For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale - Bliacellaneoni LAFF-A-DAY Wanted to Rent For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate 10 Tho Statesman, Salem, Ore- Saturday. December 20. 1947 New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Dec. lMVToday's closing quotations: Al Chem & Dye..l654 Gen Foods ... 34V4 Rayonier 30 American Can 79 Gen Motors 57 Rayonier 34 Am Power & Lt.. i 8 Vm Goodyear Tire .. 44 Reynolds Met .. 23 Am Tel & Tel .150. Gt North pfd Anaconda 34?nt Harvest ... Atchison .. 88 lint Paper pfd fcendix Avia . 29 I J Manville Beth Steel 103Kennecott 47 So Pacific . 47 Boeing Air 22 Long Bell A 24 Stan Brands 26 Calif Pack .... 33 Mont Ward 55 jStan Oil Cal 61 Canadian Pac 11 Nash Kelvin 17 Studebaker 2OV4 Case J I . . 46iNat Dairy .. ... 28 Sun Mining , ,10 Chrysler 63 jN Y Central 14 Union Oil 24 Comwlth Sou.. 2 North Am Co. 17 Un Pacific 154 Cons Edison 21 (Northern Pac 21 Un Airlines .. 16 Cons Vultee 13 ,Pac Am Fish 14 Un Aircraft 24 Crown Zel - 33!Pac Gas Elec 34 U S Steel 77 Curtis Wr 4 P T & T........ 93 Warner Bros 13 Douglas Air 48 Pan American ' 8 West Elec 30 Dupont de Ne 187 jPenney J C 42 Woolworth .... 43 Gen Electric 34;Radio Corp 9 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore-. Dec. 19 (API USDA Cattle salable 25. total 400; calves salable and total 10: mar ket steady on limited "PPy: few common to low medium steers 19.00-25: weeks top on fed steers 30 00; cutters down to 17.00; common heifers 20.00. canner and cutter cows J5.00-17.00; good beef cows quotable to 21.50; medium-good sausage bulls 16-50-19 00; common-medium calves 28.00-23.00. medium vealers to 26.00: good-choice vealers salable 27.00-30.00. Hoes salable 10. total 700; hold overs 85: market active, steady: food choice 200-230 lb 28.50; 250-270-lb 26.50: ltl65-lb 26.50". good 380-500 lb sows 24 50-25.00: good-choice feeder pigs sal able 28.50-27.00 or above. Sheeo salable 25. total 600: good 2oiirPbucks steady at 5 50 with LOO bead dock; other classes noimnally steady: good-choice wooled "mbstriis week 21.50-22 .00: thin lambs 16.00-19.00; good ewes largely 8-50- (Portland market closed Xmas day.) , NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL i PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given -that the un dersigned, as Administrator of the Ea tate of EMMA C. HAVERLAND de ceased, by virtue of an orderjduly U wed out of th .Circuit. Court of the State of Oregon for Marion 'County, probate Department, on the 28th day ifNovember. 1947. will Proceed to ell. at private sale, for h Jn hand on the day of sale, at the office of Walter S tamkin. 211 Oregon Build lng. in the City of Salem Marion County. Oregon, from Mon dav the 29th day of December. 1947. it the hour of ten o'clock AJI. of said 5ay. to the highest bidder, for cash, tn one entire piece, alt of the right title and Interest of the estate of said decedent In and to the foUowing de scribed ands nd premises to-wrt: . The West Sixty-six of Lot Four (4 It in Block Thirty-six 436). in North Salem. Marion Coun ty, and State of Oregon. Said sale shaU be made subject to th. confirmation of the Circuit Court f the State of Oregon, for Marion County. Probate Department in the matter ' of the state of said decedent. Dated, posted and first published, this 29th dav of November. 1947. " MAYNARD T. HAVERLAND. As Administrator of the Estate of Emma C Haverland. Deceased. Date of first publication: November 29 1947 Date of last publication : Drrember 27 1947. N 29-D 6-13-20-27 Livestork and Poultry WANTED: Feeder weaner pigs. phone2j-2052 - "FOR SALE or trade for beef, one 5 yr old Guernsey cow to freshen Jan. 10th. one 5 yr old Guernsey cow to freshen Jan. 17th one 4 yr oWjGuern tey cow fresh 3'i months, milkmp. These are large cows. 1550 Lancaster Drive one mile North Krueger Groc. Phone 2-1345. - yyr-K 1 IK- weight 40c lb. Ph. 2-5819-7"WEANER--pjs. H. A. Hess. 2 miles emt of Brooks. . WING'S Rabbitry pays top Pces for frver rabbits. Ph. 109F5. 3985 State "St. j FRESH Cows for sale. See C. E. Coville. Turner. Oregon. Phone 22. WANTED to buy: All kinds of cat tle, hogs and iheep. frank Wood. Rt T Bo 431 H. pnone DEAD Stock picked up. fre charge, day and night service. Sherwood Ore.. 4432 or 4424. t of Ph. Call collect. iTirurcT OITATXTY CHICKS New Hampshire uir hite Rocks. Hatches very xuesaay otno ""UT"" W rilson's Hatchery Poultry Farm. Lvnni. Ore kMU U.n.nhir naftl ChlCkS. Start' ed chicks ft older pullets always avail able Ph 22861 Lee's Hatcherv WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hogs sheep. Will call at farm. Licensed bonded buvers Prompt service. E. I Snethen Son '550 Lancaster Dr.. Salem Ph aiaa r-i isttiu HrMtmi oi cn tea ens any dumber Pnmpt service Drew ad poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 1-261 Le's Hatchery " FOR SALE: American breed Ham fltonian well gated saddle horse. Sam Bedding Rt. 2. Box JZA. turner WaN-fT.A: All kinds of cattle, fat hogs, sows ft boars. At your farm or .liv.rMi Market nrice E. C. McCand- lish. Rt. 9. Box 233 across from Raters Ball Park on 5. St.. rn. Help Wanted COOK at Santiam Ski. Lodge. Ph. 7982. Help Wanted Male ptrcdnarLE attendant for soda fountain, book store and gift shop in Monmouth. Permanent position. Write box 775 care of Statesman SOMEONE to waterproof my base ment. W. A. Slater. Rt. 6. box lm smlm. sea rYfcfrfttrvrtnService station a tendant wanted. Full time work. Ref erences required. 876 5. com I. Help Wanted Female ESTABLISHED Sales firm needs bookkeeper-secretary. Reply in own handwriting, giving agev exjerience. references ana salary oesirea. r. - Box 621, Salem FULL Time beauty operator. Excel lent working conditions & chance to make food money, l-iiiian s Beauty Salon. 