The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 28, 1947, Page 16, Image 16

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    It Tho Stat mem, 8cdem.-Ort Sunday Docombor 28, 1847
Student Home
Tor Holidays
At Silverton
SILVERTON Guests of the
Rev, and Mrs. IS..' 3. K. Fuhr for
the holiday season are their two
sons and daughter, Milton and
Nathan Fuhr, students at Pacific
Luther university, - at Parkland,
'Wash., and Eunice, a nurse -at
Juanita Moe, employed in 'sec
retarial work in Seattle, is a
guest of relatives during Jhe
Christmas holidays.
Mrs. John. C. Goplerud of the
Brush Creek area accompanied
her daughter, Inga Goplerud,
teacher at Puyallup, Wash, and
her son Walter, student at the
University of Washington, to Los
Angeles for the holidays with
another son, John C. Goplerud
and his family. The trip was made
by plane and they will return
next week.
Mrs. Hans Jensen and daugh
ter, Mrs. Andres Sola of Seattle,
are visiting relatives here. Jen
sens formerly lived on Mill street
here where they still own resi
dence property.
"Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craig of
Portland were ' Wednesday guests
of the,- Edwin Hattebergs and
Thursday guests of the Dr. A.
W. Simmons. Mrs. Simmons, Mrs.
Craig and .Mrs. Hatteberg are
sisters. 1
Stayton Lions Club
Entertains Children
STAYTON' - A record crowd
of kiddies flocked to the Star
theatre for the annual Lions club-
Star theatre free Christmas mati-
nee. It was ' necessary to run two
complete shows to accommodate
the crowd, estimated at about 550.
Santa Claus in the person of
Harry Rowe handed out treats
to all, assisted by John Nightin
gale' and George- R. Duncan.
Sacks containing nuts, an orange
and a banana were given out.
When the sack supply was ex
hausted candy bars were given
, Virgil R. Tuel, activities chair
man of the club, and M. Van
Driesche, manager of the thea
trewere in charge of arrangements.
STAYTON The sales of pop
Corn balls and homemade candy
conducted by . the intermediate
group of Girl Scouts Saturday
netted more than $20. Money will
be used to. pay increased dues
and other incidentals in scout
ing. Mrs. Charles Sims is leader
of the group.
North Howell
Elisabeth Skelton
LEBANON Elizabeth Skelton,
born in Iron ton, Ohio, in 1805, died
at the Lebanon hospital December
21. Funeral services conducted by
the Rev. Harry Rarey of the Meth
odist church were held Tuesday.
Mrs. Skelton, who taught school
for many years, was an accom
plished reader and was in demand
for entertainments in this part of
the valley. Her husband died In
1932. Survivors are a brother and
sister, Charles Reamy and Cara
Clare in Ohio.
Fred Roadannel
LEBANON Fred Roadannel,
born in Wilson county. Kansas, in
1885, died at the local hospital De
cember 21. Funeral services were
held'Wednesday by the Rev. John
Houser of the Baptist church. He
had lived in Oregon 52 years. Sur
vivors are the widow, Rose, and
seven stepsons, Edwin and Glen
Holland of Scio, Alfred, Dean,
Charles, Robert and Scott Wheel
er of Lebanon; five sisters and
three brothers, Effie York and
Albert Roadannel of Portland,
Roxie Griffin and Esther Holland,
Scio, Ada Morgan and Eva Witaos
ki, Camas, Wash., Edward Roadar
mel, California, and Charles Road
armel, Hebo.
: Valley
1 Briefs
Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Ramp and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril
Walker spent the Christmas boli-
idays at Bremerton as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ramp.
Silverton Rex Albright, city 1
attorney, is convalescing from his
second major operation recently.
Alf O. Nelson, local justice of the
peace, has been acting city attor
ney, MasonicXodge Installs
Officers" for New Year
STAYTON Marion Cunning
ham was Installed grand master
of Santiam lodge, A. F. St A. M.,
Monday, December 22, at the Ma
sonic hall. .
Ken Purdy, district deputy
grand master of district Nol 7,
was installing officer. Others tak
ing office with Cunningham were
Walter Hinrichs, senior warden;
John Christensen, junior warden;
Walter Frey, secretary; A. C. Van
Nuys, treasurerf D. George Cole,
chaplain; Stanley Hitchcock, mar-
Lshal; Larry Morgan, senior stew
ard; Lewis M. Kiersey, junior
steward; and Irvin Parberry, tiler.
Wright Truck
Lines Merged
STAYTON Effective Janu
ary 1, the Felix Wright Truck
service will be merged with the
Wright Truck lines, Lindsey H.
Wright has announced.! He said
the deal is complete subject to
approval of the public utility
commission and the interstate
commerce commission. 1
Silver - Wheel Terminal
The company z, will operate
trucks1 from Salem through Mill
City to 'DetroitTand Idanha. The
Silver Wheel in Salem will con
tinue to be the terminal-. as in
the past Two drivers, Floyd
Booze and Robert Lierman, will
continue with the company. Har
old Fox who has been, working
elsewhere, is returning.
