The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 28, 1947, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Tha Stcrtoamcin. Salom. Ow, Sandory, December 28. 1947
Sunday sorties: More mighty
'. sharp pre-conferenee eompetl
tlon for tho Oregon' and Oregon
State basketballers first of this
! week. Oregon draws perhaps
tho more lusty foe In the of t
voloable Phog" Allen and his
Kansas Jayhawks Monday and
Tuesday nights : at Eugene. On
tho same nights the Staters take
on tho team which Is liked for
tho southern division title this
- season California's " Golden
Bears. Either pitch should be
palatable to the cage customers.
... Odd thing aboat the Port
land Bearer 11x14 Inch Christ
mas card which carries the pic
tures of 25 players and Ave
more assorted - directors and
- managers. Ted Gallic Is nowhere
to bo found en It, and Tall Ted
Is very mneh a part of the Beve
elan. An oversight no eoabt,
bat not Tery nattering to the
former Senator skipper. . . .
Speaking of skippers. Bill (Bell)
Brenner has been rehired te
ibess the VaneonTers again next
season, a certainty since - Bill
wen the WIL pennant last time.
As for ear J. Francis Wilson,
- no less than Bis Boss George
V,Emlgh himself Utiles that Jack
if very likely win be back te herd
the townles again. .
Upon his return te Walla
Walla with " his Whitman ear-
era. Coach Den (Undy) Lind
bergh wasted no time in telling
the na tires what a fine pair ef
basketball men the Whits ran
into in their game with Wil
lamette. The pair would ef
Beaver Cagers in Two
Games With California
OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Dec. 27-(Special)-The Oregon State
Beavers wade further into their strenuous pre-conferehce basketball
campaigning here Monday and Tuesday nights in a series with the
strong California Bears, rated as the. top threat to cop the southern
division 7 cage crown this season.
Both men's gym contests will start
at 8 o'clock. 1
The Bears, coached by the illus
trious "Nibs" Price, are led by
high-scoring forward Andy Wolfe
and have compiled an impressive
Plenty of seats for tho California-Oregon
SUte series win
be available te tho general pub
lie at $L5S each. Tickets will ge
on sale at 7 o'clock both Monday
and Tuesday nights.
string of wins sgainst tough com
petition In California the past
Starters for Cosch Slats GUI's
Beavers likely will be Cliff Cran
dall and Ernie Neal at forwards,
Paul SUper at center and Dick
Ballantyne and Norm Carey at
Siards. Alex Petersen may move
to a starting forward slot with
Pa ge's Wallop
- Salem's Pago Wooleni Friday
night walloped tho Hyrter Co.
quint of Portland In a second
round basketball game, In the
Central YMCA tournament In
" Portland. The Page's went from a
" 22-8 half time lead to a 43-15 vic
tory and were led by Eddie Sal
strom's 19 points.
: Page's play a third rounder
Monday night with Ernie's Tavern
of Portland. The winner enters
the quarterfinals next Friday,
pages 4S) -OS) Hytters
Page 10) . .. T tO) T. Mako
' Cabtrom (19) T Farmer
McBm 44) ; C S) Mortensoo
Jones O , (I) H. Make
Coons (0) O 0) Ttirl
Page reserves W. Gemmell 1, Mason
8, Bates. .
; Chemawa Boxers
ToiMeet Yakima
CHEMAWA, Dec. 27-(Spedal)
The Chemawa Indian school box
ing team will open its season at
Yakima, Wash., next Tuesday
Bight, facing the strong Yakima
club. The main event of the card
will be between Ken-Sam of Che
mawa and Gil Kelsey of Yakima
In the welterweight class,
r Those accompanying Coach
Stanley Ashcut and leaving Che
mawa Monday are Carroll Gen
saw (112). Curtis Stacona (118),
Mel Eagleman (126). Art Johnson
(135), Ken Sam (147), Joe Woods
(160) and Captain Dave Ehellal
.(175). .
Monmouth Meets Shedd
MONMOUTH Unbeaten bas
ketball teams from Monmouth and
Shedd high schools will meet here
on the OCE court, Monday night
at 7:30 o'clock.
