14 1 .ft' 2 Tha States man. Salem. Oregon, Tn day. Dcmbw 9, 1947 Dog Hero in ' 1 ''l .w""-- i I r I JVt eV e-; . Wn,T- I . " 4 MOBILE. AU., Dec I James Nerris, Jr 14, poses with his 2-year old collie. Princess, whose frantic barking aroused 22 persons asj fire spread through the Mobile. ALa boildinr in which they had been sleeping-. Yeans; N orris rewarded Princess with a "bit. fat juicy steak" for the heroic performance. (AP Wirephoto to the Statesman) . v It is estimated that it requires bout twice as much power to crank a gasoline engine at 10 de grees fahrenheit as at 80 degrees. la Vh Circuit Court of the State of Orcfon for Marion County No. 34.57 LLOYD JACKSON. Plaintiff MERNA JACKSON. Defendant. . SUMMONS To: MERNA JACKSON. Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to . appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court and cause on or before the last day of the time . subscribed in the above-entitled Court for" publication of this Summons, to-wit: December S3, 1947, ' and if you fail, to so answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint on file herein, namely, a decree dissolving the mar riage contract existing between plain tiff and defendant, awarding to plain tiff the custody and control of the two minor children of plaintiff and defen dant, and for-such other relief as ap pears just and equitable. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof In The Oregon Statesman, by Order of the Honorable Geo. R. Duncan. Circuit Judge, at Sa lem, Oregon, dated November 18, 1947. and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 25th day of November. 1947 STEVE ANDERSON. Attorney for Plaintiff, 211 Oregln Building, t Salem. Oregon N 25-D 2-9-18-23 Livestock and Poultry DEAD Stock picked up. free of charge, dav and night service. Ph. Sherwood. "Ore.. 4432 or 4424. Call yollect. : BULL Service by artificial Insem ination Sir js from the best of blood lines Reasonable fees All work per aonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians Salem Artlflral Insemina tion Station Ph 6385 ; WANTED au Unas or cattle, fat bogs, 'sows a ; boars At your farm or delivered Market price E C McCand llsh Rt 9. Box 233. across from Water Bail Park on S 25 St Ph 8147 50 N. H. Fryers 40c lb. Fill your lockers now, Alice Elliott. 126 Carl ton Way. ' - - - HIGHEST QUALITY CHICKS New Hampshlres anf White Rocks. Hatches every Tuesday Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery 4 Poultry Farm. Lyons. Ore : NEW Hampshire bat? chicks, start ed chicks 4 oldei pullets always avail able Ph 22861 Lees Hatchery WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hogs sheep. Will call at farm. Licensed A bonded buyers Prompt service. E. 1 Snethen Son. ,S50 Lancaster Dr.. Salem Ph 21345 FOR SALE Jersey-Guernsey heifer. 1st calf. Phone 23150. ' . FAT GEESE. C Tracy. Turner, Ore. 1st house N. of Crawford school. TlHC-DETSLANT Red pullets. 7 mo. Id. $2 each 3505 Cherry Ave FOR SALE: Fat young N. H. hens feach. Mrs. Henry Rasmussen. Rt. Box 313. 1 mile east, mile north of Hazel Green school. CUSTOM dressing ot cmcaens any Slumber Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 1-2861. Lee's Hatchery. Help Wanted EXP. Bookkeeper k office manager, either man or woman. Must have had Say roll St credit extension training, tate qualifications, experience and "age.? Write Statesman Box 741. "SALES HELP. Call 21002 between 8:30 k 9:30 a. m. for appointment. Help Wanted Male MECHANICS and body men. Must te experienced. Call Al Fabry. Ph 24113 BOY to clean store and run errands after school and Sats. Apply at Sally's. Help Wanted Female CHAMBERMAID, about hours daily. Box 748 Statesman. ". PORTLAND General Electric Co. has position open. Prefer age about 15-35. Position will be general offtse duties for a few months to learn office routine background. If appli cant is satisfactory will be promoted to secretarial position. Shorthand 4 typing required. Must be interested in permanent employment. See Mr. Crossland. 237 N. Liberty. " HOUSEKEEPER Small family, all modern conveniences, adequate salary, ample time off. Phone 6488. " HlGHSCH6oL girl to work after school k Saturday!. 2295 Breyman. PART TIME waitress. 11:30 to 4 p. m. daily. Sundays off. Nohlgren's 440 State. Salesmen Wanted WANTED: Outside salesmen for plumbing and heating. Liberal com mission plan. Guaranteed salary. Apply Mr. -B-ard. Montgomery. Ward Co. RETAIL Clothing salesman with fol lowing qualifications: College educ, I ft 10 or taller, permanent Salem resident, young, married, with family, willing worker, pleasing - personality, ehar. reference. Ph 21612. WAN riin Vacuum cleaner sales snan. Liberal commission plan. Guar- anieea salary. ' Appiy air. iarroii. asomgomerv wire t-o. EXP ERIENCED Salesman 1110 to JIM weekly. No canvassing. Leads urnisbad. See Mr. Brown in person. 1328 State SL Mornings only. Fire Warning Auction Lane SudtelTs Auction Sales Yard, Wed., Dec. 10 at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. Located l'i mL east of Fairgrounds on Silverton Rd. 1 good davenport 4c chair. S-piece chrome dinette set. Elec- trolux vacuum cleaner. Several other vacuums. Aluminumware. Dishes. Beds, springs, mattresses, new end tables. White enamel wood ranges. Other ar ticles of good furniture. Shrubs of all kinds. Fruit trees. Apples, potatoes, fil berts 4c walnuts. 1932 12 T. Ford truck. 2 good l'i and 6 T G.M.C. trucks. Blacksmith forge, transom, leveling instrument, swing ing cut-off saw. U hp. electric tool grinder. Chickens and rabbits. Day old and veal calves. Feeder and weaner pigs. A good selection of dairy cows and heifers. FOLLOW THE CROWD FOR BETTER RESULTS. Situations Wanti-rl DRESSMAKING, alterations. Ph. 6361 LANDSCAPE. Pruning, lawn work. etc. Ph. 7558. 