A- 14 The Stcrttman. ScJom. Ott. ; " :The BJatibn,s..ToD:. Comics " REHEMBER HAD A J (I ATE 3 DU. PtCkLEl I AM I Pit"1 H 1 1 I n I (THIS NUMBER DILL. V ONE, ) I ATE -X SORRY '. I sU I H TWIT MOT LETrNO-n-L M rOW DO I V BECAUSE rOW RJGUT VOUTVEAM, T T...-?S ME PlTTWE IpUTThEJ . KNOW MOU VOU WDULO AREf WELL BOTM S DCTM THOSE fV pgQp- TWEMS IN TVE Z MoT SKIP HUNT ME UP PUT THEM INTUIE OP THE SWCUERfeTHESE SWCCJLOERS?yjpjE. J MV HALFi MV THROAT. I I" LfSE DICK TRACT MR. WILDE AS HENRY MASlSSECRETARX IOM TELL WO HED WY ANY PRICE 10 FIND HIS DEAD SON'S WIFE AHD DAUGHTER ALIVE LITTLE ANNS ROONEY ml YOOUPBOFIT ft A LESSON N MANNERS, 600U FLASH OF 5fROWS MANPm. P1HS1 A TIN eCFOSOM.- BUZZ SAWYER W0NPE3 IF EEGA BEEVAS AU. right 7 we rasnt touchep MICKEY MOUSE BUT VOJ'T WE' VB KtXJ WAIT 7 WAITED CAPTAIN O'GQADYt LOKX3 1 HAVE AM EKIOUGM IDEA- WE'OE SOIMS IM, FRONT AMD BAOCfl & wMi wmm RIP XTRBY 1 1 1 L J gjtW Al feSJjg lfeSt 'I3S2ESI?1 IT KS.PK. 'AaTCN t VJ IT HLCH.PPBE! IHIa f'" ANWMfl VDU Tjjjjl . ; SOME IXE8CBE 1 WHILE. TOP. fVE 1?' i P0 04 -?TrV,,:Ef m 1 1 Wll YOU'VE ) COT TO GO OVER F. yVP" 1 1 1' T CO J irsMH? GASOLINE ALLEY , II - Ih V-K II I m" . . TH'WWVUNT, Bur HE'LL BE eflTW' CfF ) 4r7 lHjSR ME.LOWtziE-1 i CU):;DS05S" nfTfT V--PN0"1HRIEE wons (. Ps. CHT- Sunday. Docrnbctt 23. 1947 ' :.. . i BUT SO MANY U l WELL .THE OLD CENT BETTER lURS.SWlUDLESSl AN0CRACKP0T5Q START TAKING THE RUBBER HAVE BEEN Off MIS ANNOYING HIM BANKROLL fORYEARSrJj atjf wiyjrr. .xi-r ill. r' Ui FWVWCI6HT fSOXEK, CKlBOf QOlOC, STRANGELY UNAFFfcCTEO V THE 6AS. f , '.J-, . 'f yH, j nmf Hlll : , i . I 1 I wm flf II I'M 60IKJG W.TOO, DES.' BUT 1 LET'S HOPE THIS OU P'PE WILL. I 1 BY JIMSOi I I t MYWMWAY? OJMEWrrWMEj MOLD ME I HAVEN'T DOME THISJ R HE MAOE II) j I TO THE IO OF THE jmL42 6IMCE W6 HUNflW-ih.- Ms: T' US-5 J L HOUSE vOf R DEAM'SpEnBV on riy. r r58 ctt ID Ji i5 . rliyWL-f - . KNOW HOW fp HE FEELS BUT WHEN T UY MVCAROS .MR.OICK, i YOU LOOK FACE UP ON THE TERRIBLE TABLE HElL SAY HAPPY- 'HEUaSANTA Tr4UKE hCLAUS Mil .-1 jllS j AKO HOW ICOUUMTiLEASC THE SPRING W AW SWORO CANC. THE TMOU&HT TEMPT1NS,0LP FELLOW, DL WHAT ARE VOO j ; DAn.Y AND' SUNDAY,.; , in ! Your Home SWpper IH AS HAPPY AS A YELLOW CAT FULL OF CANARIES - FIRST YOU BELIEVED MY STORY- NOW MR.WIIDEI TELLS ME TO STAND BY AND WELL MAKE ALLThE FOOLS WHO LAUGHED AT ME LOOK THE FOOLS I THEY ARE -v EASILY OSCIU HQ, UO, HAJC2Y! DlfArf IS MOST kTAf' 1 fwunch! FEATW5RS! " PFgATHEgS!)( Classified Ado Uvettock and Poultry NSW Hampchir bby chlckJi start ed chicks Ac older pullet always avU- bie. Ph. 1-Z861. Lgg i Ktcnry. WANTED: Any kind of catUe. fao It sheep. jWDl call at larra. licensed Ac bonded buyers. Prompt service. E. I SnethenTAr Son. 1530 Lancaster Or, Salem. Ph. 1-1345 ivUOA win urcuui vi tmwMui u number. Prompt ervicc. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone WORk HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch LARGE ASSORTMENT on hand at all times at very attractive prices. Credit given any one.- Discount for cash. Guaranteed as represented. Free delivery Harry Kuehne, Carlton, Ore. Located ,frmlles west of Newberi. SALE, or Trade: 4 youne ewes and one thoroughbred buck, S100. Also 300 amp. Lincoln Electric welder, 30 h.p. LKoy -fas engine cneap. Kt. t, box iwb, out sunnysiae Hd 7 RED Fryers, tl JO ea: 7 red Dulleta. P.5ea.; entire lot $20. Ph.