12 Thm Statesman, Solin. Ofqoa. Wdn day. Pc 10. 1947 New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Dec. JHP)-Today' closing Al Chem & Dy 189'Gen Foods American Can 7S7a!Gen Motors Am Power & Lt 8 : Goodyear Am Tel & Tel.152H';Gt North Anaconda wnini narvesi o4 Atchison 82V4Int Paper pfd 35i Bendix Aia 2WJ Manville 39' Beth SteeF 98 iKennecott 45 Boeing Air 22 'A Long Bell A 23 Calif Pack ..... 31!Mont Ward 52H Canadian Pac .... 10 Nash Kelvin 17"'4 Case J I . 43.Vi1Nat Dairy . 27 4 Chrysler . 61?iiN Y Central 12 Comwlth Sou 2 4 1 North Am Co .... 18 s Cons Edison UsINorthern Pac .... 19Vs Cons Vultee 135!Pac Am Fish 14 Crown Zel 32 ! Pac Gas Elec .... 35 Curtis Wr ............ 5 IP T & T 904 Douglas Air : 471i!Pan American 8 Dupont de Ne ....183Penney J C 42 Gen Electric 34TiRadio Corp Port land Prtxluce PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 9 (API ButtifrSa - Tentative (subject to im mediate change, premoum quolity of .35 ta 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. 90-93C lb; first quality. 88 flc; second quality. 82 -85c; valley route nd country points, 2 cents less tnaa iirst. 86-89c. ' Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes. Grade AA. 93 score. S4c lb: A. 92 score, 3c- B. 80 score. 79c; C. 89 score. 77c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 43"a-5Jc; Oregon, 5-lb loaf. 45a-56c. j , Eggs to wholesalers.. A grade, large, 65',-66'ic; medium 60 'ic: A grade. maU. 51'ic; B grade, large. 52a-55'aC. Eggs Purchased from farmers: Current receipts. 56-58c. buyers pay 8-3' ic below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Dressed turkeys (quoted to grow ers on dressed basis): Grade A toms, 7c lb: Grade A young hens. 47c. Dressed turkeys (to retailers: A grade young hens. 53-55c lb: toms, 42 44c lb. 4. Live chickens paying prices to Jiroducers: No. 1 broilers ' under 2'4 bs. 28c lb; fryers. 2.i to 3 lbs. 30-32c: 3 to 4 lbs. 33-35c; roasters, 4 lbs and over 33 -35c; fowl, leghorn, under 4 lbs. 18-20c: 4 lbs and over. 21 -24c: col ored fowl, all weights. 27-30c; stags, all weights, 12-14c. Fresh dressed meats (the following fresh dressed meat " priced quoted wholesalers to retailers for fresh meats re In dollars a hundred pounds: as reported by the USDA market news service at North Portland: Steers Good. 43-43.50. commercials. $39 o; utility. $35.37: cows commercial, $33-37; utility, $28.32; cutter and can jier $27-28. Beef cuts (good steer, heifer) Hind quarters. $45-48. Rounds. $44-48. Full loins trimmed.; $88-71. Triangles. $37 88. Square chucks. $44-45. Ribs, $57-58; fore quarters. $42-44. Veal and calf Choice. 38 00-39.50: good. 38.00; commercial, 32.00-34.00; Utility. 30.00-31.00. Lamb Choice and good. $42.50-43. Commercial all weights. S38-38. Pork cuts Loins. No. 1. 8 to 12 Jbs. $50-51. Shoulders, $40-41. Spare ribs. 3 lbs down. $52. . Caacara bark Dry. 23c lb. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades. 45c lb.: Mohair 42c lb on 12-month growth. Onions 50-lb sacks Ore. Brooks, fellow med. No. 1. 3.75-4.00: No. 2s, 85-1.75: broilers No. Is. 10-lbs. 45-50c: No. 2 me 50 -55c: white boilers. 10 Jbs. 45-50cf Idaho yellows, large. 3.75 MK I Potato 4- Ore. Deschutes and Klam ath russets. No. 1. S4 25-4 40. Local White Rose. $3.65-3.75. - Hay U.S. No. 2, green alfalfa or better, carload lots, f.o.b. Portland, 83.50-35.50 ton: U.S. No. 1 timothy, astern Oregon or Washington, carlots. f.o.b. Portland. 35.00-36.00 ton: oats and vetch.' -mixed hay. uncertified clover bav. 25.00-26.30. baled at Willamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location. Rabbits Average to retailers, dress ed, 48-52c; price to producers, dressed to 45c lb: fryers, live, white. 24-26c lb; colored 22-23c;. old or heavy. 14-16c. v I'orll.-inl Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 9 (API (USDA Cattle: Salable 300. total 350: calves salable 50. total 100. market less active, but mostly steady; common medium steers 18.00-25.00: odd good Steers to 26.50; cutters down to 15.00: common-medium herfers 17.00-22 50; Cutters down to 14.00; canner-cutter cows 12.00-14.50; fat dairy type cows of common grades 15.00-16.00; medium good beef cows 17.00-20.00: strictly good cows Monday up to 21.50: common-good fiusage bulls 15.00-18.50: one good beef ull up to 20.00; good vealers 25.00-26.00; thoice quotable to 27.00 and above: Ncedlecraft Teener! Here's a popular fu ture for you! A peplum, a bustle bow, a wtiirl-skirt, a gay design In easy embroidery add up to a dream-dress! Eafy-to-make Pattern 671; em broidery transfer; pattern in Teen-age sizes 10, 12, 14, 16. State size. Laura Wheeler's new, improved pattern makes needlework so simple with its charts, photos, concise directions. Send TWENTY CENTS in coins for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman. Laura Wheeler, 1st and Stevenson Sts.. San Francisco. Crlif. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME. AD DRESS with ZONE. Fifteen cents more brings you our Needlecraft Catalogue. There are 102 Illustrations of designs for crochet, knitting, embroidery personal acces sories, home decorations, toys. FREE instructions for making five useful, decorative household accessories print- quotations: 35 56s jRayonier Ravonier pfd Tire .... 41 Reynolds Met pfd 35?s 'Safeway Sears Roeb . Sinclair Oil So Pacific ... Stan Brands IStan Oil Cal iStudebaker .. Sun Mining Union Oil Un Pacific .... Un Airlines .. Un Aircraft U S Steel Warner Bros West Elec .... ! Woolworth .. 