1150 N. Church. WILL Caxe for baby up to 8 mo. In my home. Statesman Box 747. WOMAN Wants work by hr. Clean ing or Ironing. Ph. 25421. CARE of child in my home. Large fenced yard. Ph. 24828. CARPENTER Work of any kind. Ph. 24683. DRESSMAKING and alterations. 2465 N. Church. EEPING" lor dependable gentleman In the county, by middle aged woman. 1890 N. Cottage. VET with small disability would like Janitor Job. Full time. Perma nent, statesman Box . PAINTING. Good work. Reasonable prices. Free estimate. C. Horn. 25518. YOUNG Lady will care for children or wash dishes eves. Ph. 26876. SEWING alterations. Fast & de pendable service. Mrs. Smith. Ph. 8387. SEPTIC Tanks a drain lines cleaned: Jack Boening. Ph . 9633. ASHING machines by the hour or day. Free pickup k delivery. Home Washer Service. Ph. 26793. WORK for 3 yd. dump truck, any time. Rt. 8. Box 739. EXPERTPRUNING. Phone 4277. BOY. 16. wants work after sen. and Sats. Marvin Miller. 1160 N. 14th. DRESS making. 1450 Alder Ave. Ph. 2-4937 PIANO tuning. Wills Music store. SCISSORS, knives, pinking shears. sharpened. Dexter. 966 Center. Ph, 6833. LET A-Young fella do your paint lng. Sure, my prices are high. So is the quality of my work. I use precl sion k the best of materials. Ph. 2-1628. General cement contractor. Ph. 7641. BABY Sitting, by elderly Udy. Dial 2-6930. FOR Water supply. New pipe. Call West Well Drilling. Ph. 2-6380. JANITOR JOB, exp. 662 N. 14th. AUTO REPAIRING Fender and body work, painting. All makes of cars.. Quick service. Open 7 a m. to 10 p.m. Conoco credit cards -accepted here. Dick's Time Oil Station. 990 S. Commercial. '- WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. 4020 East State St. CURTAINS Washed k stretched. 395 S. 22nd. Mrs. B. Lieskc. Phone 2-6343 Hollywood Transfer For local and long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent Ph. 9764. Burton's Mobile Station. Painting & Decorating 'WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK PREY 6265 ALL Work guaranteed. Windows walla, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional rifcanine Service Phone 4457 TAILORING, dressmaking. Ph. 9584 PAINTER and Papernanger Reason able prices Free estimates H J Wood worth Ph 3015 "TAINTtNG k Paperhanelng Free estimate. 857 Shipping. PhflSlS. Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. Ph. 9468 or 5327. REMODEL and new construction by union carpenter. Ph. 21101. TWO Gl's need work. Will accept odd lobs. Statesman Box 750. rt inha by the hour or day. 325 S. 16th Ph. JOlO. BRICK laying, carpenter work. 2-4360 HOUSEWORK by hour. Ph. 2-2694. DRAWING Designing House and tore plans. Ph. 9621 EXPERT Repairs. New rolls Olson Washer Repair. SO Liberty Rd Ph ZS10O CEMENT CONTRACTING: Phone 1-3045. Stanley fa eg ; Septic Tanks Cleaned K. r. Hame) 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 Painting and paperhanelng 4325 CHIMNEY sweeo Nnrthnesa oh 445n PieSctMiot PlayscftaNM. 1381 Stat Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush PAUL BASSETT Rt S Bnv 383 Phone i-2306 PAINTING and DECORATING. Free estimate. Phone 2-5826. For Sale Miscellaneous FOR All magazine subs, new or re newal, rail or write Mrs. Paul H. Ha user, 825 Saginaw SC Ph. 1828. For Sale Miscellaneons River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE MIX. READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-19M - 2-3100- HOSPITAL Bed complete - A'-o wheel chair, Ph. ZIIIS. NSWBiitane range. 1117 Htnes EASY Wringer washing machine. Excellent cond. Ph. 4031. LOVELY Hand crocheted bedspread. popcorn design. 2465 N. Church. ZENITH 9 tube arm chair radio, walnut cabinet, short wave, with phonograph attachment. 1299 N. 21st: " WALLBOARD $45 per M. Ceil ing panels V and sheets 4x8. 1S"x8' planks. New and used toilets. Rte. 7. Box 431L. McCain Ave. off Silverton Rd. MONTAG Range in good condition, also Silent Sioux circulating oil heater and new Coleman gasoline iron. Rt. 8. Box 1040. Keizer Dist;. 1 block south FarreU's Nursery. M. P. DcRouen. 6 CUBIC Ft. refrigerator, good cond.. reasonable. Out Fairview Ave., 1 blk. off N. Maple. 2nd house on left. 905 Eighth St.. Dallas. Ore. NEARLY New 26 inch bicycle $40. Ph. 7860. 2 GOOD Quality Bigelow rugs. Green 9x12. 13'ixl2. excellent cond. Ph. 18F23. MUST Sacrifice registered Cocker pup. Cheap. 1363 Ruge St. 2 ALL - Wool junior size coats, 1 Rothmoor a 1 tailormade. Both In excellent cond. Ph. 3310. TOY Terrier pups. Ph. 22376: East of Liberty store. Mrs. Hovel. G. E. Refrigerator $50. Auto wash ing machine $40. Ph. 24425. BROWN Cocker Spaniel pups P. Ph. 21577. 1549 Broadway. FOR SALE: Used Eastman wood furnace in good condition, completely automatic with fan k filter. Can easily be converted for oil. Al Wilde. Ph. Red 85 Mt. Angel. USED Easy washing machine 137,50. See at Shryder Transfer, 385 S. Cot- tage. ' " LATE 1941 ABC washing machine, excellent cond. W. R- Tower, 455 Hawthorne. Ph. 24714 TURKEYS Dressed Hens and Toms Direct from Farm. LIBERTY TURKEY FARM Rt. 9. Box 517 Phone 22873 " WORLD Bike, A-l cond. New tires. Ph. 9859. BALDWIN Apples. 40c. 60c k 80c a hoxJ jnUeeast of Liberty. Ph. 22236. CHRISTMAS GIFTS: Remember your many friends" hobbies, antiques by appointment. Ph. 4322. Mrs. Mas chal. . 2 BICYCLES, good condition. Both for 835.00. 2020 John St. Phone 5497. 1 1 .nn9i.ii nlv nn Firetnne tire - - - w--..- " f'J - ; 3 tube car radio, new cond; 2 bird cages k stand; 16 qt. pressure cooker: Guitar k case; 16MM movie projector. sju union at. aner a.w tlilti' Riv-ia Overhauled k Paint ed. Excellent cond. Ph. 26054. CEDAR POSTS Hoppole. stakes, hoppegs. shakes and any special cedar order. Ph. 68J22. Phillips Bros. Rt. a. Box 118. 