1 The Stcrt man. ScJom. Ofqon. Sunday. January 1L Sympathy Strikes Plague Soutli Italy ROME. Jan. 10-(P-Sympathy strike broke out at Crotone In Calabria in southern Italy, at Via Reggio and Pistoia in the north and in Rome's suburbs today aa the 11 -day nationwide walkout of riLNTEIS WIN &AISE SEATTLE, Jan. iO-r-A four week shutdown of 37 Seattle print shops ended today with three striking unions winning demands for a 90 base scale for a 15 -hour work week. IWMIII 72 JLtlL THE BACK SEAT DRIVER IS AS MUCH oar op luck in am A1RPI&NQ AS ON A SCENIC RAILWAY Mobilheat Ukee a back seat to none . . . look to this top-flight stove and furnace fuel for eco nomy and dependability. Thij clean turning fuel is produced by refiners of Mobilgas and Mobitail your assurance of reliability. I I APPLY DomiAirr SPRAYS Millers Lime Sulphur Quarts ... 50c Gallons ... 15 5 Gallons . . 2.25 Millers sairreaised Qf eeeaer seeay. 1 Ik. w C Orthe BUeeaae A 8prf sisUtVw For your cutting, seed bed and transplant inf: Flowerilo KCu.ll. . . . 75c lCn.ll. . . . 1.25 2Cu.fl. . . . 2.C9 Prune your trees and shrubs while they are dormant. Pruning Saw Pruning Shears 1.65 5.00 1.50 Clippers These Values at Salen Seed and Implement Co., Inc. 210 State St. Phone 4903 Do Yon Havo ITolilis? Thai la re ansae s la the heme, store ec efflee. Often eai headaches, fatigue, lark ef Interest ta rear work ec sere anal tired eyes. CAUSE: Peer lighting er fealty distrleaUea ef Ugkt CUBE: Aaas4e ttgaUaf. ereaerty seated. Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Senator Hotel Bids. XM Jf. High Pheae Mil 60.000 bank employee deprived millions of their pay for the sec ond Saturday Fears grew that a general strike would develop. Merchant seamen walked out at Genoa, Naples and Savons, in de mandsfor more pay. Employes of the nation's 290,000 clothing shops threatened to strike Monday. Relatives Find Oregon Fiance Of Iranian Girl FOREST GROVE, Ore, Jan. 10 (JP) -They found ex-GI William Patrick Cody for the second time today, and this time his mother hopes it's going to stick. And his Iranian fiancee, Soghra Lavauani, who's been waiting since December 9 for him to come and claim her from Ellis Island, doubtless does, too. Soghra came to marry him. But Cody, who was out trying to get to Iran in the belief she hadnt come here yet, couldn't be found. His mother, Mrs. Margaret Cody of this city, started hunting him. Yesterday she thought she'd lo cated him in Compton, Calif. Then she found she hadn't he'd just joined the army and gone off to Fort Ord. But tonight Cody phoned his mother, from Fort Ord. "Cod, I'm glad," he said, when she told him his sweetheart was in America. "I'll try to get an emergency leave right away." He met and married Soghra while serving in the army in Iran, Mrs. Margaret Cody said. But the army refused to recognize the un ion. He was shipped back to the United States, bearing Soghra'a promise to follow when she could. Cody was discharged in Novem ber, 1945, his mother related, and has been trying to get Miss La vassani into this country. She ar rived at Ellis Island last Decem ber 9. But Cody was not aware of the arrival. . Plea Made for Oil Allocation WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 -()-Mounting complaints over the winter fuel oil shortage brought today (1) a request that congress consider allocating supplies and (2) plans for a 22 -state meeting here next week on the problem. Meanwhile much of the east coast, particularly New England, eyed dwindled heating oil reserves while experiencing below-freezing temperatures. The board of managers of the council of state governments called on congress, in a resolution adopt ed here, to take quick action to assure adequate supplies to short age areas. Annual State Safety Meet Set for Salem The fourth annual accident pre vention conference conducted by the accident prevention bureau of the state industrial accident commission will be held in Salem January 22 and 23, Paul E. Gurs ke, commission chairman, an nounced Saturday. The conference will open with an address of welcome by Gov. John H. HalL Two features will mark the opening day's program, "Accident prevention in the personal pro gram., and a presentation of "How our accident prevention program works", by representatives of the Long-Bell Lumber company, the California-Oregon Power company and the St. Helens Pulp and Pa per company. The annual- banquet will be Thursday night. Prof. William Engesser of the Oregon State college will open Friday's program with an address on "Accident Prevention In the College Curricula". This will be followed by group discussions on the value of plant inspections, safety committee and employes' training. Friday afternoon win be devoted to group industrial