104 common -medium calves and vealers 15 00-23.00. Hogs: Salable 100; total 1650; market about steadv; good-choice 185-230 lbs 27.50; 255-345 lb 25.00-50; good 300-500 lb sows 24.00-50: good-choice 105 lb feeder pigs 26.50. Sheep: Salable and total 150: market slow: few sales weak to slightly lower considering plainer quality: medium good lambs 21.00-22 00; strictly good choice quoted to 23.00: common grades down to 19.00: common yearlings 16.00: good-choice ewes 8.50-9.00: sizeable lots medium holdover ewes unsold. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 9 ( AP) Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2. 38 lb white 82.00; barley No. 2. 45 lb BW 82.00: No. 1 flax 7.00. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2 JO; soft white (excluding Rex) J JO; white club 2.90: western red 2.90. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.90; 10 per cent 3.93; 11 per cent 3.03; 12 per cent 3.13. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 3.00: 10 per cent 3.00; 11 per cent 3.06; 12 per cent 312. Today's car receipts: Wheat 64: bar ley 6; flour 9; corn 3; oats 2; Millfeed 9. Salem Market Quotations BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Wholesale Jl .89 .79 J6 1 .62 .32 JSl M JSt M .72 JU 3 0 M 20 00 Retail EGGS BUYING Extra Urge Medium Standards Pullets Cracks EGGS Selling Pnct Wholesale, large Retail, large Retail, medium POULTRY Colored hens No. 1 No. 2 Fryers LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Woo led lambs, choice Yearling : up to 1200 1950 7.00 1300 1130 1450 21 00 17.50 2330 Sheared lambs Ewes Fat dairy cows Cutter cows up to 2.00 to 6.00 to "9.00 to up to Dairy heifers Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) Bulls . 10.00 to Veal (150 to 300 lbs. . chclce Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Dec. 9 Stock Averages 30 35 i 22 20 y4 37 4 15 444 24 60 4 20 ....... 94 23 .. 149 16 23 139'k 12 284 45 30 13 IS 60 Indus Rails Utll Stocks Tuesday 88 6 33.7 39 6 83 3 Previous day 89.5 33.3 39.7 63.0 Week ago 92.1 33.9 39.9 64.3 Month ago 83.4 33.3 41.7 65.2 Year ago 90.0 37.9 45 3 66.2 Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust Util Forgn Tuesdav 88.0 100 0 99.5 66.9 Previous day .. 88.1 100.0 99.6 66 8 Week ago 88.3 100 2 100 1 67 3 Month ago 90 0 101 4 102.1 68 7 Year ago 94 9 102.9 103.9 74.7 1947 high 97.1 104.2 105.7 76 6 1947 low 88.0 100.0 99.5 66.7 New 1947 low. Stock Market Advance Noted NEW YORK, Dec. 9-(P)-Re-covery trends prevailed in to day's stock market with volume topping the million-share level for the second time since No vember 19. From the start professional short covering and .reinvestment demand tended to offset year-end tax selling. Buying still was predicated on the idea that the recent slide to average lows since last June called for a substantial technical comeback. Rails again were benefitted by fare -boosts and hopes for freight rate in creases. An oversubscription of a special 34,000-share offering of Montgomery Ward was helpful. Transfers of 1,070.000 shares compared with 960,000 Monday. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was up .3 of a point at 63.3 Where it had retrieved a sizeable part of last Friday's slump. Of 1,018 issues registering, 514 rose and 292 fell. Pedee Women Plan Holiday Party PEDEE Mrs. Roy Simmons and Mrs. Earl Hanna entertained the Womans club Thursday. New members are Mrs. William Kess ler, Mrs. Kenneth Bennett, and Mrs. Joe Trueax, jr. and.Mrs. Alice Wing, a former member, was re instated. It was decided to have a Christmas party for next meet ing, December 18. Charles O'Neal is a patient at Dallas hospital. . Coleen Condron spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Lloyd Guyer in Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Howard visited his sister. Mrs. Forrest Miller at the Millers new home at Looney Butte Saturday. Livestock and Poultry WANTED to buy: All kinds of cat tle, hogs and sheep. Frank Wood. Rt. 7. Box 431 H. Phone 2-5714 DEAD Stock picked up. free of charge, dav and night service. Ph. Sherwood Ore.. 4432 or 4424. Call collect. 50 N. H. Fryers 40c lb. Fill your lockers now. Alice Elliott. 126 Carl ton Wav HIGHEST QUALITY CHICKS New Hampshire am White Rocks. Hatches every Tuesday Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery A Poultry Farm. Lyons. Ore. Livestock and Poultry NEW Hampshire batty cnlefcs. start ed chicks oMet pullets always ava -able Ph 22861 Lees Hatchery BULL Service oy artificial insenv nation Sirs from the best of blood iines. Reasonable fees AU work per- j sonally supervised by licenced vet erinarians aaiera Aranm instmuw (ion Station Ph 6585 WANTED. Ail BUMS of cattle, let bora, sow A boars At your farm or delivered Market price E C McCand tteh Rt 9. Box 233. across from Waters Bait Park on S B St Ph 8147 WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hogs a sheep. Will call at farm. Licensed A bonded buyers Prompt service. E. I Snethen A Son 550 Lancaster Dr.. Salem Ph 21345 FOR SALE Jersey-Guernsey heifer. 1st calf. Phone 23150. FAT GEESE. C Tracy. Turner, Ore. 1st house N. of Crawford school. RHODE ISLAND Red pullets. 7 mo. qld. $2 each. 3505 Cherry Ave. FOR SALE: Fat young N. H. hens $2 each. Mrs.- Henry Rasmussen, Rt. 7. Box 313. 