The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 13, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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Honored at
Brides-elect arc sharing In much
of the entertaining this month.
Mra. R. H. Baldock will be
hostess for a bridal shower and
mother-daughter party in compli
ment to Miss Helen Shepard.
bride-elect of George C. Alexan
der, Friday night at her Royal
Court apartment. A dessert sup
per will precede several hours of
Bidden to fete Misa Shepard are
her mother, Mrs. Floyd W. Shep
ard, Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs.
Edward O. Stadter. Jr.. Mrs. Doug
las McKay. Mrs. Wayne Hadley.
Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr, Mrs.
Peter Buck of Portland. Mrs.
Frank H. Spears, Mrs. Carlton J.
McLeod, Mrs. Robert Shinn and
Mrs. Harry Canon, Jr. of Silver
ton. hewers for Mlas Shins
Several pre - nuptial showers
have been arranged for Miss Vesta
Shinn, who will be married to
Harold Hartman on Thursday. To
night Mrs. Guy Patton will enter
tain for the bride-to-be at the
Shinn home. A miscellaneous
shower will honor Miss Shinn and
a late supper will follow an in
formal evening:
Honoring Miss Shinn will be the
Mioses Mildred Gingrich. Donna
Cook, Mary Jo Hall, Imogen
Rock, Mesdames Rose Irey,
Thayne Cole, Virgil Mahaffey.
Lyle White. Charles Winkenwer
der. Max Bibby, Darwin Shinn,
Bemice Akers and W. A. Shinn.
Friday night Mrs. John Henning
nd Mrs. Rollin Pope were host
esses for a miscellaneous shower
at the former's home in compli
ment to Miss Shinn. A late sup
per followed an informal evening.
Guests honoring Miss Shinn
were Mesdames Geneva Isaacson,
Martha: Windedahl. Clair Hol
comb, Guy Patton, Jack Ramage,
W. A, Shinn. Ray Nolman, Israel
Hartman. James Morrell, L. Cook
nd the hostesses.
1m Fete Betty Stewart
Mrs. Robert L. Taylor has bid
den group of friends to her
O New Colors
0 -New Beauty
Beautiful Practical
For Any Floor
Frent Cnri TUmwtm tltt
at ualjauu wunc i unci
6zS StlvkZ, aOCSRK
Lexrre your nam
a slip la the
340 Court SL
I I IV vj
I .
Natural Color Too
Radio Cat-quick rec
ord changer plays up
to 12 records G-E
Electronic Reproducer
Exceptionally large
built-in Beaaa-a-scope
antenna for
tion Overuse (14)
speaker with G-E AJ-
walnut cabinet with
durable lacquer aWaa.
Society.. .Clubs
Music... The Home
Hood street home tonight to honor
Miss Betty Stewart, January bride
elect. A kitchen shower will fete
the bride-to-be after an Informal
evening. A late supper will be
served by the hostess.
Honoring Mis Stewart will be
Misses Patricia Kiese. Karly Mc
Pike, Peggy Endres, Emma Pfen
nig. Jean Ry lander. Evelyn Ba
con, Burma McDonald, Lorraine
and Elaine Baron, Marilyn Motse,
Mrs. Robert Stone, Jr. and the
Dr. and Mrs. Karl Benson have
returned home from a three
weeks pleasure trip south which
took them to Los Angeles, Palm
Springs, phoenix and Tucson, and
to El Paso, San Antonio and Hous
ton. They went over to Juarez
and visited some of the old Mex
ican missions. Enroute home the
travelers stopped in Los Angeles
for a week. The Bensons made the
trip by train.
Misa June Lockridge. who has
been here the past month at the
home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Albert- C. Gragg. is entraining
Thursday for her home In Chi
cago. She acompanied her par
ents south to San Francisco for
the East - West game on New
Year's and then went on to Los
Angeles for a visit before return
ing home this list weekend.
A Birthday Party
Beverly Mott. daughter of Mrs.
James W. Mott, celebrated her
13th birthday on Saturday after
roon. After a line party at the
theatre the hostess and her 13
guests enjoyed a supper party and
birthday cake at the Mott apart
ment at the Royal Court.
Don't delay I At the first warning
anUB or sneesc, put a few drops
ot Vicks Va-tro-nol In each noe-trU-Por
it need in time, Va-tto-nol
neips vrvt many
colds from develop
ing. HeBeres head
cold distress fast.
Try it! Fouow cV
rsctions tat package,
3 ifzziour
and addresss on
Wrote la tha
Phone 822 1
- 11
ut best recep
Mrs. Thum
A Visitor
Mrs. lima Thum. Cottage Grove,
associate grand matron OES made
her official visit to Salem chapter.
