1 Thm Stat man, Salin, Oregon, Tu &af, Tannarf H 1948 Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Al Chem & Dye American Can Am Power & Lt Am Tel & Tel Anaconda Atchison Bendix A via Beth Steel . Boeing Air Calif Pack Jan, .-(aVToday's 188 IGen Foods 79jGen Motors 8 hk iGoodyear Tire .152ViGt North pfd . . 33 lint Harvest . 94 Int Paper pfd . 28 '! J Manville .100 Kennecott . 24 Long Bell A . . 32 Mont Ward . 11V4 Nash Kelvin . . 44 Nat Dairy .. . 81 N Y Central . Canadian Pac . Case J I Chrysler Comwlth Sou Cons Edison Cons Vultee ..... Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air . 2Morth Am Co . 22 V4 Northern Pac . 14!Pac Am Fish . . 33 I Pac Gas Elec . . 5P T & T . 53 V4 1 Pan American Dupont de Ne .. Gen Electric .... 181penney J C . 35 I Radio Corp Budget Starts Stock Retreat NEW YORK, Jan. 12.-(VThe president's budget message aided aircraft stocks today but the re sponse of many market leaders was a retreat to lower territory. Most oils ran into profit cash ing, after an early bulge. The White House proposal for a siz able increase in military planes buoyed the aviiJons although the majority finished well under the day's best. Prices hardened here and there in the final hour as Wall street envisaged considerable con gressional opposition to the spend ing program. Selling, on the whole, was at tributed mainly to doubts regard ing business, taxes, European re lief and mounting corporate costs. The chances of further anti-inflation steps by Washington also pro vided a cautionary argument. The Associate Press 60 - stock composite was off .3 of a point at 65.4, of 981 issues registering, 53 1 fell and 241 rose. Cam mack Family Off to Bolivia ROSED ALE Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cammack and their three children David, Daniel and Mary Bel. left last week on their way to Bolivia, South America where they will be missionaries to the Amazon Indians in the highlands, under the Oregon Friends mission. After a visit with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Herman Macy at Denair, Calif., they will go on by airplane to La Paz. Their equipment and belongings have already been shipped from Portland by boat. Cammack is a son of Mrs. Mary Cammack and was born and reared at Rosedale. Both the Cam macks are graduates of Willamette university and have taught school In Oregon for many years. Paul recently took a special mission aries medical course at the Los Angeles Bible Institute. Former Independence Resident Is Visitor INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Amy Moffit has as her house guest Mrs. Ann Rush from Franger, Calif. Mrs. Rush lived here until 18 months ago and has been on an extended trip since October 1. She spent some time in Okla homa, Kansas, and was in Olym pia. Wash., for Christmas with her son. She will return to Fanger soon. Today Pattern 4729 SIZES 1220 Take the limelight in this two piecer! Pattern 4729 does all the right things for your figure. That new smart smooth long torso, tiny waist, full-flare skirt won derful! This pattern, easy to use. sim ple to sew, is tested for fit. In cludes complete illustrated in structions. Pattern 4729: 12. 14, 16, 18. 20. Size 16, 4 yds. 39-in.; collar, yd. 35-in. Initial transfer inc. Send TWENTY-FIVE cents in coins for this pattern to The Oregon States man. Anne Adams. 1 First st, San Francisco . Calif. Print plainly NAME, ADDKESS. ZONE. SIZE and STYLE N L'MBEK - NEWS I Our rail and Winter ANNS ADAMS PATTERN. Book la ready! Send fifteen cents at once to be sure you get this easy -sew collection of fascin ating new fashions Printed right In the book are TREE direction for mak ing EIGHT useful rifts. ach from a feed bag. or a fabric remnant Order now I closing quotations: 38Rayonier 56lRayonier Did 28 33 22 17 20 V4 36 18 48 27 61 20 10 V4 25 16 25 76 12 29 46 - 43 4 1 Reynolds Met . 40!RichfieW . 92 (Safeway 52 Sears Roeb 40 I Sinclair Oil .... ... 48 ISo Pacific ... 24 ii Stan Brands -. 53V4lStan Oil Cal ... l?Studebaker .... ... 28!Sun Mining .. ... 14! Union Oil ... 16V4!Un Pacific ... 20!Un Airlines .... ... 14'Un Aircraft .... ... 35 U S Steel ... 6V4Wamer Bros ... 9fWest Elec ... 41 IWool worth .. 9 MRS. BOSCH PRESIDENT BROOKS The Sewing club met at the Dunlavy home Friday aft ernoon. Election of officers were Mrs. Marie Bosch," re-elected pres ident; Mrs. Golda Hadley, vice president; Mrs. Grace Sayre, sec retary; Mrs. Fae Loo mis, treas urer. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Martha Lesher, Mrs. Patsy Brutka, Mrs. Grace Sayre, Mrs. Gertrude Reed, Mrs. Willa Vin yard, Mrs. Cleo Walker, Mrs. Ber tha Wood and Jimmy, Mrs. E. B. Klampe, Mrs. Ruth Jensen, Mrs. Nona Sidebottom, Mrs. Dollie Ramp, Mrs. Fae Loomis, Mrs. Eve lyn Jones, Mrs. Marie Bosch and Mrs. Anna Dunlavy. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Elva Aspin wall. Guardianship of Aaaetta L. McCutcheon NOTICE OF SALE OF SEAL PROPERTY (NO. 57415) In the Circuit Coart of U State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah Department of Probate. In the matter of the Guardianship of Annetta L. McCutcheon (also known as Nettie L. McCutcheon. Incom petent. Notice is hereby given that The First National Bank of Portland (.Oregon), guardian of the Estate of Annetta L. McCutcheon. incompetent, by virtue of and Order of sale, issued by the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah. Department of Probate, duly maae ana enierea on the 4th day of November. 