-5856. wiru s Babbitry pays top prices for fryer rabbits. Ph. 10BF9. 388 State St. ' WANTED io buy: All kinds oi cat. tie, hoes and sheep. Frank Wood. Rt. 7. Box 431 H. Phone -5714. DEAD Stock picked up, free of charge, day and nl)?ht service. Ph. Sherwood. Ore, 4433 or 4424. Call collect. - , HIGHEST QUALITY cHICKS-New Hampshires am Vhit Rocks. Hatches every Tuesday Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery A Poultry Farm, Lyons. Ore -WXNTED: All kinds of cattle." lat hogs, sows A boars. At your farm or delivered Market price E. C. McCand lish, Rt, , Box 233 across from Waters Bali Park on S. 23 St, Ph. 3147. Help Wanted - GOOD position open for Clerk-Stenographer. Five day week under State Civil Service. Steady employment. Phone 8281 for Interview appointment or call at State Forester's office. Ask for Mr. Ewing. , . ' Help Wauled Male EXP. Man for dry cleaning Job. Spotting and pressing. Fashion Dry Cleaners. SOS Washington St., Dallas, Ore. s-voroiL-wfEfTi H.., a house lights water fuel milk furnished. nw experience, age, reierences ana number In family. .Write Statesman Box 787. , v Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED drugstore ulnlidr Full or part time. South Salem Phar macy WOMAN Wanted: General house- work, 3 adults, one child. Bendix wash er. Private room. Salary. References required, box 7B State man WOMAN to do relief cookinc and supervise dining room In state institu tion. $190 per month. Complete main tenance available for H30. state Civil serytee commission. 444 Center St. EXPZrTEN CD tVDiat to oneraU bill. Ing machine. Accuracy more essential than speed. Part of work will be other than "machine ooeratkm. Chance for advancement, call 8273, WANTED: Woman to take care of 3 year old boy. Can stay or go home nights. Good pay. References required. i-n. tvt or tia, . - au'a.tujuvi.cu typist with own typewriter to copy articles at borne. wusn job, smesman box 789 SOMEONE to care for children bv ween. wuge at., w. salem. WANTED: Reliable ladv for house. work and care of girl S for employed wkiow. j ice rome. References requir ed. Ph. 4023. SCHOOL eu-1 to life in nice home Private room It bath. In exchange for some help and care of children some evenings. Ph. 3345. , WaNTI5&: Woman for office if Mornings only. Mon. thru Fri. Typing required. Some newspaper experience wgynaqig. rn. tnyza lor appt shortly be in need of a woman, single and general office experience. A non- wnuKcr preierrea ior mu perman ent position. Please reply In your wn mnownuni, giving age. expert ence, rferencer. phone number, ad orens. pox vnj. ptatesman tkPfcnrtrirlT ed; call 2-4627 evenings, Thursday or OUDOIf. SalMnrn Wanted Slk BV aliilii.ii to work in esUblished real estate of- nee, box 7 no statesman. WHAT ARE viMir tun a COod Rawyitt ItminMa 4a hn 4 beat. Big Bne well established makes gooa proms, no experience required. Write today for Information how to icei ninro. itawieign uept. UKi-13- 2T8H Oakland 7. Calif. WANTED: Vacuum cleaner saJes man. Liberal commission plan. Guar- nieea salary . Apply Mr. Cairo U. soDisomery nam uo. T" Situationrt Wanted able prices. Free estimates. H. J Woodworth. Ph. 3018. ATA. Work mumrmrximA WlnAu,. walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457. DRAWING St Designing House and srore mans, rn. twai. "TYPrRT D.n.iM V.w mil. -kt. " n.frM m. - . w. . VWUtl wasner nepair, so