The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 28, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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1 The Slat mm, Edam. Draw Sunday,
23. 1117
Br IiHle L. lladse
Some of you, when you were
mall and if you lived on a farm,
must have gone out to the barn
New Years eve
i", . u
midnight to
if the cows
Were standing.
. And the cows.
bearing you ap-1
proach. just atj
- tne stroke o
iifl, i A sat im
if ; .
ana so you were
. conrinced that
the legend was
no myth.
Back of each
mvth there ia
" usually some foundation of truth.
It may be back quite a bit, or it
jnay be covered up pretty well,
but if you dig it out. there it is.
1 This grain of truth being pres
ent is very much so in reference
to garden legends. Grandmother
wasn't lust superstitious or queer
when she put nails or other iron
material around her hydrangeas
Ho keep the color bright Since
G randmother - gardened. ; it nas
become general knowledge that
acidity will fmake the common
hydrangea blooms blue and that
; the Dink ones come from sous
that are more neutral or alkaline.
Coffee grounds were supposed to
make your roses bloom better".
-If -the grounds are put on at a
sufficient depth to form a good
'mulch, they - do improve your
. roses during the heat of summer.
If you put poison under your
primrose foliage on Halloween
you would keep the evil spirits
.away, said early gardeners. Here
in the WUlaxnette valley, the gar-
den slugs are apt to be the evil
spirts which roam in our garden
on Halloween, or thereabouts.
Most gardeners now do bait for
slugs in the fall of the year. But
in pioneer days. . the poison bait
undoubtedly did away wiin
.number of garden pests which
harmed the primroses in autumn.
' Some lilacs may not bloom un
til they are seven years old, but it
is not because lilacs are nostalgic
and cannot bear to be removed
from their parent stock. The old
; time lilacs usually didn't bloom
earlier in life.: Now we have-
.number of new "hybrids " which
come into bloom at a much earlier
-Bie. Besides this, we have learned
r that aDolicatkms of bonemeal in
J the fall and plenty of sunlight
(so choose your lilac location care
.fully) will bring even, some of the
SAVnm CEirrai
Salem West Saiesa
elder varieties Into bloom! some
what, earlier. J
When the squirrel put away
a particularly heavy stock of nuts,
that means a heavy and hard
winter and you must mulcA your
shrubs better. Next spring, the
shrubs look unusually well and
you know the little ground ani
mals were right During the sum
mer, because of the large number
of nuts which have disappeared
and because of the way the grain
is following suit, the men folk de
cide that the squirrels have be
come too numerous again, .and
poisoning la undertaken. Next fall
the nuts do not disappear so ra
pidly and you do not mulch so
heavily. In a couple or three years
tne process is repeated, it "really
doesn't matter that the truth is
if you followed the same plan of
mulching, without paying atten
tion to the squirrels, your shrubs
would also look welL
Hyacinths, tulips and daffodils
planted on New Year's Day' do
very well, legend tells us. Good
gardening practices tell us these
would really do much better if
planted earlier, but that New
Year's day ia definitely about the
very last time one can plant them
if they are to bloom the follow
Ing spring. And certainly they do
better if planted on New Year's
day than if not planted at alL
Questions And Answers
S. T. asks if she can plant Ma
donna lilies now.
Ans.: These should be planted
in' August or September. However,
if you have some bulbs, get them
into the sou without delay;
L. W. asks if bare spots on the
lawn should be sown to grass seed
Ans.: No, it would be better to
wait until later In thai spring.
G. R. writes that she .has just
come west and has noted that
there are some pussy willows in
bloom and wants to know if they
usually bloom at this time.
Ans.: Pussy willows are apt to
bloom almost anytime from Octo
ber to late March in the Willam
ette valley. Their best time is
usually in late January and Feb
Mv R. L. 'ask if roses may be
pruned now,
Ans.: It would be better to wait
until late February or early
March. Some growers head 'back
long shoots on the roses in au
tumn. and this seems to be a good
practice, but heavy pruning should
be left until early spring.
