It Thm Start man. Saltm, Orrjon. friday. Januarf IS. 1S43 SHAW KCTOSTS ON HDS Boyd A. Shaw, Dairy Herd Im provement Association tester for Yamhill county, reports that 37 herds were tested during Decem ber. There were 610 cows of which 142 were not milking. The total production of milk was 341,083 pounds and 17,502.2 pounds of fat. There were 57 cows that pro duced over 50 pounds of butter fat during the month. The aver age production for all cows in cluding those dry was 559 pounds of milk and 28.7 pounds of fat. NOTICE Or APPOINTMENT Or KXkttTKU Notice la hereoy given that the un dersigned haa been appointed Oy tn Circuit Court ot in stale 01 urtion, for U County ot Marlon, sitting in probate, aa executrix ot the ratal of Lowara ti. Worth, oeceaaed. and haa duly qualified aa auch executrix; alt persona naving c la una against the estate of aaul itactndmt ar nereby notified to present the aam. duly verified, aa required by law, to me at the office of my attorney. 203 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon, within aix la) montna from the data of thia notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, thia lath day of January. l4g. Ada L. Conoit, Executrix of the la ta t ot Edward G. Worth. Ucceaaed. Ronald C. Glover. Attorney tor Executrix. 203 Oregon Building. Baiein. Oregon. J 16-22-30-F 6-13 AD VETISEMENT EOK BIOS Seated proposals will be received by the Secretary of the Oregon State Board of Control at Room 100. State Capitel Building. Salem. Oregon, until January 23. 194S at 3 00 P.M. for the construction of a Garage and Ware house Building at Salem. Oregon, for the State of Oregon, and will then and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the Urne fixed for opening the same will not be considered. Plana, apeclficationa. and forms of contract documeitta may be obtained in the office of the Oregon State Board of Control. All Contractors shall comply with all late laws pertaining to the qualifica tion of bidders, and particularly title CM. chapter 1. Oregon Compiled Laws Annotated Each proposal shall be made out on a bid form contained in the contract documents and ahall be accompanied by a Certified Check or bid bond made payable to the Oregon State Board of Control In an amount not less than 10 f the total amount of the proposal. The Oregon State Board of Control reserves the right to reject any or all buia. No bidder may withdraw hia bid af ter the hour set for the opening unless aid award la delayed for a period ex ceeding 30 days OREGON STATE BOARD or CONTROL Bv Roy H Mills. Secretsrv Date January 43. IMS J IS NOTICE Or REGISTRATION Or TRADEMARK Notice is hereby given the BANCO CORPORATION. LTD.. a California corporation, has filed with the Sec retary of State of the State of Oregon tta trade mark, consisting of the fol lowing words- "BANCO" the aald words being ap plied to tags or labels affixed to the goods or in any other suitable manner. That the name of the Corporation ewninc said trade mark ta BANCO CORPORATION. LTD. a Corporation duly organized under the lawa of the State of California, and engaged In the business of printing snd publishing, end the distribution and sale of pub lished matter In the State of Oregon, and that the articles of merchandise to which aald trade mark-la to be ap- flied are Paper and Stationery and par icularlv Blank Forma BANCO CORPORATION. LTD. By Stephen S. Townaend Its Attorney. J 16-23-M Livestock and Poultry WANTED TO BUY several goats de livered. Write to Rt. t. Box 13S Salem. ataline price "" TRADE S-yr -old Guernsey, freshens Jan. 34. for car or pickup. S. River Ud . to Halls Ferry, turn left l's- Roy Cheek, Rt 3, Box 710 WINGS RABBITRY. bus fryers and eld rabbits. Our prices are consistently high For pickup aervice phone or write Jflf-S State Ph ior3 NEW Hampshire baby cnicka. start ed chlcka Si older pulleta always avall jO'e Ph 2-2S61 Lees Hatchery WANTED Any kind of cattle. hoi St sheep Will call at farm. Licensed Ji bonded buyers Prompt service E. 1 Snethen at Son 1330 Lancaster Dr . llmP(i 3 -1 343 L'STM dressing of rhickena any number Prompt service Dreaaed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone i-2K61 Lee s Hatchery "WANTED to buy: All kinds of cat tle, hoes and sheep Frank Wood. Rt T Box 431 H Phone 3-5714 "DEAD- Stork picked up. free of charge, day and night service Ph Sherwood Ore.. 4433 or 4434. Call 2 riiCflKTQUALrrr cincKS-New Bampahlres an Ahite Rocka. Hatches every Tuesday Send for free catalog Wilson's Hatchery a Poultry Farm. Lvona Ore WA.VTTTS All kinds "of cittle-Fat hoga. sows 4 boars At your fsrm or delivered Market price E C. McOand lish, Rt 9 Boa 233 acroaa from Waters Bali Park on S 23 St . Ph. $147 Auction Auction Every Sat. 1 A M 3610 Silverton Rd . Salem LIVESTOCK Early consignments include top dairy cows a heifers Frtali At coming fren Alao other dairy St beef rattle Calves. Hogs, Sheep. Horses. Chickens. Rab eita. FURNITURE NEW AND USED Divan, floor lamps, vacuum cleaner, elec heater, radiator, chairs of all hinds, radios at table, complete bed room suite, cheat of drawers, dinette set. Montag range, circulators, wood or eil. child's wsgon. big tricycle. Mont gomery Ward washer with gasoline aotor. used one month. New blankets, sheets, spreads St other anerchandiae. CORN. POTATOES. ONIONS If you need good milk cows don't Wise these sales at the Joe Burke Sale Barn Joe Burke. Mar Phone 2-4074 A J Raker. Auctioneer Hot Lunch City bus aervice every hour Help Wanted CAR INTERIOR DIRTY? We have Just Installed a new Van Dorn No S3 Vackar unit With thia fine equipment we can thoroughly clean the upholstery and interior of your car while you wait. Drive In at Firestone Stores. Center jnd Liberty. Help Wanted Mile WANTED AN experienced orchard man to handle a JO-acre apple or chard. Year around Job for man who can qualify. For interview call at 791 Frl ee w a ter St. West Salem 1 A"N AN D w if e aa cook and wait reaa. Exp. neceasary. Ph. 6572 6 to 9 p m. W rite Box SjJ Stateaman. SALESMEN tor well located and ea tabuahed real estate office. Experience not necessary If you have the ability to sell and are willing to work. Write $33 Statesman. Help Wanted Female WANTED: Experienced ladies ready to wear aalealedv. Apply at Sally's. 6UNW0M"AN"wanted for general office work. No previous experience necessary. See Mrs. Wright. 