The) Siqleiemqn. Scdin. Ortgon, Thursvdcry. lanaary IS. 194t t , e.4... -,4 . . -5r:ji ?r-,y- IJAILY AN D SIHV0A Y- Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. Dec. 14-CVToday'g Closing" Quotations The JNatioit?s Top t Comics . 5 . ' .... .. .'. ' i .r '::..:- fcu..: - v- : ' Your I loinc NcWf naTKrr ! S Al Chem & Dye I88V4 American Can ....78 Am Power & Lt 7 Am Tel Sc Tel 15m !Oen Foods . ;Gen Motors ' Goody rar Tire -Gt North pfd .... . 37HRayonier ....... ..59'i Rayonier pfd .43 y, Reynolds Met .40 Richfield r; r v. :Lwii Anaconda HV Atchison ..S,' Bendix A via 28 Beth Steel 99 U Boeing Air .24 J, Calif Pack 32!' Canadian Pac 11 Case J I Int Harvest Int Paper pfd J Manville Kennecott Long Bell A . Mont Ward Nash Kelvin Nat Dairy ........ N V Central North Am Co .. Northern Pac .. North Am Fish Pac Gas Elec .. P T U T . Pan American Penny J C Radio Corp .-aflVsJEafeway . POOR UTTLE DA-j 50,4lSears Roeb jaVslSinclair Oil SHE BBOKc HcJc tXXJL TOOaV ANO FEELS TEBC19LE .47 3, l So Pacific .24 I Stan Brands .32 Stan Oil Cal ABOUT IT ..nVslStudebaker .28 V I Sun Mining Chrysler 0, Comwlth Sou . 2g Cong Edison J22V Cons Vultee 14 V4 Crown Zel 32 Curtis Wr S4 Douglas Air 53 Dupont d Nt 170 Gen Electric .. .35H 141, I Union Oil 16 Un Pacific .20 .20 .35 9iVt ... 40" ...9 Un Airlines Un Aircraft U S Steel Warner Bros West dec 28 V, 4 V, Wool worth "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier 1 . , a ; 11 I I I I .... ! I ...;i6H 1 1 I'LL GET HEE V-L tw.d SOME ICE CCCAM ) 7T ANO CAKE AND SEE Iff THAT i docsnt cveEQVrs. iMjlil THeee, mow- ( AU. RlSHT AGAH . T ISNT IX --' KA 433 V4 J.I7Ve i nrwv e - BUT WHEN - I THE ICE CREAM JL ft! ? ANO CAKES GONE 1 hlT) V gong to Be y riiL " AJihly t47V I WHY B 1 f 4-27 120 V, i inti 1 15,5 .14 4244 i.7. ii2i. I l-UU BLONDXZ J i Vc i. J Ui I I . TUERE5 NOTMIMOY WAT IN THE BASEWENT DO VOU LET'S LOOK IN EXPSCT wTHE CACZWCE. f" TO RND, I II Ntllll HI i DICK TRACT A il I I F COPS ALL OVER TWEJ "-t fiir-.T iWEYkE EVERV- WHfeRE- LUCKILY I MOVED THOSE DLAMONOS TO THE BRD MOUSE A COUPLE OP OdfSAGO. BUT CAN I GET BUT I STILL THINK f EASY, LAO- WE k YOU ANO ANNIE I DONT WANT THE SHOULD LEAVE S WO0L0 TO THIS DLJMP-GOlv I LEAQN OUR I TO A GOOD sjJREr LITTLE ANNIE ROONET LETTIWG THE WATERPRONT SEE PENNILESS DAFFY DICK ROLLING IN WEALTH WOULD BE UK TELLING THEM MAYBE HIS STORY WAS TRUE n 7- MAYBE HIS once thet eaiVED r had IHUNIINO IHtYU tt: UNFIT I KAIL. I Tt- LIKE A PACK Or &OLO- 1 rr i y i I0 -6E WATCHED DAY AND NCHTj 6YA HORDE OF TW0-LE66E0 SHARKS HOPING THAT BY FAIR MEANS OR FOUL THEYD FIND. a way r aoa ME OP MY TREASURE 'I 5n EES NO FCE5H EEN TMEES BUT WCRS I I FUKMO. K CAVC. PUA6C TO6CT OCTATOC! . BUZZ SAWYER EEN THAT - L uoKET THAT I AM FORCE TO SHOOT. i r I WE pi THAT MEANS CE6A BEEVA, lETS BuOW OURSELVES TO SOAAC MlPTV O-CrTMES TO CEUEBGATH OUR STOCK. JLJIN3 I I MICKEY MOUSE j'j WAIT TILL. THB RXXSSES US NOW I lusto OJOties J f punctupso gryCT RIP K7JLBY ME TWfi KTEVS TO Cff THAT oua CAai v XV omanT COLO BLXXX ) r! M HIM SHE'S "I n ti w ww 6H BAM OUT 00 TTI ME ETOPMSURiftk1 I SQUALLING. CD I SsOUWATSV5j ? i iiCC rve come x we cdnolkok $BCJE, ThAT THE BOM BCMT . ABOUT NOT MMONT ANY MONEY. I X? TAKE M ) WORD KX IT. GASOLINE ALLEY V7 BPS but 0 v am Me. i TBX MM HOW M OXXff W EVEKYTHING. r I MEAtP VOU THE V j