115 So. 3rd, Corvallis, Ore. Ph 194 OFFICE Girl: typing, filing and stenographic experience. Permanent. ,,Ph. 4171. Ext. 229. , " EXP. Stenographer. H. L. Stiff Furn. Salesmen Wanted RETAIL Clothing salesman with fol inwint nullifications: College educ. $ ft. 10 or taller, permanent Salem resident, young, marnea. wun lamny willing worker, pleasing personality char, reference, rn aioi W ANTES: Vacuum cleaner sales man. Liberal commission plan. Guar anteed salary. Apply Mr. Carroll. Montgomery Ward Co. Situations Wantrd ttpx Fitter, .maintenance man needs work. Phone 2-2655. Rt. 3. Box 694 2 jCATERING. home cooking. Ph. 2-4360. -- wn.l.rNG vouik man wishes em ployment in service station, morning shift, or mgnis. rn. 10000 STATE employes want part time work. Phone State Boara oi ion trol. " PECO PAOTIC EXCAVATING COMPANY Bulldozing and .Grading PHONE 8793 SALEM. OREGON ummldtfd ladv would like house keeping job for l or z in country. n quire 1890 N. Cottage. 38 Richfield llVi 87 Safeway - 21 55 Sears Roeb 37 41 Sinclair Oil 16 Situations Wanted P RE-SCHOOL child baby care in new home. Inculdine meals St laun dry. Funny playroom St private bath. Day, week or month, starting Jan. z Mrs. Lush. 1985 N. 22nd St. MOTHERS, know your children are being properly cared for while you work. Day, week, mo. Phone 3347. WORK by hour or day, by elderly woman. 3444 N. Front St. Brown house. Miss Porter. GENERAL CARPENTER REPAIR WORK. PH. 21101 OR 26798. Bricklaying, carpenter work. 24360. EXP. Landscape service, planting, transplanting, pruning, general clean up. Ph. 253 U. Alterations dressmaking. Ph. 6361. FORMER Salem resident desires per manent position. 15 years General Mot ors accounting experience 767 co Statesman. BASEMENTS water-proofed. 3777. 60 Lana Ave. Phone IMMEDIATE service. Day or night. Ace Electric. Ph. 21413. BABY Sitting. Ref. Ph. 24592. BABY Sittine. Ph. 7382. IRONING and odd job. Ph. 5291. CEMENT contracting, patching. 24751 ED'S Washing machine service on all makes and models. Ph. 8685. BAB? Sitting. Evenings only! Ph. 25783. SMALL Carpenter jobs. Ph. 2-5150. OIL BURNER SERVICE and Repair. Ph. 2-6062 B SIMMS HEATING APPLIANCE 422 '2 So. High. Salem. Ore. LANDSCAPE. Pruning, lawn work. etc. Ph. 7558. 1150 N. Church. PAlNtlNG. Good work. Reasonable prices. Free estimate. C. Horn. 25518. SEWING k alterations. Fast de- ndable service. Mrs. Smith. Ph. 8387. TIC Tanks drain lines cleaned. Jack Boening. Ph. 9633. WASHING machines by the hour or day. Free pickup delivery. Home Washer, service. Ph. 2613. PIANO tuning. Wills Music store. SCISSORS, knives, pinking shears. tharpened. Dexter. 966 Center. Ph. 6833 LET A Young fella do your paint ing. Sure, my prices are nigh. So is the quality of my work. I use prert sion j the best of materials. Ph. 2-1628. General cement contractor. Ph. 7641. JANITOR JOB, exp. 662 N. 14th. AUTO REPAIRING Fender and body work, painting. All makes of cars. Quick service. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Conoco credit cards accepted here. Dick's Time Oil Station. 990 S. Commercial. CURTAINS Washed stretched. 395 S. 22nd. Mrs. B. Lieske Phone 2-6343 Hollywood Transfer For local and long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent Ph. 9764. Burton's Mobile Station. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK OREY 6265 ALL Work guaranteed. Window walls woodwork cleaned floors wax., ed Insured workmen Professional CeMnine Service Phone 4457 TAILORING. dressmaking Ph. 9584 PAINTER and Paperhanger Reason able prices Free estimates H J Wondworth Ph 3015 PAINTING Paoerhanrtng Free estimate. 857 Shipping. Pb-9511 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. Ph. 9468 or 5327. Spraying and Pruning Dial 2-1208 Philip W. Bielke WAN TT.t) : Furniture to clue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph 21233. 4020 East State St DRAWING ft Designing House and ore ol !ans. Ph. 9621 EXPERT Repairs. New rolls Olson Washer Repair. $0 Liberty Rd Ph 25100 CEMENT CONTRACTING. Phone 2-3045. Stanley Fagg. Septic Tanks Cleaned R. F. Hamel. 1143 8th. West Salem Phono 7404 Painting and papertiangmg. 4325 CHIMNEY sweep Northne on 4450 PieSchooi Playschool. 1381 Stat Ages 2-8 Pirt or all day Ph 8430 Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush PAUL BAS5ETT Rt 6 Box 363 Phone 2-2306 SEE US about that motor overhaul or brake job. All work guaranteed. Open evenings. A. & L. oarage. !. miles south of Salem on highway 99. Phone 2-4358. WOMAN wants work by hr. Also ironing, your home or mine. Ph. 2-5421. For Sale Miscellaneous MAN'S overcoat, size 40. $7. Hot wat er tank with adjustable stand, good cond. $5. 1245 Waller. ELECTRIC Steam radiator, $16. Ph. 2-5965. 705 Ratcliff drive. BEAUTIFUL Cocker puppies, reg. J E. Peterson. Rt. 1. Box 237. saiem TWO New 750x16 8 plys. 1610 N. Commercial St. DINING rm. suite. 8-piece. Blonde. Almost new. 360 Leslie St. r.i .fitric refrifferafor. Good cond. sjui for nuiek sale. Call afternoons. Rt. 9, Box 386. mi. south on road to Fairview home. Ph. 2-4237. BUZZ Saw. Good cond. 728 Wilbur St. 120 BASS Piano accordion. Ph. 4287. NEW Duo Therm oil heater, never used. Cost $114.95; wUl sell for $100. Phone 2-2268. , srinn.HUBER Electric hot water heater. 42 gal. Used 2 mo. Lge. tricycle. House doors. Gas stove. 419 S. 19th St. REFRIGERATOR. Wool rugs, twin at double beds. Springs. Girl's bicycle. Rocking horse. Like new, can wna. MIMEOGRAPH machine. $20. 2381 State St. NEW Electro-steam raditor heater, cost $3735. sell for $25.00. or trade for sewing machine. 20 gauge single bar rel shotgun likeTiew. tell for $12.50. Ph. 24925. 256 E. Salem Heights Ave. FORDSON Tractor flSSTC. ETCd ville. Turner. Ore. Phone 22. FOR SALE: 1946 model Wards com bination gas range with trash burner. Used very little. Priced reasonable. Baby baskinett and baby chair. 