uperty Rd. Ph, CHIMNEY sweep. Northness, ph. 4450 at asaMkbssw a aesy 1 1 wa. AaKlaV OI4f, A tat e . irn it-o. rin or an oay..yn. aw Pruning and Spraying PEACH SPRAYING PHILIP W. BEILKE Dial 2-1208 LABOR, farm work what have you? a. a. catron. Gen. Del, Salem IRONING In my home. Ph. 1507. WILL Care for children in rtv home oy day, week, afternoon or eves. Pb "1SY Sitting, by hr. 2204 Simoson St. WORKING MOTHERS: Know your child is having good care in Christian nome. pay, weex. eves. Ph. Z-B7Z2 WILL Manage or care for aDt. house. or keep house for widow, widower, or eideriv couple. Ph. 2-4740. 805 S. 18th, CLEANING by the hr. Ph. 8598. Oil Circulator Service Furnace and chimneys cleaned and repaired, u. w. Ensiey. Fh. 7178. 771 South 21st. PECO PACIFIC EXCAVATDJO COMPANY Bulldozing and Grading PHONE 8793 ' SALEM. OREGON BASEMENTS water-proofed. Phone sin, cq una Ave, IRONING and odd loh Ph Sof m CEMENT contracting, patching. 24751 on an miwi ana mooeis. rn. booj SMALL Carpenter jobs. Ph. 2-5150 OIL BURNER SERVICE - - and Repair. Ph. 2-8062 BRIMMS HEATING APPLIANCE 422 Mi So. High. Salem. Ore. LAK mikcapcl Pruning, lawn work. etc Ph. 7558. 1150 N. Church ' PAINTING. Good work.. Reasonable prices. Free estimate,. C. Horn. 25518. SEWING A alterations. Fast a de- Ipendable service. Mrs. Smith. Ph. 8387 SEPTIC Tanks It drain lines cleaned. Jack Boenlng. Ph. 8633. General, cenfjnt contractor. Ph. 7641 " CLRTAiNS Washed A stretched. 393 S 22nd. Mrs: B. Lleske "Phone 2-8343 Hollywood " Transfer For local and long distance hauling ricaup ana moving Trailer ior rent Pti 9764. Burton's Mobile Station LAFF-A-DAY T0A t' "It's not u dangerous as you might think no signal lights, one-way traffic and no women drivers!" Situations Wanted WASHING ' machines by the hour or day. Free pickup delivery. Home Washer Service. Ph. 26793. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-8444 DICK PREY 8263 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. Ph. 8468 or 8327. WANTED: Furniture to clue and repair. Lee Bros. Pb 21233. 4020 East State St. Septic Tanks Cleaned K. F? Hsmel. 1143 8th, West Salem. Phone 74Q4 ".CEMENT CONTRACTING. Phone 2-3045. Stanley Fax. ' Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt S. Box 363 V Phone 2-2306 For Sale Miscellaneous River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MDC ., READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1968 2-3100 J. R. Watkins Co. product!. 1717 Cen- ter St. Salem. Ph. 8395. Free del. ALWAYS a big stock. Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 6110. FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph 835T. PIANO: Ex cell, cond. 1690 S. Cottage. 1 PC. DINING-Room set. $65. Ph, 2-4579. NAVY Bridge coat, size 40. like lew rn. -g7, LET ITS Inrruu vour oil ataraaa pacity by installing another barrel. Dvorak Heaung service, for person anzeq lacvory acnrice j-goj. MONTAG wood heater, walnut din ing seC roan's bicycle. Ph.- 8371, MEDIUM size oil circulator. Like new. 50 gal. oil barrel with pump, 1980 N. Liberty. OIL Circulators. 