1 mile east, ,i mile north of Hazel Green school. CUSTOM dressing of cmcnens. any number Prompt service. Dressed roul- tj wholesale our specialty. Phone 1-2861. Lee s Hatchery. Help Wanted EXP. Bookkeeper A office manager, either man or woman. Must have had payroll A credit extension training. State qualifications, experience and age. Write Statesman Box 741. SALES HELP. Call 21002 between 8:30 A 9:30 a. m. for appointment. Help Wanted Male DAIRYMAN. Experienced and steady.,1 good wages. House, fuel, milk and light-' furnished. Ph. 30F3. Independence. Je Rogers, Independence. f Help Wanted Female CHAMBERMAID. about C hours daily. Box 748 Statesman. PORTLAND General Electric Co. has position open. Prefer age about 25-35. Position will be general office duties for a few months to learn office routine A background. If appli cant is satisfactory will be promoted to secretarial position. Shorthand A typing required. Must be interested in permanent employment. See Mr. Crosyland. 237 N. Liberty. " HOUSEKEEPER Small family, all modern conveniences, adequate lalary, ample time off. Phone 6488. Salesmen Wanted WANTED: Outside salesmen for plumbing and heating. Liberal com mission plan. Guaranteed salary. Apply Mr. 3?ard. Montgomery Ward Co. RET AttTCloth in g salesman with fol lowing qualifications: College educ. 9 ft. 10 or taller, permanent Salem resident, young, married, with family, willing worker, pleasinir personality, char, reference. Ph 21612. WANTED Vacuum cleaner sales man. Liberal commission plan. Guar anteed salary. Apply Mr. Carroll. Montgomery Ward Co. EXPERIENCED Salesman $110 to $150 weekly. No canvassing. Leads furnished. See Mr. Brown in person. 132 State St. Mornings only. Situations Wanted OIL BURNER SERVICE and Repair. Ph. 2-6062 BRIMMS HEATING APPLIANCE 422'i' So. High. Salem, Ore. CEMENT contracting, patching. 24715. NEED Steady work. Service station experience. All offers given considera tion. What have you? References If re quired. Write Statesman Box 751. CLEANING by thehour. Ph.8598. DRESSMAKINgptteratiqnsTPh. 6361 LAN DSCAPE. Pruning, lawn work. etc Ph. 7558. 1150 N. Church. WILL Care for baby up to 8 mo. in my home, statesman Box 747. WOMAN Wants work by hr. Clean ing or ironing. Ph. 25421. HDltlSSMAKlNG and alterations. Z465 N. Church. HOUSEKEEPirJS Ti dependable gentleman in the county, by middle aged woman. 1890 N. Cottage. VET with small disability would like janitor . job. Full time. Perma nent. Statesman Box 740. PAINTING. Good work. Reasonable prices. Free estimate. C. Horn. 25518. SEWING A alterations. Fast A de pendable service. Mrs. Smith. Ph. 8387. SEPTIC Tanks A drain lines cleaned. Jack Boening. Ph. 9633 WASHING machines by the hour or day. Freeickup A delivery. Home Washer Service. Ph. 26793. , WORK for 3 yd. dump truck, any time. Rt. 8. Box 739. PIANO tuning. Wills Music store SCISSORS, knives, pinking shears. sharpened. Dexter. 966 Center. Ph. 6833 LET A Young fella do .your paint- Ing. Sure, my prices are high. So is the quality of my work. I use preci sion A the best of materia Is. Ph. 2-1628. General cement contractor. Ph. 7641. BABY Sitting, by elderly lady. Dial 2-6930. FOR Water supply. New pipe. Call West Well Drilling. Ph. 2-6380. JANITOR JOB, exp. 662 N. 14th. AUTO REPAIRING Fender and body work, painting. "All makes of cars. Quick service. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Conoco credit cards accepted here. Dick's Time Oil StaUcn. 990 S. Commercial. WANTED- Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. 4020 East State St. CURTAINS Washed A stretched. 395 S. 22nd. Mrs. B. Lie&ke. Phone 2-6343 Hollywood Transfer For local and long distance hauling Pickup and moving Trailer for rent Ph. 9764. Burton's Mobile Station. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS -2-5444 DICK PREY 6265 ALL Work guaranteed. Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Conine Service Phone 4457 TAILORING, dressmaking. Ph. 9584 PAINTER and Paoernanger Reason able prices Free estimates H J Wood worth Ph 3015 PAINTING A Paperhaneing Free estimate. 857 Shipping. Ph. 9813. Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. Ph. 9468 or 5327. REMODEL and; new construction by, union carpenter. 'Ph. 21101. TWO Gl's need work. Will accept odd lobs. Statesman Box 750. WILL care for children in mv home by the hour or day. 325 S. 16th Ph. 7818. BRICK laying, carpenter work. 2-4360 HOUSEWORK by hour. Ph. 2-2694. DRAWING A Designing House and tore p'an Ph. 9621 EXPERT Repairs. New rolls Olson Washer Repair. 80 Liberty Rd Ph 25100 Cement contracting. 2-3045. Stanley Fagg. "Phone Septic Tanks Cleaned K r. Heme!. 1143 8th West Salem Phone 7404 Painting and papcrhanglng 4325 CHIMNEY sweep Northness iw 4I.W Pi e School PlayscnooT 1381 Stale Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 Paintinj Contract or by the hour Spray or brush paul bassett Rt 6 Bos MO Phone 2-2308 PAINTING and DECORATING. Free estimate. Phone 2-5826. For Sale Miscellaneous FULLER Brushes 1745 Grant P 8357 ' SHEETROcK A fir tex. Ph. 22632. USED 4-hoIe Ice cream cabinet, good condition. Ph. 7484. Capital Electric. 367 . High WRIST watch for man or boy. Per- fect condition. New band with safety catch. Call 9340 FISHING outfit complete, boat, trail- er A new outboard motor, reasonable. Ph. 26080. For Sale Uiseellaneons FOR All magazine subs, new or re newal, call or write Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. 925 Saginaw St. Ph 7828. River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. READY tUX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 - 2-3100 HOSPITAL Bed complete. Also wheel chair. Ph. 21116. NEW Butane range. 1117 Hines. " LOVELY Hand crocheted bedspread. popcorn design. 2465 N. Church. U" WALLBOARD $45 per M. Ceil ing panels and "j" sheets 4x8. 