The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 28, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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The Slat'
Salem, Ort Sunday. December 23, 1947
Snell Crash Voted Top Spot on
1947 List of State News Stories
By the Associated fmt ? .
Oregon's biggest news story of 1947 was the tragic plan crash
which carried Governor Earl Snell, Secretary of State Robert S.
Terrell Jr, Senate President Marshall Cornett, and Pilot Cliff Hogue
to their deaths.
4, Every' editor voting on the year's "ten biggest Oregon news
stories" gave first place to the disaster and the unprecedented gov
ern mental changes it invoked.
Nearly all the editors selected
the "flying MUcerC-Hhe myster
ious speeding discs J which . were
first reported sighted In June and
still go unexplained' Oregon's
second biggest story of 1947.
The Associated Press member
papers, radio stations, and staff
editors who balloted ea the year's
Disloyal Acts,
- . .
i -
Tonll get off lighter ea yew
fuel east wheat fM rely
Mebilheat. the dependable feel
for' steve ar"feraee. Produced
by refiners ef MebUgaa- and
Mobiles, here's a fael that mer
tts first and lasting considers
I fit yatro I
i . i
major stories were less unanimous
about the next choices. -
Sales Tax Third : --.'
The sales tax's defeat in Octo
berfifth time the state's voters
rejected such tax was ranked
as the third most important news
Three stories came next, separ
ated by a half -point in the vot
ing. The Mormon cricket plague
in eastern Oregon wheat and farm
lands of May and June was In
fourth place; the state legislative
session longest in Oregon history
in fifth place; and the rash of
daylight bank holdups in sixth
place. I .
The fantastic Broadhurst mur
der case, which ended with much
married Gladys Broadhurst con
victed of persuading young lover
to kill her wealthy , husband, was
ranked Oregon's seventh best news
story of the year. ,
The appearance -of floating Ja
panese mines in shipping lanes off
the Oregon coast placed eighth in
the balloting. Like the flying sau-cers.-thls
story left a mystery still
unsolved: the fate of the fishing
boat Zarembo III, which left As
toria Sept. t and never returned.
Some thought a Japanese mine
might have sunk it
The pitiful tale of "Little: Miss
X",-a 2-year-old girl found beaten
and abandoned in northern-Cali
fornia, wall Judged, by the editors
as the ninth story of the year. The
babe was identified -eg the cnua
of a -southern Oregon woman, who
was: later sentenced to imprison
The telephone strike, which up
set communication last spring,
placed last among the ten best
Used in Probe
"WASHINGTON, Bee 27 -ff)
Chairman Seth W. Richardson of
the government's loyalty review
board today announced a rule of
strict secrecy in disposing of the
cases ' of government employes
suspected of disloyal acts.
And he emphasized that acts
not opinions are the chief con
cern of his agency, the "supreme
court in the check that it being
made 'on federal worker' loyalty.
Everyone concerned with the
check, he asserted; has been in
structed "to pay no attention to
American differences of opinion."
Releasing the first comprehen
sive statement on board aims and
procedures.4 Richardson said:
"The board feels strongly that
advocacy of whatever change in
the form of government or the
economic system of the United
States, or both, however far
reaching such change may be, is
not disloyalty, unless ' that advo
cacy is coupled with the advocacy
or approval, either singly or in
concert with others, of the use
of unconstitutional means to ef
fect, such change.
"We strongly believe that per
sons holding beliefs "calling for a
change in our form of government
through the use of force or other
unconstitutional means, who in
dicate these beliefs by associa
tion or conduct, and persons who
demonstrate that their allegiance
is primarily to some foreign pow
er or influence, and that they de
sire to remain in, or enter upon,
uie service or our nauon. -
Boy Killed as
Sled Hits Car
WXNATCHEE, Wash- Dec 27
(AV One boy was killed and an
other seriously injured near here
today .when their speeding tobog
gan struck a car neadon on the
Squichuck hill road. . i i .
- Ted Miles, lB-year-oid wen
a tehee youth, died soon after he
was taken to a local hospital. His
companion, - Richard Hogg, 13,
was reported in critical condition
by attendants tonight.
Police said tne boys were siea
ing on the hill and mat their to
boggan had just rounded a turn
when it struck the car.