T1MC PUT VOU KHCW.' T SOSSlE, am 1 ' MA WE TWlfi AKE LOOWNC ' AFTER ALL! lip I (VST PARLY JUNE BOT4ES. HICKS IF VOQG UNKV 1 ALuVne BtUNDERBUSS COULD JL HUWUS OOtwe fKDLWTHN -r I HOPeHE I BE(N) DONiT 3T "W ITOOTERlN GIGGLES OUTNTH VMOOEJPL LIUELONG DAY. AUNTIE SICH BO0ACI009 EYES V GOT. PALVOUNE- SICH ROSVcJAWS SOH ft SLIM LEETLE fU35ER-SUDHJ- 9 Mi SWOFfVS secrit stx CUTOUT OUTW TH' CORNFIELD 2 "I preuiic you're trliujr ut inmnoa mp enrsc t klM m nifht, Orville. . . WeU, hurry m 'cause I'm freeziacr Portland Produce PORTLAND. Jan. 1 API-Buttar-CjiI Tentative (subject to Immediate chance I : Premium quality maximum of .35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered m Portland. 9O-04e lb : first quality. U t2c: second quality. il-SAc: valley routes and country points 2 cents less than first. a4-S0c. Butter Wholesale, fob bulk cubes: Grade A A. U score. 3e lb.: A. tJ score. Mc; B, 90 score, 2c. C. M 7 Sc. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon am r Lea. 44' j -53c; Oregon. J-lb. loaf. 44,-c. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. S-Mc; medium. ".'; A grade, small. 4i; B grade, larit, ',-5l" doz. Xggs -Purchased from farmers: Cur rent receipts. M'i-M'i; buyers psy ' c below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Dressed turkeys (Quoted to grow ers on dressed basis) : Grade A toms to 40c lb.: grade A young hens. M-Mc Dressed turkeys (To retailers): A grade young hens. CO-2c lb.; tomes, 4-SOc lb Live chickens Paring price to pro ducer : No. 1 broilers under t', lbs. 28c: fryers. ' to 1 lbs.. 30-22c lb.: S to 4 lbs.. S4-35c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. XS-Mc. fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs., 21 -22c; 4 lbs. and over, J-tic: colored fowl, all weights. Z2-33C. stags. aU weights, U-Me feb. Rabbits Average to retailers tor lo cally dressed animals. 2-4c: fryers, live, white. 24-26C lb.: few to 27c; col ored. 22-23c; old or hesvy. 14-ltc. fresh dressed meats (The following fresh dressed meat prices quoted wholesalers to retailors for fresh meats are In dollars a hundred pounds as re ported by the USDA market service at North Portland : Beef Steers Good. 45 .00-44 00 mercial. O.00-44.M: utility. 2 0-40 00: cows commercial. 24.50-41 00: uUllty. 24 00-M.OO: cutter, canner 23 00-30 SO. Beef cuts (good steer, heifer) Hind quarters. SI 00-92 00: rounds. 47 00-40 00; full loins trimmed. 70 00-71 90; Uian glas. 20 0O-40.00; square chucks. 4440 47.00: ribs. 43 00-64 00; forequarters. 42 00-44.00. Veal and calf Choice. 40 .00-9 100: good. 40 JM-49 54. commercial, 4A.00 47 50; UUllty. 20 00-41 JO. lamb and mutton Lambs Choice THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM ISM. KOCO 14M. KOIN t7t. KOW t. KEXilM UOUK M:l$ :4S 6 KSLM KOCO COIN KG W KEX Mora News rTlmekeeper (March Time (News KOCO KLOCK 'KOCO KLOCK IXOCO KLOCX IFsrm Parade News Roundup KOIN Klock ' IKOIN Klock IKOIN Kiock Honeymoon Honeymoon (Kneass News tEarty Bird Farm Hour I Farm Hour Farm Hour iFarm Hour 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Farm Parade KOIN fUock Farm Tune Sing Cowboy tRUe. Shine News (News I Farm Time lAgronsky INews ITes Rltter I Bob Garred (Old Songs IStock Mkt. (Top Trades ISouthland Sing I Fred Beck r Isara Hayes (Zeke Manners 8 KSLM News (Orchestra ' 1 