16"x8 planks. New and used toilets. Rte. 7. Box 431L. McCain Ave. off Si I vert on Kd MONTAG Range In good condition. also Silent Sioux circulating oil heater and new Coleman gasoline iron. Rt. 8. Box 1040. Keizer Dist.. 1 block south Farrell's Nursery. M. P. DeRouen. LATE 1841 ABC washing machine, excellent cond. W. R. Tower, 455 Hawthorne. Ph. 24714 TURKEYS Dressed Hens and Toms Direct from Farm. LIBERTY TURKEY FARM Rt. 9. Box 517 Phone 22873 WORLD Bike. A-l cond. New tires. Ph. 9859. hALDWlN ADDles. 40c. 60c A 80c a box. 1 mile east of Liberty. Ph. 22236. "CHRISTMAS GIFTS: Remember our many friends hobbies, antiques y appointment. Ph. 4322. Mrs. Mas- cnai. I; BICYCLES, good condition. Both for 835.00. 2020 John St . Phone 5497. 11:00-24-14 ply new Firestone tire: S tube car radio, new cond: 2 bird cages A stand; 16 qt. pressure cooker: Guitar A case; 16MM movie projector. 630 Union St. after 5:00. MAN'S Bicvcle. Overhauled A paint- ed. Excellent cond. Ph. 26054. CEDAR POSTS Hoppole. stakes, hoppegs. shakes and any special cedar order. Ph. 68F22. Phillips Bros. Rt. . Box 118. 4 ml. East out State St. PORTABLE electric clothes washers. Ideal for apartments or trailer houses YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY RESTAURANT Type electric ranges. griddles. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Time to Fertilize USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT rOR LAWNS A GARDENS SACKS $9 OR $10 PER TON Free delivery anywhere ir Salem. West Mushroom Farm Ph. 6127 days: 2-4397 eve, or 8127 Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads Mt driveway. Cement. Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. 4 yd. shovel Ac drag line. Phone 1561. ' ALWAYS a big stoca. Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph. 8110 ELECTRIC and gas water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY VACUUM cleaners and floor pol ishers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY USED Radios. $5 to $33. Some guar anteed. some as Is. Mitchell Radio A Appliance. Ph. 7577. 1880 State St. RECORD their voices with a Wilcox Gay Recordio. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PLASTl-KOTE. Cellophane-like fin ish for your floors. It requires no wax ing. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SPECIAL Camellias at reduced prices. Blooming full of fat buds. Choice varieties. 3425 Portland Rd. JUST received new shipment of elec. ranges, some as low as (99.50. New and used oil heaters, all sizes, used elee'. ranges, floor furnace, wood and coal heater. 7-ft. refrig. 8-ft. deep freeze, irons, toaster, dinette set. Printing press with all type. Vacuum cleaners, plenty of paint, tires, tubes and batteries. All under retail ''price. Hardman Bros. mile past totem pole on highway 99. Open from 8:30 until 7 eve. 7 days a week. 3 GOOD coats. Gray and tan. cloth white bunny fur. Size 10 A 12. Reason- able. 2142' N Com! WALNUT 5-pieoe bdrm suite, sofa A chair. Simplex ironer. solid walnut coffee table, roll-away bed. studio couch. 2 chests of drawers. I. E. S. lamp. 7-qt. pressure canner.eS yr. crib ?outh chair, tracvcle. girl's bicycle. Ph. 034 1255 Broadway. TWIN bedroom set complete with Mattress. Sump pump for basement. Shallow well pump. 50-pa I. fruit tree sprayer. 260 So. Lancaster Drive. Ph. 26583 Refrigerator, davenport A chair, stu- dio couch with bed; table model cream separator. Call 10 a. m. 3 p. m. or eve. Rt. 9. Box 104 1 mi. E of Kruger's store. 1st house W. Lee's Hatchery, east on Center st. J. W. Valech. SURPLUS STORE. - 1351 HoyT ST. SPECIAL ON ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS. Electric house and out side weather proof wire. Boxes, switches, outlets, kitchen lights. A few heavy duty, school type metal folding chairs, more en route, get your school or club order in now. $4.25 ea. Oak bedside tables. Bunk beds and mattresses. Young deluxe washers. Apt. size gas ranges. Sleep ing bags, wool or xapoc. for Xmas. Metal card tables $7.50. Train of 50 6 ton shop trailers 833.00 ea. Gas electric generating sets 110V AC. 3-8-25-62 A 90 KVA. Come south on 12th St. to Hoyt (the city line) turn east one block and there you are at the HOYT ST. SALES WAREHOUSE FOR WAREHOUSE PRICES. J R Wat kins Co products 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Ph 5395 Free del CLOCKS and Door Chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SUN AND HEAT lamps and bulbs YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY REVERE ware, aluminum cooking utensils, kitchen gadgets. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY XMAS TREE strings, wreaths, tree holders. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY EXHAUST Fans, kitchen and indus trial. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC room heaters, radiant, steam and fan 110-220 colt. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Piano Buys Walters upright, reconditioned 8195 00 Euphona upright. Walnut case $265.00 Chlckering. Small rosewood up right. Refinished and recon ditined 8300 00 Steinway. Refinished mahog any.Studio size. A splendid piano. Half original price $650.00 Stone Piano Co. "The valley's finest piano store" 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. (cor. N. Cottage) Salem. Ore. Phone 2-5281 PIANOS " Investigate Tallman's Christmas lay away plan. Select your piano now. $10 holds a piano for Christmas de livery. Fine selection of Knabe. Kra kauer and Lister Betsy Ross spinets to select from. Also MirrA pianos and fine rebuilt pianos at bargain prices. See at Tallman's. 395 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. Open Tues. Ac Fri nights, 7 to 9 p.m NOW Taking orders for Marshall strawberry plants from isolated new field. $10 per 1000 dug A packed. Have machine planter to loan on orders of 15 000. Order now to insure early p'anting. can deliver and puck up planter. Paul R ffe. Rt 5. Box 313. 