sessions cov ering logging, sawmilling, elec trical and construction, and the "joint labor and management safety program In the pulp and paper industry." Partition Talks To Commence LAKE SUCCESS, Jan. NMJFr The United Nations Palestine commission is expected to begin talks with the British next week over procedures in partitioning the holy land with London ready to spurn any plan for dual U .N. British control in Palestine. The commission held a one hour secret meeting here today at which the five delegates re viewed the general assembly's No vember 29 decision to carve Pal estine into Jewish and Arab na tions, effective next October 1. As the meeting was in progress, a British spokesman said his gov ernment will ask the U.N. com mission to stay out of the holy land until the British rule ends. The British are understood to be ready to end their mandate May 15, or earlier if the U.N. Is ready to take over, but are cautioning against U.N. entry into the holy land until a week or so before the changeover in authority.. IT W ? 0 W ll A ) L air v y I ii ill 1 0 o FIRST in PRODUCTION, in SALES and in REGISTRATIONS of cars and of trucks FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST w- la Pessssigar Caw Production In 1 947 according ta published aredactiesi tegvre. In Track Prediction In 1 947 according ta published prodwe fian flgveee. In Passenger Car Soles In 1 947 according ta Incomplete Wvt conclusive sales records. In Track Sales In 1 947 according ta Incomplete but con clusive sales records. ta P red wee ever Million Cars and Trucks In a postwar year, 1947 according ta published production figures. FIRST FIRST In Total Passenger Car Production and Sales far the total 17-year parted, January, 1931 ta January, 1944 according ta published nation-wide figures. In Tefal Track Production and Sales for the total 17-year period, January, 1931 ta January, 1943 according ta published nation wide figures. In Tefal Number ef Cart and Tracks an Hie read today- according ta effldaJ nation wide registrations. YOOt lOCAl CHtVtCHtT DEAltt and every other Chevrolet dealer In America ore both proud and happy to stoke the foeowfctg report to buyers and prospective buyers of Chevrolet product Again fat 1947, Chevrolet built end sold stare cars and store trucks than any other taker in she industry, ust as Chevrolet has buflt and sold store cars and store rrvckt than any other maker for the total seven tmmm-yaar period, dating ham January, 1931 tm January, 194$-the modem period ef motor cor history! Naturally, we as well as the Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors are deeply grateful for America's outspoke preference for Chevrolet passenger cars and trucks; and we are detertnined to do everything in our power to continue to deserve this preference in the future as In the past. We want to thank nach end every person In this community for his friendship and goodwiM for Shis organisation. We sofidt and appreciate your patronage. We are doing our level best to prove that, by fill ing orders for new Chevrolet! fust as promptly as we con even under today's trying con ditions and we are deeply and doubly appreciative of the patience and under standing ef of our customers who are awaiting detveries of new Chevrolet. Needless to say, you buy wisely when you buy she product of the world's largesf producers of cars and trucks, for that b the way to maximum dollar value! Rest assured that wef ft! your order for a new Chev relet fust as soon as it is hum only possible to do so. Meanwhile, please let us kelp to keep your present cor or truck in good running condition by bringing it to us for tfciled isrvtee now ond at regular intervals! Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. Surgical Mask Part of Opera Singer's Garb SEATTLE, Jan. 10(JP)-A white surgical mask and a row of vitamin bottles were part of Patrice Mun sel's traveling equipment as she arrived today for a concert to night. She was not ill, no, no! But the girl who won a contract five years ago with the Metropolitan Opera company with her coloratura so prano voice at 17 was taking pre cautions. "I wear this mask everywhere I go, she said. "There was a blizzard in New York; 75-degree weather in Sac ramento; damp and coldish in San Francisco; pouring rain here early this morning, and 'now bright sunshine." The Oregon floods delayed her and parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Munsel, 19 hours on the way north, she said. They only got "about two hours sleep." Arabs Invade Palestine Area JERUSALEM. Jan. 10-WVThe Jewish militia Hagana reported without confirmation that Arabs agai had invaded northeastern Palestine from. Syria today, and the government said 20 persons had been killed in the south in a Defiant