The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1948, Page 1, Image 1

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Cotton Speculators Inquiry
Points to Senator's Spouse
After tlx months of hearings
and meditation, the public utili
ties commissioner. George H.
Flagg. has isxued his order in the
rate case of the Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph Co. A expected.
It carries approval of increased
charges for mot type of tele
phone service. In Salem the in
creases for exchange service are:
$1.25 a month for individual busi
ness phone. 75c for individual
residence phone, 50c for two-party
line phone and 25c for four-party
residence service. On toll service
there U readjustment rather than
Increase of charges. The estimat
ed increase In company gross will
be about two-thirds of what it
petitioned for. and the estimated
rate of return will be 5.5 per
cent Commissioner Flagg states
that Increases approved are less
than those granted In Washington
and California where the com
pany operates but defends his po
sition by saying that earnings
here have previously been in
higher ratio.
This Is the first big rate cae
handled by the department for
many years. One is impressed
with how ponderous the proceed
ing is. and how technical. Flagg
himself notes the difficulties in
his accompanying statement, in
creased, he says, by the interre
lationship of Pacific with its par
ent America! Tel and Tel and
the latter's manufacturing sub
sidiary. Western Electric. One
can't help but wonder whether
the prolonged hearings were of
much value and if in the end the
problem didn't become one for
the commissioner's staff to figure
out more or less Independently
of transcribed testimony.
News reports of reduced earn
ings and cut dividends of tele
phone companies showed a basis
for the request for higher rates,
but with the company officials
declining to predict the earnings
trend of the future the rate order,
In spite of all the expert figur
ing can be nothing more than an
Intelligent guess. Commissioner
Flagg has done what he thinks
Is fair both ways. For the public
there is nothing to do but accept
the commissioner's verdict and
hope the company will not have
to come back a few months hence,
asking for a second helping.
Districts Plan
School Budget
Meets Monday
All non-flnt class school dist
ricts in Marion county will hold
public hearing Monday night on
the 1948-49 budget. Meetings will
be held starting at t p.m. in the
various s c h o o 1 h o uses. Agnes
Booth. Marion school superinten
dent and secretary of the rural
school board, said Saturday.
This is a change from hearings
on budgets in previous years be
cause of the revision in the Ore
gon school law which puts- all
but first class district budgets
under the direction of a county
rural thool board.
Notices of the various budget
hearings have been posted in all
school districts and members of
the various school boards under
stand the regulations which apply
for their respective districts, Mrs.
Booth said Saturday. Only first
class districts in the county are
Salem, Silverton and Woouburn.
Senator Morse
To Back Cordon
ator Wayne L. Morse promised
today to support the reelection bid
of his Oregon colleague. Sen. Guy
Though the two are often dia
metrically opposed on national is
sues. Morse declared himself "very
much pleased" that Cordon was
running again.
Morse said the two work "as
a cooperative team on all issues
affecting Oregon and the Pacific
Animal Crackers
"Bui beore I could fe er
f Ae acts or Id lAe was grtnd-
Sen. Thomas Denies Knowledge of
Wife's Financial Activities, Edith Silent
WASHINGTON. Jan. lO-JAy-Ustlng of an -Edith Thomas" as
a speculator In cotton futures prompted Senator Elmer Thomas
(D-Okla) today to disclaim knowledge of what his wife does with
her money, but he volunteered that he had invested in income pro
ducing, commodities.
The question of whether Mrs. Thomas had engaged in specu
lation was touched off by the in
clusion of the name of "Edith
Thomas, Washington. D.C." in an
agriculture department list of 2.006
traders in cotton futures as of
July 31. 1946.
The "Edith Thomas. Washing
ton. D C." was listed as holding
300 bales "long" in the market on
July 31. 1946.
No KMWkdic
Senator Thomas was asked
whether his wife, whose name is
Edith, had been in the cotton
"She has her own money and
I don't know what she does with
it." he told a reporter.
Mrs. Thomas would not com
ment herself on whether she had
been in the market
There were fresh repercussions
meanwhile in the senate investi
gation of whether administration
insiders have utilized government
information for private profit in
commodity dealings.
