Eleanor Trlndle, home dem onstration agent. Standard 239.50 DeLuxe 259.50 Ralph Johnson Appliances 55 Ceater Ph. 43 S 2(5)1? NOW " Women's Drr or Sport Shoes in Tie, Pumps or Straps. 4 of J I, Men's or Ladies House Slippers Ladies' Silk or Nylon Hosiery 481 State St. No Mail Orders Guests Are Bidden to Dinners Informal dinner parties axe highlighting the social calendar this week. Tonight Mrs. John Vincens (Glen Barnes), who is visiting here from Oscawana-on-the-Hud-son. New York, will be honored at a no-host dinner party at the Normandy Manor. Twenty friends are gathering to greet the visitor, who is only here for a short stay as she Is leaving Saturday to re turn east. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barr will be hosts for a dinner party Sat urday night at their Fainnount Hill home in compliment to twelve of their friends. The even ing hours will be spent informally. Frank Brown, son of the Keith Browns, will preside at dinner Saturday night at his Fainnount Hill home in honor of a group of friends. Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. William Duncan of Sil verton, Mr. and Mrs. John John son, Miss Margaret Newton. Miss Joan Lubyn of Portland, John C. Noble of Lake Oswego and the host. Horner-Shinkle Vows Read STAYTON The Methodist church of Stayton was the scene of a candlelight service Sunday, January 4, at four o'clock when Miss Barbara Shinkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shinkle, be came the bride of Ted L. Horner of P or tales, N. Mex. The Rev. Willard Buckner of Stayton Bap tist church read the double ring ceremony. Mr. Shinkle gave his daughter in marriage. A gown of ivory white satin, made with a sweetheart neckline and long pointed sl--ves and hav ing a slight train, was worn by the bride. Her full-length veil was held in place by white hyacinths and she carried a cascade bouquet of the same flowers centered by orchids. A pearl necklace, gift of the groom, was her only orna ment. Mrs. Margaret Horner, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, and Miss Frances Shinkle, an other sister, was bridesmaid. They wore similar dresses of blue and pink net. and carried colonial bou quets of pastel chrysanthemums. Serving his brother as best man, was Ray Horner, and Vernon Short was usher. The candles were lighted bx Nancy Shinkle. John Hickenbottom of Portland. Preceding the ceremony, Morris Hickenbottom of Portland sang. He was accompanied by his daugh ter. Mrs. Betty Noble, also of Portland. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Shinkle chose a black dress with which she wore a small pink felt hat with black veiling. Her corsage was of pale pink carna tions. At the reception which followed the ceremony at the bride's home, the cake was cut by Mrs. Elinor Short, another sister of the bride. Mrs. Morris Hickenbottom poured snd Mrs. Betty Noble and Miss Frances Shinkle served. The bride is a graduate of Stay ton high school and attended the Capital Business college in Sa lem. She has been employed at the Paris Woolen mills. The groom received his schooling in New , Mexico and served In the South I Pacific during the war. For the wedding trip. airs. Homer wore a green suit, with brown topcoat and accessories. She pinned her bridal orchids to her coat. On their return from their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Horner will be at home In Toledo where he is employed. A Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snook en tertained with a dinner Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Prank. Honored quests were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McAllister. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jacobe, Mr. and Mrs. Maroia Coin, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smyres . . . m Dan imW and Mr. ana jvirs. wrvni H Safle ON AT No Exchangee Past Presidents Are Honored At meeting of Capital Unit American Legion auxiliary, Mon day, Mrs. Merle Travis presided during the business meeting. Highlight of the meeting was the reception for the past presi dents of Capital unit and the as sociate past presidents. Mrs. Earl Andreson gave the history of the past presidents organization and Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, president responded for the group. Past presidents attending were Mes dames Walter Kirk, Albert