: 8 The Statesman. Mem, Or Sunday December 28. 1947 Salem Man iMarfied Saturday An out-of-town weddinf of In. terest to th room's many friends took plat In Hoquiam, WaaK, oo Saturday nieht which united in marriage Miss Betty Louis Sink olt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har vey M. Sinkola of Hoquiam, and Winter Paul Acton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Acton of Salem: The ceremony took place at Trinity Episcopal church at t o'clock with the Rev. B. Stanley Moore -of liciating. Miss Virginia Stimson was the soloist ends Mrs. Ed ward A. Shelley the oroanlst lighting the altar tapers were Miss Margaret Acton of Salem, sister of the. groom, and Mies Margaret Manners, who wore pastel green dresses. Of whit satin was the bridal sown, fashioned with a mar quisette yoke edged with a satin ruffle, fitted bodice with saun peplum and full skirt, which end ed in a train. Her fingertip length tutte veil was edged in lac and was caught to a pearl trimmed Juliet cap. She carried a. prayer book topped with a white orchid. Mr. Sinkola gave his daughter in marriage. Miss Jane Acton, sister of the groom, was the maid of honor and wore a white silk Jersey gown made with cap sleeves and dirndle skirt She carried a white poin- settia in a nosegay and wore an arrangement of poinsettia leaves in ber hair. Bridesmaids were Miss Alice Rose of Salem, .Miss Jane Mathers, Portland, Miss Mary "Margaret Eck, Hoquiam. anal Mrs. Thomas Snelson of Los Angeles, who wore white silk jersey gowns fastioned' identical to the honor maid's. They carried red poin settia nosegays. Marilyn Rottle was flower girl and wore a Kate Creena way white organdy flock with red velvet ribbon bows in ber hair. Atiead Tb Oreeea William C. Burns of Salem was bast man for Mr. Acton and ush ers were Raymond C. Loter, Port land, Jesse M. Jones, )r, nooa River, Dave Miner, Salem, and Alvin Vernon. Vancouver. Wash. U Mrs. Sinkola chose a floor length Mack gown with flam colored, equin trimmed bolero for ber daughter's nuptials. Sh wore 'a black feather hat Mrs. Acton, who with Mr. Acton, went north tor the ceremony, wore a blue velvet own with black sequin trimmed A reception was held at the Sinkola bom following th rite. Mrs. Michael, Manners, aunt of th bride, poured and Mrs. R. D. Xinn cut the cake. The newly weds win go to Can ada on their honeymoon and foe traveling the bride donned a wine- berry sut with grey coat, black i velvet cloche trimmed with sil lier maple leaves, black acees , series and a white orchid corsage, f Mr. Acton .and his bride will live at State College, Pennsyl : vania. where he has a teaching fellowship In chemistry at Penn nsylvani SUte college. Engagement Revealed ' Th ReV. and Mrs. O. Leonard Jones of West Salem are announc ing the engagement of their daugh ter. Miss Lovicy Ann Jones, to Robert Addis Lockwood. son of tXr. and Mrs. R. J. Lockwood of Portland. No wedding date has been set Miss Jones is a gradoate of Willamette university, where she was a member of Delta Gamma. She is now working for th Mult nomah county public welter com munion in Tortland. Her fiance will graduate from Oregon State college in June. This term he will do graduate work toward bis master s degree in chemistry. A Surprise Party Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waters were honored , at surprise SKHisewarming party Friday night when a group of their friends called at their new home In Uorningside. A late supper fol lowed an Informal evening and the group presented . a gift to me coupie. - ! Honoring Dr. and Mrs. Waters were Mr. and Mrs. Clay Egel ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wlrth, Mr. and Mrs. Russel E. -Pratt, Sir. and Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Mr. na Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. Nesl Edwards of Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Ken sieth FitzGerald of Medford, who re visiting in the capital a few days with their former Salem friends, Mrs. Everett Walker of Everett Wash, a sister of Mrs. Waters, and Clareice, Claodia and Marilyn Waters. Mr. a4 Mrs. E. tt tan. a Glenn Creek Drive were Christ inas dinner hosts to their son-in- lew and daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Merle Smith of Van couver, Mr. and Mrs.. Edwin H. Ulis and children of Milwaukie and Mrs. Effi Smith of Salem. reatartag MaihJa. Mic lilsxl "' Rayette Old Wave. Cay ett Safe v Ware fer- Operated by Nat William. Fbeae liZi Ml 1st National Bank Bid. Wed. Kv. Ayylwlnato 7" Miss Tempjeton HonorGuest Miss Audrey Christman was hostess at an informal afternoon party Saturday, when she asked a group Qf friends In to meet Miss Jean Templeton, who is here from Pasadena for the holidays. Miss Templeton, who is visiting her parents, the G. H. Templeton t, is doing newspaper work in Pasa dena and attending Pasadena City college.. Present were Miss Elizabeth Odle, Mrs. Lyle Johnson, -Miss Gladys Quesseth, Miss Norma Sletton, Mrs! Frank Newell, Mrs. Charles Fearing, Miss Jean Potter, Mrs. Ed Lewis, Miss Nyla Phillips, Miss Edith Kyle, Miss Templeton and Miss Christman. Betrothals Are Told' - Th announcement is made to day by Mrs. Marie Mathis, of the engagement of her daughter Miss Marian Jeanette Jackson, to Julian Perea of Vancouver, Wash. Miss Jackson, who is a graduate of Salem schools, and of St Jo- VoH't Cook Now But . . . when w drore to