Tho local Wolverines have an
ali-letterman team to oppose the
Shedd Warriors, who have scored
'. at least 50 points in all games this
-'year. -r '; -
Full Mat Card Ready
Matchmaker Elton Owen pat
the finishing teaches to his final
grappling- bee of tho year Taes
day night at tho Ferry Street
Garden, an
Booneing the
two prelims
which win pre
cede the tag
teamer ' fee tar
ing the Al win-
- lams - Joe Dor
setU and Joe
Lynam - George
Dvsette duets.
- The 88 pjn.
opener brings
back MbeIeaa"
Jeo Lyaaaa Sammy Koben,
the enlpritish loot who has been
lowered to a prelim shot after
losing his wtimer-take-all brawl
with BUlt Olson last week. Ko
hen, shorn of his $128 robe last
k ;: I ) 5 "
Ii.ii 1 i
" , .1
. . ,r 1
, y. A
be the Incredible
and Jim Johnson whe are
certainly destined te
broad chapter te WUs basket
ball album. It lent the feeble
competition which Is . making
the Johnsons shine either. Both
John Warren and 8 lata Gill,
hare as much as wished they
had the brother act And yenll
'Mr. Offense'
LOS ANGELES, Dec 27-(Special
-Idahos Billy Williams, with
a "total yards gained of 1148 is
the "Mr. Offense'' of 1947 football
in the Pacific Coast conference, of
ficial final statistics reveaL Will
iams carried the ban 237 Jlmes
for the Vandals and gained his
winning total through 332 yards
rushing and another 818 yards
Second in the list is Oregon's
Norm Van Brocklin with a 830 to
tal, 939 yards passing and a ml-nus-9
rushing in 181 tries. Jack
Jensen of California is third with
70S total yards and Bob Celeri of
Cal is nextlwith 700. Oregon
State's Don Samuel places fifth
with 889. Oregon's Jake Lcicht Is
seventh with 653 and George Bell
of the Ducks is ninth with 523.
Oregon State's Dick Gray Is
tenth with a 504 total.
In passing alone. Van Brocklin
Is tops with his 939 yards on 76
passes completed In 168 attempts.
Williams is second with 50 com
pletions In 135 tries for 816ysrds.
Samuel is third with 80 comple
tions in 91 tries for 520 yards. The
best completion percentage is held
by Southern Cal's George Murphy
who completed 42 in 71 tries for
Jake Lelcht of Oregon holds the
Individual title for net yards
gained rushing. He rambled 630.
Teammate Bell is second with 523
and Williams of Idaho third with
484. Dick Twenge la Oregon
State's topmost In this department
with 333 yards, eighth in the con
ference. Top rushing averages are
held by California's John Graves
with a 7.1 sper try mark, and
UCLA's Cal Rossi with an even
By Th Associated Prcaa
8U conditions In Oregon as reported
Saturday by the U.. S. weather bureau.
Mount Hood. Government Camp 34
inches snow, no new snow; surface
packed, icy; skiing fair; roads clear,
no chains needed; ample parking. Fore
cast: Cloudy with occasional light rata
turning to snow early Sunday: Sunday
mostly cloudy with snow flurries. ,
Mount Hood. Timber line SS inches
of snow, no new snow; surface packed,
icy: skiing fair; -oads clear, chains
needed: ample parking. Forecast: Sun
day mostly cloudy with snow flurries;
slightly colder Sunday.
Santiam Pass 2S Inches snow, no
jMor snow; surface packed, granular:
skiing good; tows will operate ad
week: road clear, no chains needed.
Forecast same as for Government
Anthony Lake II to SO Inches snow,
no new snow; surface wet; skiing fair;
both tows running; roods open. Fore
cast: Occasional light to moderate
snow Sunday and slightly colder Sun
day. Tollgate 41 to SO . inches snow, no
new snow; surface powdered; skiing
good: some snow on road.
week also when some one swiped
it, wtn collide with Billy Hlx
snv holder of tho ooast light
heavy tide belt. Theirs will be
a one-faller. Incidentally, the
$16 reward for the re torn of Ko
hen's robe still stands by the pro
moting Salem American Legion
post, and no qaestlons asked. .
Tho second prelim tosses the
always-likeable and hard-working
Tex Bager in with Bob' Cam
ming, another edentlfie. They
win go over the 2-of-S falls
rente, or half an - boor. The
mainer looms as a dandy, as most
or the tag- sessions anally are.