Radio Eepairj
AO Makes
Appliance Repairs
9221 - rheae
340 Court
Glebe Wernicke Filing Cabinet and
Syxlcrrs Ge Hand in Hand ie Speed UP
YdSinpliiy Year Office Decortb
See Safeguard System
for filing: letters, in
voices, etc Fits Into
any cabinet.
Oxford Pendaflex
, Hanging- Folders for
any filing cabinet or
desk drawer.
Small Business Bookkeeping, Systems . . . Ideal
Systems, Shaws All Facts Books, National Sim
plex outfit . . . for all kinds of business, mer
chants, restaurants, service stations, etc.
Set Us For Your Office Needs
fteedham's Book Store
465 Statt St
Phone 5S02
Aoto nd-Vicc by "C Shrodi
snnocn riOTon co.
. This Tim It's Hudson
' Church A ChemekeU St.
Deny Russians
Invited9 to Stay
BUDAPEST. Dec 27-tfP)-The
Hungarian foreign minis try de
nounced as "a gross lie" last night
what it said was an assertion by
the Associated Press that Soviet
troops were still in Hungary at the
invitation of the Hungarian gov
An Associated Press dispatch,
summarizing an eyewitness sur
vey of Russian garrisons in west
ern Hungary, had reported their
troop strength at 25,000 and quot
ed Hungarians in provincial towns
occupied by the Soviet army as
saying they had been told by Rus
sians the troops were remaining
an additional three months by re
auesf of the government.
The government as the dispatch
pointed out, never has officially
explained the continued presence
of strong. Russian tactical forces
beyond the peaceKtreaty deadline
of December IS, when these forces
were to have been reduced to lines
of communications units.
Fund Added for
Insurance on
Housing Loans
WASHINGTON, Dec ! 27 -flV
President Truman today signed
legislation increasing by $750,000,-
000 the authority of fne federal
housing administration to Insure
loans on housing construction.
The loans are made under Title
VI of the federal housing act. .
. Federal housing administration
officials said that the new author!
zation will make possible immedi
ate resumption of "effective aid
to private industry In providing
urgently needed housing for vet
t The measure, passed in closing
days ox the special session of con
gress, increases the insurance au
thorization $250,000,000 at once
and makes another $500,000,000
available up to March 31 at the
discretion of President Truman.
FHA stopped processing Title VI
applications from-home builders
when , the original $4200,000,000
authorization ran out In late No
vember. Builders advocated emer
gency action by congress to pre
vent a housing slump, noting that
almost one-third of new dwelling
construction is financed by Title
Vi insurance.
and ether See
Itching, Praia pee,
t a I disorderes
Flstala, Fissure,
it HIM Treatment
Ne BestftaJlsauea
Cad fee , examination or write
for free Descriptive Booklet.
Drat beeeaae bearable by de
lay. -
. Dr. R. Revnolda Clinic ,
21$ N. liberty St, Sales, Ore.
GOP Chiefs to
Talk of Added
Braat Family
Has Holiday
Time Party
FAIR VIEW Christmas guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews
were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doud of
Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. George
Doud and daughter of Webfoot;
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Osborne and
Boy Han villa of Newberg. Guests
at the Andrews home are Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Burcnett and Johnny
of Bandon.
Having Christinas dinner; with
their parents. Mr, and Mrs. J. C
Church were Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Church and family of Salem, Mr.
and Mrs. John J. Church and Mr,
and Mrs. Merle Church.
Members of the family of Mrs.
Leah Braat had Christmas dinner
with her son-in-law and daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finnicum.
Later they returned to Braats for
the tree. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Braat and family, Doris
Braat of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Fowler and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lee and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Estelle of Myrtle
Point, Arnold Braat, Mrs. Leah
Braat and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fin
nicum and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Church
visited Tuesday and Wednesday
with their brother and family, Mr.
jand Mrs. Paul Church in Port
land !
Home for Christmas were Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Church and Carol
Lee Church of McMinnviile with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Church and Judy.
The senate republican policy com
mittee will -consider further anti-
inflation proposals along with
raft of other congressional is
sues wnen it meets eanv next
month. Senator Taft (R-Ohio)
said today.
Taft. chairman of this commit
tee and a - candidate for the re
publican presidential nomination,
outlined a heavy schedule for
possible action in the new ses
sion of congress.