Says Stassen Lied
Edwin W. Pauley, aroused by
testimony which Harold E. Stas
sen, candidate for the republican
presidential nomination, gave
about him to an appropriations
subcommittee yesterday, accused
Stassen of "deliberate falsity."
Pauley in a telegram to Senator
Ferguson; (R-Micn) asked the
chairman of the subcommittee
which is- making the commodity
investigation, for xhe right to
cross-examine Stassen soon In
person. Stassen had testified that
Pauley had not told the whole
story about his transactions in the
futures markets.
Unander Seeks
Sigfrid Benson Unander. Port
land, ex-executive secretary to
former governor Charles A.
S prague and army veteran, an
nounced Saturday that he will be
a candidate for the republican
nomination for the office ef state
treasurer In May'a primary elec
tion. Unander is now treasurer of the
state central republican- commit
tee, member of the Young Repub
licans and a precinct committee
man. During his term aa execu
tive secretary. Unander" gained
valuable knowledge of the work
ings of the state board of control.
He conducted research projects on
fttate institutions and studies of
the retirement system, forestry,
economic matters and agriculture.
A graduate of Stanford univer
sity, Unander earned a BA de
gree in political science and a
master's degree from the Stanford
school of business1. He served four
and a half years in the army, in
cluding 39 months overseas. Dur
ing his duty he earned four for
eign decorations and six battle
stars for service in four major
He Is a member of the Ameri
can Legion, VFW and is senior
commander of the Military Order
of World War II. As a distin
guished marksman Unander placed
12th In the 1932 Olympic Games
preliminaries. He is also a member
of the Masons, Eagles and Alpha
Tau Omega fraternity.
Will Forgery
Charge Laid in
Spinster Death
NEW YORK. Jan. lO-fV-A plot
to obtain the $300,000 estate of an
elderly spinster-recluse by forg
ing a will was charged against two
men today and police said they
also were investigating circum
stances of the woman's death.
District Attorney Frank S. Ho
gan said a lethal quantity of bar
bituric acid was found in the body
of Miss Mathidle Molsberger. 81.
when her body was exhumed af
ter relatives In Germanv objected
to probate of the will.
Fred Dresel. S3, superintendent
of the apartment house where
Miss Molsberger lived, was held
in $50,000 bail and Fred Lasch,
56. an undertaker, was held in
$25,000 ball on first degree forgery
Hogan accused the men of forg
ing a will on a blank sheet of pa
per on which he said Dresel had
obtained Mks Molsberger's signa
ture before her death. Dresel was
to receive the bulk of the estate,
Hogan said, paying one-fourth to
Honses Creak in
Tokyo Earthquake
TOKYO, Sunday. Jan. ll-fFV
Houses and other structures
creaked and quivered in Tokyo
today at an earthquake shook the
city and surrounding areas at 7:27
a. m. (2:27 p. m. Saturday, Pacif
ic standard time).
Although widespread, the earth
quake was light and first reports
told of no damage.
It was felt even heavier in Yo
kohama. 17 miles to the south.
Charies A. Lindbergh left here
by plane at 7 p.m. tonight for
Chicago. He arrived Friday after
a tour of the Orient aboard Pan
American Airways,
Jews Ask
Arms Sent
To Judea
ASBURY PARK, NJ., Jan. 10-V)-The
Jewish agency for Pales
tine said tonight explosives seized
near Asbury Park Thursday were
"legally procured" and were
awaiting "legitimate shipment" to
Palestine when discovered.
Meanwhile the last of a 199-ton
consignment of war surplus ex
plosives which police said were
earmarked for the Jewish forcee-i
in the holy land, was accounted
for at the army's Seneca ordnance
depot at Romulus. N.Y.
The Jewish agency statement,
issued in New York, said "the
Jewish agency for Palestine has
the responsibilities of a state about
to be born. It must protect the
lives and homes of the 700.000
men, women and children of Pal
estine. Frevlded Per Militia
"The UJM. decision (to partition
the holy land) made no provisions
for an international force, but did
provide tor a Jewish militia to
defend the Jewish state and to
maintain public security. It there
fore devolved upon the responsi
ble defense forces of the Jewish
community of Palestine to rush
preparations in a race against
time in view of the threatened
Arab aggression in defiance of
the U.N. decision and the an
nounced early withdrawal of Brit
ish troops.