4 ml. East out State at. dtidt a di s. wiru plnt-nea washers. Ideal for apartments or trailer houses Y EATER AFrLlAHLt i UJirf-i. i RESTAURANT Type electric ranges, griddles. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Time to Fertilize USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS & GARDENS 6 SACKS 85 OR $10 PER' TON Free delivery anywhere in Salem. West Mushroom Farm Ph. 8127 days; 2-4397 eve, of 8127 Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads 8c driveway. Cement. Ready -mix Concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. yd. shovel &drag line. Phone 8561. ' ALWAYS a big stoc Woodrv Furniture Mkt Ph 8110 ELECTRIC and gas water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE wwrini VACUUM cleaners and floor pol ishers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY USED Radios. $5 to $35. Some suar anteed. some as is. Mitchell Radio k Appliance. Ph. 7577. 1880 State St. RECORD their voices with a Wilcox Gay Record 10. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PLASTI-KOTE. Cellophane-like fin ish for your floors. It requires no wax- EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY Camellias at reduced prices. Blooming full of fat buds. Choice varieties. 3425 Portland Rd JUST received new shipment of elec. ranges, some as low as $99.50. New and used oil heaters, all sizes, used elec. ranges, floor furnace, wood and coal heater. 7-ft. refrig. 8-ft. deep freeze, irons, toaster, dinette : set. Printing press with all type. Vacuum cleaners, plenty of paint, tires, tubes and batteries. All under retail price. Hardman Bros, 'i mile psst- totem pole on highway 99. Open from 8:30 until 7 eve. 7 days a week. SHEETROCK fir tex. Ph. ZZS3Z 3 GOOD coats. Gray and tan. cloth white bunny fur. Size 10 k 12. Reason able. Z14Z''2 n com I. " WALNtff 5-piece bdrm suite, sofa k chair. Simplex ironer. solid walnut coffee table, roll-away bed. studio couch, 2 chests of drawers, I. E. S. lamp. 7-qt. pressure canner. yr. crib ?outh chair, tricycle, girl's bicycle. Ph. 034.. 1255 Broadway. HOTPOiNT elec range. Also veal calf. Will trade for hay. Rt. 7. Box 22. "TWIN bedroom set complete with Mattress. Sump pump for basement. Shallow well pump. 50-gal. fruit tree sprayer. 260 So. Lancaster Drive. Ph. 26583 Refrigerator, davenport k chair, stu- dio couch with bed. table model cream separator. Call 10 a. m. 3 p. m. or eve. Rt. 9, Box 104 1 mi. E of Krugers store. 1st house W. Lee's Hatchery, east on Center st. J. W. Valech. FULLER Brushes 1745 Grant P 8357 surplus store. 1351 h6yt st. SPECIAL ON ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS. Electric house and out side weather proof wire. Boxes, switches, outlets, kitchen lights. A few heavy duty, school type metal folding chairs, more en route, get E' school or club order in now, ea. Oak bedside tables. Bunk and mattresses. Young deluxe washers. Apt. size gas ranges. Sleep ing bags, wool or kapoc. for . Xmas. Metal card tables $7.50. Train of 50 6 ton shop trailers $33.00 ea. Gas electric generating sets 110V A.C. 3-8-25-62 k 90 KVA. Come south on 12th St. to Hoyt (the city line) turn east one block and there you are at the HOYT ST. SALES WAREHOUSE FOR WAREHOUSE PRICES. 4 H. P. Motor, k inch table saw. 3 in. power sander. elec. drill and set of thread cutting dies. B rones Repair, Rt. 2. Box 29F. ,i mi. north of Keizer school . UPRIGHT Piano walnut cabinet, $175. 453 Shipping. MILLS 2'i gal" freezer. Also l'i H.P. compressor. A-l cond. Priced for immediate sale, separate or together. Pn. zib4 alter 10 A.M. J R. Watkins Co proa uc is 171? Cen- ter SL Salem Pn 5395 Free del CLOCKS and Door Chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY SUN AND HEAT lamps and bulbs. TCATKK APPLIANCE COMPANY REVERE ware, aluminum cooking utensils, kitchen gadgets. ; YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY XMAS TREE strings, wreaths, tree holders. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY For Sale Migceflaneona EXHAUST Fans, kitchen and indus trial. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC room heaters, radiant, steam and fan 110-220 colt. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY PIANOS Investigate Tallman's Christmas lay away plan. Select your piano now. 810 holds a piano for Christmas de livery. Fine selection of Knabe. Kra kauer and Lister Betsy Rosa spinets to select from. Also MirrA pianos and fine rebuilt pianos at bargain prices. See at Tallman's. 395 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. Open Tues. V Frl. nights. 7 to 9 p.m. NOW Taking orders for Marshall strawberry plants from isolated new field. $10 per 1000 dug A packed: Have machine planter to loan on orders of 1SO0O-. Order now to insure early planting, can deliver and puck up planter. Paul Riffe. Rt. S. Box 313. 2 ml. S. W. of Macleay. Piano Buys Walters upright, reconditioned $195.00 Euphona upright Walnut case $263 00 Checkering. Small rosewood up right. Refinished and recon ditined r $300.00 Steinway. Refinished mahog any Studio size. A splendid piano. Half original price $650 00 Stone Piano Co. "The valley's finest piano store" 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. (cor. N. Cottage) Salem. Ore. Phone 2-5281 ELECTRIC Irons, steam irons, metal Ironing boards, pads and covers. YEATER. APPLIANCE COMPANY PRESSURE cookers. 4 quart for cook ing. 16 quart for canning. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING 1 mile south on River Rd Phone 5968 LITTLE Giant electric washing ma chines. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY GERMICIDAL lamps in your home or office help to prevent the spread -of disease. . YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY RADIOS, record players and re corders, r YEATER APPLIANCE-COMPANY "BELL'S HOLEY, decorating wreaths. and gift boxes. Phone evenings. 58F12. COFFEE Makers and replacement parts. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY HOTPLATES with or without ovens YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY OIL Circulators with or without fans. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ,EuECTRIC Mixers iDormeverl. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY FARMERS attention Electric but ter churns, - milk coolers, fence con trollers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY W car hot water heaters, from 88 to szo. fn. ZI140. MARSHALL k ' Wendell Dunn fiiZ built and refinished like new. Walnut case. Sweet resonant tone. $275. $35 down. $12 a mo. Shop Tallman's and aave. jso s. iztn SIZE 14 China mink fur coat Ex. celient cond. Very reasonably priced. 1230 S. 16th. Apt. 2. Veterans' housing. 8125 IVANHOE Oil circulator for syjju. i-i Kg new, 453 Shipping. LADIES Set of solf rlurx Rlark skunk coat size 12. Both in good cond Call 9821 BRAND New 3", H. P. outboard motor. 2 f isning poles k reels. Pair of 42 Buick fender skirts. Philco radio k phono combination. -365 So. 15th. 2 COCKER Puppies, male k female. tnorougnpreas. Wed. Ph. 26150. ELECTRIC Corn poppers, roaster- ettes. broilers, blendors. coffee grind ers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY LUMBER, shingles, shakes, plywood, insulation, woodgutter and downspouts. Eola Lumber Co. Salem-Dallas Hiway Phone 2-5950 Oil Burner Service Wm. C. Drew, Phone 2-4443 ELECTRIC comforters, blankets and rating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPAMY ELECTRIC ranges apartment sizei YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY STUDENT and executive desk lamps, lighting fixtures. YtATER APPLIANCE COMPANY UNIVERSAL Bantam electric ranges. 110 volt. Ideal for apartments, trailer houses. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY BABEE-TENDA: A real Christmas gin. 13 15 M ad ion. Ph. 2-4855 XMAS TREES for ale on Canitnl and Center. Watch for the big white pig. L. W. Candle. Spraying V Pruning Co. Phone 7900 or 6021 HOTPOINT -range. 2 burner elec. plate, small size upright Conway piano and bench. Call 875 Thompson after 5 p.mweex cays. Ph. 2-4059 FOR SALE: 2 registered red bone coonhounds. Call 5673. 78 Moody Ave. " ALLERGIC- to pet kitten, striped fe male, will give. Cage, stand and li yr. ma )e roller canary $ 18. Ph. 4879. BEAUTIFUL fei fox cape, like new. Just the thing to give for Xmas. $50. Girls green coat, size 16, $25. Ph. after six in i the eve. 8331. GIVE away pups. Alvan Freeborn. 7 mi. west on Salem-Dallas hiway. LUiBER7T,mbrr. Decking. 1445 Oak '39. 2'i H. P. Johnston outboard. $60. 1 pr. size 12 hip boots $5. 2 cross-cut saws $5 each. Stroller k play pen $3 ea Rt. 7. Box 408M. Silverton Rd. LADIES formal, like new. size li $8. Baby carriage $4. Ph. 2-4812. DAVENO with bedding compartment. gooq conq. szu. .s i a Electric. AUTOMATIC electric soda Dinari. inq. . a. . motor. 703 3. IZth Floor Furnace with thermostat, as is IS. Laundry trays 7.50. 2190 Broadway ESTATE heatrola oil circulator with fan. good condition. $75. Willard Aker, Rt. 1. Box 2U7. Brooks. Ore. 2 miles east of Brooks. FRIGIDAIRE refrig. 6-ft. 810 Parrish Man's pocket watch Ph. 3986. THOR Automagic washer -dish wash er, Gladlrons. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ' FINE Rebuilt pianos from $225". Terms as low as $10 a month. Shop with safety at Tallman's 395S. 12th. NEW 3 and 4 room oiTclrcuiators. Guaranteed Coleman. $61. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St. HOLLY- a holly wreaths, cedar k Christmas trees. Pemberton's Flower Shop. 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 23346. ALMOST New Duncan Phyfe living room divan. Platform rocker. 3435 Portland Rd. DAVENOS $49.50 to $9910 Floor lamps $3.75 to $18.50 Dinette sets $18.75 to $45.50 Chests $6.35 to $25.75 - Innersprlng mattresses 824.95-839.95 Assortment of broken line dishes k souvenirs. STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State Ph. 7596 - Optn lo 9:00 P.M. until Christmas LARGE k small oil circulators. In stallation free. 940 St 14th. Ph. 6072. USETFWaihing machine. 1575-N". 18th. Ph. 25368. NEW Pre-war large Westinghouse electric oven. Can roast large turkey coon wnoit meai. ajo. n. aaao CRUISER'S and surveyor's Gurlev compass. A-l cond.. genuine leather case. pn. ziuos after 2 P.M CHRISTMAS Wreath, swags and" trees, now at Hilman's Super Shell station. Capitol k Market Sst. Ph. 9026. '41 MODEL Wash. mach.. lge. size, good cond.. $65. Ralph Olson. mi. W. of cannery. Stay ton. Ph. 28F24. USED A-B Apt. size range, good cond. Also used davenport k chair, new slip covers. Call 22622. SHALLOW Well pump. 25 ft. 41 in. casing. 21 ft. one inch pipe, check valve. 35 Fairhaven after 5j 30 ; P.M. "FIVE 430x21 wheels, tires k tubes. Tires average 90. $49 for the five. raioiv a 'Q. capaciry. rn. jaci. FOR SALETNearly new double "bed. spring k Simmons mattress. 2604 Hul- aey. near Ratcl iff Drive. BABY Buggy 84 00. 440 Larten. ' MODERN Gas range. Excellent cond. $30. Ph. 4153L 1450 Fir. LAFF-A-DAY 1 "Go see what Junior is doing and ten him he mus'tn'L" For Sale Miscellaneous TO GIVE AWAY: Female Rat Ter rier pup. Rt. 6, Box 118. 2 mi. past Pen 4 Corners ' MAS S Bicycle, good cond. Ph. 8750. 