10 Thm Stcrtoa man, SaUm. Orsxyon. Thursday. Tanoarf 1S 1948 Irving School At Silverton To Be Repaired SILVERTON The city coun cil, at a special meeting called at the suggestion of the housing committee of the chamber of commerce, promised to go ahead with necessary repairs, such as windows and steps, at the Wash ington Irving building, acquired some months ago by the city. The chamber of commerce was represented by Carl Hande. hous ing chairman, and Henry Pritz laff, secretary of the chamber. While they had no definite plan to offer, they asked if any part of the former school building would be available for chamber use. The council promised a fav orable lease on rooms suitable for the use of the chamber of commerce. Later the chamber of commerce will take action and bring the decision back to the council for final action. The council also voted to issue an ultimatum in reference to re pair of sidewalk on the corner of West Main street and Fiske. This has been hanging fire for some time and the council has fre quently notified the owners that the sidewalk must be repaired, Mayor George Christenson said. Robert Borland, city manager, was asked to mike a survey of needed sidewalk repair in other sections of the city and have these ordered made before sum mer. Stayton Unit Investigates Dial Phones STAYTON A comprehensive survey of what would be required to convert the local telephone ex change to an automatic telephone operation, was asked at the annual meeting of the Stayton Mutual Telephone company Monday night in city hall, when stockholders voted to direct its representative on the Stayton cooperative switch board association's board to to request it. In the opinion of the stock holders business people of Stay ton would like to see this done if t all feasible. Although relatively new, the present switchboard was said to have already become In adequate because of the increased number of patrons within the last two years. The secretary's report, read at the meeting, showed that the Stay ton Mutual on December 31, 1947, had 291 patrons, an increase of 29 during the year. Rentals and dues from members totaled $3,421.15. Liquid asset included $660.45 and $2,500 invested in U. S. war bonds. Ed Klecker was elected director to succeed the late O. E. Gardner. Other officers carrying over are Irvin Parberry. president; George Schlies, vice president; Edw. J. Bell, secretary-treasurer; Walter Frey. director. Bell was re-appointed switchboard representa tive. Slavton Vet Memorial Directors Are Elected STAYTON Stayton post of the American Legion, elected di rectors of the Veteran's Memorial Building corporation Wednesday night. Directors for one year are Ernie Miller and Bob Wood; Gil Schachtsick. Rodney Jalara and Clayton Baldingcr, two-year. Plans were made f'r the annual stag party to be held at Forester hall. Saturday. January 24. at 7 p. m. John Chriytcnsen is chair man and others in charge are Harry Humphreys. Rodney Jelaca, Fred Dickman. Joe Pieser Mem bers on sick call were John Lau. Don Roach. Blyn Humphreys and George Huffman. Independence Folk Change Resilience INDEPENDENCE Mr and lira. Frank Addison who have been living in the Lee OK el ley residence on Monmouth street have moved to Forest Grove Mrs. Wilcox has rented the house and will move in soon. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hall have moved to Monmouth. Hall has been ill but is now able to re turn to work at the Dallas mill where he is employed ftlerry-Go-Round Club Holds Sttcial Meeting SWEGLE Merry - go - Round club met with Mrs. Glen La r kins last week on Hollywood Drive. It was a social meeting. Mrs. V. M. La Due assisted thehostess. Mrs. Myrtle Morrison of Birmingham, Iowa, was a special guest. Svegle PTA Covered Dish Dinner Planned SWEGLE Covered dish din ner will be served at Swegle school Friday at 6:30 p m. sponsored by the PTA for all families of the community, followed by a pro gram. ftaanyside The district school meeting, Jan. 12, at Sunnyside school voted approval of a $13, 310 budget for 1948-49 which in cludes a new school bus for ele mentary transportation. Union mil Hot supper will be served at 7 p. m. before the subordinate and juvenile granges meeting Friday, January 16 at the grange hall. Get Well QUICKER fr-s rawr Ce-e m Co FOLEY'S A Tar Valley (Ibliuarlc Faalina Berth Seefeld ALBANY i Mrs. Paulina Ber tha Seefeld, 72. wife of Henry L. Seefeld. died at the family home, route 1. January 11. after long ill ness. Funeral services were held Wednesday. January the Reyr Edgar Luther officiating. Burial in Willamette i Memorial park. Mrs. Seefeld was born in Iowa county. Wis., Sept. 2. 1875. Moved to Iowa in 1884. to Silverton in 1903. Later her family moved to Halsey where she lived for 40 years. Since 1924 she had lived at the present route 1, Albany. She was a member of the Luther an church. Mr. and Mri Seefeld were mar ried in Wesley, Iowa. March 27. 