2 to 3 rm. size. Reg ularlr nriced at 8695. Special thru Dec. Jilt at 8740. Atxinson Appu- a nee Co. 2003 Fairgrounds Kd. Ph 3-4439 ELEC. wood comb, range. Used but in good condition. Atkinson Appliance Co. zoos rairgrounos wo. USED washing machine, good cond 150. ph. eooi. Food Economy : - DEHYDRATED BELL PEPPERS (Seasoning, flavoring for Soups, ex. cellent food pkg to Include for over. seas snipmenti MAIL IN YOUK ORDER Blue Lake Packers. Inc. West Salem. Oregon. Phone 8253 1 pkg (Net Wt ,' oz) 15c postpaid Dkgs : 75c postpaid 13 pkgs . $140 postpaid (8 redoes enclosed.) Minimum 6 pkgs postpaid to Europe TWIN beds. Reasonable. 2-burner elec. plate. Philco radio. Ph. 6360 STAINLESS Steel double kitchen sink with dralnboard on each side, 86 x 23 Inches. Also bathroom sink. 1131 7th St.. W. Salem, after p.m. FREE: 3 male kittens. 3860 Center, Sun 2 T6ILETS Sc 2 wash bowls. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113, L TON No. 12 galv. berry wile. used. Ph. Z-1Z80 ELEC. washing machine. $13. 323 W Wilson. 12 FT. SPRUCE boat. 16 ft. cypress boat and trailer, 12 ft. speed liner, t h.p. water witch outboard motor. 24 h.p. Johnson -Seahorse. Must sell by Jan. 1st leaving state. Ben Daley, Rt. 3. BOX BBS K. Ph. Z-3164. ANTIQUE Bedroom set. Ph. 2-6849. GOOD Hotooint washing machine. 873. C. J. Hammang, Rt. S, box TIT, saiem. pn, siru. ELEC. Ranges, new and used, oil heaters, hot plates, waffle Irons, elec. irons, toaster, vacuum cleaners, deep freeze, rerrig. tabic umn. noor fur nace, printing press with type, paint. tires, batteries, wholesale and retail. The only place to shop, and save mon ey. Hardman Bros, 4 mile past Totem toie on Portland nignway. ANGELUS Radio. 813. good cond. C. p. Howe, m. s. box i70. saiem SINGLE Hollywood bed with cover. $12; double size mattress. $5.00; light wood desk, $9: plate glass mirror with gold frame. 86. 1437 N. 4th. Ph. 9817. FURNITURE for sale. Frlgldalre. Ph. 8078. 3630 N. River Rd. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS. NEW. 32-42 gal, guaranteed and fully auto matic.' SALES WHSE 1351 HOYT. TWO 750 Starter batteries. $100 each Oregon Feed awFarm Supply. 2700 forxiana Hflia Bath room sets new. cast iron bath tubs and wash basins, and China toi lets All grade A. Place your order for delivery in January. Capital Bargain House, iu center. NEW Lumber No. 4. 832 M oer MTall lengths. Ph. 3484, 3593 P gt. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1331 Market Ph. 3-4598. Organist, accompanist, OIL Circulating heaters with twin radiant doors, 4 to room size. $94 Si Montgomery Ward Be Co.. Salem THERMADORE ELECTRIC HEAT ERS, NEW. SALES WHSE 135L HOYT. ELECTRIC HOUSE WIRE. BOXES, switches, fuse boxes, outside wire. Kitchen fixtures, iaus whsi laai HOYy. ntPe-'au iiw i i- i- i i- t iric piatea, nu rug. r. win rn. tnaa. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads aV driveway. j Cement Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4 yd y shovel at drag itne. Phone aaci MAN'S bicycle, lust painted and overhauled. Excellent cond. call at B, and W. Bike Shop. 1309 w. com i. F.H.A. APPROVED PUMICE BLOCK 12th STREET BLOCK CO. So. 12th St. at Vista Ave. Tele. 2-5363 Evenings 8904 THANKS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE Come and see us again. SALES WHSE 1351 HOYT. SURPLUS BUNK BEDS AND MAT TRESSES. Bed side and radio tables 1351 HOYT. TEL 7916. BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE : WATERPROOFING I mile south-on River Rd Phone' 5968 For Sale Kliscellaneons SURPLUS WTNPOWS. 1331 HOYT. citpxji n r.ii n.urrmr! PLANTS. 