1847. in the above entitled Estate, licensing the Guardian to sell the hereinafter de scribed real property, belonging to said incompetent, will offer for sale and sell at envate sale for cash, or upon auch terms as may be approved by the Court, the following described real property, situate In Marion County, Oregon, to-wit : Beginning at an iron rod at the most westerly corner of a 4.43 acre tract Of land conveyed to S. W. Mau- ?in by Deed recorded January 17, 938 in Volume 331. pace 329. Deed Records of Marion County. Oregon; thence south 57 18 East 2781 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of the Pacific Highway: thence North 32 If East 115.3 feet long the West erly line of the Pacific Highway to a cross cut on concrete marking the most Southerly corner of a tract of land conveyed by Nettie L. Ma u pin to Henry . and Alu M. Lie be L by Deed recorded Jane 24. 143 in Vol ume 285. page (55 Deed Record. Mar ion County. Oregon: thence North 57 IV West 311.3' feet, more or less, along the Southerly line of said Liebel tract to an iron pipe, which is the most westerly corner of raid Liebel tract: thence South J3 17' West along the Westerly line of the aforementioned S. W. Maupin 4.43 acre tract to the place of beginning being situated in the Ell C. Cooley Donation Land Claim No. 42. Township 5 South. Range 1 West Willamette Meridian. Marion County. Oregon. That said sale will be held on or after the 10th day of February IMS. at The First National Bank of Portland. Wood burn Branch. Woodbtirn. Oregon, and will be subject to the confirmation of the above entitled Court. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON) Guardian of the Estate of Annetta L. McCutcheon. incompetent. Date of first publication Dec. 30. 1947. Date of last publication Jan. 27. 1948. Arthur Langguth Attorney for Guardian 602 McKay Bldg.. Portland 4. Oregon. D 30-J 8-13-20-27 Needlecraft WU2 Bluebirds singing a song! These designs give you that "Blue Skies" feeling, when embroider ing and using the lovely linens they make. Many uses for these motifs. Simple stitches. Pattern 597 has transfer of 24 motifs from lxVi to 5x10 U in. Laura Wheeler's new, improv ed pattern makes needlework so simple with its charts, photos, concise directions. Send TWENTY CENTS in coins for tlus pattern to The Oregon Statesman. Laura Wheeler. 1st and Stevenson Sts Saa Francisco, Calif. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME. AO DRESS with ZONE. Tour NEW 148 Laura Wheeler Need leer a ft Book Is ready I Send FIF TEEN CENTS and get the beat needle craft catalog ever published. 101 Il lustrations of the finest in embroidery, crochet, knitting, home decoration, toys, accessories. Printed in this book are FREE instructions for weaving on buck toweling the newest hobby I Wheat Paces Sharp Upturn CHICAGO, Jan. Z.-(JPy-Wheat led a sharp upturn in grains on the board of trade today following ad vices stating the government had reentered the flour market. The advance was helped by continued light marketings of cash grain and forecast of a cold wave in the win ter wheat belt. In wheat. March and July set new seasonal peaks. All corn de liveries made seasonal highs ex cept the 1948 crop December con tract, and the May delivery closed within cent of the all-time high for any corn future made Sept. 15, 1847, at $2.654- Wheat closed 5 to 6 cents high er, May 13.04H-3.05, corn was lower to 3i higher. May $2.65 , oats were unchanged to 1 Y higher. May $1.25V4-s, and soy beans were unchanged to 5 cents higher, March $4.30 to $4.34. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed In the Probate De- gartment of the Circuit Court of the tate of Oregon, for Marion County, her duly verified Final Account, as ad ministratrix of the estate of Veronia Cad well, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 8th day of Feb ruary. IMS. at the hour of 10 00 o'clock A.M. of said day. as the Ume. and the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House at Salem. In Marion Coun ty. Oregon, as the place for hearing said Final Account and all objections there to. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 6th day of January. 1948. Verona Myers. Administratrix of the estate of veronia Cadwell. Deceased. Ronald C. Glover. Attorney for Administratrix. 203 Oregon Building. Salem, Oregon. J 8-13-20-27-F 3 Livestock and Poultry 40 WEAKER PIGS. 89 up. Heifer to freshen soon Ph. 26274. ' mi. east of Krueger's Mkt. on Center St. Box 101. 8 WEANER PIGS. Hugh Craig. i ml. wet of Brush College schl. Ph. 25920. 4 JERSEY heifers, two fresh in Dec. others to freshen in Feb. and Mar. One Jersey cow. 3rd calf last June. All fine registered stock. Grace and M. P. Wilson. .a mUe So. of Mt. Ansel high way out of Woodburn on McKey road. Ph. 1404 Woodburn. NEW Hampshire baby cnicks. start ed chirks ac older pullets always avail able. Ph 2-2861. Lees Hatchery. WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hogs St sheep. WU1 call at farm. Licensed St bonded buyers. Prompt service. E. I Snethen St Son. 1550 Lancaster Dr.. Salem. Ph. 2-1345. CUSTOM dressing of chickens any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. WANTED to buy: All kinds of cat tle, hogs and sheep. Frank Wood. Rt. 7 Box 431 H. Phone 2-5714. DEAD Stock picked up. free of charge, day and night service Ph. Sherwood Ore, 4432 or 4424. Call collect. HIGHEST QUALITY CHICKS New HampaMres am White Rocks. Hatches every Tuesday Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatehery A Poultry Farm. Lvons. ore WANTED: All kinds of cattle, fat nogs.