18 Tha Statement, Salem. Of, Sunday, Nortmbtr 30, 1947 Prices Decline On Grain Mart ' CHICAGO, Noy. 29-iiP-Selling attracted by the advance of grains into new seasonal high levels caused a price decline on the board of trade today. At one time . about all of the previous session's gain was lost, but a rally can celled extreme declines before the finish. -i 1 y . Selling appeared at the outset and the only two contracts 'which were able to extend yesterday's gains were December oats and March soybeans. Oats -went to $1.28 and Soybeans to $4.01, all time records in each case. But both contracts soon fell below yester day's finish. f Wheat ended 2Vi-4 lower, De cember $3.16Vi-4, corn was 2 to IV lower, December $2.58-2.58, bats were lower, Decem ber $1.25 and soybeans were 1V4 to 2 cents lower, March $3.95. Brokerage house letters to cus tomers were highly cautious. Many felt basic factors supported the high price level, but they warned that some reaction from the sea sonal highs scored yesterday was a normal expectation. Grains also had to encounter the fact that the commodity Credit corporation was purchasing very little cash wheat, an improved out look for the winter wheat crop and cables from Europe stating that acreage in France was expected to be up to pre-war levels. Flanks of early Norse ships r' were tied to the ribs with rope. Salem Market Quotations BUTTEBrAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Wholesale : Retail EGGS BUYING Extra large Medium Standards Pullets Cracks EGGS Selling Wholesale. Uric , Retail, urge Price Retail, medium POULTRY Colored hens No. 1 No. 2 Fryers J7 S3 .75 M Jta .si .61 M JS M JM .n M JO JU LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Woo led lambs, choice , Yearling . up to Sheared lambs Ewes Fat dairy cows Cutter cows - Dairy heifers 00 to 00 to Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) up to Bulls 10.00 to Veal (190 to 300 lbs., choice MOO 12.00 up to 19.80 1.00 to 7.00 13.00 11.50 14.50 21.00 17.50 23 JO Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 29 (AP) Butter fat tentative (subject to Immed iate change), premium quolity maxi mum of 35 to 1 per cent acidity de livired In Portland. S4-S7e lb: first quality, 82 -86c: second quality, 79-Sle; valley route and country points, 2 cents, less than first. S0-83c. Butter Wholesale, f.d.b. bul cubes:! Grade A A. S3 score. 79c lb; A, 92 score. 78c; B. 90 score, 75c: C, 89 score. 73c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 41',-51,ie; Oregon, t-lb loaf. 43i-53',ic. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large, 60'4-lc: medium 55'fcc: A grade, small. 4ic; BTgrade. Urge, 47-50ic. Eggs Purchased from fanners: Current receipts, 61-55c; buyers pay S-3',c below wholesale quotations on Anio Ad-Vice by "C" Sbroch tt - I - TRAVEL A LOT-NEXT BEST THING TO A NEW CAR IS A PERFECT, RUNNIAG USED CAR FROM SHBOCR MOTOR CO. 4 v Your Hudson Dealer Church & Chemeketa Si. DR. PAINLESS PARKER SAYS: "You can get Dental Plates, Bridgework, Fillings, Crowns, : Inlays, Extractions on credit payments to suit your con venience; weekly or monthly budget terms.' ' . Iftiur 1Mb km 'mmsm Disfigured or missing teeth can keep you from looking your best; often give people a sour, unhappy look because they are ashamed to smile. Get needed dental work now; pay as you are paid. flbW ti(MlNllilil!flB IHtoi Made with the materials all dentists recommend for faithful reproductions, modern plates are lighter, more lifelike. Translucent teeth of the same color hue, same density of shading and size of your own teeth make plates look more natural.' . It is not necessay to make an appoint ment for a complete examination of your teeth. If this examination indicates that dental work is needed, it can be started at once, without delay. And you can arrange payment on a weekly or monthly basis. me, (pwsaas mosoi IJftHDOki 125 Liborty Stroot, cor. Stato Tolophono: SAIom 0025 3t f itf v .