Escapee Back in Jail after Capture by FBI PORTLAND, Jan. 10 -OP)- The arrest of a man who often boast ed that no Jail could hold him was reported by the FBI here today. Agent Howard I. Bobbitt said the man is Harry M. Handron, 30, of Portland, who was arrest ed on a downtown street on a car theft charge. Bobbitt said Handron had many years of unserved sentences ahead of him, including the re mainder of a 24-year term in Oregon, an eight-year army sen tence for escaping at Santa Bar bara, Calif., and terms at Miami, Fla and San Francisco. Handron's Portland record started in 1934. It shows a score of aliases and at least three escapes. He feigned appendicitis and escaped last November 28 from a Santa Barbara hospital, Bobbitt said. Oregon Officials Confer in Idaho On Truck Pact BOISE, Jan. 10 Oregon state officials will meet here Monday with the Idaho public utilities commission in an effort to arrive at an agreement on re ciprocal truck licensing. The new Oregon law, which became effective Jan. 1, increases out of state truckers licenses and because of the law Idaho can celled its reciprocal agreement with Oregon. The new Oregon law does not affect farm trucks, passenger cars or trucks under 400 gross weight. t Oregon officials expected to at tend the meeting include a repre sentative of the state law en forcement department, attorney general's office, and Secretary of State Earl Newbry, and members of the public utilities commission. Idaho will have equal represen tation. Officers Take 20-30 Posts The Salem 20-30 club installed new officers who will serve for the first six months of 1048 at a dinner meeting at the Gold Ar row cafe Saturday night. Present at the meeting were 30 Salem members, five from Port land and four from McMinnvllle who joined with their wives in observing the occasion. Newly installed officers are Da 11 Sullivan, president; Jim Johnson, vice-president; Bill Sullivan, sec ond vice-president; Bob Ingle, sec retary, and Roy Whitenberger. sergeant-at-arms. New members on the board of directors are Bob Ingle, Bill Sullivan, Don Dawson and Harold White. Wes Goodrich, Salem, northwest governor of the ZO-30 club, Installed the new of fleers. In the U. S. Influenza epidemic of 1918 young people were ill far more frequently than older peo ple, only about 2 per cent of the patients being more than 55 years old and 80 per cent under 40. MP f 10 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon Prompt Prescription Service Next time year .doctor writes a prescription for yea, bring it ta us for accurate and reliable service. We are proad ef ear record ef filling prescriptions throng's the years, and the skill with which our licensed phar macists compound year doctor's orders. Schaefer's Drag Store 1895 1948 Phone 5197 or 9723 135 North Commercial three-corner battle of Jews, Arabs and British. Hagana said several hundred Arabs had crossed the northern border near: the village of Tel El Kadi in the same general vicinity as the first invasion from Syria yesterday. They were beaten back in a Hagana ambush in which one person was killed and at least one wounded, the organization said. This report was not confirmed either by the British army or by news correspondents who talked to police and military officials in the region north of Galilee during the day. 4 FALL KILLS CAKFENTES PORTLAND, Jan. 10-P)-Blake M. Smith, a ship's - carpenter, slipped on a gangplank today ami fell 50 feet to his death on the ' drydock below. Bugs and Furniture Upholstery Cleaned and tloth Proofed WE ALSO CLEAN CAR UPHOLSTERY. FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE! Salem Duraclean Servico Phone 3736 OUR IIEU Jqj JEf S ZKL ZIWY DUTY Tracks - Trailers - Passenger Cars - Buses is 110 GUESS WORK ABSOLUTE ACCURACY Oar "Bear eealpcnent will eliminate lengthy sleep the aaaia eaaaee of saany wrecks, excessive tire aad see tor strata. Bent axles sad frames straixht- -i. - .- wttaeat eeetly tear downs ar flia ass stably. Expert Mechanics to Serve You Uadialor C3 Troubles? jS Thea Bring Tear Car g4 f 0k Ta U. far TiMjC Qulck Xgar Cerrectlea - W i 7S Center Scdem j r Ore. '. V - " - radio & APPiiancE . t ..nrd ana snun a.tAcA X r t rszuT mi cbuiex - ordinary u prices no higr " - Prulmci Bsndix Aviation Corporation Enjoy all three FM, standard broadcasts and fully automatic record reproduction. Careful choice of select mahogany veneers heightens period appeal. Starring features include double built-ia antenna system for AM and FM, coadauous tone control, twelve Inch super Alnico spesker for full, rich tone. Electric-automatic peah-buooa tuning. Model 151t 399.95 On Easy Terms Bendix standard broadcast models as low as 20.95 VAII'S & APPLIAIICE 605 Edgewater St. West Salem Phone 2-4727 n t