"THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier l111 Sta1"ngn 8ql Ofqon, TuiaT pcmb i iM7 a TUESDAY'S BROADCASTS KOoeycles: KSLM IIH. KOCO 14H. KOIN t7. EGW 2t. KEX 11H DAILY AND SUNITA VT 1 TKo Not 1 - :;X, C l 11 Q VflJ V Vf JLJU1 1VO in IS M:M M:U ; Your Tlomc lSWHyicr. Ntwi Music TimckDr March Tim f Nws KOCO KLOCK KOCO KLOCK (KOCO KLOCK rroi Parad Ncwi Roundup KOIN Klock IKOIN KlOCk I KOIN KIOCB Honey moon I Honeymoon Kncau Ncwa Early Bird Farm Hour. ITarm Hour IFarm Hour farm Hour Nwi ( Farm Parad KOUi Klock f Ttrn 9ag Cowboy I Rise and Shine Nw iNew Tex Rittet INewa I Boo Garrrd Farm Tlma OW Song IM. Afrontky IJan Abba (Barfatm SoutH Slnelng irredl Beck Sam Hayes IMkt Report" Please, pop? I DONT WANT ORATORY I want Cash KSLM Havan Rest (Haven Rest Pioneers News KOCO News. Orchv I Music Tempo Tlma jOver Coffea KOIN User New ISmtlin' Ed I Grand Slam (Rosemary EGW Fred Waring (Fred Waring Jack Berch Song Shop KEX Braekiasf Club IBrcakfast Club I Breakfast Oub IBreaktast Club I IS &Lf ' A "7 Kot I -nilli UHlllllflRL WHAT DO VOOl 1 VeANT TO TAKE WANT TO 00 JMYGlSLPSlSND wiTm This to Tkf GAMS M0N6V? ) f AN0TM3 DANC8 'itlK BUTTHfeN I DlDNTii" 6XPgCTT0 6err A$ MUCW AS J (that not) KOUNO MAN. J v frVHEN I WA9 V"! EARNED MY sCKr BLONDS COAST GUARD CUTTER APPROACWINCi TO VOUR rur'Mj cir-irr tdaa ti i MEAD BACK TO THE BASE vm l'l I UAC Tin TTkAJ I IC w i8bs rvw a v CAPTAIN. THIS RUDDER'S i BEEN BROKEN BV THE STORM. DICK TRACY ON VOUR FEET, r WW-r V VQU THREE. WHO-P VOuRE UNDER J WHERE'S ARREST. MUMBLES?. STOf?MZLET NUP BUICANT SEEANV SHORE. HA VlBLOWN OUTOO-ZEA5 VOU DOMT KNOW TUG UALP OF IT, MUMBLES f I LOOK -THE" RAIN MAS STOPPED AN I THE SUN IS SMIN4N' A6UN-AIM7 IT 6RAN0? YES, DEAR - ITS GRAND AND WONDERFUL -THE SUN IS SHINING FOR ME AND MY LITTLE ONES AfiAIM-1 00NT KNOW HOW 10 THANK VOU AJ40 MRS REGAL f QANO WAfllTY- LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY I MRS. REGAL GETS MAD IF YOU I 1 THANK HER -fM JUST A POOR WITH NO FOLKS-SHE LETS ME UVE HERS AN TREATS MESWHiBUT WHEN f TOT, 1 TO THANK HER- II I 1 Btv. f ft rSHTALWAYS SPZ'PLEASE DOMT SPOIL THE HAPPINESS I DERIVE FROM 00IN6 SOMETHING TO MAKE - - h S0ME800Y HAPPY- MAY HEAVEN BLESS HEM KfND HEART WMAYSI I J I iifint. II 11a A! i J r LISBON, fOVTUGAL BUZZ SAWTER WCLU WC COULD CHARTER A PLANE. OR WMT FOR THE ATURPAV MAIL f BUT T0URI6T5 JUST DON'T 60 THERE. I'M AFRAID THOSE GOAT ISLAND UNRUNNERS VOULD GET SUSPICIOUS OAT A NO L- SAILIKtd TOR AFRICA- THEN WE'LL PUT IN ISLANDS FOR REPAIRS DON! 1 V 70MtTlMES, f BUZ, I THINK , MOO JUST XX HAHC GOOD IFONLV THIS CREATURE V POE5NT1 MOUSE WWW lO NO OF A PlNSUS : ' - : . . ': ' . y ' ' WMENT TAUCTHROUSM TMIS ... CINKSLJSM WOS2P&COMS , M t OUTIj-" EESA BEEVA! KTC JACK. XXI' VE BEEN MV FBIENO, AS WELL AS Mi ATTDONEV, FOB THIRTY VEARS,00 X WOULD MOT MAVC