Sara Money with
WcrtJdna' Slock Mineral
Yaew WaiUasDeaier
St 7, fee tS rhesw S-tt3
George W. Hubbs Co.
1153 N. Capitol - rh. 5011
Let our Tax Consultant help
you with your - tax problems.
He will assist' you with your
income tax returns. Located in
Hollywood where- plenty park
ing space is available.
The war year 1943 found the
United States using about 'six
times as much electric power as
it used in 18 is.
Or.T.TXaaOl J. : Dr.G.CBaaJJ
Z41 North liberty
Upstairs Portland GaneraJ tnectrte
Co. Ott.ce open Saturday only t
am to 1 pjn. to 1 ami Coastal
tatlan. Blood prassMrs ami eriae
testa ara froe a enarce. Practiced
isi7 ;
Halls Ferry
Are Numerous
HALLS FERRY Gall William
son's mother, Mrs. P. L. Davis of
Estacada, is spending Christmas
eek with the Williamson family.
Girl' Scout troop 82 of Halls
Ferry sang carols in the commu
nity Monday night Mrs.' Gail
Williamson is leader.
Mr. and Mrs. John Painter had
their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert JCurtz, for Christmas.
Mr. and sirs. George Weeks had
as their guest Mrs. Weeks from
The Paul Ftscus family spent
Christmas in Salem with Mr. and
Mrs. . Frank James.
Hugh Schuebel of Los Angeles
is spending Christmas week with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Schuebel. The family spent Christ
mas at Melino ' with Schuebel's
Unother, Mrs. Lettie SchuebeL
Mr. and Mrs. Hurstle Totton of
Silverton spent Christmas with the
Klein, family. . ,
Ray Barker and con. Gary, spent
Christmas in Portland with Bar.
and Mrs. H. Coin and new baby
son, Michael Ray. Mrs. Ray Bar
ker, who went there Tuesday, will
remain with her daughter for a
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Nichols en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. John Croi
aon and son, John, as Christmas
guests. Jane Nichols, who is at
tending school at Corvallls, is
home lor the holidays..
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Philli ps and
family spent Christmas with, her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hysler
in Salem.
Mr.- and Mrs. A. H. Barker had
as Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Conklin. Mr. and Mrs. Alton
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Conk'
lid, Mxs. Charles " Barker. Miss
Jeanene Conklin, all of Salem, and
Mr. and Mrs, Murray Conklin of
Corvallia. Mrs. Edith Knuths and
Jack Divine of Pistol, Ore, Mr.
and Mrs. At Conklin of Silverton,
Mrs. Clayella Allen and Mrs. Jean
Bronson. - W
Mr. and Mrs. A. Allen have
named their baby daughter Connie
grim reaper.' -
Babies - arrived to make many
homes happy, high and low.
Death removed from the scene
such one time stalwarts as Henry
Ford and Nicholas Murray Butler.
The wedding of Princess Eliza
beth, heiress to Great Britain's
throne, to her prince charming.
Lieut Philip Mountbatten, was a
front-page story in nearly all
parts of the world except Rus
By all royal wedding standards.
the London marriage of Elizabeth
and Philip was austere.
Not so was that of Maria,
duchess of Montana, 21, daughter
of the enormously wealthy Span
ish Duke of Alba, and Luis. 24,
son of the Duke of Sotomayor. in
Seville. . ;
An American romance for the
books was -that of William Clay
Ford, zz, and Martha Firestone,
31, grandchildren of those two
Brooks Surprise Party
Given Sam Crawford
BROOKS A surprise party was
neia at tne noma of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Crawford, to honor Craw
ford on his birthday anniversary.
Music was furnished by Ruben
Roth and Hank SabrowiskL
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Dwlght Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Hillyer and Jesse, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Crawford, Buddy Partes,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hillyer. Betty
Lou, Bonnie Jean, Shirley Ann,
Illeane, Venue, and Iris Hillyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hillyer, Texie
Lou, and Teddy Hillyer, Mr. and
Mrs. George Robinson, Pat Betty,
and David, Mr. and Mrs. Art Mor
gan, Katie Neithof, and Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Crawford, Violet, Rich
ard and Albert Crawford.