2 ml. S. W. of Macleay aDt. size eas range with oven. $12. D. O. Church. 2384 Adams St. Salem LAFF-A-DAY co 6 "Mom burned the rout. Pop." For Sale Miscellaneous ELECTRIC Irons, steam irons, metal ironing boards, pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PRESSURE cookers'. 4 quart for cook ing. 16 quart for canning. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING 1 mile south on River Rd Phone 5968 LITTLE Giant electric washing ma chines. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY GERMICIDAL lamps in your home or office help to prevent the spread of disease. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY RADIOS, record players and re corders. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 2ELL'S HOLEY, decorating wreaths, and gift boxes. Phone evenings. 58F12. COFFEE Makers and replacement parts. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY HOTPLATES with or without ovens YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OIL Circulators with or without fans. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC Mixers (Dormeyerh YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY FARMERS attention Electric but ter churns, milk coolers, fence con trollers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 3U car hot water heaters, front $8 to 820. Ph 21140. MARSHALL A Wendell piano. Re built and refinished like new. Walnut case. Sweet resonant tone. $275. $35 down, $12 a mo. Shop Tallman's and Save. 395 S. 12th. Sl45 IVAnHQE Oil circulator for $97.50. Like new. 453 Shipping. ELECTRIC Corn poppers, toaster- ettes, broilers, blendors. coffee grind ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY LUMBER, shingles, .shakes, plywood, insulation, woodguttcr and downspouts. Eola Lumber Co. Salem-Dallas Hlway Phone 2-5950 Oil Burner Service Wm. C. Drew. Phone 2-4443 ELECTRIC comforters, blankets and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC ranges (apartment size I YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY STUDENT and executive desk lamps, lighting fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY UNIVERSAL Bantam electric ranges. 110 volt. Ideal for apartments, trailer houses. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY XMAS TREES for sale on Capitol and Center. Watch for the big white pig. L. W. Candle, Spraying & Pruning Co. Phone 7900 or 6021. HOTPOINT range. 2 burner elec. plate, small size upright Conway piano and bench. Call 875 Thompson after 5 p.m. week days. Ph. 2-4059 FOR SALE: 2 registered red bone coonhounds. Call 5673. 78 Moody Ave. ALLERGIC to pet kitten, striped fe male, will give. Cage: stand and l'l yr. ma I e rol 'er canary $18. Ph. 4879. "BEAUTIFUL red fox cape, like new. just the thing to give for Xmas. $50. Girls green coat, size 16. $25. Ph. after six in the eve. 8331. GIVE away pups. Alvan Freeborn. 7 mi. west on Salem-Dallas Jilway. TUMBER. TrnbrrTDecking. 1445 Oak" '39. 2i H. P. Johnston outboard. $60. 1 pr. size 12 hip boots $5. 2 cross-cut saws $5 each. Stroller A play pen $3 ea. Rt. 7. Box 40BM. si i vert on Kd LADIES formal, like new. size 18 $8 Baby carriage $4- Ph. 2-4812. DAVENO with bedding compartment. good cond. $29 815 Electric. JTOMATIC electric soda pop ca binet. Inq. A. B. C. motor. 785 S. 12th. Floor Furnace with thermostat, as ' is $25. Laundry trays 7.50. 2190 Broadway ' ESTATE heatrola oil circulator with fan. good condition. $75. Willard Akcr. Rt. 1. Box 207. Brooks. Ore. 2 mi!e east of Brooks. FR1GIDAIRE refrig. 6-ft. 910 Parrish. WHEEL CHATRL Man's pocket watch Ph. 3986. THOR Automagic washer-dishwasher. Gladirons. , YF.ATER APPLIANCE COMPANY " FINE Rebuilt pia noli from $225. Terms as low as SlOf a month. Shop w'.t.h-.:.ffty V Tallman's 395 S. 12th. NEW 3 and 4 room oiT circulators. Guaranteed Coleman. $61. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St. HOLLY A holly wreaths, cedar A Christmas trees. Pemberton's Flower Shop. 1980 S 12th. Ph. 23346. ALMOST New Duncan Phy fe living room divan. Platform rocker. 3435 Portland Rd DAVEN"0S" $49.50 to $99.50 $3.75 to $18.50 . $18.75 to $45.50 Floor lamps Dinette sets Chests $6.35 to $25.75 Innerspring mattresses $24.9S-$39.9S Assortment of broken line dishes A souvenirs. STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State Ph. 7598 Open to- 9:00 P.M. until Christmas LARGE A small oil circulators. In stallation free. 940 S. 14th. Ph. 6072. USED Washing machine; I575Tl. 18th Ph. 25368. CRUISER S and surveyor's Gurley compass. A-l cond., genuine leather case. Ph. 21004 after 2 P.M. CHRISTMAS Wreaths, swags and trees, now at Hilman's Super Shell station. Capitol A Market Sts. Ph. 9026. Trees sprayed to order, any color. 35c ft. 41 MODEL Wash. mach.. lge.v sue. good cond.. $65. Ralph Olson. 1 mi. W of cannery. Stayton. Ph. 28F24. USED A-B Apt. size range, good cond. Also used davenport A chair. new slip covers. Call 22622. SHALLOW Well pump. 25 ft, 41 in. casing, 21 ft. one inch pipe, check valve. 35 Fairhaven after 5:30 P.M. FIVE 4lOx21 wheeTi-tires A tubes. Tiies average 90. $45 for the five. 376 N. 12th. ELEC. Hotpoint range. Also Coole rator. 75 lb capacity. Ph. 3561. FOR SALE: Nearly new double bed. spring A Simmons mattress. 2604 Hul- sey. near Ratcliff Drive. BABY Buggy $400. 440 Larren. MODERN-Gas range-Excellent condT $80. Ph. 21531. 1450 Fir TO 61VE AWAY: Female Rat Ter- rier pup. Rt. 6. Box 118. 