1894. and celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1944. Survivors aire the widower and five children; Mrs. Alice Rike. Mrs. Rosa Carey, and Carl See feld. all of Halsey; Mrs. Louise Long of Hafrisburg, and Mrs. Esther Nelson of Milwaukie; also seven brothers, Fred and Adolph Falk of Monmouth; Charles, Hen ry. Chris. William and Louis Falk all of Halsey; two sisters, Mrs. Rosa Bierly (tf Brownsville, and Mrs. Julia Swanson of Richville, Minn.; eight grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Bus Stopped, Stayton Club Seeks Reason STAYTON The Stayton Lions club meeting held last week voted to have the secretary write a letter of inquiry to the- East Side Bus line concerning its announced dis continuance of ; the Portland Sweet Home line as of January 8. Lack of patronage and poor road conditions were listed on a card posted in the local bus depot, the Bon Ton cafe; as reasons for the discontinuance- It was thought a statement should be sought.: since the Lions club was active in getting the line established here.! The club de sired to learn of the plans were permanent or whether the bus line would function again later in the spring. A talk on the criminal laws of Oregon was given by Circuit Court Judge George R. Duncan, who called attention to the recent wave of bad check offenses and asked that merchants become increasing ly alert when cashing checks. Harry MicheUen of Albany, deputy district governor of Lions clubs, told about a new Lions club in Scio, with 27 members en rolled and more expected. Several members of the Stay ton club signified their intention to attend the Mill City Lions club meeting Friday. ? Canadians Visit At Labish Center LABISH CENTER Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Russ are her cousins. Mr. arid Mrs. Charles R undle of .Maidstone, Saskatch ewan. Canada. Mrs. W. T. Klampe and Mrs. Lyle Klampe entertained mem bers of the Woman's Christian Service circle at W. F. Klampes Thursday. i Mrs. Max Bibby and Mrs. Ray Bibby entertained with a large bridal shower Thursday at the Ray Bibbys for Mrs. "Bud" Ben nett, who was Evelyn Boise be- fore her recent marriage. Bonita and Patsy Kay Boise are j ill with chickenpox. , Mr. and Mri George Tracy ! recently moved to the Martin ' Reuters place. t"racys came here recently frtm Jllinois. I Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lvle Klampe ; Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aker. Mr. and Mrs.., Ben Throneberry spent .several days with their son in Salem during the high water. Silverton Fire Chief Elected at Meeting ! SILVERTON -i Carl Hande has 1 been elected chief of the Silver 1 ton fire department replacing Ar j thur Dahl. Assistant chiefs will ' be Lawrence Carpenter and Errol Rs. Norman Eastman was made i secretary -treasurer, replacing Lloyd Larsen. Hande will make j his committee head appointments later in the week. The Silverton volunteer fire department now has a membership of 21. Macleay Community Chili Gives Program ! MACLEAY Macleay Com- munity club met Friday night with a record crowd in attend . a nee. The program included imperso- nations by Stewart Mayes, music j by the Hoppi Trouperdours. and group singing Jed by Dick John son, accompanied by Mrs. Ar thur Johnson. O & C Standing Timber Brings Record Price PORTLAND, Jan. 14 -iJP- Bids were awarded today on 77,834.000 , feet of timber by the Oregon St California land administration,. and one was the highest ever paid on O ec C timber. The record of $24.52 a 1.000 board feet was paid by Jones; Lumber Corp Portland, for 675, 000 feet of Douglas fir timber in Clackamas county. KOT1CK Or PUBLIC HEARING Notice hervby given that on Mon day. January 26. 144. at trie hour of p-m . in the City Hall of the City of Salem. Oregon, the common council will hold a heating to consider an ordi4 nanre preacriMng that no buildings; shall be erected or established cloae. ilvsn tifty feet to the center line of CnmrnercaJ street between Hon street and a point approximately 304 feet north of Miasio street. All persons iai crested fen this matte are hereby notified to appear at said public hi-aring.-By OrCri of the Common Council: ALE BED MUNDT. Oty Kecorder, I i J4-14 Oil, Aircraft Stocks Make Good Showing NEW YORK, Jan. 14-0P)-Oil and aircraft shares made the best showing ', in a narrowly irregular stock market today. While most issues wobbled back and forth in a fractional price range, favored stocks advanced an extreme of more than 2 points. Trading interest in the majority of cases was lukewarm at best and volume dwindled to 820.000 shares, compared with 950,000 Tuesday. The president's second annual economic report was a market dud. Wall Street found little in the policies presented that had not been previously recommended by the president and, as was true with the state of the union and budget messages, found just as little to its liking. Oil shares, brokerage quarters aid. benefitted basically from the high world-wide demand for petroleum products and were giv en an additional fillip by recent discovery of new resources in Texas. Aircraft makers stand to profit by an expanded air force. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks dipped .1 of a point to 64.4. Of 952 issues traded, 340 advanced and 390 declined. Feed Grains, Soybeans Set Record Highs CHICAGO. Jan. 14 - (P) - Feed grains and soybeans set new all time record highs on the board of trade today, but a late selling movement gave the market an ir regular appearance at the close. Wheat ended 1 ' to 2 cents low er. May $3.02-3 02, corn was 2s lower to higher. May $2.67 4 4, oats were lower to 4 high er. May $1.27 i-S, and soybeans were 1 to 8 cents higher, March $4 38. Strength in feed grains was based upon the statistical position fr thee grains, plus the pospect that cold weather in the midwest would: increase farm feeding. The bureau of agriculture economics noted that "carryovers of feed grains.1 are expected to be much