- I f f-J j ---- : ; 5 ',- V V. I -; J lit tHclr Sunday best! Th Day family la he frnt parler u depicted In Warner Bret.' brilliant Technicolor production ( Clarence Day's "Life With Father" starring- William PeweU and Irene Dunne. The picture starts today at the Ebinore theatre. graded basis for best hennery eggs. Dressed turkeys (Quoted to grow era on dressed basis): Grade A toms, 35c lb; grade A young hens. 45c. Dressed turkeys (to retailers): A grade young bens, I1-52C lb; toms, 41 43c lb. Live chickens Paying price to producers: No. 1 broilers under 2V lbs. 28c; fryers, 34 to 3 lbs, 30-32c; 3 to 4 lbs. 33-35c: roasters. 4 lbs and over. 33-35c; fowl, leghorn, under 4 lbs, 18 20c; 4 lbs andover, 21-34c; colored fowl, all weights. 25-26c; stags, all weights. 12-14C. Rabbits Average to retailers, 48 52c lb, dressed; price to producers, 43c; FTyers. live, white, 20-25a lb; colored, 17-21C. fresh dressed meats (The follow ing fresh dressed meat prices Quoted wholesalers to retailers for fresh meats are in dollars a hundred pound as re ported by the USDA market news service at North Portland): Beef Steers Good. 41:00-43.00; commercial. 34.50-39 00; utility. 32.00 33.00; cows commercial, 29.00-33.00; utility. 25.50-23.00; cutter and canner, 23.00-28.00. Beef cuts (good steer, heifer) Hind nrters. 45.05-50.00; rounds, 42 00-47.00; loins trimmed. 65.00-70 00; trian gles. 38.00-37.00; square chucks. 41 00 45.00; ribs, 15.00-57.00; for quarters, 37.00. Veal and calf Choice. 38 00-39 50; good. 37.00-38.50; commercial, 12X0 35.00; utility. 31 00-32.00. Lambs and mutton Lamb Choice and good, 41 .50-43.00; commercial, all weights, 38.00-38 M; mutton good, 70 lbs down, 17.00-18.00. Pork cuts Loins. No. 1, S to 13 lbs. 50.00-51.00; shoulders. 40.00-41.00; spare rips. 3 lbs down. 48.00-53.00. Cascara bark Dry, 23c lb. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades, 45c lb. Mohair 42c lb on 12-month growth. Onions 50-lb. sks. Ore. Brooks yel lows. med S3.75-3.90: boilers blanched. S4-J&-4.50: 10-lb.. 45-50c; No. 2. med-H 50-lb.. gl .65-1.75; Idaho Spanish, large, 83.90-4; Yakima Urge. $4-4.10. Potatoes Ore., Deschutes and Klam ath russets No. 1. $4.25-4.60; 25-lb.. $1.15-1.25; 15 lb.. 75-aoc; No. 2, SO lb. $1.65-1.75; 100-lb. No. I bakers, S4J0 4W; No. 2, $3.75-4. Hay VS. Mo. S green alfalfa or better, carload lots, f.o.b. Portland, 33.50-35.00 ton; US. No. 1 timothy, eastern Oregon or Washington, car load lots, f ob. Portland. 35.00-38.50 ton; oats and vetch, mixed hay, un certified clover hay, 240-28 50. baled at Willamette valley farms, depending upon quality and location. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore- Nov. 29 (AP) (USDA) Salable cattle for week 1301. total 2.278; salable calves 481. total 708; compared week ago, most classes steady, good steers strong, low grade cows weak. Medium-good steers, in cluding more shortfeds, 21.00-26.00. top 28.50 for load 1148 lbs; common down to 17.00. cutters down to 14.00; common-good stockers and feeders 13.00 23.50; common-medium heifers 16.00 31.00, good grades 22 00; canner-cutter cows 11.00-13.00. shells 8.00-10.00; fat dairy type cows of common grade 13.50 14.00; medium-good beef cows 15.00 18.00. young cows to 18.50: good beef bulls 18.50-19.00. medium-good sausage bulls 16.00-18.00: good-choice - vealers 24.00-26.00. few 27.00; good heavy calves zu.uu-Z2.ix). tew steer calves as stockers 22 JO. ICE GHEAII Quarts . 