440 Larson St.. out Silverton road past riirffmunrit. TWO 750 Starter batteries. $100 each. Oregon Feed ft Farm Supply. Z700 Portland Road. - LARGE and small oil circulators, beautifully designed. See these stoves before you buy. Reduced prices, ln stallation fre. 940 S. 14 Ph. HAND made rugs for Christmas. 951 fSine t- Bath loom sets new, cast iron bath tub and wash, basins, and China toi lets All grade A. Place your order for delivery in January. Capital Bargain Hniiv '45 Center. PURE bred. Springer Spaniel pup piea. S-wka old. just right for Christ mas gifts. On Salem Beuna Vista road. Jefferson Rt. 1. rn. Time to Fertilize USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS GARDENS SACKS $5 OR 116 PER TON Free delivery anywhere w Salem. West Mushroom Farm Ph. 8127 days; 2-4397 eve or 6127 NEW Lumber No. 4. $32 JO per M. all lengths. Ph. 3484. 3595 D St. . FULLER Brushes. 1744 Crant P 8351 PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market. Ph. 2-4598. Organist, accompanist. Christmas Trees Large, small, all sizes. Reasonably priced. See Mrs. C. G. Coble. 827 N. Liberty. OIL Circulating heaters with twin radiant doors. 4 to 6 room size. $94.95. Montgomery Ward at Co.. Salem. CHRISTMAS Wreaths, swags and trees, now at Hilman's Super Shell station. Capitol At Market Sts. Ph. 9026. Trees sprayed to order, any color. 35c ft. Oil Burner Service Wm. C. Drew, Phone 2-4445 XMAS TREES for sale on Capitol and Center. Watch for the big white pig. L. W. Candle. Spraying 8c Pruning Co. Phone 7900 or 6021, WHITE Formal size 14. boy's sport coat, size 14. Both like new. Soprano saxophone. Ph. 4077. 25 TON Clover hay. baled with sta tionary baler. Ph. 2-2308. Rt. 6, Box 372A. COCKER Spaniel puppies. New lit ter. Males 6c females. Other type pup pies. Excellent Christmas gifts. Salem Veterinary Hosp. Portland Rd. COCKER puppies, black and buff. 380 Kapphahn. Ph. 2-6182. FULL SET of 20 books of "The Book of Knowledge" put up in 10 volumes, beautifully bound, perfect condition. Wonderful Xmas gift for children. Can be delivered in Salem. Mrs. D. L. Sledge.N Box 107. Scio. Ore. MAYTAG Washer. Simmons double springs. Leroy E. Grate. Rt. 4 Box 438E. HEAVY duty wood lathe. Used twice. 12 in bandsaw. like new. Uses 78 in blade. $40 each. See at East Salem Fire Dept. WOOD Heater 8r range. 234 E. Miller. ROSE Mohair davenport Jc chair. Good cond. $20. 615 Selectric. A.K.C. Registered female black Cocker. A.K.C. registered male Collie. A-K.C. registered male Dalmatians. Reasonably priced. Ph. 685$ or 2-5954 HESTER Johnson lady's shoe ice skates, size t. $5. World's Popular En cyclopedia. 10 vols.. 2000 pages. $7.50. Ph. 7736. " . " USED Battery radio. Like new. 'I bldg. 10x14 unsided, but wired. Rt $. Box 1264. FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S X MAS Complete 4x5 photo outfit: 4x5 - Anniversary Speed Graphic, f4.5 S's Graphex Optar lens: Graphex shut ter; Graphex synchronized solenoid and battery case with 7 in. reflector: Kalart couDled rangefinder; cut film holders: film pack adapter: K-2 and G filters: lens shade: cable release: dark cloth: sturdy carrying case - a $350 value. Plus. National Cold Lite 4x5 enlarger. double extension bel lows: large, easily handled controls; swing-tilt distortion correction: 90 de gree swiveling head: 3500 degree Kel vin heatiess light source ideal for color work: extra large base cost new $175. Total value $525. For quick sale, both for MOO. Phone 5974 Saturday or Sunday after 3:30 p.m. to 6 p m. MODEL 10 12-gauge pump gun. truo rrade with Weaver Choke. Ph. 2-2308. Rt. 6 . Box 372 A. HEKTROCK. Toilets. New grade A. Rt. 7. Box 43 1 L. McCain Ave., off Sil verton Rd.. Salem. CANARY-Bird : It sings. 1105 Les lie. Pn. 6704. APPLES, worm free. Ph. 2423$ uavenos $35.00 to $99.50 Daveno and chairs $86.95 to $136.95 Ss.-ttonal davenports $146.50 to $156.50 Estate elec. combination range $65.00 Inlaid ft print linoleum 75c and $3.50 Bed room suites $119.95 and $149.50 Chests .. 88 35 to 825.75 STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State St. Ph. 7596 Open until P.M. until Christmas BLUE Velour davenport and chair. Button-down cushions. $35. Rt. 7. Box 277. Orville Klampe. ROYAL Typewriter with tabulator $45. 1211 Edgewater, McDonald s Gro cery. W. Salem. EMERY Wheel, ironing boards, elec- trie me. ma rug;, w jm. winter. H. PI Craftsman elec. motnr. Ph Ti nearly new, $25. Also mans bicycle. 2209 Lee after 5 P.M. COMPLETE BATHROOM set and gal vanized pipe for one job. Ph. 9355. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. . Crushed Rock For roads Jc driveway. Cement Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching yd. shovel tc drag line. Phone 8561. ALWAYS a bi stocm. WoodIT--!!t!rnjtur Mkt ANTIQUES. Open afternoon ft even ings. 2 mi. North of underpass on Portland Hwy.-Badeaus Antiques. Rt. 7. Box 120. WILL BUY. sell or trade guns, mo dern or antique, Don Madison, 26$ No. Capitol. TURKEYS Dressed Hens and Toms Direct from Farm. LIBERTY TURKEY FARM Rt 9. Box 517 Phone 22873 CHRISTMAS GIFTS: Remember your many friends' hobbies, antiques Dy appointment, pn. 43ZZ. Mrs. Mas char Marimba, Ph. 8956. 1275 N. Church". Year End Sale 10 TO 25 OFF On finished St unfinished furniture of all kinds. Toev's Furniture Co. 155Q Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3797 FRESH Xmas trees for sale. Mobile Gas Station: Capitol and Market st. Trees delivered in city. 25c each. Myrtlewood gifts at factory. Factory prices. 3 mi. south of Liberty to Bun ker hill rd. Turn w. zno nouse on left. Win a Turkey Stop by Law and Mobley Christmas tree lot at 12th and State for tickets. Well-shaped trees, mistletoe and holly BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING I mile south on River Rd Phone 5968 ZELL'S HOLLY, decorating wreaths and gift boxes. Phone evenings. 