smaller than in 1947." , Wheat staged its run up after it became known that the local office of the commodity credit corporation bought 108.500 bush els of wheat yesterday. The amount was small and nothing was taken at Kansas City or Min neapolis. Crop reports, both domestic and foreign, continued mostly on the favorable side. In Kansas, accord ing to the weekly weather bureau report, "winter wheat made fa vorable progress during the week ending January 13 with some wheat emerging In late seeded fields: Conditions were especially favorable in the south central and ! southwestern areas." Four Corners Church Has Special Program FOUR CORNERS There are special meetings at Four Corners Baptist church this week and Sun day night, a different speaker each nieht Each is a missionary from a different country. Monday speaker was Rev. Walter Covick from Alas ka; Tuesday, Rev. A. J. Bowen from the general mission of South Africa; Wednesday nigiit. Rev. El don Whipple from the inland mis sion rf China; speaking on Thurs day night will be A. A. Dyck of the Gospel Missionary Union of South America; T. J. Dauch from the Scandinavian countries on Friday night; and Rev. John Oliveira who was born in Portugal and is with the Gonservati ve Baptist mission will be the Sunday night speaker. Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. Salem Heights Cluh i Program Is Planned SALEM HEIGHTS The Com murtity club will meet at the hall Friday, January 16, at 8 p m. The program is in charge of Mrs. Lyle Bayhe, president of Salem Heights ; Mothers club, and includes num j bers by children of the community. neiresnmeni commiuee is neaaea by Mrs. Hubert M. Dunn and Mrs. Leona Matlock. Residents of the Salem Heights district are invited to attend. Livestock and Poultry TBADB: S-yr.-old Guernsey, freshens -n. 24. for car or pickup. S. River Rd. to Halls Ferrv. turn left l't. Roy Cheek. Rt3, Box 710 WINGS RABBITRY. buys fryers and old rabbitt. Our prices are consistently hirh For pickup service phone or write 3Wl State Ph. 1FS . riPLs 1 UN C&W, 1st calT. giving about 4 gal. a day. out of state herd! Rt Box 20 NEW Hampshire baby cnicks. start ed chirks A older pullets always avail ablePh 2-2M1 Jre s Hatchery WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hogs fk sheep Will call at farm. Licensed St bonded buyers Prompt service. E. I Snethen St Son 1530 Lancaster Or . Salem Ph 2-1345. dJSTOM dressing of chickens any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 2-7S61 Lees Hatchery. WANTED to buy: A ll kinds of cat tle.' hoga and sheep Frank Wood. Rt 7 Box 431 H Phone 2-8714. " DEAD Stock picked up. free of charge, day and night service Ph. Sherwood Ore. 44J3 or 4424. Call collect, BIGliEST QuALrTY CHTCKs New Hampshire, an- White Rocks Hatches every Tuesday Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery 4 Poultry Farm. Lrona Ore WANTLD: All kinds oi cattle, fat hogs, sows 4 boars At your farm or delivered Market price E C. McCand lish. HI . Box 233 across from Waters Ball Park on S 23 St Ph 8147 ) N H HTN SPhon 2-2234 TOR SALTAN ew Zealand white does with litters and hutches. Reasonable. Pnone 28124 or 18 Fark Ave. Help Wanted Female WANTED: Middle aged woman for housework. Board at room Jc wages. 14 N. Winter "StENOGRAPHEH for important state work. Good working conditions. -Apply Corporation Dept. 818 State Oflice Bldg. Help Wanted Female WI HAVX a vacancy In our clerical staff for a single girl who is looking for permanent work. Typing required. No shorthand. Apply 310 Masonic Bid. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. kumAN 1 0 car for convalescent int ent. Lirtit housework. Phone 31858. jr-iJiCI receptionist stenog- rapher. Please telephone Mrs. Clear water. 9229. for appointment. Help Wauled Hale SALESMEN for well located and es tablished real estate office. Experience not necessary If you have the ability to sell and are willing to work. Writ 833 Statesman. Help Wanted CAR INTERIOR DIRTY J We have lust installed a new Van Dom No 98 Vackar unit. With this fine equipment we can thoroughly clean the upholstery and interior of your car while you wait. Drive in at Firestone Stores. Center and Liberty. Salenmen Wanteil HAVE AN opening in my agency for experienced insurance salesman. Van M. Greer Agency. 131 Pacific Bid. Ph. 590. inKANC" SALESMAN, full o part time. Experience unnecessary. Auto. Truck. iFire and Casualty lines. Open tei ritory. new Incentive com mission plan, competitive rate. Farm ers Insurance Croup. V. J. "Bill" Oeko. District A rent, 4M Court Street. Salem. Oregon. Tel. 8661. Call or write for appointment. w AM TED Heal estate salesman. Ex perience and car necesrary. Box 825. Statesman. Situations Wanted Rock Wool Insulation CROFOOT - HAMMERTON Weatherstrtpping - Venetial Blinds CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Phone 4883 12S- Shady Lane MUST YOU leave her alone all dayT Pleasant home care during day for eJderJylady.Ph672. OLD ORilW construction. Depen dable, honest workmanship. Estimates free Ph. 2-2476. . IF YOUR fruit trees need pruning. phone evenings 4177 . WILL DO washing St Ironing in my home Reasonable. Free pick up da iry erj 4-day aervlce. Ph. 22923. GENERAL CARPENTER work and repair. Phone 21101. PRACTICAL NURSE. Ph. 2328a. MIDDLEAC E man with family good r fo rs. N habits. Own home Salem 10 years. Now employed but desire change. Want Job clerking, truck driving or office assistant in Salem. Monroe Calculator operator. Best references What nave you to o ViriSH ou to offer, write box -J statesman. LSH TO-care for child. Preferably 2 yrs. or under. Rt. 9, Box 497 or call 2-245S. COLLEGE STUDENT with family must have spare tune work. Prefer something steady but will take any thing Box S34 care Statesman WOULD LIKE to care for children from 3 to S yrs. old in my home. Call 4 Una or 1563 Sixth St. W. Salem. EXPERIENCED DRtSSM A KING. 2490 N. Fifth. Ph. .6933. COLLINS WaTER "heaters. Immedi at Installation. J. P. Vogt. Ph. .