Legltisnate Purchase
"Accordingly, steps were taken
to arrange for the legitimate pur
chase cf war surplus materiel and
equipment To facilitate these
purchases, the Jewish agency
made dollar credits available. The
materials found near Asbury Park
on Thursday were, to the best Of
our knowledge legally procured
to await legitimate shipment."
At Romulus, N.Y, IX Col. Ro
bert R. Judson, commanding offi
cer, said the army had refused to
deliver the last C4 tons of "com
position C," composed of 90 per
cent TNT (trl-nitro-toluene) and
half again as devastating.
French Oppose
Bi-Zone Plan
French objections to the latest
British-American decisions on ad- j
ministering the Anglo-American j
zones of Germany may hamper
efforts of the western powers to
consolidate all of western Ger
many into a single economic and
political unit. j
Evidence of French disapproval
of the new Anglo-American move
to set up a German administra
tion over the merged British
United States zones, apparently
without consulting the French,
developed rapidly today not only
in Paris but also in London and
French Ambassador Henri Bon
net Is expected to register his
government's protest with the
state department early next week.
Tight Defense
Rings Mukden
NANKING, Sunday, Jan. 11 (JP)
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
flew to Mukden today for strategy
conferences while his government
was claiming a major victory, with
40,000 communists reported killed
or wounded, in southern Manchu
ria. Direct from Mukden, Spencer
Moosa, Associated Prets corres
pondent, sent word that the Chi
nese government has that indus
trial city better defended than at
any time since the nationalists
took it over from the Russians.
"Barring circumstances beyond
present reckoning, red conquest of
Mukden within the next few
months is cut of the question,"
Moosa's dispatch said.
Held to 75-25
Married couples filing state in
come tax forms under the new
community property law for the
first time in March may not make
a 50-50 division of their total in
comes for declarative purposes be
cause the statute was in effect
only six months of 1947. the state
tax commission said Saturday.
Tax Commissioner Earl Fisher
announced that a full list of regu
lations governing filing of 1947
returns would be published some
time this week, but pointed out
only income earned since the law
became effective July 5, 1947, is
subject to division between
To simplify filing of Ux returns.
ef Vw
Feller, Spaniel Pup, Not
Yet White-House Broken
V '
WASHINGTON. Jan. It -Feller." the Ceeker Spaniel pap given te
President Truman, leeks dejected aa he sits beside his shipping
crate. Instead ef living la the White Hesse the pap has been board
ing with the President' physician. Gen. Wallace IL Graham.
To Receive Training in Doctor's Home
"Feller" the cocker spaniel in
tended as a White House mascot,
hasn't made the grade yet.
The young pup was a Christ
mas gif tto President Truman,
but Brig. Gen. Wallace H. Gra
ham, the White House physician,
got the job of taking care of
him temporarily.
Now Gen. Graham's children
have become attached to the pup
and don't look forward to the
day when he may be transferred
permanently from their home to
the White House grounds.
But that day apparently la- not
Mihai Calls Off Romance with
Princess; Politics Gets Blame
LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Jan. Q-(JP)-Kn aid to former King
Mihai of Romania said today Mihsi's expected marriage to Prin
cess Anne of Bourbon-Parma is off, at least for the immediate future.
The 24-year-old princess interrupted her journey from Copen-
hagen to meet the former monarch and announced she was going
instead to Luxembourg.
Nurses Gain
40-Hour Week
Twenty-five registered nurses of
the Salem Memorial hospital will
go on a 40-hour-a-week schedule
today, the first time such) a plan
has been instituted in a hospital
here. The hospital is one of the
first in the state to have the 40
hour week for graduate nurses,
said Margaret A. Darby, superin
tendent of nurses.
Over a year ago, said Miss Dar
by, the Oregon State Nurses asso
ciation recommended that grad
uate nurses be put on a 40-hour
week. The schedule prepared by
the Memorial hospital makes it
necessary to employ only a few
more nurses, she said.
West Backs Morse
For Demo Ticket
PORTLAND, Jan. 10 -(P)- Ex
Governor Oswald West, a demo
crat, told the democratic Jackson
day dinner tonight that he ap
proved of Oregon's republican
Senator Wayne Morse.