58F12. J R. Watkins Co products 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Pn 5395 Free del SINGLE Bed. Inner spr. mat. Daven- port. spr. const. 1330 Saginaw Y6U DON'T NEED tO BE A MTL LIONAIRE TO HAVE YOUR TIME PIECE REPAIRED BY THE CLOCK DOCTOR. 190 S. 14TH. RANGE stove and radio. Ph. 6548, Call before 11 a.m. and after 5 p.m. NEW Fur coat, size i or IS that was taken In trade. Will sell reasonable. 24$ Marion St., Apt. No. 4. GOOD 20 p. telescope, tripod and case. Only $25. 458 Mill St. ' 7-TUBE consolette type radio. Push button tuning, a oanas. uceueni tone, Ph.- 911 GRAY velour Richmond Ave. davenport $30. 296 COCKER pup for tale. Inquire Rt, 8. Box 34Zt. oaroen Koao. . PING-PONG table. Spool bed and spring. Folding cot. Electric heater, floor lamp and Bavarian plates, cups and saucers. 2075 center.- - WALNUT DJt. suite. Table, buffet, six chairs. All newly refiniahed. Chairs upholstered Mohair Frieze. $125. J. A. Sholseth. Ph. 2-5936. Wallace Rd. to Brush College Rd. First house on right. DELUXE model '47 Leonard refrig erator. 1938 Hazel Ave; BEST CHEST BUY IN VALLEY We have just received a large ship ment of finished 8c unfinished chests. We guarantee our prices on these chests to be lowest in valley, quality considered. Come in and let us show you these 4 and S drawer quality buys in chests. Glenn Woodry Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer St. 16 blks. north of State Capitol Bidg. GOOD wooden clarinet. B flat, for school band, music stand included. As good as new. $65. Phone 2-6942 TIRE: 700 x JO. mud-grip. Model A truck rear end. Duals. 2445 E. Nob Hill. MAN'S lightweight bicycle. $23.50. 215 S. 23rd. .' River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 2-3100 MIRRO-Matic pressure pan $10. 2 burner plate. Baby buggy and swing, man's heavy top coat size 42-44. pants size 38. Arrow shirts, etc. All items practically new. wilt sell cheap. Ph. SKI. YOUNG Man's 2 rw suit and ton coat size an. nice new. rn. Z1937. WATCHES 'i price. Good selection: Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State. ONE New army surplus Yale l' ton gpur-gear chain hoist. Phone 24 U 7. CHILD'S Desk and chair $10. Child's pool table $10. Nearly new boy's bicycle 835. 1575 Jefferson. Ph. 5360. ' FRlGlDAlftE Used slightly. Like new Ph. 26654. 360 Richmond. ELEC. "Portable phonograph" and records, like new. $30. 1130 Spruce St. BABY Stroller. Buggy. Elec. bottle sterilizer. Beautiful fur coat worn 6 wks.. size 16. 2-pc. gray suit size 14. Ph. 9859. DIAMOND 47 point, AAA-1 quality. Save 20 Fed, tax. Lady s mounting. Ph. 21643. JUST ARRIVED: New shipment of elec. ranges, new and used oil heat ers, all sizes, used elec. ranges, refrigs.. deep freeze, washers, dinette set. toaster, irons, hot plates, waffle irons, vacuum cleaners, paint, tires, tubes, batteries. New curb service res taurant for lease right next to drive in theatre. Hardman Bros.. , mile north Totem Pole on Portland Hlway. NEW English saddle, never used. Priced reasonable. 440 Larsen St., out Silverton road past Fairgrounds. 1500 NEW Brick, small concrete mixer, new two wheel trailer. 29 Dodge car. new tires, good condition, cheap, other good tools, cheap for quick sale. Lis lie Inman. 2180 Berry St. SMALL Lester baby grand. Rich tone. Terms if desired. See at Tall man's, 395 S. 12th. A mile from high prices USED Radios. $9 to 835. Some guar anteed, some as is. Mitchell Radio ft Appliance Ph. 7577. 1880 State St. Appliance . REBUILT, recased guaranteed watches. price. Large selection, Sa lem Watch Shop. 2381 State St. , bABiTY SPINET PIANO We are now showing the new spinet 64. Priced at only $385. Tallman s. 395 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. BETSY Ross Spinet pianos lor Christmas. Fine selection just arrived from factory. Select yours now. Start payments next year. Shop Tallman's ft save. 395 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. ' CAMERA Lens. , 135mm. Stelnheil Aktinar f 41 lens coupled for Lieca rf A good telephoto lens. $105. Ph. 7367. 30 car hot water beaters, from $8 to BO Ph 21140 HOLLY ft holly wreaths, cedar ft Christmas trees. Pemberton's Flower Shop. 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 23346. . Holly wreaths, $1-50. Capitol it Mkt. Hind quarter good beef. Ph. 22639. ter wacons. large de luxe models. Special at $10 50. A.A.A. Eng. Co . 1775 N. Front. CHRISTMAS Trees. For quality and where prices are right. 18th ft State Sts. P. T. Peckard speciat; Camellias at reduced prices. Blooming full of fat buds. Choice varieties. 342$ Portland Rd BICYCLE Trailers, deluxe station wacon style. Special at (12.95. A .A A. Eng. Co.. 1773 N. Front. Trade MiarelLaneoas 12 FT. PLYWOOD boat, well balanced to trade for stock saddle. 1715 Baker St. Wanted MiseeDaneoua srwrNfl marh- hnuehL rented, re- paired, made elec. W. Davenport. 7671. WELL Drilling tools, Jetting or hy draulic. Wayne Hayes, 945 Coburg Rd, Eugene. WE PAY more for mink and musk-rat. W. Side Fur Co., W. Salem. PUNCHING" Bag Call 3063. cnnT. T.hla 4tr rCTatiAnal room. J. W. Burr. Box HI, Brooks. Ph. Sa lem 2-2979. ion SVwTNrl UirhnlMiut nnd. 594 N. Liberty. Ph. 255 It. PIANO TUNING Wills Musie Store. Salem CASH for old gold, solid, plated or tied. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State Wanted Furniture LIVING rm. extension table, either console or library type. Must seat 8. Phone 2-2315. FURNITURE and what nave you bought for cash. Carl any time. Sun dale Exchange Ph 2-5511. $94 N Lib erty USED FUKNlTtlt HE Ph 9185 USED FURNITURE Phone" 5110. WANl fO But Used Cameras tenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State GOOD Used wash mashine 6t aewma machine Ph 2-5511 594 N Liberty cash io used oia no ft other mu- tical instruments Call 4841 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqullh Music Co. 191 o- nign. Miscellaneous C. E. WILLIAMS sewing machine repair rpecialist. Does not sell new machines, fans ior an mae. du tonhole attachments. 