Why Suffer Any Longer
Wheat etaer fall, aaa ear CalBeas
reanSlas, mstlas aaceaas for tees
years te Catea. Mo saattar with
what illann yoa aro atfUetea
Slaoracfa, aiaoalUa. hoort, laafs. Ur
sr. Ueaeys, gas, caaatpsMaa, aisars
elaactas, iaaauOass. gall ami klad
ear lavoc. afcta. faatils coaaaUlaas
raoao S-1S3S .
IM N. CoamsaarclaL
Otflto Boars S to S.
Taoa.aM Sat. otuy
saeaaMas sastasi ssaassvsssv
foil mM
with this AUTOMATIC
1 '
. -
" ..
L 1
furnace users for
their past husi
ness and coopera
tion which has
made our year t
successful one.
Our sincere wish
for you is a Very
Happy and Pros
perous coming
year. ,
Msaairiss ,
HU Watt
ot fisea
Ocaliiij :
376S Portland rd
Phone 25236
inoar '
Z'ZZ oiLcun;iEns
' Mi'
m mm- - ,BBBBBsaaww aaSBBBBSHBsaaw
Ever a "car come) sldllno; down .tha strevt lik a tired bull
dog? They r laard to drir.. . . and aTcassiraly Greece tires.
Have Vo "odf checked today by Loder Brosv eapert service
Eianl Shop opon 70 o tn. ' s
Royal Romance Tops 1947 List
Of Memorable Weddings, Many
Noted Persons Die During Year
By Rath Cowan
Dec. 27 JP)-- The royal wedding
of Britain's Elizabeth and Philip,
topped the romances 'of 1847 but
there was many another to make
the year, a memorable one for
marriages.-' v;
And if rapid had a gay and
busy time, 1947 was important,
too. to those other chroniclers of
mankind the stork and the
cronies, the late Henry Ford, auto
manufacturer,' and Harvey Flre-
stone tiremaker.' ,
. Two of the world's richest wo
men, Doris Duke, tobacco heiress.
and Barbara Hutton of the dime
store millions, were again - in the
marriage news. .Doris, divorced
from James H. R. Cromwell, mar
ried in Paris Forfirio Robirosa.
now ' dominican ambassador to the
Argentine. After saying "never
again" when her third marriage
ended, ' Barbara was wed in
Switzerland to Prince Igor Trou-
betzkoy, a Lithuanian.
In the U. descendents of two
former presidents figured in the
marriage news: Abram Garfield,
Cleveland architect and son of
the 20th president, and Helen
Matthews, 45; Lloyd B. Taft, 21,
grandson of President Taft and
son of Senator Taft' of Ohio, and
Virginia Stone, 22.
Two remarriages of note were
those of (1) Lord InverchapeL 65,
British ambassador to the U.
and - the . Chilean beauty, Maria
Teresa; and (2) Richard Kleberg,
99. former Texas representative.
part owner of the world's largest
private cattle ' ranch, ' and Mamie
Searcy Kleberg, 57. The Klebergs
remarriage took place in a Wash
ington hospital where he was re-
covenng from a heart attack.
As for births in 1947. into a
world that has not in recent years
been too happy with royalty, was
bora the-fourth daughter to Crown
Prince Juliana of the Netherlands,
37, and Prince Bernhard.
Henry Wallace, , possible third
party presidential candidate, be
came a grandfather for the second
time when a daughter was born
to Robert Brown Wallace. 28. and
his wife in Philadelphia.
A son. and their third child, was
born to President Miguel Aleman,
44, of Mexico and Mrs. Aleman.
36V ' '
The McCormifk-PaftM-tvtn nm.
paper families have new heirs. To
Kutn tuzabeth Mccormick Miller,
28. niece Of Col. Rthrt R Me.