-sows a boars At your farm or delivered Market price E C. McCand Itsh. Rt. 9. Box 233 across from Waters Ball Park on S 25 St.. Ph 8147 20 V. H HETiS Phone 2-2234. FOR SAUt-New Zealand white doe. with litters and hutches. Reasonable. Phono 26114 or 19 Fark Ave. Auctions Lane SudtelFs Auction Sales Yard Wednesday. Jan. 14. at 10 a.m. a T p m. Located l' E. of Fairgrounds on Silverton Rd. - Phone 8098 Two 4-piece bdrm. sets. S-piece wal nut dining rm. set. several new oil stove, w&viing machines, chairs and tables, white enamel wood ranges, wood circulators, new steel step stools, electric percolators, elec. clocks, new tools, copper cookwsre. 3 sets of sil verware, new side-arm hot water heat ers, new G.E. Jet pump and many oth er miscellaneous article. Chickens, rabbits, day old and veal calves, feeder and weaner pigs. A good selection of cows and heifers. ' COME) ALWAYS A GOOD SALE! Help Wanted S TEN OG -General office work, per manent position. Give age and experi ence. Shorthand necessary. Write Statesman Box 826 CAR INTERIOR DIRTY We have fust installed a new Van Dom No. 95 Vackar unit. With this fine equipment we can thoroughly clean the upholstery and Interior of your car while you watt. Drrve in at Firestone Stores. Center and Liberty. Help Wauled Hale SOLICITORS TO take subscription on commiaslon basis. Can earn 850 to 875 per week. Capital Press. 270 N. Corn 1 EXPERIENCED retail fruit vege table man. Call 4SS7 after 0 p.m. Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR general office work. Shorthand St typing. Homer H. Smith Insurance Agency. Or Ct GIKL in established real estate office. Typing, shorthand, book keeping necessary. Murt have pleasing personality. Write Box 824 co States man 3TENOCRAFHER - typist. Pleas ins personality. Capable of meeting the public. 5 dayi a week. Attractive aal- rv Phone M28. WOMAN TO care for convalescent patient. Light housework. Phone 21858 '"vih. sin ui . m ii si ir w ovvj. TETrcme rms .. wcr . - ....... m w i nvrwRV fi . i an qav or zjw evenings. frVwyexirr , . .. raphen - Please telephone Mrs. Clear- . . a.m . . . CUMVl.'i'ENT secretary. Law office m .m ' i experience desirable. Call Judge J. T. Brand. Phone 4 171. Ext 307. WAN 1 ED Middle-aged woman for general housework 3 adults in family. Room, board and wages. Modern home. Mrs. George D. Bishop. 2020 Myrtle. Phone 5587. Salesmen Wanted INSURANCE SALESMAN, full or part time. Experience unnecessary. Auto. Truck. Fire and Casualty lines. Open teintory. new incentive com mission -plan, competitive rate. Farm era Insurance Group. V. J. "Bill" Orko. District Agent. 406 Court Street. Salem. Oregon. Tel. 5461. Call or write for anooinunent WANTED Real estate salesman. Ex- pertence and car necessary. Box 825. Statesman. Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING. 2490 N. Fifth Ph. 26955. COLLINS WATER beaters. Immedi- at Installation. J. P. Vogt, Ph. 2-6268. Well Drilling Domestic, Irrigation, Industrial H. A. ROBINSON 221 N FRONT. Salem. Ph. 7293 lNiJNCT wann work. Prtte Statesman Box 822. HOUSEKEEPING by elderly ion75 for resoertabLe artttttnmw w Statesman Box 823. Valley Engineering Co. Lotting Engineering Mane, surveys, road location 08 Locust. Phone 2-8318 Situations Wanted MEATCUTTER with 20 years experi ence would like part time work. Write Box 252. panas. ore- AVAILABLE MM High 8c low pres sure steam engineer. Ph. 3265. OIL Heating. Installation St repair. Ph. 2-1627. WILL CARE for pre-school child in mv home. 180 S. 19th. Ph. 2-5343. CEMk.N l' CONTRACTING. Ph. 43( " HOUSEWORK bv hour. Phone 2-24t fALNTlNo or paperhanging. Call Vcrbv. 2-5249. PkACTiCAL fVURSX. day or night utv. Phone 8332, HOUSEWORK, lew hours per day or steady 2 or 3 full days per week. Ex-ce-llent references. Phone 56F11. LADY. 3b. with daughter 3 vrs. old wishes housekeeping job for respect aole gentleman or small family. Good references. Write Statesman Box 830. DRESS MAKING, tailoring, altera" tion and designing. Phone 8361. HOUSEWORK by hour. Phone 25062 after 5pm Lester DeLapp Truck Service Commercial Hauling Furniture Moving 1115 N. Com'l. Ph. 2175 AVAIL, lmmed. Expert mill work in stallation, remodeling. Alt Bros.. Con tra ctors. Ph. 2-2780 or Silverton Red 251. WORKING MOTHERS: Know your child has good care in Christian home. Day, week or eves. Ph. 2-6722. 20 YR. OLD high school graduate desires work in garage or service sta- tion. Eugene Hampton. Ph. 7714. SCISSORS, knives, pinking shears. sharpened. Dexter. 966 Center. Ph. 6833. WHAT? Need painting V Phone 3-3190 PAINTER and Paperhanger. Reason able prices. Free estimates. H. J. Wood worth. Ph. 3013. DRAWING St Designing House and store p la ns. Ph. 9621. EXPERT Repairs. New roUs. Olson Washer Repair. 