"I like him," West said of
Morse, "because he's ornery and
ride- horses." West suggested the
democrats put Morse on their
In an earlier speech. William
L. Josslin listed three men as
possibilities for the democratic
gubernatorial ticket: Marshall
Dana, Oregon Journal editor;
State Senator Lew Wallace; Aus
ton Flegel, jr.; and Dr. Peter
Property Income Tax Split
Ratio for '47 Income
the tax commission said, a 7S-25
per cent division of total husband
wife income would be employed
in most cases. The 7$ per cent will
be declared by the husband or ac
tual wage earner, and the 25 per
cent will be declared by the wife
or non-wage earner.
This method will be used. Fish
er said, based on the assumption
that at least 50 per cent of the.
husband's and wife's total income
was earned before July 5, 1947.
Since only the last 50 per cent is
subject to the community prop
erty law, one-half or 25 per cent
belongs to the spouse not em
ployed. The 75-25 formula, may not be
Tli Oregon Statesman Salem Oregon. Sunday,
in the immediate future.
"Feller" can't be "White House
broken" because he isn't just
plain house broken yet.
Also, Mrs. Truman is reported
wanting the care of the pup left
up to daughter Margaret and
Margaret is often absent from
the White House on singing
If "Feller" does make the
-grade and is transferred to the
White House, his home will be
in the White House carpenter
shop. He'll get the quarters once
occupied by Fala, the famed dog
of the late President Roosevelt.
The dramatic denoument to the
king's abdication and postpone
ment of the romantic rendezvous
was explained by Maj. Jacques
Vergotti, Mihai's spokesman, who
said a love "entanglement" right
now could be used by Romanian
communists to destroy his hopes
of eventually returning to his
Most persons in the entourage
of the Prince of Hohenzollern, as
26-year-old Mihai is now known,
have stressed that he abdicated
for "political reasons" and not to
"marry the girl he loves."
Romanian communists have ap
peared to be trying to give theJ
impression Mihai was an unstable
playboy, following in the foot
steps of his father, former King
Carol II, who once renounced his
rights to the throne for romantic
The uphappy state of Mihai and
Anne's love affair was disclosed
when the Danish princess, look
ing pale and tired, got off the
train at Liege, Belgium, in mid
journey from Copenhagen to
Lausanne, with her mother. Prin
cess Marrethe. She transferred to
an automobile and said she was
going instead to Luxembourg,
where she has relatives, "for an
undetermined period and have a
little rest."
George R. Andersen, 47, attorneys
for Harry Bridges CIO Water
front Workers, was shot through
the right Fhoulder today in a
who invaded his downtown Mont-l
gomery street law offices.
used by married couples whose
gross income M more than $10,000,
Fisher said. The 75-25 formula
may not be used to allocate: gain
or loss from sale or disposition of
capital assets; pensions or retire
ment pay; income from a partner
shipestate or trust or extraordi
nary income earned 'in 194ft and
I paid
Y If
laid in 1947, such as a bonus.
intangibles income exceeds
$2,000, only that portion actually
earned after July 5, 1947, may be
divided between the spouses. If
less than $2,000, it may be divided
by the 75-25 formula.
Fisher cautioned that married
couples should file returns to pro
duce the least combined tax.
INDBD 1651
'Potatoes for
Peace' Drive
Nets $3,000
Salem's "potatoes for peace"
drive for the Northwest Christmas
ship closed Saturday, with a $3,
000 higher figure than was anti
cipated a week ago but still short
of the goal of a carload of dehy
drated potatoes. Chairman Harry
B. Johnson of the local commit
tee said accounts will be closed
Monday and arrangements com
pleted for shipping all items col
lected. In addition to the cash on hand,
which will purchase about three-
quarters of a carload of potatoes,
several donations of produce were
received, as well as some cash
earmarked for food such as milk.
Forty duffle bags of clothing have
already been shipped in, and more
is ready.
Johnson expresed the commit
tee's deep appreciation for the re
sponse of Salem residents to the
campaign, and especially to the
"excellent work In the past week"
by the schools, whose contribu
tion totaled about $250.
The committee will meet Mon
day at 4:30 p. m. in Elfstrom's
store to complete transactions.