Meanwhile, house leaders indi
cated top places will be given to
tax reduction, extension of rent
controls and a felash In govern
ment spending to supplement the
"voluntary action legislation of
the special session .
Taft said several : anti-Inflation
proposals will be laid before the
senate GOP policy gulden. These
include the extension ox rent con-
Cain Requests
Aid to Germany
PORTLAND, Dec. 11 -UP) -A
recommendation that Germany be
rebuilt in order to reconstruct EU
rope came today from Sen. Harry
P. Cain (R-Wash). who was a
colonel in the Italy and Germany
Cain declared that he found i
construction almost at a standstill
when he j visited Europe two
months ago.
."There has been but a single
change In Germany sine
inarched out of there in 1945," he
said. "The Germans have moved
the rubble from the center of the
street to the alleys. That is alL
The rest of the country is the
The -Washington senator de
clared that "trying to build up
tho nations outside Germany and
leaving Germany to the last won't
work. Germany must be built up
first, because it is the key to Xu-
rope s economy
Too Late to CUaalfy
WOi. PARTY who fount a black
puna on Highland bus Sat. call
Mrs. Hal. Ph. 7004. Will (ira literal
YOUNG Ldis to hcln with tnvvn
lory. 1,M pr hr. Apply Sunday after
m p.m. fit. 4SS7
' To the paraoa who stoto our ffra
aaOUUmobil. w hop yaw naad tham
World War II Tt amputoa with four
Boiling - Leaking
Neod tho ottonfloa of on
radiator expert
Wo haw comploto iacfl
UIm widi which to repedr,
clean and flush radiators
and cooling systems ...
1 Day 1 Stop Sorrlcs
Saflslactloa Guarantosd
Lodcr Bros.
4ZS Center Phono 1133
Reliable Tree Service
- Teppiaa - FeUlag
lasured Operator
rnone Mill Trade ft
For Goaf -$5X3 .
Incredible? Not at sJL That new $500 far coat could
be stolen,' chewed bj a dor or just plain "lost." $5.00
guarantees replacement at
u irjsunAncu
"Oregon's Largest Upstate Agenc'
129 N. Commercial Salem - Dial 9119
v Salem and Coos Bay :
Mexican Plane
troL possible regulation of trad
ing on the commodity exchanges,
proposed restrictions on bank cre
dit and "other anti-inflation mea
sures" which he did not define
Taft told reporters it mar be
Impossible to settle on a legisla
tive Jbudget a sort of counter
part to the 1 president's recom
mendations on income and outgo
until after some decision has
been reached as to the amount
of money congress expects to ap
prove for long range economic
aid to Europe.
High Tension
Wire Draws
Four to Death
MARTIN. Ky Dec. 11 -UP)-
Four persons were found electro
cuted today, their bodies piled up
in the back yard of one of the vie
tuns, who waa putting up a radio
aerial which came in contact with
a high tension wire.
Floyd county coroner Braddie
Shepherd said Robert Flanary, 38,
was ' electrocuted first, and his
six-year-old son, ' John Hugh
Flarary, was killed when he
touched his father.
Flanary's brother-in-law, Hugh
Norris, 30, who lived next door,
ran to the scene and he too was
electrocuted, ; the coroner added.
Norris wifa, Edith, 28, tried to
help -the three and she died when
she reached the ground near the
bodies. l ;
The bodies were piled up when
the coroner arrived and a crowd
of about300 persons had gathered
at the scene.:
Shepherd said Mrs. Flanary had
to Dei neld back from running to
ner nusbano. Tne victim taxi zus
widow and three children. , ' -
A neirhbor. Everett Clark. S5.
helped separate the victims with
a piece of dry wood. ; r ) ,
, The coroner said the aerial be
came tangled with" a line of the
Kentucky and West Virginia Pow
er company, which carried 6,900
volts. Company officials immedi
ately began an investigation of the
Now Showing
Paul Immel
I. !
The Northwest's Famous
Painter of Flowers
j r ;
Third Floor
-3 "
. 340 Court
Crashes in Gity
LEON. Mex, Dec 27-W)-A
Panini Airlines passenger plane
crashed four blocks from the Leon
public square today, killing eight
persons, seriously injuring 10, and
destroying three houses..