330 SAVIIIG CEUTED Salem 4 West Salens LelVGo Holler Skalihg -Tcniglil 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. CAPITOLA ROLLER RINK A m By Popular Demand Boasl Turkey and Trinnings . Every Sunday Eola Inn . Phon 8003 : Odcksm, Stoaks and Sacdood. of Coanwl Salable hogs for week 1J82. total .- S74. Compared week oga market 35 cents lower. Good-choice 188-235 lbs largely 28.50. 250-335 lbs 24-S-23.00. Un derweights 24 00-25 00 Good 350-600 lb sows 23.50 to mostly 24.00. Good-choice feeders In odd lots 36.00 with demand limited. Good stags largely 17.00-17.50 with usual 70 lb dock. Salable sheep for week 1.088. total 5,634. For week, market steady to 50 cents lower. Late bulk good-choice lambs 22.00-50, early sales to 23.00 with negligible choice lot 23.50. Common medium mostly 18.00-21.00. Medium down to 1 00, culls down to 3.00. feeders 17.00-18 00 with good kinds to 19.00. Good yearlings largely 18.00. Good-choice ewes 8.60-9.00, common Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Saturday Previous day week ago Month ago year ago 1S47 high 1947 tow New 1947 Nov. 19 20 10 Rails Indusl 88 8 1003 S8.7 100.3 . 89.1 100.4 90 J 101 J 93 4 102 8 97 1 104 2 88 8 100J tows. IS 10 Util. Forgn 100.0 67.7 100.4 S7.S 1006 102 3 103 8 105.7 100.0 68.2 89.4 748 76 S7.S Stock A Tt races 30 IS IS 80 Indus. Rails CtlL Stocks Saturday SIS 33J 38 8 63 8 Previous day SI J 33.4 39 6 S3.S week ago 93 2 S4.S 40.8 63 J Month ago . 83.4 34.0 41J 65 5 Year ago 86 6 38 4 44 0 63 4 Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore- Nov. 29 fAP) Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash srain: Oats No 3 38 lb white 83.00; barley No. 245 lb B.W. 82.50 uaxseea 1 vo. Cash whate (bid): Soft white 1 96: soft white (excluding Rex) 3J7; white club 1ST: western red 2 97. Hard red winter: Ordinary 397: 10 per cent j.qi; 11 per cent 3.11; 12 per cent 3J1. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 310: 10 per cent 3.10; 11 per cent 3.16; U per cent 3.22. Today's car receipts: Wheat 138; bar ley 3; flour 13; corn 3; oats 3; millfeed is Bsdlo Depairs AD Hakes , Appliance Repairs Phone 9221 Phono 340 Conrt Tasty, Delieions JeiMNErtti Feed and Dinners Open 3 ) Sunday 2punUla uu v v :r , TTi " m 0 T - Complete Chlneae Dinners Orders to Take Ont itgttui tvfi--- (1 mile So. Gty LimiU) 'S3" Cale gj Crat from lP. Jtt. Nowl W Car ') Graal I v -T Joan "Suspicica" Co-Featnre! yglt' ACIIOW. ST. JHJJLtJ-w Cartoon News li Starts Today - Cant, 1:45 I'JOENO'Em mm sum- 5lN BAD nti 5A I LOR .AJlTHOItT QU1HH -ttORCEIQKAJ 2nd Featara "Here I Comes Elmer ' with Al Pearce - Dale Evans Kadlo Entertainers Stock Market Emerges from Losing Week NEW YORK Nov. 2MThe wavering stock market today emerged from a slow and losing month with scattered leaders mak ing timid recovery gestures but with many issues continuing in the minus ranks. The Associated Press 60-stock composite ' was unchanged on the day at 63.8. For the week the index showed a drop of 1.5 points, widest since the period ended August 8, and for November a net decline of 1.6. The two-hour aggregate of 390.000 shares com pared with 320,000 -a week ago. The 5-day total of 3,874.960 shares stacked up against 4,989,460 for the preceding six sessions. The November volume of 16,370,922 shares was a low for that month since 1941. The October figure of 28,634.629 was the top for the year to date: Whether it was the boost ing of brokerage commissions as of the first of the month, or other factors, there were only two mil lion-shade days in November. Pedee Hunters Stalking Elk PEDEE Leo Condron. Arthur Dyer and Roland Trueax are on an elk hunting trip near Baker. Thanksgiving