Cormick of the Chicago Tribune,
and Maxwell P. Miller, Jr., 28, a
Kilocycles. KSLM ISSt, KOCO 1499, KOTJC 979, KGW C29. KEX 11H
9949 99:19:
NaWs ntmo Reaper
News , SCODi Klocfe .
Booeyniooa) lHoaoymoooi
' Farm Hour - (farm Hour .
(March Time (News
J KOCO Klock Farm Parade
POIN RZ)ock KOIN Klock
IKnaasa News Ballads
ITann Hoar frarm Hour
Farm Parado
koib Kiock
Farm Tlma
Sing Cowboy
Rise H Shloe Wews - (Bargains
New i - ' I Tax atttaar T(Sanuny Kayo
Nwf . fBob Carrod ITrad Back
Farm Tlma ' lOld Sanaa ' I Sam Bajras
M. Agronsky (J. Abb . (Stocks
News. Ordv ... lOrchratra
Uaar Nwa . mouadup t
Broakfact Cli
trarm at Borne
Jrtod Wartnf
Breakfast Club
fPtoneers ' (St
waot. laetotUas lOror-Caffoa
Craod Siana , IBoaamary
Hack Borcn - IHoaottaUtr
IBraakiast Club tBrooklast Oob
KSLM ' KaU Smith (V. Llndlahr (Pastor's Can
KOCO Gospel Singer I Organ Moods I J an Carber
KOIN Wendy Warren' Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent
KGW - Tommy OoracylTonuny OoraeylTonuay
KKX Masarlna (Shouldn't HHywo
I Art Bakar
Our Gal Sunday
Kl Bk7t
I Bkft.lHoUywood
4. KSLM 4aws Show ' Waltzes (Harmony
I 11 KOCO Alvlno Ray Lullaby Hawaiian .Bene (Rem. BUythm
III KOIN Bis SisUr Ma Perkins Dr. Matone (Guidlnf Listot
I V KGW Olmsted Kneaas News Claudia Noyce Jordan
1 KKX u Drake Ted Malone fTnia Story CTrua Story
a KSLM Walts Time Orchestra' Queen Today Queea Today
I KOCO News Latin America Salon Concert Salon Concert..
KOIN Mrs. Burton Perry Mason Your Beat Rose Dreams
I I KGW Todays Child. Woman White Holly atoaae Uht World
KKX B. Crocker Melodiea Uatntaa Ethel At Albert
4 -ta KSLM Hit Time News N.W. Mews (C of Commerce
1 "J KOCO Extension SarvJNovatlme News . It's a Deal
KOIN Noon News J Come Oct It I or ICothlng S or Nothing
I aaa KGW Kneaas News IMa Perkins Pepper Young Happiness
KEX W. Kiernaw tNoon Praams jPaul WhltemaniPaul Whltaman
I KSLM Gift Parade lOrchastra Chr1stmas (Bins Sings '
KOCO Hallo Again (Hello Agln j Hello Agam I Hello Again
KOIN Art Baker (Lullaby Tttom (Air NewspaperfAlr Newspaper
KOW Backstage WlfefsuUa Dallas (Lorenso Jonas iWldder Brown
KEX Paul WhiteovanlPaul Whltaman IKay Wast - I Kay Wast
2 KSLM Heart's Desire tHearff Desire tM. Bioefcr lOrcheatra
KOCO KOCO Kapers UCOCO JCaoersi KOCO Kapars KOCO Kapars
KOIN Air School Air School 1 1 Jouaa Party fHous Party -
KGW Girl Marries Portia Faces j Plain BUI rarrell
KEX Wbars Doln' (What's DoiaT (Bride. Groom (Bride, Groom
3 KSLM Orchestra (Orchestra (Stranger (News
KOCO KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers. KOCO Kapers I KOCO Kapars
KOIN lit Klrkham Tunefully . Vrthur Godfreyl Arthur Godfrey
KGW Road Ufa Lora Lawtoa Aunt Mary (Dr. Paul
KEX Ba Seated Ba Seated Weloome (Welcome
4 KSLM rulton Lewis I Hemingway (Santa CUus, IGMt Parade
KOCO Melody MatlneeiMolody Mattnee!Jumptn Jacks (Adioa
KOIN Hint Hunt I Evelyn Winters Meat Missus Meet Missus
KGW Woman's Seeretife Beautiful f Relax 1 5 tars of Today
K.KX Sunnyaldo Up W'weatornara tSanU (Sunnymido Up
