The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 28, 1947, Page 9, Image 9

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Miss Jen
Hanson a
The First Christian church was
the scene of the wedding of Miss
Jean Hanson, daughter of Mrs.
Charles Hanson of Silverton, to
Kenneth Erb. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer R. Erb of Albany, on Satur
day night at 8 o'clocx. with the
Rev. Dudley Strain officiating.
The , altar was decorated with
bouquets of chrysanthemums and
t greens flanked by tapers. Miss
Marcella Schwartz and Mrs. W.
C Knedler in pink and blue mar
quisette frocks lighted the candles.
Mrs. Albert ( Rosendahl sang and
Miss Jessica Kinsey was the or
ganist. -:,.
. Robert Hanson gave , bis sister
in marriage. . Her gown was of
Ivory satin designed with a sweet
heart neckline edged in beading,
a full bustle skirt terminating in
train, long sleeves land buttons
down the- waist in back. Her
train length tulle veil, which be
longed to the groom's sister, Mrs.
Edwin McKee, cascaded from a
Juliet cap of net edged with lace.
She carried a white Bible topped
with a white orchid.
Preceding the bride to the al
tar were her three sisters, Miss
Bernict Hanson as maid of honor,
and Misses Karla Jane and Mary
Anne Hanson, bridesmaids. They
wore identical styled frocks of
brocaded taffeta fashioned with
high necklines with collars, short,
gathered sleeves, long waistlines
and full skirts. The honor maid
wore orchid and carried a co
lonial nosegay of violets and white
pompom chrysanthemums, while
the bridesmaids wore aqua and
carried nosegays of pink pompoms
and narcissus. "
Brother Is Beat Man
Richard Erb stood with his
brother as best man and ushers
were Thurston Gilchrist, Larry
Roth,.Melvin St'enberg and Creigh
ton Pye.
Mrs. Hanson wore a black crepe
afternoon dress for the nuptials
with . black accessories. Her cor
sage was of pink roses. Mrs. Erb's
gown was of teal blue crepe with
black accessories and she wore a,
corsage of red roses. .
The reception followed in the
church parlors. Mrs. Ed Reeser
cut the cake and Mrs. Hans Hage
dorn presided at the coffee urn.
Mrs. Harry Loggan was at the
punch bowl and serving were Miss
Pauline Girod, Mrs. Marvin Ilage
man and Mrs. Del ton Moen, who
passed the guest book.
The newlyweds have gone north
to Seattle on their honeymoon and
for traveling the bride wore a
brown crepe dress with brown ac
cessories and dusty rose, top coat
Mr. Erb and his bride will live in
Toledo, where he is in business.
Date Set for:
Sunday, January 18 '.has been
set as the date for the marriage
of Miss Elaine Winkle, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Winkle -of
Portland, formerly of Salem, to
Donald F. bill, son of Mr. and!
Mrs. C. W. Dill of Salem.
The nuptials will be solemnized
at St Mark's Evangelical Luther
an church at S o'clock with a
reception following in the church
parlors. The ' Rev. M. A. Getzen
daner will officiate.
The couple will make their
home In Salem following their
marriage. Their engagement was
announced in November. :
At Home Planned
By Judsons
Invitations ' are in the mail to
SO friends of the- William E.
Judsons loir an at home New
Year's day at their Jefferson street
residence. The occasion will cele
brate their eleventh .wedding an
niversary. :
Assisting the hosts will be Mr.
and Mrs: Terry Randall and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Kuhn ot Vancouver,
Wash. The rooms will be decor
ated with holiday colors. Hours
for the party are from four p.
m. through the evening.
A musical Tea
Today at Teeds
Mrs. James L Teed will be
hostess for a musical tea this af
ternoon at her South 21st -street
home for six of her advanced
students and their parents. At the
tea hour Mrs. Andrew Baker will
pour and the girls will assist The
table will be centered with a
miniature Christmas tree flanked
by alter lights.
Playing-on the program win be
Gary Lewis, Billy Drakeley, San
dra Johnson, Beverly Salisbury,
Joan Gilbert and La Von Ford.
Barhams Hosts
To Children .
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bar ham are
holiday hosts to- their sons and
families at their home on Park
Lane.' Guests are, Mr. and . Mrs.
Charles Barham -(Hulda Braun)
and Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Barham
all of Oakland. . Charles Barham j
was recently discharged from the
hospital following surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barham had
their family at home for Christ
mas dinner too. Present for the j
festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Phil- ,
lip McHarness of Toledo, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Justis of Astoria, Paul i
-Walter and George Barham and '
their families.
Tho Statesman, Salem, Orau. Sunday, Peomhw Tt. 1817 9
n nyflY
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155 II. Liberty Si.
Telepisae 3184
Fall's test Fashion Successes
mi-aolUorstedSni -
Superb worsted gabardine and men swear sharkskin found in suits sell
ing for $45 or more earlier in the season graceful longer lengths soft
er rounded shoulders expertly finished carefully tailored many coj f
ors Misses' sizes. l
(7ards original Ion
price was $35 . . . .
Soils originally 16.S3
. nou 9 ft
Suits originally 19.93 .1 . . . HOW $JL
Siiits originally $35 . . . . IIOU $S
Soils i originally $48
. IIOU $3S
Muskrat fur trim coals. All wool cropos, broadcloth
and suodo. Fitted and flaro backs in smart winter
coldrs . ,
price was $S3 .