-6266. Well Drilling Domestic. Irrigation. Industrial ' H. A. ROBINSON 2214 N. FRONT. Salem. Ph. 7293 Valley Engineering Co. Logging Engineering Maps, surveys, road locations ICO Locust -i.. . Pno" nousrwoRK tv hour phone rajsr PAINTING or paperhanging. Call pirnnr. --o-n practical nurse, day or nignt dutv Phone 633. HOUSEWORK, few hours per day o. steady 3 or 3 full days per week. Ex -celtert ret-ences. Phone 56F1I. LADY. 36. with daughter 3 yrs. old wishes housekeeping )ob for respect able gfntleman or small family. Good reference Write Statesman Box 830 DRiSMAKTN(: tailoring, altera tiom and designing. Phone 6361. HOUSEWORK by hour. Phone -SOS-after 5 p m LeMer DeLapp Truck Service Commercial Hauling Furniture Moving 1115N. Com'!. Ph. 21750 AVAIL, immed. Expert millwork in stallation, remodeling. Alt Bros . Con tractors. Ph. 2-2780 or Silverton Red 231. SCISSORS, knives, pinking shears. WH AT! Need painting? Phone --SUM PAINTER and Paperhanger Reason able prices. Free estimates. H. J Wood worth Ph .1015 DRAWING At Designing House and store plans Ph. 821. EXPERT Repairs. New" rolls Olson Washer Bepatr. SO Liberty Rd. Ph 1-5100 CHIMNEY sweep Northness. ph..449 PREScnool Playschool. 1381 State Age 2- Prt or all day. Ph 8430 Oil Circulator Service Furnaces and chimneys cleaned and repaired. B. F Ensley Ph 7176 771 j South 21st - j ALL Work guaranteed Windows walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4457 "PRUNING and spraying L. W Can dct Pruning tc Spraying Co Ph. 7900 PECO PACIFIC EXCAVATING COMPANY Bulldozing and Grading PHONE 873 SALEM OREGON PAINTING Paperhanging- Free estimate 87 Shipping Ph 95 1J- SMALL Carpenter jobs Ph 2-5150 Genera I cement contractor. Ph 764. CURTAINS Washed stretched 395 S 22nd Mm B Lleske Phone 2-6343 Hollywood , Transfer For local and long distance hauling Pickup and moving Trailer for rent Ph 784 Burton's Mobile Station Septic Tanka Cleaned K F Hamel. 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 74o4 "CEMENT CONTRACTING The 2-3043 Stanley Fagg Painting AutomoUve It commercial. Spray or orush PAUL BASSETT Rf 4 Bo 303 Phine 2-2.TO Painting and paperhanging Ph. 32i. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS t-5444 DICK OBEY 6268 Mike's Septic Service - Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewenr Ph. 8468 or 5327. WANTED- Furniture to glue and repair Lee Bros. Ph 21233. 4020 East StateSj INTERIOR painting for a good Job at a reasonable price Ph. 2-5518. For Sale -Misceilaneoa- BARNYARD at Chicken manure. Del. 85 per cu. yard. Ph. UF2. Phillips Bros . Rt. 6, Box 116. T TYPEWRITERS RENTED, repaired. KAY TYPEWRITER CO. 357 Court St. Phone 8095 MARSHALL STRAWBERRY plants. 810 00 per 1000. dug. free use of machine transplanter on 15.000. Paul Rifte. Rt a, box J13. j ml. S. W. Macleay. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads a driveway Cement Ready -mix Concrete Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. J, yd. shovel a drag line. Phone 8S6L LAFF-A-DAY "...So I says to her, 'Marie X gays, "You're always hanging your tuff In my closet. You know what's going to happen soma day?' I says. 111 be hurrying to catch my train, grab the first thing; I get my hands on I says, and get all the way to town be fore I notice what -I'm wear ing . . .' " For Sal? -Miacelljineou- COFFEE MAKERS and replacement parta. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. RADIOS AND recorplayert.West inghouse. Sonora. Garod. Wilcox, Gay. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC clocks and door chimes. YEA TEH APPLIANCE CO. STRlDOS-ionelp prevent spread of disease for home and office. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. S R. Walkins Co products. 1717 Cen ter St. Salem. Ph. 83-5. Free del. ALWAYS a big stock. Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 8110. STATjRANT"gridle andlectrlc ranges. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, VJiE-WARJL aluminum frying griddles YEATER APPLIANCE CO. -PRESSURE COOKERS for cookingTor canning 17 S3 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. "TtOOM rTEATETAS-with or without fan. 110-220 volt. YEATER APPLIANCE CO OIL Circulating heaters with twin radiant doors. 4 to 6 room size. 894.94 Montgomery Ward a Co.. Salem. tXllAL'ST FANS for kitchen or in du trial use. YEATER APPLIANCE CO ll(KVOLTnCLCTRlC ranges, no spe cial wiring required. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. OIL CTJtClJTATORS7TdTant or fan type. 8C9M and up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. "TRNERS7TJNlVR$AL-AND fHIT YEATER APPLIANCE CO. LIGHTING MXTURES of all kindT" YEATER APPLIANCE CO. OTLlS7TlWrwaah basins and electric hot water heaters. Avail able at big savings. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St ITSTlrtrprAlXS7eTecic comforters and blankets. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. LAMPS FOR 6es. table, bed pin -up and floor lamps YEATERAPPL1ANCE CO. OIL CONV ERSlON units for your wood or coal cooking range. YEATER ArfUANLE JJ Sim LA MPAl!if'H-iAT X'A MPS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. HOT PLATL& single and 2-burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. WATER klATLl-i. all sixes-and tyt YEATER APPLIANCE CO. FjJtCTRlC IRONS. Ironing boards; pads, and covers. TEA iut ArruAnci v FARM KS Attention Special farm lanterns 83 95. fence controllers 14 85. milking machine-. -I- :trie milk cooler for 6-18 gal -ans YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Oil Burner Service Radiant heating. Wm. C. Drew. 2-4448 SURPLUS STORE 1351 HOYT ST. ELECTRIC HEATERS and Water heaters. 32 a 42 Gal. Electric fuse boxes, wall and ceiling boxes, switches, outlets, house and outside wire. Elec tric 14 gauge sheet metal shear 848.50. One more week 20 off on all Navy type steel cabinets 4 Section metal filing cabinets 855 00 Kitchen sinks, wash basins, bath room seta. Copper pipe. Young Delux 4c regular washers. Ta bles, bedside, radio or phonograph rec ards 85.50 ea 2 for 810 00. Bunk beda 911.50 pair. Mattresses for bunk beds also 36" mattresses. Apt size wood ranges. New Apt size elec ranges due in Friday. Foot lockers, swivel chairs. Plywood trays make good flats or stor age trays 25c ea. 3 & 25 KVA Gas Elec tric light plants for home or logging camp 1 Block east ofS12th Tel. 7916 CAR INTERIOR DIRTY? We have iut installed a new Van Dorn No. 95 Vackar unit. With this fine equipment we can thoroughly clean the upholstery St interior of your car while you wait. Drive In at Fire stone Sto res. Center tt Liberty. GREY Enamel wood St coal range. 30 gal hot water tank and elec. side arm heater. 5 miles S. on 99E Pringle Road Rt 4. Box 112. SANITLZOR vacuum cleaner. Ph. 2-3763 OIL circulator. 4-6 rm. size. Practic ally new. 630 M0 S. 14th. Oil Circulator Service Call Cy Younger. Phqne607r SHEETROCK. wallboard & inch. Wall plank, plaster base, ceiling tile. Rt. 7, Box 431 L. McCain Ave., off Sil verton Rd. TOILETS, new a used. Rt. 7. Box 431 L McCain Ave., off Silverton Rd. WOOD RANGE. Good cbnd. 2174 Broadway. Ph. 26411. OCCIDENTAL side-oven gas range. 825. Ph. 3362. SHESP rttTfLiR by the sack. We deliver. Ph 24248. 5 RM. 1946 FURN. Good cond. Biege rugs, blue overstuffed. Wedge wood R.. etc. Cost 8900. Sell tor 8650. or take house trailer. W. A. Dohrlng. Rt 3. Albany. KEN MORE WASHER. 850. 30-gaf water tank. Side-arm gas water heater. J90 ..J?"0, Ph. 5879. : "WILL BUY or T. modern or antique guns. Don Madison', 266 N. Capitol. EASY SPIN Dryer Wash machine. Ph. 6272 995 Highland Ave DRILL. John-Deere tractor. Coring tooth, plow, milker with fixtures, De Lave I electric separator, harness' set and metal stanchions. Silver Creek Falls highway. Rt 1, Box 254, Aums- vuie RADIANT gas heater. Call 7626. - TOILET and lavatory with chrome fittings. New, never used. 538 N. Win ter GOOD Monarch range with water front. Ph. 6323 . SHEPPARD DIESEL fighUng and power plant. 3 cyl. 30 H.P., direct con nected to 15 K.W. Alt. current genera tor. 220 and 110 volts, 3 phase and single- phase systems. Push button starting. Was Installed for standby and run very little. Perfect condition. New cost was $2,600.00. Will sell for 81900 00. Also Studebaker pickup. 1946 with 17. 000 miles like new for 81.395.00. Calkins Craft Boat Co.. PeLake, Ore. AL'S RADIO Clinic in the Keizer DUt Day or evening. Ph. 2-4373. ZL INCH skill saw. Ph. 2-3629. WESTINGHOUSE elec. range. 3 burn er, perfect cond. t56 Five rm. oil heat er. 1 yr. old. with barrel St 20 gals. oil. pipe a stove board, 860. Two-wheel trailer $25. Upright piano, 8100. RCA table model radio. Comb, battery St elec. $23. Ph. 2-4045. 525 N. Capitol. 12x18 RUG used mot. 975 Terrace Drive. FREE Squash, kt. 6. Box 118. 4 mi. out State St. ; OIL STOVES, washing machines, oil burners, pumps and sawdust burners repaired correctly. Call and deliver. Phone 2-2081 or 2-2OB0. WALLBOARD. '.". 4x8' sheets. $45 per thousand. Rt. 7. Box 431-L, McCain Ave, off Serverton Rd. j - ODDS 4iEN$ of plywood. 1179 Cbemeketa For Sale MigeeTlaneont 16 in. exhaust fan suction or exhaust, $38. New General Slicing Machine. Hand operating suitable for cafe or small store. $17.80 2608 Maple Ave. Phone 2-5093 CROSLEY Radio a phonograph com bination. 640. Phone 8152. WELL BRED German Shepherd I- male dog. 10 mo. old. Phone 2-6287. LEATHER Davenport. Phone 2-2451. BUTANE circulating neater. Vented. 20 M. B.T U. Reasonable. 2605 Hulaey Ave . off Radcliff bet. S. 12th a Ceml. F.H.A. APPROVED PUMICE BLOCK 12th STREET BLOCK CO. So 12th St. at Vista Ave. Tele. 2-8363 Evenings 8904 BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING I mile south on River Rd Phone S96B ERSiAhfTOTT24S7ail 1289lxth St. W. Salem SINGER SEWING machine, treddle type, with attachments. Walnut buffet, table model radio. Hand-painted plates Antique walnut chair, wall shelf and" miscellaneous items. Ph. 6953. BLDG. 14x22. Suitable, for living quarters $100. Ph. 24319. Rt. 7. Box 145. 2ml. N. of Underpass. Highway 99E. FIVE TUBE portable radio.. New heavy aluminum skillet $4.00. 1537 N. Winter "GAS KITCHEN range. 1 baby bed St sorines. Ph. 24981, , LARGE WOOD circulator. Phone 6290 745 Judson. BLUE SHORTIE coat. Size-12. 85. Ph. 7229. ONE SIDE baby beef, also one hind quarter. Ph. 22639. REGINA VACUUM cleaner, cheap. H. W.JTole.JO Lansing Ave. Ph. 2-2110, ABY BUGGY. Ph. 7831. DISSTON CHAIN saws. Complete parte stock. Industrial supply Co., of Salem. 