Order of Eastern Star Saturday
night at the Masonic Temple. Oth
er honor guests were Rex Hartley.
Jefferson, associate grand patron;
Mrs. G. A. Reeher and Herman
Johnson, worthy matron and pa
tron of Chad wick chapter. Guests
were also present from Oklahoma,
Seattle. San Francisco and lone,
Committee in charge of refresh
ments at the reception which fol
lowed Included Mrs. Harry Lu
cas, chairman, Mr. Lucas, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Boyer, Mesdames
William Newmeyer, Robert Keu
dell. James Darby. J. H. Farrar.
Miss Helen Fletcher. Miss Ruth
Moore, Philip Yoder and George
The buffet table was centered
with an arrangement of winter
greens, snowmen and green altar
candles. The decoration commit
tee included Mrs. Arthur Wallace.
Mrs. J. L. Cutler and Mrs. George
Joint Installation
Held by Sisters
The annual Installation of of
ficers of Centra Lia Temple No. 11.
Pythian Sisters of Salem was held
jointly with the Knights of Pythias
January 7.
The installing officer was Fran
ces Neiderberger assisted by Lil
lian Hixson, grand senior. Officers
installed were Enid RockafelloV,
M. E. C; Dora M. Stanton, Ex.
Sr.; Ruth Stanton, Ex. Jr.; Nora
Pearce. manager; Neta Jacobsen,
M. R. St C; Alma Scheidel, M. F.;
Effie Lore ns, Prot; Etta O ber
tha w, guard; Dorris Decatur, P. C;
Lois Kirts, trustee; Mary Pugh,
staff captain; and Willow Evans,
A past chief pin and gifts were
presented to Dorris Decatur. Pre
ceding the installation a no-host
supper was held for Knights and
Sisters and friends.
Mrs. James T. Brand will speak
at Catholic Daughters of America
Wednesday night on some of her
recent experiences In Germany
and other European countries. She
returned a few weeks ago after a
year in Germany with Justice
Brand who served on the war
crimes court in Nuernberg, Ger
many. She will speak at 8 o'clock
before the business meeting, Lo
raine Meusey. program chairman,
has announced.
Mrs. James T. Brand, whs kas
just returned from a year's stay
in Germany, will speak on Hol
land at the Salem Lions club
auxiliary meeting Thursday night
at the home of Mrs. Arthur Erick
son. 1506 S. High sU, at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. E. Burr Miller is program
Groat Norther 'a Greatest Train
whiafca you te Chicago in Hast U
aetata and wawrti with teas
t pouta as aaatarn U. 8.
All ta are r arrad i
far on thia completely i
Greuv ae Sarvace
For Information a
C. L. BiscHorr
Trav. Pass. Agent
830 American Bank Bldg.
Portland 6. Oregon
cob 7773
during these
Sale Now On
Am -an Lex ion auxiliary, 136, mct
at Le n hall. S p.m.
Pt tta Ph mothers meet at chap
ter h' use. 2 p.m.
Alpha Xt Delta alumnae with Mrs.
WUUam D. Calloway. S03 Leans it..
S p.m.
Marion-Polk county medical auxil
iary with Mra. U. C Gilbert. IBM fair
mount, 1 pjn.
Chad wick chapter. OES social meet
at Masonic Temple, 1:1 J pjn.
Laurel Social Hour club with Mrs. A
H CoUeL Glenn Creek Drive, 130
WRC Past President's elub with Mrs.
W. J. Hasedorn. 1409 fir street. 130
St. Vincent DePaul Altar society
card party, Mayflower hau, pjn.
AAUW afternoon literature croup
with Mrs. Nora Thompaon. 1:1 daaaert
luncheon. "
Jason Lee WSCS. buaineas meeting
at 11 a.m., luncheon it UJ0 pjn.
Jason Lee WSCS meet at church
parlors. 11 a.m.
Royal Neighbor sewing club with
Mrs. Helen Quamme. 1970 Warner St..
all day meetina;. no-host luncheon. U JO
p.m.. election.
Presbyterian Missionary society meet
at church, 1 p.m.
Laurel Guild. Knight Memorial
church with Mrs. C. K. Sundlle. 1999
Saginaw St.. pjn.
Ladies' fuud of St. Mark Lutheran
church meet at church" parlors, 1 p.m.
Wrat Salem Woman's club meet at
city hall. pjn.
OAV auxiliary and chapter, no-host
dinner. Salem woman's clubhouse, :'M
Salem Council of Women's organiza
tions meet at chamber of commerce
S p.m.