5 KSLM SanU Claus . Superman ICapt. Midnight JTom Mix
KOCO Off Record Off Record (Rhythm Ranch Sports News
KOIN Knox Manning Sparkle Musle I Coiliagwood Bob Garrad
KGW Chuck roster George Mooradi Voice Voice -
KKX Cin. Bear I Terry - U. Armstrong IJ. Armstrong
6 KSLM G.. Heater Star Spot. ScotUnd Yard (Scotland Yard
KOCO Allen Roth Allen Roth INews (Here a to Vets
KOIN Radio Theatre Radio Theatre (Radio Theatre I Radio Thaatra
KGW Serenade Serenade . I Dr. L Q. (Dr. I Q. ,
KEX Sports K. Baker iLead a Band Load a Band
7 KSLM Orchestra State Safety (Cisco Kid Cisco Kid
KOCO Jamboree Jamboree (Musle Horizons Music Hortxonal
""'N Friend Irma Friend Irma .'IScreen Guild (Screen Guild
KGW Contented How Contented Hour Fred Waring llTred Waring
uX Lone Banger (Lone Ranger (Philo Vance (Phllo Vance
8 KSLM Geo. Do It Geo. Do It Charlie Chan lOiarHe'chaa
KOCO Requestfuily Requestfully Requaatfully Rs quasi fully
KOIN Lowell Thomas lack Smith , Talent Scouts Talent Scoots
KGW Supper Club News Caralcade Aaa. Cavalcade Am.
KEX Variety Time Variety Time Opto Catea- Opto Catas ,
9 KSLM Ktwt JBeulalt Show (Sports Henry Taylor
KOCO News pick Liebert Wuko Boat Juke Box
KOIN Inner Sanctum Inner Sanctum Club 19 M Marrow -
KGW ' Telephone Hoarfrelephone HowrfBig Story Big Story
. SUCX BroutfaeMini fcrowebo Mar . IHlstory Pagae iHiatocy Page
KSLM Fulton Lewis INews - (News JOrcnestra
1 fi KOCO Juke Box jluke Box - partes , 3?5ic" .
Ill KOIN S Star Final (Mr Opintoo Dyana Gale iDyanaGalo
I W BOW News Flasbee icurreat Cbotee Nary Ban4 fBaadWagoai
KKX News (Decision- (Conoart Hour (Concert Hour
KILN Open House
KOIN Serenade
KGW News
KEX Concert Boar
Open House
W Ballads
lOpen Bouse
iOanee Band
, ISaronade
IDroam Time
I Army Voice
1 Dance Band
1 Serenade
(Dream Time
son was born, their second child;
a bey-was also born to Josephine
Albright, S3, daughter of the late
Captain Joseph Patterson of the
New York Daily News, and her
husband Ivan Albright, 90, Chica
go writer
"Her first child was born to
Bette Davis, 39 actress and Wil
liam Grant Sherry, 32, her third
husband. Too, it is now papa
"Hank" Greenberg, 2s, baseball
home run king for he and his
wife, the former Carol Gimbel, 31,
New York department store heir
ess, became parents of a son.
Leaving the world scene through
death in 1947 were the bearers
of many noted names Mrs.
Martha Ellen Truman, 94, mother
of 'President Truman; Stanley
Baldwin, 80, thrice premier of
Britain; - Henry Ford.' 13. auto
manufacturer; Nicholas Murray
Butler. 83,- president emeritus of
Columbia university.
And still others
Carrie Chapman Catt, 88, mili
tant stiff raget and ' world peace
advocate; Ogden Mills - Reid, 84,
editor-publisher of the New York
Herald Tribune; Meredith Nichol
son, 81,. Indiana novelist; Kins;
Christian X of Denmark, 78; Grace
Moore, 45, opera; Pierre Bonnard,
80, one of France's "big four" of
modern art; Fiorello H. LaGuard
ia, 84, New York's former fiery
little mayor.