80 Liberty Rd. Ph. 2-5100. CHIMNEY sweep. Northness. ph. 4450 PRESchool Playschool 1381 State. Ages 2-8. Part or all day. Ph. 8430. Oil Circulator Service Furnaces and chimneys cleaned and repaired. B. F. Ensley. Ph. 7176. 771 South 21st. ALL Work guaranteed. Windows walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457 PRUNING and spraying L. W. Can del Pruning St Spraying Co Ph. 7900. PECO PACIFIC EXCAVATING COMPANY Bulldozing and Grading PHONE 8793 SALEM, OREGON PAINTING A Paperhanging Free estimate 857 Shipping Ph 9513- BASEMENTS water-proofed Phone fill 60 Lana Ave. SMALL Carpenter jobs. Ph. 2-5150 General cement contractor. Ph 7641 CURTAINS Washed 4 stretched. 395 S 22nd. Mrs B Lleske Phone 2-6343 Hollywood Transfer For local and long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent Ph 9764 Burton's Mobile Station Septic Tanks Cleaned K F. Hamel. 1143 8th. West Salem. Phone 7404 "CEMENT CNTRACfBiG": Phone 2-3045. Stanley Fagg. Painting Automotive Mt commercial. Spray or bruan Paul BASsrrr Rt 6 Box 363 Phone I-t Painting and paperhanging. Ph. 4325. WASHING aaachines by the hour or day. Free pickup Mt delivery. Home Washer Service. Pn. 26793. ' Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IK INTERIORS 1-5444 DICK PREY 8265 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on wers Ph. 9468 or 5327. WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph 21231 4020 East State St INTERIOR painting: for a good job at a reasonable price Ph. 2-5518. For -Sale Miscellaneous- COFFEE MAKERS and replacement parta. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. RADIOS AffD-record players. West tnghouse. So nor s. Garod. Wilcox. Cay. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. LLElM RKT clocks and door "cKH VEATEg APPLIANCE CO " STEKlLAMPS te help prevent spread of disease for home and office. YEATER APPLIANCE CO J R. Watkins Co. products 1717 Cen ter St. salem. Ph. 3395. Free del- ALWAYS a big stock. Woodry's Furniture Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 8110. RESTALTtANT griodles and "electric ranges. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' REVERE WARE, alum mum frying griddles. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 30 car not water beaters, from 18 PSSRe'cOOKs: f kin canning 87.95 and up. ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ROOkl Fi EATERS with or without fan. 110-220 volt. YEATER APPLIANCE CO OIL Circulating heaters with twm radiant doors. 4 to 6 room size. 89445 Montgomery Ward St Co- Salem lontgomery Exhaust FANS for kitchen or in- dustrial use. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 110-VOLT EEECTRIC ranges, no ape cial wiring required. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. TUTORS. radiant or fan type. 86945 and up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. STORE Island, $30. Phone 7577. mOKERS. U N IVTRS ATTAN D"TIT0 R YEATER APPLIANCE CO LIGHTING FIXTURES of all kinds. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. TOllJErTSlITUBSTWash basins and electric hot water heaters. Avail able at big savings. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St "HEaMnXTPXDS; electric comforters and blankets. YEA fER APPLIANCE CO LAMPS FOR 'desk, table, bed pin-up and floor lamps YEATER APPLIANCE CO OIL CONVERSION units for your wood or coal cooking range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. SU?i LAMPS ATJD HEaTT-AMPS YEATER APPLIANCE CO HOT PLATES. ..n?le and -burner YEATER APPLIANCE CO. WATER HEATERS, all sixes types YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC IRONS, ironing boards, pads, and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO FAKMtRS Attention Special farm lanterns S3 95. fence controllers $14.95. milking machines. -1- :tric milk cooler for 8-10 gal cans YEATER APPLIANCE CO Oil Burner Service Radiant heating. Win. C. Drew. 3-4445 8 IN. PORTABLE electric Mall Saw. Call 2-5530. SURPLUS STORE 1351 HOYT ST. ELECTRIC HEATERS and Water heaters. 32 & 42 Gal. Electric fuse boxes, wall and ceiling boxes, switches, outlets, house and outside wire. Elec tric 14 gauge sheet metal shear 848 50. One more week 20 off on all Navy type steel cabinets. 4 Section metal filing cabinets $55.00 Kitchen sinks, wash basins, bath room sets. Copper pipe. Young Delux Mt regular washers. Ta bles, bedside, radio or phonograph rec ards 85 0 ea 2 for 810.00. Bunk beds $11 JO pair. Mattresses for bunk beds also 38" mattresses. Apt size wood ranges. New Apt size elec ranges due In Friday. Foot lockers, swivel chairs. Plywood trays make fbod flats or stor age trays 25c ea. 3 c 25 KVA Gas Elec tric light plants for borne or logging camp 1 Block east of S. 12th. Tel. 7918 LAFF-A-DAY Tm mean, bed-tempered and disobedieoL What's your speed?" For Sale Miscellaneous MOVING Must sen at sacrifice. Bed. chest. 7x9 wool rug. rolls way piano and misc. Items. 1366 State. 4 IN. PLANER. $2750. h.p. R.I. Century motor $35. 9' In. band saw $35. HOWSER BROS 802 Ed fe water Phone 3646 WOOD CIRCULATOR with hot water colls. Reasonable. 2623 Brooks Ave. J (J S i KJU-IVEl Nw sKipment ul new electric ranges, refrigerators and electric washers. New and used oil heaters, all sizes, radios, other items too numerous to mention. Come out and see us and save dollars. Hard man Bros.. mile north of Totem Pole Open until 7 evenings. 