. Tha Stat map. Salem, Ore- Met Refuses to Censor Acts Of Audience NEW YORK, Nov. 29 - (JP) fjreorge A. Sloan, chairman of the board of the Metropolitan Opera association, said this week that opera lovers had suggested the management ban from the house "individuals who go to extreme ends in having themselves photo graphed" at season openings. Expressing the concern of the directors and management- of the opera association over news pho tographs of individuals who at tended the recent opening, Sloan said In a statement "the manage ment of the Metropolitan opera house does not pass upon quali fications of those who- purchase tickets. We have no desire to do so. "We have no desire to say who hall or shall not attend the opera. Neither have we a desire to write code oi manners for the very few who may need it " Sloan did not specify what pho tographs he had in mind, but pictures which appeared following recent openings included those of n evening-gowned, beieweled matron thumbing her noise and another woman displaying a leg which she had crooked over a table in the opera bar. Sloan said "the photographs in question concern individuals and episodes which were no part of the opera. They do not represent the ideals or the atmosphere of the Metropolitan. On the con trary such photographs tend to discredit and injure the institu tion." Vamlenberg Would Separate Aid from State Department WASHINGTON, Nov. 29-UP)- Senator Vandenberg (R - Mich) said today he favors administra tion of the Marshall plan for European recovery by an inde- . peiKitrm agent: j,. uiuicu uiiij iu the state department at the policy making level. , The chairman of the senate for eign relations committee told a re porter he believes the actual op- ' eration of the proposed recovery program should be undertaken by a set of officials completely out- aide the state department. am ne maae ii ciear ne sup ports uie cgnicnuuu ui 0c1.1c1.a17 Marshall that the department must have a hand in shaping policies that will help determine the na ture of American relations with the rest of the world. For Thrilling Radio ' Programs House of Ilyslery 1:00 P. H True Defective Hysterics 1:30 P. II ft ft The Shadow 2:03 P. II ft ft Quick as a Flash 2:31TP. IL ft ft Those Websiers 3:00 P. II ft. ft ' Hick Carter 3:30 P. II. ftft Sherlock Holmes 4:03 P. 11 .ftft MutosJ-Don Lee 1390 on Your Dial Sunday. Nortmhw 30, 1947 Jef fersqfi Has Grid Banquet JEFFERSON More than 100 persons attended the annual foot ball banquet in the halls of the high school Tuesday. The dinner was prepared by the Prep club, under the direction of Miss Get chell and sponsored by the Jef ferson Saddle club. . Speakers were Henry Zemlicka, president of the Saddle club; Paul Greely, vice-president; Irvine Wright, chairman of the board of education; .Rex Hunsaker and Tom Drynan, coaches at Albany high school; Junior Wickersham, past year's captain; Bob.Higgins, next year's captain; Charlie Frie tag and Don Reed. Pat Beal was master of ceremonies. Mat Schuld was voted the most valuable play er of the year and received the trophy. Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis were Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jenness and family. Marguerite Looney was a guest of her brother, M. D. Looney and family. At the S. H. Go in home Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Livingston of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheeler of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Duncan of Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jones and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Uppstad and children and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Richardson. A family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McGill Thursday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ted McGill and family of Junction City, Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. McGill, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy McGill and family, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy McGill of Mar ion, Mrs. Minnie Chanel of Eu gene, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Helms and children and Mrs. Florence Curtis. Russell Dalton of Dallas has purchased the meat market and lockers of Charles and Harry Mc Kee. He will take a vacation trip east before taking charge of the business. Mr. Dalton has been as sistant county agent of Polk county. They will live in the Har ry McKee residence. The McKees as yet have no definite plans. 4 Persons Die in Vancouver, B.C Chinatown Fire VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. 29(JP) Columns of smoke blended with swirling banks of fog rolling through narrow, rabbit - warren streets of Chinatown today, as a three - alarm blaze destroyed a three - story building housing the former Chinese theatre, bringing death to four elderly Chinese and causing $50,000 da mage. Two of the victims were iden tified as Jay See Yee of of Kam loops, B. C, and Back Shong Yick of Vancouver. Identity of the oth er two still has not been made. The ancient theatre, flourish ing when ox carts rutted Vancou ver streets even before the trail of '98 beckoned prospectors north, contained ancient, almost priceless costumes some irreplaceable together with relics of the days when the theatre was the only link Pacific coast Chinese had with their homeland. Keizer Fur Men Report Winners KEIZER Mr. and Mrs. Otto Yunker and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gardner