Pioneers (Bargains KOCO Haven of Rest I Haven of Rest (West Melodise I Over Coffee KOIN Roundup j Hound up Grand biam lRosemary KGW Fred wsrtng I Fred Waring (Jack Berch I Song Shop KEX Breakfast Club IBreakiast I Breakfast (Breakfast 9 KSLM Kate Smith IV. Undlahr (Pastor's Call Orchestra KOCO Gospel Singer 1 Or ran Moods Jan Carber iSHm Bryant KOIN Wendy Warren 'Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent IGal Sunday KGW Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey 'Tommy Dorse y KEX Magarine IWom Shouldn't Breakfast IBreakfast and good. 44.SO-44 SO. commercial, all weighu. 4S sO-41 UO: mutton good. 70 lbs. down. 21.00-2200. Pork cuts Lome Wo. I. S to 12 lbs.. 8240-54.00; shoulders. 42 00-4440, spare ribs. 2 lbs. down MM-UN. Cascara bark 'Dry. 23c lb. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 2e lb. on 12-month growth. Onions supply moderate, market strong, M-lb. sks. Ore. Brooks, yellows. No I. 13.-S3: large. MM-i ti. No. t, 82 7ft.2; boilers. No 1. le-lb. S-0c; wbtte med.. No. 1. S4S5-S; aWshington yellows com., med.. S3AS-4: large. S4-4-25; broker's sales. Idaho yellows nwd, 54 50. Urge SS-2. Potatoes Oregon Deschutes end Klamath Russets Ne. 1, 25 Ib, I1JS-1JS; IS-lb SVSic; No. 2. M-lb. S212 20; 100-lb. No. 1 bakers. 55 50-4; No. 2. $4.40-4 SO; Idaho russets No. 1. SS-S.2S; Washing ton russets No. 1. S4 40-47S; new crop garnets. J0 1b. lugs. S3 50-3.75. Track sales: Arlzo. na new crop garnets. Jo-lb. lugs. S3.2S; Oregon ruaaets No. 1, per ewL S4a3; No 1. 9e-lb. sk, S2JS; Idaho russets No! 1. S4S3 cwt. Hsy U. S. No. t. green alfalfa or better, carload lets fob Portland. 2SJO-2S.00: Ne. I Ne. 1 timothy, eastern Oregon or Washington, cariots. f ob. Portland. 27.00-3S 50; oat and vetch, mixed hay, uncertified clover hay, 2740-2SJ0. baled at Willamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Jan. 14 (AP)-Wheat: no futures quoted. Cash grain: eats No. 2 S lb. white S3 40; barley No. 241 lb. B.W. 83.00. Flaxseed 740. Cash wheat (bid) soft white 2 87; soft white (excluding Real 247; white club 247: western red 247. Hard red winter: ordinary 247; IS per cent 240; M per cent 8 00; 12 per cent I II. Hard white Baart: ordinary 81: 19 per cent 2.01; 11 per cent 247; 12 per cent 3.12. Today's car receipts: wheat 47: bar ley S; flour 8; corn 1; eets 1; hay 1; millfeed T. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press 10 KSLM News KOCO Peggy Lee KOIN Big Slrter KGW School 'Cast KEX G Drake Show I Orchestra Luna by 'Hswsil Ma Perkins I or anions fSchool 'Cast jClaudia Ted Ma lone I True Story 1 Harmony (Reminiscent Guiding Light ) Joyce Jordan (True Story 11 KSLM Organaittlcs KOCO News KOIN Mrs. Burton KGW Today's Child KEX B. Crocker Serenade I Queen Tadsy IQueea Today ILaUn Amer. I -is ion Concert lialon Concert IPerry Mason Look Best J Rose Dreams Woman White Holly bloane 11-igni worra Melodies ID. KllgsUen I Ethel. Albert 12 KSLM Hit Time KOCO Chuckwagon KOIN News KW Kneass News KEX W Kieman INews I Vines Lopes (Come Get It I Ma Perkins I Noon Dreams N.W. News (Varieties News I It's s Desl I Double Nothing Double Nothing Pepper Young I Happiness P Whltetnan IP Whitemaa 1 KSLM Orchestra KOCO Hello Again KOIN Art Baker KGW Stag Wife KEX P Whitemaa lOrchestra (Hello Again (Lullaby (Stella Dallas IP Whitemaa