7 days a week CAR INTERIOR DIRTY 1 We have lust installed a new Van Dorn No. 95 Vackar unit. With this fine eauipment we can thoroughly clean the upholstery St interior of your car while you wait. Drive In at Tire- stone stores. Center St Liberty. GREY Enamel wood St coal range. 30 gal. hot water tank and elec. side arm heater. 5 miles S. on 99E Prlngle Road. Wte. 6. Box 112. SANIT1Z0R vacuum cleaner. Ph" 2-5763 DAVENO in good cond. $20. 1610 S. High. Ph. Z-16S8 APT. Size elec range, like new. 773 1 8th. OIL circulator. 4-4 rm. size. Practic ally new $50. 940 S. 14th NEW Twin bed. coil spring Mt mat tress. 1 pr. man's ice skates, size 10. call eves.. 598 N. 14tn. Oil Circulator Service Call Cy Younger- Phone 6072. ANTIQUE HAND GUN collection FLINT LOCKS. CAP 8c BALL, single St Dbl. Bbl. Derringers. 4 8c 6 bbl re volvers. Dbl. Bbl. muzzle loader shot fun. a beautiful specimen. 38 Spl. 8 Bbl Colt St 5" Bbl 3844 S St W both like new. Very latest model 321 -T Rem 22 repeater. 8 M.M. Mauser with K 2-5 Scope. 3080 Spr. Sptr. with K 2-5 Scope L. C. Smith Field Grade 0 W Sakt cost, fired one time. 12 gauge Dbl. Mt Single Bbls. 22 Savage pump like new. Check protector Mt Electric Eye O less .s price. Sawdust conveyor com plete with motor. 6 x 30 coated lens binnoculars like new. 20 power BL spotting scope. Model 12. 12 gauge taw ed off bbl. 30. Luger fine shape. DON MADISON. 266 No. Capitol DAVENO St Chair set. good cond Almost new, $130. Stand wood dinette set, $15. 1275 8th St.. W. Salem. OLDER model "Underwood Standard typewriter. $25. Ph. $196. PIANO, xood cond.. reasonable. 12u) Sonic St. SHEETRdCK. wailboard . St inch. Wall plank, plaster base, celling tile. Rt. 7. Box 431 L. McCain Ave., off Sil verton Rd. TOILETS, new St used. Rt. 7. Box 431 L McCain Ave., off Silverton Rd. ""EASY Spin dryer washer. Call after p.m. or forenoons, iszi cross at. Apartment 4. CHICKEN St BARNYARD manure. $4.00 yd. delivered. Otis Branch, Gen. Del., Turner. ' 50 UWINC MACHINES. Electric i treadle type, 1930 N. 18th. NEWHOMlTtreadlesewing machine Ph. 7866. "USED WASHING machine. 835. llio S. 16th PREMIER VACUVM cleaner, recent- ly reconditioned, $30. 1075 Market. Ph 8245 3-PIECE BEDROOM suite with mat- tress Mt springs. 869.50. See at 1696 N Liberty. Ph. 7083 "ELECTrTc HEATER (Cbromalox) $20. 2490 N. Fifth. Ph. 26955. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market. Ph 2-4598. Organist, accompanist. Salem Screen Shop 1444 S. 12th Closing out all wds.. doors Mt view saah 20 off list. . plywood. 12e per sq. ft. Now Is the time to order wd. screens and screen doors for spring del. Screen will still be in short supply In t48 rOR SEALING leaky basements, fur nace pita, eta., use white Nor Wall; economical Mt easily applied. HOWSER BROS. 602 Edgewater Phone 2448 River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 2-8100 CEDAR POSTS. Phone 68 TO "TJXCTRlCTRAKGES.TJburner. large oven and broiler. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. WASHING MACHINES. Wesimg house Laundromat. Thor Automagic. Universal 2-Speed. Little Giant Tray Washer. Cinderella Portable. YEATER APPLIANCE CO UHEY'S Music Studio. Instructor of brass instruments. 793 N. 15th. 5-PIEClTstudio couch set and 1 white leatherette chair. $150. 2460 W. Nob Hill. MATCHED SEf of golf cIubsTHbag na can. iw Miapion. oLt M 1 mECkSBXPH $75d. Ph. 7MT PREWaYOIL burner. 13-m. burner. In very good cond.. cheap. 2 miles east of Totem Pole. Ph. 22010. Lyle Klampe. Rt 7 Box 260. DiLUX M0TPOINT electric range. Cogswell chair, occasional tables. Ex cellent -ond 192S N. Liberty. Ph. 26643. Lovely eastirn mapie beds. 1 double with almost new Serta bos spring and mattress; 1 twin with inner spring mattress and coil springs. Good outs. ws rors at CARD BO A RO packing boxes ana Sheets, any size. 1 IW N. FVont 0RTLOffSTeilnsete--at red uced or ices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO BATHROOM SET complete, galvan id Pipe. j. and ! Inch. No. 1 oax flooring, pnone 9353 C1RCULA11NU urn heater, suitable for small apartment. Stove and pipe $33 1175 N. Capitol St. Phone 4317. TOILETS $50 each, bathroom wash basin $20, double run windows com plete with casing $10, army locker C. G. LONG AND SONS Rt 2 Pox 35. Salem. I Mi. N. of Kehrer 'ULbllKCHOUSE electric stove, fl t refrigerator, walnut buffet, corner chi na cupboard. 4-pc. maple bdrm. set. rpring and mattress All In good cond. Can be seen at $45 S Church St. Mon day or Tuesday between 2 and 4 p.ra. rnceo rieni. Mrs M. O. wnite D CEDAR thineles. IT lex II in. snaxes in assorted colors. KOLA LUMBER CO. - PHONE 25950 2x4. 2x6 s. lxl s. Jxld s andTTnT lumber at $33 per thousand. FOLA LUMB FR CO. - PHONE 23950 ' PLASTI-KOTC. the' transparent cei: lophane-like finish that requires no waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. DAVENO Set. t than a year old". Good cond. Also buffet St dining rm. set. Call 2-5348 or come te 1465 N. pottage. i ODDS St EN"DS of plywood. 117$ Chemeketa. For Sale ROseenaneona NEW 38 S. St W. Special revolver Never fired. Holster St shells. SAO 00 16 Inch exhaust for suction tohauat. 838. New General Slicing Machine. Hand operating suitable for cafe or small store, fi7.se. sous staple Ave. Phone 2-5093 CkOSLEV Radio St phonograph com btnation. 