Lynam and Dvsette form as pop-
alar a pair of bieeppers to show
here In recent years, and Dor
seta ana wiuiams easily are a
pair of tho most disliked despite
their capabilities as naslert.
lee. toe that Johnny Lewis tt
getttag Grade A performance
and peinta from both, further
proof that WU did itself a favor
when Long John was lured into
W . tl .
' The New York Yankees bare
called up Catcher Charley Sil
vers, overworked msikman with
Portland last season. And if all
around Yankee catching In the
world aeries Is an indication,
SllTera may wen stay with the
varsity. Be most certainly will
If he has only te beat one Yogi
Bern out ef a Job, for Berra's
defensive .- performance la the
classic wa comparable te that
of one ef ear WIL rookies in
tho threes ef a do-no thing-right
stamp. . . . So far the be or
she whe made eff with Kassler
Sammy Koben's kimono (3128
worth ef same) last Tuesday
night while Samuel was doing
his chores hasn't returned It for
the $11 reward. Which fat a wee
way serves Sammy right. Were
he ef the fair-haired Instead ef
the foul-heeled species ef mata
dor, bo ene would put the pinch
en his gear. Ne doubt seme
Irked client (and they get rath
er peeved at Sammy) pilfered
the gorgeous robe Just for spite.
If such Is so, whoever did It
accomplished his purpose. Sam
Ready to Fire at Ducks
Forward Oaado Uoachin (above) of Kansas' high-scoring basket
bailers wiU be in the starting llneap Monday and Taesday nights
at Eagene when "Thog" Allen's swlfUes pUy Oregon In a two
game series.
UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, Eugene, Dec. 27-(Special)-The Uni
versity of Oregon steps Into fast basketball company hero Monday
and Tuesday nights when the Ducks play the highlyrrsted U of Kan
sas quint at McArthur court Both games start at 8 o'clock. The Kan-
Springfield 5
EUGENE, Ore; Dec. 27-(ff-An
undersized Springfield college bas
ketball team tonight lost its sev
enth game in eight starts on a
transcontinental tour, taking a 69-1
40 walloping at the hands of Ore
gon. V .
The - Massachusetts team could
not score against taller Oregon un
til four minutes had gone by when
forward Pat Huntington dropped
in a free-throw to make the score
10-1. The invaders did not tally
from the field until after 14 min
utes and i seconds of play.
Oregon played reserves the 'last
10 minutes of the ball, and held
a 27-12 advantage at the inter
mission. Forward Jim Bartelt led Oregon
scoring with 18 points.
SFrtngnel4 ()
(st) Ore tea
if n pi ip
HuntgtnJ hi IBarteltl
fgn pi tp
Murao4 0 0 0 SlBacek
Sullivan 1 1
S SiWiley.0
4 a'Willmson 4 8
1 t
l 7
4 8
5 4
CartmULg 2 s S s Fwptca i
rnmni f 1 1 1 I Bri S
Burke S S
Kabchk. 8
S -4 cooper
tlDonJ . i
liRasmutnj 4
0 1
Hoffman J 3 I
Barker 4 1
Amacher 0
Mockfrd I
Secborg 0
Lavey 8
Unis 1
0 S
Totals U 14 14 40 Totals 80 tlfSS
Free throws missed: gprinfiield
Murao, Burke 2, Corcoran; Oregon
Caeek t, Rasmussen, Amacber, Wil
liamson s. Berg. ,
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 27-ff)
The University of San Francisco
Dons eked out a 44-42 victory over
the Oregon State college Beavers
tonight in a rough windup of a
basketball doubleheader at the San
Francisco Cow ' Palace.
Tho Dons, leading at halftime
26 to 13, wore hard pressed dur
ing -the first 10 minutes of the
final half as tho Oregon State de
fense tightened. .
High point man was John Ben
ington, Don forward, who scored
12., Frank Roelandt topped Ore
gon State's scoring with ten points,
osc fgftpftp vsr fgftpftp
NeaLf 111 4'BeninrmJ I 1 111
StoreyJ I 1 I IGUttnX llll
Sneper 0 11 1 M'Namece I 11 I
Careys 14 8 S Guidice 8 8 8 1
Crandall 1 S S 7 Hanley .10 4 4
Torrey 10 1 HDriacolU 1 0 0 1
Petersen sis bucjuuo 1 o l a
Roemdtg 4 1 4 UN .