Natural Gas
Firm Speeds
Plan for Line
Oregonian quoted a Northwest
Natural Gas company official to
day as saying his company was
going forward with plans for a
$78,000,000 pipeline to bring nat
ural gas from Alberta, Canada, to
the Pacific northwest.
Richard B. Hand. New York,
vice president of the company.
wrote the newspaper that his firm
was making arrangements for pub
lic financing, and negotiating with
Alberta producing companies with
gas reserves.
The plans, however. Hand said,
all hinge on Canada's granting
permission to export the natural
He said his firm's engineers
spent most of last summer in Al
berta and reported adequate gas
there to supply both Alberta and
the proposed pipe line for at least
a quarter-century.
The proposed pipeline would be
24 inches in diameter, he said, and
probably run across Crow's Nest
pass to Spokane, and then either
to Seattle or to Portland with
branches back to Seattle and Ta
coma. Riverview Girl
Wins Trip East
ALBANY, Jan. 10 Loraine
Prokrop, 17-year-old Jefferson,
Ore., high school girl, whose home
is in the Riverview community,
Linn county, was one of two state
winners in the Oregon Wool
Growers "make it yourself with
wool" dress contest. Caroline Za
jac, 16, Grant high school, Port
land, is the second winner and
both girls will make a trip to Salt
Lake City for the national com
petition. Miss Prokrop's blue dress won
her a trip to the 4-H chib congress
in Chicago by winning the Oregon
State fair 4-H club style revue
last September.
Elaine Guggiesburg of Lebanon
won the Linn county 4-H club
news writing award of the Leb
anon Express, it was announced
here today by H. John Hansen.
Linn club agent. The award in
cludes 4-H club summer school
scholarship to Oregon State col
lege. Passengers Transferred
. .
rrom iusian eei
TOKYO, Sunday, Jan. 11 -JP)-All
passengers, originally report
ed at 780, have been transferred
to "other Russian craft" from the
heavily - listing Russian ship Dvi
na off the east coast of Hokkaido,
the distressed ship radioed early
today. The message specified that
no further assistance was needed
from United States craft.
The Dvina said she had been ta
ken in tow by a Soviet destroyer.
. 4S
. 47
. M
. 71
. 34
San Francisco
New York
40 .00
33 trace
22 M
feet at mid-
Willamette river 19
FORECAST (from U.S. weather bu
reau. McNirr field. Salem): Partly
cloudy today, tonight and Monday with,
scattered light ram showers. Highest)
temperatures today 44, low tonight
lanuary 11, 1948
-7 .
Charges Increased I
For Salem Service;
Toll Rates Reduced
Increased telephone rates in nearly 100 Oregon cities ana
effective as of January 10 under an order of the public utilities
commission Saturday allowing $1,560,000 more annual revenue
for the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company. i
The order was signed by Public Utilities Commissioner
Probability that Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company
may soon apply for another rate Increase was Indicated In word
received here frem F. D. Tellwright, vice president and general
manager for Oregon. His message said that, without opportunity
to study the order In detail, perusal "Indicates that the rate
relief granted Is not adequate to enable the company to tto the
Job . . . the public Is demanding. ... If these rates prove to be
inadequate we will have m alternative other than to reapply
at the earliest practicable date for rates that will enable as to
do the job the public needs.
George H. Flagg at the conclusion
the telephone company asked an
The lesser figure granted, the i
utilities commission said, will en
able the company to earn approx
imately 5.5 per cent on its origi
nal cost, depreciated, of its prop
erty in Oregon.
Among the monthly rate in
creases for individual business, in
dividual residence, two-party res
idence and four-party residence
telephones are the following:
Indlr. ladlT. 2-party 4-party
Bos. Ketf.
Portia .75 M
SaJesa UtS .IS
BogCM 1-2S .7S
Albany 1.M M
Crvallls M JS
Dallas 1 .21 IM
l4epemd. M la
Maamoatk. UJ I.M
WMtkira. 1J4 JO
Falls City 21 M
(Many valley towns are served
by private or independent com
panies whose rate schedules were
not involved in the current pro
The utilities commission said
the rates were based on a parity
plan so that, in general, any com
munity -with a certain number of
telephones in various classifica
tions would -have the same rate
as other communities with simi
lar numbers. Variance in in
creases was laid to the fact that
some cities had outgrown their
previous classifications.'