2 mi. past Pen 4 Corners LEATHER Catalog case. Urge size, for traveling man. Charles Pickett, Areo Hotels PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS " Crocheting, large, small centerpieces, doilies, ruffly doilies, chair sets. Write Edith Walker, JRt. 3. Box 770-A. Salem. BECRM. Set. Beds, book case ' and miscellaneous articles. 1520 S. Com'l. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson. 1531 Market Ph. 2-4598. Organist, accompanist. "PURCHASECnewS months ago. will sacrifice aqua Kroehler deveno. chair to match, four-piece bleached wal nut bedroom suite, also used 60-lb. ice box. baby carriage slightly used. oi uonncm AVf. MEDIUM size Taupe mohair daven- port and chair, clean A in good cond. $45. Ph. 22542. HOTPOINT elec range. Also veal calf. Will trade' for hay. Rt. 7. Box 22. For Sale Miscellaneous State Tire Service One Only New Electric Stove Deluxe Model First Come First Served TERMS.CAN BE ARRANGED State & Cottage Salem Ph. 9268 Just in Time for Christmas Singer sewing machine. feather weight, electric, nearly new. complete with attachments also needles. 4 bob bins, light, also carrying case with tray. This is a bargain and you can have it now not in six months or a year. Ph. 5778 for appointment. Christmas Trees Reasonably COCKER Spaniel registered litter. Reds. Blacks. Buffs. Will hold for Christmas. Salem Veterinary Hospital. Portland Road. PIANO. $280. White sewing machine. $50. 856 Gerth.tW. Salem. 2 TABLE model radios, dresses, skirts. blouses. Jackets; size 16. Phone 2-5885. MAN'S Blue tweed suit size. 38 short. Bought at Man's Shop. 1 pair men's black work shoes, size "'i. Good condi tion. Phone 3273 evenings 8c Sunday. OIL Circulating heaters with twin radiant doors. 4 to room size. $9445. Montgomery Ward 8c Co.. Salem. "GIFT VALUES' "Salem's greatest mattres buy" INNERSPRING MATTRESS, over 200 inner springs, sisal pads, metal air vents, precision construction, sturdy handles, durable long-lasting ticking. GUARANTEED to give years of service. Reg. $36-0; now at our get acquainted price of only $20.50 MATCHING BOX SPRING for above now offered at same money saving value, reg. $36.50 . $29 SO See this new shipment TODAY, twin or full size. You will be delighted. BAIGLEY BROS. SIS Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-5491 Open eves, till ARM-CHAIR type Zenith radio. $50. 43S Division. Call between I A It a.m. SMALL M. W. Wood heater, some pipe. $1$. Montag wood range. $25. 48 Abrams ave. PHILCO radio-phone table model, excellent condition. 835.00. 1115 S. 18th, Apt, no. z. Vet. Housing SOLID walnut Pennsylvania form style bed: two drawer solid walnut chest: child's crib; bassinette with stand. Phone 9381. WARD'S POWERFUL DRAG SAW cuts thru five foot logs at almost a foot a minutet 4 H.P. engine runs all day one 4 to 6 gala, gas! Tackles all timber cutting Jobs. Weighs 225 lbs. Starts quickly in any weather. Only $179 JO at Ward's Farm Store. TABLE model elec. phonograph. good cond. $25. Phone 5961. PIANO BENCH, small size. 1690 S. Cottage. MAN'S dark Hart. Schafner and Marks suit for tall, slender size 38. Ph. 5916. 1955 Chemeketa. VERY-goodFrench violin $60. Ph. ZGBZI DELICIOUS aoolea. 75c. tou brinv boxes. Rt. 8. Box 1310. South of .nemawa. DIAMOND Perfect 47 noini Is Duncan Ave. REBUILT, recased guaranteed watches, 'i price. Large selection. Sa lem Watch Shop. 2381 State st. SPTTZENT;RCapples 75cs"na $1J25 per box. 1260 Lewis St. BLONDE dining room suite, 8 pieces almost new 360 Leslie St. ELECTRIC train. Library table. Child's table A chair; ping-pong table. etc 1690 N Mh. CHRISTMAS trees at S. Comm. and Meverr St. WOOD Circulator. 6-room size Glen wood. All Cast, brown enamel finish. $3a 2476 Fairgrounds Rd. Christmas Ttrees. 2476Fatrgrounds Rd "J "600 x 16 tires A tube? $12. Part kev of 8c nails. 345 Sunset. Ph. 24268. SIXGLE-breasted tuxedo vest, size 40. $25. Also double breasted navy blue business suit. Ph. 3503. 1050 N. 15th St. MOHAIR FRIEZE Davenport and chair pre-war. good cond.. 6 pc dining set. leather reupholstered. 725 Breys Ave. WESTING HOUSE range, good condi tion. 285 S. Cottage. Shyder Truck Ter minal. HIND quarter good beef. Ph. 2-2639. GE. VACUUM cleaner. $25. Small furniture cleaner. $10. Good aa new. 1887 N. Cottage St. EMERSON Phono. Radio, also vac uum cleaner. 1145 Nebraska. 12 GAUGE Syracuse double barrel with myrtlewood stock and forearm. $45. 1795 Yew. DELTA S inch table saw and h p. motor. $85. Ph. 5464. WANTED: A good home for a 6 mo. old black male Cocker Spaniel. Ph. 6206.. DOUBLE laundry trays and washing machine. $50., Also Conn C melodv sax ophone. Ph. 2-5772. Rt. 9. Box 596. NEW G E. washing machine. $125.00 RCA. Radio cocktail : bar. $50.00. 4010 State St. Phone 2-1325. PAIR Computing scales, meat slicer. Da per rack for roll paper. Call 2-2681. Fine for hop store or bean yard. WantedI urniture USED FURNITURE Ph 0185 FURNITURE and what have you- bought for cash Call any time Sun dale Exchange Ph 2-5511. $94 N Lib erty USED FURNITURE Phone 5110 WANT To--Buy Used Cameras inses McEwan Photo Shoo 435 State GOOD Used wash mashine sewing machine Ph 2-5511 594 N Liberty CASH fo used piano A other mu ical Instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqulth Music Co, 191 & High, Wanted Miscellaneous 100 SEWING Machines, any cond. 594 N. Liberty. Ph. 25511. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Salem " SEWING machines any condPh767l CASH for old goldTsolfd. plated or filled. Salem Watch Shop 2381 State gETAL wjwelrrow. Ph. 7028. SECOND hand Conn trumpet in good cond. Ph. 21550. Miscellaneous ELECTROLUX sales and service. Electrolux cleaner and air purifier, complete with attachments. $69.75. pre war price & qualitv. Full home dem onstrations. 