Portland Christ mas day w npted that while on fog blank eted roads, drivers were careful and sensi ble, as soon as th air cleared, They began racing one another. Returning home late at night, Ve felt no fear though fog was thick, for, that ever-gleaming yellow line showed us the way, and other atftoists minded their, own driving, v To the left ... All week we've been won dering, if those who put up the Christmas lights on the old tree on the courthouse lawn didn't know there was a town out east of High street Lights are on th north, west and south sides. They ought to drive ouf that way sometime, there's a courthouse up that way. several houses and other buildings. Tow Santa Is slipping . . . Story of the week.. When the little Salem girl of seven, started asking about Santa, her mother de cided now was a good time to break the sad news. "Santa is really the fathers andV mothers of all the "little children" she said. N The little girl much interested, suddenly burst out laughing. "Oh good" said she "I can gemots more out of Daddy than Santa!" and she was probably right ' - : Street Scene est Chrlsttnas Day . . . Man driving car full of kids and wearing - the ( comfiest looking bright yellow glot.es. . . . ' Great big papa coasting downhill in tiny red wagon with threeyear-old passenger sitting behind. ... Christmas tragedyoil the poor little unwanted fir trees . standing cold and forlorn on the vacant corner lots. . . . ' y Handy Gadget . .Cologne or toilet water Is such a satisfactory thing to get for Christ ma, you can always give it "away , again next year without fear of It being traced. 1 f "' ... Marine Buren seph's hospital school of nursing in Vancouver, is now supervisor emergency ward at St Mr. Perea k a graduate of Texas schools and is in busi ness in Vancouver with his father. Nelke-Becaler Telling' friends of romantic of the Joseph's plana are Miss Lorraine Bidder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bidder, and Flc Charles P. Nelke, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Nelke of West Salem. The couple's engagement was announced at the Nelke home la West Salem st Christmas dinner. Both Miss Bidder and Mr. Nelke are graduate of Sacred Heart Academy;- She is employed at the secretary of state's office, and he is stationed in San Diego, with the navy. No wedding date has been set " , Nuptials Are Performed ; - At an I o'clock ceremony Sat urday night at the First Presby terian church Miss Lots Hollings head, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. HolUngshead of Stayton, became th bride of James Erick son, son of th Peter Zricksons. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin officiated at the nuptials. Walter Gogle. unci of th bride, sang and Mrs. Dal Loftin of Portland was the accompanist her father, "wore a burgundy wool her father, wore a burgandy wool suit with long, double-breasted Jacket with winter whit hat and gloves and burgundy shoes. To her suit was pinned a white or chid. Miss Luella Campbell was the honor maid and wore a grey suit with burgundy hat and shoes and black accessories, She carried a nosegay of blue and whit flow ers tied with burgundy ribbon. George Manning, Jr., was best man for Mr. Erickson. Mrs. HoUmgshead chose a black suit with matching accessories for her daughter's wedding and Mrs. Erickson wore, a blue suit Their corsages were of roses. A reception was held In the church, parlors. Miss Gwen Rust cut th bride's cake and pouring were Miss Marilyn Hill and Miss Barbara Loftin. After a trip along the coast the newlywcds will be at horn in Salem, where he is employed at the Mayflower Dairy Coop. A holiday gates! at the Center street home of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hanson is Frederick C Hillebrandt of San Francisco. "Why be so run-down, Joe? Get those wheels In roan head fixed op in a jiffy st the P. W. HALE JEWELRY STORE!" Yes, HALE'S Is the place to go for expert watch ad justment and repairTake as rood care of your watch as you do of your car. It's a mors delicate mechanism that serves you night and day! P 17. HALE, JEWELER Good Jewelry Good KepaJr Work 2131 Falrgreands Kad, Sales rheae CMS Listen t KOCO's "Hollrweod Hear" t bum. .a Taesiiy. and Tborsdaya li it n i v J .1 V 'J BBaaaaaaWaalaaaaaaaaaBasBi ' ' c Clodng out all fall and winter coats. National famous brands all go. You wiU find tho finest all wool gabar dinos stroocks and other fino fabrics. 1 Group 1 Group IGronp 1 Grenp CQIIPLEifE CLOSSODT U.U0C3M Finest Gibtrdines Htrdfiniihcd worsted in checks and plain colors. THE FINEST selection of National Ij known famous brands. : ' ,' - . ( l&cnp ; 1 Grcrp I": 1 & 2U1! Fird. Ho Excbacgei cr RtlzzisJ rcno i : a a ib mm D " ( sMssssaWeMBaa8a aeaaseasi BsaaaaaaaaSBBil sssai sasssssBi as saw saw assises saaai earn sasaeas saaaaaaBiBaaaasaaaaaBaaaaasBa Fcr Ceals, Vdzrs fj lC3i3 lo Grcnp 1 Gronp 1 1 1 Valaes to 24.7S Valaes to 39.71 Gronp Valaes to 39.7S Gronp Valaes to 35.7S o r lGrcnp Valaes to 39.7$ -7 ' i Gronp Vs!ueiUSt.7S a?D. IGronp Values to 39.75 asn l&c Several crease aVrsrsJ t. 395.00 1. 1 239.00 t. 795-dOf. st 449.00 NEW FALL FLARES WITH HOODS. y. . i, - Grottp 1 Grosjp 1 Great Certfarora New fhrt hack with hoods 55stflt is li PVFI mrmmmmmfmmmmmmmmm0mmmmt J nl"l,'v"'r"" "Il",""""m",1"" mimmmw.nw"mv w. 111 ; 111111 11 , 1 L "!'' " '"eaaiiaaaaB ,.nr "f tmg-rie 'fjg JjSt- (33 Conrl Si.