750 W & 33KVA. 110 V A.C. 1351 HOYT. TelTSlB 4 bRAWiEk MEf At FUiNG CAB- DIETS. SALES WHSE 1351HOYT. '. WILL BUY. sell or trade guns, mo- dera er antkjue. Don Madison,-268 No. yapuui MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. HOYT ST SALES WHSE. Oil, Burner Service Radiant heating. Wm. C. Drew. 2-4443. SHEETROCK, Wallboard 4'x8'. 16"x 32". 1I"X12". 1J-X16' I6'xir. Toilets, new 1st grade, Imm. del. RL 7. Box 431-L. McCain Aye, off Silverton Rd, saiem SURPLUS W60D RANGES. APT. 5IZ.E S3P. 1381 HOYT. 30 car hot water beaters, from S3 n rm Ph 21140 SURPLUS chaIrs. issi HOYfT Wanted Mivrenaneons PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem SEWING mach. bought, rented, re- paired, made elec. W. Davenport. 7671 WE PAY more for mink and muskrat W. Side For Co.. w. Salem. lOO SEWING Machines, any cond. w w. Liperty. pp. Z3311, CASH ior old- sold, solid. oUted or filled. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE, phone 8183. pnryRNltURET?rri07''': WANT TO Buy Used Cameras At lenses. McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State. GOOD Used wash machine At sewing machine. Ph. 2-55U. 894 N. Liberty. CASH for used piano At other mu sical instruments. Call 4641 days or, 9537 evenings or send description to Jsmiith Music Co.. 191 8. High. URNITURE and what have you bought for cash Call any time. Sun- dale Exchange Ph i-uu. 894 N. us- erty. Miscellaneous Mattresses. Capital Bed Co. Ph. 4089. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 31.00. LES SPRINGER. 464 Court. AUTO oainting.iust a shade better. by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co. 8302, WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation. Duf field Bros., Rt. 8, Box 423. Phone 3-1313. ' WEATHER strips. Pullman. Ph. 59657 C. WTLTlAMSscwiihg machine repair rpecialist Does not sell new machines. Parts for all makes. But- lonnoie anaenmenu. irtw n. iaui. Ph 5763. ELECTRO LUX sales and service. Elect rolux cleaner and air purifier. complete with attachments. $68.73. pre war price At quality. Full home dem prorations. 191S. High. Ph. 7719. Oil Circulator Service Can CyYounger. Ph. 6071. SICNPaWTING. Built to order. Scott. Ph. 3635 mil, rn. 7dkj' T-VflVBT -r-e rv.le-.ey MtUlr t aWMavna weeasa aaa mm v- vice. All work guaranteed. Brown's Jewelry. Liberty A Court Sts. ' Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer a Basement Eauloment Rental 18 B-U yds. , $12.09 per hr. 10 B-4i yds. 8 80 per hr D-7 Cat A Dozer 980 per hr D-8 Cat A Dozer ,, , , 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat A Dozer 7 00 per kr Phone Day S40S Evenings 8348 or 2440$ Salem. Oregon - Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE OI MOST CASES Bring or Mafi Your Pistes for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adotoh Bide. State St Com Ph 3311 HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine reoaired by a Qualified singer repre sentative. Ph. 3512 for free pickup A delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before wors is star-tea singer sewing su chine Co. 130 N Commercial. Money to Loan Private Money Special rates and terms on lareer loans. LONG OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Roy H. Simmons 138 S. Commercial Phone 8188 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST. 1st Natl Bank (old quarters) weuummty; now TO TOWN VOUVt BEEN &3 amid the 11 asr-11 CUTLE AND 1 I IrVTME Ps4 tf l There Is No Better Gift Than Electrical