lOrrhestrs j Hello Again (Newspaper I Lorenzo J IKay West IBing Sings I Hello Again (Newspaper IWidder Brown IKay West 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Heart's Desire Hollywood Hr. Air School Girl Merries What s Doin' IHeart's Desire I Hollywood Hr. lAIr School 'Portls J What's Doin' lOrchestra (Orchestra MAllvwood Hr Hollvwood Hr (House Party House Party I I Plain Bill f I Bride. Groom I (Page EarreU (Bride. Groom 3 KSLM Little Show (Dance Parsds Dance Parade INews KOCO KOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers (KOCO Kapers KOIN Art Kirkham I Clare Hays Art Godfrey I Art Godfrey KGW Read Life Ixra Law ton (Aunt Mary (Dr. Paul KEX Be Seated I Be Seated (Welcome I Welcome KSLM - Pulton Lewis Hemlngwsy (News lOrchestra KOCO Melody Matinee Melody Matinee HS Class Adios KOIN Ceo. Fischer E W intern (Meet Missus I Meet Missus KGW Woman's Secret Life Beautiful 'Guy I -on 1 bar do Stars Today KEX Sunny side Up (Northwest ISunnystde Up I Sunny Side Up 4 5 6 KSLM Hop Kerrigan I Superman ICapt. MldnlghLTom Mix KOCO Off Record fOff Record Rhvthm Ranch Sports Hllltes KOIN Knox Manning 1 Music Sparkles Colltngwood I Bob Garred KGW Chuck roster ICeorga. Moorad Sunny Side I Elmer Peterson KEX Dick Tracy I Terry. Pirates iky King I Sky King KSLM KOIN KOCO KGW KEX G Heater "Music ITune-up lOrrhestrs IManhat Music INews torches trs IN Clout 1 er Dick Haymes I Dick Haymes (Crime Photog. Crime Photog. I Jack Carson Al Joison Sports Al Joison IK Baker (Dough Darts Jack Carson Dough Darts 7 KSLM Family Theatre1 Family Theatre Western Prog. I Western Prog. KOCO Man n Conflict Peewee Hunt IMusicsl Musical KOIN Radio Digest I Radio Digest IN.W. Neighbors N.W Neighbors KGW Bob Hawk I Bob Hawk I Ronald Colman Ronald Colman KEX EUery Queen (EUery Queen The Clock I The Clock 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Country House Country House INews Requestfu Uy I Request! uliy Lowell Thomas; Jack Smith Supper Club World News Willie Piper f Willie Piper lOrchestra Requestfully I Request ully Mr. Keen Mr Keen Aldrich FsmUylAldrich FsmUy Candid Mike ICandid Mike 9 KSLM News IBeulsh lOrchestra INewscope KOCO Juke Bx Revue Pop. Vsrietles Pop. Varieties Pop. VarieUee KOIN FBI IPBI IClub 13 I Ed Murrow KGW Burns At Allen Burns At Allen (Noah Webster I Noah Webster KEX Mr President iMr President (Rhythm IQuintet 10 KSLM Fulton Lewis I Morton Downey 1 News KOCO Pop Varieties (Pop. Vsriettes I Classics KOIN S Star Final list Ni filter (1st Nighter KC.W News riashes (Current Choice Eddie Cantor KEX News (Tapping Out (Concert Hour INews ICla sales My Opinion Eddie Cantor Concert Hour 14 KSLM 1 KOCO 1 KOIN I KGW KSLM Open House OCO Thurs. Psrty Serenade News KEX Concert Hour Western Music 'Open House Thurs. Psrty fThurs. Party Orchestra Alr-flo J Garoer lOrchestra I Concert Hour lOrchestra INews Thurs. Party Alr-flo , Orchestra Orchestra Jan. 14 STOCK A VESLAGKa JS IB II Inoua Ralls UU1 Stocks Wednesdsy . M S Previous day SO 7 Week ago tl4 Month ago 41.1 Year ago , 87 4 BOND AVERAGES 20 IS 10 IS Rails tndust Uul Forgn Wednesday SS4 1004 M4 MS Previous dsy MS 1004 MS Ml Week ago 111 1004 MS HI Month age M3 IOS 2 MS M4 Year ago , S34 103 0 104 J 71J MS 404 444 Ml 401 M4 27.1 404 S34 M.l 344 S4 7 23 4 434 U.I Htceords CIRCtIT COLRT Homer A File and