1125 N. 16th . "LEATHER Catalog case, large ' size, for traveling man. Charles Pickett. Argo Hotel. PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS' Crocheting, large, small centerpieces, doilies, ruffly doilies, chair sets. Write Edith Walker. Rt. 3. Box 770-A. Salem. 2 ""GIRLS' Bicycles. 1 regular. 1 smaller $15 each. Ph. 8224. BEDRM. Set. Beds, book case and miscellaneous articles. 1520 S. Com'l. PIANO STUDIO Frederick Wilson.' 1531 Market. Ph. 2-4598. Organist, accompanist. 3-BlTRNER. apt. size gas range with oven. $12. D. O. Church, 2384 Adams St. Salem. ' USED 4-hole ice cream cabinet, good condition. Ph. 7484. -Capital Electric, 367 N. High. WRIST watch for man or boy. Per fect condition. New band with safety catch. Call 9340. PU R CHASED new 3 months ago. w ill sacrifice aqua Kroehler deveno. chair to match, four-piece bleached wal nut bedroom suite, also used 50-lb. ice box. baby carriage slightly used. 3810 LaBranche Ave. FISHING outfit complete, boat, trail er k new outboard motor, reasonable. Ph. 26080. - MEDIUM size Taupe mohair daven port and chair, clean k in good cond. $45. Ph. 22542. DIAMOND Perfect 47 point. 85 Duncan Ave. WARD'S portable milker is ideal for smart herds! I No PIPES to install! This unit is on its own two wheeled, rubber tired, sturdy truck! Has 'j h. p. motor and removable vacuum tank. Less unit only. 145.00. Montgomery Ward Farm Store, Trade k High streets. Phone 7948L VERY good French violin $60. Ph. 26821. DELICIOUS apples, 75c. you bring boxes. Rt. 8. Box 1310. South of Chemawa. REBUILT, recased guaranteed watches. a price. Large selection, Sa lem Watch Shop. 2381 state st. SPITZENBURG apples 15c and $1.25 per box. 1260 Lewis St. "BLONDE dining room suite. 8 pieces almost new. 360 Leslie St. ELECTRIC tram. Library table. Child's table k chair, ping-pong table. etc. iro n. am. CHRISTMAS trees ' at S. Comm. and Meyers St. WOOD Circulator. 6-room size Glen wood. All Cast, brown enamel finish. 830. 2476 Fairgrounds Rd. Christmas trees 2476 fairground's Rd De Lavale milker. 2 SINGLE unit 3 stainless steel buckets. Speed-way type. Used one year new rubbers, pul sator at pipe line, no pump. G. A. Mc Culloch. R. D. Ko. 2 Amity Oregon. 2 600 x 16 tires k tubes. $llPart key of 8c nails. 345 Sunset. Ph. 24268. $17.50 GIRL'S bike. A-l cond.. comp. equip ped. See at 354 N. W inter. PAIR Computing scales, meat slicer. raper rack for roll paper. Call 2-2681. ine for hop stpre or bean yard. Wanted t urnitnre USED FtTKNTTURE Ph 9189 FURNITURE and what have you- bought for cash Call any time. Sun dale Exchange Ph 8-8511 894 N Lib erty USED FURNITURE Phone 5110 WANT TO Buy Used Cameras 8 trust McEwan Photo Shop 435 State GOOD Used wash mashine 6t sewing machine Ph 2-55 1 594 N Liberty CASH fot used piano k other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqulth Music Co, 191 & High. Wanted Miscellaneous PEDDLE Bike or small bicycle. Ph. 8079 100 SEWING Machines, any cond. 594 N. Liberty. Ph. Z55U, PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Salem . SEWING machines any cond. Ph. 7671 CASH for old gold, solid, plated or filled. Salem Watch Shop. 2381 State St METAL wheel barrow. Ph eTbeT ph. ,?028: SECOND hand Conn trumpet In good cond. Ph. 21550. Miscellaneous Oil Circulator Service Call Cy Younger. Ph. 6072. Instruction. Male. AUTO body and fender work, welding, spray painting, metal work among giant Auto Indus try's best profit producers. Practical spare time home study and resident course gives mechanically-minded men valuable help toward good pay and a shop of their own. Veterans and Civilians. For free details write Auto Crafts Training. Box 732, Statesman. ' Instruction. Male. D1E5EL ENGINES Learn working principles, latest servicing methods. Plenty of oppor tunities in this growing field. Me chanically inclined men who are re liable and have fair education can get training in few hours weekly. In formation free. Write Utilities Diesel Training. Box 731. Statesman. FARM SAWING. Trailer sawmill wiU set up on your place and saw 15-100 M rough lumber. Will saw by thousand or buy logs. 8-16 ft and not over 25" diam. Farm Sawyers of Oregon, 1924 S t Morrison. Portland 14. or La 9952 eyes. SEWING machs. Overhauled k elec trified.'Ohe yr guar, any make. Ph. 7671 slGNPAINTlNCl Built to order, t ScottPh 3635 EXPERT watch repairing, quick ser vice. AU work guaranteed. Brown's Jewelry. Liberty court sts Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069 MEN S HATS cleaned and blocseo I no I.E5 SPRINGER 464 Court AtJTO painting lust a shade bettei Oy Ray CTTEft Call Shrock Motor r 850 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roada Clearing Ditching Sewer' 4 Basement Equipment Rental IS B- yds $12 00 per hr 10 B-H yds. 9 80 per hr D-7 Cat k Dozer - 9 80 per hr D-8 Cat j Dozer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat k Dozer 7 00 per hr Phone Days 9408 Evenings 8246 or 24400 Salem, Oregon Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE Di MOST CASES Bring er Mail Your Plata for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bide State r Com Ph Sail WATER WELL drtillne Domestic at irrigation Duffield Bros. It 1 Bos 423 Phorv Z-1313 WEATHER strips. Pullman. Ph. 99S& Miscellaneous HAVE YOUR Sinrer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3512 for free pickup At delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work is started. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co, 130 N Commercial. Financial See Us For Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 4 INTEREST 9 TO 40 YEARS and NO commission! Leo N. Child, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 $ $ MONEY $ $ 4', REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S 21$ M 223 Money to Loan HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIAL LOAN SERVICE ' Short of time as well as cash? Phone now for a quick loan from Personal. Up to 8500 on auto 8300 on Furni ture Salary. 250 for two weeks costs only $.70; other amounts in propor tion, up to 20 mo, to repay: For faster service phone first. Personal Finance Co. 518 State St.. Rm 125 Phone 3191 E. Gallmger, Mgr. Lie. S122. M156 Private Money Special rates and terms on larger loans. LONG OR SHORT TIME PAYMENTS Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial Phone 9168 FARM and CITY LOANS 4' and 3 Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgaeea CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 20T Pioneer Trwt Bldg Phone 7162 General Finance Corp. offers money at Mice on cars, trucks furniture, trailer bouses, livestock farm marchinerv: contracts refinanced amd additional money advanced No eo -signers General Finance is locally owned and officered; was organized In 1927 snd therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone US South Commercial Sts.. Salens Phone: 9168 t.Wn-' 1.1 M Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST. 1st Nat'l Bank (old quarters) For Rent Rooms HOLLYWOOD sip. rmsPh. 6093. 2033 McCoy NEWLY Fucn, sleeping rm. Business man. Close iriT 748 S. Com'l. Ph. 9494. "2 SLP. Rmi. one with twin beds, with cooking priv, for girls. Ph. 7764. s in. i nurcn LGE. Heated sip. rm. suitable for 2 or 3 persons. 635 N. Summer. CHOICE-Warm rm. with lavatory, for working couple. 478 N. Cottage. LOVELY Bed room. 535 N. Winter. SL. RM., woman. 481 N. Winter. ' CLOSE in sip rm Emp. gent-1489. SLEEPING Rm. Lower floor. Nicely turn. Close in. 753 union LARGE Sleeping room, double bed, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Private en trance. Ph. 24427. FRONT Sleeping R. near bath, walk r dirtance 677 So. Com'l. ine HOTEL Salem. ISTHE High SL lei. 3104 FOR RENT. Rooms by the month.' Hotel Salem. 161 S. High street. Ph. J1H Heated rm., business woman. Ph. 5323 ROOM for 1 or 2 working people. 575 N. Cottase. 2 RMS with or without kit. privi leges. Won.en preferred. 1195. N. 14th. rn. uiob trom s to 5 FOR young man. Furn. rm. 1 blk. from State Office bldg. 1337 Court. pn. srzao NICE slpg. room (men) 448 Center St. rear Woodrow Bldg SLEEPING room. No liquor or smokers wanted, (men only) 1698 Bellevue. Room and Board HAVE board and room In large home. Cooking privileges if desired. Women only. Ph. 25345. WILL ''are for elderly or conva lescent patients. Ph. 21116. HAVE Board k room for 2 business girls. No smoking or drinking. Ph. 7152 For Rent Apartments 1 RM. APT. for emp. Udy. Pull. Kit., bath, rcfr. 666 S. Summer. MODERN Cotta ges by day. week or month 3580 S. Com 1. 3-ROOM furnished apt. Close In. Ph. 5890. FURN. Apt. adults. 1075 N. Capitol. ' SMALL apt. Ph. 24846 after 5:30 p m. LT. hskp. apt. 63inSi. Summer. FURN. apt. ground 'floor, outside entrance, close in. 756 Union St. 2-rm Furn apt. Auto hot water. zza Lnemeaeta. 3 RMS furn apt. bath, on ground floor. 2310 N. 4th. TRM apt. Ph. 25514. Ill Chemeketa. SMALL apt., furn.. for employed adults. Ph. 2-6105. 970 Union. For Rent House RM house. Employed couple pre f erred No children. Ph. 3265. MODERN suburban home, on Mt. Angel-Woodbum hiway. Statesman box 737. For Rent CLEAN. Roomy trailer space, mod ern conveniences. Evergreen Trailer Court. 2605 Maple Ave. DONT NEGLECT the 6th side of your rooms. Refinish your floors with our high-speed floor Sanders and pol ishers. Howser Bros, Ph. 3646. 802 Edgewater St. TRAILER space. Mod, clean, free laundry prv Reas. rates. 3580 S. Com'l. TRAILERS 75c first hr, 50c hrs following Woodrye Mkt, 1809 N Summer C JOD Used Piano. H. L. StlffT aTMOKAYS. Ozone flood health Rent-sell H C. Pugh. 684 N. 17 4692 U-DRJVE TRUCKS FOR REN I Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Pt. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elee floor polls hei and lawn roller, weed burner Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph 6877 FOR RENT Large ground floor room suitable for store or large office South High Street location State Finance Co, Ph. 4121. FOR RENT Grocery store and apartment at Independence. Stock mar be had at Inventory. See John E. Black. 433 N. High. EXCHANGE rent of unfurn 4 bdrm house for 2 bdrm unfurn house. 1195 N. 14th. Ph. 9168 from 9 to S. Wanted to Rent, URGENT. Lease or rent two or three bdrm. house. Phone 6524. WE DONT WANT the best S rooms or more near Bus. Under $50.00. Plenty ref. Phone 2-4322. REFINED family wants 3 or 4 bed room furn or unfurnished house. Pre ferably suburban. Permanent. Guaran tee ex ce 1 lent tpropert j.2-54. WANTED 2 or 3 rm furn apt. with private bath. Box 749 Statesman. ,For Ssle Real Estate McKILLOP REAL ESTATE , 16S South High 1 PHONE 5131 - 8628 ' $3.250 On edge of City Limits 3 BR bouse. Bath. LR. DR. Kitchen and bullt- 1ns. oil heat, garage. 1 acre of land with barn and chicken house. $5.800 2 BR bungalow. Bath. LR. DR. wall to wail carpet. Kitchen and built- ins. Nok. garage. i blk. to mis 4 blks. to school, nice ysrd. $600 -Located Noth. 2 BR bungalow. Bash. LR. Kitchen, and bulitins. Nools, x fir floors, plastered Interior. t bailment and automatic furnace, garage, bus by door, nice lawn and outside fireplace, would trade tor 2 BR suburban home. $6,850 Very Nice and Clean home. 1 large Bedroom finished In Knotty Pln, Insulated. Bath. Living Room. Kitchen . and bulitins. plastered interior, electric cooking and water heating, automatic heating, garage. Im mediate possession. $7,650 Hollywood District Nice 3 BR home, LB. DR. Kitchen and builtina, Noo . plastered Interior. Basement, garage, corner lot. nice shrubs and 1 cherry tree. $8,500 Very larse lot. 1 story house. 