Vaienm 1 0
Totals II IS 21 43 Totals 17101144
' rree throws missed: Oregon State 9.
san XTanciaco . :;" -
Great irrigation works were
built in India, Chaldea and Egypt
at least 4,Q0Q years belore the
Christian era. . ' w '
Dons Decision
my was and still Is a mighty
mad Mr. Kehea.
From all we've been able to
gather en-, the guy, new Idaho
Basketball Coach Chuck. Finley
Isn't only ene ef the newest
members ef the northern divi
sion family, but he's also the
Ne.1 1 pessimist Be walls his
Vandals, even with ff-foet f-lnch
veteran Jack Phoenix can't pes
sibljhwin not only, a single conference-game
but also, nary a
one In non-conference i play.
Which ef course remains to be
seen. Finley comes to the con
ference well heeled In. reputa
tion, however. Be was an All
America selectee under Bank
Iba at Marysville (Mo.) State
Teachers In 1932 and later play
ed professions lly for the New,
York Celtics. . . . An interesting-
Ole ef "Why They're Van
dals" also fat contained la the
Idaho basketball dope booklet.
This month marks the 27th an
niversary ef the "Vandals" ath
letic name. Back fat Ills when
Idaho's ' cagers were running
rampant in Northwest basket
ball circles, the spertswrlters
were calling them "The Wreck
ing Crew.' Dean Edward Mas
lin Holme thought the Idshoans
were like' tho Norsemen ef eld.
The sports editor on the school
paper agreed and began using
the appellation "Vandals.1 It
has stack ever since. Only the
Idaho basketball team was
known as Vandals until 1KL
Thereafter all of Idaho's ath
letic teams have carried the
V J .
SBBBBBBSBBssaK'.owolossBBmmK w.v.nj
Play Ctaiisa
Eugene Series
sans, always a threat in the Big
Six conference and often rated
strongly In national listings, are
under the tutorship of the famed
cage coach "Phog Anon, 62-year-old
dean of American basketball
The Oregon team win bo on the
short end of the odds against the
Jayhawks. Coach John Warren
likely will open Monday night's
uii wiui dim Barteit and Reedy
Berg at forwards, Roger Wiley at
center and Stan Williamson and
bod Lavey at guards.
crowds .of between 5000 and
7000 are expected to witness each
oz me two games, forward Otto
Schnellbacher, an All-Big Six
leaguer for three seasons, is the
no. i gun Tor the Jayhawks.
SPOKANE, Dec. 27-4P)-Thlrty-
one gun cxuds irom Washington,
Idaho, Oregon and Montana have
submitted entries for the 29th
annual Sookesman-Review-Inland
Empire telegraphic trapshoot, of-
uciais announced today.
IPnim IPcDfirmtts j
The misters aren't alone in
eagerly awaiting the chance to
pit their alky skills la State
Meet action.
The feminine
contingent (as
sasslty weald,
say) will also
have opportun
ity to showjost
how good they
are with , the
chips down as
the State Wom
an's show con
venes at Cor
vaUis on Jan.
8th same day
on Which the virg tola Garhartne
men's event opens ahere on the
Capitol lanes. ... Dope right
new pat seven local gab teams:
is the Corvallls go. . ., . And
speaking of the females, a fa
miliar name heads the girls'
averages to date namely Vir
ginia , Garbarino who's made
aalte a habit ef being Mrs. No.
1 hereaboata. Virginia right
now beasts a 189, and. net tee
far behind her Is Agnes Meyer
with 182. Incidentally, Agnes
lays claim to the sole M0J set
relied this year in tho women's
ranks a 80S.
Two certificates of distinction
hang on a wall ef the Ferry
street lanes and emblasoned en
'em are the names: "HI Hainan"
and Walt Cline, sr.1 It's for one
of the toughest feats to be en
gineered on the pin paths
tossing- 70S series. And that
means la sanctioned ABC play
which can be defined as leagae
action. Shewing" how touch and
far-between tho 70oV are. it's
i been ' over three years ! since
' i . V. , '. '
Cline rolled his 707 en Dec 7,
Four Unbeaten
lis on Slate
Michigan, Nittanys
Boast Best Records
NEW YORK, Dec. 27-6ip)-Mich-
igan In the Rose Bowl, Perm
State in the Cotton Bowl and
Westchester (Pa) Teachers and
Missouri Valley in the Cigar
Bowl are the only teams with
unblemished ' records which will
participate in .the IS football ex
travaganzas on New Year's day.