The two-eneihed plane, en route
from Durango to Mexico City, had
Just taken off from the Leon air
port, police said, when it apparent
ly developed engine trouble. It
was attempting to return to the
airport when , It crashed, they
Of the eight dead, five were
plane passengers and three were
residents of the destroyed houses.
Four of the 10 injured were pas
Anderson Told
To Bare Grain
Trading Prohe
Chairman Andresen (R-Minn.) of
s house tovestigsting committee.
called upon Secretary of Agri
culture Anderson today to dis
close the names of ZOO federal
employes In Chicago who alleg
edly speculated in the commodi
ties market on the strength of
"inside" government information.
Andresen said in a letter to An
derson that his house committee
on commodity speculation wants
the facts concerning "the inves
tigation conducted by the com
modity exchange authority dur
ing the fall of 1947" involving the
200 federal workers. !
Andresen told newsmen late to-
dav that? ha had received infor
mation vtnr. reliable
uunt" that tha eofntnoditv ex
change authority conducted an in
vestigation of alleged gambling on
the Chicago commodity mart in
August or septenwer rano nev
er made it public" ''
HCL Blamed for
New Year's Eve
Reservations Slip
PORTLAND. Dec 27-UP)-No-
body predicts it will be a quiet
New Year's eve tout ' the public
night club . owners Wish it were
even less so. j
Club operators agreed today
that coats have crimped
the usual big demand, for New
Year's eve reservations.
"People aren't coming in like
they should," commented one
owner. "I figure there's a 49 per
cent difference from last year.
There's only one answer tht high
cost of living."
Another commented mat "only
big names will pull people into
night spots these days." Ordinary
floor show talent, ho added, leaves
the. tables empty. ' -'
SINGAPORE, Sunday, Dec 28
()-The Sunday Tribune said to
day that the Singapore Federation
of Trade Unions . has ordered a
boycott of ,r ships carrying arms
from Canada to China when they
pass through Singapore.
NANKING, Dec 27-tfVCom-
munists are harassing isolated
Mukden with increasing, boldness
and food riots have broken out
in 'that shivering Manchurian city,
reports seeping through the newly-established
censorship said to-
SAGINAW, Mich- Dec. 27-GP)-
Leaders of 12,000 CIO auto work
ers here Joined today in the grow
ing rank and file demand on their
union to seek a 25 cents an hour
wage increase from the car industry.
College Skiers r
dash Today
SUN VALLEY, Idaho, Dec 17
(AVSnow was packed today on
the downhill ski course at Galena
summit ; In preparation for the
sixth annual intercollegiate ski
meet which will get underway to
morrow morning.
Schools entered are University
of Utah, British Columbia, Wash
ington, Colorado, Xavier, Dart
mouth, Middlebury. - Washington
State, Montana State, San Joes
State and Boise Junior college.
Announces the removed to hla now ofScoa.
- on fhs South Elver Drive, at Rivsrdolo.
Telephone 2-2651 ,
Salem, Oregon
z m -
8 8
We Are Delivering ptoto!
24 IlbimiS TO FAY
tTne Wocid's) Fourth Largest Manniarrurec oi
i-K-;- V.Tassfngsr Cars!'--:, v,-
Open Evenlncjs Till 9M
Phono 24173
jr Tats
MO oegi
Chas. A. Evans
Fhene 4111
SM State St
Dr. K. E. Bertng
Dr. Sam Hpghes
In uis classroom, your child's performance) depends on
clear, perfect vision. Let us examine his eyes.
SIS Cent
.1 UUi:Xl
UzH Dslrcsj
light Amber UsJres Jk Pieces llixed
Amber Halves & Pieces Mixed
WiQ take nnj amount.
Elorris Klorfoin Packing Co.
460 N. Front St.
. c
. .... -- ;-
O Always ready to ts&t adrsoH
tage of popular ancy, unscrupu
lous orcanixntiona headed by
hlch-prcssnrt promoters seem
determined to exploit public
health to the last degree. They
are particularly active in the vi
tamin field. When you are tempted by wild ad
rertising claims to buy and take vitamin prcpa
rations, remember that you probably do not need
them at alL If you fed that you do, consult your
physidan. Be alone knows the type of vitamin
you may need, if any. Rdy on his advice. We
are in position to 1 accurately and ptomptb
any prescription be may write.
Capital Ding Sforo
Cor. State 4k Liberty - Phone 8118
; i.
ST '