840. Phone 5 152. WELL BRED German Shepherd fe male dog. 10 mo. oid. Phone 8-6287. LEATHER Davenport. Phone 2-3451. ""WOOD STOVE, good cond- with cop- per coils Mt i cord dry wood. 790 Fair' view. I REG. Boston terrier puppies. 6 wks. old City Hall. Monmouth Ore. BUTANE circulating heater. Vented 2 M. B.T.U. Reasonable. 1698 Huleey Ave . off Radchff bet. S. 12th Mt Coml. AIREDALE: Pedisreed male, four year old Bighorn strain. Price 89040. Tracy Cox Route 7. Box 158. 99 St Lancaster Drive District. Salem. DAY BED and pad. Round oak din Ing table, 4 chairs. Small Walton rug, bedstead and springe. 1150 Lee St. Ph. T703. CHILD'S Dream nlav house 46x8 Built-ins. weather proof. A house of her own, $30 00 . 8775 Silverton Road. AL'S RADIO Clinic in theKlier pist Day or evening. Ph. 2-4373 7 INCH skill saw. Ph. 2-3629 WeSTINGHOUSE elec. rarlge. i bum er, perfect cond. 850. Five rm. oil heat- . . m u. w.m, vmtt . v mnm mm. pipe St stove board. $60. Two-wheel trailer $25. Upright piano. $100. RCA table model radio. Comb, battery Mt elec, $25. Ph . 3-4045. 525 N. Capitol . -te krauu rifle, good cond. $50. law ri . sthj 11x8 RUG used 6" mot. 875 Terr Drive THE GARMENT" BAZA A A Has quality used clothing for women 8c children at reasonable prices. 1330 sarinaw FREE Squash. Rt. 6. Box 118. 4 mi. out State St ELECTS IC Hawaiian guitar and am plifier. $65. 1721 Chemeketa St. F.H.A. APPROVED PUMICE BLOCK 12th STREET BLOCK CO. So. 12th St. at Vista 'Ave. Tele. 2-5363 Evenings 8904 BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS, CONCRETE WATERPROOFING I mile south on River Rd Phone S96S TIL STOVES, washing machines, oil burners, pumps and sawdust burners repaired correctly. Call and deliver. Phone 3-2Q8I or 2-2060. STARRETT Builders level, in good shape, im. HOWSER BROS 602 Edgewater Phone 3646 WALL BOARD. '". 4x8' sheets. $43 per thousand. Rt. 7. Box 431-L. McCain Ave, off Se I vert on Rd. "BARNYARD St Chicken manure. Del $3 per cu. yard. Ph. 88F22. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 6, Box 111 SHERMAN and Williams paint In gal. lots 82JW per gal. No white. Trade iot nimnurt, car or picKup. rn. iwi or rail 1694 N Commercial. "TVPEWRITERS RENTED, repaired. KAY TYPEWRITER CO. 337 Court St. Phone 8095 MARSHALL STRAWBERRY plants $10.00 per 1000. dug. free use of machine transplanter on 13.000. Paul Rlfte. Rt. 5. Box 313, 2'i ml. S. W. Macleay. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads it driveway. Cement. Ready-mix Concrete- Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4 ya snovei St drag line pnone ssai EMERY WEeel. VwiuYg- ooarda, eW- irie eiaiea. exia rug. s-w t. winter pn B4fe WILL BUY. sell or trade suns, mo dern or antique, Don Madison, see No CapitoL Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE phone tlSS, W7iNT TOBuy Used Carneras-1 Ifnses McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State CASH for used piano it ether mu steal Instruments. CaU 4841 days or S4J7 evenings or send dosrrlptlosi Jamilth Music Co. 191 S. High tJS EPFUR N rfU R E. Phone SiTf " FURNITURE and what have you bought for cash. Call any time Sun dale Exchange Ph. 8-8511. 894 N Lib erty Wanted Miscellaneous 100 SEWING MACHINES. Sundele's. Pti ; 25811. 894 N. Liberty, WE PAY cash for lunk batteries. U S. Metal and Salvage W W. Liberty. PIANO TlMIMQ Wills Music Store. Salem "TfwtNO mach. bought, rented, re paired, made elec. W. Davenport Tril CASH for old sold, solid, plated or fUted. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State Miscellaneous MAKE EVERY DAY count In 19481 Train and Insure your future with the 1.C-S. 400 major courses. New courses in Retail Buying. Selling. Pricing and Merchandising. T: free catalog. Call or write Don McNiell. Dist. Rep.. Inter national Correspondence Schools, 1353 State, Salem. Ph, 8330. ESTTITAtS cleaned and blocked. 11 OO LES SPRINGER. 464 Court AUTO painting, lust a shade better. by nay XTTEK. cau Shroca Motor Co. 8502. "WEATHER strips. Pullman Ph IftU " &GiiPJilhi'rTHCruUt teorder. Z. Scott. Ph. 8635 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Beads Clearing r- Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 18 B-;s yds. 112 00 per be 16 B-4s yds. $00 per hr D-7 Cat 4 Dozer 9 00 per hr D-6 Cat Doxer S 40 per hr D-4 Cat ft Dozer 1j00 per hr Phone Days $40$ Evenings 8244 er $440$ Salem Oregon PIANO tunlng7WUi's Music Store. Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Com Ph 2.111 HAVE YOUR Singer sewtns machine repaired bv a Qualified Singer reore- sentative Ph. 3512 for free pickup Mt delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work is started. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co . 130 N Commercial WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt. 9. Box 423. Phone 2-1313. Mattresses Capital Bed Co. Ph. 4069 Money to Loan General Finance Corp. offers money at once on ears, trucks, furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm machinery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced. No co signers. General Finance la locally owned and officered, was organized In 177 and therefore Knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan. Ap plications for loans made by phone 138 South Commercial St Saient Phone : $168 Licenses S-138 it M-238 Private Money Speci ial rates and terms on larger loans. LONG OR SHORT TOfE PAYMENTS Roy H. Simmons 138 8 Commercial Phone 918 FARM and CITY LOANS 4,, and 8 Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7183 For Sale Ileal Estate REIMANN'S REAL SUBURBAN HOME on 3 Acres; North and East: S bed rooms, living room with fireplace. Plenty of shrubbery, strawberries. Partly furnished Including refrigerator. $16,000. No, 838. ATTENTION INVESTORS 10 Acres of high, rolling ground. Beautiful view property, 15 Acres of orchard. $ Acres timber. 