Birthday Party Given Mrs. Verne 0trandr enter tained Tuesday in honor of Walljr Wilson jr. on his fourth birthday. Attending were Mary Jo and Ann Meusy, Roberta and Jimmy Meu sy, Billy Anning. Jack. Larry and Bill Folk. Jimmie Barrett and Wally Wilson jr. Mrs. Ostrander was assisted by Mrs. Wally Wil son sr. atd Mrs. Jack Folk. Dates Afgain Tropical Fruit Again on Grocer's Shelf Makes Good Confection, Cake By Maxine Baren Statesman Woman's Editor Dates have again become permanent items in local shops. Though the supply was erratic during the war years, imported and domestic date have returned for good, it seems. Dates are indeed a versatile food an important one in the orient. Dates are used in salads, desserts and as a confection. It's recom mended that one buy packaged dates for eating uncooked, and leaving the bulk kinds for times when they are to be cooked. Do mestic dates (and there are many grown in California) are reliable as to cleanliness, but some of the Imported ones may not come up to standards for raw eating, though they have pawed inspections re quired for importations of food. Old time recipe is Bishop's bread, a cut cookie which uses dates. Here's a recipe for BISIIOrs DATE CAKE 1 cup pitei dates, cut up 1 cup chopped nutmeat Mi cup butter or shortening 1 cup sugar . 4 eggs separated IV4 cups flour, sifted 2 4 teaspoons baking powder V teaspoon salt Cream butter with sugar, add yolks and beat hard. Sift baking powder second time with flour Add to shortening mixture, add nuts and dates. Fold in whites, mix gently but thoroughly. Turn Into oiled loaf Un. bak at 325 for 60 minutes or until well done. Another recipe from the Cali fornia date growers is this: DATE. TECAN CINNAMON TOAST cup butter or margarine H cup walnut meat V cup sugar 1 tablespoon cinnamon H cup dates, pitted and rut White bread Melt the butter and add the nuts. Fry the nuts slowly until rrtsp. Remove from fire, add su gar and cinnamon. Mix and spread on white bread. Dot with the dates See that the nuts are distributed evenly over the bread. Place on a cookie sheet beneath the broiler flame and broil gently until bubbly. Serve hot. Make bout 4 or 5 slices that should be ut In half. Wintertime Travelers January is always a popular month for Salem folk to leave on trips both north and south. Driving north to Seattle and Victoria, B. C. on Sunday will be Mrs. William McGilchrist, jr., Mrs. George Alexander. Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard and Mrs. Frank Healy. They will be joined in Portland by Mrs. McGilchrist's daughter, Mrs. Peter Buck, who will also make the trip north. Mrs. Shepard will spend the week visiting with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller, who reside in Victoria. The other ma trons will be registered at the Empress hotel lor the week. Mrs. M. E. Wafers entrained I Tuesday night V t San Francisco 'to spend the ensuing month with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Womack. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Linden returned Thursday from a sev eral days stay in Seattle and oth er northern points. Newcomers from Holland in School At Grand Island UNIONVALE The three chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Braat, who recently arrived here from Holland, have enrolled in school. Miss Cornelia Braat is enrolled I at the Dayton union high school for a post-gradusSte course. The boys. Benny, 8, arid Billy, 11, are I in the primary grade at Grand Island. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rutschman were 'the Rev. and Mrs. Archie Mac- Neil, the Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Brickwedel and family of Amity, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Konzelman of Coryallis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Withee, jr. and Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Magness and family of Newberg were Sat urday evening dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Withee, sr. Miss Phyllis Winger of Salem visited Lydia Withee Sunday. Detroiters Visit At Albany Home DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanson and family, Rich ard, Carol and Delia, spent New Year's with the former's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ma lion of Albany. Martha Kauko and Jane Hill man of . Salem spent the weekend with the Frank Wilsons. Detroit high school basketball team is playing Turner Tuesday night Boiling - Leaking Radiators Need th attention oi our radiator export ... We hare complete facil ities with which to repair, clean and flush radiators and cooling systems . . , 1 Day 1 Stop Service Satisfaction Guaranteed Loder Bros. 465 Center Phone 6133 The Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Friday January 9. 1948 7 f Save His Eyes Dr. E. E. Bering Take care of your child's precious eyesight. Have his j eyes examined often. If he needs glasses, come tc us for : professional care. ! DIGNIFIED CREDIT BORING OPTICAL COMPANY j SS3 Court rbone C50f j ay Dr. Sam Baches Dinner Will Fete Couple Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Cordon will be hosts for an iu revoir party Sunday night at their Rose street home for the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Jones, who are leav ing this month for Detroit, Mich., to make their home. Guests have been bidden to din ner with several hours of cira to follow. Covers will be placed for Mr. end Mrs. Lowell Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McEwen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ronald Hud kins. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hume. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Xohlgren. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs. Deral Jones and Dr. and Mrs. Gordon. Nclyel Drive To Walla Walla Home FRUITLAND Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kleen drove to Walla Walla, Wash.. lat week with their son. Ljrle Kleen and his bride (Margie Crooks). The young couple whs married in the first Evangelical United Brethren church in Sa lem December 26. Both are em ployed in Walla Walla and will make their home there. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kleen returned via the Toppenmh highway. Families at Turner Buy Salem Home 1 TURNER Mr. and Mrs. Br.i j Burkland and Mr. and Mrs. Cailj uuraiann nave purcnaea nomn In Salem. They have rented their apartments here to Mr. and Mm. Herschel Petersen and Mr. ari'l Mrs. Fred Miles of Salem. Kenneth Barber purchased the Moore home on the west side ef town. 4- 0 1. 'y ri:' $ V Mi R I B ROAST ot SofeWoy is mW cot so you pay only for por- ) HEAVY CHINE ft) tion that will roast just right U OHl REMOVED I VV 1 -tr no'. mi 1, of greater savings because... S2?6?a of full value In good-eating meat because . . . you get meats of guaranteed quality, trimmed waste-free before weighing. See, in the diagram at left, what this means when you buy a standing rib roast. Although many markets cut rib roasts from seven ribs, Safeway rib roasts are cut from only the first five tender ribs. These are cut seven inches long. The less-tender end is lopped off to be sold as short ribs at a lower price. The heavy chine bone is also removed. Result: you pay for just that part which is suitable for oven-roasting . . . the tender center portion. Every cut of meat you buy at Safeway is correctly prepared for cooking before it is weighed. For meats, as for all foods, be sure SAFEWAY. PORK LOIN ROAST Your choice of Loin or End ib. 55c Grade Good Beef Hib Roast Seef Pot Roast Smoked Picnics Blade cut lb.65e lb. 55' Commercial Ib. 59e Grade Good Commercial Ib. 49e GBOOND MEAT Pound POBK SAUSAGE Pound FRICASSEE FOWL Eviscerated cut up Pound Meat Features Effective Fri. A Sat. 39c 45c 65c FLAVORFUL, LEAN SHORT SHANKS SALMON STEAKS HALIBUT STEAKS FRESH OYSTERS lb. 49 lb. 69c lb. 59c Por'i Chops Loan, tender cuts From the center the loin of Ib. gpc Pint ... we price all Heme aa low as possible. Ia addition, we meet every cocpetitors "special" prices . . . item by item, day by day. Grocery Features Effective Through Monday, January 12 We reserve the right to limit No sales to dealers This Ad Effective All Safeway Stores Salem - Silverton - Dallas Swift Premium SDieed iACOH Famous for its flavor Canned Food Values Green Beans Green Beans Green Beans Lima Beans Sliced Beefs 6rrfM No. 2 can 4c teycrof No. 2 can Roycmt Ne. 2 can 5c Xoeci No. 2 can Qc Hifkwwy No. 2 can Qc Diced Beets H r'"r n. r qc Diced Carrofs N 3 9c Com GsWeaWe'e C m Ne. 2 can 5c Hominy Ne. 2' can oc Fruits and Juices Peaches. H'h- ' GM 2'' 29c Prepared Prunes r No- 2' 19c Apple Sauce 2 " 13c ApriCOf S r"T SeW-wAoe. aap. No. 2','. 27c Fruif Cocktail N- 2'j 38c 'i of produce at its itost because... . . . our experts select top quality fruits and vegetables right in the growing areas... rush them to your nearby Safeway! APPLY DORIIAIIT SPRAYS Millers Lime Sulphur Qnaris . Gallons 5 Gallons Millers sslersnlied eepser prr. 1 lb..... Orthe Klecnep Spray plnta For your cuttinjrs, seed bed and transplanting: 50c , 1.25 . 125 90c 40 c Flowerile Vi Cn. fi. 1 Cn. il. 2 Cn. fl. 75c 1.25 2.00 Prune your trees and shrubs while they are dormant. Pruning CF? Saw - JLsOO IKS'. 5.00 Clippers .. 1.50 These Values at Salen Seed and Inplenenl Co., Inc. 210 State St. Phone 4903 SUGAR BELLE PEAS Gardenside Peas, 303 can, 10c, Doz. $1.15 re 51 AtT Dozen cons I 7y GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Town House Citrus Sale Event! Natural. 4-ez. 21 Swsefsned, 4e-oi. 25 Prune Juice H9nf 0f 2-- 25c Blended Juice ' 6 25c Orange Juice O'GeAf 4&-ox. 25c V-8 Juice r.9taU. 4-ex. can 2c Tomatoes GWe.urfe No. 22 eaa 2 I C Tomatoes D' oee Se pL No. 2 caa 25c Gravy fo-AmfkeiF No. ! oc Port & Beans c" s-r No- 2Va ea 9C Pork & Beans Vmm c- No 300 1 5c Ravioli iwe reeefaele 7-ot. can c Chicken and Noodles Lr 29c PigS Feet 5eeeaoe 14-ot. 39c Tomato Juice 19e Sunny Down 46-oz. con SAUERKRAUT Columbia No. Wi brand con 10 Crackers and Cookies Crackers 5mow fhk 2 ,b 47c Crackers Ttnf "oUI 2 ,b- 35c Crackers r 47c Mb. 25c Crackers 6oki 2 ,b- 49c , lb- 26c Ritz Crackers , ,b " 30c Wheat Toast Wafers ,b 28c Vanilla Wafers ir 1 5c BUY THEM BY THE DOX! RED ROME BEAUTIES Per Lb. 12c Per Box $4.19 Winesaps it, 9c $3,15 Delicious Red, lb. 10cb.x$3.59 There ore so many ways to Serve Apples Cornice PEARS Delicious Tempting Fine for Salads Grown in Hood River Lb. POTATOES Preserve Values i-n- 29c -- 29c 29c Apricot Preserves M 9mck Boysenberry 'k frr Plum Preserves , ,b- ir ' 5c Strawberry sw" k f'-rrM 1 39c Orange Marmalade , Ib- 'r 15c EDWARDS COFFEE Rich and Fall Flavor 1-lb. can 430 z-lb. can 50 Deschutes, No. l's 15-pound sack 79c DESERT WHITE GET THf JANUAIY FAMILY CIRCLE magazine 0 Cauliflower GRAPEFRUIT Full white heads Lb. 15c Lb. 5Vi0 Full Box Half Sl Z9 Box 2L 12.69 Produce Features Effective Friday and Saturday ooo