Gregg, James Garson, J. H. ' Boening, William Nothelfer, Mose Palma teer, Paul Gemmeli, Ella Voves, Jennie Bartlett, Minnie Gregory, Lulu Walton Quick, Austin H. Wil son. Donald Madison, I. N. Bacon, W. W. Woodruff, Stanley Krueger, Hattie Cook, Art Johnson, James Tumbull, Frank Marshall, Mal colm Cameron, Earl Andreson and Mrs. Laura Cleveland of Dallas, and Mrs. Avis Getch and Mrs. Ann Rottle of Portland. Miss Ruth Edson, sang, accom panied by Miss Sue Stokke, and Mrs. W. H. Clowes gave a hu morous reading. The silver tea service, twenty fifth anniversary gift of Capital past 9 was used for the first time. Mrs. Walter Kirk, first president of the auxiliary and Mrs. Law rence Osterman, wife of the post commander, poured. Mrs. Helen McLeod was chair man of the tea committee. Assist ing were Mesdames Curtis Cross, Gene Vandenynde, Walter Spauld ing. Walter Osborne, Don Apper son. George Manning, George Ed wards, Clair Seeley, Huldah Wa ters, John Olson, Fred Gahls dorf, Kathryn Brown. Mike Panek. Mrs. Elliott New Oracle The annual installation of of ficers was held at the meeting of the Royal Neighbors of America on Wednesday night at the VFW hall. Mrs. George Speed acted as Walker as ceremonial officer and Mrs. John Wood burn, assistant ceremonial officer. The following officers were in stalled for 1948: Oracle. Mrs. A. J. Elliott; vice oracle, Mrs. Blanche Gaines; past oracle, Mrs. Stanley Quamrae; chancellor, Mrs. Mary E. Young; recorder, Mrs. Minnie Gregory; receiver, Mrs. John Sohrt; marsh al, Mrs. William Hoyt; assistant marshal, Mrs. Lucille All bright; inner sentinel, Mrs. Earl Kasson; outer sentinel, Mrs. Gladys Flath ers; managers, Mrs. F. M. Hoyt, Mrs. Ethel Davenport; graces, Mrs. F. C. Pratt. Mrs. C. Witzel, Mrs. Charlotte DeUefs, Miss Mildred Yetter, Mrs. Vera Aigeltiner; flag bearer, Mrs. Mary Ackerman; drill captian, Mrs. George Speed; mu sician, Mrs. Floyd Bewley; and Juvenile director, Mrs. Mabel Miles. Mrs. Ethel Davenport was in charge of the program which con sisted of humorous readings by Bud Melin, violin solos by Philip Blankenship and accordion solos by Dean Quamme. Supper was served in the dining room after the meeting. Mrs. Glenn W. Stevens was hostess to members of her bridge club Wednesday night at her Di vision street home. A late supper followed several hours of contract. 'mm M O Full Coil Spring Construction Sturdy Hardnood Frames O Styled Right Rich Covers GROUP OF DAVEIIOS Roomy Bedding Compt Deep Springs Values to $139.50 Velours - Mohairs - Taps Daves Keeker t snatch Wine Fleral Tap. S17t.5 vala Da vena A Chair te Match Tar. Striae Mehalr. Reg. 2tt.5s Daveae Matching Chair I1SSJS valve. Wis Veleer Two Artists To Sing at Auditorium The Crescendo club of Salem high school has offered a double bill at its concert tonight at the auditorium, Sigurd Nilssen, basso, of Eugene and Eloise O'Connell, a young lyric soprano of Portland. Nilssen, native born Oregonian studied at Whitman college and in Nice, Paris, London and Vien na. He gave operetie appearances in France, Germany, Austria and the British Isles, singing a com mand performance at St. James palace in London in 1923. He sang with San Carlo opera company, the Civic opera com pany and held leading roles in the Hippodrome opera company in New York City. Young Miss O'Connell is also a native of the Pacific northwest. She studied voice in New York after completing her school work in Oregon, and later returned to continue study with Sigurd Nils sen in Eugene. The concert tonight at 8:15 promises to be one of unusual interest to the listeners. Margaret Notz Steinmetz of Portland will accompany both singers. The program includes: La Chanson du Bcuvcur ( Dnnklns Sons) Olcf French Joly Chanson (Pretty Sons) Old French La Mount de Biscay Old French There Is a Laydle Old Enrhsh False Phulis .