1940 N. 18th. Ph 5763. ELECTROLUX sales and service. Electrolux cleaner and air purifier. complete with attachments, $69.75. pre war price at quality, r uu nome ucm onstrations. 191 S. High. Ph. 7719. Oil Circulator Service Call Cy Younger. Ph. 6072. SIGN PAINTING. Built to order. E. Scott Ph. 3635 EXPERT watcn reDairing. quick ser- vice. All work guaranteed. Brown's Jewelry. Liberty ft Court Sts Mat treaties Capital Bed Co Ph 4069 MENS HATS cleaned and blocked si 00 .ES .PR!NF.K 464 Court AUTO painting ov Ray ETTER C Wt? lust a shade bcttei Call Sfcrock Moum Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching wer ft Basement Equipment Rental 1$ B-lk yds J 12 00 per hr. 10 B-s yds. 9 60 per hr D-7 Cat ft Dozer 960 per hr D-6 Cat ft Dozer 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat ft Dozer $.00 per hr Phone Days $40$ Evenings $24$ or 2440$ Salem Oregon - - Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bide. SUte &- Com Ph 3311 HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3512 for free pickup & delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Ma- chme Co.. 130 N commercial WAl'LK "WEUL drtiltng. Domestic or irrigatfcm Duffteld Bros. Rt 9 Bos 423 Phon 2-1312 WEATHER strips. Pullman. Pb, S9$T "I thought you were supposed to be a buyer, Mr. Roger. You sound more like ft seller to me." Financial WILL discount $100 on $2930. 1st mtg. Monthly payments $40. plus interest. J. Parisi. 210 S. Cottage, Monmouth. Ph. 6573, $ $ MONEY $ $ 4'i REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Uc 8 216 M 222 Money to Loan Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans. city or farm properties: loans made as small aa $300. See us about refinancing" your present contract or mortgage. Ap proved city loans. G.I. loans, construc tion loans. Low. interest rates. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Ph. 9261 Money to Loan Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST. 1st Nat'l Bank (old quarters) HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIAL LOAN SERVICE Short of time at well as cash? Phone now for a quick loan from Personal. Up to $500 on auto $300 oa Furni ture Salary. $50 for two weeks costs only $.70: other amounts tn propor tion, up to 20 mas. to repay. For taster service phone first. Personal Finance Co. $1$ State St.. Rm. 129 Phone 2191 E Gallinger. Mgr. Lie. S122. M156 Private Money Special rates and terms on larger loans. LONG OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial Phone 916$ General Finance Corp. offer money at one oa ears, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock farm marchinery: contracts refinanced a ad additional money advanced No eo -signers General Finance to locally owned and officered; waa organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a toon Ap plications for loans made by phone 136 South Commercial Sta, Salem Phone: $168 Ltremes S-138 e M FARM and CITY LOANS 4t end $ Tour own terms of repayment with in reason. Ciah for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7163 Loans Wanted WANTED: To borrow money from private party on city Income prop erty. Write Statesman Box 772. For Rent Rooms RM. for gentleman. Ph. 2-4427. COMFORTABLE well-furnished front sleeping rm. 146 Marion. SLP. Rms. 790 N. Church. Ph. 4335. NICELY Furn.. heated sleeping rm. Gentleman preferred-; 152 N. 13th. Ph. i4741.. 1 - WELL Furnished front sip. room, clos- in. $77 S. Com'l. SLP ROOM Women only. Semi pri rate bath. Furnace heat, 4 blocks downtown. 635 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-6558. SLP. RM. for men. quiet, close In. oi n. jwmter. pn. znre. HOLLYWOOD sleeping rooms 85.00 Wk. Ph. SOW. 3035 MCCOy. SLEEPING Room. Ph, 24235. For Rent Apartments APARTMENT: Front room, kitchen. bedroom, hallway and bath. Completely furnished and refrigerator. Private entrance, 455 S. loth St. 3 RM. FURN. apt. in Mdhmouth, Adults. Ph. 6573 Monmouth. NICE Furn. apt. Walk. dist.. emp couple. Avail. Jan. 1. Ph. 7754. 2 RM. APT. Everything furn.. by week or mo. Close to school, hosp store, etc. Call 8048. FURN apt. Private bath ground floor. For man 8c wife, both employed. No drinkers or pets. Apply $24 N. Cap itol 3 RM. APT. and bath. furn. ground floor.' 2310 N. 4th. 3 RM. APT., plenty of heat. pri. shower & entrance. Reas. rates. Rt. 7. Box 75. 1 mi. east of Keller school FURN. Apt. Adults. 1075 N7CapitoT. APT. In country (Liberty Dist.) for man ft wife. Low rent but required to work 2 Sundays a mo. on farm. Walter H. Zosel. ChemekeU Jc High Sts 2 RM. Apt., adults. 664 Breys Ave. " MC DERN Cottages by day. week or month 3580 S. Com 1. Furn. Apt. Rt 7. Box 2. Portland Rd. For Rent Houses 4 RM. HOUSE. Hot water. Bath. 2770 N. Front St. Apply in rear. 3 RM. FURN. cottage. Adults only. Call after $ a.m. 1937 N. Capitol. SMALL furn. house, hot 8c cold wat er, elec. heat 1225 S. 25th. For Rent CLEAN roomy trailer apace. Modern conveniences. Free laundry privileges. 2605 Maple VlSlT f.n mw rant m Uiuvutf .l.nV with attachments, at Howser Bros. nates si.uu a jay, rn. jw. DONT NEGLECT the 6th side of your rooms. Refinish your floors with our high-speed floor senders and pol ishers. Howser Bros, Ph.. 364$. $02 Edeewater St TRAILER SDace Mod., clean, free laundry prv Reas. rates. 3380 S. Coml TRAILERS 75c first nr. 50c .