1058 S. Com'l In the alley. Ph. 8023. LARGE COAL or wood range with lge. reservoir. Ivory a green enameL Extra good cond. 839. Ph. 6138. EXSftRN MAPLE davenport. Por eelaln top kitchen base. bed with inner-spring mattress. 6-yr. crib, inner-spring mattress 116 V. circuit elec. water htr. 1954 Harel. VERY REASONABLE 6-yr. crib: high chair: davenpos: swing rockers: elec. ranges: oil circulators: chests; hotplate: ued linoleum. MARTIN'S FURNITURE CO. 420 S. Commercial i REG Boston terrier puppies. I wks. old. City hall.. Monmouth, Ore. 36V-8 motor. See at Johnson's ma- chine shop. 447 Ferry St. ' D. 8 A frame Hvster Arch. 1942 Dodee de-ert Jeep. Ph. 22034. 1 fT78H WCASE a other store fixtures. 362 State St. 2 TOY TERRIER puppies, female. 1645 Winona. DA VENO AND swing rocker, excel lent condition. Between 8 JO and 8 :30 Pm. 1 170 Market. NICE OAT STRAW, cheap. Rt 2. Box 242. R. L Beckner. 1 mi. N. Keizer. PRICED TQ SELL, 17-Jewel Hamll ton wrist watch. Phone 22744. 5U Tf. WesUnghouae refrigerator. 607 N. Capitol. Apt. 6. DAY BED and pad. Round oak din- ing table. 4 chairs. Small Walton rug. bedstead and springs. 1180 Lee St. Ph. 7763. CHILD'S Dream play house 4x6x6. Built-lns, weather proof. A house of her own. $30.00. 3773 Silverton Road. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market Ph. 2-4596. Organist, accompanist Salem Screen Shop 1444 8. 12th dosing out all wds. doors St view sash. 20" off list. i plywood. 12 '.c per so. ft Now Is the time to order wd. screens and screen doors for spring del. Screen will still be In short supply In 1948. River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MDX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 - 2-3100 ' cHAR"Pf5ST Phone Ttt. !ICCTRlCRAJfGES. 6rnerTTirge oven knd broiler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. "WASHING SfAcWNIS: WV.tmg- houae Laundromat. TTior Automagic. Universal 2-Speed. Little Giant Tray Washer. Cinderella Portable. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. UHEY'S Music Studio. Instructor of brass instrument 795 N. 15th. Ph 24506. CARDBOARD packing boxes and sheet, any size. 1790 N. Front. TO10DG LOBES, desk'pen sets at reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. "RED CEDAR shingles. 16x18 in. Shake In assorted colors. EOLA LUMBER CO - PHONE 25950 2xii. 2xt i, zxs s. 2x10 s and l-in. lumber at $35 per thousand EOLA LUMBER CO - PHONE 259V) PLASTI-K(5TE. the transparent ceT lophane-like finish that requires no waxinr. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. DAVENO Set. less than a year old. Good cond. Also buffet a dining rm. set. Call 2-5348 or come to 1465 N. Cottaee. CHICKEN a BARNYARD manure. $4.00 yd. delivered. Otis Branch. Gen. Del.. Turner. EMERY Wheel, lrmlng boards, elec trie plates. 9x12 rug. 949 N. Winter Ph. 8459. i I J. m -j rrrr , Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE. Phone $183. WANT TO Buy Used Cameras St lenen McEwan Photo Shop 435 State CASH for used piano a Other mu steal instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to jaouith Music Co.. 191 s. Hignr. USED rufiftlTURE. Phone 5110. FURNITURE and what nave vou bought for rash Call sny time Sun dale Exchange Ph 2-651 1 894 N Lib erty Wanted Migcerianeou 100 SEWING MACHINES. Sundalc's. Ph. 25511. 594 N. Liberty. WE PAY cash for junk batteries. U. 8. Metal and Salvage. 827 N. Liberty. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem SEWING mach. bought, rented, re paired, made elec. W. Davenport 7671. CASrf for old gold, solid, plated or filled. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State Miscellaneous WRECKING HOUSES at 965 and 993 Court St. All materials for sale. One 4-car garage, suitable for house forisale. AUTO painting. Just a shade better, by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co. 8502. WEATHER trips. Pullman. Ph. 5965. "oUGTPAlNTLNG Built to order. E Scott Ph 3635 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer a Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-'i yda $12 00 per hr. 10 B-,a yds. 960 per hr D-7 Cat Dozer 9 SO per hr. D-6 Cat 4 Duser 840 per hr D-4 Cat 4 Dozer TOO per hr Phone Days 9406 Evenings $246 or 24400 Sa lem. Oregon PIANO tuning. Will's Music Store. Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring er Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adoloh Bids. State a Com Ph 3311 Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph. 409 WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation Duf field Bros. Rt. $. Box 42X Phone 2-1313. Mi sceHa neons HAVX YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. $512 for free pickup a delivery service on aU makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Ua chtne Co- 130 H Commercial MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. $1X0. LES SPRINGER. 