2 BR down, a BR up. Bath St shower. LR. DR. Kitchen and: bulitins. Ven. Blirjds. Utility Room. oU heat, at tached garage with upstairs, terms available. REMEMBER McKILLOFS COME IN 189 South High or PHONE US 5131 - 8620 Evenings 7163 - 21325 CALABA AND HABERNICHT, REALTORS IDEAL SUBURBAN Just North of town on North River Road, modern 2 bedroom home with attached garage and s acre of land, very nice yard, fruit trees $9750. WANTA MOVE NOW? This 3 bedroom modern home has been newly renovated and is ready for immediate occupancy, complete with basement, auto heat, fireplace, elec. water heater and a nice yard. It's pric ed at $12,200. HERE'S HOME CONTENTMENT l'i acres with modern 3 bedroom home, basement, fireplace, etc. Nice yard, garden, berries and family or chard. Less than a mile from store, school and bus. $13,000. 131 N. High "Wanted listings on city 4 BED ROOM home located at 320 W. Superior. English type, cor lot. oil heat, highest home on Fairmount HilL Dbl plumbed, carpet to liv. St dng. room, fireplace in yard, basement, sealed St painted, party room, one of Salem's good homes. Drive up St see it if interested. Call owner 3343 for ap pointment. 2 BDRM. Partly finished house. 2 A. Good well. Some furniture. E. range. Strawberries to plant the place. 82500. 1mm. poms. 2 miles S. of Liberty on Rosedale Rd. Rt. 3. Box 76IA. BY OWNER: 7 rm. house on corner lot 73x100. on bus line, grade school across St. Ideal for family with chil dren. $1950 down. 2205 N. 5th. FOR Efficient and effective sales ervice call the Sa tern Realty Co NOW BY OWNER: Modern I rm house, l'i acre. 6 cherry trees. 1 apple. 3 filberts. Will sejl furn. or unfurn. 3220 8. Coml BY OWNER: Very nice suburban home. Lot 76x199. Rail fence. Approx. 1100 sq. ft. floor space. All rooms large. Excellent cond. A rare oppor tunity. $1500 down. $50 a mo. 697 Norman Ave, off Center St. east. $5000. NEW 3 bedrm home. acre fine soil. Call 21101 except before 1 or after S p. m. Sundays. VIEW LOT. will sacrifice for 1325 cash. Vogt. 820 Hansen Aye. FOR SALE by Owner: ' 3 rm. new house $2750. 2453 Simpson St MODERN 8 bedrm.. home. dble. plumbed, fire pi., v. blinds, full bsmt. Auto, oil heat. dbl. garage. Lge. cor ner lot. on bus line, good for Income. Phone 4561 4 A.. 3 BR House. R 2. B 12. Turner. 2 BDRM. house: NX. Portland. 2 blks. to bus. Gas available. Auto h.w. heater. Full bsmt. $2,350 our equity, bal contract. Inquire 1435 N. Summer, Salem A VERY Desirable corner lot 200 x 150 less part tahen for road purposes on West Miller and So. River Road with good old house on property can be re modeled. Price $6000.00. Some terms if interested contact S. M. Earle. RL 3. Box 745. 1 mile S.W. Liberty, $2200 DOWN buys this new 2 bdrm. home. Auto, oil heat. hdw. floors, liv. rm, din. id. nice kitchen, lge. lot, bus by door. This home can be shown by calling E. W. Cooler with Alden Bowes Real Estate. 3S15 Portland Rd. Phone 2-4791 or 3826. j ; GOOD 4 bdrm. house, full bsmt., auto, sawdust heat. liv. rm.. din. rm, nice large kitchen, good location. Pric ed to sell. Call E. W. Cooler with Alden Bowes Real Estate. 3615 Portland Rd. Phone 2-47J1 or 3826 MITCHELL REAL ESTATE 3425 Portland Rd. Phone 2-5181 The Good Earth We Sell It 113 A. choice river bottom near Sa lem, irrigated. Good modern bldgs. on charming site. This is a large income farm from dairy, fruit, cannery crops, seed. Price $35,000. Terms. Here is a new Cape Cod home, well built, corner lot. plastered, oak firs. 2 BR. up unfinished Wired for range. Fireplace. Oil irnce. Immed. poss. $9000. Nearly new cozy home. L.R. 13 1 1 x 28 ft. fireplace, picture window. Elec. ht. 1 BR. down, unfinished upstairs. Greenest, velvety lawns, front and back. Att. garage. Bendix washer. 76 x 200 ft. fine garden soil. East. 18950. 2 B R. Bungalow, plastered, auto oil furnace, bsemt, garage. Walking dis tance. Extra room in bsmt. Neat and substantial. Splendid location.: 811.000. A good 3 B R. house and a small house suited with z acres in city soutn or will divide. Widow must sell. Price for all 89.000 Here is a 6 B R. house arranged for rental of rooms with outside entrance. Insulated and plastered down. Oil fur nace. Bsmt. North. $12,600. BUSINESS RENTALS Service Station. Stock and fixtures, good location, grease rack, $3500. Modern food market stock 8c fix tures. Long lease. Doing good business. $8500 plus inventory. - MOTEL St TRAILER PARK 6 single units and 1 double. Separate 2 B.R. living quarters. Service station. Net 25 on Investment. Joe Hutchison, Realtor PHONE 7698 CITY Very good li story home in nice dist. Lrg LV. DR.. lovely Kit.. 2 BR and full bath down, 1 BR up and part bath. Ven blinds, firepl. part HW firs. Full base, furnace. Dbl gar. Base, walls sealed 4c painted. Close to schools 8c bus. EXCEL LENT BUY FOR 910.500. Good 1 storv bung. 2 BR. LR, DR. Kit at bath. Plastered. Firepl.. ven. blinds, full base 8c good fur. Close to grade. Jr. Hi 4c High schs. Terms can be arranged. 86900. FARMS Beau, farm home, with IS A all in cultiv. 4 BR up, 1 lrg BR down. Large LR, lovely DR 4c Kit. Music rm. HW firs, dbl plumb, plastered. Full base, dbl gar. Barn 20x34. poultry hse 34x60. Best of soil. Cherries, filberts 4t walnuts. 20 A good land. 14 A cultiv. 8 A past, bal fir timb. Beau bldg site. 4 rm hse. part base. Small barn. 6 stanchions. 2 poultry hses. Sheds. Selling price only. $6850. S3 A in cultiv. 