433 Ferry. l 0 JL P . "WE HAVE a vacancy in our clerical Staff for a single girl who is looking for permanent work. Typing required. No shorthand Apply 316 Masonic Bldg. Metropolitan Life Insurance Ce. Help Wauled Female CIRL FOB part-time shorthand and typing la doctor's office. Ph. S4J9. Salesmen Warned HAVE AN opening la my agency for experienced Insurance salesman. Van M. Greer Agency. 131 Pacific Bldg. Ph. 5890 ijHAlC &ALSUA4. full or part time. Experience unnecessary. Auto. Truck. Eire and Casualty lines. Open tetrttory. new Incentive com mission plan, competitive rate. Farm ers Insurance Group. V. J. "Bill Otao. District Agent. 464 Court Street. Salem. Oregon. Tel. Mel. Call or write for w aw I ED Real estate salesman. Ex - perience and car necessary. Box $23. statesman. Situations Wanted INCOME TAX Returns made out at 4C2'i State St. Ph. I-553 SZWlNG OR mending in my home or yours Reasonable Ph. 3346. isUK t AID to take job soon. Dial O. Ph. F4. cL'RfAlSi HAN- laundered and stretched. Ph. 4613. 196 N 34th. INCOME TAX computed. Real. Call 34JU for loonmtment. MAMID JOB falling or bucking with power saw. Vicinity east of Salem. Win. Riley. Rt. 1. Box 23B . Aumaville. Ore "WOMAN WITH 7-yr-oid boy wishes housework, room a board and wages. Piv3l rt "CONTRACT DIGGING done. Also septic tanks and drain fields Installed. Ph S44S. STR6NG ELDERLY wants work Ph 33223. Rock Wool Insulation CROFOOT - HAMMERTON We at hers tripping - Venetial Blinds CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Phone 463 1293 Shady Lane MUST YOU Wave her a lone "a 11 day? Pleasant home care during day for elderly lady. Ph. 26722. OLD OR NEW construction. Depen dable, honest workmanship. Estimates free Ph. 3-2476 IF YOUR fruit trees need pruning. phone evenings 4277. GENERAL CARPENTER work and repair Phone 21101. PRACTICAL NUHal. Ph. ? MIDDLE AGE man with family good habits. Own home Salem 10 years. Now employed but desire change. Want )ob clerking, truck driving or office assistant in Salem. Monroe Calculator operator. Best references What have jrou to offer. Write Box 833 Statesman. WISH TO care for child. Preferably 3 yra. or under. Rt. 9, Box 497 or call 3-2436 COLLEGE" STUDENT with family must have spare time work. Prefer something steady but will take any thing; Box S34 care Statesman WOULlfTjkE to care for children from 3 to $ yra. old In my home. Call 4aOS or 1363 Sixth St. W Salem. EXPERIENCED D R E S S M AKING. 2490 N Fifth Ph. 26933 COLXINS WATER t.eaiers. Immedi- at Installation J. P. Vogt. Ph. 3-6266 Well Drilling Domestic. Irrigation. Industrial T H A. ROBINSON 14 N! FRONT. Salem, Ph. 7293 4396 PATXTTVG or paperhanglng Ncrbv J-5249 DRESS AK INC tailoring altera- tlom and dimin Phone 6361. Lester DeLapp Truck Service Commercial Hauling Furniture Moving 1115N.Com'l. Ph. 21750 AVAlLTTmroed. Expert mill work In stallation, remodeling. Alt Bros.. Con tractors. Ph. 1-2760 or Silverton Red 251. SCISSORS, knives, pinking shears, sharpened. Dexter. 966 Center. Ph 6833 WHAT' Need paintml' Phone 3-3190 PAINTER and Paperhanger Reaaon able prices. Free estimates. H. J W port worth Ph 3013 DRAWING It Designing House and store plana Ph. 9621 . EXPERT Repairs. New rolls Olson Washer Repair. SO Liberty Rd. Ph t-3100 CHIM"NEV iweep. Northness, h4430 PREScbool Playschool. 1381 Sute Ares 1-6 Part or all day. Ph. 4.T0 Oil Circulator Service Furnaces and chimneys cleaned and repaired B. F Enaley. Ph 7176. 771 South 21at ALL Work guaranteed - Windows walla, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4437 PHUNI.NG and spraying L- W Can del Pruning St Spraying Co Ph 7900. PECO PACIFIC EXCAVATING COMPANY Bulldozing and Grading PHONE 8793 SALEM, OREGON PAINTING a Paperhanglng Free estimate 837 Shipping Ph 9311 SMAlC Carpenter" jobs Ph 2-31 50 Cener aT cement con tractor Ph 641 "cTjafArNS Washed 4 afretched 395 S 22nd Mrs B Lieake Phone 2-6343 Hollywood Transfer For local and long distance hauling Pickup and moving Trailer for rent Ph 9764 Burton's Mobile Station Septic Tanks Cleaned K F Hamel. 1143 8th West Salem Phone 7404 CEvT CONTRA CTTN'G Phone 1-3Q43. Sta n lev Fa gg Painting Automotive St commercial. Spray or orusn PAUL BASSETT Wt 6 Bos3f P"l Painting and paperhanglng Ph. 4323. : 9 rt t: - i aiiiiui a ctui4iiu WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 1-3444 DICK JDREY 6263 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service I on "ewers Ph 9468 or 3327 ft ANTED Furniture to glue and I repair Lee Bros. Ph 21234 4020 Eaat ! State St INf ERIOR painting for a good Job at I a reasonable ones Ph. 2-3318. For Sale Mieellaneus BARNYARP St Chicken manure. Pel. $3 per cu. yard. Ph. 68F22. Phillips Bros , Kt 6. Box 116 TYPEWRITERS RENTED, repaired. KAY TYPEWRITER CO. 337 Court St Phone 8093 Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads St driveway Cement Ready -mix Concrete Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching Vt yd shovel drag line Phone 6361 CTS t rtlT L4JCI arKTeplacemelTt parts TEA TER APPLIANCE CO. ""RADIOS AND record players. Weat tngnouae. So nor a. Garod. Wilcox, Gay. YEATER APPLIANCE CO ELXCTR fC clocks a nd door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. STL&ILAUPS to help prevent spread of disease for home and office. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. J R Watklns Co. products 1717 Cen ter St Salem. Ph. 3393. Free del. ALWAYS a big stocET Wondry's Furniture MktPh. 3116 RlTAXRAJsTc riaaies"ind " electFlc ranges. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' REVERE W ARC aluminum frying griddles. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. OIL" CNVERSoN unita7or your wood or coal cooking ranee. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. For Sale BtUeellaxieoni Salem Screen Shop 1444 S. 12th Closing out all wda doom St view sash. 30 off list Now to the time to order wd. screens and screen doors for spring del. Screen will a Ull be in short supply In 1X Chimney Blocks, Drain Tile, Septic Tanks Eola Concrete Tile and Products Co. 2 miles west of West Salem on Salem-Dallas Hi-way Your 2-4-D Headquarters For '48 See us early. Complete line of weed killers for spring. Oregon Feed & Farm Supply 2700 Portland Rd. LATHS FOR sale. Soc per 100. You pick up. 963 993 Court St. 3 COMPLETE steam heating units. 963 a 993 Court St. BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICX CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING I mile sooth on River Rd Phone 396S PERSIAN KITTENS Call 1289 Sixth St. W Salem. BLDG. 14x22. Suitable for living quarters S100. Ph. 24319. Rt 7. Box 143. 2 ml- N. of Underpass. Highway 99E. FIVE TUBE portable radio. New heavy aluminum skillet $4.00. 1337 N. Winter GAS KITCHEN range. 1 baby bed St springs. Ph. J 4 961 LARGE WOOD circulator. Phone 290 743 Judson. BLUE SHORT IE coat. Size 12. S3. Ph . 7229 ONE SIDE baby beef, also one hind quarter. Ph. 22639. . BABY BUGGY. Ph. 7831. DfSSTON CHAIN aawa. Complete parts stock. Industrial supply Co.. of Salem. 1058 S Com l in the alley. Ph. 8023. LARGE COAL or wood range with Ige. reservoir. Ivory St green enamel. Extra good cond. $33. Ph. 8138. EASTERN MAPLE davenport. Por celain top kitchen base. bed with Inner-spring mattress. S-yr. crib, tn-ner-apringt mattress 110 V. circuit elec. water htr 1934 Harel VERY REASONABLE 8-yr. crib; high chair: davenpoa: swing rockers: elec. ranges: oil circulators: chests: hotplate: used linoleum. MARTIN'S FURNITURE CO. 420 S. Commercial EASY SPIN Dryer Wash Ph. 6272. 993 Highland Ave. machine. DRILL. John-Deere tractor, spring tooth, plow, milker with fixtures. De Lavel electric separator, harness set and metal stanchions. Silver Creek Falls highway. Rt 1. Box 234. Aums vtlle R Apt ANT gaa heater Call 7626 TOILET1 and lavatory with chrome fittings. New. never used. 333 N. Win ter GOOD Monarch range with water front. Ph. 6323. SHEPPARD DIESEL lighting and power plant. 3 cyl. 30 H P , direct con nected to 13 K.W. Alt. current genera tor. 220 and 110 volta, 3 phase and single ' phase systems. Push button starting. Was Installed for standby and run very little. Perfect condition. New cost wss $2,600 00. Will sell for $1900 00. Also Studebaker pickup. 1946 with 17. 000 miles like new for $1,395.00. Calkins Craft Boat Co , PeLake, Ore. AL'S RADIO Clinic in the Keizer Dist Pay or evening. Ph. 2-4373. 7 INCH skill saw. Ph. 2-3629. FREE Squaah. Rt 6. Box 11$. 4 out State St. ml. BUTANE circulating neater. Vented. 20 M B.T.U. Reasonable. 2693 Hulsey Ave . Off Radcliff bet. S. 12th 6c Coml F.H.A. APPROVED PUMICE BLOCK Uth STREET BLOCK CO. So 12th St. at Vista Ave. Tele. 2-3363 Evenings 8904 CAR INTERIOR DIRTY? We have lust Installed a new Van Dorn No. 93 Vackar unit. With this fine equipment ave can thoroughly clean the upholstery St Interior of your car while you wait. Drive in at Fire ftonc Stores. Center St Liberty. OIL circulator. 4-4 rm. size. Practic ally new $50. 940 S. 14th. Oil Circulator Service Call Cy Younger. Phone 6072 SHEETROCK. wallboard s St . Inch. Wall plank, plaster base, ceiling tile. Rt. 7. Box 431 L. McCain Ave., off Sil verton Rd. TOSJETS. new St used. Rt. 7. Box 431 L. McCain Ave. off Silverton Rd. WOOD RANGE. Good cond. 2174 Broadway. Ph. 264 U OCCIDENTAL side-oven gas range. $25 Ph. 3362. SHl rJ5 FELTILlZLR by the sack. We deliver. Ph. 24248. 3 RM. 1SK6 FURN Good cond. Biege rugs, blue overstuffed. Wedgewood R. etc. Coat $900. Sell for $650. or take houae trailer W. A. Dohring, Rt. 3. Albany. KENMORl WASHER. $S0. 30-gal. water tank. Side-arm gas water heater. 1190 S 22nd. Ph. 3879 WILL BUY or T nandern or antique guns Don Madison, 266 N. Capitol. SON" LAMp3Ant HEATT3op3 YEATKR APPLIANCE CO HOT PLaTT.S. single and 2-burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. "Til sizes and types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO TLtCTRJC IROKS. tr on lrTg boardsT pada, and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. TaR&TKS A tent ion' Special farm lanterns $3 95. fence controllers $14.95. milking machines. M -trie rnilk cooler for $-19 gal -ans YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Oil Burner Service Radiant heating Wm C. Drew 3-4443 SURPLUS STORE 1351 HOYT" ST. ELECTRIC HEATERS and Water heaters. 32 St 42 Gal. Electric fuse boxes, wall and ceiling boxes, switches, outlets, house and outside wire. Elec tric 14 gauge sheet metal shear $48 50. One more week 20 off on all Navy type steel cabineta. 4 Section metal filing cabinets $53.00 Kitchen sinks, wash basins, bath room sets. Copper pipe. Young Delux St regular washers. Ta bles, bedside, radio or phonograph rec ards $3 30 ea 2 for $10 00. Bunk beds $1130 pair. Mattresses for bunk beds also 36' mattresses. Apt size wood ranges. New Apt size elec ranges due In Friday. Foot lockers, swivel chairs. Plywood trsys make good flats or stor age traya 25c ea. 3 ac 23 KVA Gaa Elec tric light plants for home or logging camp 1 Block east of. S 12th. Tel. 7916 FR ESSlfR FTCOO K FJR S for cooking or canning $7.93 and up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ROOM R EATERS with or without fan. 110-220 volt. YEATER APPLIANCE CO OIL Circulating heaters with twin radiant doors, 4 to 6 room size. $94 S3 Montgomery Ward St Co.. Salem. EXHAUST FANS for kitchen or in duatrial use YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1 !0-VoLTTlEctTUC ranges, no spe cial wiring required. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. CULATORS. radiant or fan type, $69 95 and up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. raONERsTUNrVERSATTANlTTHOR YEATER APPLIANCE CO. TJCM of all kinds. YEATER APPLIANCE CO TOILETS. BATHTUBS, wash basins and electric hot water heaters. Avail able at big savings. Capital Bargain Houae. 143 Center St HEATING PADS, electric comforters snd blankets YEATER APPLIANCE CO. LAMPS FOR des. table, bed pin-up and Door lamps YEATER APPLIANCE CO. MARSHALL STRAWBERRY plants $10.00 per 1000. dug. free use of machine transplanter on 13.000. Paul Riffe. Rt. 8. Box 311. 3a ml. S. W. Macleay. For Sale MiceTlaneou "BEAT THIS" 7 ft. saw with handle, ax at mall, nearly new, $7. Oil circulator $13. Cab inet radio 66- 2 Matt, like new $10 each. Flat bed springs $2.30, single or double bed spring a matt, $10 each. Spring cushion rocker, $4. Mantel ra dio 17. Good separator $10. Auto, gas water neater $10. '32 Chev It runs, $30. Child's pipe frame swangs $10. Cement block machine $43. Extra nice wood ox coal circulator $20. Wood a gas comb range, good. $9. S.D. Hot w. heater, complete. 86. Ph. 3484. MANNING BOWMAN or Cam eld toaster. 1 new. 1 used since Christmas. Ph. 5370. 9 ION good oats A vetch hay. Case pickup baler. X coon hounds. 12 ml. north of Salem out highway 219. Hi mi. east of EMridge rchool. Write I.unie Pearson. Rt. 1. Gervats lh GARMENT BAZAAR haa qual- ity used clothing lor women a chil dren at reasonable ortce?. 1330 Saginaw. isfc.W HOME sewing machine, good coid.. S35. Ph 22342 .-.tW 38 S a W Special Revolver. Never fired. Holster a shells, $50. 2605 Map'e Ave. Pri 25093. kUEC. SINGER sewing mach.. trea dle sewing machine, table model radio, cabinet radio. Winchester shot gun, walnut bdrm. set., elec. mixer, box springs, inner-spring mattress, English saddle, elec. hot plate, elec. mangle. Hollywood with box springs a inner aprinc mattress. 1511 N. Church. 1 SILK FLOSS mattresa like new. 4 scatter rugs: hotpoint electric iron: electric sandwich toaster: D. R. light fixture. Ph. 8343. 9x2l AX MINISTER rug like new. heavy Wilton weave beige color, flower design. $175. Cream color dressing ta ble $3. 3435 Center. Ph. 9345. JUST RECEIVED new thipment of elec. ranges, all makes. New refrig. 8 ft. deep freeze. New and used oil heaters, all sizes, wholesale price. Sew ing mach., hot plates, irons, waffle iron. elec. heaters, trailer house heat ers, floor furnace. Montag oil burner range, used ranges, welding outfit, tires, tubes and batteries, wholesale price. Liberal credit terms on all mer chandise. Hardman Bros.. ' mile past totem pole on Port, highway. Open eves., until 7. PLANTS, Boysenberry. S for IT Raspberry, 13 for $1. Strawberry. $3 a thousand. 119 Carlton Way. Mrs. F. Rhodes. MODERN FLORENCE automatic ras range. Glara door on over, $83. 1369 Center St. Ph. 6351. COMPLET LINE stock a poultry mineral. Oregon Feed a Farm Supply. 2700 Portland Rd. SMALL M W. wood heater, some pipe. $18.00. Wireless record player. $20. 48 Abrams Ave. BABY BUCGV. 20. Baatinett f. Plav pen S5. 2340 S 12th. Ph. 2?46 USED ttoSEBRAUCH Pacific No. 16 sawdust turner in good cond. Complete with hopper a some brick. $30. Ph. 8661 MAN'S BICYCLE. Just- painted 4 overhauled. Excellent cond. Call at B. a W. Bike Shop after 4 p.m. 130$ N. Cnml NEW WORLD bicycle with whizxer motor. Excellent cond. $150. Call at B4W Bike Shop after 4 p.m. 1309 N. Commercial SMALL SIZE wood ranee tin 00. New Kelvinator Refrigerator $193.00. Call at 930 N. Commercial St. 36 V-S motor. See at Johnson's ma chlne shop. 447 Ferry St . D. 8 A frame Hvster Arch. 1942 Podee deert jeep. Ph. 22034. 8 FT. SHOWCASE Sc other store fixtures 362tate St 2 TOY TERRIER puppies, female. 1643 Winona. DAVENO ANO swing rocker, excel lent condition. Between 3 JO and 8 JO p m. 1170 Market NICE OAT STRAW, cheap. Rt 2. Box 242. R. L. Beckner. 3 ml. N. Keizer. CHILD "S Dream play house 4x6x6. Built-ina. weather proof. A house of her own. $30.00. 3773 Silverton Road. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market. Ph. 2-4596. Organist, accompanist River Silt MASON SANP CONCRETE MIX REAPY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 2-3100 TS Phone 68FT CIfiT-RANESr3bfner. large oven and broiler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. WASHING MACHINES. Westing house Laundromat Thor Automagic. Universal 2-Speed. Little Giant Tray Washer. Cinderella Portable. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. UHEY'S Music Studio. Instructor of brasa Instruments. 795 N. 15th. Ph 24506. CARDBOARD packing boxes and sheets, any size. 1790 N. Front WORLD' GLOBESraeslTpen sets at reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO RED CEDAR shingles. 16x1$ in. Shakes In assorted colors. EOLA LUMBER CO. - PHONE 25950 2x4 s. 2x6 s. 2x8's. 2xl0'a and 1-in lumber at $35 per thousand. EOLA LUMBER CO. - PHONE 25950 PLASTTKoTE. the transparent cel- lophane-like finish that requires no waxing. YEA TEH APPLIANCE CO. CHICKEN St BARNYARD manure. $400 yd. delivered. Otis Branch. Gen, Del , Turner. EMERY Wheel. lr ming boards, elec trie plates, 9x12 nig. 949 N. Winter Ph. S439. Wanted Furniture USEP FURNITURE. Phone 9183. WANT TO Buy Used Cameras St lenses McEwan Photo Shop 433 State CASH for used piano it other inu slcal Instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaoulth Music Co . 191 S. High. USED FURNITURE. Phone 3110. FURNITURE and what have you bought for cash Call any time. Sun dale Exchange Ph 2-5511. $94 N Lib erty Wanted M isceDaneons 100 SEWING MACHINES. Sundale's. Ph. 23311. 594 N. Liberty. WE PAY cash for Junk batteries. U. S. Metal and Sal vage. 827 N. Liberty. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store, Salem SEWING mach. bought rented, re paired, made elec. W Davenport. 7671 CASH for old gold, solid, plated or filled. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State Miscellaneous WRECKING HOUSES at 963 and 993 Court St All materials for sale. One 4-car garage, suitable for house for sale. AUTO oainting. lust a shade better. by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co. 85S2. - WEATHER stripa. Pullman Ph 5963. SIGNPAlNTlNCS bum to order, t Scott Ph. 363S Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Pitching Sewer a Basement Equipment Rental IS B-'i yds $13 00 per hr 10 B-a yds. $.60 per hr D-7 Cat a Poser $ 60 per hr D6 Cat a Poser . 8.40 per hr P-4 Cat a Dozer 7 00 per hr Phone Pays $408 Evenings 8246 or 24400 Salem Ore run PIANO tuning. Will's Music Store. Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair OR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adotph Bld. State St Com Ph 3311 Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph. 4069 HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative Ph. 3513 for tree pickup & delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Ms crtlne Co . 130 N Commercial MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. $1.00. LES SPRINGER. 464 Court. LAEF-A-DAY Tour husband la so kindhearted I heard him tell my husband he put his shirt on a horse that was acratched." Miscellaneous WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation. Duffield Bros.. Rt. 9. Box 423. Phone 3-1313. Money to Loan General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks, furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm machinery: contracts refinanced, and additional money advanced. No co signers. General Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan. Ap plications for loans made by phone. 136 South Commercial St., Salem Phone : 916$ Licenses S-138 St M-338 Private Money Special rates and terms on larger loans. LONG OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Roy H,, Simmons 136 S Commercial Phone 9168 FARM and CITY LOANS 4'i and 3 Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7162 CONSOLIDATE Your BILLS Pay off your old bills with a loan from Personal and make one conven ient payment each month In one place $10.03 per month repays $100 in 12 months other amounts in proportion Phone for faster service. Personal Finance Co. 918 State St. Rm. 123 Phone 3191 E. Gall inner. mgr. Lie. S-122, M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Nat'l Bank (old quarters! City - Suburban - Farms First Mortgage Loans WARP L. McCAFFERTY 437 Court St Ph. 6744 or 3814 Financial Money to Loan Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans made as small as $300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Ap proved city loans. UJ. loans, construe tlon loans. Low interest rates. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 $ $ MONEY $ $ 4.. REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie S 21$ M 323 For Rent Rooms FURN. RMS. in warm quiet home. 992 N. Cottage. ROOM for rent Kitchen privileges. Ladies preferred. On Capitols bus line 3045 Portland Rd. SLEEPING JIM. for 1 or 2. Ph. 6022 456 N 18th after 6 p i HEATEP ROOM for one or two em ployed. 565 N . Cottage. IN HOLLYWOOD, clean sleeping rms Ph. 6093 2035 McCoy SLEEPING ROOM, private bath, elec trie heat. Phone 7176. 771 S. Zlst. WARM" SLEEPING room. men. il3o Chemeketa St. Room and Board BOARP and room in Turner. Ph. $16 or P.O. Box 223 Turner. WILL BOARD childrerv Excellent care. Reference required. Mrs Estelle Woods. Stay ton. Ore. Phone 144-B. For Kent Apartments APT 1038 6th St. W Salem. 1 ROOM housekeeping apt. 1047 S. Commercial. FURN. APTS. 350 Water St. FOR RENT Apartment, employed adults, private entrance. $20 per person 534 N. Winter. APT.. I man, $23, Ph5222 BOARD St ROOM for elderly couple or apt. to' rent for working couple. No drinkers or smokeri. Christians pre ferred Ph. 2-6227. MCERN Cottages by day. week or month 3580 S Com 1 NICE Furn. apt. 1073 N. Capitol. For Rent Farms TENANT for 11 A. walnut and Cher ry orchard. New modern I bdrm. house. 2 ml. from Salem. Monthly rental plus share crop proposition. Write States man BOX BZS. For Rent 12x16 BLDG. Street frontage. Fair grounds Rd. $23 per mo. M. O. Humphreys & Co., Realtors 3033 Portland Red. Ph. 7820 or 2-4596 .CLEAN, MOO MY trailer space, modern conveniences. Free laundry privileges. Evei ereen Trailer Court. 26Q3 Maple. TIME is money. Rent one of these labor savers. Belt 6s disc senders, pipe tools, trsnsit. chain hoists, skill saws house lacks & auto tools. HOWSER BROS 602 Edgewater Phone 3646 HOOVER cleaner with attachments, $1.00 per day. HOWSER BROS 602 Edgewater Phone 3646 DON'T Forget the sixth side of your rooms. Rent high speed floor Sanders St polishers from HOWSER BROS 602 Edgewater Phone 3646 U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062. TRAILERS 75c first hr, 50c hrs. foUowing. Woodry's Mkt 1603 N Summer. GOOD Used Piano. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph 6877. ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh. 684 N. 17 4692. TRAILER space Mod., clean, free laundry prv Reas. rates 3580 S Coml FOR RENT Laree ground floor room suitable for store or large office South I High Street locatlcn State Finance Co Ph. 412L For Rent Houses 1 RM. Cabin for sale. Clean, furn. $350. Box 33 Highway Are., Salem. SMALL HOUSE. Elec. beat Hot and cold water. Just right for 2 or 3. 1223 S 23th. FURN. COTTAGE, 1 barm.. $43 per month. 3 mi. north of Brooks on 99 E. Box 78F NELSCOTT beach cottage. Ph. 6160. Wanted to Rent PROFESSIONAL MAN a emp. wife want unfurn. 