Toll Charges Ont
Toll charges between, Mon
mouth and Independence are
eliminated, as are such charges
between ; Milwaukie and Oak
Farm line services are increas
ed generally from the present 50
cents to $1 a month. Business cus
tomers on farm lines will pay
$1.50 instead of 50 cents. Other
increases on farm lines are from
15 cents up.
In general,' the order said sub
urban service rates are decreased.
. All report charges are elimi
nated and basic toll rates for 175
miles or more are reduced. All
basic changes in toll rates, which
would have increased the differ
ential between intrastate and
interstate were denied.
25-Cent Differential
The order eliminated the
monthly 25 cent differential be
tween wall and desk telephone
sets in new installations but re
tained the lower rate for wall
sets now in use.
Regarding actual operations of
the telephone firm, the report
said that a $60,500,000 expansion
program was contemplated in
Oregon from 1948-1950 inclusive,
and commented that while there
was a net gain of 45,000 stations
(telephones) between Sept. 30,
1945, and March 31, 1947, appli
cations now totaled 500 more than
at the start of that period. (Ad
ditional details on page 4.)
Senators Request
Aid Classified as
Relief, Recovery
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 -(A-The
state department agreed to
day, at senatorial requests, to cal
culate how much of the European
aid program will be spent for "re
lief" and how much for "recov
ery.' The department's spokesman,
Ambassador Lewis Douglas, also
agreed ' with a senator's estimate
that the United States may recover
up to $2800,000,000 in loan repay
ments out of the $6,800,000,000
which President Truman and Sec
retary of State Marshall asked to
finance the first 15 months oper
ation of the program.
RALEIGH, N. C Jan. 10
The condition of Publisher Jose
phus Daniels of the News and
Observer, close friend of four de
mocratic presidents, grew worse
tonight i from bronchitis and com
plications. He is 85.
No. 243
of a prolonged hearing in which
annual increase of- $2249,000.
River Drops
Below Flood v
Stage at Salem
The same Willamette river that
flooded Salem with - a 21 A crest
last Friday was flowing quietly at
about 19 feet one foot below
flood stage early -today, 'but
three Marion county ferries and
several roads still remain on! th
casualty list. 4
County Commissioner Boy Rice
reported Saturday t hat; the)
Wheatland, Buena Vista and In
dependence ferries are all out of
operation because of high water
on their approach roads. Reced
ing waters will soon put them
back in operation, he Indicated.
The; Salem-Buena Vista road is
still Closed because a ; 90-foot
bridge near Sidney school ' was
dislodged by the flood. The road
will remain closed until repairs
can be made on the bridge : and
several sections of the highway
which were washed out, J
Essen road, near Mt. Angel, is
also closed, Rice said, but j will ,
reopen Monday if waters recede)
sufficiently. S pong's Landinff
road near Keizer was opened
Saturday and several isolated
families in the area now haw
The Willamette crested at Port
land Saturday at 19.4 feet, nearly .
a foot and a half above flood
stage, and then began receding. -The
Columbia river, swollen by
the Willamette's flow, went a foot
and a half beyond flood stags
too. But no damage was expect
ed except the usual inundation
of low pasture lands. i
METZ, France, Jan. 10 I
Eight ' dead men and 45 injured
were taken from the Vuillermin
coal mine here today after, two
fire-damp explosions at the 1,800
foot level. Sixty men were caught
underground at the time of the
As Stalin?
Well, 200,000.000 Rus
sian people certainly
count for something apd
it's time we knew some
thing about them.
i. That's what the Nsw
York Horald-Tribuno
thought when it sent John
Steinbeck and Photogra
pher Robert Capa to Rus
sia. Steinbeck and Capa ,
didn't bother with politics.
They went to Mr. and Mrs.
Russian Joe Doakes, far
behind the ircn curtain;'
to dances, to plays, to col
lective farms, to factories,
to homes. :
- What they found will be
reported in 15 gripping
stories constituting the
Russian Journal
an outstanding saga of
the times.
The Russian Journal will
stco Wednesday, January
14. in -