guests at Pedee homes were Mr. and Mrs. Riley Matheny of Monmoutn at tne hu fiia TVvlee home: Mr. and Mrs. John Brunjes of Tillamook at the home of her mother, Mrs. xaouie Lacey; Mr. and Mrs. James Sid dall and family of Dallas at his brother, R. T. Siddalls. Mr .and Mrs. Francis Dyer were ) Mat. Daily from 1 P. M. ft) Now Showing! irk" 1 1 ii . r I REX HARRISON UMN0MA f I. I a i al --- S..J i . - at vojsojsfti wy rrvansaaaow wy JILSttaLlllUlllUKl 2a eaMnanroa Plus Cartoon 'One Note Tony' And Airmail Fox Movietone Newa New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Al Chem & Dye American Can Am Power & Lt Am Tel & Tel Anaconda .. Atchison . Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif Pack j Canadian Pac Case J I i Chrysler Comwlth Sou; Cons Edison Cons Vultee Crown Zel . Curtis Wr Douglac Air Dupont de Ne Gen Electric Nov. 29-UPFTo day's !Gen Foods 79 Gen Motors 8 1 'Goodyear Tire 1524 Gt North pfd 35'4!Int Harvest 8 Is lint Paper pfd .... 30i! J Manville 97!Kennecott 20!'Long Bell A .... Mont Ward lO'. Nash Kelvin 434 Nat Dairy . - 60..!N Y Central 24 'North Am Co...... 2 P'4t Northern Pac ..- 12 Pac Am Fish 32 I Pac Gas Elec .... 5Vs!PT&T... 48'HPan American 184'.! Penney J C 35 Radio Corp closing quotations: 35!Rayonier 29 i 57.:Rayonier pfd 361 43 4 Reynolds Met 24i 36S., Richfield 16 4 87 Safeway 208 55 V Sears Roeb 37 &, 41 Sinclair Oil 15s4 46 So Pacific 424 224 Stan Brands 25 V, 53 4 Stan Oil Cal 60 164 Studebaker 19 27 Sun Mining 9s 12:UnionOil... 23. 174 Un Pacific ... 151 18 Un Airlines 16. .... Un Aircraft 23, 35 U S Steel .. 74 i .... IWarnerBros 13, 8Ti'West FJcc 28 4 .... IWoolworth 44 7s called to Portland Wednesday due to the serious illness of her broth er, Eldon Bur bank. F. C. Kerber and mother, Mrs. Rittie Kerber spent the Thanks giving weekend with her sons, Archie, Homer and Glen Kerber and families and daughter Mrs. Cecil Bush at Ophir. They were accompanied by Mrs. Alice Wing, who will visit her son at Ban don. LeRoy Starr and son Carl, em ployed at Coos Bay spent a few days at their farm on Pedee Creek road. Columbia Bridge Survey Slated J. M. Devers, attorney for the state highway commission, Sat urday was preparing an agree ment for the employment of a consultant engineer to study the feasibility, cost and other details in connection with the construc tion of a toll bridge across the Co lumbia river from The Dalles. The bridge would be construct ed by the states of Washington and Oregon and Wasco county. Cost of the study was estimated at about $20,000. More than half the population of Mexico is of mixed white and Indian blood. Ca. VI 'MP r. Also Cartoon Bight ' Nowl It's the Laughtima of your Lifetime! Joca Cc:!fie!d and Warner J GENE AUTKY News la t .ii:,u . -. a j i.i. m , t : a i 1 1 i m 4 Slaris Tc jay! Contlnnens Snows from 19 P. M. No Reserved Seats Here's a Friendly Tip: Please Come Early for Best Seats! an J9 i, ALL THE FUN OF ITS pj lit riOi i-r- r-s r rt ui lA III I )j j MLU MIL I VM Vl III Ml I'm " EIGHT-YEAR RUN IS f i ON THE SCREEN li ii -ri-ziii iiistM r r Alii a) Coat, from I P. M. a) Now Showing! Big Red's Running Wild! BaaaaaataHBssi navava avivavava c3 ra bsi & tsssa tZRtD STALLION" as ciNicotoa Umm saawsu awr r ir Fan Co-Hit! atfa st TT, THQirb fiSifeliij; tp iasga!D Ay (lW II ; la ft a . - - HHHPKBsBBlailBl 0ifimt pjty BDMUNDtolN-ZASuPlITS f VdJJ (nu l p. m.1 ivoges sio j.; T 1 V1 EnaagesBent Only! fUl nmVABDllNnSIVY.BDSSElCRflDSE:!ff ' ' m W "ar i " M U41Maia wao fStUih aw Evenings Gen. A dm. 125 And All Day 8nnday Loges L& Extra Added ,: A Tear of Hollywood Stadias! -HOLLYWOOD WONDERLAND" - Aba Color Cartaan Warner Newt a "T T-T1 , a.i:i;,u ) MOii..l u