464 Court. Money to Loan General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks, furniture, trailer bouses, livestock, farm machinery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced. No co signers General Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for leans made by phone 136 South Commercial St., Salem Phone : 9168 . Licenses 8-138 a M-338 Private Money Special rates and terms on larger loans. LONO OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial Phone 9168 FARM and CITY LOANS 4V, and 8 Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Truit Bldg. Phone 7162 CONSOLIDATE Your BILLS Pay off your old bins with a loan from Personal and make one conven ient payment each month In one place $1008 per month repays $100 In 12 monthsother amounts In proportion Phone for faster service Personal Finance Co. 81$ State St. Rm. 12$ Phone 2191 E. Gallinger, mgr. Lie. S-122. M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Natl Bank (old quarters) city - suburban - Farms First Morteaee Loan WARD L. McCA FFERTY 487 Court St. Ph. 8744 er 3814 Financial Money to Loan Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans, city or farm properties: loans made as small as 8300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Ap proved city loans. G.l. loans, construc tion loans. Low Interest rates. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 926t TAXPAYERS ATTENTION Ewlng and Sholseth, Tax Consultants, office hours week days S to 10 p.m. Sat. 2 to 10 p.m. Located across from Marlon Hotel at 238 S. Coml St. In Herrall Owens bldg. Let Harry Ewlng or Nor man Sholseth prepare your state and federal Income tax $ $ MONEY $ $ lh REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. Hieh St. Ue. tl$ M 222 For; Rent -Rooms SLEEP RM". near Hollywood Diet. 971 Jefferson. Ph. 3296. ROOM for rent Kitchen privileges. Laaies preferred, on capitoia bus line. 3043 Portland Rd. SLEEPING RM. for 1 or I. Ph. 6022. 456 N, 16th after 6 p.m. HEATED ROOM for one or two em ployed. 565 N. Cottaee. IN HOLLYWOOD, clean sleeping rma. SLELPlNG ROOM: private bathL elec- tnc near inone 717S. 771 s. 21st. LARGE ROOM, twin beds, steam heat. 4 block from State Office build- Inr. Phone 4857. WARM SLEEPING room. men. 113d CXiemeketa St. Room and Board BOARD and room In Turner. Ph. 816 or P O. Box 223 Turner. WILL BOARD children. Excellent care. Reference required. Mrs Eatelle Woods. Stayton, Ore. Phone 144-B. For Rent Apartments FURN. APTS. 255 Division. " CLEAN, modern duplex apt. Stoves and hot water heater furn.. laundry privileges, quiet, suburban. Adults. On city bus line. Statesman Box 836. FURN. APTS. 550 Water St. FOR RENT Apartment, employed adults, private entrance. $20 per person. 534 n. winter APT., 1 man, $25. Ph.5222 BOARD a ROOM for elderly couple or apt. to rent for working couple. No drinkers or smokers. Christians pre ferred. Ph. 2-6227. MS DERTCottages by day. week or month 3580 3 Com 1. LlfjMi houwekeep.. bus. 1610 Tr-de.' NICE Furn. apt. 1073 N. Capitol. For Rent Houses SMALL HOUSE. Elec. heat. Hot and cold wster. Just right for 2 or 3. 1828 8, 2Sth. FURN. COTTAGE. 1 bdrm., $43 per month. 2 mi. north of Brooks on 99 E. Box 7BF. NElSCOTT beach cottage. Ph. 6160. For Rent Farms TENANT for 11 A. walnut and cher ry orchard. New modern I bdrm. house. 2 mi. from Salem. Monthly rental plus share crop proposition. Write States man Box 829. For- Rent .CLEAN. ROOMY trailer space, modern conveniences. Free laundry privileges. Evergreen Trailer Court. 2605 Maple. TIME is money. Rent one of these labor savers. Belt a disc senders, pipe tools, transit, chain hoists, skin saws, house jacks a auto tools. HOWSER BROS. 002 Edgewater Phone 3646 HOOVER cleaner with attachments. $1.00 per day. HOWSER BROS. 602 Edgewater Phone 3646 DON'T Forget the sixth side of your rooms. Rent high speed floor senders a polishers from HOWSER BROS. 602 Edrewater Phone 3646 U.DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 8. Liberty. Ph. 9062. TRAILER- 75c first hr 50c hrs. following. Woodry's Mkt.. 1608 N. Summer. ..COOP Used Piano. H, L. Stiff. FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshal Wells store. Ph. 6877 ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent-sell H. C. Pugh. 684 N. 17 4692. TRAILER space Mod . clean, tree laundry prv Reas. rates. 3560 S Com l TOR ReNT Large ground floor room suitable for store or large office South High Street loeatien State Finance Co.. Ph. 412L Wanted to Rent 2 ' BDRM. furn. or unfurn. house to $65X10. by veteran and- wife. Guarantee excellent care. Refs. Ph. 8646 after 8:30. EMP. CPLE, would like clean furn" apt. in Hollywood dist.. where they are emp . by Teh. 1. Ph. 7455 or 9582. UNIVERSITY STUDENT and wife desire furn. or unfurn. aut. with private bath. Write Box $37 Statesman. Wanted to Rent DISABLED VET. wife and ehlld r gently need t BR. Unfurn. house, rent to SAO. in city limits near bas. fn. 3347. Mr. a Mrs. Donald Polls I j 8 OR 3 fcklrm.-unfurn. bouse Uy jocaj businessman, pn. 9196 Del ore $ p.ro. r Ipt. by mokers r Ask for Mr. Welch. BATeKTENT or around floor Jan. 27. Reliable couple. No am drinkers. Write Statesman Bp , 8-3. 6MALl7FtJRN." house or 4 rm. apt. by Feb. 1st, Best of refs. Ph. 8B.10. '! VETERAN STUDENT at university. wife a 6 months old baby urgently need 1 or 3 bdrm furn. sptJPhj2-4427. KECiULAR AIR FORCE officer at tending Willamette, wife and 13 .months sw u Bill, ttwm m !v, mv furn. or unfurn. Please call 2-5043. : '! - OR i BDRM. unturn. house, by state en. Ployed veteran. 2 child rtn. to 870 mo Write State-man Box 820. !( .. VEierAn. WIFE andS yiarfcl wart fmull house. Phone 8344. iu .-BDRM.. uniurn. house, fam ily of 4. Will take good care of prop erty. Phone 6652. i i It Arl OR SMALL house, furn, or UD' furnl., by middle-aged couplej Refer ences. Phone 24077 after 8.30 it write Stateman Box 831. I ' 'I XW6 WEJTBCilAVE) adjlu. one norma! boy eight and a well-mannered dog would like a decent and furnished apt. or small house so we can start Irv ing In'tead of the camping. Need now or before the first. Ask for firs. GUI. Salem Medical Laboratory. 