DISCUSCEO ELLEN VOU SAV FIVE WITH OU. WHtfT THOUSAND WENT SHALL Z 00? jr UP THE FLUE ANO NOW CHE WANTS . A LOT MORE? LOCXS RIP KUABY WHY NOT HIRE) TO SPY ON MY A DETECTIVE, WIFE? NEVER OEREK? V BESIDES, THEY'RE LjPOOQSl FRANKLY, RIP, DOLLY'S NOT MUCH, BESINNINS TO THINK EXCEPT HER YOU'RE NOT TRYINQBA8Y VANISHED HAVEN'T TtXJ FOUND WITH ONE OUT ANYTHING? ypU. I SCILLA BLEA K rsS" T AVERY BAD EG6I DROPPED EVERYTHINQ FOR THIS CASE :l ill Ar-32ak. fi drf-evIryth.nV yzk ir&xam SHE DIDN'T REALIZE I MAY OUR SiQTWATtX30PPlNGMEXT CLIENT EVERYTHfNS" BERlCH,DES, DOESN'T SWELL ANO NOW, GET THE EXCMEOUEB.' THE CAR ..I'VE A NEW HUNCH BCV, ITS SWELL TO PIZVE A 4NAPP RC! Does something to voj IT lT-J 9 OH -OH! GASOLINE ALLEY SHE WENT DEAD up tu unrt tapti . THE CAR SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN ALL GONE OVER THE BIG CHEAT! VT DO I DO NEXT? HAVE BEEN AU CONE OVER THE ' BIQ CHEAT! DWT DO I DO NEXTf H ZliZi"" V UL RIOG M6 TO Trf SETTLEMENT, VeWJUTHLESS. LOPEftRED vftHMtNT!! IF V6 LVWDlE AIDN6 TH' WftV, riL BlDv) VETO KINGDOM COME!.' WW-ITHORTYE "--iv Uii said aunt sixey I " XXV VOU MOST BE 6NUFFVS COUSIN Kate Smith IV. ULndiahr (Pastors CaU Art Baker Gospel Singer Organ Moods jJan Garber INews Wendy Warren I Aunt Jenny Helen Trent I Gal Sunday Tommy DoraeyTommy Dorsey Tommy Dorseyi Tommy Dorsey Welcome IWelcome- IHollywd Bktst.lHollyw'd BkfsL "If you guys don't stop teasing me. I'll ask Mom to let me cook supper!" New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Dec. l-(yP)-To day'g Al Chem At Dye..l97H Gen Foods ; American Can .... 80 pen Motors. Am Power & LL Vt Goodyear Tire Am Tel it Tel....l524 Gt North pfd.... Anaconda 35, ilnt Harvest Atchison 83 ;Int Paper pfd Bendix Avia 31J Manville Beth Steel 89 jKennecott Boeing Air 21 Long Bell A Calif Pack 3 1! Mont Ward Canadian Pac lOVi'Nash Kelvin Case J I 44Vs'Nat Dairy Chrysler 61'N Y Central Comwlth Sou 2 S North Am Co.... Cons Edison 21 V! Northern Pac Cons Vulte 12Pac Am Fish Crown Zel 82V4iPac Gas Elec closing quotations: 35mRayonier 584'Rayonier pfd 43 V1 Reynolds Met . 37 Richfield 87 Safeway 55 Sears Roeb 41 Sinclair Oil 46H'So Pacific 23 iStan Brands 53'SUn Oil Can 17 jStudebaker 27!Sun Mining 12 Vi Union Oil CurtU Wr Douglas Air 49 Vi Dupont de Ne 186i 3en Electric 35 P T At T Pan American Penney J C... Radio Carp 19 Un Airlines . Un Aircraft 35 U S Steel 83 S Warner Bros 9 West Elec 44 Woolworth 9 30 174 254 164 20 S 377a 154 43 Yt 25 604 19a 94 234 1524 174 23 754 134 28S 454 Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, Dec. 1 ( APT Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. z 3S lb whit S3 00. barley No. 345 B W. B2 50. flax aeed 7.00. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white I S3: soft white (excluding Rex) 2 93; white club 2 93: western red 2.93. Hard , red winter: Ordinary 2 93: 10 per cent 2 96; 11 per cent 3 05; 12 per cent 3 15. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 3 OS: 10 percent 3 06; 11 per cent 3.12; 12 per cent 3.18. - Today's car receipts: Wheat S: bar ley 18. flour T; corn 1; oats 3; mill feed 14. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore-. Dec. 1 (AP) Butterfat tentative (subject to im mediate change), premium quality maximum of .35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. S4-S7c lb: first quality, 82 -Sic. second quality. T9-81c: valley route and country points. 2 cents less than first. B0-S3c. Butter Wholesale, f.d b. bulk cubes: Grade AA. 93 score, tic lb: A, 92 score. 80c; B. 90 score. 77c; C. 89 score. 75c. Cheee Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 41?s-51'.sc; Oregon. 5-lb loaf. 43',-53'iC. Egns To wholesalers: A grade, large. 61'i-62c: medium. 57jc A grade, small. 4zc: B grade, large. 48k-51iC. Esgs Purchased from farmers: Current recipts. 51-55c. buyers pay 3-3 'c below wholesale quotations on gTaded basis for best hennery eggs. Dressed turkeys (Quoted to grow er on dressed basis), grade A torn. 35c lb: grade A young hens, 45c. Dressed turkeys (To retailers): A grade young hens, Sl-52c lb; toms. 41 42c lb. Live chickea Paying price to pro ducers: No. lbroilers under 2'. Iba. 28c; fryers. 2 to I lbs. 30-32c: 3 to 4 'lbs. 33 -35c, roasters, 4 lbs and over. 33 -35c; fowl, Leghorn, under 4 lbs. 18 20c; 4 lbs and over. 21 -24c; colored fowl, all weights, 25-2c; stags, all weights. 12-14c. Rabbits Average to retailer. 48 52c lb. dressed; price to producers. 43c; fryers, live, white. 24-24c; colored, 22 23c: old or heavy. 14-lSc. Fresh dressed meats (The follow ing dressed meat prices quoted whole salers to retailers for fresh meats are in dollars a hundred pounds a reported DBS. CHAN . . . LAM Or.T.TXaasJIJ Dr.O.CtuuJf.D CHINESE HERBALISTS 241 North Uberty Upstair Portland General Electric Co. Office open Saturday only It a m to 1 p.m. to 7 p m. Consul tation Blood pressure and urine testa are free of charge Practiced since 1917 by the USDA market news service at North Portland): Beef Steers good. 41 00-42 00; commercial, 3S:iO-3 00; utility. 33 00 33.00: cows commercial. 29.00-33.00; utility. 25.50-28.00 couuter and can- ner. zs.oo-nou. Beef cuti (good steer, heifer) Hind Quarters. 45.00-50.00; rounds. 42 00-47.00: full loins trimmed. 85.00-70.00; triangles. 36 00-37.00: square chucks. 41.00-43.00 nbs. 55.00-57.00; fore quarters. 40 00- 43 00. Veal and caf Choice. 38 00-39.50; good. 37.00-38.50: commercial. 32.00- 35.00: utility. 27 00-31.00. Lamb and mutton Lamb choice and eood. 41.50-43.00: commercial, all weiahts. 38.00-3900: mutton food. 70 lbs down. 17 00-18 00. Pork cuu Loins. No. 1. 8 to 12 lbs. 50 00-51 00. shoulder. 