8 room cot tage auiteble for subdivision. $eooo with terms. Ne. 827. HOW ABOUT Getting this 48 A of Mission Bottom Land and raising an hottest to good ness ercp. Priced at only 112,500. No. 1008. A SQUARE MILS Facing on Santiam River. Lota of good timber. Ideal for Dude Ranch or summer home sitae. $20,000. Eaay Terms. No. 1027. REIMANN REAL ESTATE Evenings and Sundays $-8058. $-4628 $01 South High PHONE Blue Line Beauty parlor, room for 8 operators. 278 Chemeketa. 3 dryers, wave equipped machine, furniture. In eluded, all you ned la 81628 te get started. Call Mr. Reese. NORTH BROADWAY Fine 4 Bdrm. I'.-sty. Hardw. fir. V blind. FlrepJ. full baaemt. garage, auto, oil heat, elec cook. elec. water htr. 13 Rrs. old. very good and clean. Call Mr. eely. BURT PICIIA, Phone 221$ Money to Loan CONSOLIDATE Your BILLS Pay off your old bille with a loan from Personal and make one conven ient payment each month In one place $10 05 per month repaya $100 In 12 months other amounts In proportion Phone for faster service. Personal Finance Co. 51$ State St. Rm. 125 Phone 311 E. Gs Dinger, mgr. Lie B-122. M-1S5 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 39 STATE ST 1st Nat'l Bank fold quarters! City' - Suburban - Farms First Mortgage Loans WARD L. McCAFFERTY 457 Court St. Ph. 8744 er 3814 Loans Wanted Want Private Money At Once Real Estate Loans. Immediately WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Pnone 711$ Financial Money to Loan Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans made as small aa $300. See is about refinancing your present contract er mortgage. Ap proved city loans, ui. loans, construe Lion loans. Low Interest rate. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 SUte Street Phone 926 $ 8 MONEY 9 8 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co, 153 S. Ilish St. Lie. til M E T For Rent -Rooms ONE EACH double St single sleeping room for ladles. No smoking. 266 No. CaP"ol. HlXftlTSatPtsa room, employ ed man 795 N. Winter. Ph. 5539. WALKING-DTSTAKCYW il furn elec. heated hwlrnom. am ft. Winter. -rgovt roRwRBsnridsT.thttr "HOI AKD COLD water, priv. ent men onU . 2623 Brooks Ave. "TN" H6ti-VWoOD7cran sleeping rms. Ph. Q3 2039 McCoy " 3 TURN"! ROOUS with. kit. privileges. for employed women. 41 Market. "TClXPING ROOUTprival bath, elec trtc heat. Phone 7176 T7I 8. 31st TJCrTToWIieeplng roomTCaTTHal 70 N. Church S. LARGE ROOM, twin bd.. steam boat. 4 blocks from State Office build ing Phone 47 "WARM iLWlKU room. men. 119$ Chemeketa St. For Rent Apartments HOUSEKREPTNO room. 1047 S, Coml, AHIL6R"10rlCpartlirfurnr Prl vate entrance. Close te bus line. $38 N. 22nd. "M A LL' FU It NTXpTTPI .one 1-484$, r MC DEHfJ CotU geaby" day.-wak or TiGhTr houaekeep .. bua 18 10 Trade. 1-HU. ruRJT. aduIU. Sliown-Tuesday 2 to 4. 640 S. Capitol NttlTura. apt. 175 "N. Ca pTuL For Rent Houses ON HIGHWAY north, new I BR. home, $60 per me. la advance. Refs. required. R. A.JIteBrooki, Ore. M3JCPTT beach cottage, pn. ie. "vVHYTPAY high rentf Clean 1 rm. cabin for sate. 8-M, to be moved ( fur nished). Box $5 Hlway Ave Salem. For Kent ADJ. OFFICE room. 2nd floor, down- town. P, O. Bo 5S5. .Cl.AAi. KOOMr" trailer ipwi, modern conveniences. Free laundry privileges. Evet green Trailer eon rt, zrxrs M sp ie. TlMlTIs money. Rent one of these labor savers. Belt it disc senders, pipe tools, trsnsit. chain hoists, skill saws house jacks Mt auto tools. HOWSER BROS. 802 Edgewater . Phone 346 HOOVER cleaner with attachments. 1140 per day. HOWSER BROS. 60J Edgewater ' Phone 348 DON T rorget the slaUi side of sour rooms. Rent high speed floor sanders polishers from HOWSER BROS. 802 Edrewater Phong 364 U-UHIVE TRUCKS FOR KENT Blankets furn 17 S. Liberty. Ph. o2, TRAlLERS7Se first" hrt5or"ars following. Woodry's Mkt.. 10$ N. GOOd' lwTHno H, L, Stif ' f LOOH aander. elec. floor pouaher and lawn roller, weed burner. Raw Una Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph. 877. ATHUnAYI. ocone. Uooo noann. Rent-sell H. C, Pugh. 664 N 17, 4v2 TRAtLXH space Mod. clean, free laundrynrv Re as, rates. 35M g Coml FOR RENT Large ground floor room suitable for store or large office South High Street tocaticn state r ma nee oa Ph. 412L Wanted to Kent 2 OR 3 BDRM. unfurn. house, by fate employed veteran, 2 children, te $70 mo. Write Statesman Bog 820. T2CaX BUSINESS eouptT desire bouse or apt. close te town fura. or unfurn. Ne children. Ph. $-19$. 8-1-30 ttVtlXfi. WIIT and S year eld want small house. Phone 844. URGENTLY 'nsoWind rm. house, 8 children. 