franceo M. Flu vs. Ray Ford and Pearl Ford: Suit seeking to colect $700 plus Interest on contract involving sale of real prop erty allegedly agreed to by defendants. Florence E. Baker vs. Gordon T. Coffey 1 Default Judgment awards plaintiff S344 plus Interest for service sllegedly rendered. Thelma A. Walrath vs. Herbert J. Walrath: Suit for divorce charging cruel and Inhuman treatment, asks for possession of certain real and personal property owned by both parties. Mar ried Sent. I. 22. at Salem. PROBATE COl'RT Shu-ley Recnicsek. Irene Recnlcsek. Monte Reznicsek and Alan Reznlcsek guardianship estate. Order appoints r ran cw is Burch. Glen Brtedwell and C. B. Anderson ss appraisers MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Charles R. Turner, S3, salesman. rerwiieton. and svniiy Brooks, 47, tele phone operator. Canby. Kenneth M. Lathroo. 20. laborer. S40 Shipping St.. and Irene B. Kublahta, 17. student. 40 Carlton War. both of Salem. DISTRICT COCRT Charlie Franklin Connelly, Seattle, Wash., no PUC permit, fined fig end costs. Rufus- Oscar Anderson. 2340 Sunnv- view sve., psrklng on highway. 33 fine suspended oa payment of court costs. Robert Francis Alhan. Turner, no driver's license. SS fine suspended on payment of court costs. MUNICIPAL COURT Richard Allle Brown. Salem route 4. violation of noise ordinance, posted SS oati. Bess Sanders. Salem route S. vtolatWi of basic rule, posted SIS bsil. Salom Market Quotations BUTTERFAT Premium . .. No. 1 . No. 2 . , PRINTS Wholesale , ReUll EGGS BCYING Extra large Medium , Standards Pullets and cracks EGGS Sailing Price Wholesale, large Retail, large Retail, medium POULTRY Colored bens Np. 1 Ne. 2 . Fryers 42 40 44 Ml a 31 1 4e LIVESTOCK By Valley Pack) wooied lambs, choice '4 At 41 i 40 4e Vearlina Sheared lambs . Ewes Fat dairy cows Cutter cows lt Dairy heifers ... ( aives (300 to 4M lbs ) up Is Vesl (130 to 200 Iba.). choice .i Bulls 1240 to up Is up to 340 to .11 JM to 21 J 13.M 22 US S(M 17MI 140 214M 2U0 2S4U 214J0 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Jan. 14 (AP)-I(USDA) Cattle: salable and total 250. calves 73; market active, fully stesdy-strong: odd good steers 21 00; common and medium grades 20 04-2340; Com mo S good heifers IS4O-M.00; csnster and cutter cows largely 1440-17-)0: shells down to 1240). fat dairy type cows of common grade 1T S0-1S40; medium and good cows If 50-2340; good beef bulls up to 23.00; few head 2440 Kncludiag one 2323 lb. Holstetn; medium Ond go4d sausage bulls II 50-22 UU; few good veslers 2S40-30.00; choice salable , to 32 00; light culia downward to 00. 1 h Hogs: salable 100. total SOOi market slow but mostly steady; sows weak, good and choice 1S3-2J0 lb. 9040; 240 ih no- sa.9uo ik iwi Amt- 300 lb. sows 2440-23 00; ligiUei wetglts up to 2340; one lot good and fhotce 42 lb. feeder- pigs 2740: few medium and ???? "0; one good 130 lb. stag 17.00. 