40.00-41.00; spare- ribs, 3 lbs down. 51.00-52.00. Cascara bark Dry. 23c lb. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grade. 45c H. Mdhalr 42c lb on 12-month growth Onions 50 lb sacks. Ore. Brooks. vellows. No. 1 mi . 3.75-30; NO. 1 1 fiS-l 75: broilers. No. 1. 10-lb. 45-50C. No. 2 med.. 50-55c. white broilers. 10 lbs. 45-50c; Yakima yellows. Urge. 4.00-4 10; Idaho Spanish Urge. 3 90-4 00. Potatoes Ore., Deschutes and Klamath ruasetsr No. 1. 4 25-4 JO: 25- Ih 1 15-125: 15-lb. 71-80c: No. 2. 50-lb 1 65-17.73: 10O-lb No. 1 bakers, 4 50-4 90. No 1. 17S-4 00. Hay U.S. No. 1 green alfalfa or better, carload lots. Too. roraana 33 50-35 50 ton; US. No. 1 timothy himii Oreann or Washington, car- int. f o h Portland. 35.00-38 50; oats and vetch, mixed hay. uncertified clover hay 24 50-2S 50; baled at Willamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location. Salom Market Quotations mi ' 4 a KSLM News Show V 1 Waltzes Harmony 1 II KOCO Cole Trio ILuUaby Hawaiian Echo Varieties III KUIN Big Sister I Ma Perkins Dr. Ma lone JGuiding Light I W KGW Dr. Crane jKneaos New Claudia (Joyce Jordan fcCX O Drake iTed Malone True Story iTrue Story nKSLM Organalities N.W. News IQueen Today Queen Today KOCO News Latln-Amei lea ! Salon Concert IS Ion Cor.cc it KOIN Mr Burton Perry Mason I Your Best . (Rose Dreams KGW Today's Child I Woman White Holly Sloane Light World KEX B. Crocker I Melody IClub Time I Ethel. Albert 4 as KSLM Hit Time News M-rcnade Varieties 1 "1 KOCO Jamboree Lopez Orrh. News (It's a Deal KOIN New Come Get It Dble.. Nothing Double. Nothing I Saa KGW Kneass New Ml Perkm Pepper Young Happiness KEX W Kiernan I Noon Dreaina Paul Wntteman (Paul Whiteman 1KSIJ4 Gift Parade Orchestra Hollywood Bmg Sings KOCO Hello Again Hello Again Hello Again Hello Again KOIN Art Baker ! Lullaby Time I Air Newspaper Air Newspaper KGW Backstage Wife Stella Dallas Lorenzo Jones W id der Brown KEX Paul Whiteman Paul Whiteman Kay West Kay West s 2 KSLM Heart's Desire Heart's Desire (Martin Block Martin Block KOCO KOCO Kauers KOCO Kapert I KOCO Kaper I KOCO Kaper KOIN Air School Air School House Paity (House Party KGW Girl Marries faces Life Plain Bill IPage Farrell KEX What's Pom' IWhat's Doin' Bride. Groom IBriae. Groom BtJTTEKrAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Wholesale Retail EGGS BCYTNO Extra large Medium Standards , PulleU Cracks tr.r.l telliBg Price Wholesale. Urge Retail, large Retail, medium POULTRY Colored hena No. 1 No. 2 Fryers IJVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) U7wi1aH lambs choice Yearling "P to PILES m and ether Rec ta I dlsorderes corrected. (HtmnMi holds) Fistula, Fissure. Itching. Prolapse. V Mild Treatment No Hospitalization Call for examination or writ for free Descriptive Booklet Don't become Incurable by de lay. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Nature-Proctologist 218 N. Uberty St, Salem. Ore. Sheared lamb Ewe Fat dairy cows Cutter cow Dairy heifers up to 2 00 to 1 00 to 8.00 to Calve (300 to 450 lbs.) up to Bulls 10 00 to Veal (150 to 300 lb. . choice JU .TS JM .61 St Al M M .86 .71 2 M JO yt 20 00 12.00 1950 7.00 13.00 11.50 1430 21.00 1730 2330 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Pr3 Monday . Previous day Week ago Month ago -Year ago ... 1947 low Dec. 1 sn to 10 10 Rails Indust. Util. Forf n 88 3' . 88 6 . 89 1 90 8 93 0 88J 100 3 1003 1004 101 4 1029 100 3 1000 100 0 100.7 102 3 102.7 100.0 676 67.7 681 694 74.7 67.6 New 1947 low. Stack Average j Monday i Previous day ; Week ago Month ago . Year ago 1 BOND AVERAGES SO 15 IS 60 Indus Rails Util Stocks . 920 33.7 39 7 64 91 5 33.3 39 6 63 8 924 34 1 403 65 0 933 333 41 9 65.5 85 3 34 3 43.7 62.4 . Special S New Apartment Sised Kelrincrtor Refricjeratore Immediate Delivery 939 N. Commercial St 3 :KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Bingle Basket Single Basket KOCO Kaper 'KOCO Kapcrs Art Kirkham Road Life Be Seated Traffic Safety Lora Lawson I Be Seated Songs News KOCO Kaper KOCO Kapers ' Arthur Godfrey. Arthur Godfrey I Aunt Mary I Dr. Paul I Current ISunnysid Up - 4 KSLM Pulton Lewis I Hemingway lOrrhestra Gift Parade : KOCO Melody Matinee Melody Matinee Jazz Jamboree iAdios KOIN Hint Hunt I Evelyn Winters Meet Missus I Meet Missus KGW Woman's Secret, Life Beautiful i. Lombardo Star Today KEX Sunnyslde Up INor'westerner ILike It Hot iLlke It Hot UAIJTED WALIIUT XIEATS We pay cash any amount any time Early market is highest crack now! Willamelie Grocery Co. 5 KSLM Santa CUus 'Superman Cpt Midnight Tom Mix KOCO Off Record Off Record iRnythm Ranch SporU News KOIN Knox Mannins; I Meditation IC. Collingwood Bob Garred ' KGW News IGeorge Moorad Date With Judy Date With Jody KEX Dick Tracy I Terry. Pirates ISky King ISky King 6 KSLM C. Heater (Tune-Up Faun ion Orchestra KOCO Chimney Chats Manhat. Musis INews (N. Cloutier KOIN Roma ace Romance Studio One IStudio One KGW Amos 'n' Andy I Amos -n Andy Fibber McGee Fibber McGee KEX Sport IJC. Baker Serenade I Serenade 7 KSLM Drama IChiaholm Trail ! Half Hour KOCO W.U. Radio IDevol Orch. iDevol Oreh. KOIN Studio One (Studio One I Red's Gang KGW Bob Hope tBob Hope Red Sketton KEX Symphony (Symphony Sex Edc Half Hour Vocal Varieties Red's Cang Red Skelton lAhrin Wilder 8 KSLM Monte Christo Monte Christo (Orchestra Orchestra KOCO Requestfully (Requestrully Requestf ully Bequestfully KOIN LoweU Thomas i Jack Smltb The Norths The Norths KGW Supper Club News Milton Berle IMltton Berle KEX Singer INews ITown Meet ITown Meet 9 KSLM News IBeuUh Sports INewscope KOCO News Dick Liebert Juke Box Juke Box KOIN Btg Town Big Town Club 18. Ed Murrow KGW AUn Ladd