returned Saturday from Salt Lake City where they at tended the Western International Fox, Mink and Chinchilla show. Prizes were received on 14 of the 18 mink which they took for ex hibition. They won 12 ribbons, three grand championship prizes, carrying trophies, and two reserve championships. Champion ships were won on their Aleu tian blue and Arctic blue. Animals were exhibited at the show from all parts of the United States as well as other countries. Too Late to Classify VETERAN and wife wish clean, fur nished apartment. Phone 4348 ot 8582. '& k A Evangelist FOT E. WALLACE, JK. Hear Erangellst Fey E. Wal lace, ! a series of gospel meetings from November 30 lo December 7 7:39 P. II. Daily Three services each Snnday. Basket lunch at aeea. Everyone cordially lavlted. cmracn of chiiist Prince and North Elver road if 'ft Robbery Suspect Attempts to Make Plea in Oklahoma MUSKOGEE, Okla, Nov. 29(4") United States District Attorney Cleon Summers said here today that Henry Clay Green, an Okla hotnan arrested last September in connection with an Oregon bank robbery, is expected to try in ev ery way to make his plea in Ok lahoma. Green was charged in Oregon with violating federal bank rob bery laws after the $59,000 hold up of the Sweet Home, Ore., bank the largest in Oregon's history. He later was arrested near his home in Kingfisher, Okla., by the federal bureau of investigation. Green's efforts may become a test case under a new federal ju dicial ruling. Previously, an ac cused man was required to plead at the same place the charge was filed. Recently, however, federal Judges ruled that the plea could be made in any federal court. Hubbard Grid Banquet Given HUBBARD A ' sports banquet was held at the school Tuesday. On the program were four num bers 'played by piano accordionists from Wiltsey Salem music studio, talk by J. O. Russell, brief talk and introduction' of the football team by Clare Keltner, a short skit, , Three Bears with Bonnie Bridge and Lorene Rose, piano solo by Marian Davis, a skit "Gath ering of the Nuts." and "Society WritefUp" sponsored by Lorene Rose: Marian Davis welcomed the guests and, the response was by PaurShafer. Decorations were in yellow and bronze shades with candles in log holders on a U-shaped table ar rangement and ; football place cards. Home Economics class was in charge of the food; Lorene Rose and committee, entertainment; Bernell Sims and committee, dee orations. Complete Thanksgiving turkey dinner was seryed 40. The tur key was prepared by Mrs. Bum- garner and Mrs. Barnside. Mrs. Wayne Bridge and Mrs. Jerry Myers of the Parent-Teachers as sociation, assisted. Cynthia Loop, Doris Shrock and Bonnie Sims, 1947 graduates, served. Hen's io Outlook e with it-. 1 1 " 1 " Venetian Blinds O Window Trtxztmnts ar Important to room boauty ... O An Attractive) window, frame fh outlook with ChrlnM ... O And lends Joy to the) Interior. "W ENOW Venetkm BIUmSc because w build them." REIflHOLDT HOD LEWIS MANUFACTURERS i 560 South 21st Strt Phone) tltt F0I1 Concrete reinforced building in Hollywood district. 4500 sq. ft. floor space. Per month ... . .,;f . Reimann 201 So. High UAIITED . UALIIUT IIEATS We pay cash anv amonnt any time Early market is highest crack now I Willameilo Grocery Co. 305 S. Cotage St. Attractive Glasses an 'Asset Dr. B. K. Corrocfly fitted properly stylexi gdasses are cm assetl Our opticians know just which types oi glasses are most at tractive for you. Com in far a fitting. DIGNIFIED CREDIT BORING OPTICAL COMPANY StS Oeest Many Family Parlies Held At Halls Ferry HALLS FERRY Charles Rev enue of Portland spent Thanks giving with his sister, Mrs. Harry Thomas and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Williamson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fiscus had as their Thanksgiving guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank James and fami ly of Salem, Mrs. Dave Fiscus of Stayton and Lucille Garner and son of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morgan and family of Albany spent Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. Evin Daley. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Phillips and family went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dickson in West Salem for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson and family spent Thanksgiving with the Ralph Wilsons at Four Cor ners. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Buisman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Buisman in Salem Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Newton had as Thanksgiving guests Mr. and Mrs. Myron Eaton and two chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. John Sealey and Tim Caslyle of Yakima who is spending the weekend. Guests at the A. T. Barker home Thanksgiving were Clayella Al len, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barker of Salem and Laura George of HopewelL Ollie Nichols and Hazel Granig of Salem spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Nich ols and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Keeney, who have been living in Salem, are moving to Nyssa, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Goin of Portland are visiting their' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barker. Rev. Tenney, 74, Dies at Portland PORTLAND, Nov. 2$-(ff-The Rev. Charles Wesley Tenney, 74, former president of Gooding col lege, Gooding, Idaho, and of Mon tana Wealeyan college, died