1 i Sheep: salable and total 3d market' about steady on limited supply; mrtet lot good and choice S-lb. lambs 23 00 common - medium grades IS. 00-2 140 good slaughter ewes salable, S 40-4 ana aoove. ole U. S. per capita consumption )oi fresh milk and cream 1st IS per) cent aoove pre-war level. Salon: . tiDbiiimriofv PK-X ear. HAKANSON 1 Judy Ann Hakanson, Iste resident 1M5 N. Liberty si., as a local hoapft January 11, at the age of two hurvived by her parents. Mr j and Mrs. Leonard Hakanson of fcslem a slate 4 Linda Hakanson of Salem: 'and grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. fflibert Hakanfc son of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. L4 Eaton of Downs, Kas Services will! be held Thursday. January 13, at 1:30 p m. " v-Mufii-oii iitk cnapeii i ne nv. as. -.. otiunaamr will oiitcuste. Inlere mem at ueicrest Memorial park. n Birttvi KOA& SM k-e Thersday 1040 a m. The News: 10:13. Especially for Wom en: 11-00. Oregon School of the Air: 11:15. The Concert Hall; 12:00. The News: 12:13 p m.. Noon Farm Hour: 1:00. Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:13, Oregon School of the Air: 1:43, Melodv Lane: 240. Home Garden Hour; 2:30. Memory Book of Music: 240. The Oregon Re porter; 2:13, Music of the Masters: 4 DO. University Hour: Si. On the Upbest; 5 43 OSC Studio Orchestrs; S:00, The News: 0:13, Dinner Melodies: 6-M. Round the Campfire: 7:13. Evening Farm Hour; 6 40. Concert Miniature; 8 30, In Your Name: 6:43. The News: S40. Music That Endures; :43. Eve ning Meditations: 10 40. Sign Off. SERVICE Factory Test Equipment and Service Methods. All Work Guaranteed. Pickup and Delivery. Morrow Radio 153 S. Liberty Phone -955 BAG LEY To Mr. and Mrs. Marion E. Basley. Philomath, a daughter, Wednesday, January 14, at Salem General hospital. COLLING To Mr. and Mrs. Forrest A. Colling, Salem route 3, a daughter, Wednesday, January 14, at aiem ueneral hospital. A LB AN To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alban, Turner, a son. Wednesday, January 14, at Salem Memorial hospital. SIKEL To Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Sikel, 246 W. Wilson st., a son, Wednesday, January 14, at Salem Memorial hospital. m.rr 1 1 Mrs. Katharine M. Trspp, flats real dent of 1S5S N. Sth st , at th home of her nephew. 1S72 N. Church St.. Mors, dsy. January 12. Survived by ihir nephew. Clinton L. Slerylishfof Be lent. Graveside services will he Held Wed. nesday. January 14, at II a In. at Pel crest Memorial pai k. the Mev. Louie wnne ornriating. under thd diret 01 (.lougn-narricic company retldehci. SHRODB David L. Shrode, at the I INi Ulil - , . ' . - Husband of Mrs. Lola W. Shitode oft Si. tern; and father of Mrs. Frances MJ drs of Seattle and Mrs. Mil sue Weo4- ry. I uentro, uaiu. Announce- m-rii or services later by Clough-i : company. Announce. Boiling - Leaking Radialors NsHsfl crttonflon ; al our radiator xpdsrt . . . ' j jj W harm completox kxdJr ltUa with which to 'UpodL dean and flush nalaUjt and coollna srslams . . . 1 Dot 1 StoD fWrrlc &kitliaction Guarctntswd Loder Drds. ! I 46S CnU Phon. 8133 '!( i H ICE CHEAII Qnaris . 33 d SAVING CEIJTEB Salem A West silesa 2 Dr.T.TXa wN.D. Dr.a.CkuN. ORS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE HZKBALISTS 241 fifth Liberty tlpstalrs Portland General Electric Cat. Office eoe- Saturday only 10 s.ra. te 1 p.m 6 to 1 p-m Consul tation Blood pressure and urine tests are free of charge. Practiced HEALTH TO iVotJ After Cerrectlnj; Uemorrbolas (rtles) Fistula. Flaaara, Prolapaa, m m A ther. Rectal Dis orders. . Ne llswplUlis-lUns WriU er Call er rr Doeklet, Dr. H Itmyncldm CUala Nststrw-rroeUloilst II lit N. Uberty St. R4s. Oj. BARNEY since 1S17. google srei f!