AUn Ladd Theatre TheaUe KEX Town Meet (Town Meet KEX Forum KEX Forum afl a KSLM Fulton Lewis I'M. Downey News I News - I II KOCO 'uke Box JJuke Box Revue Classics lOassics III KOIN Star Final (Science lOpen Hearings Open Hearing I U KGW News FUshe Current Choice IBalaUika (Decision Now KEX McCall News I If Law 1 Concert Hour Iponcert Hour 4 KSLM Open House I Open House (Open House INews KOCO New W. Ballads IDance Bands Dance Bands I KOIN Serenade I Serenade j Air-flo Air-flo I I KGW News I J. Garber Orchestra Orchestra -KEX Concert Hour 1 Concert Hour Rose Bowl Rose Bowl KOAC Tnesday SSO k-. 10 00 News; 10:1 Especially for Women; 11.00 Air School; U:1S Concert Ha!l; 12.-08 News: 12:18 Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride Rns Cowboy: 1 IS Air School: 1 :30 Mel ody Lane: 2 00 Mentel Health: 2:30 Ore. School: 2:43 Memory Music: 3 00 Ore. Reporter: 3:15 Music Masters; 40 News: 4:15 Favorite Hymns; 4:30 Be hind the News: 4:45 Children's Theatre; 5:08 On Upbeat; 530 SporU Club: 6:08 News: 6:15 Dinner Melodies 638 Round the Campire: 7:15 Farm Hour; S 00 Nunc for You: 8:15 In Your Name; S3 Song Shop; 8:48 News: 9.-00 Cam pus Headlines; 930 Organist: 9 45 Eve ning Meditations: 10 .-00 Sign Off. Portland Li restock PORTLAND. Ore- Dec. 1 (API (USDAi Salable cattle 1300. total 1500; holdover 140; calves 200; market active, fully 50 cents higher; some cows 71 cent to Sl.00 and more higher: bulla and calves steady to strong: part load average good 1165 lb fed steers S830; scattered lota common-medium steers 17 01-24 50: few good heifers 22 50-23 50; common-medium grades 16 80-22 BO; eanner-cutler cows mostly 11301330: shells down to 10.00; medium-good beef row 1330-18 80: short load young cow 1930: good beef bulls 1830-19 00; medium-food sausage bulls ISOO-ISJW; good -choice vealers steady at 24 00 26.00; selects up to 2730; good grass calves 20.00-23.00. SaUble hogs 1100. total 4750; market active, butchers L00 higher: sows up less: good-choice 1BS-230 lbs largely 2730: 260-300 lbs Z5 25-75: good sows mostly 24.00-50; feeder pigs in narrow demand, good choice quoted 26.00-50. SaUble sheep 800. toUl 1050: Includes 8 loads medium ewes.-- limited supply Lambs; strong at last week's best price; good-choice grades 2230-23 00; choice 116 and 117 lbs 2330; 1 lot No. 3 pelt shorn lambs up to 22 50: medium grade 20.00-21.00; few feeders 1730 16 00; good-choice ewe 8 50-4100: odd head to 930; culls and medium 4 50 130. , Russian Marxists first organized in 1893. AT (IIm Small Monthly Service Charge) You may buy foods practically at wholesale prices. (Meats, Groceries, Vegetables) See Us at 1667 Center SL Salem, Oregon :'-'.. -. ."-:o': ' " ' - w -.-v :-. .-.v. s I " V'-' ' v :' V,:- CAPITOL LUIEEQ GO. N. Cherry Ave. Ph. 8862 305 S. Cotact St. Phone 4146 IARNEY GOOGLE