191 S. "High. Ph. 7719. Oil Circulator Service Call Cy Younger. Ph. 6072 FARM SAWING. Trader sawmill will set up on your place and saw 15-100 M rough lumber. Will saw by thousand or buy logs. 8-16 ft and not over 25 diam. Farm Sawyers of Oregon. 1924 S.E. Morrison. Portland 14, or La 98J2 eves. , SEWING machs. Overhauled A elec trified. One yr guar, any make. Ph. 7671 " SignPAINTInG. Built to order. . Scott Ph. 3635. UlseeDaneons EXPERT watch repairing, quick ser vice. All work guaranteed. Brown's Jewelry. Liberty A Court Sts. Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 406? MEN'S HA IS Cleaned aoo Plucked tttm l.FJS spmWfjr.H 4 iCourt AUTO oaintina lust a mhmam beiuti Ray CTTER Call Snrocb Motor Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing - Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 19 B-'i yds $12 00 per hr 10 B-U yds $60 per hr D-7 Cat A Dozer j $60 per hr D-8 Cat A Dozer 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat A Dozer 7 00 per hr. Phone Days 9400 Evenings 8246 or 24400 Salem Oregon Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolnh Bid Sta t e ft Com- Ph S3 1 WATER WELL drilling. Domestic of irrigation. Duf field Bros. Rt S. Box m Phon- 2-1313 WEA'THEB strms Pullman Ph 59657 HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3512 for free pickup A delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., 130 N Commercial. Financial See Us For Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 41 tVTF.BITCT 5 TO 40 YEARS and NO commission! Leo N. Child. Inc. RF.AI.TOB 344 State Street Phone 9261 $ $ MONEY- $ $ 4', REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. Hish St. Uc S 216 M 223 Money to Loan HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIAL LOAN SERVICE Short of time as well as cash? Phone now for a quick loan from Personal. Up to $500 on auto $300 on Furni ture Salary. $50 for two weeks costs only $.70; other amounts In propor tion, up to 20 mos. to repay. For faster service phone first. Personal Finance Co. SIS State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 E. Gal linger. Mgr. IC. SIC. M15S Private Monev Special rates and terms on larsrer loans. LONG OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Roy H. Simmons 136 8. Commercial Phone 9168 FARM and CITY LOANS and S Your own terms of repayment wtth la reason Cash for Reel Estate Con tracts an second Mortgates. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO $07 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone Tl2 General Finance Corp. offers money at one on cats, trucks furniture, trailer houses. 1 livestock, farm marehtnery: contracts refinanced aed additional money advanced Ne co-signers General Finance Is locally owned and officered: was organised in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 130 South Commercial Sts. Salem Phone: 0168 l.hn e.iaa M-330 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Nafl Bank (old quarters) Loans Wanted WANT $1250 LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT ONCE Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 For Rent Rooms HEATED sleeping room, reasonable rate. 1445 Saginaw- NEWLY dec. sip. rm.. bath adj.. priv. ent, furnace ht., dble. bed, emp. men. 1210 N. Front. Cor. Market St. HEATED sip. rm. Close in. 555 N. Church. CLEAN, quiet sleeping rm. Close in. 146 Marion St. . RM. lst. floor, private bath ic en trance. Emp. person. 2255 N. 5th. NICE sip, rm. Phone 7282 HOLLYWOOD sip. rms Ph. 6093. 2035 McCoy NEWLY Furn. sleeping rm. Business man. Close in. 745 S. Com'l. Ph. 9494. Sir RM woman "481 N. Winter. CLOSE in sip, rm. Emp. gent. 2-1489". FRONTTSIeeping R. near bath, wait ing distance 077 bo. com I. HOTEL Salem. 161 S High St Tel 3184 ' FOR RENT. Rooms by the month. Hotel Salem. 161 S. High street. Ph. JIM. Heated rm.. business woman. Ph. 5353 ROOM for 1 or JTworking people. 575 N. cottage FOR young man. Furn. rm. I Elk". from State Office bldg. 1337 Court. Ph. S2H0. NICE slpg. room (men) 448 Center St. rear wooarow mag roorrT N7 liquor or smokers wanted, (men only) 1898 Bellevue. Room and Board HAVE board and room In large home. Cooking privileges If desired. women only. Ph. Z3349. WILL '"are for elderly or conva- lescent patients. Ph. 21116. For Rent Apartments APT. 1 man. $25. Ph. 5222. FURN 2 rm bsnt apt. Close in for clean, quiet working man. No drink ers. Phone 9660. 1 RM. APT. for emp, lady. Pull. Kit.. bath, refr. 666 S. Summer. MODRNCottages by day, week or month 3580 S. Com 1. FTOMApt7Tdults. 1 073NCapit6T. ' SMALL aptPh. 24846 after 5:30 p. m. T. nsitp. apt. 6J5 w. summer. 2-rm Furn apt. Auto Hot water. 225 themeketa. JRia aptTPh. 25514". Ill Chemeketa. For Rent- Houses MODERN sub. 1 bdrm. home, un furn. $42 50 mo. Inquire 1175 Clcarvicw. SMALL House. 1225 S. 25th. MODERN suburban home' on Mt Angel-Woodburn hiway. Statesman box 737. ' For Rent CLEAN. Roomy trailer space, mod ern conveniences. Evergreen Trailer Court. 26QS Maple Aee, DONT NEGLECT the 6th side of your rooms. Reftnish your floors with our high-speed floor senders and pol ishers. Howser Bros, Ph. 3646. 602 Edgewater St. TRAILER space. Mod, clean, free laundry pre. Reas. rates. 