3 or 4 rm. apt. or house. Pet in. residence. No family or pets. Ph. 3926 Z OR 3 RM. turn, apt, by Feb. 1. Vicinity of Safeway store, S. Com'l. Ph. 21477 about 7 p.m. 3 BDRM. furn. or unfurn. house to $63.00, by veteran and wife. Guarantee excellent care. Refs. Ph. 8648 after 3 JO. EMP. CPLE. would like clean furn. apt in Hollywood dist., where they are emi.. by Feb. 1. Ph. 7455 or 9582. UNIVERSITY STUDENT and wife desire furn. or unfurn. aut with private bath. Write Box 837 Statesman. DISABLED VET, wife and child ur gently need 2 BR. unfurn. houa. rent to $50, In city limits near bus. Ph. 3347. Mr. St Mrs. Donald Polk. 2 OR 3 Bdrm. unfurn. house by local businessman. Ph. 9136 before 6 p.m. Ask for Mr. Welch. . BASEMENT or ground floor- apt. by Jan. 27. Reliable couple No smokers or drinkers. Write Statesman Box 832. SMALL FURN. house or 3 rm. apt by Feb. 1st. Best of refs. Ph. 3830. VETERAN STUDENT at university. wife 6c 6 months old baby, urgently need 1 or 3 bdrm furn. apt. Ph. 2-4427. 2 OR 3 BDRM. untum. house, by state employed veteran. 2 children, to 870 mo write Statesman Box 820. APT OR SMALL houae. furn. or un- furnl., by middle-aged couple. Refer ences. Phone 24077 after S.30 or write Statesman Box 831. For Sale; Real Estate WE HAVE one of. the better homes very well built and in excellent condi tion. Lot is 30x143, fireplace, pond, double garage. In the bouse we have large living room, timing room. kitchen, 4 bedrooms upstairs, bathroom Full basement, furnace. We can show this a your convenience and can give immediate possession. The yard is very attractive, corner lot. price 6lu.uw.oo P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Phone 4896 Nights 3367. 7363 A Good Buy A nice new 2 bdrm. plastered home. attached garage, two lots, almost Im mediate poaaession. good district, east, full price only $6530. Englewood District Excellent location, inexpensive large 2 bdrm. home on corner lot. fruit room. garage, rugs and oil circulator goes. The price is only $6300. North New 1 bedroom home, attached gar age, near school, immediate posses sion. $6300. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 CHARM PERSONIFIED Room for the children to play, for the dog to run. nice view. U wm find an this in this attractive home, beautifully land scaped, shade St cool, fireplace, h.w. floors. Z large bed rms. down stairs all this plus 31 acres fenced fenced sheep tight, S16.0O0.00. MODERN HOME productive farm. 1 acres fruit 6c nuts, large machine shed 3 chicken hses. $12,500.00. 4 BED RM. HOME plastered, corner lot. walking distance city center. $8,000.00. . Lawrence Real Estate .. Loans snd Insurance 520 N. High St. Phone 7506 Englewood Lot Only one left on N. 19th Street. 50x135 Alley at rear. Just north of Norway St $450 down. $18.00 interest onlv ev cry 3 months. Full price only $1650. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 EAST FRONT lot north. Paved St. St sidewalk. Inq. 1233 N. Church. 1 ACRE EAST 3 Bedroom house only 2 yrs. old. at tach. gar., bus at front door, chicken house, family orchard, large berry patch, all fenced, full price $7900. KEIZER, S6950 2 Bedroom house, attch. gar.. a acre lot. stones throw from store, paved street, bus at front door, fenced. Priv well with electric pump. tan. poss. $2200 DOWN Keizer district, about 6 mo. old. bedroom; attach, gar.. Insulated, bus at front door, very close to school. Full price $75O0. M. 0. Humphreys Co., Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 or 2-4596 Right in Hollywood. 3 BR. Home, lot 63x136. This is the best lot left for future development. NEW HOME, plus 4 Rm. hse . 2 yrs old. 2 BR. bath. elec. heating, cook ing 6c wtr. heater. HIGHLAND DIST $7500. NORTH SALEM. 3 BR. modern home about 3 yrs. old. Fireplace, elec. heat hwd. floors, full basement, good sized lot. Very good Terms. $9,000 IDLEWOOD DRIVE. 3 BR. living room finished in Knotty pine. bath. Acre. Immed. Poss. $5500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 8389; Eve. 7440 $11,600.00. HOMEand"Income. A good solid 9 rm. house With extra rm. In basement, fine heating system, nice ar rangement for renting rooms. Good lo cation. $7900.00. New, modern sub. 2 bedrm home. Fireplace, hwd. firs. Fur. Att ga. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eves. 2-5260 2 LOTS in Portland, each 40x100. high ground, located 63 Center St. Inquire 5308 SE 70th Ave., Portland 2 BDRM. home. Partly finished up stairs. Can be bought with furniture 1475 Pearl LOCATED RIGHT in Stayton. Plait ered five-room home with bath and breakfast nook on corner lot 100x100 ft. Has full cement basement, lanndry tubs, fruit room, automatic oil floor furnace, electric hot water heater, ve netian blinds, wired for range, garage. big garden space, six walnut trees beautiful lawn and shrubs. Furnished or unfurnished. 610 E. Jefferson St. Stayton. Ore. Phone 702. SEVEN LARGE adjoining building lots on Oxford at So. Capitol. Owner. Phone 8470, NICE 2 bedroom rome, electric heat, Venetian blinds, basement. Sell for equity. 990 Electric. BY OWNER: New 3 bedrm. home. Good buy, good location. 2560 N. 3th. OWNER forced to seU partly furn. mall home in Swegle Dist. Elec. heat, range 6c deep well water system. Sac rifice for quick sale. Ph 2-6623. In beautiful setting at south edge oi city. 1200 sq. ft. full basement, oil furnace, party room with fireplace, 2 bed rms. with provision for 3rd. One blk east of S. Commercial on Ratclif f Drive. Owners phone 4284. SMALL home. Englewood district. Close to schools Automatic oil heat. Electric range. Venetian blinds. Full basement. Large garage. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. Price $8500. Terms. Ph. 4642: Eve. 2-1647. FOR Efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co. NOW. GOOD UlDlN lots. ft. front age, on Rawlins Ave. Call 2-2131 eve nines. Ross Miles 43 Lansing Ave. NEW houae, kitchenette. 3 rooms 61 bath. View property. Will sacrifice for S3300. Inquire 820 Hansen ONLY $3750. I bed rm. borne, xurn- ished. Nest and clean. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 3-4793 LARGE LOTS. $5000 restriction. Ready to build on. Dickson's Market. For Sale Real Estate GRABENH0RST SPECIALS SUBURBAN HOME Late-built modern. S rm. home with lge. spacious rms , hdwd. firs, thruout, full basmt. with nice bedrm St rumpus rm. with fireplace, breakfast nook 6c dble. garage attached. 