Appliances Buy Now, Avoid the Rush Home Builders Let Us Give You a Free Estimate in Wiring Your Home Any Type of Electric Heat Our Specialty Our Work Is Guaranteed - JVo Job Too Large or Too Small 0 IIIIIEDIATE SERVICE O Factory Test Equipment and Service Methods. All Work Guaranteed. O Pickup and Delivery. Morrow Radio 153 S. Liberty Money to Loan General Finance offers money at ones on cars, trucks. fiiMiHfw trail- W. . , . - . . " uvesiocR. farm machinery: contracts refinanced iraora. Caneral Finanea 4- l n owned and officered, was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan. Ap plications ior KMiwHiauw oy pnone. Licenses S-138 tc M-338 FARM" and CITY LOANS 4' and 8 Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. . 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7161 HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIAL LOAN SERVICE Short of time as well as cashf Phono now for a quick: loan from Personal Up to $500 on auto $300 on Furni ture Salary 850 for two weeks eosta only $.70: other amounts In propor tion, up to 20 mos. to repay. For tastes service phone first. k Personal Finance Co. BIS State St.. Rm 125 Phone 3191 E Galllnger. Mgr. Lie. S122. M156 Financial See Us For Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 4 INTEREST $ TO 40 YEARS and NO com mill ion I Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 8281 MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. J53 S. HigH St. Lie, 21$ M 223 For Rent Apartments 2 RM. Furn. tnclud. Ph. St radio. BrU vate bath. PJj.8048. ' ' z km. .Furn apt. upstairs. 8 mile East. Macleay Road. Rt. 5. Box 271. PARTLY Furn. uosUirs. 2 bedrooms. kitchen, bath. 153 S. 19th. Ph. 2-2529. 3 RMi 'unfurn. apt. in duplex. Separ ate ent.. furnace, bath. etc. Practically new, near business center. Ph. .6553. GROUND floor front aot. attractively furnished. Refrigeration, hot water . -heat, Venetian blinds, private bath, t Close in. Suitable for t people. 468 If. winter. OM. Apt, ground floor. 2310 N. 4thr nuuwi woman, teacner, ioesireo roommate to share J-rm apt. near csoltol. Give refs. Statesman Box 783. 2 RM. Furn. apt. Aute. hot water. 243 Chemeketa ' . ' 4 RM. Furn. apt. Adults. 770 8. Com! FURN. Apt. Adults I07SjrCai APT. In counfiyLTberiy Dkt.rTof man A wife. Low rent but required to work 3 Sundays a mo. on farm. Walter H. ZoseL Chemeketa St High SU. MCPCTW Cottages by day. week a month. 3580 S. Com L ADVERTISINO Western Advertising Representatives Ward-CrlrfrUi Company. rrancwoe Eastern Advertlsinf Representatives Ward-Grtffltii Company, tne. Chicago. New York. Detroit, Boston. AUaotfc Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertlsinf Entered at the Poetofflce at So le i. Oregon as Stcond Clam Mas ter Published every morning ex cept Monday Bostnesf office SlA South Commercial gtrset. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates to Ad vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, Mo 80 cents: 8 mos. 8339; 1 yeaf. 88 00 Elsewhere 80 cents per mo or $7 30 for 1 year la advapee Per copy 8 cents. By city i Carrier. 73 cents a month. ss oo a year is advance la afartoa and adjacent POTBiNI what vrxl LEARNED TMRtM if i counties. 1 Phone 5955 DRESSMAKING, alterations. Ph. 6361 UAM KI-u hlit inn mat. vV BARNEY GOOGLE " PAINTING A Paperhanglng lTt mnrt sis. Size 38. Ph. 6821. or call at 1 1694 N. commercial.