In all, the 30 teams boast an
aggregate record of ? 241 victor
ies, 47 defeats and 10 ties for a
J34 percentage. Besides the four
unbeaten and untied elevens,
three others Southern Metho
dist in Cotton Bowl, Kansas in
the Orange and Miami in the Sun
Bowls went through .the reg
ular campaign without a defeat.
Headed by Texas, Georgia
Tech and Southern California,
nine squads lost one game apiece.
eight dropped two games, a cou
ple were on the short end .of
three games, while : Texas Tech,
Texas Christian, Arkansas and
Georgia . suffered four setbacks
Only two bowl games will fea
ture battles between unbeaten
elevens, with Westchester .Teach
ers and Missouri Valley boasting
perfect 10-0-0 records in the Cigar
Bowl at Tampa, Fla. But- zor
SMU'a 19-19 tie with Texas Chris
tian In its final game of the reg
ular season, the Cotton Bowl at
Dallas, Tex- would also cave
featured a clash between two
teams with spotless records, as
the Mustangs meet Perm State
with a 9-0 record.
The Rose Bowl opponents have
a loss and tie between them, both
on Southern California's slate.
The Trojans have won seven.
Michigan, of course, knocked off
nine straight opponents to cap
ture the Big Nine title in a breeze.
Kansas and Georgia Tech, in the
Orange Bowl at Miami, also show
only one loss between them in
regular season play. The Sugar
Bowl at New Orleans brings to
gether two of the strongest teams
in the nation in Alabama and
Texas despite the fact that neith
er was able to escape unscathed.
The remaining bowls are as follows:
Delta Bowl (Memphis, Tenn ) Mis
sissippi (S-S-0) vs. Texas Christian
OaM Bowl (Jacksonville. Via.)
Maryland (7-1-1) vs. Georgia (7-4-0).
Dixie Bowl (Birmingham. Ala.)
William and Mary iS-1-0) vs. Arkan-
Raisln BowlMrresno. Calif.) Col
legeof Facade (-l-v) vs. Wichita
( Salad' Bowl (Phoenix, Alls.) North
Texas State (1014) vs. Nevada
Tangerine Bowl (Orlando.. via.) Ca
tawba (10-1-0) vs. Marshall (W.Va.)
(ft-2-0). ;
Pineapple Bowl! (Honolulu) V. of
Hawaii (S-S-0) vs. Badlands. t-3-0).
Harbor Bowl (San Diego) San Die
go State (7-a-l) vs. Hardln-Simmons
East Scared,
-Coaches of tho East team la the
Serine's annas! East-West foot
ball game at Kesar stadium, got a
scare today when Tony Minis!,
hard-nunlng back from the Uni
versity ef Pensylvanla, sprained
an aakle In scrimmage.
I X-rays disclosed Minis! had suf
fered merely a sprain after it was
bleared originally that be had
broken a bone. The team physician
said he weald be able to play New
Year's day.
At Stanford, meanwhile, the
West's team of Bines defeated tho
(Golds 14 to in a short scrim
mage. A 78-yard pant return by
Cal Koosl ef - UCLA and a pass,
good for 45 yards, from St Mary's
Herman Wedemeyer to Gall Brace,
University of Washington end, ae
eosmted for the scores. Wedemeyer
kicked both conversions.
1844. Haman was terrifically hot
Feb. 28, 1949 when he aneorked
a phenomenal 738. . . .' There
have been a eoaple of 780s flang
in pet play this year bat that
doesn't get yon In the ABCs
799 dab. . . . A quartet of local
wheelers EUy HartweU, Cline,
sr Joe Coo and .Tex Keel ere
StUl in the rannlng In the Port
land Oregonlan tourney.- . . .
Quite a pin session here last
Sanday when Cilne's- Major
leagae five dropped a close ene
te k top Eagene ealntet in the
finale of a home-and-bomer.
Over a dosen "800s" were chalk
ed ap with John! Giodt pacing
the Cline crew with 893, Jast
ander the 897 rolled by Mandlch
of Eagene. Cline, j sr, (and he
centumany peps ap in a bowl
ing yarn) hit 888 and 849 la
two tries. . . , The Cline team
Ces to Seattle Jan. 4th to flip
the Ideal Recreation classic
. . . (No bewler-of-the-week
this time because of the abbre
rlated sked). . . .