-tors toll-wing . Woodry s Kit 160$ N summer C )6b Used Piano H. L. Stiff ' ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-sell H C Pugh. $84 N 17 4692 FLOOR Sander elec floM nohsher and lawn roller, weed burner ' Rawlins Hardware, ' the Marshall Wells store Ph sxT? FOR RENT Larae around floor room suitable for store or large office South High Street iocatlcn State Finance Co- Ph 4131 - ; O-UilVE TRUCKS rOK REN I tJUnkeU furs, 127 S. Liberty. PL $062 MAJOR oil company manager de sires unfurn. or partly furn. home. Will exchange partly furn. apt. in Portland for Salem. Phond EAst 2977, Portland, collect. COUPLE with baby need unfurn. bouse, exc. care given bouse and yard. Ph. 4397. COUPLE with baby want 2 bdrm. unfurn. house. Ph. 7695. BY BUSINESS couple. Small partly turn, house or party furn. apt. with prt. entrance. Close to bus line. No children. Call 2-1995. a.m.-SOO pjn. weekdays. VET. wife need 2 or 1 rm furn apt. Ph. 9807 between 8-6. IN URGENT needot small 1 bed room house to rent with option to buy. References. Ph. 5279. For Sale Real Estate G.I. Home N.E.. 2 B.R. down, attach, garage. Unfin. upstairs, auto heat. $800 down. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 821$ MODERN $ bedrm. home. dble. plumbed, fire pi., v. blinds, full bsmt Auto, oil heat. dbL garage. Lge. cor ner lot. on bus tine, good for income. Phone 4561. . - Mitchell Real Estate 3425 Portland Rd. Phone 2-5181 The Good Earth We Sell It FOR XMAS FOR SURE Immed. Possession ranch style 2Brm. home, plastered. New, Oak firs. Att. garage. Oil ht. $8000. $3000 down. Or This New 2 Brm. plastered home, att. garage, wired for range. Fire place. Oil heat. Oak firs. City bus by door. $8000. And Here is a Ducky little home to pack age in cellophane for a Xmas cele bration: Large living room across front with picture windows. Only 1 Brm. down but room for another up. Elec. nr. iirepiac. att. garage, rine lot 7 x 209 ft. There is another happy sur prise with-this home waiting to be opened. $8500. ' SUBURBAN Corner 'i acre, new home, wired for range, att. garage. 2 Brm. The house isn't so much but here is fine soil and elbow room for only 85000. Your listings are appreciated. NOB HILL Beautiful 4 bdrm Enslish type home. Hwd firs throughout. 2 tile baths it stall showers. Large liv. rm. with fire place. Din. rm.. kit, nook. Very nice bsmt with party rm.. fireplace and bar. Auto oil heat. DbL garage. Very nice location. Will take nice smaller home in trade. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 379: 13 Eves. 9441 BY OWNER: S B. ft. unfin. house 24x32. dbl. constr., attach, garage. 1 bik. to school and store, city bus and water, on paved St. Terms may be arranged. Call evenings 25830. 4 PER CENT INTEREST S3 .900 Down buys this 2 bdrm home with room for two more, hwd. firs, auto. beat, city bus. Olson and Reeve 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5830 CALL Maddv if vou are Interested in a nice and neat 2 bdrm home, with a possible 2 more bdrms.. hwd firs, fireplace. V. Blinds. Party room in basement, oil heat, in one of the best locations in Salem. Olson and Reeve $45 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5830 SPECIAL BUY $6,500. 3 bdrm home in Salem Heights, hwd firs, oil beat, citv water, eitv bm 2 ear garage, in a very nioe setting. Imm. Poss, Olson and Reeve 945 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5830 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL $12,750. $ bdrm home in North Sa lem, large corner lot. plenty of space for another house. 3 car garage, this home is double plumbed, basement, oil beat, this won't last long. Olson and Reeve $45 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5830 GROCERY STORE We have one of the best Grocery stores, with living quarters, this' store has lots of possibilities, this won't last long. Call Maddy for appointment, Olson and Reeve $43 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 2-5830 SPECIAL! VIEW LOT Kinffwaorfl TVlv. Dm. tw a w imf Only $825. B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. 6F11. Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Box 162 WEST SALEM HOMES FURNISHED, Modern cottage, lot 50x100. Good location. Immed. poss. $3450. Live here while you build. GOOD HOME, partially furn. pi. llfl for rinM VI ln.l rifht in 4t start housekeeping. $8700. B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. 6F11. Wallace Road. R. 1. Box 162 - KOOD Big home near here. $760, uw iron, move in. ' ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO. 1075 N. Capitol Ph. 24631 or $706 $10,500 S bdrm home, garage, barn, chicken house. AU bldgs very good. l' A good garden soil. Cast City bus. Call Ray Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa SL . Phone 2793 Eves. 9441 $2,500 DOWN. New 2 bdrm with unfin attic. Liv. rm.. kit., nook., bath. Auto elee. heat. Weather stripped ft instil. Full price $9,250. Imm. poss. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Phone 2-154$ Eves. 2-5091 7 ono rvrvf bnee New 2 bdrm home. Liv rm. "Din rm.. kit., bath. Close to bus. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St Phone 2-1549 Eves. 2-5091 $2,500 BUYS unfin. house on 2 A. S miles out of town on paved highway. Nice location. Call Ed. Culbertson. Huff Real Estate Co. Rtor 341 Chemeketa St Phone2-1549 Eves. 2-5584 $17,000 BUYS nice home in Keizer 8c 4 acres of fine land suitable for sub division. Call Ed Culbertson. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. none z-1549 Eves. 2-5584 BY OWNER: U -r. n.-,! h,.T7T 13fift Shady Lane. ' wuum: io rms. Newly decorated, or could be 2 apta. In small town. Term. See V3.V. Lunch Rom. Jef- rerson. ore. 5-RM NEW mod. house. Asbestos siding. Garage is built to house at has cement floor. Hardwood floor in liv. rm. Corner lot 50 x 100. Im. poss. Built for G. I. loan. Owner Guy Smelter. Box 196. Ph. 1854. Aumaville. 