1 se of fertile land. A beautiful home In wonderful condition. Nice yard. MISSION BOTTOM 62 acres of good Amity soil. Good modern 6 rm home with 3 bdrms. St unfin attic, hdwd. firs. St fireplace, basmt. St furnace, first class condition. 33 acres of orchard consisting of prunes, walnuts 6c filberts. 13 ac. under cult. Bal Umber. Paved road. A good farm. Price $21,000. ENGLEWOOP DISTRICT 2 bdrm. home, full basmt auto-saw dust heat, unfin. upstairs, hdwd. firs. fireplace. This home is In excellent condition and strictly modem, includes new uendix washer. Price $12,300. S. SALEM Good 4 rm. home located in Uni versity street. Lot 30 x 100. Paved St Price $7,000. GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS: 134 SOUTH LIBERTY STREET Phone 4131 Evenings For Prompt. Courteous Service. LEE OHMART & 969 N. COTTAGE ST. INVESTORS DRIVE by this address is then call us to see the interior. Nicely furnished two 2 bedroom apU.; room for 3 or 4 additional rental units. Present income is $1,560.00 per year. It's dividend paying real estate at only $12,600. See Mr. Danielson. 2580 SOUTH SUMMER ST. Folks, here Is a comfortable 3 bed room FURNISHED cottage located to ward the read of a 1 acre tract. It's neat, clean St cozy: lota of garden space: also cherry orchard. $2350 down. balance S50.00 per month buvs tt Just call us to see the Interior. KIDS SPECIAL. NEAR SCHOOL Just one blk. - to senior hicrh school from this late built 6c really well con structed 2 bedroom home. Has an un finished upstairs which any handy man can complete. Nice full basement with automatic oil furnace: excellent fenced yard. It's not quite a steal at $15,000, but we think you will like it. We do. Let us arrange an appointment. Our Sales Organization LEE OHMART 477 Court SL Evening Phones NELSON KINGWOOP HEIGHTS $7800 Good subn. new mod. platt. home. all elec. heat. auto. elec. water htr., fireplace, hwd. firs. L.R., Kit.. Bdrm. down, utility , rm. in gar.. 2 part, fin ished rms. up. Easy terms. Furniture available. 1893 N. 18th. $12,750 Owner leaving city, must sell. Ideal A-l cond. strictly mod. in every re spect. L.R.. D R, Kit. Bath 6c 2 Bdrms. all on 1st fir., unf. attic. Hwd. firs, thruout. attractive fplace- piped fur nace, full basmt., att. gar. NELSON SPECIALIZING Chet I Nelson 702 N High St, Salem. Oregon PHONE Nice 2 Bdrm. home in a new district. Plastered int. hardwood floors through aut attached garage. $2000 down will handle. FuU price is $8000. Call Mr. Reese. BRICK HOME 3 Bdrm. upstairs. 1 Bdrm. down, hardwood floors. 3 replaces and out door firepl, full basemt. 3 complete baths. 2 utility rm, auto, oil furnace, living rm, dining nook, kitchen. V blinds. onlv 9 yrs. old, in very fine shape $18,000. Call Mr. Neely. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Phone 3210 OPENING SPECIALS FINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Nearly new cone block bldg. 40x40 on hiway lot 50x150. Com p. equipped cab inet shop. Bldg. alone $9000, complete at $14,000. DALLAS HIWAY 2 B.R. home with hdwd. firs, fire place, furnace, basement. Close to Sa lem College 6c Academy, $9750. Call Walt Musgrave $6600 '.4 acre Very good home. Knotty pine finish, fireplace, kit, dinette. 1 B.R. dn Fl. furnace. Garage, elect, pump. Some terms. " SUBURBAN HOME Sparkling new 2-B.R. home, close In. Elect, ht, attach garage, large lot. $10,500. CALL WES HANSELL 3 BEDROOMS $7500 No better family home on today's market for the monev. In good repair, new paint, new roof, fine location. Close to everything. 3 BEDROOMS NORTH Fine plastered home, oak firs, fire place, lovely kitchen, utility, gas pipe heat, garage, large lot. Very attractive. CALL GEO. SELF WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS 339 N High Phone 2-5022 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. Realtors SEE OUR 194$ VALUES MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY. 3 bed rm. unfinished house. Could be lived In until finished. Deep well Included. Well worth the money. $5000. See this. OLPER TYPE HOME. 3 spacious bed rms, large living rm. and large din ing rm, kitchen. Full basement. Large lot. All for $5500 BEAUTIFUL 2 BEDRM. HOME. H W. floors: auto, furnace: att. garage. This is s new home and should suit anyone who Is really in the market for a nice borne. $10,500. WE HAVE THIS SUBURBAN HOME with 2 bed rms House completely furn ished Including refrig, stove, washing machine, etc. Also cow snd chickens. Small barn. This house is close In and well worth the monev. This will make someone happy. $12,600. For these and many more CALL or SEE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. Realtors "32 Years of Dependable Service to Home Owners" 344 State St. Phone $261 Evenings Call: 6901. 3-4007. or 2-5853 Bliven, Cooney & Craig REALTORS For Quick Sale Besuty shop stock and equipment. Do ing a good steady business in a city center location. Rent reasonable. Priced right. Bliven, Cooney & Craig 647 N. High. Ph. 7906 Eve. 8918 or 5053 A NICE ONE 64x100 foot lot: a very comfy one bedroom home, plastered interior, nice yard with lots of shrubbery and fruit trees: bus st door. Priced at $6350. TWO BEDROOM PLASTERED, older type cottage home on large lot (75x123) in No. 3 zone. House wired for range and water heater. Sensibly priced at $6850. NORTH SALEM A NICE two-bedroom, late built. olastered. HW floors, wired for range and water heater, insulated, lot 273 feet deep. The price Is $7900 snd worth it. Salem Realty Co. C. W. Bartlett. Realtor 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 BY OWNER, modern 4-rm. furn. houae St . earace. Hdw. firs, fireplace. 