The BAB dack pla frater
nity opens an eat-ef-tewa
schedule early in January when
they Journey to Aberdeen which
is a pretty rabid small-pin burg.
. Tho 285 tossed by
Fenny earlier this season
highest gala single game
b the
en record at tho local layout.
. Continuing In a statistical
vein, the peak in dack-demoU
tlon by the brawny sex is be
lieved to be the 894 registered
by Keith Bennett a few months
back. . . . Nearest to a perfect
game: The 290 hit by ' Manager
' Tom Wood a few . years , back.
Tom spared, then struck the
rest of the way. . . .
ejects Davis isclhiairge Keipesti
The yU Host the Big
- -.4 V - .. . Y
i V.. ? , J
When Oregon's annual state bowling tournament takes over tho
Salem Capitol alleys early next month, these two seats win be the
hosts for tho classic They are alleys o-owners "Tex" Keel (left)
and Waaer Boston. The tournament is set to start January 8.
Pro Title Clash Today
, -
the Philadelphia Eagles for the National football league champion
ship in snow-swept Comlskey park tomorrow, ending the longest
season in leagae history.
For the game, which probably will attract 88,908 to 48,809
spectators, partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the lew SO's
were predicted. The kickoff will be at 1:95 pjn. (CST).
The odds favoring the Cardinals, twice triumphant ever the
Eagles this season, settled at 12 points tonight This mar gin comes
from the fact that the Cardinals defeated their opponents, 88 to 21,
in a pre-season exhibition game, and then walloped thesn, 45 to
21, daring the regular leagae play.
Tomorrow's battle marks the first appearance of both teams In
the championship playoffs. The Cardinals won their Initial western
division title by upsetting their rival Chicago Bears, while the
Eagles qualified by crashing Pittsburgh last Sunday In the east's
divisional playoff. .
Oregon OS, Ss-riagflela 40
Sao Francis 44, Oregon State 4S
Ohio State SS. Washington SS
Niagara 44, VSC 4)
Nebraska 11. Staaferg 4t
Calif erala H, Minnesota IS
PtrperOtn St, West Texas 47
MsrshaU TS, Idaho 44
UCLA 44, St. Joseph's 4
Vteh 41. Canlslos 14
So. MrtheSlst 41, Wyoming N
Temple Tl. DsttaseoU M
St. rrancis IS, Arlseus 4
Mlchigasi State SI, Wayn SS
Xhuuatk Palls if, Alsaay M
aneonver ST. Asterta 44
Taeesaa TS, PorUaod W
Status 44, BeUtaghaat M
Saa Praadsco StaiaU 4S, Seatsje
Klset 1
Hawaiian Stars H, Seam Cauwyjl
Chicago BoakJoj M, Victoria Chi-
Berkeley Nisei 4fl, Salt Lak St
Purity Code
Action Slated
NEW YORK. Dec. 27HJP)-Some
300 universities and colleges will
take final action here Jan. 9-10 on
the widely-discussed "purity code,"
and the president of the NCAA
referred to it today as a move
toward "a national athletic con
ference.' The grouping of universities
and colleges into regional confer-
encei hat played a most important
part In the development of 'colle
giate athletics," Dr. Karl E. Leib
of the University of Iowa, said in
a statement issued by the Nation
al Collegiate Athletic Association
headquarters in Chicago.
Call Bell Nabs
'Anita Event
ARCADIA, Calif, Dec. Tl-W)-Thoroughbred
racing came back
to Santa Anita park with a flour
ish today as a record opening day
crowd of 84,000 turned but to see
Call Bell ring out a victory in
the 850,000 added California
breeders champion stakes at one
Laying claim to the champion
ship of California bred two-year-olds,
the classy bay son of Alibhai
came from behind in the stretch,
whipping the favored entry of
Solidarity and Grandpere and
winning the feature by three
lengths with Jackie Westrope up.
Royals Rap Eagles ;
Dec 27 -(CP)- Royals' first-string
line of Ken Ullyot, Ray Voll and
Gordon Fashaway fattened their
Individual averages by 10 points
tonight as Royals trounced Port
land Eagles 8-3 in a Pacific Coast
hockey league contest.
MOSCOW, Idaho, Dec. 27-S-An
intrastate athletic rivalry be
tween the University of Idaho and
Idaho State college of Pocatello
Was forecast today after Vandal
Athletic Director' George W.