4 BED ROOM home. located at 320 W. Superior. English type, cor lot. oil heat highest home on Falrmount Hill. Dbl plumbed, carpet in liv. At dng. room, fireplace ln yard, basement, sealed St painted, party room, one of Salem's good homes. Drive uo 4t see it if Interested. Call owner 2345 for ap- polntmefit. NEW house, kitchenette. 3 rooms A bath. View property. Will sacrifice for 833QO. Inquire 820 Hansen. 4 RM. New,' plastered house. 270 N. 25th. Elec. hot water, wired lor range. Ph. 22186. Priced to sell. Owner. Terms. $17300 00 CASH for a real home, $ rooms, all, furnished. Garage in base ment. 2 blocks from nigh school, near city .park. Large walnut tree paid taxes last year. If interested in this scenic home write Box 769 co Statesman. ""PRE-H6LIDAY SPECIAL NEW. Close in. Cozy 2 BR home. Hwd. firs., oil fir. furn, attached ga rage. $700$. B. Isherwood, Realtor . PH. 6T11. Wallace Road. R. 1. Box 13 NICE LOT at Pepoe Bay. Ph. 9355. LARGE horn plus income renting rooms. Close to schools and bus. $7000 at 1180 Colonial Ave. Inq. of owner. 3780 Pleasant View Drive, McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 10$ South High TELEPHONE 9131 or $620 cmr PROPERTY $7.650 Nice location north. 3 BR home. Bath. LR. DR. K and bull tins. Nook, plastered interior. Basement, garage, corner lot. nice shrubs, 1 cherry tree, bus close. $7 950 Sound BR house. Bath. LR. Fireplace. DR. K and builtlns. plastered interior. Basement, garage, good location, immediate possession. $9,500 Well located north. 2 BR home, double plumbing. LR. DR. K and built lns. plastered interior. HW floors. Basement, garage, 1 blk. to bus, fenced yard with some fruit trees. $10,800 Two-story. English' style home. 4 BRs. Bath. LR. Fireplace. DR. K and builtlns, plastered interior. HW V Fir floors. Basement, garage, well located for all schools, close to bus line, nice yard. SUBURBAN PROPERTY 450 t Acre. Insulated 2 BR home. Bath. LR. Dinette. Kitchen and bwiltins. . HW floors, plastered interior, upstairs serai-finished, electric cooking, new oil circular included, double garage. Nice uUlity room, doubl .... . arage with storage room, chicken house and yard, bus by door. " $16,5001,, Acre, well built new house. 2 BR. Bath. LR ft DR combined. Kitchen with builtlns and Nook, plastered interior. HW at Fir floors, upstairs unfinished, wired for electricity and electric heat, double garage, own water system, almost immediate possession. $13,500 Lot 70 x 169 approx. Modern on story bungalow. 2 BR. Bath and shower. 15 x22" LR. DR. Kitchen with builtlns. Utility Room. Ven. Blinds. Fire place. Oak and Pecan floors, electric cooking and heating, garage, clou Jo bus, beautifully landscaped witn fruit trees and shade trees, immed iate possession. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $1.500 Barber Shop. Everything Goes. '623.00 per month rent. 2 f50 Fearvice Station. Grocery, and 6-roora house. yarly lease. $75 too. rent. SS.0O0 Stock at Inventory, new fountain restaurant, up-and-coming district, . no competition yet, all new equipment, nice living quarters. $8,300 Stock at Inventory. Furniture. Fixtures and Equipment go, doing good business, well located, good lease. CALL OR SEE US FOR APPOINTMENTS McKILLOP'S 169 South High 5131 8620 EVENINGS CALL 2-5332 - 7163 George W. Hubbs Co. JOHN ZEEB, MGR. i ?JBdi'vnomJitn bath- LR' DR. K. Nook. Venetian blinds, on a Urge lot located N. or Liberty close to bus 8c school. . - . " " -. v. rtooK. oasemcm. aouoie garage. lo cated N. on Broadway. $4200 dn balance at fr. Has a variety of fruit trees. .i " - ' - " wn iixe 101 wun i-n, un. n.. fireplace, Vene tian blinds and unfinished upstairs. Located close to Salem Ceneral hocpitaL Z DlfaCKft Tr Am thaw Kim we have listed 18 new 2 Bdr. homes with unfinished upstairs. HW floors and fireplace. Sidewalks are in and street pavement is paid for. See us today and choose the one you want. .GTT'7' Hardware. Postoffice. Locker Plant and 4 Bdr. home. This in cludes bldgs.. equipment, fixtures and stock. Located in a prosperous farm community. Stock will inventory app. $8,000. Good equipment. lotltoekfc-.,2Ctd ln " hrt of Salem business district. Ideal location for any kind of business or offices. Lot is 45x165. A good investment. awiH Li"1?1 on Portland Rd, includes fixtures, equip., stock and bldgs. Also 2 bdrm. furnished home. ....FJTrS Ho", ,wlth. rentals located clow In N. This will show a ? L1 " the Investment. Gross Income is $527 JO a month. One of the best Investments we have had for a long time. 30 acre farm with a nice $ Bdr. home with grade A barn, located East. fZ't'Z qu'pe?1 w,th " rows. 8 heifers, i pigs and a complete line oi farm machinery. Will trade for city property. George W. 1853 N. EVE. PH. 26862. 26383 PHONE GRABENHORST SPECIALS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY INVESTIGATE THIS IF YOU ARK INTERESTED in a real, paying, up-to-date business, located In a nice Wil lamette Valtev Tmra rvmnlta fectionary with large fountain tc 8 aun. carries complete stock of drug sundries, school supplies. Jewelry and kodaks. Complete stock 4k fixtures eo. Lee. storaea rm Will Imu .u seU bldg. Doing a fine business. Will vaa;e some saiem property ln as part payment. HIGHLAND AVE. SPECIAL IT WONT LAST! rm. borne on lge. comer lot, bamt, saw dust beat, dble. garage, recently paint ed, new roof, paved sts. Immediate possession. Price $6,950. $3,150 will handle. GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS , 134 SO. LIBERTY STREET Fr,on 4131 Eveninss 7772. 2-5069. 2-298. 2-4457. 797$. 