And from the Washington scene
has passed one of the nation's most
lavish hostesses, Evelyn Walsh.
McLean, owner of the Hope diamond.
7 to 16, values to 7.95. Colorful wools,,
plaids and plain colors. Now
2.98 & 3.98 'V
Action now will mean real
savings on your
Back-lo-Schdol Wardrobe .
to 6X, Rag. 6.93
, Now - 4.98
. . ' ''.
7 to 14. raluos to-17.85 ;
Now - 6.95 & 10.95
.10 to lS-Rec. 10.95 "
All Wool, la Fitted and Boxy Styles
Now - 4.98
Junior Slacks,
12 lb 18, Goiardtnes, All Wool Flannel
and Checks :
Reduced to 4.95
All Wool Jumpers ;
In Solid Colors and Plaids, 3 to 6X. Reg.
to 5.98, 3 groups
im 2Q & 3.98
: 8 to 14, Reg. 95 .
Now 4.98 j;
Vz off on all boys9 and girls robes, '4 to 14 in brushed rayon,
corduroy and all wool flannels.
Save up to 50 on Dresses, Coats, Coat and Legging Sets, Re
versibles and Raincoats, Broken lots and' sizes. ; : . f,:
Children! Ston
143 N. High !
1 ' 7 ' "
KOAC. SM fe A Mattea It 0 News:
10:lt EapaciaUr for Women; 11 Coav
eart ItalhUM Naws; U:1S Moan Farsa
Hour; IM aUde Sm Cowteor; 1:11 Hoi.
iasy; IM saalodr Lane; tM Let's Get
Aeajaalntad; SM Memory Music; 30
Ore. Raportar; 3:15 Mswie Ssastera: M
Mwt MatXars; 4SW Nws; S:l VS.
Hury Band; Strtctlf Sasz: 4X
Children's Theatre; On the Upbeat:
40 Sports Ctab; 9 $6 News: :! KOAC
organ; aaa nusse ec csec
1Ai Tana Haetrj SM UJ.
f my
Quick, deeBdable strr
loe by expert cfmlofs st
Special Garsxe Serrtoe
S:tS Xmaa Seal Party: Hews:
Musle Taat Endures; S-s Beetuas
MM Bn Oil.
Otv pharmacentlcal de
vartnaent Is se that we
anay premptly fUl yew
prescription as year
dector ordered it We
carry a complete stock
ef freah, potent emsaw.
tmclndlns;he SBSuay sew-
selreele ! slrvts. -Fee
aeeeraay aasl
Dix? Sl:ro
neve IU1 er ttZ3
miw eai'iMaseaye ntt r iwy,mtW!m2gs,9 'y mAmr apsyapsjsiiisjiaa ,m m,mmm
k-"4 A , ' A ' V s$ :L-s0"m .-
's & - lsasaSsI''i
... . r. -. y-paaassssSsasassssi - ' ;
1 1 t j if fets asj ie to TZL- !
! '
YcVvs rcrd etc at ft, yeaVs fceerd ctsst it,
See this fstxioas amtemetid wmsbcrf It's the M7 :
Wcstinghouse Zaiuindromst tiat takes the work oat of.
wssbday. Watch it automatical! 11 with water, wash, '
riaee and dauitp-drx the clothes, ' then dean end draia
Itself and shut off. It's so completer eatonuttk, your
tad txvtt toutb the wsted '
And the Laundromat doemXhmrt to be fcnenored to 1
die floor, It can be installed anywhere . ; ; in kitchen,
bath or utility room. Economical to operate; thrifty;
with soap, water and electricity. And the exdoshre Trans
taSamoa enarantee assures you of Ions; life and trouble
free service.
See for yourself how you can lurre worldese wasltdays.
Come in now!
253 K. Iibeity EL
Saleen, Ore.
11S Nertk ConunePdsl