Greene announced that represen
tatives of the two schools would
meet in January at Boise to dis
cuss future relations.
Ohio Staters
Down Huskies
Ohio State's basketball Buckeyes
bounced back tonight to trip the
University of Washington Hus
ales, 88-80, in a loosely played
contest marked by erratic shoot
ing on both sides. The Huskies
won last night's game, 81-53,
The Buckeyes stirred tho 4.585
fans in Fairgrounds coliseum
with a brilliant last-half ragy
which overcame the Huskies'
27-24 halftime margin i and kept
wm xjucss unneaded the rest of
yie wsy. 1
Only a minute and a Quarter
of the second half had gone by
wnen we auto sopnomores grab
bed a 28-27 edge. Washington
deadlocked the score 31-aH a min
ute or so later, but Ohio .State,
ieu uj uie xancy nring of For
ward Dick Schnittker. waltzed
on in.
Ice Breaks,
Hunter Dies
27 - (Jt) - A hunter who broke
through through ice on UDner
Klamath lake and struggled for
an nour to stay s float died today
of shock and exposure a few min
utes after , being rescued.
Ho was Ralph G. Long, Jr., 19,
Cottage Grove, Ore., who went
onto the Ice to pick up a shot
goose He pushed a rubber boat
ahead of him in case the ice
broke, but when he fell through
the boat filled with water.
Hopes Smashed
Verdict Shuts Door .
. on Tempting Offers
Glenn Davis was denied permis
sion to resign from the army by
weaa uruoi uircijL ujugaw. Lxjea
second time the All-America:
halfback's plea to enter the pro
w won i.uu umm imu icjcvicvt
in six months.
Davis, now a second lieutenant
stationed at Fort Riley, Kas gc
ccpted the ruling philosophically
at the home of his'-parents -Jn
Claremont, Califs where he is
spending the holidays.
"Naturally, I'm disappointed. I
had hoped to play professional
football next year. But orders are
orders and it goes without saying
that 111 abide by them." explain
ed the player who made the As
sociated Press All-America team
three successive years.
Although, he did not Identify
the professional eleven - with
which he hoped to play, it was
certain to be a California team.
Draft rights to Davis ire owned
by Los Angeles of the National
league and by San Francisco of
the All-America conference.
Last June. Davis and his All.
America teammate. Fullback Fe
lix (Doc) Blanchard, asked tho
war department that the usual
six-week furlough given new
lit 4 -. a a
iiiuiwki m tt esi ruint do ex
tended i three months so that the
pair might play pro football.
It was denied. Blanchard, now
a second lieutenant in the air
corps, said last , week ' when
Davis' second sttempt to leave
the service became known, that
ne intended to , make' the army
his career.
MONTGOMERY. Ala, Dec. 27
yn x iasmng a weu-oaiancea at
tack and taking advantage of its
opportunities, a hand-picked
southern I eleven defeated a simi
lar team from above the Mason
Dixon line here todty, 33-6. In
the tenth renewal of the Bluc
Grsy football game.
The outcome was never in
doubt after the Rebels flashed to
two touchdowns early - in the
game and carried the fight to
their opponents to the delight of
a partisan capacity crowd of
22,500. It was the south's sixth
victory in nine tries and the most
decisive of the series.
The winners went 43 yards for
the first score and then tallied on
movements of 14 yards, one ysrd,
20 and 77 yards. The north cash
ed m on a 74-yard j drive in the
second period to make Jt 21-6
st the intermission but never got
past the south's 38 at .any other
Pros Topple
Score Records
UP)- Rough and tumble wss the
feature bere tonight as Vancouver
Hornets romped through the As
toria Chi nooks defense to topple
them 97-88 In a Pacific Coast
professional basketball title
) A league record for one game
was believed established as the
Hornets rolled up their 87-point
effort Norm Baker of Vancouver
was top scorer, marking up 87
points, which is also believed a
seasonal Individual scoring rec
ord. I
cnimi nmvr.v r r rv.-
(AVMgr. James Kelly, President
of ' Seton .Hall college, aaid today
that Jack Kramer and Bobby
Riggs would make their second
pro tennis appearance there Jan. 8.
8 en. ft.
15 en. ft.
Easy Terms Arranged
Grays Wallop