Lawrence Lierman, who has
operated the service, for -the past
three years, is retiring because
of his health. He has been in
the trucking ! business for more
than 25 years, starting out haul
ing gravel in one-yard loads on
hard-tired trucks. The Liermans
have two sons, Robert and
Wayne, and a daughter, Letha
Lines Extended
Established in 1924, the truck
service was created by Lindsey
H. Wright who sold It to his
brother, Felix T. Wright, and
went into the feed business. The
Wright Truck lines were estab
lished by Lindsey in 1927, with
Scio added to the route in 1928,
and Dallas, Independence and
Monmouth added in 1934.
The building occupied by - the
Felix T. Wright terminal here
was not included in the sale.
Gervais Woman
In. California. I
GERVAIS Mrs. Allen Dean
left by bus Friday to visit rela
tives in California and Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Aalgaard of
Sedro Woolley, Wash, are spending
the holidays with their daughter,
Mrs. Elmer Jorgensen.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Seely are the.
parents of a daughter, Jerry Edith,
born December 22 at Salem Me
morial hospital.
Grade school closed Tuesday,
December 23 for the holiday vaca
tion, high school was in session
until Wednesday. Both will re
sume January 5.
Lawrence Jorgensen of Seattle
spent Christmas with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jorgensen.
Brooks -i- Sewing club meeting
has been changed to Friday, Jan
uary 2, at Mrs. Anna Dunlavy'a.
Africa has a virtual monopoly
on diamond' production.
Holiday Bring
Many Visitors
Mrs. Thomas Bump were , in Los
Angeles for the Christmas holi
day with tljeir son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Price
and their little" grandson.
' Guests for Christmas of Mrs.
Rose Reznecsik and family were
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R.
Mayte, and her . brother, Lewis
Mayte, jr. and his family.
. Perle Wood, wno nas been in
a Portland hospital for- several
weeks, is much improved and able
to be up part of the time.
Marinus Schaap is ill in the
Silverton hospital and his son
Leland was also there for a time
recovering from a broken leg.
Mr. and Mrs. C E. Waltman
entertained . Christmas day for
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Oddie, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Kuenzi arid Clyde
and Lowell Kuenzi.
The Mothers club of the North
Howell school had ice cream and
cake with the pupils at the
Christmas party Friday at the
A family Christmas eve dinner
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
August Woelke included Mr. and
Mrs. Les Hettick and little son of
Eugene, Mrs. Marie Engebretson
of Silverton and Mr. and Mrs.
Willmar Fossholm and two sons
of North Howell.
Shingling the roof of the new
church at North Howell was
started Tuesday b,r- a volunteer
crew. "
CJfeqn yQW
'As la Steps!
At bedtime rub warming,
toothing Vlcks VapoRub
on throat, chest and back.
VapoRub's special relief
bringing action atarti to
work instantly to soothe
Irritation, ease coughing,
relieve muscular soreness
and tightness. And then
even while child sleeps
VapoRub keeps right on
working to bring relief.
Remember, it's the best
known home remedy you can
nseto relieve ffC
distress oflCuS
colds. Try itl V VapoRub
Salem. Oregon
low In wo
fid Elou-ffhese Bargains
Won't las!
Tremendous Savings on:
Women's Deller Dresses
Women's Parly Fymals
Girls' Prinl Dresses
Women's tlillinery y
Hen's Ilollicolor Chopper Shirts
Hen's Gabardine Top Coals
Salem, Oregon
- -f-
Gibson Girl
Ubite Houses
All Slacks
) cB
Values to
Midriff and
Butcher Boy.
Values to 6.50
Bargain Table IIo. 2
You 11 Find
Here Many
Wanted Items
Also, at Below
Original Cost.
Values to
One Large Special Rack
Values to
One Large Special Rack
Values to
One Large Group
Chenille Robes ;
Values to
AD SU Wear
Bargain Table IIo. 1
Many Valuable
Items at a
Fraction of the
Original Cost.
Values to.
One Group Purses
to 12.95. v
(Including tax)
One Gronp Raincoals
1 88
Special -y1
AD other Raincoats 25 off
Ilarked For Fast Disposal '
A Real Clearance of
fi!LIL Kl ME
n sz? t n n 7Z
Reg.$29.50 . . How 3, H88
Reg. $32.50 . . IIov7
Reg. $34.50 u . Nov
Reg. $39.50 . . How
Reg. $42.50 . . How
Reg. $45.00 . . How
No Refunds
No Exchanges.
All Sales
Stale St.
For Your Parties
Kays Has a Large
Selection of
Formal Skirts
Knee Length Skirts
Formal Slips
Half Formal Slips
Evening Bags
Evening Blouses