3 toed rms., LJL. Kit, 6c nook. Oil beat, gas cook, water beater. Everbearing strawberries lust nlanted. See eves. after 8:30 pjn. or all day Sat. 6c Suj J 1029 Wilbur St. For Sale fleal Estate LUMBERMEN WAREHOUSEMEN Here is an opportunity large reaaw and finishing mill offered for sale can be bought with or without equip ment. about 21,000 sq. ft. of floor spec plus basmt. has freight elevator 6c spur tracks. WE WILL BE HAPPY? TO DIS CUSS THIS WITH YOU. j . HOMES EEKERS 3 ' DO YOU WANT A REALLY FTNX S ROOM HOME? Bungalow type, beau tifully finished inside Sc out. In excel lent teste lull basmt. elec. beat. hdwd. firs, fireplace, sprinkling system in yard, outside fireplace. Owner leaving; city. Price $13,900. SEE THIS TODAYv BLDG. SITE WITH ACREAGE S ' 10 Acres located S miles South. Good road, view property, drilled weD. ex cellent bids. site, price 13.130. ! NEW HOME EAST Swegle School District -2 bdrm. home. dble. garsge. elec. heat, utility rm. .78 acre of land. Financed on Gl Loan approx. $2300 down. Bal $46 per mo. Price $7,909 or furnished for $8,900. I i 7772. 2-3089. 2-2948. 2-4457, 7973. 4663 List Your Property With Us CO., REALTORS; FULLY EQUIPPED READY TO CO A GOOD dairy ranch close to our favorite city; 3 bedroom borne with modern facilities. It isn't cheap be cause it's good. For this Se others see Mr. Coppcck or Mr. Danielson. 1 SPRING IS COMING SOON I In about 4 short months 2743 N. River Rd will look-like ten thousand dollarsl today buy it for only $8,950; Two bed rooms 6c basement. 1 nice i sere with fruit St nuts: old man river will stay away from your door here. Some spec ulator should buy this one; GOING TO BUILD? I See the first lot f 75x1001 south lei 3750 S. High St. $1,250 is the price, t A LIFETIME HOME IN A BEAUTIFUL SETTING f Folks, here is the BEST home weVe had for some time. Located on the heights west of the river with the best unobstructed view available. 3 bed rooms, 3 sets of plumbing. 3 replaces. For a wonderful place to live, seeing this property is an absolute MUST. Call Mr Danielson NOW lor further details 6c appointment. j Is At Your Service CO., REALTORS Day Phone 24113-241 IS 24722-5514-24483 i NEWS 1 SUBURBAN GROCER T f General store St serV. sta, garsge space, attractive 3-bdrm. laving quar ters, confer location in growing com munity Building, land St equipment. $11,000. Ideal for familv bwsine-s. j COMPLETELY FURNISHED . ! Very good 8-rm. home. lge. kit, tub with shower, Coleman furnace, Heat 11a tor f place, w. strpd. St insulated, art. gar. with laundry facilities, s little over 1 ac. about 3 miles out Extra good well. elec. pump 6c tile pump hse, barn 6c chick hse. Furnishings, cow Ac chick ens worth $1500. Everything goes fos $12,600. 1 NELSON REALTORS Theo O: Nelson: Phone 4622; ; Eves. 2-1359 3210 Here's a 3 Bdrm. bungalow, on llgew lot 69x221, Plastered tnt. cone, founds ' tion. elec. cook 6c water beat shrubs, lawn, family fruit, garage., chicken iimm. N.E. This has the appeaL $2600 down. Call Mr. Klein. t . NOT NEW NOT OLD ' . i You can have Immediate possession of this well-built 3 Bdrm. Home ta Hollywood district. pia atered. fire place, basemt. corner lot. Only S73S4L Good terms, Mr. Crawford has a- key xor re eve. pnone 337 N. High Street HERE IS A QUICKIE 2 bedroom home, living room, dining" room, kitch en, utility room with laundry trays. wirca xor eicc. range ana nas eiec not water beater, priced to sell immedi ately for only $3900.00. ; home north. 1 bedroom home, osi nice 100x100 lot. 1 year old. wired for elec. range which is included a a elec. hot water heater. See vthis today. $5500.00. Terms can be arranged, f -. hum suui . z bedroom ho ma, newly remodeled and 4 redecorate. plastered and papered, nice lot on bug line. $6500.00. , WANT A NEW HOME Here Is one. that can be bought on terms. 3 bed rooms, dining room, kitchen. living room, utility room, and it's brand 3e See it today for only $8000.00. . i one YEAR OLD. 2 bedroom ms with unfinished attic which can be) made into two bedrooms, firep ce, hardwood floors, dining room, kitchett and nice garage, give us Spring en thia. Priced at $8400 00. FOUR ACRES, on 170 foot front a re located close to achool and on bus line, two bedroom home with hard wood floors and fireplace, kitchen dining room. To top it all off ft hai a 30x40 barn and chicken house. AH buildings very neat. $13J00. j Ed Byrkit and Company 339 Chemeketa Ph; 5981 or 6701 Bv Owner Englewood Dist. 4 bedrooms. 9 tath. large ltv. rm.. fireplace, din. rm . kftrh. en. dinette, full bsmt Completely auto matic gaa lumace. weather strmped. insulated, lots of built-ina. It 10PxlL cherries, apples, peach. 'walnut trees. raspberries, grapes, paved terrace.: Near grade and high schools. SI 6.400 include- G.E. dishwasher and disposal. Iivtntf rwm 1 orape. au o avauaoie wsiK-W Beat Freezer and automatic, washer. Phone 2-1970. . . , AN IDEAL Country Home with . a beautiful view of the River and dirtanS Hills. House described at follows! Liv ing Room. Fireplace. Dining Room; bothi carpeted, convenient Kitchen, i Batit Room. I : Bedroom and Library. S Bedrooms UDstairs. amnle closet aie. Full basement, furnace and laundry trays. Shown by appointment ; only. Price $14,000.00. . P. H. Bell, Realtor Phone 4896 - Evening Call 5367L 75 $7300 00. 1 YEAR OLD. 2 bedroomei and unfia. attic. L.R..- dinette, kit- bath. Full basement. Auto oil funwa. Paved St. May go G I. Call Ray Davie. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa 8 Phone 3793 i Eves. 9441 ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Ward-Grtffltb Company, rm rrar see In- Eastern Advertising I Representatives j Ward -Griffith Company, tne. Chicago. New York. DetrofU Boston. Atlanta. . ; Member 1 v Pacific Coast Division j Bureau of Advertisinf i Entered el (he Post office eg tern. Orepon aa geeowd C aa Me ter. Pw bushed every, morning ex cept Monday Business off tee UM South Commercial Street. j 3 " - 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates tn Ad vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Ma 60 cents: $ m os, $3 25; 1 year. $6 00. Elsewhere 60 cento per mo. or $720 (or 1 rear tn edvane Per copy cents. By City Carrier. 79 cents a month. f$.00 a year ta advance tn Mario aOjacent