4662) For Prompt. Courteous Service. List Your Property With Us REIMANN'S REAL ESTATE COLUMN INCOME TAX NOTE YOU CAN claim deductions for In terest paid and real estate taxes If you own or are buying your home. ALL PURPOSE FARM 111 ACRES, orchard, berries, tim ber, pasture, and cultivated land. Two furnished houses, full line of equip ment including tractor and combine, livestock. Someone will be buying this place. No. 1021, for $1$,000 one of these days. CREEK PROPERTY NEW 2 bedroom home, full base ment good sized closets, better than average kitchen, not quite complete but mighty pleasant living for $7350. No. 217. REIMANN REAL ESTATE Evenings and Sundays 2-6056. 1-462$ 201 South High SULLIVAN REALTY INC. City North A veiy nice 2 B R. modern home on corner lot. paved St.. auto, furti.. utility room. att. garage. There is a $5,600 G.L loan at 4 that ran be assumed. Full price $7,750. - Suburban East . We have a nice 2 B R. all modern home in a fast growing dist.. a dream kit., view dinette. Urge LJt. hwd. floors, auto, floor, furn.. att. garage, cement driveway and walks, Urge kt will go GX, close to good stores and bus. fuO price $7,500. 10 Acres North Willamette and Amity soil, wen drained, all cleared and "4 acre planted to garlic, fair 2 B R. home and out buildings, elect wstre system. $8,300 or trad for Salem property. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. 3365 Portland Rtf. Realtors Phone 3255 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. - REALTORS REAL VALUES 2 BEDROOM PLASTERED home. Base ment; furnace, garage. Price only $5250. S ROOM HOME. All on 1 floor. Fire place; garage: large lot. Price $6950. 2 BEDROOM HOME. H.W. floors. A-l condition. Extra large lot Price $7900. NEW TWO BEDROOM HOME. Elec. heat Corner lot approx. 100x100. Price $8000. FIVE ROOM HOME. 2 years old. H.W. floors. Bus by the door. Price $9250. For these and many more CALL or SEE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners' 344 State St. Phone 9261 Fvenines call 6901. 2-4007 or 2-5855 NEAR SCHOOL At BUS. 2 BR. post home, garage, paved st. 2 stoves go. returns 11 on invert of $4750. Terms. HOLIDAY SPECIAL. New ALL ELEC. Home, attached garage. Lge. lot. con crete drive & walk. Ideal loc. to school, bus tc stores. Built to F.H.A. specifi cations, will go G.I. losn. Almost Im med Poss. Only $7250. 2 Blks. to Hollywood. Late Mod. bung, plast. Lge LR.. Wall to wall rar- rrting. auto furnace, garage. WORTH EEING. $6500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Coml. St. Ph. $389; Eve. 7440 FOR Efficient and effective sales service rail the Slem Realty Co NOW SUBURBAN BUSINESS 4 acres; 17$ feet frontage on pave ment Keizer commercial section. A good two bedroom home with fire place, wired for range and electric water heater. This property is Weal to divide into about IS nice bomesite lota. Front available for business building. Truly a good property. Price $16v$00. Ask for Mr. Holmes. GET SET FOR 194$ Bur this beautiful new combination Restaurant and Tavern located in hustling lumbering community. AU (ins new fixtures in new building, low rent Price $15,000 plus inventory Will warrant your most careful In vestigation. Call Mr. Holmes. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14$ N. High St Ph, 7660; Eve. 1-4773 2-1325 Hubbs Co. CAPITOL 3031 SILVERTON 2564 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT i afAtfWra a rm r n I .... L l. . full $ rms. down with brkfst.' nook. Upstairs finished in 1 lge. rm. full bamt. . rric aia,uu. EXCLUSIVE COUNTRY HOME' 9S r r., In..lul mm K 1. Lge. modern home, beautiful location. " z siaoics. an lenceq. Place in ex cellent condition. COUNTRY HOME ac. located 4 mi. out. Good location. Has $ rm. bungalow style home, wired for elec. range, elec water heater ai oil circulator go. Nice bath tc utility rm. Good barn with 2 box stalls at stanchions. Chicken house. A fine placw to keep your horses. Bachelor quarters) in barn. Price $9,500. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MODERN 3 bedroom home In good repair, full basements auto gas piped furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, comer lot close to schools. A r.ic family home priced $12,000. No. 312. OUR SALESMEN HAVE PLENTY of time to spend with you during the Christmas luiL Come in and let them show you cur holiday bargains like this: A BRAND NEW FOUR ROOM House, electric neat, polished floors, well arranged kitchen, utility room, and bath for only 9009, EZY terms Just ask about No. 13. Phone $20$, NEW 2 B.Rm. home H.W. floors, fire place. Venetian blinds, large lot. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors Phone 4707; Eve. 474 Court St 1 $715 or $1F31 SPECIAL $2,250 TO SETTLE AN ESTATE: 2 bdrm house on A. Needs some repair. Close to city limits. You can't go wrong on this. BERRY ST. $6,500 House Is Pi yrs. old. Has nice sized living rm. Nook. Handv kitchen. Bdrm. Large utility rm. Overhead auto heat Paved St. Citv bus bv door. KEIZER DISt. (5.250 New $ rm house on , A. High ground. Good prune orchard 2 blks to city bus. Call Ed LukinbeaL Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors $41 Chemeketa St Eves. 2-A6M1 Phone 2-1549 LARGE Lot In Keizer District Good location. $973. B. Isherwood. Realtor Ph. SFU. Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Box 16J, ADVERTISING Western Advertising Represent tire Ward -Griffith Company. Ins. ompan; nciaos T Eastern Advertising Represent! Uvea Wsrd-Grtfflth Company, tne. Chicago. New York. Detroit, Boston. Atlanta Member - Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising ' Entered at the PoslofrW at 5w tern. Oreoon as Second Class Mas ter. Published every momtns' saw cept Monday Businesj olee lit Somth Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates tn Ad. Vance: Within Oregoo: Daily and! Sunday, Mo 60 cents: $ mos, $3 89; 1 roar. t$ 00 Elsewhere $0 cents per mo or $71 lor 1 year ta advance per copy $ cents. By City Carrier. 7$ cents a month. as oa a year adjacssrt . 4. j 3