Salem Lions club auxiliary with Mrs.
Arthur Ericsson. 1906 S. Hlh St.. p.m.
Women's Council, first Christian
church, welfare desaert luncheon,
church parlor. II o'clock, meeting,
program to follow.
New Officers to
Be Installed
New officers of the Salem Camp
Fire Girls leaders association will
be installed Wednesday morning
at 11 o'clock in the fireplace room
of the Presbyterian church.
Those taking office will be Mrs.
Lyle D. Shepherd, chairman; Mrs.
Ralph Steele, vice-chairman; Mrs.
E. D. Burres, secretary; and Mrs.
P. C. Anderson, treasurer. Re
tiring officers are Mrs. George T.
Hewitt, chairman; Mrs. Lylde D.
Shepherd, vice-chairman; Mrs.
Paul Hollo way, secretary; and
Mrs. Lawrence Megquier, treasurer.
All Bluebird leaders and Camp
Fire guardians are invited to at
tend and bring a sack luncheon.
Judge Long to Be
Guest Speaker
Judge Donald E. Long of the
court of domestic relations. Port
land, will be speaker for the an
nual meeting and dinner of the
Salem YWCA on January SO at
tne First Congregational church.
"The House I Live In" is topic
for Judge Long's address. The Tri
Y chorus, directed by Mrs. Trever
Hauike, will sing. There will be
brief business meeting, with Mrs.
Harold Rosebraugh, pre s i d e n t,
presiding, for presentation of the
annual reports and for the elec
tion of new directors.
The dinner will be at 6:30 o'
clock, served by the women's guild
of the church.
The Jason Lee Woman's Society
of Christian Service will hold its
first meeting of the year on Wed
nesday in the church parlors. Mrs.
J. H. Klinger will preside over
the business meeting which con
venes at eleven o'clock. At the
close of this session. Mrs. F. P.
Phipps will present the goals for
1948. Luncheon will be served at
12:30 o'clock after which Mrs. Carl
Carlson will lead devotions and
Mrs. Hayes Beall will tell of her
experiences in Germany. All in
terested are welcome to attend.
The Alpha XI Delta alsunnae
meeting will be held tonight at the
home of Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker.
910 Howard St., at 8 o'clock in
stead of Mrs. William Galloway's
home as previously announced.
Mrs. Cliften Modd will entertain
members of the Modern Drama
group at her home on North Capi
tol street tonight at a dessert sup
per. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones en
tertained members of their club at
dinner and bridge Monday night
at their Belmont street home.
The Past Presidents club ef
Marion auxiliary. Veterans of
Foreign Wars, will meet at the
home of Mrs. Russell Mudd, 1690
S. Winter St., Wednesday night
at 6:30 for a no-host dinner with
their husbands as guests.
Tans, Browns and
Black in Calf and Kid
Leather - heavy and
light weights for your
A Dessert
Mrs. John Johnson will be host
ess for a 1:15 o'clock dessert lun
cheon on Thursday afternoon at
her Faii-mount hill home in, com
pliment to members of a newly
formed bridge club of young ma
trons. Contract will be in play
during the afternoon.
Members are Mrs. William
Shinn, Mrs. William Duncan of
Silverton, Mrs. Robert W. Gorm
sen, Mrs. Lester Pearmine, Jr.,
Mrs. Rollin Haag, Mrs. H. E. Bo
gardus, Mrs. Donald Barnick and
Mrs. John Johnson.
Dr. Lassers
Is Speaker
Dr. Leon Lassers, pathologist
with the state board of education,
spoke to members of the Salem
Woman's club Saturday afternoon.
Dr. Lassers who was Introduced
by Mrs. Guy N. Hickok, spoke on
"The Exceptional Child". Gladys
Mclntyre Thomas, accompanied by
Mrs. Max Rogers, sang "The
Wings of Night" by Wintter Watts,
"To A Hilltop" by Ralph Cox and
"Think On Me" by Alicia Ann
At the business meeting which
was presided over by Mrs. Estil
Brunk, president, the club voted to
contribute to the March of Dimes
fund and to assist two Pnillipine
families in Manila. The club is
planning to sponsor a benefit
bridge party in February la order
to raie funds for civic and phil
anthropic projects.
Mrs. W. J. Beard and Mrs. For
rest A. Pontious were unanimous
ly elected into membership. A
special guest of the afternoon was
Mrs. David H. Looney, president
of the Marion County Federation.