3580 S. Com ! TRAILERS 75c first hr, 50c bra following. Woodry'a Mkt, 160$ N Summer. For Rent GOOD Used Piano. H L. Stiff: " ATMOkAYS: Drone Good beeliK. Rent-ecIL H. C. Push. SM N. 17 m SENT. U-DKJVE TRUCKS rOM Blansets furn 17S Liberty P. 9062. FLOOR Sander, elec. tioor poHsheir and lawn roller. wed burner. Rawlkne Hardware, the Marshall Wells store. Ph 8877 FOR RENT Large ground floor room suitable for store or large office South High Street location State Finance do. Ph. 4121. Wanted to Rent VETERAN, wife and 1 year old daughter desire furn. apt. or sn.aH house Phone 7092. "EMPLOYEE of Davidson Baking Co. urgently needs 2 bdrm' unfurn. house. Have 3 children. Suburban or city. Phone4921. URGENT. Lease or rentlwo or three bdrm. house Phone 8.524 WE DON'T WANThTbest 5 room's or more near Bus. Under $50 00. Plenty ref. Phone 2-4322. "WANTEfiTT or 3 rm furn apt, with "f-I-SS 749 Slateman. WANTED! Unfurnished houxe or apt. 3 adults in family. Permanent employed. Hefi Ph 8863 STATE Highway employe with 1 children would like to rent 5 room house. Refr Ph. 685qjcta vrr 8331 rvts. Local business couple" need "for Im mediate occupancy small unfurn house or -jnfurn ground floor apt. Not over $55 a mo. On or near bus line. No children. Ph. 21995. P-EA-E: We know there aren't many apt. or small houses, but if vou have one furn or with a stove refrig, would you please call 7337. man would like to rent 1 or 3 bdrm house. Ph. 4073.- For Sale Real Estate 2 BDRM. Partly finished house. S A. Good well. Some furniture. E. range Strawberries to plant the place. $2500 Imm poss. 2 miles S of Liberty on Rosed ale Rd Rt 3. Box 7S1A. TTn house on corner lot 73x100. on bus line, grade school across St. Ideal for family with chil- aiJU oown. SDj X. 5th. SUM CHuvni - .. T""1!.'-"' Salem Realty Co NOW. BY OWNER : Very nice suBuTba. home. Lot 76x195. Rail fence. Approx. 1100 sq. ft. floor space. All . rooms large. Excellent cond. A rare oppor tunity. $1500 down. $so a mo. 097 Norm." Ave, off Center St. east. FOR SALE bv Owner : 3 rm. new house $2750. 2455 Simpson St. MODERN S bedrm' home. able, plumbed, flrepl.. e. blinds, full bsmt. Auto, oil heat, dbl. garage. Lgc. cor ner lot. on bus line, good for income. Phone 4561. " . J on nouse w a, a n. Turner. 2 BDRM. house: NX. Portland. 3 blks. to bus.. Gas available. Auto h w. heater. TuU bsmt. $2,250 our equity, bal contract. Inquire 143$ N. Summer, Salem. A VERY Desirable corner lot 300 X 150 less part taken for road purposes on West Miller and So River Road with good old house on property can be re modeled: Price $8000.00 Some terms If interested contact S. M. Earlc. Rt. 3. Box 745. 1 mile S.W. Liberty. NEW Modern 4 room house. Elec trio heat. G.I. loan. Ready Dee. IS. Phone 2-S4SS. owner. NEW SMALL home in Hollywood dist. 2055 Warner St. Ph. 2-6569. TOR SALE BY OWNtr-"- Just completed. 1 story I bedrm. house. Living rm . kitchen with nook, hardwood firs, throughout. Utility tt garage attached Oil floor furnace. So burban north. Phone 7871. 1 1 $46.00 Mo. Sad $2000 dn. will buy this .New Mod-i-n 3 Bedroom home. auto. Heat. L.R, " Kltch. fuU Bath. Urge finished up kairB. AU. garage. Price 88000. Colbath Land Co. Phone 3-0923 996 N. fist It. View Lot Kingwood Heights choice locatioa and view. Approx. 79x180 adjoining very nice homes. Full price $130 Terms arranged. M. 0. Humphreys, Realtors 3035 PORTLAND RD. Phone 7820 or 1-4596 Don't Miss Seeing This 3 bdrm. home, modem. Hdw. firs. Living rm. dining rm. Oil heat. Elec tric water heater. Large lot. Priced to sell. $8500. $3000 cash will handle. Seo Geo. D. Alderin. Realtor 403 Oregon Bldg Ph. 5780: Eves. 2-146$ GOOD 4 bdrm. home, Bsmt., Furn, extra large corner lot, some terms. Goodwin McMillin. Realtors. 474 Court St. Phone 4707. Eve. 6715 or $125000 DN. 2 A, 4 Rm. house, f price $3250 00. $1500 00 Dn , A.. I B R, New. FuB Price $4250 00. $5400 00 Nice 4 Rm. plastered home. B Nook. Call Omer Huff 4 A, 3 BR House R 3 B 12. Turner. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors $41 Chemeketa St Phone 3-1549 Eves. 1-5001 $5250 00 2 BEDROOM home w ith UVw ing rm, kit . bath, plastered. Hwd and fir firs. Utility rm. Urge lot. Pave ment and bus. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors $41 Chemeketa St, Phone 3793 Eyes. 9441 DRIVE BY and tNSPECY. then COaT PARE this home with any other homo for the price, then we think you erlll want to buy. It's a S BR home, located at 1272 Franklin. Wast Salem, has LR, Nook. Kitchen, fireplace, basement, Imm. Poss. See this home TODAY., Hansen's Real Estate Phfne 2-640 971 Edgewater St FOR SALE or lease for i mo. nice l,tJ,hu In Turner. Terms. Inquire Arnold Phillips, across from Webb's garage Wed. Dec 10 3 LOTS K st and Roee St Wea Chem St.. $1,750 sell separately. $00 So. Lancaster Dr. Ph. 38583. s A in growing community. Nea bus lr store Ph 21928 KEW house, kitchenette. 3 rooms 4 hf 'h- View property Will sacrifice for 3300. Inquire fan Hansen. APTRO , acre. neaT Pen 4 CSF ners. $475 165 Stortz Ave MODERN SUBURBAN HOME. $9000 " 1 BR, fireplace, hwd. floors, oil heat. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone J-47M BROADWAY St. LARGE LOT 100 x 120 with garage $3500. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 1-47SS ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives r Ward-Griffith Company. n& m Francisco V Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward -Griffith Company, tne. Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. AUanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising - Ewtered mt the Post office at Mm. lees. Orepoe aa Second Ctoas Mas ter. Published every met in e. cep Monday j office 11$ Mouth Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES MaU SubacrtptkM RaUe m vance: Within Oregon: Daily mn4 Sunday. Mo. M cents; 0 moaa $38S 1 year. $SM Elsewhere 00 cents per mo. or $T3S for I rear la advance Per copy ceeta. By City Carrier. 73 cents a month, $900 a year In advance ta Martea and adjacent aouiUlaa. 4 s f I f