- -.. Old English Mr. Nilssen Rose Softly Blooming Spohr Vaghissima Sambianza Donaudy Musctta's Waltz Song (The opera "La Bo be me") Puccini Miss O'Connell Tom der Reimer t Tom the Poet) Carl Loewey Nach tiled (An Even Song) MatLiescn Med en Vandlilj With a Waterhly) Xdvard Grieg En Svane (The Swan) . .Edward Grieg 0 jeg vil ha mig en Hjertenskjaer (And I shall find a true love) Edvard Greig Mr. NUsaen My Little Mohee North Carolina The Hangman Kentucky Gentle Annie Georgia 1 Got a Home in Dat Rock Georgia Dere's No Hidin' Place Down Dere Georgia Mr. Nilssen Duetto Di Amour (A Lover's Duet) Bononcini La Ci Da rem La Mano Mozart Miss O'Connell and Mr. NUaaen Leith-Wilkins Rites Read GERVAIS The wedding of Miss Alice Wilkins of Woodburn and William Leith of Gervais was solemnized Saturday afternoon, January 17, at 130 In' Sacred Heart Catholic church. Rev. Mar tin Doherty officiated. The bride chose a radar grey suit with pink accessories. She carried pink camellias and sweet heart roses on a white. Bible. Mrs. Joseph Nathman, Jr. of Woodburn, daughter of the groom, was matron of honor. She wore a pastel green suit with gold acces sories and wore a corsage of pink camellias and sweetheart roees. Joseph Nathman, jr. was best man. A reception was held at St. Mary's Episcopal hall In Wood burn. Mrs. Gerald B. Smith had charge of serving and was as sisted by members of the Wood- burn hospital staff. Kenneth Thompson of Woodburn was soloist and Miss Gladys Adams played. Aloha Lee Edland gave marimba solos. After a trip to Long Beach, California, the couple will reside on a farm north of town. IFimiita? Rayon $79 Values to $229.50 Blue - Wine - Honey Mahogany, Turquoise Blae Mohair Suite Keg. price was $239.5. I-pc. . Charles ef Leaden Smite Tarsi. Friese. 24tJ vala .. Kast Kaya Velvet Set geml-Kidney. 25t.5 value .. '189 St 169w Initiation Held By OES Chapter Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star met Tuesday night with Mrs. G. A. Reeher, worthy matron, and Herman N. Johnston, worthy patron, presiding. The chapter rooms were decorated with large baskets of daffodils and acacia. Initiated into the chapter were Mrs. Ernest R. Goddard and Miss Marjorie Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Eads affiliated with the or der. Guests were present from Cali fornia, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Texas, Illinois and Nebraska. The social day afternoon club will meet Tuesday with Mrs. James Brand the speaker. Refreshments were served in the dining room following the business session. Mr. and Mrs. William Neimeyer headed the committee. Bride-Elect Is Honored Miss Peggy Gabriel and Miss Rita Heenan were hostesses for a miscellaneous shower Tuesday night at the former's home on Hazel avenue in compliment to Miss Betty Lee jRobbins, bride elect of Leland Morgan of Silver ton. The evening was spent in formally with a late supper served by the hostesses. Honoring Miss Robbing were Mesdames George Gabriel, War ren Miles, J. A. Hampton, Ralph Meyers, Lloyd Kennedy, Arthur Bailey, all of Salem, W. B. Rob bins and Carl Reed of Silverton, Stanley Gotter, Portland, Henry Wetzig, Silver Lake, Wash., Alvin Stein. Astoria, Misses Mary Hee nan, Irene Lough, Minnie Dauen hauer, Erma Cowden, Georgia Michaels, Connie Michaels, Bar bara Kent, De lores Robbins, Sil verton, Irene Frey, Dallas, and the hostesses. Miss Robbins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Robbins of Silverton, and Mr. Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wetzig of Castle Bock, Wash., will be mar ried on February 14 at the First Methodist church. CLUB CALENDAR THURSDAY Town and Gown, Carrier room. First Methodist church. J JO p.m. Sojourners meet at Woman's club house, dessert luncheo. 1 :15 pjn. Pringle Pleasant Point Social club with Mrs. Homer Harrison. Portland road, all day quilting. 13 o'clock cov ered luncheon. i VTW post and auxiliary of West Sa lem, at West Salem Legion hall. pjn. social meeting. WRC sewing club, with Mrs. K. B. Perrine. 1460 Broadway street no-host luncheon 13 JM pjn. Past Presidents. Capitol unit. Amer ican Legion auxiliary. 1 "30 dessert with Mrs. O. E. Palmateer. Morgan avenue. For transportation, call 3360. FRIDAY Women's Bible class of First Meth odist church meet In fellowship room of church. 1 pjn. SATURDAY Salem Woman's club meeUng at club house. 2 p.m.. board meeting at 1 p.m. Salem chapter. OES. meets at Ma sonic Temple. S p.m., initiation. MONDAY Oregon State college mothers meet at YWCA. I p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rsmage and son, Alan, are now settled in their newly purchased home on Lancaster Drive, just north of the Silverton road. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hank will entertain members of their club at bridge and a late supper Sat urday night at their apartment at the Royal Court. SPECIAL GROUP Velvet 2-Pc. Sets $189 '169 5 '219 5t Date Set For February Nuptials Saturday, February 7 has been set as the date for the coming marriage of Miss Patricia Berry hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Berry hill, to Lauren H. Kueb ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kuebler. The 8 o'clock ceremony will take place at the First Con gregational church with the Rev. Seth Huntington officiating. A re ception will be held in the fire place room. Mrs. G rover Ferguson will be the soloist and Jean Hobson Rich the organist. Mrs. Donald Dough erty and Miss Evelyn Forman will light the tapers. Mrs. Charles Flegel will be the bride's honor maid and Miss Nadine Zaniker the bridesmaid. Donald Dougherty will serve as best man and ushers Include Gary Kuebler, Donald Berry hill and Eugene Richter. A Surprise Shower Miss Berry hill was honored at a surprise miscellaneous shower for which Miss Esther Lenaburg and Mrs. Robert Sanders were hostesses at the Lenaburg home on route 9. Notes inside of balloons revealed where the bride-elect's gifts were hidden. The centerpiece was a group of kitchen utensils. Honoring Miss Berry bill were Mrs. W. W. Meech, Miss Erla Mae Davenport, Miss Eva Ferree, Mrs. Percy Gorton, Miss Katherlne Murname, Mrs. Kenneth Hewit, Miss Mildred Steinwort, Mrs. Marie Schissler, Mrs. B. P. Burn ett, Miss Sally Ann Kuebler, Mrs. Fred Kuebler, Mrs. John Kuebler, Mrs. H. C. BerryhilL Mrs. John Lenaburg, Miss Esther Lenaburg, Mrs. Robert Sanders. Mrs. Donald Dougherty, Mrs. Bert Dougherty, Mrs. Wade Car ter, Mrs. Leonard Howe, Mrs. Vernon Salters, Mrs. A. O. Mc Millen, Mrs. Eugene Richter, Mrs. Cecil McKeag, Mrs. George Rich ter, Mrs. E. L. Hughes, Mrs. G. F. Plenge, Miss Donna McLough lin, Mrs. Harvey McLoughlin, Miss Evelyn Forman, Mrs. Charles Krauger, Miss Ilia Krauger and Mrs. E. L. Plenge. CENTRAL HOWELL Ruth West and Earl Schar announced the date of their wedding as Feb ruary 28 at a birthday dinner giv en for Mrs. Alpheus Schar Tues day night. The dinner was at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Simmons, and other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Schar, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sim mons, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schar, Noel and Greg, Carol Dougherty, Max Simmons, Jerry West and Philip Simmons. i LWin n, il 1(1 rnAT H in cm ' ' IIS U Lr5sf1 ' If F l! 1 r """" :2:l 1 1 Wi Dollar for Dollar you will find for 1948. O 12-inch speaker O AM-FM O Foolproof Beta Mothers to Organize The Beta Theta Pi mothers of the Willamette university chapter held an organization meeting Tuesday afternoon at the North Summer street home of Mrs. Hen ry V. Compton. The mothers will meet the second Tuesday of each month and the first meeting will be February 10. Mrs. Forrest Breakey was elec ted president of the mothers and Mrs. Compton, secretary - treas urer. Mothers were present from Portland, Albany and Salem for the organization meeting. To Re-enter Navy Miss Be mice Lee, who served in the navy during the war. Is re enlisting In the navy and will re port at the naval station at Seattle for duty on February 2. She will retain her former rank as a lieu tenant In the navy nurses corps. Miss Lee, who returned to Salem a year and a half ago, has been assistant superintendent at the Sa lem General hospital. She also served on the staff at the hospital prior to the war. If fie day rtarft chill and dreary. .. There's welcome "sunshine' in the rich flavor of Golden West. Every sip -is pure delight. 3 grinds drip, silex, regular. Try Golden West Coffee always Something to enjoy record changer in95 SALEM'S PIONEER RADIO SPECIAUSTS Members Tie Quilt . j , ; The Book and Thimble club met at the home of Mrs. W. B. Sullivan. The day was spent tiein quilts for the Red Cross. A cover ed dish dinner was served at noon. Members present were Mesdames Ross DamrelL Albert Isaak, W. B. Sullivan, Conrad Fox, E. McCarthy, E. Phillips, Paul Wishart and Robert Adams. ROBERTS Mr. and Mrs. Moav roe Gilbert have had as their guests, Mrs. J. Man Ironside of Portland. Mrs. Ironside is an artist of considerable talent. " - ; i noma remedy to relieve sat miseries of child's cold is 3, your r . .. PORTRAIT . BY '(.!'- Kennell- Ellis . Artist Photographers ! j 420 Oregon Bldg. - Ph. 7tM this tho valuo Terms ! - 428, Conri SL il awt M!l. '