The club rooms were decorated
with poinsettas, ferns and ivy. The
tea table was covered with a
Chinese grass linen cloth, silver
candelabras holding white tapers
and a center piece of white chry
santhemums. Mrs. Leon Lassers
and Mrs. George Ailing presided
at the urns.
Mrs. B. F. Williams headed the
tea committee and assisting were
Mrs. I. M. Dough ton. Miss Eula F.
McCulley, Mrs. Rex Putnam, Mrs.
George H. Swift, Mrs. Carl Booth
and Mrs. J. C. Perry.
William KidwelL child psycholo
gist of the Salem school district,
will speak at a meeting of the
child study group of Salem's chap
ter of the American Association of
University Women tonight at t
o'clock at the residence of Mrs.
Irvin Bryan, 293 Kingwood drive.
the Easiest
Ifcrewg fen.
Soap it ia ploce. MowV
.is ,
ewt of order. We oaa f
footers to yer pre- Jt 4"r5T
eat racer... A.k .. WliV
-in -
for inferaiatiea.
Cooke Stationery
370 State SL
Salem, Oregon
481 State Street
Future Groom
Feted at Party
Donald Dill, who will be mar
ried Sunday jto Miss Elaine Winkle,
was honored at a surprise groom's
shower on Sunday night when
Mr. and Mrs. Tboi t as u. Wright.
Jr., entertained at their Court
street apartment. After an in
formal evening refreshments were
served and a personal shower
feted the benedict-elect
Honoring Mr. Dill were Miss
Winkle, Mr. and Mrs. Winston
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bar
rett, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cour,
Mr. and Mrs. William Kreil, Mr.
and Mrs. Wendell Webb, Miss
Jeanne Foster, Miss Lenore Head-
ley, Larry Lau or Eugene, Paul
Bergman, Robert Gangware, Jerry
Stone and the hosts.
Mrs. Harry B. Johnson has bid
den members of her club to her
North 23rd street home Wednes
day afternoon to a 1:15 o'clock
dessert luncheon to be followed
by several hours of contract
Th serious wo rid -widt
shortage of fats
and oils still con
tinuessay govern
ment officials. Saving
used fats helps ease
this shortage helps
conserve food, too!
So help your country
and help yourself I
Used fats bring good
money today!
fstf SeatHpefe) Ceiesseslffe) le)C
' so
The Statesman, Salem, Oraxjon,
Betty Keith
Sets Date
Adding her name to the list of
brides - elect is Miss Betty Keith,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
T. Keith, whose betrothal to Earl
Loe, son of Mrs. Wilma Loe, has
been revealed. The wedding date
has been set for Sunday, March 7.
Miss Keith and her fiance are
graduates of Salem high school
and he served in the navy for
two years during the war. The
bride-to-be is now employed at
the H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. '
DAV auxiliary will join the
chapter for a no-host dinner
Thursday night at 6:30 o'clock at
the Salem Woman's clubhouse.
After, the dinner and entertain
ment a business meeting will be
held. Reports on the building drive
funds will be given. A benefit
dance for the building fund will
be given on February 23 at Crys
tal Gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. William Duncan of
Silverton were among those ski
ing at Mt Hood on Sunday.
Mrs. Frank H. Spears returned
Monday from a several days stay
in Eugene as the house guest of
Mrs. David Graham.
Mrs. Harold O linger will preside
at a bridge luncheon this after
noon at her Mission street home in
compliment to members of her
let the dial tone tell you...
It's time to dial when you bear the hum
va-ing tone, for that's your dial telephone's
way of asking, "Number, please?" These
are busy days for telephones everywhere, . ; j
and at peak calling periods you may have
to wait a few moments before you hear the
tone. Bat please wait until you hear it
before you dial .;. for that's the only way
the equipment can serve you properly.
Thank you.
The Pacific Telephone end Telegraph Coppasy
740 State Street Salem Telephone Midi
There's no sebstlreto for Nvcoa'c goodness
Up and down the) Pacific Coast Nacoa Is j
the margarine most mothers choose j
The makers of Nucoa believe that you can't be too fussy
about making good margarine. That's why they consult
regularly with some of the country's top-ranking nutrition-;
ista, refine their own vegetable oils, make their own milk j
culture, perform 175 tests daily in their own laboratory, j
No churned spread, at any price, is richer in
food energy, or a finer year-round source of Vitamin A.
So you're right when you choose Nucoa margarine.
Nucoa's so good "it melts in your mouth I ;
"iiiiii" a. a mi
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Full thirty-gallon capacity
Foreclaln-llaed tank 1 f
Convenient table-tap medel
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Appliances ; '
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