4 past. $ -rm mod hse. 3 rm tenant hse. Light 4c wster piped. Large barn, mach shed. Dbl Sar. Fine soil In wheat and hops, lice location. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 453 Court Street Ph. .EvS. 4937, 2-5141. 2-4789 Wanted to Rent WANTED: Unfurnished house or apt. 3 adults in family. Permanent employed. Refs. Ph. 8863. STATE Highway employe with i children would like to rent 8 room house. Refs. Ph. 6850 days or 8831 eves. LOCAL Business man needs home In Hollywood dist. immediately. Per manent. Refs. Ph 21664 after It AJrI. APT. or small ' house by Jan. 1. Partly furn. No objections to one child. Emp. couple. Write Apt. 302, 633 retry st Local business couple need for im- medlate occupancy small unfurn house or unfurn ground floor apt. Not over $55 a mo. On or near bus line. No children. Ph. 21999 PI r ACT- W. Vrw.w lhr. ! '1 m.ny apt. or small houses, but If you have one furn or- with a stove Si refrig.. would you pi call 7337. BUsTKE53 man would like to rent 2 or 3 bdrm house. Ph. 4073. J For Sale Real Estate 1 6 ROOM HOME $5000 Located North on corner lot. has 1 bedroom down, 2 up. ol ctrc heat, gas water heater, 'i down. CHILD IN SCHOOL? This good room home Is located within 4 blocks from grade. Jr Hi maA Hi School, has basement, furnace, fire place, is wired for range and has elec. water heater a good buy for $7500. ATTRACTIVE. NEAT St CLEAN Located on North 24th St.. well built modern 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors. V. blinds, well kept grounds $7950. Phone 8838: Eve. ph 1779 or 3-5238 and suburban homes" NEW Modem 4 room house Electric heat. GJ. loan. Ready Dec. IS. Phone 3-6486. owner. NEW SMALL horn in Hollywood disl. 2053 Warner St. Ph. 2-6569. FOR SALE BY OWNER Just completed, 1 story $ bedrm. house. Living rm, kitchen with nook. hardwood firs, throughout. Utility St agarage attached. Oil floor furnace. Su burban north. Phore 7871. ' NEW 2 bdrm. East. H. W. f'oora, Venetian blinds, fireplace, only 87600. Goodwin k McMillin. Realtors. 474 Court St. Phone 4707. Eve. 8713 or 61F2I $46.00 Mo. and $2000 dn. wiU buy this New Mod ern 2 Bedroom home. auto. Heat. L R, Kitch, full Bath, large finished up stairs. Att. garage. Price $8600. Colbath Land Co. Phone 2-6923 998 N 21t St. Partly Furn. $1,000 Dn. Full price 84250. Comb, kitchen and liv. rm., 1 bedrm, bath, eiec. range. Bedrm. suite, rug, table and chairs . 1 See Allen Jones or I Mrs. Needham, Realtors 341 State, room 4 Phone 2-4831 131 A BEAUTIFUL view and an acre al land. This 4 bdrm suburban home ia ae modern as any city horn. Year around supply of spring water. Ail for tl0 000.00. 3 bdrm house. Large utility room. Nice-lot close to bus and school. Eiec trie heat. 86.750 00. New plastered home with 2 bdrmg and an unfinished upstairs. Utility rm, Nice lot with everything In excellent condition. $8,500 00. Business investment! A going service stauon on a very busy street. Included is the complete inventory. $3,000.00. A top-notch 32' i acres Polk count farm. There is a barn, poultry shed, etc. 4 bdrm modern . house. 4 acres ot good bearing pears, also hemes and apples. All under cultivation, f 10.500 00. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 4696; Eves 5367 or 7565 or 7033 m View Lot King wood Heights choice location and view. Approx. 79x180 adjoining very nice homes. Full price $1500. Terms arranged. M.,0. Humphreys, Realtors 3033 PORTLAND RD. Phone 7820 or 2-4596 ' Brand New $8750 Englewood Dist. ranch type. Hdwd. floors thruout. auto, oil furnace. Vena turn blinds, close to school and bus. Brand New $5100 1 Bedrm. Located E. Inside cite, I blks. from bus and store. Imm. Pose. $8400 Full Price Extra choice center location. 2 bed rm s, full basmt . auto, oil furnace. Oaved Street. rlnt la crU mwA ki.h schools, bus at front door, grocery store across street. $1500 Down N.E. Almost new 2 bedrm.. large lot, private well, wired for range. et. water heater. Full price $3280. M. 0. Humphreys, Realtors 3033 PORTLAND RD. Phone 7820 or 2-4598 Don't Miss Seeing This 3 bdrm. home, modern. Hdw. fins. Living rm. 4c dining rm. Oil heat. Elec tric water heater. Large lot. Priced to sell- 885O0. 83000 cash wtU handle. See Geo. D. Alderin, Realtor 403 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8789; Cvm 1-1463 NEW ALL ELECTTfOMES with aC tached garage. lge choice lots near store, school ft bus. 10 down. GJ. terms. $7000. BUSINESS BUILDING on South Commercial St. good leases, will net 11 on purchase price of 833 000 APT. HOUSE. N. COM-L ST. income $248 00 per month. Will net 13 on in vestment of 313.000. LOOK INTO THE FUTURE. Business property In N. Hollywood. Mod. home 4c other bldg. on Highway 98. showing good income. $11,000 IMMED. POSS. 4 BR Home, newly decorated, hdwd. ven blda. firepl. fuU beaeem't. new oil furn dble. garaae neas School, bus 4c state houses. $8500t Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. cxciiuive uacings - personal Service 184 S. Com'l. St Ph. 8388; Eve. 744f ADVERTISING Western Adverttslnf Representative s Company Prandaoe an Eastern Advertlslnf Representative Ward-Griffith Company, baa. uiicskgo. New Tor a. Detroit Auaaus Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Entered at the Post office at So. tern, prmatm as Second Class Mas. ter. PubUshed every nsorntna ex cept Monday Chseine etce US South Cossmerrial street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Man thibsexlptloo BUtae to Vance: Within Orsg i; Daily and Sunday. Mo. ea cants; aaoe, 8319: 1 year. Mm Elsewhere 88 seam pee mex er $1-3 tor 1 tear to advance Par copy 8 cents. By City Carrter. 28 cants a month. . $9 00 a year to edvanaa ha Marion 1 : 1 (V if 1 ft