4 ma. and 2 vrs. References. Phone 2-6452 between 4 and 8:38 fa. ' I 1 t For Sal Real Estaf T ESTATE COLUMN 1 BEDROOM Home with garage Ith garage en Acre; pae fruit trees. Only $.1500. Ne. en t Acre; has Lawn and 1$. t BEDROOM home. S year old. East ef City limits, large, well windowed rooms: attarhevl Rarage $260 down. Full Prlre. tatou. le, 278. , . I , t BEDROOM ' I home on 'i Acre; located en NE South of city limit House la plastered, ail on one floor; one block te bus. $6500. Me. 302. I 4 BEDROOM i I , 1 year old house. Full beemen. mod ern kitchen Fireplace. Pipe furnace wttn air rotMiitiAning. I bath r located East. ty iork to grade sr Bus by door. Onlv I4 tM Nov 408. hoeL OPPORTUNITY I 4 An excellent opportunity for eulxllvt aion; 30 A located on paved road; rWe In: and elnae te school, and bus. 81$, ovt wiui 62008 down. Ne. 1028. t Pnone 908 3210 Here's a farm you've bean looking for, 22'a me. wHh nice farm houee, barn, machine, ahed. 2 poultry hae. garage, granary, cow. rhlrbene I St equipment. 11 act In whast. good Pee,' ture St springs. Only 814.3oo. Ihle wont last long. Call Mr. Klein. I 86 acre Farm, near Gervsts. Amite silt soil, no building. $ J. 1,300. $jtH wrwn. an mtw, rxwvww. i REALTORS $37 N High Street Wanted to tlenl NEED 2-BDRM . unfurn. house, fam ily ef 4. Will take good care of pirp- ert v Phone i2 I ' "Apt. or emaLl iuum, iun. r L, furnl. by middle-aged couple. Refers ences. Phone 34iT7 after 5.M or write Stale-man Box 1I 1 WO WELL - IltllAVTn sduluTi-S normal boy eight and a well-mannered dog would! like a decent and furnMi.ed apt. or small house so we can start iv Ing In. lead of the camping. Need rrv or Before the first. Ale fog Sirs. s. IIL 9, Will aiem Medical Ieboratof y,. 8439, eonstder anything up to 850, Room and Board WILL BOARD children. Excellent rare. Referenoe required. Mrs t-lell4 Woods. Slay ton. Ore. Phone 144-B, For Safe Heal EsUIj WMWW, NEW 4-RM mod pUstered hone. 68 ft front, elec. hot water, range wired. 270 N. 25th. by owner, piked right terms. Phone 2716 t EizE-DrsrrNew uM, i uu rooms, dining room. Inquire owner, 70 N. Commrtfiil fit. "tiNflN'lSH EfJ house. 4uUi. " Ouli bMes. 6IBV). Ph. t-w. C. R Thnmtiso-j, NICE i bsrootn hone, iwd. floois. fireplace, Venetian blinds. Aula. Meat. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors 474 Court Street Phone 4707 Fvf JTJ ptJ J rj $2900 FULL PRICE. One bedrmj fur akahed house. Radia and washing ma chine Included. Uertrtctty and city wsj I $ll ww. uiw iwh irons nansen. Uoiighfon, OWN ER forced to aell ' p.rtl. fZt "firfC small home In Swegle Dial. Elee. heal range deep well water system,1 rjfice for quick sale PTK 2-wi?3. " BY OWNER: Mew $ bdm, h--Tia 1 floor. Hdw floors, dreplaee, boilt-ld garage, located oast Large lot. Full price snvno. Terms pn. I-M79. NEW MOUE on fci.fwi wooi la beautiful etung.at eeuth edge 1 city, izee aq. n, run basement, ei rumace. party room with fireplace, bed rms with provision for 3rd. blk east of S. Commercial mm raatclit rn bouse. Inrlwdaa S piece bdrm. set. pe. dinette set. Oai rang St water heater.; $4100, 111, 5DPLarrtlve"4 one Pari, rer.i D3 other. Income 878 Only Mouo. THE REAL ESTATE X A UK FT ' 13 N MighSt, F-hone t-4Jff SMALL homeT Englewod rli.UW L Close te chee4 Automatic all beat, Electric range. Venetian blinds. Full baaement. Large garage Beautiful lew and shrubs, priee $a00, 7ern. rw yi: fvf. 2-147, ' . I tOK Ef7ictent and effac'i'lve'"..! service call the 8(lm Realty Co NOW. l$JiriithrOWNER. $Tm.:T hard wood fls full bsmt. unfinished ettie. Modem in - every details. Inspects Invited I coou ummwo U:"n n 'iron are. en Rawlins Ave. Call $-2151 eve' nines Ro Miles 4 tanslng Ave Rosedale District Here Is a lovelv w.n tuiiii - In one of the het realdentlal OMtrW-aa of Salem. Two bedrooms, dining ims, living room with flreolace tiled hiui en , unflnUhed upstairs. FULL rlAkaV ssg.-r, automatte forced air nil fur nace. attached garage. $1100 W). Ahrams a Skinner. Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. ( phone 9 IS' GOOD I bedroom home fin he!. Bl ef Loraliod. priced te Sell. j i Goodwin & McMillin ReaHors iti r.. mt 165001 w "n. plaeterodL attached gae Joe L. Bourne.! Realtor ll4lXTf8P''0 ,. I Phnr,e V$ 4BjOOV, norne.J.oced at k. n uJ?rr?rf English tyne. eor U.t, cfl beat htgheef homo on Falrmount MlJC ttM plumbed, earnet trt II v a, ana. room, flreolaeo tat -ra painted, part- room, one el Satem good homes Drive up Si see 4 tf Interested Call owner $34$ for ap- polnffnenj , . J Must Sell Imm.fdia(ely own. uwn run price J 6 rra livable unfln. houae Mil I Up Incatlon. ' acre L. R. Miller Bo 4S. Rt. 8. a! Sunnysld Si 12th St. cutoff. Idle wood Dr t NEW liouse. kTtenene'fte.'' I n,h 'w.rorrr1L WUI ririce foe l-1"'! Inoulre a1 Harwn . M6B. 6 bom.ho-,e7dl,U. InlumS,, flrepl r. blinds, full hemt . nil beat! Dbl gsrage Corner Int. Good for iU eome. $1200. ph. 4M1. ADVERTIStNO Western Advcrtlsfnf itepresenutlveg Ward-Gfifflth Comhany, tnt. 8ra Frsneieae I Kastern Advertlsfng' RepresenUtlves j Ward -Orl frith Camneny. Ine Chicago New Vork, DetrolL Boston. Atlanta t Member V Pacific Coast Dfr1tfq i Bureau of Adygrtlslnf ' FiMe-ed at (A Peafofffee ef Pa lent. Orepon a Second- Claa Ma, ter rubitehed every monf gs Tp ? M voi wmwrwmi a trees. suDscnrpnor, rates MtU Pubeertpttea Rate tm AS vaneet WltMa Oregoai Daily andj S ay. Ma eonte; S mm, $8 1 year. $4 M. Elaewaore 80 seats pee me a $7 2$ for t gear la advaae per copy $ eenta. i B City Carrier. T$ Sent a month. rear be advanee ba Mar tea aaa adjacent i