6439. Will consMer anytning up tO'$ao.j I I ;j For Sale - Real Estatei BY OWNER, modern 4-rnS. furn. house a garage. Hdw. firs.; fireplace, 2-erms. L.R.. Kit., a nook. Oil heat. gas cook, water heater. Everbear Ing strawberries lust planted. S after 9:30 p.m. or aU day Sati St Sun. lyz. w li pur si. ; I . i a 810.0O0. $ ACRES with 4 bdrm hv. close to school, 7 yrs old, this has m lot of possibilities, all kinds Tof fruit. Imm. Pots. I n OLSON AND REEVES. REALTORS 945 . Com'l St. Ph 4590: Etc. 2-30R1 $4750 Full Price $1350 Down. Unfinished ( 4 bedrm. nome capitoia district, attached garage. frricea for quick sale. ; I M. O. Humphreys Realtors 9039 Portland Rrf Ph irMllnr 4 BED ROOM home. located at '320 w superior. English type, cor lot. ol heat, highest home on Falmourrt Hill Dbi plumbed, carpet In Uvi a dng. room, iirepiace in yara.! easement sealed a painted, party room, one o Salem's good homes Drive up a see I II interested. Call owner 134$ for m Dolntment. I I "2 CdtS in Portland 'each 40k 100. hie ground, located 65 Center ' St. lnqiiir mos- s . c. 70th Ave.. Portia ng. ' i BDRM. hornet Partly finished "u stairs. C.an be bought with iumltur 1475 Pearl. - I t LOCATED RIGHT In SUvtun. PUst ered five-room home with ibath iandj breakfast nook on corner lot lOOxlOo ft. Has full cement basementj lanndry tubs, fruit room, automatic oil floor furnace, electric hot water heater j ve netlan blinds, wired for range, gafagei big garden space, stx walnut, trees, beautiful lawn and shrubs. furnihe4 or unrurnisnea. eio e. deixerson; bt. Stavton. Ore. Phone 702. I ! enGlewood DISTRl 81200. 2 bdrm home M rbom for . . . ,iw . . . a, B,.,a.p .u,i atto. oil heat. Insulated, very good terms at 4 -Interest. Imm. IPos. ! i .n.. , n . t . .1 . ,.n . . OLSON AND REEVES. REALTORS I $45 S. Coml St. Ph. 4590: Eve 2-5830 SEVEN LARGE adlotnine buildinap lots on Oxford at So. CapitpL Owner. Phone 8470. T T j NlCE 2 bedroom rome. electric ieaC Venetian blinds. ba-emenLi Sell iot equity. 990 Electric. ; ! 1 I BYoWNER: Kew" 1 edrm.' horn" Good buy, good location. 20 Ni 5th. ' OWNER forced to sell partly furn. small home in Swegle Dist. Elec.) heat, range a deep well water aystemj Sac riflce for qu ick sale. Ph $-662Sj T NEW HOME on 95x100 wooded "loll In beautiful setting at south edge pi city. 1200 sq. ft. full basement, U furnace, party room with fireplace.) t bed rms. with provision for 3rd, Otva blk east of 8. Commercial ion Ratcllfs mve. rwners pnone ezs, i i SMALL home. . Englewoed dtstrirt. Close to schools. Automatic oil j best, Electric range. Venetian bllndij rail basement; Large garage. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. Price $8500. terms, pn. 4642- Eve. 2-1647. FOR Efficient and effective i sale, aervlce call the Salem Realty Co. NOW, GOOD BUILDLS-C lota. ft. I ront age. on Rawlins Ave. Call 8-2151 nines, firm Miles 45 Li inwlnyr Ave. I Rosedale District! .: Here is a lovely pre-war I built 'home In one of the best residential district of Salem. Two bedrooms, dining 'room. en. unfinished upstairs, FILL BASE MENT, automatic forced Sir oil fur nace, attached garage. $15,000.00. j Abrams & Skinner,' Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg.- ' j Phone tl$) Insurance Mgt, Loans f I NEW house, kitchenette.! 3 room patn view property. Will Sacrifice 83300 Inquire 620 Hansen j ; j MOD. 6 bdrm. home.' dble. plumb flrepl. v. blinds, full bsmt., bil heat, ddi. garage, corner lot. Good In- come siz.ooo. Ph. 4561. ONLY 83750. I bed rm. home ished. Neat and clean. 1 n THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. ? Phone j 2-4 29 LARGE LOTS. I restriction. Ready to build on. Dicksoi rTs Market CLOSE IN Lively 2 B.R. jhouse. cl4a to stores and sen. basement, f urn are. laund. tubs, good surroundings, S3,5jU0. 01I . .. . .in p t . . nunia rr wir miui a room noure, good location close to Holly wopd. $7J250 Terms. I j North Suburban Ranch type,! better built, livable home, spac out rooms, coved ceiling, H.W. Floors, basement, furnace heat, garage. breezwayC fire place. Everything vou would expect in a couniry nunie f u;u. R. E. Meredith, Hea 176 S. Commercial : '' ' Phofte 8B4 811tf0-0O NEW 2 bedrm home wiith L.R.. Dnr tm.. ktt bath. Hwd. firs. Large well located lot. SO s 150. family irun. roprrn. au nay uaws. I Huff Real Estaite! Co Realtors Phone 3793 341 iCTu-meketa St. I EEvesi 9441 Bliven, Cooney & ! Craig REALTORS I 1 For Quick Sfalej Beauty shop stock and equipment. Do ing a good steady business Ini a flty center location. Rent reasoaablel Pried right. ., T , . T Bliven, Coonev S ! Craig 647 N. High. Ph. 7906 Eve. 89l$Jor tosj ADVERTISm Western Adverti Isintr Representatives Ward -Griffith Com nan y. fne. Snn ffT-ncisoo Eastern Advrtslnf Representatives i Ward-Crlfflth Company, fne. Chicago. New York, j Detroit. Boston. Atlantn i, j Member 'l J Padfie Coast Dttf!s!fr$ Bureau of AdvertlslntT l , Entered at the Pami. ml lem. Ormoon es St cond t Class Mat ter Published ever, niortilao eepf Monde v Burinas of Ice tlj aosuii vemmerciai artreei. SUBSCRIPTION pATESl Mall subscription i Rates la Ad vance: WKhln Oregon DaUy and Sunday. Mo. 60 cents; S mot, $3 89; 1 year. $6 00 Elsewhere SO cents frrr mo or 87 an tor i year ta advance per copy a cents. i !i By City Carrier. TS cents a month, ftOO a year rear In advance In fCo., it Mar tea and Ijaeent counties. '-71