here today at his home. A native of Vancouver, Wash., he was a graduate of Willamette university and the University of Oregon law school. a Belief LEASE $300 Red Estate Phone 920S Phon 4146 set Dm. Baas Haxhea Bus Service Hearing Set Permission to continue opera tion of city bus service to three suburban areas outside Salem city limits will be requested by Ore gon Motor Stages at state public utilities commission hearing here at 10 a.m. Wednesday, December 10, PUC Commissioner George H. Flagg announced Saturday. Bus routes involved in the hearing include those which now serve Liberty, Four Corners and east Center street areas. Permis sion to extend the city lines to include the areas was granted by the Salem city council last Sum mer and the service began on September 15. Existing bus lines within the city limits are already licensed by the PUC. The company's applica tion for a license to furnish serv ice to the present outlying com munities permanently will be studied by the PUC following the heailng. - UahOorual NerwaL a proven point. Prevea la the daasp climates ef Eng land and the low countries ef Europe. Waterproof concrete, atone and brick Make year basement aa dry as any ether room in, year heme It is ae easy am simple to ase One coat to fill cracks and crevices The second coat to beaatlfy and complete the WATEXFKOOFIXG NO earing reqaired. Do It bow before hard winter rains begin again! NORWAL 'V on the Available at Factory and at Bewser Bree. Orerea Gravel Co. lilt Edgewater St 1S N. Front West Salem r. O. aeptao ramllite Concrete Block Co. tiSS Portland Ed. Edgewater St. H. B. Mans Co. West Salem Z25 Se. Winter MANUFACTTJEED BT Ilerris & Walker Chenical Co. 17M N. Froat St. r if e 4 UHDEQ'S A Christmas Gift She will Enjoy FUUER RIST1EC01T1D For tho Complmf Lino of FulUr Brush CALL Y0UI1 FULLED DEALER TELEPnonE 0357 Lucas Eyed as Truman Partner WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 -UP) Senator Lucas (D-Ill) took him self out of the Illinois democratic governorship race today in an action interpreted as leaving him available for possible nomination as his party's vice presidential candidate. In r formal statement, Lucas said- that President Truman and other party leaden had urged him to remain in the senate where his present term expires in 1951. Lu cas is senate minority whip, a po sition In which he is charged with lining up party colleagues for im portant votes. Civil Air Patrol to Feto Anniversary PORTLAND. Nov.29 WV-Mem- bers of 12 Oregon units of the civil air patrol will join in observing the sixth anniversary of the army'a WATERPROOFING Inside will work. 2-lNt Help junior and sis to learn while they listen. Develop young interest in music. Buy them our recordings of nursery rhymes, carrols, chil dren's plays for Christ mast 428 Court St. Btautlfullv ir Boxtdfor rrcjcnreuiofi Vo 7 Li volunteer auxiliary service tomor row, CoC Harry K. Coffey, Ore gon wing commander, said to night The units represent an enroll FURNACES A well founded business policy demands close attention to the customer's needs. No firm can remain long in bus ui sea unless its customers are supplied with a good product at reasonable cost We have been In business more than IS yean and our most valuable asset ia our customer good-wilL We have cre ated and sustained that asset by conscientious application of the principle that, in order to thrive in a highly competitive field, a firm must produce a better product and stand squarely behind it after It la sold. That ia why we have been able to remain ia business and it is how we hive managed to grow with the lengthening years. The Pacific furnace la one of our manufacturing specialties. The Pacific we are building now la the latest of a long line of home heating units we have built and, whether you burn oil, coal, wood or sawdust, or whether you live in a home of two rooms or twelve, we oaa provide you with the right size model. In the Pacific you will find all the latest features of cleanUneea, efficiency and econ omy employed in modern' furnace designing and fabrication. U. U. nOSEDRAUGII CO. Metal Products That Last - - Since 1912 SSO South 17th Street, Salem Phone 7S0fl low TTo UUeTToswise In Your Security Dealings A New Book by the Noted Tax Authority ). K. LASSER : Available on Request CONRAD, BRUCE & CO. 209 Oregon Building u Phone) 410S (Till ill! When yee parckase Classes, year first eeasMera ties sfceeM he lITTfft VISION, bat yee sheeM also ceasMer Style see! Cesrfert. Let eae ef ear teeli terea Optometrists kelp yee select 6 lessee that will eeaaace rather thaa detract freai year er seaal apeearaace Glasses that ere fnlf i4U Wo'eaf. See ear complete display ef the Newest, Most Modern Stylet ... lassos that fit year eyes, year face aed year aerseaallty. Ne aeed te pay cash . . . Liberal Credit Is available at Ne Extra Charge ... Make Year Owe teeseaahie Terns. n rvvni Let . eae ef ear tee, (stored Opteas. etrists hre yea a Caaipleta Optical Examlaatloa at NO COST TO YOU. Glasses prescrihed ealy H ahseletefy accessary. S wnnnn i j aisiS Isweas lata mf I CZZiZUClCC ment of about 1.000 members. In cluding squadrons at Portland, Sa lem. Eugene. Redmond and La Grande and flight groups in other cities. For All Size Homes t;CU:i 1 to 3 DAY SERVICE O08-isia' 1-DAY SEilVICE ... for Duplicating end Raplaclig Irolea Lemee. C9 IDTJLKCX IfPCZITXinT EZQUIIID 5g(H eW af4yRfW aTa ysjsjP 9S)SWSSStb f0Jes09 o e eM rVeCfc PsVy fit 4 3UU WATERS - ADO IPH r7 n